Johnny Long, Author

What’s the story with the proceeds?

It’s simple, really. My proceeds from this book are going to AOET (, an organization that provides food, education and medical care to children left in the wake of Africa’s HIV/AIDS epidemic. More than an aid organization, AOET aims to disrupt the cycle of poverty and hopelessness in sub-Saharan Africa through empowerment programs and job training, enabling children and adults to be self-sustaining, restoring not only their health but their pride and hope for a brighter future. A single book purchase made through my Amazon associates account (linked from any of my websites, or though will generate enough income for AOET to feed a child for an entire month. Other retail purchases (which generate half as much income) will provide either medical services or educational supplies and funding for a single child through a donation pool set aside for those purposes. Because I am called to “look after orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27), and I know from personal experience how mutually transformative it can be to take that calling seriously. Hamlet was onto something when he wondered, “Whether this nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them.”

“I’m Johnny. I Hack Stuff.”

There are many people to thank this time around, and I won’t get to them all. But I’ll give it my best shot. First and foremost, thanks to God for the many blessings in my life. Christ for the Living example, and the Spirit of God that encourages me to live each day with real purpose. This book is more a “God thing” than a “Johnny thing.” Thanks to my wife and four wonderful kids. Words can’t express how much you mean to me. Thanks for putting up with the real me.

I’d like to thank the members of the Shmoo group for fielding lots of questions, and to my book team: Alex, CP, Deviant, Eric, Freshman, Garland, Jack, Joshua, Marc, Ross, Russ, Vince and Yoshi. It was great to have your support, especially in such a tight timeframe. Thanks also to Scott Pinzon, for being a mentor and a great editor. You’ve taught me so much. I’d also like to thank Vince Ritts for taking the time to plant no-tech hacking seed all those years ago.

And to the many friends and fans that have supported my work over the years, a final thanks. You make it very difficult to remain anti-social.

Be sure to check out our companion website at as we continue the story of the no-tech hacker.

Johnny Long is a Christian by grace, a professional hacker by trade, a pirate by blood, a ninja in training, a security researcher and author. He can be found lurking at his website ( He is the founder of Hackers For Charity (, an organization that provides hackers with job experience while leveraging their skills for charities that need those skills.

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