Every Negotiation Is an Opportunity to Learn and Deepen Relationships
Connect and create value.
by Amy Gallo, cohost of Women at Work


Prepare Yourself

1. How Women Can Get What They Want in a Negotiation
Five strategies for success.
by Suzanne de Janasz and Beth Cabrera

2. Understanding the Negotiation Process
Do your homework and prepare for back-and-forth.
A conversation with Marisa Mauro and Ashleigh Shelby Rosette

3. Stop Overlooking Opportunities to Negotiate
Everyday haggling can prepare you for when the stakes are high.
by Suzanne de Janasz


Negotiate on Your Own Terms

4. Three Common Challenges Women Face in Negotiations
Balance self-advocacy and community, manage difficult emotions, and overcome resistance.
by Mara Olekalns, Ruchi Sinha, and Carol T. Kulik

5. Look and Sound Confident During Any Presentation
Six principles to practice before your next visit to the negotiating table.
by Carmine Gallo

6. How to Negotiate—Virtually
When there is no table.
by Hal Movius

7. The Most Overused Negotiating Tactic Is Threatening to Walk Away
Try relationship building instead.
by Jay A. Hewlin

8. How to Bounce Back After a Failed Negotiation
Don’t dwell on it.
by Carolyn O’Hara


Manage Your Emotions

9. Emotion and the Art of Negotiation
Your feelings are an advantage, not a barrier.
by Alison Wood Brooks

10. Using Mindfulness in Negotiation
Pay attention to your body—and your triggers.
by Gaëtan Pellerin

11. The Science of Choking Under Pressure
Lessons from elite athletes about performing well in big moments.
by Alyson Meister and Maude Lavanchy


Negotiate Your Role, Responsibilities, and Salary

12. Negotiating as a Woman of Color
Dodge four common traps.
by Deepa Purushothaman, Deborah M. Kolb, Hannah Riley Bowles, and Valerie Purdie-Greenaway

13. Don’t Ask for a Raise—Negotiate It
Clarify the value you bring.
by Carol Hagh

14. Women Ask for Raises as Often as Men but Are Less Likely to Get Them
Research to inspire you—and validate your experience.
by Benjamin Artz, Amanda Goodall, and Andrew J. Oswald

15. Even When Women Ask for a Raise, They Don’t Ask for Enough
Up your expectations.
by Kathryn Heath

16. Negotiating Your Next Job
Set career targets that are specific and realistic.
by Hannah Riley Bowles and Bobbi Thomason



Discussion Guide

About the Contributors

About the Podcast

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