Switchable glazing technology for eco-efficient construction

C.G. Granqvist,     Uppsala University, Sweden


Electrochromic and thermochromic materials and devices make it possible to construct glazings whose throughput of visible light and solar energy can be switched to different levels depending on the application of an electrical voltage or on the temperature, respectively. These glazings are of much interest for eco-efficient buildings and are able to impart energy efficiency jointly with indoor comfort. The present chapter outlines the basics of the two technologies focusing on functional principles, relevant materials, device and manufacturing technology, as well as selected results from research and development.

Key words



chromogenic material

thin film

energy savings

energy-efficient buildings

11.1 Introduction

Eco-efficient nanotechnologies offer many ways to diminish the energy that is used in buildings, as discussed in a recent book by Smith and Granqvist (2010). This energy amounts to as much as 30–40% of the world’s primary energy (UNEP, 2007; Glicksman, 2008), and it follows that new and improved building technologies can have a very significant impact on global warming (Metz et al., 2007), urban heat islands (Heisler and Brazel, 2010), and energy security. The potential energy savings are huge (McKinsey & Co, 2009) and, very importantly, can be accomplished without sacrificing the comfort and amenities that we rightly associate with good buildings (Richter et al., 2008). The latter aspect is highly significant since we spend as much as 80–90% of our time indoors – in buildings and vehicles – in the most industrialized countries (Leech et al., 2002). Furthermore, good energy performance can give financial advantages, and a recent study of market transactions in the USA showed that eco-efficient (also referred to as ‘green’) buildings can have higher rental rates and selling prices than comparable buildings without the eco-efficient attributes (Eichholtz et al., 2010, 2011).

Windows are necessary in buildings in order to provide visual indoors– outdoors contact and daylight. However, it is frequently the case that the glazings let in or out too much energy which must be balanced by energy guzzling space cooling or space heating. An important step towards energy efficiency can be taken if the glazings are ‘switchable’ (or ‘smart’), i.e., are able to vary their throughput of visible light and solar energy (Lampert, 1984; Svensson and Granqvist, 1984). This functionality makes good use of the ‘chromogenic’ materials (Granqvist, 1990; Lampert and Granqvist, 1990; Smith and Granqvist, 2010) which are characterized by their ability to respond persistently and reversibly to external stimuli.

There are four kinds of chromogenic materials of primary interest for glazings in buildings. They are referred to as ‘photochromic’, ‘thermochromic’, ‘electrochromic’ and ‘gasochromic’; their transmittance depends on irradiation intensity of ultraviolet light, temperature, application of an electrical voltage or current, and exposure to reducing and oxidizing gases, respectively. The largest energy savings can be accomplished with electrochromics (Selkowitz and Lampert, 1990; Granqvist et al., 2010), and a recent report indicates that highly insulated electrochromic windows used in commercial as well as residential buildings would be able to save as much as 4.5 per cent on the annual energy use in the USA (Gillaspie et al., 2010). The user acceptance of this technology appears to be very good (Clear et al., 2006; Zinzi, 2006; Lee et al., 2012). Thermochromics does not have an equally vast savings potential, but thermochromic devices can be based on a single thin layer or nanoparticle composite and are simpler than electrochromic devices which typically employ five superimposed layers (Granqvist, 1995). It should also be noted that electrochromic and thermochromic devices may be combined with optimized thermal insulation in future ‘super fenestration’ (Granqvist et al., 2010).

Parts of this chapter are based on recent scientific papers by the author and his coworkers (Granqvist, 2012; Li et al., 2012), but the text has been integrated and adapted. Throughout the text there are references to various coating technologies, and Chapter 8 of the present book, on the manufacturing of thin films and nanostructured coatings for eco-efficient constructions, can serve as a parallel source for some background material.

11.2 Electrochromics: materials and devices

Electrochromic materials are characterized by their ability to change their optical properties, reversibly and persistently, when a voltage is applied across them (Deb, 1973; Granqvist, 1995). This functionality clearly is of great interest for numerous applications, and device aspects rather than fundamental science have been leading the development of this technology ever since the discovery of electrochromism. Display devices were the focus during the early years, but applications to energy-efficient windows have been the driving force ever since the mid-1980s when it was realized that huge energy savings were feasible with electrochromic glazings (Lampert, 1984; Svensson and Granqvist, 1984; Granqvist, 2012).

Below we introduce the generic five-layer device technology in Section 11.2.1 and then survey some practical aspects of electrochromic glazings in Section 11.2.2. The subsequent parts, Sections 11.2.3 and 11.2.4, discuss the actual electrochromic films and the transparent conductors needed for applying the voltage, respectively. Finally Section 11.2.5 presents a case study of a particular type of electrochromic device with potential for very low-cost manufacturing.

11.2.1 Generic five-layer ‘battery-type’ device design

Figure 11.1 is a sketch of a standard electrochromic device (Granqvist, 1995) with five superimposed layers on a single transparent substrate or positioned between two such substrates. The optical functionality originates in the electrochromic film(s) which alter their optical absorption when ions are inserted or extracted from a centrally positioned electrolyte. This transport is easiest if the ions are small, in practice being protons (H+) or lithium ions (Li+). The electrolyte can be liquid, solid inorganic or comprised of a polymer. The ions are moved in an electrical field between two transparent electrical conductors, and the needed dc voltage is around 1–2 V. Except for very small devices, external metallic electrical contacts (‘bus bars’) must normally be put over at least part of the circumference of the device in order to achieve a reasonably fast and uniform colouring and bleaching.


11.1 General electrochromic device design. Arrows signify ionic movement in an applied electric field. From Granqvist (1995).

There are three different kinds of layered materials in the device: The electrolyte is a pure ionic conductor and separates the two electrochromic films (or separates a single such film from an optically inactive ion storage film). The electrochromic films are mixed conductors of ions and electrons, whereas the transparent conductors conduct nothing but electrons. Optical absorption sets in when electrons are inserted into the electrochromic film(s) together with the ions from the electrolyte and are localized on metal ions. The valence of these ions is then changed, and when the ‘extra’ electrons interact with the incident light they can acquire enough energy to jump across a potential barrier to a neighbouring metal ion site. The absorption mechanism is conventionally referred to as ‘polaron absorption’ in physics and as ‘intervalency absorption’ in chemistry (a somewhat more detailed explanation is given in Section 11.2.3 below). This simplistic explanation of how the electrochromic devices work indicates that they can be viewed as thin-film batteries with a charging state that corresponds to the intensity of the optical absorption.

It is possible, already at this point, to introduce a number of interesting properties of electrochromic glazings which make them highly relevant to eco-efficient building technology (Granqvist, 2012):

• The devices have open circuit memory, like batteries, which means that they can keep their optical and charging properties for extended periods of time without drawing any current, depending on the quality of the electrical insulation of the electrolyte.

• The optical absorption can be set at any level between two extreme values.

• The optical changes are gradual and occur over times ranging from seconds to tens of minutes, depending on the size of the device; this time can be compared with the eyes’ ability to adapt to changes in light, which takes minutes.

• The optical properties are founded on processes at the atomic scale, and hence an electrochromic glazing can be free of haze, which is an essential feature for most building-related applications.

• By combining two different electrochromic films it is possible to adjust the overall optical transmittance and achieve better colour neutrality than with a single electrochromic film.

• If the electrolyte is a solid and adhesive bulk-like polymer, the electrochromic glazing can combine its optical function with spall shielding, burglar protection, acoustic damping, near-infrared absorption, etc.

The electrochromic technology is not an easy one – which explains why it has taken so long to mature – and several more or less non-standard technologies must be mastered (Granqvist, 2008). Six challenges stand out for practical electrochromic glazings as listed below:

1. The electrochromic and counter electrode films must have well-defined nanoporosity over large areas, which requires non-conventional deposition technologies, which we return to in Section 11.2.3 below.

2. The transparent conductors must have excellent electrical conductivity jointly with optical transparency, which is demanding particularly for temperature-sensitive substrates; this part of the electrochromic device may be the most expensive one, so great care must be exercised in the choice of material and deposition technology, as further discussed in Section 11.2.4.

3. Describing the electrochromic device as a thin film battery points at the fact that insertion/extraction and charge balancing are vital processes; they may be based on controllable and industrially viable techniques such as gas treatments (Azens et al., 2003a; Aydogdu et al., 2010).

4. The electrolyte must combine good ion conductivity with excellent electrical insulation and high stability under ultraviolet irradiation; for laminated designs, it must also serve as a reliable adhesive.

5. Long-term cycling durability hinges on appropriate strategies for voltage and current control, just as in battery technology, and simple switching between two voltage levels, as is common in academic work on electrochromics, falls very short of an optimized strategy (Degerman Engfeldt et al., 2011).

6. Large-scale manufacturing is the key to cost-effective electrochromic glazings and hence to their market acceptability. Obviously one must avoid time-consuming production steps such as extended thin film deposition, long post-treatment times, separate steps for electrochemical charge insertion/extraction, slow introduction of electrolytes, etc. Roll-to-roll coating of flexible substrates, followed by continuous lamination, offer particular advantages, and Section 11.2.5 below discusses the state-of-the-art for electrochromic devices based on such technologies.

11.2.2 Practical constructions of electrochromic glazings

The scientific and technical literature show many examples of electrochromic glazings of various sizes and has done so for decades, but few of these examples can be considered as products ready for the market or even prototypes. A number of those that are currently (2012) being delivered to customers on a very limited scale, or at least shown to customers, are introduced next (see also recent articles by  Baetens et al., 2010a, and Jelle et al., 2012). All of these products or prototypes rely on electrochromic tungsten oxide films for at least some of the coloration.

• A five-layer ‘monolithic’ electrochromic device design on a single glass pane has been developed by several companies. The details are not known, but it is evident that the electrolyte is a very thin layer. By this arrangement it is very hard to eliminate some leakage (‘trickle’) current between the electrochromic films via structural imperfections, and repeated electrical ‘refresh pulses’ are needed to maintain the window in a constant, darkened state; furthermore, coloration and bleaching may proceed unevenly over large areas.

• A laminated design with two parallel double-layer-coated glass panes joined by a polymer electrolyte is available on the market in limited quantities. Here the electrolyte is injected in fluid form in a millimeterwide gap between two glass panes via vacuum filling, which is a timeconsuming process (Xu et al., 2009).

• A second laminated design (Kraft and Rottmann, 2009) makes use of an electrolyte based on polyvinyl buteral (PVB), which is a standard material for glass lamination, and transparent electrical conductors of fluorine-doped tin oxide made by low-cost spray pyrolysis in conjunction with float glass production. The ion storage film is of ferric hexacyanoferrate (‘Prussian Blue’), which is possible to prepare via electro-deposition but, as far as is known, not by standard glass coating techniques such as magnetron sputtering; this film is a conductor for K+ ions (de Tacconi et al., 2003).

• Still another laminated design is different from the others in being based on flexible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) foil and hence allowing low-cost roll-to-roll web coating (Azens et al., 2003bNiklasson and Granqvist, 2007). One PET foil is coated with transparent and conducting indium-tin oxide (ITO) and electrochromic tungsten oxide, another PET foil is coated with ITO and an electrochromic nickel-based oxide, and the coated surfaces of the two foils are joined via an electrolyte applied by continuous lamination. The foil can be used as an add-on for upgrading existing windows, as a suspended electrochromic ‘third pane’ in an insulating glass unit, or as a lamination joining two glass panes. This type of electrochromic glazing is discussed further below in Section 11.3.5.

There are numerous alternative electrochromic device designs as well, both based on an oxide-based ‘battery’ approach as in Fig. 11.1 and others. Considering first the ‘battery’ type, one may note that there are non-oxide inorganic electrochromic materials, and ‘Prussian Blue’ (de Tacconi et al., 2003) was mentioned above. Furthermore, electrochromism is a common phenomenon in organic materials, and a vast literature exists on this subject (Monk et al., 2007). Their durability under irradiation is much less than for the oxides, but the coloration efficiency (the change in optical absorption per unit of charge exchange) can be much higher in organic materials than in oxides. Metal hydrides represent another option and can display variable reflectance and can operate in conjunction with electrochromic thin films in devices; constructions with films based on nickel-magnesium hydride have been investigated in depth (Tajima et al., 2010). Today’s devices of this type tend to suffer from limitations in longevity, modulation span and high-temperature stability (Tajima et al., 2011).

There are also several device designs that are distinctly different from the ‘battery’ type. One of these is the suspended particle device (often referred to as an ‘SPD’) which is rooted in the pioneering work on ‘light valves’ done by Land already in the 1930s (Marks, 1969). Essentially, a suspension of rod-like molecules, for example of herapathite (Kahr et al., 2009), are aligned under an ac voltage of ~ 100 V (i.e., some two orders larger than for the electrochromic device illustrated in Fig. 11.1) and are randomly oriented in the absence of this field; the optical transmittance through suitably confined suspensions is then changed. The modulation can be strong for luminous radiation, but not for infrared light, and the devices exhibit some haze (Vergaz et al., 2008). Alternatively, liquid crystals can be used in several different ways to create variable transmittance; the most common construction with regard to glazings uses polymer-dispersed liquid crystals (known as ‘PDLCs’) and suffers from significant haze (Cupelli et al., 2009; Gardiner et al., 2009). Another possibility is offered by some organic compounds, which can display optical absorption when a small current is drawn through them, and this phenomenon has been used very successfully for some two decades in ‘self-dimming’ rear view mirrors for automobiles. As a final possibility one may point at reversible electroplating, which in principle is able to give variable reflectance between very widely separated limits. This option has been investigated intensely (Ziegler, 1999; Laik et al., 2001) but has not yet led to practically useful glazings.

11.2.3 Electrochromic thin films

There are two types of electrochromic metal oxides, which are referred to as ‘cathodic’ (colouring under ion insertion) and ‘anodic’ (colouring under ion extraction); they are discussed in detail in Granqvist (1995). The standard electrochromic device, such as the one shown in Fig. 11.1, embodies two electrochromic thin films and it is clearly advantageous to combine one ‘cathodic’ oxide (e.g., based on W, Mo, or Nb) and another ‘anodic’ oxide (e.g., based on Ni or Ir). Shuttling ions between the two electrochromic films one way makes both of these films colour, whereas shuttling ions the other way makes them both bleach; this is sometimes referred to as a ‘rocking chair’ operation. Coincidentally there are ‘cathodic’ and ‘anodic’ oxides which can work in tandem and jointly yield electrochromic glazings with a rather neutral visual appearance that is appropriate for general applications in architecture.

What is the origin of the electrochromism for these oxides? An approximate answer can be given by arguments based on the crystalline structure, and a detailed examination of the electrochromic oxides reveals that they can be represented as (defect) perovskites, rutiles, and having layer/block structures. All of these structures can be described as comprising ‘ubiquitous’ MeO6 octahedra (where Me denotes metal) connected by sharing common corners and/or common edges. Edge-sharing is related to some degree of deformation of the octahedra. Only one electrochromic oxide falls outside this description and exhibits properties with both ‘anodic’ and ‘cathodic’ traits: this is vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) which can be viewed as built from square pyramidal VO5 units. The octahedral coordination is very important for the electronic properties of the electrochromic oxides and leads to a qualitative model for the optical properties for all of the oxides mentioned above, as elaborated elsewhere (Granqvist, 1993, 1995).

The detailed mechanisms for the optical absorption in electrochromic oxides are often poorly understood. Generally speaking, the absorption is associated with charge transfer, and polaron absorption captures at the essential features (Granqvist, 1995; Niklasson and Granqvist, 2007). The electrons inserted together with the ions are localized on metal ions and, in the specific case of tungsten oxide, change some of the W6 + sites to W5 +. Transfer of electrons between sites designated i and j, say, then can be represented schematically as Wi5 + + Wj6 + + photon → Wi6 + + Wj5+. This mechanism operates only as long as transitions can take place from a state occupied by an ‘extra’ electron to one available to receive that electron, and if the ion and electron insertion is large enough this is no longer the case so that ‘site saturation’ (Denesuk and Uhlmann, 1996) becomes significant. Electron transfer then can occur also according to W4 + ↔ W5 + and W4 + ↔ W6 + (Berggren et al., 2007). However, these latter kinds of charge transfer do not dominate since highly reversible electrochemical reactions limit the permissible insertion levels to those where W5 + ↔ W6 + are prevalent.

Mixed electrochromic oxides can offer a number of advantages, and by having a large variety of sites available for charge transfer, it is possible to achieve an increasingly wavelength-independent absorption (i.e., a more neutral colour). Other advantages of mixed oxides are the possibility to widen the optical band gap in order to give a higher bleached-state transmittance in nickel-oxide-based (Avendaño et al., 2004) and iridium-oxide-based (Azens and Granqvist, 2002) films, and to ‘dilute’ expensive iridium oxide without major effects on its electrochromism (Backholm and Niklasson, 2008; Harada et al., 2011). Still another advantage is that the coloration efficiency can be increased by mixing suitable oxides, as shown in recent detailed work on mixed tungsten-nickel oxide films by Green et al. (2012).

The ubiquity of the MeO6 octahedra is important not only for the optical properties but also for the possibilities to accomplish facile ion insertion and extraction in the electrochromic oxides. This is so because the atomic arrangements give spaces – tunnels in three dimensions – that are large enough to serve as conduits for small ions. Furthermore, transition metal oxides can display many different types of crystallinity depending on temperature and pressure, and sub-stoichiometry can yield so called Magnéli phases (denoted WmO3m–1, with m being 1, 2, . . . for the case of tungsten oxide) with a combination of corner and edge sharing for the octahedral units.

Easy ion transport does not happen solely as a consequence of structures comprising MeO6 octahedra but can occur as a result of film porosity ensuing from limited atomic movements during the thin film deposition process. In fact there is a large number of thin film technologies based on atomistic and particulate deposition, bulk coating and surface modification, as discussed elsewhere in this book (see Chapter 8). It seems that all of these technologies can be adapted, with greater or lesser difficulty, to the preparation of porous structures that are adequate for electrochromic oxide films.

11.2.4 Transparent conducting thin films

The transparent electrodes may be the single most expensive part in an electrochromic glazing and therefore they deserve particular attention. There are several categories of transparent conductors, each with its specific pros and cons (Granqvist, 2007; Ginley et al., 2010; Smith and Granqvist, 2010). This section gives a bird’s eye view of such films based on oxides, metals and carbon.

Heavily doped wide band gap oxides are commonly used as transparent conductors in electrochromic devices. The most pertinent materials are In2O3:Sn (ITO), ZnO:Al (AZO), ZnO:Ga (GZO), ZnO:In (IZO) and SnO2:F (FTO), and the doping level is typically a few per cent. All of the materials can give a resistivity as low as ~ 1 × 10–4 Ωcm, a luminous absorptance of only a few per cent in a film with practically useful thickness (300 nm, say), and excellent durability. The optical properties are very well understood from basic theory, which means that detailed and trustworthy simulations of the optical properties can be made for devices (Hamberg and Granqvist, 1986; Jin et al., 1988; Stjerna et al., 1994). Films of ITO, AZO, GZO and IZO prepared by well-controlled reactive dc magnetron sputtering onto glass and PET typically have resistivities of ~ 2 × 10–4 and ~ 4 × 10–4 Ωcm, respectively. High-quality films of FTO are normally made by spray pyrolysis onto the hot glass emerging from the leer during float glass production. Depositions onto flexible substrates introduces risks for cracking and accompanying loss of electrical conductivity, but this effect is generally not a serious one unless the bending ratio is as small as a few centimeters (Cairns et al., 2000; Lan et al., 2010). All of the mentioned oxides are transparent for most of the spectrum characterizing solar radiation.

ITO films can be expensive as a result of the high price of indium (despite the fact that this element is not uncommon in the earth’s crust) and require careful process control for deposition; zinc oxide-based films can have similar optical and electrical properties but usually demand even more stringent process control; and good FTO apparently can only be made on very hot glass. Thus each of the transparent conducting oxide films has particular challenges and there is today no ‘best’ alternative for applications in electrochromic glazings. Health issues for the manufacturing of transparent conductors have been brought to attention recently, and it has been reported that the production of indium-containing oxides may lead to pulmonary disorders sometimes referred to as ‘indium lung’ (Taguchi and Chonan, 2006), which clearly can be an important concern for large-scale manufacturing.

Metal films can serve as excellent alternatives to the oxide-based transparent conductors. The coinage metals (Cu, Ag and Au) have conductivities that are some two orders of magnitude higher than for the best transparent conducting oxides so that comparative electrical properties can be achieved at about a hundredth of the film thickness; the luminous absorptance of the metal films can be of the order of 10%. The metal films are stretchable to a much larger degree than the oxide-based films (Graz et al., 2009).

The relevant metal film thicknesses are extremely small, which means that details of the thin film growth are important. Continued deposition onto a dielectric substrate such as glass or PET causes the deposited metal to go through a number of distinct growth stages: tiny metallic nuclei are formed initially; they grow and create increasingly irregular ‘islands’; these ‘islands’ interconnect and form a contiguous meandering network at a thickness corresponding to ‘large-scale coalescence’; the network then transforms into a ‘holey’ film; and finally a well defined metallic film can be formed (Smith et al., 1986; Lansåker et al., 2009). The most interesting films have thicknesses only slightly above that for ‘large-scale coalescence’, in practice around 10 nm (Hövel et al., 2010). Reflectance at the two interfaces of the metal film limits the luminous transmittance to ~ 50%, but the transmittance can be very significantly enhanced if the coinage metal films are positioned between high-refractive-index transparent layers that serve as antireflection coatings for the metal films.

There are several alternatives to the oxide-based and metal-based transparent conductors that are explored today (Hecht and Kaner 2011), and carbon-based transparent conductors may be of particular importance. Thus meshes of carbon nanotubes can combine high transmittance for luminous and solar radiation with good electrical conductivity (Hu et al., 2010a; Niu, 2011). Another alternative – which currently enjoys intense interest – is graphene, i.e., atomically thin layers of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice (Geim and Novoselov, 2007; Eda and Chhowalla, 2010); these layers can be prepared via mechanical or chemical exfoliation of graphite into individual sheets as well as by chemical vapour deposition. Successful roll-to-roll production of graphene coatings was first demonstrated during 2010 (Bae et al., 2010, 2012).

Metal-based nanowire meshes is another possibility, and it has been shown that silver nanowires with diameters of ~ 100 nm and lengths of ~ 10 μm can be produced in large amounts by inexpensive reduction of liquid silver nitrate (Hu et al., 2010b, 2011). Suspensions of these nanowires can be deposited, and the conduction between adjacent wires can be improved by annealing. These coatings can have good electrical properties but suffer from some diffuse scattering which limits their applications in electrochromic glazings.

A final example may be poly(3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene), known as PEDOT, which cannot quite compete with regard to performance with most of the other options mentioned above, but which nevertheless is interesting since it can be prepared by printing at a very low cost (Elschner and Lövenich, 2011).

11.2.5 Flexible electrochromic foil

Tungsten oxide is the most extensively studied electrochromic material and was discussed in some detail above. It has cathodic coloration and needs to be combined with an appropriate anodic oxide to create an optimized device. Iridium oxide works very well in tandem with tungsten oxide but it is one of the rarest elements in the earth’s crust and only found in abundance in a few places. An alternative is hence needed for large-scale applications, and hydrous nickel oxide is such a material as discovered in the 1980s by Svensson and Granqvist (1986).

A number of studies of electrochromic devices based on tungsten oxide and nickel oxide have been reported in the literature; they are either rigid and based on depositions onto glass (Mathew et al., 1997; Subrahmanyam et al., 2007; Huang et al., 2011) or flexible and deposited onto PET foil (Azens et al., 2003b; Niklasson and Granqvist, 2007). Figure 11.2 illustrates a specific device design that was mentioned in Section 11.2.2 above: one PET foil is coated with ITO and tungsten oxide, another PET foil is coated with ITO and nickel-based oxide, and the two electrochromic films are joined by an ion-conducting polymer adhesive. Figure 11.3 reports time-dependent transmittance at a mid-luminous wavelength of 550 nm for ten consecutive colouring/bleaching cycles. Colouring proceeds slower than bleaching and the values shown do not indicate the darkest state that can be reached. The highly repeatable properties should be noted, and the cycling can be continued for tens of thousands of cycles without severe loss of performance.


11.2 Construction principle for an electrochromic foil device. The entire foil can be used as a laminate between two glass panes.


11.3 Mid-luminous transmittance vs. time during repeated colouring and bleaching of an electrochromic foil device of the type illustrated in Fig. 11.2.

The desired transmittance interval depends on the intended use of the electrochromic device. For architectural glazings one may emphasize a high bleached-state transmittance, and then low-cost antireflection coatings may be of interest (Jonsson and Roos, 2010; Jonsson et al., 2010). However, other applications may require that a very dark state can be reached for the sake of glare control. A simple way to obtain a very small transmittance in the dark state is to put two or more electrochromic foils on top of each other (Granqvist, 2008). As a first approximation, the transmittance of a doublefoil device is the square of the transmittance of a single-foil device. Figure 11.4 indicates that the transmittance at a mid-luminous wavelength can approach 1% in a double electrochromic foil, while the bleached-state transmittance is still appreciable.


11.4 Mid-luminous transmittance vs. time for repeated colouring and bleaching of two superimposed electrochromic foils of the kind described in Fig. 11.2. From Granqvist (2008).

It was emphasized above that low-cost manufacturing is the key to large-scale implementation of electrochromic glazings in buildings. Figure 11.5 shows some initial results on the transmittance modulation in an electrochromic foil-type device prepared by roll-to-roll deposition onto a ~ 1-km-long and 0.6-m-wide PET foil.


11.5 Initial data on transmittance modulation of luminous radiation in an electrochromic foil device made by roll-to-roll manufacturing and continuous lamination.

11.3 Thermochromics: materials and devices

Thermochromism is well known in a number of metal oxides and sulphides (Lampert and Granqvist, 1990; Smith and Granqvist, 2010). Vanadium dioxide, VO2, stands out as the most interesting material with regard to eco-efficient technologies, and its thermochromism has been known for more than 50 years (Morin, 1959). However, vanadium dioxide is not directly applicable to glazings, and three particular challenges can be identified as elaborated in Section 11.3.1 below. In particular, the modulation of the solar energy throughput must be sufficiently large in order to have a significant impact on the buildings’ energy expenditure, and this leads to the recently introduced concept of ‘nanothermochromics’ (Li et al., 2010), which also is advantageous for yielding a large luminous transmittance as discussed in Section 11.3.2. The luminous transmittance can be further enhanced by doping of the VO2, especially by magnesium, as discussed in Section 11.3.3. Finally, the modulation of the solar energy throughput must occur in the vicinity of a comfort temperature of about 25 °C, which again can be accomplished by doping – in this case most expediently by tungsten – as elaborated in Section 11.3.4.

11.3.1 Vanadium dioxide-based thin films: three challenges

Vanadium dioxide is an interesting and complex material with at least seven different polymorphs among which rutile VO2(R), monoclinic VO2(M) (Morin, 1959), and triclinic VO2(T) (Mitsuishi, 1967) phases are similar in structure, and there are also tetragonal VO2(A) (Oka et al., 1990), monoclinic VO2(B) (Théobald et al., 1976), paramontroseite VO2 (Wu et al., 2008) and body centred cubic VO2 (Wang et al., 2008). The interesting thermochromic properties ensue from VO2(R) and VO2(M) which exhibit a reversible structural transformation and associated metal-insulator transition at a ‘critical’ temperature τC in the neighbourhood of a comfort temperature; VO2(M) is semiconducting and reasonably infrared transparent at a temperature τ, so that τ < τC, whereas VO2(R) is metallic and infrared reflecting for τ > τC.

The pioneering work on the thermochromism of VO2 by Morin (1959) was performed on bulk specimens. However, it was soon realized that reactively sputter deposited and reactively evaporated thin films could exhibit a similar metal–insulator transition. Subsequently it has been found that virtually any thin film technology is capable of providing thermochromic VO2. The reversibility of the metal-insulator transition can be excellent in films (Ko and Ramanathan, 2008), whereas bulk samples tend to deteriorate upon repeated thermal cycling around τc. The possibilities to create energy-efficient fenestration by letting solar energy into a building when there is a heating demand and rejecting solar energy when there is a cooling demand were pointed out already in the 1980s (Greenberg, 1983; Jorgenson and Lee, 1986; Babulanam et al., 1987), and various aspects of this technology have been reviewed several times more recently (Granqvist, 2007; Parkin et al., 2008; Saeli et al., 2010a,b; Smith and Granqvist, 2010).

Figure 11.6 introduces the characteristic features of the thermochromism that can be seen in a thin VO2 film. Spectral normal transmittance T(λ) and spectral near-normal reflectance R(λ) were recorded at 22 and 100 °C, i.e., at τ < τC and at τ > τC. The data were obtained for a 0.05-μm-thick film produced by reactive dc magnetron sputtering as reported elsewhere by Mlyuka et al. (2009a). Similar optical data – usually of spectral transmittance – have been reported many times in the scientific literature and are hence very well established (see the paper by Li et al. (2012) for references). It is clear from Fig. 11.6 that the short-wavelength optical properties are similar irrespective of the temperature, while the infrared reflectance for wavelengths beyond ~ 1 μm is higher for τ > τC than it is for τ < τC, thus giving proof for the metal–insulator transition. The infrared transmittance at λ > 1 μim shows an analogous change.


11.6 Spectral reflectance (upper panel) and transmittance (middle panel) for a 0.05-μm-thick thermochromic VO2 film in semiconducting (τ < τc) and metallic (τ > τc) states. The lower panel illustrates typical spectra for the luminous efficiency of the human eye and for solar irradiance. After Mlyuka et al. (2009a).

Figure 11.6 also shows the spectral sensitivity of the light-adapted human eye, denoted φlum and lying in the 0.4 < λ < 0.7 μm wavelength range (Wyszecki and Stiles, 2000) and the solar irradiance spectrum for air mass 1.5 (corresponding to the sun standing 37° above the horizon), denoted φsol and extending across the 0.3 < λ < 3 μm interval (ASTM, 2003). One observes in particular that φsol drops sharply towards long wavelengths. Wavelength-integrated luminous and solar transmittance values are now introduced by

image [11.1]

This equation was used to compute data, shown in Fig. 11.7, on Tlum(τ,t) and Tsol(τ,t) where t is the thickness of the VO2 film (Li et al., 2010). These computations used standard formulas for thin-film optics (Born and Wolf, 1999) together with optical constants n and k of VO2 as evaluated before (Mlyuka et al., 2009b). The discussion below will also make use of the corresponding dielectric constant, denoted ε = ε1 + 2, which is related to the optical constants via ε1 = n2k2 and ε2 = 2nk.


11.7 Computed data on luminous (upper panel) and solar (lower panel) transmittance as a function of the thickness of VO2 films in semiconducting (τ < τc) and metallic (τ > τc) states. From Li et al. (2010).

The findings in Fig. 11.7 permit an identification of two properties of thermochromic VO2 films that severely limit their applicability to energy-efficient fenestration:

• the modulation of solar energy, given by ∆Tsol = Tsol(τ < τc) – Tsol(τ > τc), is no larger than ~ 10%, and

• Tlum is no higher than ~ 40% for films with a significant magnitude of ∆Tsol, which is too low for most applications to windows in real buildings (Wigginton 1996).

A third limitation, obviously, is that the change of the solar transmittance should take place in the vicinity of a comfort temperature of ~ 25 °C, whereas

• τc ≈ 68 °C for bulk VO2 (Morin, 1959).

These linutations indicate three challenges that must be met for practical thermochromic glazings, and VO2 has to be modified in order to achieve ∆Tsol >> 10%, Tlum >> 40%, and τc = 25 °C.

A moderate boost of Tlum and/or Tsol can be obtained by straightforward optical design using high-refractive-index dielectric coatings, and data are available for a number of two-, three- and five-layer coatings with vanadium dioxide films between films of, for example, titanium dioxide and zirconium dioxide. The best properties were reached for TiO2/VO2/TiO2/VO2/TiO2 (Mlyuka et al., 2009a,b). However, these improvements are not sufficient for making thermochromic glazings of general practical interest. Fluorination is an alternative route to improve Tlum for VO2 films to some extent (Khan et al., 1988; Khan and Granqvist, 1989).

11.3.2 VO2 nanoparticle composites with enhanced solar energy modulation and luminous transmittance

‘Nanothermochromics’ is a new concept that was introduced recently by the author of this chapter and his coworkers (Li et al., 2010). It deals with VO2 nanoparticles dispersed in a dielectric host and implies that the composite can be represented as an ‘effective medium’ with properties intermediate between those of the nanoparticles and their matrix. The particles are small enough not to cause optical scattering. The ‘effective’ dielectric function εMG is (Smith and Granqvist, 2010; Granqvist and Hunderi, 1977, 1978):

image [11.2]

where εm accounts for the matrix and f is the ‘filling factor’, i.e., the volume fraction occupied by the particles. The calculations to be presented below employed f = 0.01 and a thickness of 5 μm (so that the VO2 mass thickness was 0.05 μm, i.e., the same as for the VO2 film reported on in Fig. 11.6).

Equation [11.2] is appropriate for the Maxwell-Garnett (MG) theory (Maxwell-Garnett, 1904), which pertains to nanoparticles in a continuous matrix (Niklasson et al., 1981). There are many effective medium formulations – applicable to a multitude of nanotopologies – all of which coincide in the limit of a small filling factor; this implies that Eq. [11.2] can be used in the present case without any loss of generality.

The parameter α in Eq. [11.2] is given by

image [11.3]

where εp is the dielectric function of the particles and L is their depolarization factor. Spheres are characterized by L = 1/3. A random distribution of ellipsoids can be represented by a sum over three components – corresponding to the symmetry axes – to yield α in the dilute limit (Niklasson and Granqvist, 1984). The calculations presented below pertain to prolate (‘cigar-shaped’) as well as oblate (‘pancake-shaped’) spheroids with depolarization factors obeying ΣLi = 1. The depolarization factors can be expressed in terms of the major (a) and minor (c) axes of the spheroidal particles through known formulas (Landau et al., 1984).

Wavelength-integrated transmittance values, specifically Tlum(τ,t) and Tsol(τ,t), were computed according to Eq. [11.1]. Data on εp were obtained from the literature (Mlyuka et al., 2009b), and εm was set to 2.25 which is applicable to a matrix of a typical glass or polymer. Furthermore, the spheroids were taken to be oriented at random. The free electrons in the high-temperature phase of VO2 have an exceedingly short mean free path (Allen et al., 1993; Okazaki et al., 2006; Gentle et al., 2007) and, perhaps surprisingly, this innocent-looking oxide is not well understood in terms of fundamental theories. Notwithstanding this situation, the very small value of the mean free path makes it unnecessary to incorporate any size dependence on εp (as there is, for example, in coinage-metal nanoparticles (Granqvist and Hunderi, 1977) and for the non-uniform metal films mentioned above in Section 11.2.4 (Norrman et al., 1978)).

The upper panel of Fig. 11.8 shows the experimental arrangement wherein light with photon energy ħω (with ħ being Planck’s constant divided by 2π and ω being angular frequency) is incident onto the nanoparticles; this panel also defines an ‘aspect ratio’ as a relationship between the axial lengths by m = a/c for prolate spheroids and m = c/a for oblate spheroids. The data in Fig. 11.8 can be directly compared with those for a VO2 film with t = 0.05 μm in Fig. 11.7. The middle and lower panels of Fig. 11.8 prove that the nanoparticle composites have much higher values of ∆Tsol and Tlum than the films, which clearly shows the superior properties of the nanother-mochromic composites. Spherical particles yield the highest transmittance. Still better properties can be obtained with VO2 hollow nanoshells (Li et al., 2011a). In terms of the underlying physics, the infrared optical absorption of the VO2-based nanoparticles is governed by a plasmon resonance that is present in the metallic state at τ > τC but absent in the insulating state at τ < τC (Bai et al., 2009; Li et al., 2010).


11.8 The upper panel depicts a structural model for a composite with randomly oriented nanoparticles having a dielectric function εp in a medium with the dielectric constant εm. Electromagnetic radiation with photon energy ħω is indicated. The middle and lower panels show computed data on luminous and solar transmittance, respectively, vs. the aspect ratio m for VO2-containing composites in semiconducting (τ < τc) and metallic (τ > τc) states. Prolate and oblate spheroids are characterized by m > 1 and m < 1, respectively. After Li et al. (2010).

Nanoparticles based on VO2 can be produced in numerous ways as briefly reviewed in recent papers by Li et al. (2010, 2011a, 2012). More or less symmetrical particles can be prepared by wet chemical methods, molten salt synthesis, confined-space combustion, etc. There are also many methods to make nanorods (prolate spheroids with large aspect ratio) and nanosheets (oblate spheroids with small aspect ratio) by these techniques. A metastable form, generally referred to as VO2(B), can be produced by chemical techniques and is of much contemporary interest for electrical batteries; this material can be transformed into thermochromic VO2. Furthermore VO2 can be made by oxidation of metallic vanadium and by reduction of V2O5. Recent data are available also for vanadium dioxide nanoparticles doped with tungsten (Ye et al., 2010) and Mo (Chen et al., 2010); the relevance of this doping will be explained in Section 11.3.4 below.

The nanoparticle composites can be useful in several ways and may be incorporated in polymer foils or laminates for practical low-cost thermochromic glazing as indicated in Fig. 11.9. Another possible application is in composites of VO2 and an oxide such as ITO (see Section 11.2.4), where the latter component can impart a low thermal emittance (Li et al., 2011b).


11.9 Conceptual sketch of a thermochromic foil incorporating a laminate with VO2-based nanoparticles between two foils of polyethylene terephthalate (polyester, PET).

11.3.3 Mg-doped VO2 films with enhanced luminous transmittance

The luminous absorptance of VO2 is undesirably high, and Fig. 11.6 showed that T(λ) dropped distinctly at λ < 0.6 μm for a film thickness as small as 0.05 μm. This property can be understood as an effect of band-to-band absorption and hence is inherent in the material. This problem with vanadium dioxide has been known for decades, and much effort has gone into finding ways to diminish its influence. The problem received an at least partial solution in recent work on sputter deposited films (Mlyuka et al., 2009c), where it was shown that Mg doping could produce band gap widening, i.e., an enhancement of T(λ) for λ < 0.6 μm. The upper panel of Fig. 11.10 shows spectral data for a VO2-based film containing 7.2 at% Mg at τ < τc and τ > τC and compares these results with corresponding ones for undoped VO2. The lower panel of Fig. 11.10 elaborates the quantitative role of the Mg doping on Tlum, which is seen to go monotonically from ~ 40% to more than 50% when the Mg content is increased from zero to 7.2 at%. Some concomitant decrease of the distinctness of the thermochromism for λ > 1 μm is apparent from the upper panel of Fig. 11.10. Mg doping has a secondary beneficial effect as well, as it influences τc favourably, as mentioned briefly below.


11.10 Upper panel shows the spectral transmittance at τ < τc and τ > τc and lower panel shows the luminous transmittance vs. doping level at τ <  τc for 0.05-μm-thick Mg-containing VO2 films. The line in the lower panel was drawn for convenience. From Mlyuka et al. (2009c).

A more detailed description of the band gap shifts in Mg-doped VO2 films can be put forward via an evaluation of n and k for 0.3 < λ < 2.5 μm and T < tc. The absorption coefficient α was then derived from α = 4πk/λ. Figure 11.11 shows an evaluation of (αħω)1/2 versus ħω (as is appropriate for indirect allowed band gaps; Wooten, 1972). Two band gaps appear: one shifting from ~ 1.6 to 2.3 eV for rising Mg doping and another lying at ~ 0.5 eV irrespective of the Mg doping. A preliminary interpretation of the two band gaps is feasible from the band structure in the proximity of the Fermi level for VO2 at τ < τc (Goodenough, 1971; Abe et al., 1997) as elaborated elsewhere by Li et al. (2012).


11.11 (αħω)1/2 vs. ħω, where α is absorption coefficient and ħω is photon energy, for Mg-doped VO2 films at τ <  τc

11.3.4 Doped VO2 films with thermochromic switching at room temperature

Doped VO2, denoted MxV1–xO2, can exhibit shifted values of their ‘critical’ temperature, and, at least for bulk specimens, M being W6 +, Mo6 +, Ta5 +, Nb5 + and Ru4 + yields a lowered τc, while M being Ge4 +, Al3 + and Ga3 + produces an increased τc (Goodenough, 1971). Thin films of doped VO2 display the same tendencies, but τc can also be influenced by several external parameters such as thickness, mechanical deformation, non-stoichiometry, small crystallite size, etc.

Tungsten is known to be the most efficient doping element for decreasing τc, i.e., it has the largest fall-off rate R as the amount of doping is increased. This material has been discussed in detail in the literature. For bulk crystals of WxV1–xO2 it has been reported that R = 27 ± 1 °C/at%W (Goodenough, 1971Hörlin et al., 1972), while R = 21 °C/at%W was stated in some subsequent work (Reyes et al., 1976). It follows that as little as ~ 2 at% of tungsten is able to bring τc to a comfort temperature. Thin films of WxV1–xO2 also have decreased values of τc, but the quantitative magnitudes of R have been found to lie between 7 and 26 °C/at%W, i.e., differing by a factor of almost four; detailed data have been given elsewhere (Li et al., 2012). Tungsten doping has only a very minor effect on the optical properties (Tazawa et al., 1998).

There are two basic reasons why the data on τc for thin films are scattered, one being that the electrical properties depend strongly on crystallinity, grain size, and the conditions at the two interfaces of the films; the other reason is the difficulty of evaluating unique ‘critical’ temperatures from graded and hysteretic transitions of the resistance. Two experimental parameters of great significance are the substrate temperature during deposition and the post-deposition annealing temperature. Empirical data show that either of these temperatures must exceed ~ 450 °C (Li et al., 2012).

The films of MgxV1–xO2, discussed in Section 11.3.3 above, also have lowered values of their ‘critical’ temperatures, and R ≈ 3 °C/at%Mg describes the data (Mlyuka et al., 2009c). This may be compared with measurements on bulk crystals of MgxV1–xO2–2xF2x, which yielded R ≈ 6 °C/at%Mg (Akroune et al., 1985).

11.4 Future trends in electrochromic and thermochromic glazing

This chapter has provided an introduction to oxide-based electrochromics and thermochromics and has discussed applications, device designs, and critical materials issues with regard to eco-efficient buildings. The discussion is now widened and includes a number of perspectives.

Beginning with applications, there have been numerous claims over the past decades that electrochromic glazings ‘finally’ are ready for implementation on a large scale. However, only prototypes and commercial products delivered to select customers or for very specific applications or markets have been presented so far. Is the situation going to change soon? The answer is almost certainly ‘yes’, and the basic reason is the worldwide awareness of the acute need for ‘eco-efficient’ or ‘green’ technologies, particularly for the built environment as discussed by Smith and Granqvist (2010). There are several interesting electrochromic technologies with different pros and cons and a notion that one technology takes it all is most likely going to be false. One may compare this with the case of photovoltaics where a vast number of different device types and materials currently compete fiercely for market share.

What device types and materials will be dominating for electrochromic glazings? Again there is no obvious answer, but mass fabrication speaks in favour of low-cost roll-to-roll coating and continuous lamination, which definitely are applicable to electrochromics. Combinations of cathodic and anodic electrochromic oxides can be used to boost the coloration efficiency and obtain suitable luminous properties. These oxides are unlikely to be based on a single metal. Possibly the required transparent electrical conductors are getting ready for a revolution, and current work on metal-based and carbon-based materials may lead to radical cost cuts for electrochromic glazings.

Added functionality is of interest for electrochromic glazings devices. For example, should the infrared part of the solar radiation – with about half of the energy – be admitted or not when the devices are in their bright state? Near-infrared absorption can be accomplished by adding non-scattering nanoparticles to the polymer electrolyte; this was demonstrated for the case of ITO (Bayrak Pehlivan et al., 2012), and LaB6 (Schelm et al., 2005) as well as CsxWO3 (Guo et al., 2011), which are other alternative nano-pigments. However, except under very cold climate conditions there is sometimes a need for heating, so that electrochromic glazing should transmit in the infrared, while at other times there is a need for cooling so that the infrared transmittance should be kept to a minimum. This functionality clearly calls for thermochromism.

Thermochromic glazings have a long history of unfulfilled promises regarding applications in buildings and automobiles. The first problem, that was obvious from the very beginning, was that the thermochromic switching has to take place around a comfort temperature of about 25 °C. However, this was readily accomplished by tungsten doping of vanadium dioxide films. The film must be sufficiently crystalline which requires deposition or annealing temperatures of at least 400–500 °C. Such temperatures are not any problem for coatings on float glass, but they are not compatible with deposition onto plastic web in a straightforward way.

Recent work has taken some steps towards thermochromic fenestration of practical interest. The first of these steps was the discovery (Mlyuka et al., 2009c) of a doping element that was capable of widening the fundamental band gap of VO2 so that the luminous transmittance was boosted. Another very significant step was the realization that VO2-based nanoparticles could give a strong, broad and temperature-dependent plasma absorption peak in the near infrared, which yields a much enhanced modulation of solar energy transmittance and a higher luminous transmittance (Li et al., 2010). The next and obvious step, which has not yet been taken (in 2012), will be to explore the influence of Mg doping on VO2 nanoparticles. Well crystallized VO2-based nanoparticles – produced by some efficient high-temperature process – may be possible to embed in polymer foils and laminates (Ji et al., 2011; Lu et al., 2011), which opens interesting avenues towards low-cost implementation of thermochromic fenestration.

The recent advances in electrochromics and thermochromics make it interesting and timely to consider possibilities to develop ‘super fenestration’ in multiple-pane constructions with an electrochromic functionality on the outer panes – which may be dark or transparent depending on temperature or user preferences (Azens and Granqvist, 2003) – and thermochromic functionality on the inner panes which tends to follow the room temperature. The electrochromic and thermochromic components should be thermally decoupled, which can be done by vacuum insulation to cut down on conductive and convective heat transfer and a low-emittance coating to minimize radiative heat transfer (Baetens et al., 2010b; Smith and Granqvist, 2010). The vacuum gap needs some spacer, such as tiny glass rods or silica aerogel. Figure 11.12 illustrates such ‘super fenestration’ with an electrochromic outer pane according to Fig. 11.2 and a thermochromic inner pane according to Fig. 11.9. Additional coatings may be used to improve the performance, such as a low-emittance coating on the innermost glass surface in order to prevent excessive thermal radiation into the building when the thermochromic foil is absorbing (not shown). A low-emittance coating on the outermost glass surface, as indicated in Fig. 11.12, may prevent condensation in cold climates (Smith and Granqvist, 2010).


11.12 Conceptual sketch of ‘super fenestration’ combining electrochromic and thermochromic functionalities.

Building skins with adjustable properties have been the architects’ dream for decades (Wigginton, 1996; Campagno, 2002). Such skins will alter the very concept of a building into that of an entity which operates in harmony with nature rather than as, in most cases, in stark opposition to nature and requiring energy guzzling measures (such as air conditioning and artificial lighting) to create a livable indoor environment. Electrochromic foil technology, in particular, opens new avenues towards membrane architecture (Ishii, 1999; Koch, 2004; Fernández, 2007) and may make it possible to create climate shells and blurred zones between indoors and outdoors. The membranes can be based on ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) with well-documented long-term durability as a building material (Robinson-Gayle et al., 2001; LeCuyer, 2008).

As a final comment, we stress once again that a number of ‘eco-efficient’ or ‘green’ technologies are under intense development today (2012). They include thin film solar cells, light-emitting diodes of various types, polymer batteries, supercapacitors, electrochromics, and others. Advances in any one of these fields will be beneficial for the others, and this healthy co-evolution will speed up the progress for all of them.

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