Thin films and nanostructured coatings for eco-efficient buildings

C.G. Granqvist,     Uppsala University Sweden


Thin films and nanostructured coatings are becoming of increasing importance for eco-efficient construction. This chapter discusses the underlying reasons why this is so and then introduces the major technologies. They are subdivided into those requiring vacuum or plasmas – with focus on evaporation and sputtering – and a range of other techniques. Nanoparticle-based coatings are discussed separately, with an emphasis on advanced gas deposition, deposition of carbon-based structures, and microbial fabrication. Large-scale deposition is treated in particular detail, and some views are given on future developments.

Key words

thin film

surface coating


deposition technique



large-scale manufacturing

resource availability

8.1 Introduction

Thin films and nanostructured coatings are essential for a number of eco-efficient technologies. We first discuss why this is the case and start by contemplating the world’s population, which has grown from some one billion in the year 1800 to about 2.5 billion in 1950 and is currently (2012) around seven billion. The growth is not expected to stabilize until around the year 2100, and then the population has reached a stunning ten billion or more. In parallel to this population explosion, there has been an increase in general standards of living, and people in the poorer countries expect – as they rightly should – to have the same amenities and qualities of life that people in the more affluent countries are accustomed to. This means that the demands on the world’s resources are growing very rapidly and that we at present make an unsustainable use of resources of every kind: water, fuels, minerals, etc.

The dangers to humanity are not only direct and related to the exhaustion of essential resources but also indirect, such as the burning of fossil fuels (coal oil and gas) and firewood leading to carbon dioxide emission and thereby to global warming, rising sea levels, harsher weather, increased risks for the spreading of diseases, mass migrations, shifts of species’ distributions, etc. (IPCC, 2007, 2011; Chen et al., 2011; de Sherbinin et al., 2011a,b). The sea-level rise, to take one particularly well recorded property, is 3.3 ± 0.4 mm per year, almost half of which is due to melting glaciers and ice caps (Nerem et al., 2010; Jacob et al., 2012). Furthermore, the geographically uneven distribution of most of the natural resources has huge macroeconomic effects and is also prone to yield political unrest and human disasters. The only sustainable way forward is through changes in life-style and the adoption of more eco-efficient technologies – also known as ‘green’ technologies or ‘cleantec’ – which are affordable and operate in harmony with nature’s energy flows rather than in opposition to them, as discussed in some depth in a recent book by Smith and Granqvist (2010).

Thin films and nanostructured coatings are at the heart of the eco-efficient technologies because they allow one to do a lot with a little. We consider two cases, and as a first example we imagine a block of aluminium that is small enough that it can easily be carried by hand. By use of a thin film technology, such as vacuum evaporation or sputtering, one can deposit this material so that it produces a reflecting surface over a square kilometer. In full sunlight, this surface reflects of the order of a Gigawatt that otherwise might have been absorbed by the earth. Then, as a second example, imagine that this aluminium surface is covered with an equally thin nanostructured coating with tiny metallic particles embedded in an oxide host. Now the surface is no longer visibly reflecting but is dark and can serve as an excellent ‘selective’ solar absorber that not only picks up the energy but retains it and avoids strong thermal re-emission.

There are a great many analogous examples of thin films and nanostructured coatings that can be used to obtain not only energy efficiency, as in the two examples above, but also human comfort and security. In many cases, these films and coatings must be used in conjunction with other, perhaps bulk, materials to achieve a certain desired function. A full discussion of these options is neither possible nor desirable here, and many more examples are given elsewhere (Smith and Granqvist, 2010). However, we note that thin films and nanostructured coatings are of much interest for many of the eco-efficient technologies discussed in other chapters in this book. Thus photocatalytic oxide films require well-defined nanostructures in order to have maximum efficiency (Fujishima et al., 2008; Henderson, 2011), windows with high thermal insulation must incorporate a transparent thin film with low thermal emittance to avoid radiative heat transfer, and photovoltaic cells – irrespectively of their being of first, second or third generation – normally contain thin films serving as current collectors. In particular, switchable glazing technology relying on thin films and nanostructured coatings is discussed elsewhere in this book.

The films that are of concern in this chapter have thicknesses that typically lie between 10 nm and 10 μm; they may be metallic, semiconducting or dielectric and deposited onto rigid substrates of metal, plastic or glass and onto flexible foils of metal or plastic. There are many ways to make such thin films, and thin film science and technology are huge fields of very large importance not only for eco-efficient applications but for almost all modern technologies. It should not come as a surprise that there are numerous books and tutorial presentations on the subject. Some standard texts are by Maissel and Glang (1970), Vossen and Kern (1978, 1991), Bunshah et al. (1982), Smith (1995), Pulker (1999), Gläser (2000), Mahan (2000), Ohring (2002) and Mattox (2003, 2010). A general, popular survey of materials for many different eco-efficient constructions appeared recently (Ginley and Cahen, 2012).

This chapter gives a brief survey over the most important technologies for making thin films and nanostructured coatings and includes a number of specific examples. We consider films made by vacuum-based and non-vacuum-based techniques as well as nanoparticle-based coatings. For the vacuum-based techniques we look specifically at the possibilities to construct nanostructures by judicially chosen incidence of the deposition species and by moving the substrate. We then discuss large-scale deposition and round off the presentation by some concluding remarks. Nano-aspects – and there are many (Messier, 2008) – remain in focus throughout the exposition. This chapter can be viewed as an adaptation and significant extension of earlier presentations (see Appendix 1 in the book by Smith and Granqvist (2010) as well as a ‘primer’ by Granqvist (2012)).

8.2 Major thin film technologies and some illustrative examples

Table 8.1 gives an overview of the most important thin film technologies. They are classified according to the depositing species being atomistic (or molecular), particulate or in bulk form, or whether the surface of a material is modified in order to produce a layer with properties that are distinctly different from those of the underlying material. Atomistic deposition is most commonly used for eco-efficient constructions.

Table 8.1

Survey of thin film deposition technologies


8.2.1 Vacuum-and plasma-based techniques: basics of evaporation and sputtering

Evaporation is a very well-known technique for making thin films. It is in constant use in research laboratories all over the world and has been so for 60 years or more. It is widespread also industrially today. This technique entails that the raw material of the film is heated in vacuum so that a vapour comprising atoms or molecules transfers material to the substrate at a sufficient rate (Holland, 1956; Glang, 1970). The energy of the impinging species is typically a fraction of an electron volt. The heating can be produced by drawing current through a resistive coil or boat, often of tungsten, in contact with the substance to be evaporated or by thermionic emission from a wire and focusing of the electron beam onto the substance to be evaporated from a water-cooled ‘electron gun’. The latter technique is referred to as electron-beam, or e-beam, evaporation.

Sputter deposition is very generally employed to make uniform coatings on glass, polymers, metals, etc. In essence, a plasma is set up in a low pressure of inert and/or reactive gases, and energetic ions in the plasma dislodge material from a solid plate or cylinder of the raw material of the film (known as the ‘target’) and deposit these atoms as a uniform film on an adjacent surface (called the ‘substrate’). The technology is discussed in detail in books by Chapman (1980), Cuomo et al. (1989), Konuma (1992), Wasa and Hayakawa (1992) and Depla and Mahieu (2008). The sputter plasma can be inert, typically consisting of argon ions, in which case the target and the thin film have the same composition. Alternatively the plasma can be reactive and contain for example oxygen so that an oxide film can be formed by sputtering from a metallic target; an additional admixture of water vapour can yield an entire cocktail of metastable and highly reactive species in the plasma (Liu et al., 2011). Analogously, nitrides can be made by sputtering in the presence of nitrogen, etc. The great versatility of the reactive sputtering technique should be obvious.

The plasma is normally confined to the target area by magnets placed behind the target, and one then refers to the deposition technique as ‘magnetron sputtering’. Rotating targets can be used for maximum utilization of the deposition material. The deposition species typically have energies of some electron volts, i.e., the energies are higher than in the case of evaporation and are large enough to remove contaminants from the substrate. This self-cleaning feature is conducive to a good adherence between substrate and film, which is an advantage for sputtering when compared with evaporation as a thin film technology.

Evaporation and sputtering are often referred to jointly as ‘physical vapour deposition’ or PVD. What do thin films made by these techniques look like at the nano level? We consider the growth of metal films on dielectric substrates, such as glass or polymer. Figure 8.1 illustrates a series of scanning electron micrographs taken on gold films with the shown thicknesses and deposited by sputtering onto glass at room temperature (Lansåker et al., 2009). The initial deposition is seen to yield tiny metallic nuclei at certain sites on the substrate, and continued deposition makes these nuclei grow, which is expected to occur via diffusion of atoms or molecules over the substrate surface as well as by direct impingement of atoms or molecules. The discrete metal ‘islands’ that are then formed have shapes that somewhat resemble ellipsoids. Continued deposition makes some of the ‘islands’ touch and rearrange into larger and more irregular objects; this is conventionally referred to as ‘coalescence growth’. The growing film then passes through what can be called ‘large-scale coalescence’, meaning that a contiguous and meandering metallic network of macroscopic extent is formed. Only then can metallic conduction be detected along the film. The evolution of electromagnetic properties in a growing metal film is a topic of continued interest and is highly dependent on the prevailing nanostructures (Earp and Smith, 2011).


8.1 Scanning electron micrographs of gold films made by sputtering onto glass to the shown equivalent thickness teq (i.e., the thickness a corresponding metallic slab would have). The gold appears bright and the uncoated parts of the substrate look dark. From Lansåker et al. (2009).

The development of the structure depends critically on deposition and post-treatment parameters, to an extent that might seem surprising. Thus, for example, depositing a gold film at room temperature and then heating it to a certain temperature is not equivalent to direct deposition onto a substrate at the same elevated temperature, as shown in a sequel to the work from which Fig. 8.1 was reproduced (Lansåker et al., 2012). Another example of this sensitivity to the film preparation conditions is shown in Fig. 8.2 for the case of sputter deposited films consisting of In2O3:Sn (Betz et al., 2006), which is a transparent and electrically conducting material of very large importance in energy technology and for transparent electronics of different kinds. The top panel illustrates a scanning electron micrograph for a film deposited onto a substrate at room temperature and then annealing post-treated at 200 °C and the bottom panel pertains to a film that was sputtered onto a substrate at 200 °C. Clearly the two films display striking differences.


8.2 Scanning electron micrographs of an In2O3:Sn film sputter deposited at ambient temperature and annealing post-treated at 200C (top) and for an analogous film sputter deposited onto a substrate maintained at 200 °C (bottom). From Betz et al. (2006).

A film that is thicker than those in Fig. 8.1 develops a characteristic nanostructure also over its cross section. Figure 8.3 is a recent extension (Anders, 2010) of a well-known structure zone diagram, known as a ‘Thornton diagram’ (Thornton, 1977), and illustrates what happens. The figure applies to sputtering and shows that the film typically exhibits a columnar structure oriented perpendicular to the substrate, and that this structure depends critically on the deposition parameters, especially on the energy of the sputtered species (in its turn related to the pressure in the sputter plasma, typically comprised of argon) and the substrate temperature. The structure of an evaporated film is found in the limit of a small argon pressure; it was described already in the 1960s (Movchan and Demchishin, 1969) and the modelling was subsequently refined (Barna and Adamik, 1998; Hultman and Sundgren, 2001).


8.3 Schematic diagram showing nanostructures of thin films made by sputter deposition as a function of generalized temperature T* and energy flux E*, and with t* denoting film thickness. Ion etching can take place at high energy flux. From Anders (2010).

For many thin film applications, there is a requirement for high durability, which means that compact films are wanted, and historically the sputter-based technology was developed to prepare films that were more durable than those made by evaporation. Parameters leading to films belonging to ‘zone T’ in the ‘Thornton diagram’ are then preferred. For other applications, however, it is desirable to make films with a carefully chosen nanoporosity, and then one should make use of low substrate temperatures and high plasma gas pressures in order to reach ‘zone 1’. Films of the latter kind are required for a number of eco-efficient technologies such as for energy efficient and comfort enhancing electrochromic ‘switchable glazings’ in buildings, for gas sensors devised for air quality assessment, and for photocatalytic surfaces capable of cleaning air and water (Granqvist, 1995; Smith and Granqvist, 2010); electrochromics is discussed further in Chapter 11.

Multilayer films are readily made by sequential evaporation or sputtering from more than one source and a practical deposition unit can incorporate a large number of sources which the substrate is transported past in a more or less continuous process which we return to below for the case of sputtering. Composite films can be prepared by deposition from one source of a compound material (as long as decomposition of this material does not take place) or from simultaneous deposition from two or more sources. Mixed metal-dielectric films can be deposited reactively, for example in the presence of a small amount of oxygen, so that the deposit comprises a random mixture of metallic and oxidized parts (known as a ‘cermet’ film). The underlying processes for reactive sputtering can be modelled very accurately (Berg and Nyberg, 2005).

Chemical post-treatment of thin films can modify the properties and lead to novel properties. Figure 8.4 shows one example where a sputter deposited film of ZnO:Al – a transparent conductor – is roughened by etching in dilute hydrochloric acid (Ruske et al., 2007). The treated film exhibits significant light scattering. Chemical etching of some alloy films can yield highly nanoporous conducting layers (Maaroof et al., 2005; Cortie et al., 2006). An example is shown in Fig. 8.5, which reports on a sputter deposited AuAl2 film after etching so that nothing but the gold remains.


8.4 Scanning electron micrographs of a sputter deposited ZnO:Al film (a) before and (b) after etching in 0.5% HCl. From Ruske et al. (2007).


8.5 Nanoporous thin gold layer seen from the top at two magnifications (largest magnification on the left). The inset in the right-hand panel is a cross-section view of the film’s nanostructure.

8.2.2 Vacuum-and plasma-based techniques: effects of glancing angle incidence and substrate rotation

For the deposition techniques discussed above, it was tacitly implied that the incidence of the deposition species is more or less perpendicular to the substrate. If this is not the case, it is possible to build up coatings with inclined nanostructures and, if a rotation of the substrate is invoked as well, one can arrive at an entire zoo of nanostructures. The pertinent deposition techniques are sometimes referred to as ‘glancing angle deposition’ or ‘GLAD’.

Figure 8.6 shows the build-up of a film with an inclined columnar structure (Brett, 1989). It is based on calculations from a model wherein ‘atoms’ are depicted as two-dimensional hard discs which travel with a well-defined direction but otherwise randomly towards a ‘substrate’. The ‘atoms’ stick wherever they hit the substrate or an earlier deposited ‘atom’. Columns are then formed for the simple reason that a randomly formed protrusion tends to shade whatever is behind it from further deposition. ‘Self-shadowing’ is a term that is used to describe this. The character of the columns as well as the density of the nanostructure depends on the energy given to the ‘atoms’, i.e., to the mobility they attain. Figure 8.6 describes the structures that form when ‘atoms’ are injected at an off-normal angle of 50° and arriving from the upper right. The column orientation typically does not coincide with the direction of the incident species. Films of this type are sometimes referred to as ‘sculptured thin films’ and are theoretically well understood (Lakhtakia and Messier, 2004; Wakefield and Sit, 2011). Figure 8.7(a) shows a scanning electron micrograph of a film made by GLAD (Steele and Brett, 2007). The resemblance to the simulated structure is striking. Films of this type are known to exhibit angular-selective optical properties (Mbise et al., 1997). By changing the direction of the incident species, it is possible to create a zig-zag pattern, as seen in Fig. 8.7(b).


8.6 Simulated thin films grown with ‘atoms’ impinging from an off-normal angle and having (a) low, (b) medium and (c) high mobility. From Brett (1989).


8.7 Nanostructured thin films made by ‘glancing angle deposition’ and, in parts (b) and (c), simultaneous rotation of the substrate in order to make ‘nanochevrons’ and a helical nanostructure (‘nanotortiglioni’). From Steele and Brett (2007).

Still larger possibilities to produce nanostructured coatings are obtained if the substrate is rotated while the incident deposition species have an oblique angle of incidence. Figure 8.7(b) and (c) shows two striking examples using slow substrate rotation. With more rapid rotation, it is possible to obtain ‘penniform’ structures, as illustrated in Fig. 8.8 for the case of a titanium dioxide-based structure made by sputter deposition under conditions so that ‘zone 1’ films are to be expected (Rodríguez et al., 2000).


8.8 Cross section through a ‘penniform’ TiO2 thin film made by sputter deposition and simultaneous substrate rotation at 50 rpm. From Rodríguez et al. (2000).

8.2.3 Non-vacuum-and non-plasma-based techniques

There are many thin film technologies that do not require low pressures. For example, coatings can be prepared by dipping a substrate in a solution containing the species to be incorporated in the film, withdrawing at a controlled rate, and heating to remove volatile components in the solution; an alternative technique suitable for coating small objects is to apply the solution in the form of drops, then spin the substrate at a controlled speed in order to make an even layer, and finally heat treat. In either case the deposition can be repeated over and over in order to make a thicker film. As an alternative to dipping and spinning, the chemical solution can be applied by spraying. Film deposition processes of dipping, spinning and spraying are often referred to jointly as ‘Sol-gel deposition’ (Klein, 1994; Frenzer and Maier, 2006). Figure 8.9 illustrates a cross section of a multi-layer coating made by dip coating (Boström et al., 2011). It has two layers of nickel particles in alumina, with different compositions, and a top layer of silica. The coating is backed by metallic aluminium. This coating is an example of a solar-absorbing surface that avoids thermal re-emission and is thus of the kind mentioned as the second example in Section 8.1.


8.9 Scanning electron micrograph of the cross section of a Sol-gel-produced multilayer coating of Ni-Al2O3 and SiO2 deposited onto an Al substrate (with an interlayer to boost the adhesion to the substrate). The top layer of platinum was applied by sputter deposition in order to allow the imaging. From Bostrom et al. (2011).

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) uses heat to decompose a vapour of a ‘precursor’ substance in order to make a thin film of a desired composition (Morosanu, 1990; Pierson, 1999). This deposition technique can be made more efficient by combining it with plasma treatment in what is denoted ‘plasma enhanced CVD’ or ‘PECVD’. A variety of the CVD technique is referred to as ‘spray pyrolysis’; a fluid containing the precursor is then sprayed onto a hot substrate.

Electrochemical techniques embrace cathodic electroplating from a chemical solution (Lowenheim, 1978) and anodic conversion of a metallic surface to form a porous oxide. Anodization is most common in the case of aluminium (Wernick et al., 2001), but other metals – such as titanium (Diamanti and Pedeferri, 2007) and tantalum (El-Sayed and Birss, 2011) – can be used too. Numerous alternative techniques exist as well. The anodization of aluminium can be carried out following several different strategies. Thus ‘mild’ anodization can lead to a self-ordered pore structure at the nanoscale, but this technique is slow and confined to a limited set of process parameters; ‘hard’ anodization, on the other hand, is a fast and industrially viable process leading to thick layers with a disordered pore arrangement. The latter technique is applied routinely for aluminium surfaces exposed to air. It was recently realized that a combination of ‘mild’ and ‘hard’ anodization in what is known as ‘pulse’ anodization can yield particularly interesting nano-features, such as those depicted in Fig. 8.10 (Lee et al., 2008), which shows alternate layers with well developed nanostructures.


8.10 Panel (a) shows alternate layers of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) prepared by ‘pulse’ anodization; the layers are representative of ‘hard’ anodization (HA) and ‘mild’ anodization (MA). Panel (b) is a magnification of the displayed rectangular area. From W. Lee et al. (2008).

8.2.4 Nano-particle-based coatings

Vacuum-based coating methods, as discussed extensively above, had an important historical role for making films based on nanoparticles. In fact, vacuum-based techniques provided some of the first insights into approaches to prepare nanoparticles under controlled conditions, specifically in the manufacture of ‘gold blacks’ for darkening of thermocouples by gold nanoparticles prepared by evaporation at pressures high enough to yield nanoparticle nucleation and growth of fractal aggregates in the gas phase (Harris et al., 1948; Granqvist and Hunderi, 1977; Sotelo et al., 2002).

A major step forward for the latter technique was taken when it was realized that the mean particle diameter and the size distribution could be understood and accurately modelled provided that the vapour source was equipped with accurate temperature control (Granqvist and Buhrman, 1976). This led to the ‘advanced gas deposition’ (AGD) technique, which is now used to mass-produce nanoparticles that can be collected for later use or for coating directly onto substrates. The technique and its implementation are described in detail in a book by Hayashi et al. (1997).

Figure 8.11 illustrates an AGD unit; as shown, it is arranged for tungsten oxide nanoparticle production (Reyes et al., 2004) but the technique can be used reactively or non-reactively to make nanoparticles of a large variety of pure metals, oxides, nitrides, etc. Evaporation takes place in the lower chamber into a laminar gas flow surrounding the vapour source. The vaporized species are then cooled via collisions with gas molecules so that they form tiny nuclei that subsequently grow in the gas flow. A thin transfer pipe collects nanoparticles in a region at a controlled distance from the vapour source and transports them in a gas stream that ends in the upper deposition chamber, which is maintained at good vacuum. A separate evacuation pipe removes nanoparticles outside the growth region. The nanoparticles are then deposited via a nozzle in order to gain momentum onto a substrate that can be moved so that they form a uniform film comprised of nanoparticles. The technique can be implemented with multiple vapour sources and transfer pipes in order to prepare materials consisting of mixed or layered nanoparticles. Figure 8.12 shows some typical nanoparticle deposits for the case of as-deposited tungsten oxide and WO3:Pd sintered at 600 °C (Hoel et al., 2005). The particle size distribution is seen to be narrow. Evidently the sintering has caused significant grain growth.


8.11 Schematic image of a unit for advanced gas deposition arranged for making tungsten oxide nanoparticles. From Reyes et al. (2004).


8.12 Scanning electron micrographs of (a) an as-deposited film of WO3 and (b) a WO3:Pd film sintered at 600 °C. Both films were prepared by advanced gas deposition. Horizontal bars are 100 nm in length. From Hoel et al. (2005).

A distinctive advantage of the AGD technique is that it separates nanoparticle formation and growth from thin film deposition. This feature makes it possible to fine-tune particle interaction within the film, at least to some extent, which is beneficial for devices that require well-controlled electrical contact between adjacent nanoparticles such as conductometric gas sensors for determining and surveying air quality. Gas phase synthesis of nanoparticles also can use high-temperature processes, since particles can form in a flame or plasma. The reader is referred to the book by Granqvist et al. (2004) for detailed coverage of this subject.

Chemical approaches are now widely used to grow and precipitate metallic, inorganic and semiconducting nanoparticles from solution and have been refined so as to limit size ranges, create elongated particles as well as spheres, and to overcoat nanoparticles or microparticles with nanoshells in ‘core-shell’ structures which enable new or improved functionality. These aspects have been discussed in detail in the literature (Cushing et al., 2004). Thick layers incorporating nanoparticles can effectively function as thin ones provided that metal flakes are included and serve as ‘artificial substrates’ (Kuniimage et al., 2009). Layers or coatings containing previously prepared nanoparticles are usually made by first dispersing them in a paint binder, a polymer coating solution, or a monomer solution prior to polymerization. The latter process can be used to produce master batches of concentrated nanoparticles in resin, which can subsequently be mixed with clear resin to prepare thin polymer foils doped with nanoparticles by extrusion. These foils can then be stuck onto surfaces or positioned between clear sheets. Nanoparticle-doped polymer sheets and other shapes of plastic can also be made by injection moulding and extrusion from suitable resins. If dilute coatings are needed, it is important to make sure that the particles are dispersed, which usually requires a surfactant (i.e., a ‘soap’ type molecule) on their surface to ensure that they do not stick together.

Carbon-based nanomaterials deserve particular attention and have undergone phenomenal development during recent years. Figure 8.13 illustrates how different nanostructures can be created from a two-dimensional arrangement of carbon atoms to yield C60 units (known as ‘buckminster-fullerene molecules’ or ‘buckyballs’), long nanotubes with metallic and semiconducting properties, and graphene (two-dimensional graphite-like sheaths) (Geim and Novoselov, 2007).


8.13 Schematic rendition of carbon-based nanostructures and of their formation. From Geim and Novoselov (2007).

Long nanoparticles can be prepared not only from carbon, as indicated in Fig. 8.13, but from many materials. Figure 8.14 illustrates an example of Ag nanowires that can be made from potentially inexpensive reduction of liquid silver nitrate to make electrically conducting and transparent coatings with some degree of optical scattering (‘haze’) (J.-Y. Lee et al., 2008; Hu et al., 2010).


8.14 Scanning electron micrographs of Ag nanowire meshes. A magnification of the rectangle is shown in the upper right-hand panel. From J.-Y. Lee et al. (2008).

The final example of nanoparticle production for coatings is one where work has only recently begun and for which the potential is great though not yet easy to assess: microbiological preparation. Plate II (between pages 162 and 163) illustrates the growth of silver nanoparticles inside bacteria of Pseudomonas stutzeri (Klaus et al., 1999; Klaus-Joerger et al., 2001). It is remarkable that particles of this kind can be single-crystalline. They can be used, for example, to make selectively solar absorbing coatings (Joerger et al., 2000). In fact, there seems to be a vast number of organisms that can serve as eco-efficient ‘nanofactories’ and produce inorganic nanoparticles either intra-or extracellularly, including magnetotactic bacteria, diatoms, fungi and others (Mandal et al., 2006; Olenin and Lisichkin, 2011; Rai and Duran, 2011).


Plate II Transmission electron micrograph with artificial colouring showing silver-based crystalline nanoparticles grown inside Pseudomonas cells. From Klaus-Joerger et al. (2001).

The marriage of biotechnology and materials science to make new eco-efficient constructions – as exemplified above – is a particularly exciting line of development, and recent work has demonstrated how viruses can be harnessed for making nanobatteries (Lee et al., 2009) and nanostructured solar cells (Dang et al., 2011).

8.3 Large-scale manufacturing

The cost of making thin films and nanostructured coatings is often of the greatest importance for judging whether they can be used in eco-efficient technologies or for other practical applications. The cost inherent in thin film manufacturing is a complicated issue and depends critically on the production scale. Thus large-scale manufacturing is essential. One example where this issue has been developed almost to perfection is for the coating of sheet glass in order to make thin films that can give low thermal emission and thereby good thermal insulation in a double-glazed window, or thin films that control the throughput of solar energy so that the need for air conditioning is diminished. Figure 8.15 shows two principles of how this is done (Granqvist, 1991): panel (a) illustrates sputtering onto moving sheet glass in a continuous process wherein panes are entering though a load lock at one end of a deposition unit and exiting at the other end, and panel (b) demonstrates another technique based on spray deposition of a metal-containing solution onto hot glass, most conveniently as the sheet glass emerges from the leer during float glass production. More detailed discussions of glass coating are given elsewhere, in particular in books and papers by Gläser (2000, 2008) and by Bach and Krause (2003). The practical deposition systems – particularly for sputter deposition – can be very large and involve a multitude of sputter targets mounted along a production line that is more than 100 m in length; Fig. 8.16 is a photograph of a system of this kind.


8.15 Principles for sputter deposition (a) and for spray pyrolysis (b) to coat surfaces of glass transported as indicated by the horizontal arrows. From Granqvist (1991).


8.16 Photograph of a manufacturing plant for making multilayer coatings on full-size glass panes.

‘Web coating’ of flexible substrates (Schiller et al., 2000; Fahlteich et al., 2012) is a well-developed technology with possibilities for excellent process control. It can be used to make thin films cost-effectively on very large surfaces as discussed in detail by Bishop (2010, 2011). Figure 8.17 illustrates one variety in which the web is transferred to a chilled drum, where the deposition takes place by sputtering or any other suitable technique (Meyer, 1989). The coated web is collected on a take-up roll. The whole process can take place inside a vacuum chamber. High-rate deposition may lead to thin films with somewhat inclined columnar structures, which are formed by the processes outlined in Section 8.2.2.


8.17 Schematic diagram of the internal components of a roll-to-roll coater with several sputter cathodes. From Meyer (1989).

It is even possible to use large-scale sputter deposition to make films whose composition varies in a highly controlled manner over the cross section. This latter possibility can be accomplished as illustrated in Fig. 8.18, showing continuous deposition onto a long metallic band. As the band moves past the sputter cathode, the initial deposition is in argon so that the film is metallic. Closer to the asymmetrically positioned oxygen inlet, the films get increasingly oxidized and – with properly adjusted parameters – the top layer can be almost purely comprised of oxide implying that it serves to anti-reflect the underlying material. This innovative technology has been used to make sputter-deposited surfaces for efficient conversion of solar energy into heat, i.e., conforming to the second example mentioned in Section 8.1 (Zhao, 2007). Large-scale deposition of films with inclined columnar structures, employing the GLAD technique discussed in Section 8.2.2, is another possibility (Motohiro et al., 1989).


8.18 Schematic diagram of a roll-to-roll coating unit for continuous production of magnetron sputter-deposited films with graded cross-sectional composition. From Zhao (2007).

Cost issues are often misunderstood in scientific papers. Thus it is common to read statements implying that Sol-gel deposition is ‘cheap’ because inherently expensive vacuum equipment is not needed. However, the necessary thermal post-deposition treatments of the Sol-gel coatings lead to slow manufacturing, which may be disastrous for mass fabrication.

8.4 Conclusion and future trends

This chapter has given a survey over the manufacturing of thin films and nanostructured coatings for eco-efficient constructions. It has been demonstrated that there are a great many techniques with distinctive features and specific pros and cons. These techniques allow the manufacturing of thin coatings of virtually any material and material combination either as a single layer or in a multilayer configuration.

It should be noted that the techniques that have been described are best suited for coating non-patterned surfaces. However, masking is possible in order to produce desired patterns and, alternatively, etching or some other subtractive technique can be used to obtain a certain configuration. Rather than obscuring or subtracting material, it is also possible to use an additive process such as printing with an appropriate ink containing nanoparticles, normally followed by heat treatment for some time to remove undesired binder residues. Recent advances in printing technology, as well as the great amount of contemporary work on large-scale fabrication of nanoparticles, nanorods and ‘nano-anything’ – referred to briefly in Section 8.2.4 – make it probable that printing-related techniques will gain increased popularity in the future.

As emphasized in Section 8.1, thin films use little material to reach large effects, and hence – generally speaking – the materials that can be employed in thin films are many more than those that can be used in the case of bulklike materials. Nevertheless, clearly the least common elements should be avoided (Tao et al., 2011). Plate III (between pages 162 and 163) gives an overview of the elemental abundance and shows that elements such as ruthenium, rhodium, tellurium, rhenium, osmium and iridium occur with a mass fraction around 10− 9 or below (Berry, 2010). The data in the figure should be regarded with some caution, though, and the fact that an element is not rare does not make it cheap. One example may be indium oxide (Schwarz-Schampera and Herzig, 2002), which is often the premier choice for a transparent electrical conductor and is used in many modern information and communication technologies as well as for energy-related applications. This element is normally obtained as a small byproduct in zinc refining, which makes it much more costly than transparent conductors based on zinc oxide or tin oxide.


Plate III Elemental abundance in the Earth’s crust. Greenish areas indicate the rock forming elements, and yellow areas denote the least common metals. The highlighted elements, zinc and indium, are discussed in the text. Data of this kind are found in many sources; this particular diagram was obtained from Berry (2010).

The technologies for making thin films and nanostructured coatings have been undergoing rapid development at least since the 1950s. This development still continues today, and does so at a stunning pace, and it is a safe bet that thin films and coating technologies will be of ever increasing importance as the burden on nature’s resources becomes even more acute in the future.

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