Chapter 8. Replication Deep Dive

Previous chapters introduced the basics of configuring and deploying replication to keep your site up and available, but to understand replication’s potential pitfalls and how to use it effectively, you should know something about its operation and the kinds of information it uses to accomplish its tasks. This is the goal of this chapter. We will cover a lot of ground, including:

  • How to promote slaves to masters more robustly

  • Tips for avoiding corrupted databases after a crash

  • Multisource replication

  • Row-based replication

  • Global transaction identifiers

  • Multithreaded replication

Replication Architecture Basics

Chapter 4 discussed the binary log along with some of the tools that are available to investigate the events it records. But we didn’t describe how events make it over to the slave and get re-executed there. Once you understand these details, you can exert more control over replication, prevent it from causing corruption after a crash, and investigate problems by examining the logs.

Figure 8-1 shows a schematic illustration of the internal replication architecture, consisting of the clients connected to the master, the master itself, and several slaves. For each client that connects to the master, the server runs a session that is responsible for executing all SQL statements and sending results back to the client.

The events flow through the replication system from the master to the slaves in the following manner:

  1. The session accepts a statement from the client, executes the statement, and synchronizes with other sessions to ensure each transaction is executed without conflicting with other changes made by other sessions.

  2. Just before the statement finishes execution, an entry consisting of one or more events is written to the binary log. This process is covered in Chapter 3 and will not be described again in this chapter.

  3. After the events have been written to the binary log, a dump thread in the master takes over, reads the events from the binary log, and sends them over to the slave’s I/O thread.

  4. When the slave I/O thread receives the event, it writes it to the end of the relay log.

  5. Once in the relay log, a slave SQL thread reads the event from the relay log and executes the event to apply the changes to the database on the slave.

If the connection to the master is lost, the slave I/O thread will try to reconnect to the server in the same way that any MySQL client thread does. Some of the options that we’ll see in this chapter deal with reconnection attempts.

Master and several slaves with internal architecture
Figure 8-1. Master and several slaves with internal architecture

The Structure of the Relay Log

As the previous section showed, the relay log is the information that ties the master and slave together—the heart of replication. It’s important to be aware of how it is used and how the slave threads coordinate through it. Therefore, we’ll go through the details here of how the relay log is structured and how the slave threads use the relay log to handle replication.

As described in the previous section, the events sent from the master are stored in the relay log by the I/O thread. The relay log serves as a buffer so that the master does not have to wait for the slave execution to finish before sending the next event.

Figure 8-2 shows a schematic view of the relay log. It’s similar in structure to the binlog on the master but has some extra files.

Structure of the relay log
Figure 8-2. Structure of the relay log

In addition to the content files and the index files in the binary log, the relay log maintains two files to keep track of replication progress: the relay log information file and the master log information file. The names of these two files are controlled by two options in the my.cnf file:


This option sets the name of the relay log information file. It is also available as the read-only server variable relay_log_info_file. Unless an absolute filename is given, the filename is relative to the data directory of the server. The default filename is


This option sets the name of the master log information file. The default filename is


The information in the file takes precedence over information in the my.cnf file. This means that if you change information in the my.cnf file and restart the server, the information will still be read from the file instead of from the my.cnf file.

For this reason, we recommend not to put any of the options that can be specified with the CHANGE MASTER TO command in the my.cnf file, but instead to use the CHANGE MASTER TO command to configure replication. If, for some reason, you want to put any of the replication options in the my.cnf file and you want to make sure that the options are read from it when starting the slave, you have to issue RESET SLAVE before editing the my.cnf file.

Beware when executing RESET SLAVE! It will delete the file, the file, and all the relay logfiles!

For convenience, we will use the default names of the information files in the discussion that follows.

The file contains the master read position as well as all the information necessary to connect to the master and start replication. When the slave I/O thread starts up, it reads information from this file, if it is available.

Example 8-1 shows a short example of a file. We’ve added a line number before each line and an annotation in italics at the end of each line (the file itself cannot contain comments). If the server is not compiled with SSL support, lines 9 through 15—which contain all the SSL options—will be missing. Example 8-1 shows what these options look like when SSL is compiled. The SSL fields are covered later in the chapter.


The password is written unencrypted in the file. For that reason, it is critical to protect the file so it can be read only by the MySQL server. The standard way to ensure this is to define a dedicated user on the server to run the server, assign all the files responsible for replication and database maintenance to this user, and remove all permissions from the files except read and write by this user.

Example 8-1. Contents of the file (MySQL version 5.6.12)
 1  23                          Number of lines in the file
 2  master-bin.000001           Current binlog file being read (Master_Log_File)
 3  151                         Last binlog position read (Read_Master_Log_Pos)
 4  localhost                   Master host connected to (Master_Host)
 5  root                        Replication user (Master_User)
 6                              Replication password
 7  13000                       Master port used (Master_Port)
 8  60                          Number of times slave will try to  reconnect (Connect_Retry)
 9  0                           1 if SSL is enabled, otherwise 0
10                              SSL Certification Authority (CA)
11                              SSL CA Path
12                              SSL Certificate
13                              SSL Cipher
14                              SSL Key
15  0                           SSL Verify Server Certificate 
16  60.000                      Heartbeat 
17                              Bind Address 
18  0                           Ignore Server IDs 
19                         Master UUID
20  10                           Retry Count 
21                               SSL CRL 
22                               SSL CRL Path 
23  0                            Auto Position

If you have an old server, the format can be slightly different.

In MySQL versions earlier than 4.1, the first line did not appear. Developers added a line count to the file in version 4.1.1 so they could extend the file with new fields and detect which fields are supported by just checking the line count.

Version 5.1.16 introduced line 15, SSL Verify Server Certificate, and the lines after that were introduced in different versions of 5.6.

The file tracks the progress of replication and is updated by the SQL thread. Example 8-2 shows a sample excerpt of a file. These lines correspond to the beginning of the next event to execute.

Example 8-2. Contents of the file
./slave-relay-bin.000003     Relay log file (Relay_Log_File)
380                          Relay log position (Relay_Log_Pos)
master1-bin.000001           Master log file (Relay_Master_Log_File)
234                          Master log position (Exec_Master_Log_Pos)

If any of the files are not available, they will be created from information in the my.cnf file and the options given to the CHANGE MASTER TO command when the slave is started.


It is not enough to just configure a slave using my.cnf and execute a CHANGE MASTER TO statement. The relay logfiles, the file, and the file are not created until you issue START SLAVE.

The Replication Threads

As you saw earlier in the chapter, replication requires several specialized threads on both the master and the slave. The dump thread on the master handles the master’s end of replication. Two slave threads—the I/O thread and the SQL thread—handle replication on the slave.

Master dump thread

This thread is created on the master when a slave I/O thread connects. The dump thread is responsible for reading entries from the binlog on the master and sending them to the slave.

There is one dump thread per connected slave.

Slave I/O thread

This thread connects to the master to request a dump of all the changes that occur and writes them to the relay log for further processing by the SQL thread.

There is one I/O thread on each slave. Once the connection is established, it is kept open so that any changes on the master are immediately received by the slave.

Slave SQL thread

This thread reads changes from the relay log and applies them to the slave database. The thread is responsible for coordinating with other MySQL threads to ensure changes do not interfere with the other activities going on in the MySQL server.

From the perspective of the master, the I/O thread is just another client thread and can execute both dump requests and SQL statements on the master. This means a client can connect to a server and pretend to be a slave to get the master to dump changes from the binary log. This is how the mysqlbinlog program (covered in detail in Chapter 4) operates.

The SQL thread acts as a session when working with the database. This means it maintains state information similar to that of a session, but with some differences. Because the SQL thread has to process changes from several different threads on the master—the events from all threads on the master are written in commit order to the binary log—the SQL thread keeps some extra information to distinguish events properly. For example, temporary tables are session-specific, so to keep temporary tables from different sessions separated, the session ID is added to the events. The SQL thread then refers to the session ID to keep actions for different sessions on the master separate.

The details of how the SQL thread executes events are covered later in the chapter.


The I/O thread is significantly faster than the SQL thread because the I/O thread merely writes events to a log, whereas the SQL thread has to figure out how to execute changes against the databases. Therefore, during replication, several events are usually buffered in the relay log. If the master crashes, you have to handle these before connecting to a new master.

To avoid losing these events, wait for the SQL thread to catch up before trying to reconnect the slave to another master.

Later in the chapter, you will see several ways of detecting whether the relay log is empty or has events left to execute.

Starting and Stopping the Slave Threads

In Chapter 3, you saw how to start the slave using the START SLAVE command, but a lot of details were glossed over. We’re now ready for a more thorough description of starting and stopping the slave threads.

When the server starts, it will also start the slave threads if there is a file. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the file is created if the server was configured for replication and if START SLAVE commands were issued on the slaves to start their I/O and SQL threads. So if the previous session had been used for replication, replication will be resumed from the last position stored in the and files, with slightly different behavior for the two slave threads:

Slave I/O thread

The slave I/O thread will resume by reading from the last read position according to the file.

For writing the events, the I/O thread will rotate the relay logfile and start writing to a new file, updating the positions accordingly.

Slave SQL thread

The slave SQL thread will resume reading from the relay log position given in

You can start the slave threads explicitly using the START SLAVE command and stop them explicitly with the STOP SLAVE command. These commands control the slave threads and can be used to stop and start the I/O thread or SQL thread separately:


These will start or stop both the I/O and the slave thread.


These will start or stop only the I/O thread.


These will start or stop only the SQL thread.

When you stop the slave threads, the current state of replication is saved to the mas⁠ and files. This information is then picked up when the slave threads are started again.


If you specify a master host using the master-host option (which can be either in the my.cnf file or passed as an option when starting mysqld), the slave will also start.

Because the recommendation is not to use this option, but instead to use the MASTER_HOST option to the CHANGE MASTER command, the master-host option will not be covered here.

Running Replication over the Internet

There are many reasons to replicate between two geographically separated data centers. One reason is to ensure you can recover from a disaster such as an earthquake or a power outage. You can also locate a site strategically close to some of your users, such as content delivery networks, to offer them faster response times. Although organizations with enough resources can lease dedicated fiber, we will assume you use the open Internet to connect.

The events sent from the master to the slave should never be considered secure in any way: as a matter of fact, it is easy to decode them to see the information that is replicated. As long as you are behind a firewall and do not replicate over the Internet—for example, replicating between two data centers—this is probably secure enough, but as soon you need to replicate to another data center in another town or on another continent, it is important to protect the information from prying eyes by encrypting it.

The standard method for encrypting data for transfer over the Internet is to use SSL. There are several options for protecting your data, all of which involve SSL in some way:

  • Use the support that is built into the server to encrypt the replication from master to slave.

  • Use Stunnel, a program that establishes an SSL tunnel (essentially a virtual private network) to a program that lacks SSL support.

  • Use SSH in tunnel mode.

This last alternative does not appear to really offer any significant advantages over using Stunnel, but can be useful if you are not allowed to install any new programs on a machine and can enable SSH on your servers. In that case, you can use SSH to set up a tunnel. We will not cover this option further.

When using either the built-in SSL support or stunnel for creating a secure connection, you need:

  • A certificate from a certification authority (CA)

  • A (public) certificate for the server

  • A (private) key for the server

The details of generating, managing, and using SSL certificates is beyond the scope of this book, but for demonstration purposes, Example 8-3 shows how to generate a self-signed public certificate and associated private key. This example assumes you use the configuration file for OpenSSL in /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf.

Example 8-3. Generating a self-signed public certificate with a private key
$ sudo openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes 
        -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf 
>    -out /etc/ssl/certs/master.pem -keyout /etc/ssl/private/master.key
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to '/etc/ssl/private/master.key'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:SE
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Uppland
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Storvreta
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Big Inc.
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Database Management
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []
Email Address []:[email protected]

The certificate signing procedure puts a self-signed public certificate in /etc/ssl/certs/master.pem and the private key in /etc/ssl/private/master.key (which is also used to sign the public certificate).

On the slave, you have to create a server key and a server certificate in a similar manner. For the sake of discussion, we’ll use /etc/ssl/certs/slave.pem as the name of the slave server’s public certificate and /etc/ssl/private/slave.key as the name of the slave server’s private key.

Setting Up Secure Replication Using Built-in Support

The simplest way to encrypt the connection between the master and slave is to use a server with SSL support. Methods for compiling a server with SSL support are beyond the scope of this book; if you are interested, consult the online reference manual.

To use the built-in SSL support, it is necessary to do the following:

  • Configure the master by making the master keys available.

  • Configure the slave to encrypt the replication channel.

To configure the master to use SSL support, add the following options to the my.cnf file:


The ssl-capath option contains the name of a directory that holds the certificates of trusted CAs, the ssl-cert option contains the name of the file that holds the server certificate, and the ssl-key option contains the name of the file that holds the private key for the server. As always, you need to restart the server after you have updated the my.cnf file.

The master is now configured to provide SSL support to any client, and because a slave uses the normal client protocol, it will allow a slave to use SSL as well.

To configure the slave to use an SSL connection, issue CHANGE MASTER TO with the MASTER_SSL option to turn on SSL for the connection, then issue MASTER_SSL_CAPATH, MASTER_SSL_CERT, and MASTER_SSL_KEY, which function like the ssl-capath, ssl-cert, and ssl-key configuration options just mentioned, but specify the slave’s side of the connection to the master:

    ->    MASTER_HOST = 'master-1',
    ->    MASTER_USER = 'repl_user',
    ->    MASTER_PASSWORD = 'xyzzy',
    ->    MASTER_SSL_CAPATH = '/etc/ssl/certs',
    ->    MASTER_SSL_CERT = '/etc/ssl/certs/slave.pem',
    ->    MASTER_SSL_KEY = '/etc/ssl/private/slave.key';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.15 sec)

Now you have a slave running with a secure channel to the master.

Setting Up Secure Replication Using Stunnel

Stunnel is an easy-to-use SSL tunneling application that you can set up either as an SSL server or as an SSL client.

Using Stunnel to set up a secure connection is almost as easy as setting up an SSL connection using the built-in support, but requires some additional configuration. This approach can be useful if the server is not compiled with SSL support or if for some reason you want to offload the extra processing required to encrypt and decrypt data from the MySQL server (which makes sense only if you have a multicore CPU).

As with the built-in support, you need to have a certificate from a CA as well as a public certificate and a private key for each server. These are then used for the stunnel command instead of for the server.

Figure 8-3 shows a master, a slave, and two Stunnel instances that communicate over an insecure network. One Stunnel instance on the slave server accepts data over a standard MySQL client connection from the slave server, encrypts it, and sends it over to the Stunnel instance on the master server. The Stunnel instance on the master server, in turn, listens on a dedicated SSL port to receive the encrypted data, decrypts it, and sends it over a client connection to the non-SSL port on the master server.

Replication over an insecure channel using Stunnel
Figure 8-3. Replication over an insecure channel using Stunnel

Example 8-4 shows a configuration file that sets up Stunnel to listen on socket 3508 for an SSL connection, where the master server is listening on the default MySQL socket 3306. The example refers to the certificate and key files by the names we used earlier.

Example 8-4. Master server configuration file /etc/stunnel/master.conf
accept = 3508
connect = 3306

Example 8-5 shows the configuration file that sets up Stunnel on the client side. The example assigns port 3408 as the intermediate port—the non-SSL port that the slave will connect to locally—and Stunnel connects to the SSL port 3508 on the master server, as shown in Example 8-4.

Example 8-5. Slave server configuration file /etc/stunnel/slave.conf
accept = 3408
connect = master-1:3508

You can now start the Stunnel program on each server and configure the slave to connect to the Stunnel instance on the slave server. Because the Stunnel instance is on the same server as the slave, you should give localhost as the master host to connect to and the port that the Stunnel instance accepts connections on (3408). Stunnel will then take care of tunneling the connection over to the master server:

    ->    MASTER_HOST = 'localhost',
    ->    MASTER_PORT = 3408,
    ->    MASTER_USER = 'repl_user',
    ->    MASTER_PASSWORD = 'xyzzy';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.15 sec)

You now have a secure connection set up over an insecure network.


If you are using Debian-based Linux (e.g., Debian or Ubuntu), you can start one Stunnel instance for each configuration file in the /etc/stunnel directory by setting ENABLED=1 in /etc/default/stunnel4.

So if you create the Stunnel configuration files as given in this section, one slave Stunnel and one master Stunnel instance will be started automatically whenever you start the machine.

Finer-Grained Control Over Replication

With an understanding of replication internals and the information replication uses, you can control it more expertly and learn how to avoid some problems that can occur. We’ll give you some useful background in this section.

Information About Replication Status

You can find most of the information about replication status on the slave, but there is some information available on the master as well. Most of the information on the master relates to the binlog (covered in Chapter 4), but information relating to the connected slaves is also available.

The SHOW SLAVE HOSTS command only shows information about slaves that use the report-host option, which the slave uses to give information to the master about the server that is connected. The master cannot trust the information about the connected slaves, because there are routers with NAT between the master and the slave. In addition to the hostname, there are some other options that you can use to provide information about the connecting slave:


The name of the connecting slave. This is typically the domain name of the slave, or some other similar identifier, but can in reality be any string. In Example 8-6, we use the name “Magic Slave.”


The port on which the slave listens for connections. This default is 3306.


This is the user for connecting to the master. The value given does not have to match the value used in CHANGE MASTER TO. This option is only shown when the show-slave-auth-info option is given to the server.


This is the password used when connecting to the master. The password given does not have to match the password given to CHANGE MASTER TO.


If this option is enabled, the master will show the additional information about the reported user and password in the output from SHOW SLAVE HOSTS.

Example 8-6 shows sample output from SHOW SLAVE HOSTS where three slaves are connected to the master.

Example 8-6. Sample output from SHOW SLAVE HOSTS
| Server_id | Host        | Port | Rpl_recovery_rank | Master_id |
|         2 | slave-1     | 3306 |                 0 |         1 |
|         3 | slave-2     | 3306 |                 0 |         1 |
|         4 | Magic Slave | 3306 |                 0 |         1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The output shows slaves that are connected to the master and some information about the slaves. Notice that this display also shows slaves that are indirectly connected to the master via relays. There are two additional fields shown when show-slave-auth-info is enabled (which we do not show here).

The following fields are purely informational and do not necessarily show the real slave host or port, nor the user and password used when configuring the slave in CHANGE MASTER TO:


This is the server ID of the connected slave.


This is the name of the host as given by report-host.


This is the username reported by the slave by using report-user.


This column shows the password reported by the slave using report-password.


This shows the port.


This shows the server ID that the slave is replicating from.


This field has never been used and is removed in MySQL version 5.5.


The information about indirectly connected slaves cannot be entirely trusted, because it is possible for the information to be inaccurate in certain situations where slaves are being added.

For this reason, there is an effort underway to remove this information and show only directly connected slaves, as this information can be trusted.

You can use the SHOW MASTER LOGS command to see which logs the master is keeping track of in the binary log. A typical output from this command can be seen in Example 8-7.

The SHOW MASTER STATUS command (shown in Example 8-8) shows where the next event will be written in the binary log. Because a master has only a single binlog file, the table will always contain only a single line. And because of that, the last line of the output of SHOW MASTER LOGS will match the output of this command, only with different headers. This means that if you need to execute a SHOW MASTER LOGS to implement some feature, you do not need to execute a SHOW MASTER STATUS as well but can instead use the last line of SHOW MASTER LOGS.

Example 8-7. Typical output from SHOW MASTER LOGS
| Log_name          | File_size |
| master-bin.000011 |    469768 |
| master-bin.000012 |   1254768 |
| master-bin.000013 |    474768 |
| master-bin.000014 |      4768 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Example 8-8. Typical output from SHOW MASTER STATUS
| File               | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
| master-bin.000014  |     4768 |              |                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

To determine the status for the slave threads, use the SHOW SLAVE STATUS command. This command contains almost everything you need to know about the replication status. Let’s go through the output in more detail. A typical output from SHOW SLAVE STATUS is given in Example 8-9.

Example 8-9. Sample output from SHOW SLAVE STATUS
               Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                  Master_User: repl_user
                  Master_Port: 3306
                Connect_Retry: 1
              Master_Log_File: master-bin.000001
          Read_Master_Log_Pos: 192
               Relay_Log_File: slave-relay-bin.000006
                Relay_Log_Pos: 252
        Relay_Master_Log_File: master-bin.000001
             Slave_IO_Running: Yes
            Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
                   Last_Errno: 0
                 Skip_Counter: 0
          Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 192
              Relay_Log_Space: 553
              Until_Condition: None
                Until_Log_Pos: 0
           Master_SSL_Allowed: No
        Seconds_Behind_Master: 0
Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No
                Last_IO_Errno: 0
               Last_SQL_Errno: 0

The state of the I/O and SQL threads

The two fields Slave_IO_Running and Slave_SQL_Running indicate whether the slave I⁠/⁠O thread or the SQL thread, respectively, is running. If the slave threads are not running, it could be either because they have been stopped or because of an error in the replication.

If the I/O thread is not running, the fields Last_IO_Errno and Last_IO_Error will show the reason it stopped. Similarly, Last_SQL_Errno and Last_SQL_Error will show the reason why the SQL thread stopped. If either of the threads stopped without error—for example, because they were explicitly stopped or reached the until condition—there will be no error message and the errno field will be 0, similar to the output in Example 8-9. The fields Last_Errno and Last_Error are synonyms for Last_SQL_Errno and Last_SQL_Error, respectively.

The Slave_IO_State shows a description of what the I/O thread is currently doing. Figure 8-4 shows a state diagram of how the message can change depending on the state of the I/O thread.

Slave I/O thread states
Figure 8-4. Slave I/O thread states

The messages have the following meanings:

Waiting for master update

This message is shown briefly when the I/O thread is initialized and before it tries to establish a connection with the master.

Connecting to master

This message is shown while the slave is trying to establish a connection with the master, but has not yet made the connection.

Checking master version

This message is shown when the slave has managed to connect to the master and is performing a handshake with the master.

Registering slave on master

This message is shown while the slave is trying to register itself with the master. When registering, it sends the value of the report-host option described earlier to the master. This usually contains the hostname or the IP number of the slave, but can contain any string. The master cannot depend simply on checking the IP address of the TCP connection, because there might be routers running inetwork address translation (NAT) between the master and slave.

Requesting binlog dump

This message is shown when the slave starts to request a binlog dump by sending the binlog file, binlog position, and server ID to the master.

Waiting for master to send event

This message is printed when the slave has established a connection with the master and is waiting for the master to send an event.

Queueing master event to the relay log

This message is shown when the master has sent an event and the slave I/O thread is about to write it to the relay log. This message is displayed regardless of whether the event is actually written to the relay log or skipped because of the rules outlined in Filtering Replication Events.


Note the spelling in the previous message (“Queueing” instead of “Queuing”).

When checking for messages using scripts or other tools, it is very important to check what the message really says and not just what you think it should read.

Waiting to reconnect after action

This message is shown when a previous action failed with a transient error and the slave will try to reconnect. Possible values for action are:

registration on master

When attempting to register with the master

binlog dump request

When requesting a binlog dump from the master

master event read

When waiting for or reading an event from the master

Reconnecting after failed action

This message is shown when the slave is trying to reconnect to the master after trying action but has not yet managed to establish a connection. The possible values for action are the same as for the “Waiting to reconnect after action” message.

Waiting for slave mutex on exit

This message is shown while the I/O thread is shutting down.

Waiting for the slave SQL thread to free enough relay log space

This message is shown if the relay log space limit (as set by the relay-log-space-limit option) has been reached and the SQL thread needs to process some of the relay log to write the new events.

The binary log and relay log positions

As replication processes events on the slave, it maintains three positions in parallel.

These positions are shown in the output from SHOW SLAVE STATUS in Example 8-9, as the following pairs of fields:

Master_Log_File, Read_Master_Log_Pos

The master read position: the position in the master’s binary log of the next event to be read by the I/O thread.

The values of these fields are taken from lines 2 and 3 of, as shown in Example 8-1.

Relay_Master_Log_File, Exec_Master_Log_Pos

The master execute position: the position in the master’s binlog of the next event to be executed by the SQL thread.

The values of these fields are taken from lines 3 and 4 of, as shown in Example 8-2.

Relay_Log_File, Relay_Log_Pos

The relay log execute position: the position in the slave’s relay log of the next event to be executed by the SQL thread.

The values of these fields are taken from lines 1 and 2 of, as shown in Example 8-2.

You can use the positions to gain information about replication progress or to optimize some of the algorithms developed in Chapter 5.

For example, by comparing the master read position and the master execute position, it is possible to determine whether there are any events waiting to be executed. This is particularly interesting if the I/O thread has stopped, because it allows an easy way to wait for the relay log to become empty: once the positions are equal, there is nothing waiting in the relay log, and the slave can be safely stopped and redirected to another master.

Example 8-10 shows sample code that waits for an empty relay log on a slave. MySQL provides the convenient MASTER_POS_WAIT function to wait until a slave’s relay log has processed all waiting events. In the event that the slave thread is not running, then MASTER_POS_WAIT will return NULL, which is caught and generates an exception.

Example 8-10. Python script to wait for an empty relay log
from mysql.replicant.errors import Error

class SlaveNotRunning(Error):

def slave_wait_for_empty_relay_log(server):
    result = server.sql("SHOW SLAVE STATUS")
    log_file = result["Master_Log_File"]
    log_pos = result["Read_Master_Log_Pos"]
    running = server.sql(
        "SELECT MASTER_POS_WAIT(%s,%s)", (log_file, log_pos))
    if running is None:
        raise SlaveNotRunning

Using these positions, you can also optimize the scenarios in Chapter 5. For instance, after running Example 8-21, which promotes a slave to master, you will probably have to process a lot of events in each of the other slaves’ relay logs before switching the slave to the new master. In addition, ensuring that the promoted slave has executed all events before allowing any slaves to connect will allow you to lose a minimum of data.

By modifying the function order_slaves_on_position in Example 5-5 to create Example 8-11, you can make the former slaves execute all events they have in their relay logs before performing the switch. The code uses the slave_wait_for_empty_relay_log function in Example 8-10 to wait for the relay log to become empty before reading the slave position.

Example 8-11. Minimizing the number of lost events when promoting a slave
from mysql.replicant.commands import (

def order_slaves_on_position(slaves):
    entries = []
    for slave in slaves:
        pos = fetch_slave_position(slave)
        gtid = fetch_gtid_executed(slave)
        entries.append((pos, gtid, slave))
    entries.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
    return [ entry[1:2] for entry in entries ]

In addition to the technique demonstrated here, another technique mentioned in some of the literature is to check the status of the SQL thread in the SHOW PROCESSLIST output. If the State field is “Has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it,” the SQL thread has read the entire relay log. This State message is generated only by the SQL thread, so you can safely search for it in all threads.

Options for Handling Broken Connections

The I/O thread has the responsibility for maintaining the connection with the master and, as you have seen in Figure 8-4, includes quite a complicated bit of logic to do so.

If the I/O thread loses the connection with the master, it will attempt to reconnect to the master a limited number of times. The period of inactivity after which the I/O thread reacts, the retry period, and the number of retries attempted are controlled by three options:


The number of seconds of inactivity accepted before the slave decides that the connection with the master is lost and tries to reconnect. This does not apply to a situation in which a broken connection can be detected explicitly. In these cases, the slave reacts immediately, moves the I/O thread into the reconnection phase, and attempts a reconnect (possibly waiting according to the value of master-connect-retry and only if the number of retries done so far does not exceed master-retry-count).

The default is 3,600 seconds.


The number of seconds between retries. You can specify this option as the CON⁠NECT_RETRY parameter for the CHANGE MASTER TO command. Use of the option in my.cnf is deprecated.

The default is 60 seconds.


The number of retries before finally giving up.

The default is 86,400.

These defaults are probably not what you want, so you’re better off supplying your own values.

How the Slave Processes Events

Central to replication are the log events: they are the information carriers of the replication system and contain all the metadata necessary to ensure replication can execute the changes made on the master to produce a replica of the master. Because the binary log on the master is in commit order for all the transactions executed on the master, each transaction can be executed in the same order in which it appears in the binary log to produce the same result on the slave as on the master.

The slave SQL thread executes events from all the sessions on the master in sequence. This has some consequences for how the slave executes the events:

The slave reply is single-threaded, whereas the master is multithreaded

The log events are executed in a single thread on the slave, but on multiple threads on the master. This can make it difficult for the slave to keep up with the master if the master is committing a lot of transactions.

Some statements are session-specific

Some statements on the master are session-specific and will cause different results when executed from the single session on the slave:

  • Every user variable is session-specific.

  • Temporary tables are session-specific.

  • Some functions are session-specific (e.g., CONNECTION_ID).

The binary log decides execution order

Even though two transactions in the binary log appear to be independent—and in theory could be executed in parallel—they may in reality not be independent. This means that the slave is forced to execute the transactions in sequence to guarantee the master and the slave are consistent.

Housekeeping in the I/O Thread

Although the SQL thread does most of the event processing, the I/O does some housekeeping before the events even come into the SQL thread’s view. So we’ll look at I/O thread processing before discussing the “real execution” in the SQL thread. To keep up processing speed, the I/O thread inspects only certain bytes to determine the type of the event, then takes the necessary action to the relay log:

Stop events

These events indicate that a slave further up in the chain has been stopped in an orderly manner. This event is ignored by the I/O thread and is not even written to the relay log.

Rotate event

If the master binary log is rotated, so is the relay log. The relay log might be rotated more times than the master, but the relay log is rotated at least each time the master’s binary log is rotated.

Format description events

These events are saved to be written when the relay log is rotated. Recall that the format between two consecutive binlog files might change, so the I/O thread needs to remember this event to process the files correctly.

If replication is set up to replicate in a circle or through a dual-master setup (which is circular replication with only two servers), events will be forwarded in the circle until they arrive at the server that originally sent them. To avoid having events continue to replicate around in the circle indefinitely, it is necessary to remove events that have been executed before.

To implement this check, each server determines whether the event has the server’s own server ID. If it does, this event was sent from this server previously, and replication on the slave has come full circle. To avoid an event that circulates infinitely (and hence is applied infinitely) this event is not written to the relay log, but just ignored. You can turn this behavior off using the replicate-same-server-id option on the server. If you set this option, the server will not carry out the check for an identical server ID and the event will be written to the relay log regardless of which server ID it has.

SQL Thread Processing

The slave SQL thread reads the relay log and re-executes the master’s database statements on the slave. Some of these events require special information that is not part of the SQL statement. The special handling includes:

Passing master context to the slave server

Sometimes state information needs to be passed to the slave for the statement to execute correctly. As mentioned in Chapter 4, the master writes one or more context events to pass this extra information. Some of the information is thread-specific but different from the information in the next item.

Handling events from different threads

The master executes transactions from several sessions, so the slave SQL thread has to decide which thread generated some events. Because the master has the best knowledge about the statement, it marks any event that it considers thread-specific. For instance, the master will usually mark events that operate on temporary tables as thread-specific.

Filtering events and tables

The SQL thread is responsible for doing filtering on the slave. MySQL provides both database filters, which are set up by replicate-do-db and replicate-ignore-db, and table filters, which are set up by replicate-do-table, replicate-ignore-table, replicate-wild-do-table, and replicate-wild-ignore-table.

Skipping events

To recover replication after it has stopped, there are features available to skip events when restarting replication. The SQL thread handles this skipping.

Context events

On the master, some events require a context to execute correctly. The context is usually thread-specific features such as user-defined variables, but can also include state information required to execute correctly, such as autoincrement values for tables with autoincrement columns. To pass this context from the master to the slave, the master has a set of context events that it can write to the binary log.

The master writes each context event before the event that contains the actual change. Currently, context events are associated only with Query events and are added to the binary log before the Query events.

Context events fall into the following categories:

User variable event

This event holds the name and value of a user-defined variable.

This event is generated whenever the statement contains a reference to a user-defined variable.

SET @foo = 'SmoothNoodleMaps';
INSERT INTO my_albums(artist, album) VALUES ('Devo', @foo);
Integer variable event

This event holds an integer value for either the INSERT_ID session variable or the LAST_INSERT_ID session variable.

The INSERT_ID integer variable event is used for statements that insert into tables with an AUTO_INCREMENT column to transfer the next value to use for the autoincrement column. This information, for example, is required by this table definition and statement:


The LAST_INSERT_ID integer variable event is generated when a statement uses the LAST_INSERT_ID function, as in this statement:

Rand event

If the statement contains a call to the RAND function, this event will contain the random seeds, which will allow the slave to reproduce the “random” value generated on the master:


These context events are necessary to produce correct behavior in the situations just described, but there are other situations that cannot be handled using context events. For example, the replication system cannot handle a user-defined function (UDF) unless the UDF is deterministic and also exists on the slave. In these cases, the user variable event can solve the problem.

User variable events can be very useful for avoiding problems with replicating nondeterministic functions, for improving performance, and for integrity checks.

As an example, suppose that you enter documents into a database table. Each document is automatically assigned a number using the AUTO_INCREMENT feature. To maintain the integrity of the documents, you also add an MD5 checksum of the documents in the same table. A definition of such a table is shown in Example 8-12.

Example 8-12. Definition of document table with MD5 checksum
CREATE TABLE document(
    doc BLOB,
    checksum CHAR(32)

Using this table, you can now add documents to the table together with the checksum and also verify the integrity of the document, as shown in Example 8-13, to ensure it has not been corrupted. Although the MD5 checksum is currently not considered cryptographically secure, it still offers some protection against random errors such as disk and memory problems.

Example 8-13. Inserting into the table and checking document integrity
master> INSERT INTO document(doc) VALUES (document);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)

master> UPDATE document SET checksum = MD5(doc) WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

master> SELECT id,
     ->        IF(MD5(doc) = checksum, 'OK', 'CORRUPT!') AS Status
     ->   FROM document;
|  id |   Status |
|   1 | OK       |
|   2 | OK       |
|   3 | OK       |
|   4 | OK       |
|   5 | OK       |
|   6 | OK       |
|   7 | CORRUPT! |
|   8 | OK       |
|   9 | OK       |
|  10 | OK       |
|  11 | OK       |
11 row in set (5.75 sec)

But how well does this idea play with replication? Well, it depends on how you use it. When the INSERT statement in Example 8-13 is executed, it is written to the binary log as is, which means the MD5 checksum is recalculated on the slave. So what happens if the document is corrupted on the way to the slave? In that case, the MD5 checksum will be recalculated using the corrupt document, and the corruption will not be detected. So the statement given in Example 8-13 is not replication-safe. We can, however, do better than this.

Instead of following Example 8-13, write your code to look like Example 8-14, which stores the checksum in a user-defined variable and uses it in the INSERT statement. The user-defined variable contains the actual value computed by the MD5 function, so it will be identical on the master and the slave even if the document is corrupted in the transfer (but, of course, not if the checksum is corrupted in the transfer). Either way, a corruption occurring when the document is replicated will be noticed.

Example 8-14. Replication-safe method of inserting a document in the table
master> INSERT INTO document(doc) VALUES (document);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)

master> SELECT MD5(doc) INTO @checksum FROM document WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

master> UPDATE document SET checksum = @checksum WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

Thread-specific events

As mentioned earlier, some statements are thread-specific and will yield a different result when executed in another thread. There are several reasons for this:

Reading and writing thread-local objects

A thread-local object can potentially clash with an identically named object in another thread. Typical examples of such objects are temporary tables or user-defined variables.

We have already examined how replication handles user-defined variables, so this section will just concentrate on how replication handles the temporary tables.

Using variables or functions that have thread-specific results

Some variables and functions have different values depending on which thread they are running in. A typical example of this is the server variable connection_id.

The server handles these two cases slightly differently. In addition, there are a few cases in which replication does not try to account for differences between the server and client, so results can differ in subtle ways.

To handle thread-local objects, some form of thread-local store (TLS) is required, but because the slave is executing from a single thread, it has to manage this storage and keep the TLSes separate. To handle temporary tables, the slave creates a unique (mangled) filename for the table based on the server process ID, the thread ID, and a thread-specific sequence number. This means that the two statements in Example 8-15—each runs from a different client on the master—create two different filenames on the slave to represent the temporary tables.

Example 8-15. Two threads, each creating a temporary table
master-1> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE cache (a INT, b INT);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

master-2> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE cache (a INT, b INT);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

All the statements from all threads on the master are stored in sequence in the binary log, so it is necessary to distinguish the two statements. Otherwise, they will cause an error when executed on the slave.

To distinguish the statements in the binary log so that they do not conflict, the server tags the Query events containing the statement as thread-specific and also adds the thread ID to the event. (Actually, the thread ID is added to all Query events, but is not really necessary except for thread-specific statements.)

When the slave receives a thread-specific event, it sets a variable special to the replication slave thread, called the pseudothread ID, to the thread ID passed with the event. The pseudothread ID will then be used when constructing the temporary tables. The process ID of the slave server—which is the same for all master threads—will be used when constructing the filename, but that does not matter as long as there is a distinction among tables from different threads.

We also mentioned that thread-specific functions and variables require special treatment to work correctly when replicated. This is not, however, handled by the server. When a server variable is referenced in a statement, the value of the server variable will be retrieved on the slave. If, for some reason, you want to replicate exactly the same value, you have to store the value in a user-defined variable as shown in Example 8-14, or use row-based replication, which we will cover later in the chapter.

Filtering and skipping events

In some cases, events may be skipped either because they are filtered out using replication filters or because the slave has been specifically instructed to skip a number of events.

The SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER variable instructs the slave server to skip a specified number of events. The SQL thread should not be running when you set the variable. This condition is typically easy to satisfy, because the variable is usually used to skip some events that caused replication to stop already.

An error that stops replication should, of course, be investigated and handled, but if you fix the problem manually, it is necessary to ignore the event that stopped replication and force replication to continue after the offending event. This variable is provided as a convenience, to keep you from having to use CHANGE MASTER TO. Example 8-16 shows the feature in use after a bad statement has caused replication to stop.

Example 8-16. Using the SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

When you start the slave, three events will be skipped before resuming replication. If skipping three events causes the slave to end up in the middle of a transaction, the slave will continue skipping events until it finds the end of the transaction.

Events can also be filtered by the slave if replication filters are set up. As we discussed in Chapter 4, the master can handle filtering, but if there are slave filters, the events are filtered in the SQL thread, which means that the events are still sent from the master and stored in the relay log.

Filtering is done differently depending on whether database filters or table filters are set up. The logic for deciding whether a statement for a certain database should be filtered out from the binary log was detailed in Chapter 4, and the same logic applies to slave filters, with the addition that here a set of table filters have to be handled as well.

One important aspect of filtering is that a filter applying to a single table causes the entire statement referring to that filter to be left out of replication. The logic for filtering statements on the slave is shown in Figure 8-5.

Filtering that involves tables can easily become difficult to understand, so we advise the following rules to avoid unwanted results:

  • Do not qualify table names with the database they’re a part of. Precede the statement with a USE statement instead to set a new default database.

  • Do not update tables in different databases using a single statement.

  • Avoid updating multiple tables in a statement, unless you know that all tables are filtered or none of the tables are filtered. Notice that from the logic in Figure 8-5, the whole statement will be filtered if even one of the tables is filtered.

Replication filtering rules
Figure 8-5. Replication filtering rules

Semisynchronous Replication

Google has an extensive set of patches for MySQL and InnoDB to tailor the server and the storage engine. One of the patches that is available for MySQL version 5.0 is the semisynchronous replication patch. MySQL has since reworked the patch and released it with MySQL 5.5.

The idea behind semisynchronous replication is to ensure the changes are written to disk on at least one slave before allowing execution to continue. This means that for each connection, at most one transaction can be lost due to a master crash.

It is important to understand that the semisynchronous replication patch does not hold off commits of the transaction; it just avoids sending a reply back to the client until the transaction has been written to the relay log of at least one slave. Figure 8-6 shows the order of the calls when committing a transaction. As you can see, the transaction is committed to the storage engine before the transaction is sent to the slave, but the return from the client’s commit call occurs after the slave has acknowledged that the transaction is in durable storage.

Transaction commit with semisynchronous replication
Figure 8-6. Transaction commit with semisynchronous replication

For each connection, one transaction can be lost if a crash occurs after the transaction has been committed to the storage engine but before the transaction has been sent to the slave. However, because the acknowledgment of the transaction goes to the client after the slave has acknowledged that it has the transaction, at most one transaction can be lost. This usually means that one transaction can be lost per client.

Configuring Semisynchronous Replication

To use semisynchronous replication, both the master and the slave need to support it, so both the master and the slave have to be running MySQL version 5.5 or later and have semisynchronous replication enabled. If either the master or the slave does not support semisynchronous replication, it will not be used, but replication works as usual, meaning that more than one transaction can be lost unless special precautions are taken to ensure each transaction reaches the slave before a new transaction is started.

Use the following steps to enable semisynchronous replication:

  1. Install the master plug-in on the master:

    master> INSTALL PLUGIN rpl_semi_sync_master SONAME '';
  2. Install the slave plug-in on each slave:

    slave> INSTALL PLUGIN rpl_semi_sync_slave SONAME '';
  3. Once you have installed the plug-ins, enable them on the master and the slave. This is controlled through two server variables that are also available as options, so to ensure that the settings take effect even after restart, it is best to bring down the server and add the options to the my.cnf file of the master:

    rpl-semi-sync-master-enabled = 1

    and to the slave:

    rpl-semi-sync-slave-enabled = 1
  4. Restart the servers.

If you followed the instructions just given, you now have a semisynchronous replication setup and can test it, but consider these cases:

  • What happens if all slaves crash and therefore no slave acknowledges that it has stored the transaction to the relay log? This is not unlikely if you have only a single server attached to the master.

  • What happens if all slaves disconnect gracefully? In this case, the master has no slave to which the transaction can be sent for safekeeping.

In addition to rpl-semi-sync-master-enabled and rpl-semi-sync-slave-enabled, there are two options that you can use to handle the situations we just laid out:


To prevent semisynchronous replication from blocking if it does not receive an acknowledgment, it is possible to set a timeout using the rpl-semi-sync-master-timeout=milliseconds option.

If the master does not receive any acknowledgment before the timeout expires, it will revert to normal asynchronous replication and continue operating without semisynchronous replication.

This option is also available as a server variable and can be set without bringing the server down. Note, however, that as with every server variable, the value will not be saved between restarts.


If a transaction is committed but the master does not have any slaves connected, it is not possible for the master to send the transaction anywhere for safekeeping. By default, the master will then wait for a slave to connect—as long as it is within the timeout limit—and acknowledge that the transaction has been properly written to disk.

You can use the rpl-semi-sync-master-wait-no-slave={ON|OFF} option to turn off this behavior, in which case the master reverts to asynchronous replication if there are no connected slaves.


Note that if the master does not receive any acknowledgment before the timeout given by rpl-semi-sync-master-timeout expires, or if rpl-semi-sync-master-wait-no-slave=ON, semi-synchronous replication will silently revert to normal asynchronous replication and continue operating without semisynchronous replication.

Monitoring Semisynchronous Replication

Both plug-ins install a number of status variables that allow you to monitor semisynchronous replication. We will cover the most interesting ones here (for a complete list, consult the online reference manual for semisynchronous replication):


This status variable reports the number of connected slaves that support and have been registered for semisynchronous replication.


The status of semisynchronous replication on the master is 1 if it is active, and 0 if it is inactive—either because it has not been enabled or because it was enabled but has reverted to asynchronous replication.


The status of semisynchronous replication on the slave is 1 if active (i.e., if it has been enabled and the I/O thread is running) and 0 if it is inactive.

You can read the values of these variables either using the SHOW STATUS command or through the information schema table GLOBAL_STATUS. If you want to use the values for other purposes, the SHOW STATUS command is hard to use and a query as shown in Example 8-17 uses SELECT on the information schema to extract the value and store it in a user-defined variable.

Example 8-17. Retrieving values using the information schema
master> SELECT Variable_value INTO @value
        ->  WHERE Variable_name = 'Rpl_semi_sync_master_status';
        Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Global Transaction Identifiers

Starting with MySQL 5.6, the concept of global transaction identifiers (GTIDs) was added, which means that each transaction is assigned a unique identifier. This section introduces GTIDs and demonstrates how they can be used. For a detailed description of GTIDs, look in “Replication with Global Transaction Identifiers” in the MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual.

In MySQL 5.6, each transaction on a server is assigned a transaction identifier, which is a nonzero 64-bit value assigned to a transaction based on the order in which they committed. This number is local to the server (i.e., some other server might assign the same number to some other transaction). To make this transaction identifier global, the server UUID is added to form a pair. For example, if the server has a server UUID (as given by the server variable @@server_uuid) 2298677f-c24b-11e2-a68b-0021cc6850ca, the 1477th transaction committed on the server will have GTID 2298677f-c24b-11e2-a68b-0021cc6850ca:1477.

When a transaction is replicated from a master to a slave, the binary log position of the transaction changes because the slave has to write it to the binary logfile on the slave. Because a slave might be configured differently, the positions can be vastly different from the position on the master—but the global transaction identifier will be the same.

When transactions are replicated and global transaction identifiers are enabled, the GTID of the transaction is retained regardless of the number of times that the transaction is propagated. This simple idea makes GTIDs a very powerful concept, as you will soon see.

While the notation just shown indicates an individual transaction, it is also necessary to have a notation for a global transaction identifier set (or GTID set). This helps, for example, when talking about transactions that have been logged on a server. A GTID set is written by giving a range, or list of ranges, of transaction identifiers. So the set of transactions 911-1066 and 1477-1593 is written as 2298677f-c24b-11e2-a68b-0021cc6850ca:911-1066:1477-1593.


GTIDs are written to the binary log and assigned only to transactions that are written to the binary log. This means that if you turn off the binary log, transactions will not get assigned GTIDs. This applies to the slave as well as the master. The consequence is that if you want to use a slave for failover, you need to have the binary log enabled on it. If you do not have a binary log enabled, the slave will not remember the GTIDs of the transactions it has executed.

Setting Up Replication Using GTIDs

To set up replication using global transaction identifiers, you must enable global transaction identifiers when configuring the servers. We’ll go through what you need to do to enable global transaction identifers here. To configure a standby for using global transaction identifiers, you need to update my.cnf as follows:

user            = mysql
pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/
socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
port            = 3306
basedir         = /usr
datadir         = /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir          = /tmp
log-bin         = master-bin 1
log-bin-index   = master-bin.index
server-id       = 1
gtid-mode       = ON 2
log-slave-updates 3
enforce-gtid-consistency 4

It is necessary to have the binary log enabled on the standby. This ensures that all changes are logged to the binary log when the master becomes the primary, but it is also a requirement for log-slave-updates.


This option is used to enable the generation of global transaction identifiers.


This option ensures that events received from the master and executed are also written to the standby’s binary log. If this is not enabled, it will not be possible for the standby to send out changes done indirectly to slaves connected to it. Note that by default, this option is not enabled.


This option ensures that statements throw an error if they cannot be logged consistently with global transaction identifiers enabled. This is recommended to ensure that failover happens correctly.

After updating the options file, you need to restart the server for the changes to take effect. Once you’ve done this for all servers that are going to be used in the setup, you’re set for doing a failover. Using the GTID support in MySQL 5.6, switching masters just requires you to issue the command:

MASTER_HOST = host_of_new_master,
MASTER_PORT = port_of_new_master,
MASTER_USER = replication_user_name,
MASTER_PASSWORD = replication_user_password,

The MASTER_AUTO_POSITION causes the slave to automatically negotiate what transactions should be sent over when connecting to the master.

To see status of replication in GTID positions, SHOW SLAVE STATUS has been extended with a few new columns. You can see an example of those in Example 8-18.

Example 8-18. Output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS with GTID enabled
    Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
  Slave_IO_Running: Yes
 Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
       Master_UUID: 4e2018fc-c691-11e2-8c5a-0021cc6850ca
Retrieved_Gtid_Set: 4e2018fc-c691-11e2-8c5a-0021cc6850ca:1-1477
 Executed_Gtid_Set: 4e2018fc-c691-11e2-8c5a-0021cc6850ca:1-1593
     Auto_Position: 1

This is the server UUID of the master. The field is not strictly tied to the GTID implementation (it was added before the GTIDs were introduced), but it is useful when debugging problems.


This is the set of GTIDs that have been fetched from the master and stored in the relay log.


This is the set of GTIDs that have been executed on the slave and written to the slave’s binary log.

Failover Using GTIDs

Hot Standby described how to switch to a hot standby without using global transaction identifiers. That process used binary log positions, but with global transaction identifiers, there is no longer a need to check the positions.

Switching over to a hot standby with global transaction identifiers is very easy (it is sufficient to just redirect the slave to the new master using CHANGE MASTER):


As usual, if no other parameters change, it is not necessary to repeat them.

When you enable MASTER_AUTO_POSITION, the master will figure out what transactions need to be sent over. The failover procedure is therefore easily defined using the Replicant ilibrary:

    "MASTER_HOST = %s, MASTER_PORT = %d, "
def change_master(server, master):
     , master.port,
               master.user, master.password)

def switch_to_master(server, standby):
    change_master(server, standby)
    server.sql("START SLAVE")

By comparing this procedure with the one in Example 5-1, you can see that there are a few things that have been improved by using GTIDs:

  • Because you do not need to check the position of the master, it is not necessary to stop it to ensure that it is not changing.

  • Because the GTIDs are global (i.e., they never change when replicated), there is no need for the slave to “align” with the master or the standby to get a good switchover position.

  • It is not necessary to fetch the position on the standby (which is a slave to the current primary) because everything is replicated to the slave.

  • It is not necessary to provide a position when changing the master because the servers automatically negotiate positions.

Because the GTIDs are global (i.e., it is not necessary to do any sort of translation of the positions), the preceding procedure works just as well for switchover and failover, even when a hierarchical replication is used. This was not the case in Hot Standby, where different procedures had to be employed for switchover, non-hierarchical failover, and failover in a hierarchy.

In order to avoid losing transactions when the master fails, it is a good habit to empty the relay log before actually executing the failover. This avoids re-fetching transactions that have already been transferred from the master to the slave. The best approach would be to redirect only the I/O thread to the new master, but unfortunately, this is (not yet) possible. To wait for the relay log to become empty, the handy WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS function will block until all the GTIDs in a GTID set have been processed by the SQL thread. To use this function, we change the function in Example 8-19 .

Example 8-19. Python code for failover to a standby using GTID
def change_master(server, standby):
    fields = server.sql("SHOW SLAVE STATUS")
    server.sql("STOP SLAVE")
    change_master(server, standby)
    server.sql("START SLAVE")

Slave Promotion Using GTIDs

The procedure shown in the previous section for failover works fine when the slave is actually behind the standby. But, as mentioned in Slave Promotion, if the slave knows more transactions than the standby, failing over to the standby does not put you in a better situation. It would actually be better if the slave were the new master. So how can this be implemented using global transaction identifiers?

The actual failover using the procedure in Example 8-19 can still be used, but if there are multiple slaves to a master, and the master fails, it is necessary to compare the slaves to see what slave is more knowledgable. To help with this, MySQL 5.6 introduced the variable GTID_EXECUTED. This global variable contains a GTID set consisting of all transactions that have been written to the binary log on the server. Note that no GTID is generated unless the transaction is written to the binary log, so only transactions that were written to the binary log are represented in this set.

There is also a global variable GTID_PURGED that contains the set of all transactions that have been purged (i.e., removed) from the binary log and are no longer available to replicate. This set is always a subset of (or equal to) GTID_EXECUTED.

This variable can be used to check that a candidate master has enough events in the binary log to act as master to some slave. If there are any events in GTID_PURGED on the master that are not in GTID_EXECUTED on the slave, the master will not be able to replicate some events that the slave needs because they are not in the binary log. The relation between these two variables can be seen in Figure 8-7, where each variable represents a “wavefront” through the space of all GTIDs.

Using GTID_EXECUTED, it is easy to compare the slaves and decide which one knows the most transactions. The code in Example 8-20 orders the slaves based on GTID_EXECUTED and picks the “best” one as the new master. Note that GTID sets are not normally totally ordered (i.e., two GTID sets can differ but have the same size). In this particular case, however, the GTID sets will be totally ordered, because they were ordered in the binary log of the master.

Example 8-20. Python code to find the best slave
from mysql.replicant.server import GTIDSet

def fetch_gtid_executed(server):
    return GTIDSet(server.sql("SELECT @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED"))

def fetch_gtid_purged(server):
    return GTIDSet(server.sql("SELECT @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED"))

def order_slaves_on_gtid(slaves):
    entries = []
    for slave in slaves:
        pos = fetch_gtid_executed(slave)
        entries.append((pos, slave))
    entries.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
    return entries

Combining the examples in Example 8-19 and Example 8-20 allows the function to promote the best slave to be written as simply as what is shown in Example 8-21.

Example 8-21. Slave promotion with MySQL 5.6 GTIDs
def promote_best_slave_gtid(slaves):
    entries = order_slaves_on_gtid(slaves)
    _, master = entries.pop(0)   # "Best" slave will be new master
    for _, slave in entries:
        switch_to_master(master, slave)

Replication of GTIDs

The previous sections showed how to set up the MySQL server to use global transaction identifiers and how to handle failover and slave promotion, but one piece of the puzzle is still missing: how are GTIDs propagated between the servers?

A GTID is assigned to every group in the binary log—that is, to each transaction, single-statement DML (whether transactional or nontransactional), and DDL statement. A special GTID event is written before the group and contains the full GTID for the transaction, as illustrated in Figure 8-8.

A binary logfile with GTIDs
Figure 8-8. A binary logfile with GTIDs

To handle the replication of transactions with a GTID assigned, the SQL thread processes the GTID event in the following manner:

  1. If the GTID is already present in the GTID_EXECUTED, the transaction will be skipped entirely, not even written to the binary log. (Recall that GTID_EXECUTED contains all transactions already in the binary log, so there is no need to write it again.)

  2. Otherwise, the GTID will be assigned to the transaction that follows, and the next transaction is executed as normal.

  3. When the transaction commits, the GTID assigned to the transaction is used to generate a new GTID event, which is then written to the binary log before the transaction.

  4. The contents of the transaction cache are then written to the binary log after the GTID event.

Note that with GTIDs assigned to every transaction, it is possible to filter out transactions that have already been executed in the first step, which was not possible before MySQL 5.6.

You can control what GTID is assigned to a transaction through a new variable named GTID_NEXT. This variable can either contain a GTID or have the value AUTOMATIC. (It can also take the value ANONYMOUS, but this can be used only when GTID_MODE = ON, so we disregard this case.) When committing a transaction, different actions are taken depending on the value of GTID_NEXT:

  • If GTID_NEXT has the value AUTOMATIC, a new GTID is created and assigned to the transaction.

  • If GTID_NEXT has a GTID as a value, that GTID will be used when the transaction is written to the binary log.

The GTID assigned to GTID_NEXT is not changed after the transaction commits. This means you have to set it either to a new GTID or to AUTOMATIC after you have committed the transaction. If you do not change the value of GTID_NEXT, you will get an error when you try to start a new transaction, regardless of whether it is done explicitly or implicitly.

Observe that GTID_NEXT has to be set before the transaction starts. If you try to set the variable after starting a transaction, you will just get an error.

Once you set GTID_NEXT and start a transaction, the GTID is owned by the transaction. This will be reflected in the variable GTID_OWNED:

| @@GLOBAL.GTID_OWNED                       |
| 02020202-0202-0202-0202-020202020202:4#42 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

In this case, the only owned GTID, which is owned by the session with ID 42, is 02020202-0202-0202-0202-020202020202:4.

GTID_OWNED should be considered internal and is intended for testing and debugging.

Replicating from a master to a slave directly is not the only way changes can be replicated. MySQL replication is also designed to work with mysqlbinlog so that SQL statements can be generated, saved to a file, and applied to a server. To handle propagation of GTIDs even when it is done indirectly through mysqlbinlog, GTID_NEXT is used. Whenever mysqlbinlog encounters a GTID event, it will generate a statement to set GTID_NEXT. In Example 8-22, you can see an example of the output.

Example 8-22. Example output from mysqlbinlog with GTID events
# at 410
#130603 20:57:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 458 CRC32 0xc6f8a5eb
#       GTID [commit=yes]
SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= '01010101-0101-0101-0101-010101010101:3'/*!*/;
# at 458
#130603 20:57:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 537 CRC32 0x1e2e40d0
# Position  Timestamp   Type   Master ID        Size      Master Pos    Flags
#       Query   thread_id=4     exec_time=0     error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1370285874/*!*/;
# at 537
#130603 20:57:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 638 CRC32 0xc16f211d
#       Query   thread_id=4     exec_time=0     error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1370285874/*!*/;
# at 638
#130603 20:57:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 669 CRC32 0x91980f0b

Slave Safety and Recovery

Slave servers can crash too, and when they do, you need to recover them. The first step in handling a crashed slave is always to investigate why it crashed. This cannot be automated, because there are so many hard-to-anticipate reasons for crashes. A slave might be out of disk space, it may have read a corrupt event, or it might have re-executed a statement that resulted in a duplicate key error for some reason. However, it is possible to automate some recovery procedures and use this automation to help diagnose a problem.

Syncing, Transactions, and Problems with Database Crashes

To ensure slaves pick up replication safely after a crash on the master or slave, you need to consider two different aspects:

  • Ensuring the slave stores all the necessary data needed for recovery in the event of a crash

  • Executing the recovery of a slave

Slaves do their best to meet the first condition by syncing to disk. To provide acceptable performance, operating systems keep files in memory while working with them, and write them to disk only periodically or when forced to. This means data written to a file is not necessarily in safe storage. If there is a crash, data left only in memory will be lost.

To force a slave to write files to disk, the database server issues an fsync call, which writes all data stored in memory to disk. To protect replication data, the MySQL server normally executes fsync calls for the relay log, the file, and the file at regular intervals.

I/O thread syncing

For the I/O thread, two fsync calls are made whenever an event has been processed: one to flush the relay log to disk and one to flush the file to disk. Doing the flushes in this order ensures that no events will be lost if the slave crashes between flushing the relay log and flushing the file. This, however, means that an event can be duplicated if a crash occurs in any of the following cases:

  • The server flushes the relay log and is about to update the master read position in

  • The server crashes, which means that the master read position now refers to the position before the event that was flushed to the relay log.

  • The server restarts and gets the master read position from, meaning the position before the last event written to the relay log.

  • Replication resumes from this position, and the event is duplicated.

If the files were flushed in the opposite order—the file first and the relay log second—there would be potential for losing an event in the same scenario, because the slave would pick up replication after the event that it was about to write to the relay log. Losing an event is deemed to be worse than duplicating one, hence the relay log is flushed first.

SQL thread syncing

The SQL thread processes the groups in the relay log by processing each event in turn. When all the events in the group are processed, the SQL thread commits the transaction using the following process:

  1. It commits the transaction to the storage engine (assuming the storage engine supports commit).

  2. It updates the file with the position of the next event to process, which is also the beginning of the next group to process.

  3. It writes to disk by issuing an fsync call.

While executing inside a group, the thread increments the event position to keep track of where the SQL thread is reading in the relay log, but if there is a crash, execution will resume from the last recorded position in the file.

This behavior leaves the SQL thread with its own version of the atomic update problem mentioned for the I/O thread, so the slave database and the file can get out of sync in the following scenario:

  1. The event is applied to the database and the transaction is committed. The next step is to update the file.

  2. The slave crashes, which means now points to the beginning of the just-completed transaction.

  3. On recovery, the SQL thread reads the information from the file and starts replication from the saved position.

  4. The last executed transaction is repeated.

What all this boils down to is that committing a transaction on the slave and updating the replication information is not atomic: it is possible that does not accurately reflect what has been committed to the database. The next section describes how transactional replication is implemented in MySQL 5.6 to solve this problem.

Transactional Replication

As noted in the previous section, replication is not crash-safe, because the information about the progress of replication is not always in sync with what has actually been applied to the database. Although transactions are not lost if the server crashes, it can require some tweaking to bring the slaves up again.

MySQL 5.6 has increased crash safety for the slave by committing the replication information together with the transaction as shown in Figure 8-9. This means that replication information will always be consistent with what has been applied to the database, even in the event of a server crash. Also, some fixes were done on the master to ensure that it recovers correctly.

Position information updated after the transaction and inside the transaction
Figure 8-9. Position information updated after the transaction and inside the transaction

Recall that the replication information is stored in two files: and The files are arranged so that they are updated after the transaction has been applied. This means that if you have a crash between the transaction commit and the update of the files, as on the left in Figure 8-9, the position information will be wrong. In other words, a transaction cannot be lost this way, but there is a risk that a transaction could be applied again when the slave recovers.

The usual way to avoid this is to have a primary key on all your tables. In that case, a repeated update of the table would cause the slave to stop, and you would have to use SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER to skip the transaction and get the slave up and running again (or GTID_NEXT to commit a dummy transaction). This is better than losing a transaction, but it is nevertheless a nuisance. Removing the primary key to prevent the slave from stopping will only solve the problem partially: it means that the transaction would be applied twice, which would both place a burden on the application to handle dual entries and also require that the tables be cleaned regularly. Both of these approaches require either manual intervention or scripting support. This does not affect reliability, but crashes are much easier to handle if the replication information is committed in the same transaction as the data being updated.

To implement transactional replication in MySQL 5.6, the replication information can be stored either in files (as before) or in tables. Even when storing the replication information in tables, it is necessary either to store the data and the replication information in the same storage engine (which must be transactional) or to support XA on both storage engines. If neither of these steps are taken, the replication information and the data cannot be committed as a single transaction.

Setting up transactional replication

The default in MySQL 5.6 is to use files for the replication information, so to use transactional replication, it is necessary to reconfigure the server to use tables for the replication information. To control where the replication information is placed, two new options have been added: master_info_repository and relay_log_info_repository. These options take the value FILE or TABLE to use either the file or the table for the respective piece of information.

Thus, to use transactional replication, edit your configuration file, add the options as shown in Example 8-23, and restart the server.

Example 8-23. Adding options to turn on transactional replication
master_info_repository = TABLE
relay_log_info_repository = TABLE


Before MySQL 5.6.6, the default engine for slave_master_info and slave_relay_log_info was MyISAM. For replication to be transactional, you need to change the engine to use a transactional engine, typically InnoDB, using ALTER TABLE:

slave> ALTER TABLE mysql.slave_master_info ENGINE = InnoDB;
slave> ALTER TABLE mysql.slave_relay_log_info ENGINE = InnoDB;

Details of transactional replication

Two tables in the mysql database preserve information needed for transactional replication: slave_master_info, corresponding to the file, and slave_relay_log_info, corresponding to the file

Just like the file, the slave_master_info table stores information about the connection to the master. Table 8-1 shows each field of the table, and which row in the file and SHOW SLAVE STATUS output it corresponds to.

Table 8-1. Fields for slave_master_info
FieldLine in fileSlave status column

Similarly, Table 8-2 shows the definition of the slave_relay_log_info table corresponding to the file.

Table 8-2. Fields of slave_relay_log_info
FieldLine in fileSlave status column

Now, suppose that the following transaction was executed on the master:

UPDATE titles, employees SET titles.title = 'Dictator-for-Life'
 WHERE first_name = 'Calvin' AND last_name IS NULL;
UPDATE salaries SET salaries.salary = 1000000
 WHERE first_name = 'Calvin' AND last_name IS NULL;

When the transaction reaches the slave and is executed there, it behaves as if it was executed the following way (where Exec_Master_Log_Pos, Relay_Master_Log_File, Relay_Log_File, and Relay_Log_Pos are taken from the SHOW SLAVE STATUS output):

UPDATE titles, employees SET titles.title = 'Dictator-for-Life'
 WHERE first_name = 'Calvin' AND last_name IS NULL;
UPDATE salaries SET salaries.salary = 1000000
 WHERE first_name = 'Calvin' AND last_name IS NULL;
UPDATE mysql.slave_relay_log_info
   SET Master_log_pos = Exec_Master_Log_Pos,
       Master_log_name = Relay_Master_Log_File,
       Relay_log_name = Relay_Log_File,
       Relay_log_pos = Relay_Log_Pos;

Note that the added “statement” is not logged to the binary log on the master, because the binary log is temporarily disabled when the “statement” is executed. If both slave_relay_log_info and the tables are placed in the same engine, this will be committed as a unit.

The result is to update slave_relay_log_info with each transaction executed on the slave, but note that slave_master_info does not contain information that is critical for ensuring that transactional replication works. The only fields that are updated are the positions of events fetched from the master. On a crash, the slave will pick up from the last executed position, and not from the last fetched position, so this information is interesting to have only in the event that the master crashes. In this case, the events in the relay log can be executed to avoid losing more events than necessary.

Similar to flushing the disk, committing to tables is expensive. Because the slave_master_info table does not contain any information that is critical for ensuring transactional replication, avoiding unnecessary commits to this table improves performance.

For this reason, the sync_master_info option was introduced. The option contains an integer telling how often the replication information should be committed to the slave_master_info (or flushed to disk, in the event that the information is stored in the traditional files). If it is nonzero, replication information is flushed each time the master fetches the number of events indicated by the variable’s value. If it is zero, no explicit flushing is done at all, but the operating system will flush the information to disk. Note, however, that the information is flushed to disk or committed to the table when the binary log is rotated or the slave starts or stops.

If you are using tables for storing the replication information, this means that if:

sync_master_info = 0

the slave_master_info table is updated only when the slave starts or stops, or the binary log is rotated, so changes to the fetched position are not visible to other threads. If it is critical for your application that you can view this information, you need to set sync_master_info to a nonzero value.

Rules for Protecting Nontransactional Statements

Statements executed outside of transactions cannot be tracked and protected from re-execution after a crash. The problem is comparable on masters and slaves. If a statement against a MyISAM table is interrupted by a crash on the master, the statement is not logged at all, because logging is done after the statement has completed. Upon restart (and successful repair) the MyISAM table will contain a partial update, but the binary log will not have logged the statement at all.

The situation is similar on the slave: if a crash occurs in the middle of execution of a statement (or a transaction that modifies a nontransactional table), the changes might remain in the table, but the group position will not be changed. The nontransactional statement will be re-executed when the slave starts up replication again.

It is not possible to automatically catch problems with crashes in the middle of updating a nontransactional table, but by obeying a few rules, it is possible to ensure you at least receive an error when this situation occurs.

INSERT statements

To handle these statements, you need to have a primary key on the tables that you replicate. In this way, an INSERT that is re-executed will generate a duplicate key error and stop the slave so that you can check why the master and the slave are not consistent.

DELETE statements

To handle these, you need to stay away from LIMIT clauses. If you do this, the statement will just delete the same rows again (i.e., the rows that match the WHERE clause), which is fine since it will either pick up where the previous statement left off or do nothing if all specified rows are already deleted. However, if the statement has a LIMIT clause, only a subset of the rows matching the WHERE condition will be executed, so when the statement is executed again, another set of rows will be deleted.

UPDATE statements

These are the most problematic statements. To be safe, either the statement has to be idempotent—executing it twice should lead to the same result—or the occasional double execution of the statement should be acceptable, which could be the case if the UPDATE statement is just for maintaining statistics over, say, page accesses.

Multisource Replication

As you may have noticed, it is not possible to have a slave connect to multiple masters and receive changes from all of them. This topology is called multisource and should not be confused with the multimaster topology introduced in Chapter 6. In a multisource topology, changes are received from several masters, but in a multimaster topology, the servers form a group that acts as a single master by replicating changes from each master to all the other masters.

There have been plans for introducing multisource replication into MySQL for a long time, but one issue stands in the way of the design: what to do with conflicting updates. These can occur either because different sources make truly conflicting changes, or because two intermediate relays are forwarding a change made at a common master. Figure 8-10 illustrates both types of conflicts. In the first, two masters (sources) make changes to the same data and the slave cannot tell which is the final change. In the second, only a single change is made, but it looks to the slave like two changes from two different sources. In both cases, the slave will not be able to distinguish between events coming from the two relays, so an event sent from the master will be seen as two different events when arriving at the slave.


The diamond configuration does not have to be explicitly set up: it can occur inadvertently as a result of switching from one relay to another if the replication stream is overlapping during a switchover. For this reason, it is important to ensure all events in queue—on the slave and on all the relays between the master and the slave—have been replicated to the slave before switching over to another master.

You can avoid conflicts by making sure you handle switchovers correctly and—in the case of multiple data sources—ensuring updates are done so that they never have a chance of conflicting. The typical way to accomplish this is to update different databases, but it is also possible to assign updates of different rows in the same table to different servers.

Although MySQL does not currently let you replicate from several sources simultaneously, you can come close by switching a slave among several masters, replicating periodically from each of them in turn. This is called round-robin multisource replication. It can be useful for certain types of applications, such as when you’re aggregating data from different sources for reporting purposes. In these cases, you can separate data naturally by storing the writes from each master in its own database, table, or partition. There is no risk of conflict, so it should be possible to use multisource replication.

True multisource and a diamond configuration
Figure 8-10. True multisource and a diamond configuration

Figure 8-11 shows a slave that replicates from three masters in a round-robin fashion, running a client dedicated to handling the switches between the masters. The process for round-robin multisource replication is as follows:

  1. Set the slave up to replicate from one master. We’ll call this the current master.

  2. Let the slave replicate for a fixed period of time. The slave will then read changes from the current master and apply them while the client responsible for handling the switching just sleeps.

  3. Stop the I/O thread of the slave using STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD.

  4. Wait until the relay log is empty.

  5. Stop the SQL thread using STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD. CHANGE MASTER requires that you stop both threads.

  6. Save the slave position for the current master by saving the values of the Exec_Mas⁠ter_Log_Pos and Re⁠lay_Mas⁠ter_Log_File columns from the SHOW SLAVE STATUS output.

  7. Change the slave to replicate from the next master in sequence by taking the previously saved positions and using CHANGE MASTER to set up replication.

  8. Restart the slave threads using START SLAVE.

  9. Repeat the sequence starting from step 2.

Round-robin multisource replication using a client to switch
Figure 8-11. Round-robin multisource replication using a client to switch

Note that in steps 3 through 5, we stop first the I/O thread and then the SQL thread. The reason for doing this and not just stopping replication on the slave is that the SQL thread can be lagging behind (and usually is), so if we just stop both threads, there will be a bunch of outstanding events in the relay log that will just be thrown away. If you are more concerned about executing only, say, one minute’s worth of transactions from each master and don’t care about throwing away those additional events, you can simply stop replication instead of performing steps 3 through 5. The procedure will still work correctly, because the events that were thrown away will be refetched from the master in the next round.

This can, of course, be automated using a separate client connection and the MySQL Replicant library, as shown in Example 8-24. By using the cycle function from the itertools module, you can repeatedly read from a list of masters in turn.

Example 8-24. Round-robin multisource replication in Python
import itertools

position = {}
def round_robin_multi_master(slave, masters):
    current = masters[0]
    for master in itertools.cycle(masters):
        slave.sql("STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD");
        slave.sql("STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD");
        position[] = fetch_slave_position(slave)
        master.sql("START SLAVE")
        current = master
        sleep(60)               # Sleep 1 minute

Details of Row-Based Replication

Row-Based Replication left out one major subject concerning row-based replication: how the rows are executed on the slave. In this section, you will see the details of how row-based replication is implemented on the slave side.

In statement-based replication, statements are handled by writing the statement in a single Query event. However, because a significant number of rows can be changed in each statement, row-based replication handles this differently and therefore requires multiple events for each statement.

To handle row-based replication, four new events have been introduced:


This maps a table ID to a table name (including the database name) and some basic information about the columns of the table on the master.

The table information does not include the names of the columns, just the types. This is because row-based replication is positional: each column on the master goes into the same position in the table on the slave.

Write_rows, Delete_rows, and Update_rows

These events are generated whenever rows are inserted, deleted, or updated, respectively. This means that a single statement can generate multiple events.

In addition to the rows, each event contains a table ID that refers to a table ID introduced by a preceding Table_map event and one or two column bitmaps specifying the columns of the table affected by the event. This allows the log to save space by including only those columns that have changed or that are necessary to locate the correct row to insert, delete, or update.

Whenever a statement is executed, it is written into the binary log as a sequence of Table_map events, followed by a sequence of row events. The last row event of the statement is marked with a special flag indicating it is the last event of the statement.

Example 8-25 shows the execution of a statement and the resulting events. We have skipped the format description event here, because you have already seen it.

Example 8-25. Execution of an INSERT statement and the resulting events
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

master> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4);
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

master> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (5),(6),(7),(8);
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

master> COMMIT;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

master> SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'master-bin.000053' FROM 106G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000054
        Pos: 106
 Event_type: Query
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 174
       Info: BEGIN
*************************** 2. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000054
        Pos: 174
 Event_type: Table_map
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 215
       Info: table_id: 18 (test.t1)
*************************** 3. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000054
        Pos: 215
 Event_type: Write_rows
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 264
       Info: table_id: 18 flags: STMT_END_F
*************************** 4. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000054
        Pos: 264
 Event_type: Table_map
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 305
       Info: table_id: 18 (test.t1)
*************************** 5. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000054
        Pos: 305
 Event_type: Write_rows
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 354
       Info: table_id: 18 flags: STMT_END_F
*************************** 6. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000054
        Pos: 354
 Event_type: Xid
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 381
       Info: COMMIT /* xid=23 */
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This example adds two statements to the binary log. Each statement starts with a Table_map event followed by a single Write_rows event holding the four rows of each statement.

You can see that each statement is terminated by setting the statement-end flag of the row event. Because the statements are inside a transaction, they are also wrapped with Query events containing BEGIN and COMMIT statements.

The size of the row events is controlled by the option binlog-row-event-max-size, which gives a threshold for the number of bytes in the binary log. The option does not give a maximum size for a row event: it is possible to have a binlog row event that has a larger size if a row contains more bytes than binlog-row-event-max-size.

Table_map Events

As already mentioned, the Table_map event maps a table name to an identifier so that it can be used in the row events, but that is not its only role. In addition, it contains some basic information about the fields of the table on the master. This allows the slave to check the basic structure of the table on the slave and compare it to the structure on the master to make sure they match well enough for replication to proceed.

The basic structure of the table map event is shown in Figure 8-12. The common header—the header that all replication events have—contains the basic information about the event. After the common header, the post header gives information that is special for the table map event. Most of the fields in Figure 8-12 are self-explanatory, but the representation of the field types deserves a closer look.

Table map event structure
Figure 8-12. Table map event structure

The following fields together represent the column type:

Column type array

An array listing the base types for all the columns. It indicates whether this is an integer, a string type, a decimal type, or any of the other available types, but it does not give the parameters for the column type. For example, if the type of a column is CHAR(5), this array will contain 254 (the constant representing a string), but the length of the string (in this case, 5) is stored in the column metadata mentioned later.

Null bit array

An array of bits that indicate whether each field can be NULL.

Column metadata

An array of metadata for the fields, fleshing out details left out of the column type array. The piece of metadata available to each field depends on the type of the field. For example, the DECIMAL field stores the precision and decimals in the metadata, whereas the VARCHAR type stores the maximum length of the field.

By combining the data in these three arrays, it is possible to deduce the type of the field.

Not all type information is stored in the arrays, so in two particular cases, it is not possible for the master and the slave to distinguish between two types:

  • When there is no information about whether an integer field is signed or unsigned. This means the slave will be unable to distinguish between a signed and unsigned field when checking the tables.

  • When the character sets of string types are not part of the information. This means that replicating between different character sets is not supported and may lead to strange results, because the bytes will just be inserted into the column with no checking or conversion.

The Structure of Row Events

Figure 8-13 shows the structure of a row event. This structure can vary a little depending on the type of event (write, delete, or update).

Row event header
Figure 8-13. Row event header

In addition to the table identifier, which refers to the table ID of a previous table map event, the event contains the following fields:

Table width

The width of the table on the master. This width is length-encoded in the same way as for the client protocol, which is why it can be either one or two bytes. Most of the time, it will be one byte.

Columns bitmap

The columns that are sent as part of the payload of the event. This information allows the master to send a selected set of fields with each row. There are two types of column bitmaps: one for the before image and one for the after image. The before image is needed for deletions and updates, whereas the after image is needed for writes (inserts) and updates. See Table 8-3 for more information.

Table 8-3. Row events and their images

Before image

After image


NoneRow to insertWrite rows

Row to delete


Delete rows

Column values before update

Column values after update

Update rows

Execution of Row Event

Because multiple events can represent a single statement executed by the master, the slave has to keep state information to execute the row events correctly in the presence of concurrent threads that update the same tables. Recall that each statement in the binary log starts with one or more table map events followed by one or more row events, each of the same type. Use the following procedure to process a statement from the binary log:

  1. Each event is read from the relay log.

  2. If the event is a table map event, the SQL thread extracts the information about the table and saves a representation of how the master defines the table.

  3. When the first row event is seen, all tables in the list are locked.

  4. For each table in the list, the thread checks that the definition on the master is compatible with the definition on the slave.

  5. If the tables are not compatible, the thread reports an error and stops replication on the slave.

  6. Row events are processed according to the procedure shown later in this section, until the thread reads the last event of the statement (i.e., an event with the statement end flag set).

This procedure is required to lock tables the correct way on the slave and is similar to how the statement was executed on the master. All tables are locked in step 3 and then checked in step 4. If the tables are not locked before checking the definitions, a thread on the slave can come between the steps and change the definition, causing the application of the row events to fail later.

Each row event consists of a set of rows that are used differently depending on the event type. For Delete_rows and Write_rows events, each row represents a change. For the Update_rows event, it is necessary to have two rows—one to locate the correct row to update and one with values to use for the update—so the event consists of an even number of rows, where each pair represents an update.

Events that have a before image require a search to locate the correct row to operate on: for a Delete_rows event, the row will be removed, whereas for the Update_rows event, it will be changed. In descending order of preference, the searches are:

Primary key lookup

If the table on the slave has a primary key, it is used to perform a primary key lookup. This is the fastest of all the methods.

Index scan

If there is no primary key defined for the table but an index is defined, this will be used to locate the correct row to change. All rows in the index will be scanned and the columns compared with the row received from the master.

If the rows match, this row will be used for the Delete_rows or Update_rows operation. If no rows match, the slave will stop replication with an error indicating that it could not locate the correct row.

Table scan

If there is no primary key or index on the table, a full table scan is used to locate the correct row to delete or update.

In the same way as for the index scan, each row in the scan will be compared with the row received from the master, and if they match, that row will be used for the delete or update operation.

Because the index or primary key on the slave rather than the master is used to locate the correct row to delete or update, you should keep a couple of things in mind:

  • If the table has a primary key on the slave, the lookup will be fast. If the table does not have a primary key, the slave has to do either a full table scan or an index scan to find the correct row to update, which is slower.

  • You can have different indexes on the master and slave.

When replicating a table, it is always wise to have a primary key on the table regardless of whether row-based or statement-based replication is used.

Because statement-based replication actually executes each statement, a primary key on updates and deletes speeds up replication significantly for statement-based replication as well.

Events and Triggers

The execution of events and triggers differs in statement-based replication and row-based replication. The only difference for events is that row-based replication generates row events instead of query events.

Triggers, on the other hand, reveal a different and more interesting story.

As discussed in Chapter 4, for statement-based replication, trigger definitions are replicated to the slave so that when a statement is executed that affects a table with a trigger, the trigger will be executed on the slave as well.

For row-based replication, it doesn’t matter how the rows change—whether changes come from a trigger, a stored procedure, an event, or directly from the statement. Because the rows updated by the trigger are replicated to the slave, the trigger does not need to be executed on the slave. As a matter of fact, executing it on the slave would lead to incorrect results.

Consider Example 8-26, which defines a table with a trigger.

Example 8-26. Definition of a table and triggers
    user CHAR(64),
    brief TEXT

    email CHAR(64),
    password CHAR(64)

       user =,
       brief = CONCAT("Changed password from '",
                      OLD.password, "' to '",
                      NEW.password, "'");

        user =,
        brief = CONCAT("User '",, "' added");

Given these table and trigger definitions, this sequence of statements can be executed:

master> INSERT INTO user(email,password) VALUES ('', 'xyzzy'),
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)

master> UPDATE user SET password = 'secret' WHERE email = '[email protected]';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

master> SELECT * FROM log;
| number | user         | brief                                     |
|      1 | [email protected] | User '[email protected]' added             |
|      2 | [email protected] | Changed password from 'xyzzy' to 'secret' |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This is, of course, not very secure, but at least it illustrates the situation. So, how do these changes appear in the binary log when using row-based replication?

master> SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'mysqld1-bin.000054' FROM 2180;
|Log_name      |Pos |Event_type |Server_id|End_log_pos|Info                    |
|master-bin…54|2180|Query      |        1|       2248|BEGIN                   |
|master-bin…54|2248|Table_map  |        1|       2297|table_id: 24 (test.user)|
|master-bin…54|2297|Table_map  |        1|       2344|table_id: 26 (test.log) |
|master-bin…54|2344|Write_rows |        1|       2397|table_id: 24            |
|master-bin…54|2397|Write_rows |        1|       2471|table_id: 26 flags:     |
|             |    |           |         |           |  STMT_END_F            |
|master-bin…54|2471|Query      |        1|       2540|COMMIT                  |
|master-bin…54|2540|Query      |        1|       2608|BEGIN                   |
|master-bin…54|2608|Table_map  |        1|       2657|table_id: 24 (test.user)|
|master-bin…54|2657|Table_map  |        1|       2704|table_id: 26 (test.log) |
|master-bin…54|2704|Update_rows|        1|       2783|table_id: 24            |
|master-bin…54|2783|Write_rows |        1|       2873|table_id: 26 flags:     |
|             |    |           |         |           |  STMT_END_F            |
|master-bin…54|2873|Query      |        1|       2942|COMMIT                  |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

As you can see, each statement is treated as a separate transaction containing only a single statement. The statement changes two tables—the test.user and test.log tables—and therefore there are two table maps at the beginning of the statement in the binary log. When replicated to the slave, these events are executed directly and the execution goes “below the trigger radar,” thereby avoiding execution of the triggers for the tables on the slave.

Filtering in Row-Based Replication

Filtering also works differently in statement-based and row-based replication. Recall from Chapter 4 that statement-based replication filtering is done on the entire statement (i.e., either all of the statement is executed or the statement is not executed at all) because it is not possible to execute just part of a statement. For the database filtering options, the current database is used and not the database of the table that is being changed.

Row-based replication offers more choice. Because each row for a specific table is caught and replicated, it is possible to filter on the actual table being updated and even filter out some rows based on arbitrary conditions. For this reason, row-based replication also filters changes based on the actual table updated and is not based on the current database for the statement.

Consider what will happen with filtering on a slave set up to ignore the ignore_me database. What will be the result of executing the following statement under statement-based and row-based replication?

USE test; INSERT INTO ignore_me.t1 VALUES (1),(2);

For statement-based replication, the statement will be executed, but for row-based replication, the changes to table t1 will be ignored, because the ignore_me database is on the ignore list.

Continuing on this path, what will happen with the following multitable update statement?

USE test; UPDATE ignore_me.t1, test.t2 SET t1.a = 3, t2.a = 4 WHERE t1.a = t2.a;

With statement-based replication, the statement will be executed, expecting the table ignore_me.t1 to exist—which it might not, because the database is ignored—and will update both the ignore_me.t1 and test.t2 tables. Row-based replication, on the other hand, will update only the test.t2 table.

Partial Row Replication

As mentioned earlier, the events Write_rows, Delete_rows, and Update_rows each contain a column bitmap that tells what columns are present in the rows in the body of the event. Note that there is one bitmap for the before image and one for the after image.

Prior to MySQL 5.6.2, only the MySQL Cluster engine uses the option of limiting the columns written to the log, but starting with MySQL 5.6.2, it is possible to control what colums are written to the log using the option binlog-row-image. The option accepts three different values: full, noblob, and minimal.


This is the default for binlog-row-image and will replicate all columns. Prior to MySQL 5.6.2, this is how the rows were always logged.


With this setting, blobs will be omitted from the row unless they change as part of the update.


With this setting, only the primary key (in the before image) and the columns that change values (in the after image) are written to the binary log.

The reason for having full as default is because there might be different indexes on the master, and the slave and columns that are not part of the primary key on the master might be needed to find the correct row on the slave.

If you look at Example 8-27, there are different definitions of the tables on the master and slave, but the only difference is that there are different indexes. The rationale for this difference could be that on the master it is necessary for the id column to be a primary key for autoincrement to work, but on the slave all selects are done using the email column.

In this case, setting binlog-row-image to minimal will store the values of the id column in the binary log, but this column cannot be used to find the correct row on the slave. This will cause replication to fail. Because it is expected that replication should work even if this mistake is made, the default for binlog-row-image is full.

If you are using identical indexes on the master and slave (or at least have indexes on the slave on the columns that are indexed on the master), you can set binlog-row-image to minimal and save space by reducing the size of the binary log.

So what’s the role of the noblob value then? Well... it acts as a middle ground. Even though it is possible to have different indexes on the master and slave, it is very rare for blobs to be part of an index. Because blobs usually take a lot of space, using noblob will be almost as safe as full, under the assumption that blobs are never indexed.

Example 8-27. Table with different indexes on master and slave
/* Table definition on the master */
    email CHAR(64),
    password CHAR(64)

/* Table definition on the slave */
    id INT,
    email CHAR(64) PRIMARY KEY,
    password CHAR(64)


This chapter concludes a series of chapters about MySQL replication. We discussed advanced replication topics such as how to promote slaves to masters more robustly, looked at tips and techniques for avoiding corrupted databases after a crash, examined multisource replication configurations and considerations, and finally looked at row-based replication in detail.

In the next chapters, we examine another set of topics for building robust data centers, including monitoring, performance tuning of storage engines, and replication.

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