Chapter 1 Introduction to Cable Television

1.1 Introduction

Cable television is an industry and a technology that has outgrown its historical name. Modern “cable television” networks are used to provide a wide range of services, including analog and digital video, digital audio, high-speed data, and telephony.

The essential distinguishing characteristics of cable television networks are that they include broadband (typically 0.5-1 GHz of total bandwidth), highly linear distribution systems designed to carry many modulated radio frequency (RF) signals with a minimal amount of mutual interference between a central point and many customers, where signals are delivered via coaxial cables to and from terminal equipment. Because of these characteristics, the networks are service-agnostic to the extent that they will carry any information that can be modulated on a compatible RF carrier. Modern cable television networks are almost always two-way, use optical fiber extensively, and are segmentable so as to allow simultaneous frequency reuse in various network sections.

Historically, the cable television business was based exclusively on delivery of television programming, and it has been very successful in that regard. As of 1999, nearly 97% of U.S. television households had cable television service available, and approximately 66 million households subscribed to at least the lowest tier of video service, representing almost 67% of U.S. television households. 1 Those levels have changed only slowly over the past few years.

Because cable television has been so successful and has enjoyed such vigorous growth and acceptance, it has spawned video competitors, including prerecorded media, direct broadcast satellite (DBS), video streaming over the Internet, as well as the interest of the telephone industry. Increasing revenue streams from connected households, made possible by multiple service offerings, has also changed the economics of the industry sufficiently that customers in some markets now have a choice between two cable television operators who have constructed parallel distribution networks serving the same homes. In the common terminology of the cable industry, the company building the second network is known as an overbuilder. Overbuilders may offer service as a second, franchised cable television operator or as an open video system (OVS) operator. Taking advantage of new technologies and, in particular, the falling prices of electro-optical components, these networks typically use optical fibers to carry signals closer to subscribers than legacy cable operators, in some cases all the way to subscriber homes.

In the world of high-speed data communications, and Internet access in particular, services offered by cable operators have codeveloped with other wired and wireless options. For residential users, Internet access was historically provided almost exclusively through dial-up modems directly to Internet service providers (ISPs). Many applications, however, run discouragingly slowly at the data rates that are possible through standard telephone connections, and this has led cable companies to develop connection services that are 10–100 times faster. In the competition among broadband service providers, cable has outsold its competitors by about 2:1, with a telephone technology known as digital subscriber line (DSL) providing the strongest competition to date. Competing satellite and wireless terrestrial data transport technologies are still developing market share.

In offering voice telephone service, it is the cable operator who is the over-builder, since residential telephone service was available to virtually every household in the United States before cable television operators entered that market segment. When offered by cable television operators, telephone service is regulated by the same agencies who regulate the incumbent telephone companies, leading to completely different regulatory authorities for services that share the same physical network.

Cable-offered telephony comes in at least two technical versions and two product classifications. Initially, telephone offerings utilized dedicated signal-processing equipment that was carefully engineered to meet the high reliability expectations of this service. As of early 2003, that type of equipment was still used to service the large majority of installed telephone customers. The newest version, known as voice-over-IP (VoIP), shares terminal equipment with the high-speed data service, offering the potential for reduced equipment costs.

Regardless of how the signals are handled technically, cable operators may offer a primary-line service or only a secondary-line service. Primary-line service competes directly with the incumbent telephone operator for all residential telephone business, but it requires that the cable network and equipment meet the reliability standards to be the “life-line” communications link for customers in the case of an emergency (while not mandated by regulatory agencies, this voluntary requirement is generally defined as a service that is available at least 99.99% of the time). Secondary-line service cedes the first line in each home to the incumbent but competes for additional lines. The assumption is that the availability needn’t be as high, saving the cable operator capital upgrade cost and allowing it to offer a lower price.

In the following chapters, you will gain a solid understanding of the technologies required to deliver broadband services to and from homes. You will see how the pieces fit together to make up a complete system for the transmission of information and entertainment choices to consumers. If yours is a related business, you will better understand how it fits with the cable industry. If you are already knowledgeable in some aspects of the broadband networks used by cable, this book will fill in the gaps.

1.2 Technology-Related Regulatory Issues

Cable’s high visibility has attracted the attention of regulators and legislators. Important public policy issues are involved. Understanding what cable television is, how it works, and its economics will help decision makers in these areas. This understanding will also aid network designers in determining which technologies are appropriate for cable television applications and which are not. One aim of this book is to aid in that understanding.

The issues are fundamentally different from those that govern incumbent telephone companies, broadcasters, or DBS operators because of the nature of the cable television business model. Unlike telephone companies, which are fundamentally providers of bandwidth but have no interest in content, and DBS operators, which are fundamentally purveyors of content and for which the network is just a private delivery mechanism, cable companies are involved in construction, network operations, bandwidth leasing, passive retransmission of certain signals, resale of certain programs and signals, equipment leasing, and program generation. These sub-businesses are the result of cable’s need to define itself over the years in a very entrepreneurial way and make it hard to pigeonhole it into a defined niche. Following are a few of the regulatory issues that are affected by the technology of cable systems.

1.2.1 Access to Networks by Unaffiliated Third Parties

Current regulatory policy allows unaffiliated competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) to offer telephone and data services over physical plant constructed by incumbent telephone companies and to access incumbent telephone company facilities for the purpose of installing the necessary equipment. In some cases, signals from the two companies may share the same physical wires between a telephone switching office and customers’ homes. A recurring regulatory question is whether, and to what extent, access to cable systems should be granted to such third parties. Should access be granted at the physical level (shared wires), at the bandwidth level [allocated radio frequency (RF) channels in the network], or at the service level (where the third party’s signals are processed by equipment owned and operated by the incumbent cable operator)?

The question of third-party access potentially arises in connection with all types of cable television services, often as a result of the vertical organization of cable companies, which not only build and operate networks but may also invest in companies providing video programming, operate their own ISPs, resell long-distance telephone service, lease various types of terminal equipment, and have other relationships that may cause them to favor some suppliers over others.

The technical issues are much more complex in the cable television world than in the telephone world because cable systems are not passive, but, rather, include electro-optical and RF active equipment whose operation requires very tight control over signal parameters. Furthermore, cable system operators are responsible for inadvertent radiation of their signals, which can be caused by poor workmanship on the part of a third-party installer.

1.2.2 Cable Operators’ Responsibilities in Transition to Digital Broadcast Television

The eventual transition of over-air broadcast television from analog to digital (including both standard and high-definition formats) is a certainty, though the timing is not. The practical issues are many.

Broadcasters are reluctant to produce high-definition television (HDTV) in quantity because of the high costs involved for a currently-very-limited viewing audience, yet HDTV programming in sufficient quantity will be required to encourage consumers to purchase digital receivers.

The costs of digital receivers remain high due to limited demand as well as inherently higher production costs.

DBS and cable television operators offer both standard-definition television (SDTV) and a limited quantity of HDTV programming, but using formats that are incompatible with each other and with over-air broadcast digital. Even among cable network operators and between satellite operators, receivers are not currently interchangeable. Furthermore, HDTV programs use four to six times the bandwidth of SDTV programs, so any further migration to HDTV on the part of DBS and cable operators will inevitably be at the expense of reduced program variety, given a finite amount of available bandwidth.

Given that most households in the United States receive their television programming from a cable television system, broadcasters maintain that a successful transition is dependent on cable operators’ carrying their analog and all their digital signals during the transition period. Given their limited bandwidth, the relative scarcity of deployed HDTV receivers, and the duplication of much of that programming, cable operators believe that this is an unreasonable burden on their limited bandwidth and an imposition on the editorial control of their systems; they point out that the immediate result will be to reduce programming choice for their customers and to deny access to some nonbroadcast programmers.

For the consumer, the result has been that those wishing access to digital programming typically purchase a display-only receiver, then mate it with separate satellite, cable, over-air, and/or physical media players, as required.

1.2.3 Market Power Issues

Although not a legal monopoly, cable television systems, in total, serve about two-thirds of U.S. households with at least television service. This has led some regulators to regard them as de facto monopoly providers and to enact regulations to limit their power to control various aspects of the marketplace.

Consumer Terminal Equipment

The Cable Act of 1996 led to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations in 1998 that required that any required terminal equipment be accepted from unaffiliated third parties by July 2000. Note that this regulation applies only to cable television (video) services, not to telephone services, which are provided under separate regulatory framework. The status of data services is still unclear.

The technical issues in successfully moving terminal equipment into the retail market are many and include the following.

The requirement that such devices operate under the secure control of the network operator in allowing selective access to programming present at its input terminals. In practical terms this requires that the decryption/descram-bling system, or at least a portion of it, be supplied by and controlled by the network operator.

In order to meet policy needs to support the transition of the over-air broadcast industry to digital, as well as to provide reception of both broadcast and narrowcast programming over the cable network, the terminals must be capable of receiving, demodulating, and decrypting multiple types of signals.

In order to protect the cable network, any upstream signals (transmitted from the customer back to the operator for control of interactive services) generated by the receiver must be tightly controlled and conform to industry standards for interactive communications. As of mid-2003, no such complete set of standards existed.

In order to protect the cable network from destructive interference and to protect over-air communications services from interference, such receivers must be adequately shielded to prevent ingress or egress of signals.

In order to ensure operability in any cable system, the reception performance must be consistent with the signals delivered by advanced cable system architectures.

In order to ensure adequate functionality, the receivers must include an adequate set of features to allow the required subscriber interactivity, such as purchasing on-demand programming or executing e-commerce transactions.

Even if all these goals are met, the result will be that cable operators will be inhibited from offering new and innovative services if those services require an upgrade or enhancement to subscribers’ terminal devices.

Although multiyear intensive negotiations between the cable television and consumer electronics industries produced the outlines of specifications for “digital-ready” television sets that could be sold through retail outlets and that would function as both an over-air and cable receiver,2 the reluctance of the FCC to set and enforce adequate labeling, feature, and performance standards left the effort in limbo.

A more recent private agreement between seven major cable operators and 14 consumer electronics manufacturers covered only noninteractive receivers and, as of the writing of this book, had not yet been adopted by the FCC.3

The cable industry is rapidly moving all premium video services from older analog scrambling technology to all-digital transmission and encryption. Therefore, it is generally considered prudent to concentrate on the regulation of digital video and to let proprietary analog scrambling systems die a natural death.

Greater success has been reached in high-speed data service, where a durable industry-wide standard has been adopted for terminal equipment. The Data Over Cable Systems Interface Specification (DOCSIS) was originally a proprietary document, but it has since been recognized by the International Standards Organization (ISO). This evolving effort is in its third major release, and devices meeting DOCSIS are usable in the vast majority of cable systems in the Americas. A major contributor to the success of this effort has been the activities of the U.S. research and development consortium, Cable Television Laboratories (CableLabs), acting as the official certifying agency for new equipment. Perhaps the strongest indicator of the success of DOCSIS is that the price of data modems has dropped by a factor of four in about two years, while the price of proprietary cable television video terminal equipment has declined by less than 50%.

Access to Programming by Competing Network Operators

At the other end of the network, regulators are concerned that cable’s market power may allow operators to effectively control access to video content that is, after all, the core product customers purchase. This control can take the form of exclusive deals covering certain geographic areas or unreasonably unequal rates. In many cases, large multisystem operators (MSOs) are vertically integrated to the extent that they hold major investments in programming suppliers and thus influence how and to whom the programs are made available.

In the interest of encouraging competition, current regulations forbid exclusive access to any programming that is distributed via satellite, allowing both DBS operators and overbuilders access to the vast majority of programming.

Service Bundling and Buy-Through

Cable operators often bundle certain services (that is, offer certain services only in combination with other services) or require customers to purchase certain services in order to have access to purchasing additional services. In some cases, this is required by regulations (such as the requirement that the lowest level of video service include all the local broadcast stations) and in some cases it reflects available technology (such as the inability to reasonably block the reception of some services while allowing access to others). In other cases, however, it reflects marketing decisions, contracts with certain program suppliers or strategic alliances that may not result in choices customers would have preferred. Regulators, therefore, need to know what is technically reasonable, as well as to assess what is a reasonable degree of constraint on cable operators’ rights to control their product.

One example that reflects the development of the business is the bundling of ISP service with high-speed data transport service. In some cases, a high-speed ISP company actually operates the Internet access business for the cable operator, and the combined revenue for modem rental, ISP services, and transport are what supports the business. Allowing subscribers to choose a different ISP may be technically difficult, depending on the way the system is configured, but it may also cause a redefinition of a formerly integrated business segment.

1.2.4 Other Technical Regulatory Issues

Numerous other regulatory issues are related to technology, including the following.

Delivered Signal Quality

Current regulations cover only analog video signals and do not address any digital services or two-way communications. The analog regulations are intended to ensure a reasonable subjective quality of television viewing.

System Shielding Integrity

Cable systems utilize a wide range of RF frequencies, including those used by other radio systems for open-air transmission. To ensure a lack of interference to those licensed users of the spectrum, the FCC has enacted and enforces strict signal leakage standards.

Must-Carry/Retransmission Consent Issues

In addition to the digital transition issues discussed earlier are a host of other issues related to cable carriage of over-air broadcast signals, including which signals must be carried, where they are placed in the RF spectrum, what quality is required, whether format conversions are allowed or required, and what is fair compensation for use of the programming. A related issue is cable’s obligation for carriage of over-air broadcast signals relative to that of DBS operators.

Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) Access Issues

Franchised cable television operators currently negotiate with franchisors (which may be local cities, states, or a combination thereof) regarding access by various public entities to channels on the cable system. The usual use of such channels is for distribution of local programming (such as transmission of city council meetings to local residents), but sometimes facilities are demanded for internal communications needs, such as two-way data communications between civic buildings.

Access by Cable Operators to the Utility Poles and the Public Rights-of-Way

A cable franchise or OVS agreement provides cable operators with access to the public rights-of-way. Overhead facilities within those rights-of-way, however, are usually controlled by third parties, such as incumbent telephone operators, who may not wish to encourage construction of networks that could compete with their core businesses. One interest of regulators, therefore, is in ensuring that access to existing pole lines is granted on a compensatory, but reasonable, basis to cable operators.

A related issue is access to ground-level and below-ground rights-of-way. Regulators are concerned about the appearance of neighborhoods and the integrity of their streets, while operators need prompt access under financially reasonable conditions to build networks. It is essential that regulators understand what is technically feasible in addressing these issues.

1.3 The Development of the Cable Television Industry and Its Services

Cable television systems were not originally intended to be general-purpose communications mechanisms. Only recently has cable’s role expanded to include nonanalog video services. Even then, these services are designed as much as possible around the performance required for analog video transport — for instance, they get the benefit of the high carrier-to-noise ratios required for analog video transport but are also generally constrained to operate within the 6-MHz channelization scheme that is a byproduct of the over-air frequency assignments.

The earliest cable systems were designed solely to be able to transport a common spectrum of analog television signals from a central point, called the headend, to each subscriber’s home, where they would connect directly with the television receivers (in the parlance of cable operators, this is referred to as the downstream direction). The systems and receivers were designed for signals conforming to the U.S. television standard, called NTSC, after the organization that created it in 1941, the National Television Systems Committee. This black-and-white television standard was modified in 1953 to provide compatible color information to color receivers and again in 1984 to add compatible stereo sound.

The original business case was based on the delivery of broadcast television to areas where they were not receivable with reasonable off-air antennas. In rural areas this was usually due to the lack of available signals, whereas in cities multiple reflections from tall buildings created many reflections (“ghosts”). These early systems were called community antenna television (CATV) and consisted of sometimes-elaborate off-air antennas constructed where required for good reception, coupled to broadband distribution systems that carried the signals to customers’ homes.4 Although other transmission lines were used in some early systems, coaxial cable soon dominated. Because of the relatively high loss of then-available cable, the technical progress of the early industry was paced by improvements in the technical properties and reliability of repeater amplifiers, cable loss, and such accessories as subscriber taps and connectors.

By the late 1960s, nearly all the areas of the United States that could benefit from a CATV system had been served. In the mid-1970s, the launch of satellite delivery of signals to cable systems changed the business model from simply extending the reach of over-air terrestrial broadcasters to dramatically increasing program choices for customers and actively competing with the broadcasters for audience share. The seminal event was the cablecast by the pioneering movie channel Home Box Office (HBO) of the October 1975 Ali-Frazier heavyweight boxing match from Manila.

Three new categories of cable-exclusive channels came into existence: (1) “superstations,” local over-air broadcasters using satellite transmission to gain a nationwide audience; (2) specialized channels for news, sports, weather, education, shopping, and so on; and (3) movie channels, such as HBO, which sparked new excitement in the business. With this new programming, cable was able to tap into many new revenue streams and to offer television programming tailored to customers’ wishes. Within a few years, customer video offerings typically included the following.

A basic level of service typically including local broadcast stations, franchise-mandated local access channels, and perhaps a few additional channels

One or more enhanced tiers of satellite-delivered specialized channels for additional monthly fees

A choice of commercial-free movie and special-event channels, for an additional monthly fee per channel

The ability to purchase access to individual showings of movies or special events, known as pay-per-view, or PPV

New, nonsubscriber, revenue streams came from sales of commercials inserted in satellite-delivered specialized channels and from a share of the sales revenues earned from “home shopping” channels that were usually carried as part of the basic service.

The availability of many possible television channels, and the possible revenue to be gained by carrying them, led to a continuous expansion in the bandwidth of cable systems. The earliest systems were limited to all or part of the 12 VHF broadcast channels (2–13). The first expansion utilized the spectrum between the top of the FM band at 108 MHz and the bottom of channel 7 at 174 MHz. After that, channels were added above channel 13. Over the years the maximum frequency has increased in steps from 216, through 270, 300, 330, 400, 450, and 550, to 750 and sometimes 870 MHz. At least two experimental systems were built with a maximum frequency of 1,000 MHz. Appendix A lists the now-standardized channel numbers and frequency ranges. The need to periodically upgrade distribution systems is one factor that makes cable television a capital-intensive business.

Delivering multiple levels of programming also required the development of various methodologies for selectively controlling access to individual channels, groups of channels, and individual programs. The need to provide and periodically upgrade these terminal devices is a second factor that drives cable’s capital requirements.

Since the early 1990s, cable operators have actively tried to capitalize on their network investment to deliver additional services, both video and nonvideo. While there are exceptions, the general characteristics of these new services are that they:

Require two-way communication between customers and the headend

Are characterized by communications between the headend and individual customers

Utilize digital transmission

One of the first additional services was the delivery of larger quantities of video that would fit in the existing or anticipated bandwidth of cable networks if transmitted in standard NTSC analog format. Digitally compressed video with quality comparable to analog video was developed at approximately the same time (and by overlapping groups of people) as high-definition television in the United States.5 It has since become the enabling technology for DBS, as well as the emerging technology of the U.S. over-air broadcast stations. What it did for cable television is to allow six to twelve digital programs to fit in the same bandwidth as a single analog program, coupled with improved encryption security. This, in turn, enabled a new level of service, known as near video on demand (NVOD), whereby the most popular movies were offered with frequent start times (typically 15-minute to half-hour intervals).

Converting cable networks to handle two-way communications allowed the best use of this increased program capacity by offering an easy means to purchase individual events using upgraded set-top boxes that included upstream data transmitters. Although coaxial amplifiers had been designed to allow conversion to two-way communications since the 1970s, the upstream modules were seldom installed, lacking an incremental revenue stream to support the hardware investment.

Conversion to two-way in large systems was, however, problematic because of the accumulated noise buildup in the upstream direction in large all-coaxial networks with cascades of 20 or more series-connected amplifiers. Beginning in about 1990, however, the use of linear fiber-optic technology allowed much shorter cascades and broke large systems into many smaller systems, independently fed by fiber. This not only made two-way communications practical, but had the incidental advantage that the programming fed to each coaxial subnetwork could be customized to the customers fed from that section of plant.

This combination of developments, driven initially by revenue opportunities in delivering more video choice, led to the offering of additional services that depended on reliable two-way communications and network segmentation. Meeting the requirements for these services has lead to new ways of assessing systems. In particular, each of these services depends on per-user bandwidth rather than total system bandwidth as a primary measure of system capabilities.

High-speed data and Internet access in particular have become a fast-growing business segment for the cable industry. Cable companies provide two-way data paths between each user and the Internet, but they also may lease modems and sell retail services, such as Web hosting and e-mail. As noted earlier, the industry has been very successful in this market, outselling their competitors by a significant margin.

True video-on-demand (VOD) differs from NVOD in that users can select movies from a library, control start times, and, during playback, have VCR-like control — pause, rewind, fast forward, and stop. It also differs from any of the previously listed video services in that a user-selected video event is sent privately to a single customer and thus requires dedicated bandwidth for the duration of the playback. At the end of 2002, VOD had moved beyond trials and wide-scale deployments were just beginning. One attraction to VOD is that it can’t be duplicated by DBS, which can neither segment its audience sufficiently, nor support the required two-way communications.

The move to offer voice telephone services presented the greatest technical challenge to cable operators. Although the bandwidth requirements are modest, meeting the BellCore reliability standard of 99.99% service availability was beyond the capabilities of most cable networks. Those operators offering a primary-line service generally invested additional capital in “hardening” their networks, primarily through installation of more redundant field power supplies, but also committed to higher staffing levels.

Clearly, this is not an exhaustive list. Any service that can be modulated onto an RF carrier of reasonable bandwidth can potentially share a cable television network. In the future, we can expect to see e-commerce applications, Internet access from television receivers, interactive gaming, and a host of other applications.

In the remainder of this chapter we will discuss, at a high level, the evolving networks that supported this business model.

1.4 Cable Network Design

Since cable television originally was not a general-purpose communications mechanism but, rather, a specialized system for transmitting numerous analog television channels in a sealed system, the topology, or layout, of the network was customized for maximum cost efficiency in performing that function. The architecture that evolved before the introduction of fiber optics was called tree-and-branch.6

There are five major parts to a classical cable system: (1) the headend, (2) the trunk cable, (3) the distribution (or feeder) cable in the neighborhood, (4) the drop cable to the home and in-house wiring, and (5) the terminal equipment (originally as simple as the subscriber’s television set but sometimes with an intervening converter in case the tuning range of the receiver was not sufficient).

The headend is the origination point for signals in the cable system. Signals are received there from off-air antennas, parabolic satellite antennas, terrestrial microwave links, or coaxial links from local sources. Sometimes programming is generated locally. Each channel is locally processed and converted, or modulated, to the proper television channel for distribution to customers. Then the channels are combined into a complete spectrum through a process known as frequency-division-multiplexing, or FDM, before insertion into the coaxial distribution system.

The distribution system has the task of delivering the complete FDM spectrum to each customer’s home while meeting certain quality standards. At various points in cable’s history these standards have been voluntary, have been set by various franchising agencies, or have been preempted and set by the Federal Communications Commission. They are also driven by the need to compete with various other television entertainment sources, including pre-recorded media. Currently, FCC rules govern the minimum acceptable performance, and are summarized in Chapter 15 (Table 15.1).

It is worth noting at this point that, unlike some other communications systems, cable operators generally measure wideband thermal noise levels separately from levels of discretely identifiable signals and distortion products. They do so because such noise sources arise from different physical mechanisms and affect picture quality in different ways. Thermal noise appears in analog television pictures as “snow,” while discrete signal interference appears as parallel patterns of lines with various spacings and angles. Most commonly, thermal noise is a function of the number and input levels of repeating amplifiers, whereas discrete interference can arise from intermodulation products or over-air signals that “leak” into the cable system or subscriber’s television receivers.

Common design parameters for distribution systems (not including any degradation that may occur in terminal equipment) call for a carrier-to-thermal-noise ratio (C/N) of 48–49 decibels (dB) and carrier-to-discrete-signal-interference ratio of 53 dB. These target values are consistent with subjective data compiled in 1991 in a project sponsored by CableLabs. That work, supervised by Dr. Bronwen Jones, indicates “perceptible, but not annoying” thermal noise at a C/N of about 47–50 dB. The “slightly annoying” level was within about 1 dB of 41 dB.7

The most efficient coaxial design network for large systems evolved to consist of cascades of amplifiers of identical gain separated by lengths of cable whose loss just matched the amplifier’s gain (although the loss through coaxial cable varies approximately as the square root of frequency, “equalizing networks” were used to make the loss flat across the entire FDM spectrum). Thus, the input and output levels of each amplifier were nominally identical. Under those circumstances, the carrier-to-noise and carrier-to-intermodulation-product ratios degraded as the logarithm of the number of cascaded amplifiers.

In a typical network, a relatively long “trunk” cascade of amplifiers, optimized for noise performance, would branch as required to feed shorter “distribution” legs, which usually contained only two or three cascaded amplifiers operated at relatively higher levels, with the intervening cable spans feeding strings of customer “taps,” where a portion of the signals would be diverted to feed individual dwellings. As Figure 1.1 shows, the whole network resembled a tree with branches and sub-branches.


Figure 1.1 Tree-and-branch cable topology.

At each customer’s house, a flexible cable was attached to the tap and routed to the terminal equipment, as shown in Figure 1.2. Figure 1.3 distinguishes between trunk, distribution, and drop.


Figure 1.2 Terminal equipment and cable drop.


Figure 1.3 Distribution plant.

1.5 Coaxial System Limitations

After some experimentation, the optimal design for coaxial trunk lines evolved to strings of amplifiers with gains of approximately 20 dB interspersed with coaxial cables with the same loss at the maximum frequency being carried. In this configuration, each amplifier contributes an equal amount of noise (inversely proportional to input signal level) and an equal amount of intermodulation distortion products (proportional to some power of the output signal level and approximately the square of the number of signals being carried).

The development of cable television distribution technology has been driven primarily by the ever-rising downstream upper frequency limit, which in turn is driven by the need to carry increasing numbers of modulated signals. A secondary need has been for physically larger systems as smaller, formerly independent cable operators have consolidated into large regional operations. In response to these needs, manufacturers have responded with the following.

Amplifiers with reduced noise figures, and thus reduced per-amplifier noise addition, for a fixed input level

Amplifiers with increased bandwidths to handle the required frequency range

Amplifiers with increased power-handling capability, and thus reduced intermodulation distortion, for a given output power level and number of channels

Cables with reduced loss, both through improved dielectric materials and through the use of larger sizes of conductors with reduced ohmic losses

Though increased gain might be thought of as an improvement, because fewer amplifiers would be required for a given distance, higher-gain amplifiers would have to operate with either reduced input levels (and thus contribute more noise) or higher output levels (and thus contribute higher intermodulation distortion). Conversely, reduced gain per amplifier would require additional amplifiers, and thus drive costs and power consumption higher. A 20-dB net gain (plus or minus a few decibels) has proven a good compromise through many cycles of network evolution.

The possible improvements in component technology are limited. Cables cannot be made arbitrarily large, due to manufacturing and installation costs; amplifiers cannot have higher power-handling capabilities without driving up power consumption and associated heat dissipation; and noise figures are limited by physics and the practical manufacturing costs for devices that are mounted outside and thereby exposed to temperature extremes. The result is that, for a given technology and carried signal complement, there is a maximum possible length of trunk line that will allow any defined level of noise and distortion to be met. Furthermore, if the bandwidth of that trunk line is enlarged and more signals are added, the possible maximum length and amplifier cascade will decrease, because each amplifier will add more noise, distortion, or both.

One possible solution to this dilemma is the use of terrestrial microwave to cover at least a portion of the distance that would otherwise be covered by the trunk cable. The FCC established the cable antenna relay service (CARS) for this purpose. When used for trunking applications, the entire FDM spectrum is up-converted to a microwave frequency at the transmit end and then down-converted to the original frequency range at each receiving site, with the recovered signals inserted into a conventional coaxial distribution network, a technology known as amplitude modulated link, or AML.

Such AML trunking typically has noise and distortion performance comparable to about a 10-amplifier coaxial cascade yet can easily cover a distance of 10 or more miles, compared with a few miles for the equivalent coaxial trunk performance. Whether it is lower in cost depends on construction conditions. There are many locations where it is impractical to build coaxial lines but simple to build a microwave link. In other circumstances, multipath AML systems were built, simply to shorten cascades or to serve larger areas than were possible using only coaxial technology.

1.6 The Introduction of Fiber Optics

The major breakthrough in distribution system technology came with the development of practical, linear optical transport. Digitally (on-off) modulated optics had been in use for some time in the telecommunications industry, but in the early 1990s sufficient linearity and optical power levels were developed that it became practical to modulate the light level of distributed feedback (DFB) lasers with the composite FDM spectrum of signals that cable operators wished to transport. As with AML microwave, the performance of a single optical link was approximately equal to that of a 10-amplifier coaxial cascade. However, since optical fibers have a loss that is approximately 1% of the loss of coaxial trunk cable, the opportunity was immediately opened to build larger systems, shorter coaxial cascades, wider bandwidths, or some combination of those parameters.

The earliest application of linear optical transport in trunking was to shorten cascades so that bandwidth could be increased, as shown in Figure 1.4. For several years, the decreasing cost and improving performance of optical technology resulted in ever-smaller node-serving areas, shorter cascades, and increasing bandwidth. Today, off-the-shelf optical transmitters have downstream upper frequency limits of up to 870 MHz and the capability of handling 100+ analog video channels plus other signals with demodulated C/N of about 53 dB and carrier-to-intermodulation-product ratios of 65 dB.


Figure 1.4 Cable system with hybrid fiber-coax topology.

More recent developments have included the development of high-powered transmitters (up to +17 dBm) and the use of the 1550-nm as well as 1310-nm optical wavelengths. Using 1550 nm enables operators to take advantage of fiber’s lower loss at that wavelength, the use of optical amplifiers, and access to wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), which allows multiple optical signals to share use of a single fiber. Unamplified links in excess of 60 km and amplified links in excess of 200 km are now possible.

A side effect of the creation of smaller node-serving areas is the ability of operators to deliver an independent set of signals to each node, as discussed earlier. A second effect is that upstream signal transport becomes more durable, because the noise “funneling” from downstream amplifiers is reduced and the probability of ingress from external signals is reduced. These characteristics in turn allow practical delivery of subscriber-specific signals, such as are required for telephone, Internet access, and on-demand video services — all services for which communications reliability combined with the bandwidth per subscriber, rather than gross bandwidth, is of paramount importance.

1.7 High-Level Architecture Changes

Through a continuing process of industry consolidation, individual cable systems have grown steadily larger. This, combined with decreasing node sizes, has made it simply impractical to serve every node directly from the headend in a simple “star” network. Not only is the cost of running multiple, dedicated fibers to each node very high, the huge optical cables that would be required in a major metropolitan system would create major single points of failure.

As a result, operators have developed distributed networks, in which at least some of the headend functionality is moved to multiple hubs. Typically, the transport between headend and each hub is entirely optical and redundant, with route-diverse transport for all critical signals. High levels of multiplexing, whether at the baseband digital level, through wavelength division multiplexing, or a combination of both, reduces the required fiber counts between major facilities. In the largest systems, the core headend signal-processing requirements are sometimes duplicated at two locations, so the entire headend is redundant.

1.8 Video Signal Security and Selective Service Delivery Issues

The creation of multiple marketable levels of television programming required the development of means to selectively control access to individual channels or groups of channels. The two earliest of these were known as negative traps and positive traps. Negative filters (or traps) were simply band-stop filters that blocked individual channels or groups of channels by removing a sufficient amount of a signal or group of signals to render the recovered pictures unwatchable; positive traps were narrow bandstop filters used to enable reception of individual channels by removing interfering signals inserted at the headend without removing a significant amount of the sideband information.

Traps, however, had many drawbacks: Negative traps damaged adjacent channels to a greater or lesser degree, and positive traps inevitably removed enough sideband information to noticeably degrade reception. These problems, as well as the inevitable insertion loss, increased as the upper bandwidth of systems increased. Additionally, traps offered only moderate security and could easily be removed by customers, modified, or simply duplicated, as required. Finally, they required physical access to install or remove, so modifying a subscriber’s receivable channels required a trip to the home or nearest tap.

The issue of degraded reception was addressed through the development of “descrambling” set-top boxes. Signals to be protected were modified at the headend so as to be unwatchable on standard television receivers. The descrambler reversed the scrambling process for whichever channels were programmed into its local memory. In the United States, the most common technique was to eliminate or modify the synchronization pulses that are a crucial part of a modulated NTSC signal, although more sophisticated techniques (such as shuffling the order in which lines of a picture were transmitted) were employed in European systems.

Although many preprogrammed descrambling converters were deployed, they had the limitation that changes to the list of channels being descrambled still required physical changes to the converter. As a side effect, any box not recovered from an ex-customer represented a potential means by which someone else could access premium programming without paying for it.

A second generation of descrambling converters solved the problem of changes to enabled channels by adding addressability. An addressable descrambling converter incorporates the ability to download descrambling information sent from the headend in real time. This not only reduced the cost of providing services sold on a monthly basis, but enabled the provision of PPV, where access needed to be enabled for just the duration of a single event.

Given market studies that showed that the purchase rates for pay-per-view events were strongly influenced by the ease with which a customer could access them, combined with the cost of staffing customer service centers to handle phoned-in orders, the industry began to deploy boxes that included upstream transmitters so that customers could order programming electronically using their remote controls. This was one of the factors driving the deployment of two-way upgrades to RF amplifiers.

Unfortunately, due to the need to control costs, the scrambling methodologies utilized for securing analog television programming were not particularly sophisticated, nor were the boxes “hardened” against modification, with the result that many were modified to enable reception of more channels than originally intended, and a black market industry in both modified and new “pirate” boxes developed.

The advent of digitally compressed television, as discussed earlier, allowed operators to carry many more channels in the same bandwidth. Due to the quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) used, the signals were also more durable and could be transmitted through channels with somewhat lower fidelity than analog video channels (though still much greater than for baseband digital signals).

While much more secure, the digital boxes also require significant internal computational ability and digital memory capacity. Thus, they are more expensive than comparable analog addressable converters. Nevertheless, the advantages of digital are such that they are rapidly replacing analog techniques for security and control of video programming. They are almost universally two-way and include both a primary receive channel and a second channel for simultaneous reception of control data from the headend. This has provided a durable and flexible platform for interactive services, such as VOD, interactive gaming, and e-commerce, which require low-latency, high-bandwidth, two-way communications between the headend and individual customers.

1.9 Consumer Equipment Interface Issues

Except to the extent blocked by filters, downstream cable television signals are transmitted throughout customers’ homes so that television receivers, set-top boxes, data modems, and other terminal equipment can be connected to any cable outlet. For the same reason, signals generated from anywhere in the home that are within the upstream transmission band (extending roughly from 5 to 40 MHz) will be carried toward the headend. Though this arrangement provides a lot of installation flexibility, it has also created several layers of interface issues for both system operators and consumers.

1.9.1 Shielding Integrity

As discussed earlier, cable television systems transmit signals on frequencies that are used for terrestrial transmission by other entities. This is possible because cable systems are well-shielded closed systems. The weakest link in this shielding is the wiring in customers’ homes and the terminal devices connected within the home. By regulation, the wiring within each home is the property of the homeowner and may be installed or modified by them at will. The requirement on the cable operator is to monitor the entire plant for egress and, if owner-controlled wiring is leaking, to work with customers to remedy the problem or, in the ultimate, to disconnect service until it is remedied.

While egress is a legal problem, ingress is a greater threat to system operation. Generally, ingressing signals cause transmission problems before egressing signals exceed legal limits.

Defects in shielding can occur due to the use of poor-quality cable, loose or poorly installed connectors, inadequately shielded components (such as splitters or switches), or poorly shielded television receivers connected to outlets. Unfortunately, the regulations covering the shielding integrity of consumer electronics devices, including television receivers, are not adequate to ensure adequate system egress and ingress performance.

1.9.2 Directly Connected Television Receivers

Almost universally, cable operators deliver their lowest level of video service in analog, unscrambled form, so subscribers need only connect a television receiver with adequate tuning range directly to a broadband outlet in their home. Such “whole-house” reception capability is then marketed as a superior alternative to, for instance, DBS reception, in which a set-top box is required for each television set. In addition to shielding issues, however, connecting television receivers directly to cable outlets raises a number of other interface issues.

Received Signal Quality

Television receivers are designed for connection to antennas. In that environment, a primary requirement is adequate low-signal performance. Generally, fewer than 20 signals are present in the antenna downlead and adjacent channels are not present. By contrast, cable systems deliver roughly 100 channels on contiguous channels at relatively high signal levels. This requires receivers to have better signal-handling characteristics and adjacent-channel rejection filters.

Additionally, devices within the customer’s home or the homes of his neighbors may generate upstream signals at levels more than 100,000 times higher than received signals. Due to finite system isolations, these signals will also be present at the input terminals of the receiver, so it must be designed to adequately reject them.

Finally, television receivers generate various internal signals used in signal-processing steps. To the extent that these are present at the input terminals and fall in the upstream band, they degrade two-way system performance. Thus, directly connected receivers need to be designed with high internal isolation.

1.9.3 Functionality Limitations Due to Set-Top Boxes

The imposition of a set-top box between the cable outlet and a subscriber’s receiver, while it enables additional services to be delivered, affects functionality. For example, if a subscriber has a video cassette recorder (VCR) connected to the receiver, then the single-tuner set-top box will block the ability to record one channel while viewing another channel. Moving the VCR to a position ahead of the set-top box restores the ability for independent recording but prevents the user from recording any program that is scrambled. Similar difficulties arise when used with receivers capable of picture-in-picture display or when doing timed, multichannel recording. Ultimately, all these difficulties arise from the fact that the settop box has its own tuner, which does not operate under the control of the receiver.

1.9.4 Subscriber-Owned Terminal Equipment

Clearly, one answer is for the functionality of the set-top box to move within the receiver. By placing the descrambling process behind a tuner that is under the control of the user, most of the limitations caused by the use of external tuner/descramblers disappear. Despite the efforts described earlier, this is still just a future possibility in the television world. By contrast, a robust standardization effort has made it possible in the world of high-speed data services, with the result that cable modems are low in cost and are becoming readily available in retail electronics outlets.

1.10 Summary

In this chapter we have presented a brief overview of cable television’s development and current practice in the United States. Starting with a few comments on cable’s history, we have reviewed the structure of the cable industry and described the fundamentals of the technology on which it rides.

The industry began as a relay service for distant over-air broadcast signals and, while in that phase, developed the basic coaxial technologies and components required. The addition of independent sources of satellite-delivered programming changed the nature of the broadband business and drove the development of ever-wider-bandwidth systems and associated development of technology to selectively control access to programming.

The use of linear fiber-optic technology was driven by a need to expand system size and bandwidth beyond what was possible using all-coaxial technology, but this brought with it practical two-way transmission and the ability to achieve much higher per-customer bandwidths through the delivery of customized signals to each system node. This in turn enabled the launch of two-way services, such as high-speed Internet access and voice telephony.

Finally, the development of digital video compression has multiplied 10-fold the number of channels that can be transmitted through a given amount of bandwidth. This increased information capacity, combined with the features of digital video set-top boxes, has solved a security problem and also opened the door to the provision of sophisticated interactive services. The rest of this book will fill in the details. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and dive in!


1. Cable Television Developments. Washington, DC: NCTA, summer 1999.

2. For example, draft EIA Interim Standard IS23 (1994) covered RF characteristics, EIA Standard EIA-105 (1998) defined an interface that could be used with either analog or digital decoder modules, and EIA Standard EIA-679 (1998) defined a system whereby digital decryption security could be separated from the receiver.

3. “Time to Plug and Play — Cable, CE Industries Reach TV Accord,” Multichannel News, December 23, 2002.

4. The early history of CATV and the people who played key roles in its development has been well documented in: Archer Taylor, History Between Their Ears — Recollections of Pioneer CATV Engineers, Denver. The Cable Center, 2000.

5. The nontechnical story of the development of HDTV, with reference to the development of digitally compressed video in general, is well told in: Joel Brinkley, Defining Vision — The Battle for the Future of Television. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1997.

6. Walter S. Ciciora, Cable Television in the United States, An Overview. Louis-ville, CO: CableLabs, 1995.

7. Bronwen Lindsay Jones and James A. Turner, Subjective Assessment of Cable Impairments on Television Picture Quality. Louisville, CO: CableLabs, June 1992.

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