Standard exception classes

The exception class is a simple container for a C string: the string is passed as a constructor parameter and is available through the what accessor. The Standard Library declares the exception class in the <exception> library, and you are encouraged to derive your own exception classes from this. The Standard Library provides the following derived classes; most are defined in <stdexcept>.

Class Thrown
bad_alloc When the new operator has been unable to allocate memory (in <new>)
bad_array_new_length When the new operator has been asked to create an array with an invalid length (in <new>)
bad_cast When dynamic_cast to a reference type fails (in <typeinfo>)
bad_exception An unexpected condition has occurred (in <exception>)
bad_function_call Invoked an empty function object (in <functional>)
bad_typeid When the argument of typeid is null (in <typeinfo>)
bad_weak_ptr When accessing a weak pointer, which refers to an already destroyed object (in <memory>)
domain_error When an attempt is made to perform an operation outside the domain on which the operation is defined
invalid_argument When an invalid value has been used for a parameter
length_error When an attempt has been made to exceed the length defined for an object
logic_error When there is a logic error, for example, class invariants or pre-conditions
out_of_range When an attempt has been made to access elements outside of the range defined for the object
overflow_error When a calculation results in a value bigger than the destination type
range_error When a calculation results in a value outside the range for the type
runtime_error When an error occurs outside the scope of the code
system_error Base class to wrap operating system errors (in <system_error>)
underflow_error When a calculation results in an underflow


All the classes, mentioned in the preceding table, have a constructor that takes a const char* or a const string& parameter, in contrast to the exception class that takes a C string (hence the base class is constructed using the c_str method if the description is passed through a string object). There are no wide character versions, so if you want to construct an exception description from a wide character string you have to convert it. Also, note that the standard exception classes only have one constructor parameter, and this is available through the inherited what accessor.

There is no absolute rule about the data that an exception can hold. You can derive a class from exception and construct it with whatever values you want to make available to the exception handler.

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