56. Select algorithm

Write a function that, given a range of values and a projection function, transforms each value into a new one and returns a new range with the selected values. For instance, if you have a type book that has an id, title, and author, and have a range of such book values, it should be possible for the function to select only the title of the books. Here is an example of how the function should be used:

struct book
int id;
std::string title;
std::string author;

std::vector<book> books{
{101, "The C++ Programming Language", "Bjarne Stroustrup"},
{203, "Effective Modern C++", "Scott Meyers"},
{404, "The Modern C++ Programming Cookbook", "Marius Bancila"}};

auto titles = select(books, [](book const & b) {return b.title; });
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