How to do it...

Use std::numeric_limits<T> to query various properties of a numeric type T:

  • Use min() and max() static methods to get the smallest and largest finite numbers of a type:
        template<typename T, typename I> 
T minimum(I const start, I const end)
T minval = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
for (auto i = start; i < end; ++i)
if (*i < minval)
minval = *i;
return minval;

int range[std::numeric_limits<char>::max() + 1] = { 0 };

case std::numeric_limits<int>::min():
  • Use other static methods and static constants to retrieve other properties of a numeric type:
        auto n = 42; 
bits { static_cast<unsigned long long>(n) };
In C++11, there is no limitation to where std::numeric_limits<T> can be used; therefore, preferably use it over C macros in your modern C++ code.
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