Associative containers

With a C-like array or a vector, each item is associated with its numeric index. Earlier this was exploited in one of the examples in the section on vector in which the index provided the decile of the distribution and, conveniently, the distribution was split in a way that the ten deciles of data are numbered.

An associative container allows you to provide indexes that are not numeric; these are the keys, and you can associate values with them. As you insert key-value pairs into the container, they will be ordered so that the container can subsequently efficiently access the value by its key. Typically, this order should not matter to you since you will not use the container to access items sequentially, and instead you will access values by their keys. A typical implementation will use a binary tree or a hash table, which means that it is a quick operation to find an item according to its key.

For ordered containers, such as map, there will be comparisons carried out between the key and the existing keys in the container using < (the less predicate). The default predicate means that the keys are compared, and if this is, say, a smart pointer, then it will be the smart pointer objects that will be compared and used for the ordering, not the object that they wrap. In this case, you will want to write your own predicate to perform the appropriate comparison and pass it as a template parameter.

This means it is typically expensive to insert or erase items, and the key is treated as immutable, so you cannot alter it for an item. For all associative containers, there are no remove methods, but there are erase methods. However, for those containers that keep items sorted, erasing an item could affect performance.

There are several types of associative containers, and the main difference is how they handle duplicate keys and the level of ordering that occurs. The map class has key-value pairs sorted by unique keys, so duplicate keys are not allowed. If you want to allow duplicate keys, then you can use the multimap class. The set class is essentially a map where the key is the same as the value, which, again, does not allow duplicates. The multiset class does allow duplicates.

It may seem odd to have an associative class where the key is the same as the value, but the reason for including the class in this section is because, like the map class, the set class has a similar interface to find a value. Also similar to the map class, the set class is fast at finding an item.

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