
accounting systems, 6667, 72, 7677, 114, 131, 132. See also financial health creation advertising goals, 3

advice, giving/taking, 2426

Anderson, Joy, 50

aspiration as motivation, 9192, 154

Aubry, Rick, 12, 1819, 26, 102, 146147

Bainbridge Graduate Institute, 90

banks, working with, 7475

B corporation designation, 50

Benetech, 13, 51, 133, 173

Ben & Jerry’s, 59, 116117

Berenbach, Shari, 12, 29, 7677

Blackwell, Scott, 12, 109

blood equity, 23, 157158. See also self-care Bromberger, Allen, 12, 43, 4547

business plan elements, 5559

business sector enterprises, 4142

Calvert Foundation, 12, 133134, 173

capital, 43, 44, 48, 49, 7475, 80

caring for yourself. See self-care cash management, 6869, 70, 79

cash-on-hand calculation, 78

cause marketing, 99101

CICERO system, 134

Cohen, Ben, 59

Coleman, Paige, 173

common good, 49, 4042, 95, 113114, 125

Community Wealth Ventures, 15, 173

Conley, Chip, 111

connections, creating, 107111

corporations, 44, 45, 50

costs, fixed/variable, 7172

culture of organization, 153154, 166167

customers, 36, 103, 106107, 149

debits versus credits, 23.

See also financial health creation debt, 44, 48

decision making, 34, 4248, 93, 152153

do-good enterprises, 37

do-gooders versus good doers, 23. See also hiring the best people doing good versus doing well, 22.

See also impact/profit balance employees, 9091. See also hiring the best people The Enterprising Kitchen, 14, 34, 108, 173

Environmental Management

Institute, 42

equity (fund balance) and expenses, 67

Evergreen Lodge, 15, 49, 111112, 173

expansion. See growth and expansion failure, 11, 1921, 53

feedback, 167

financial health creation counting money, 6667

developing financial literacy, 65

getting good at money, 80

making money versus making sales, 7172

making versus having money, 6870

measuring results (See metrics) money model, 6768

spending money, 7273

talking about money, 7375

watching the money, 7579

financial literacy, 65

5S concept, 122, 124125

501c(3) designation, 51

focus, 24, 147


choice of, 4042, 5153

as determiner of function, 5152

finance and, 4951

versus function, 23, 48

implications of, 5152

issues affected by, 4243

legal, 4447

Strategic Implications of Social Enterprise Forms, 4547

structural, 5153

formula for building social enterprises, 21

for-profit organizations, 39, 4547, 48, 130

Freundlich, Tim, 50

Friedenwald-Fishman, Eric, 111

Fruchterman, Jim, 13, 51

frugal mind-set, 73

fund balance (equity), 67

Gair, Cynthia, 13, 130, 135

Give Something Back, 13, 42, 7475, 8485, 103104, 132, 173

Glasier, Linda, 173

Glassman, Bernie, 59

Good Capital, 13, 50, 173

Goodwill Industries, 42

governance issues, 45, 48

Greyston Bakery, 10, 11, 33, 36, 5960, 68, 90, 94, 102, 110111, 116118, 134, 144, 145, 151, 168, 173

growth and expansion

choosing a form for fueling, 51

ingredients for, 149155

mission creep’s effect on, 146147

routes of expansion, 142146

in social enterprise context, 141144

too much, 147149

growth versus focus, 24

Guayaki Yerba Mate, 14, 90, 95, 108, 133, 173

guiding principles, 3134

Hammond, Darell, 13, 8586, 96, 104105, 108, 110, 127128, 137

Hannigan, Mike, 13, 7475, 8485, 103104, 105

hiring the best people

aspiration as motivation, 9192

competition for, 8184

giving a say, 93

giving voice, 9394

offering deals, 9091

ritual, 9495

salary/compensation, 3536, 8490

talent, 9597

Hollender, Jeffrey, 13, 2627, 35, 8384

honesty, intellectual, 18

humility, 170

Immaculate Baking Company, 12, 109, 173

impact/profit balance

guiding principles, 3133

measuring, 131

mission leverage, 3538

mission versus margin, 2930

practicalities of, 3334

income taxes, Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT), 45

indicators of financial status, 7778

Indigenous Designs, 14, 148, 173

innovations, financing, 50

invested capital, 44, 48

investors, 44, 49, 5051

Javits, Carla, 13

joint ventures, 47

Jones, Daniel T., 115

Jones, Kevin, 13, 50, 100

KaBOOM!, 13, 8586, 96, 104105, 108, 110, 127128, 133, 137, 173

Kaizen process, 122, 123124

The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, 14, 91, 173

Kelly, Marjorie, 34, 114

Korten, David, 2, 114

L3C designation, 50

Lakein, Alan, 53

leadership discipline, 155, 165

Lean manufacturing, 82

5S concept, 124125

elements of, 115120

Kaizen process, 123124

lean social enterprise, 125128

tools for, 120122

value-stream mapping, 122123

legal structure, 39, 4447, 4647

Lennon, John, 60

Leonard, Scott, 14, 148

leveraging mission and margin, 37

limited liability companies

(LLCs), 44, 4647

Lynch, Kevin, xxiv, 10, 63, 89, 95, 102, 108, 145146

Mal Warwick Associates, 14, 173

management philosophy, 165166

Mander, Jerry, 23, 4

Mann, Chris, 14, 90, 95

margin-versus-mission, 2930, 37, 38

Marino, Robert, 173

marketing strategies

being good, 102105

cause marketing, 99101

creating connection, 107111

living and dying by marketing, 111112

mission advantage in, 106107

Markula Center for Applied

Ethics, 78

Marx, Sean, 7475

McDonald, Kevin, 14, 2425, 7273, 91, 97, 135, 161

metrics building in, 138139

versus instinct, 2324

outputs to outcomes, 136138

reasons for using, 130136

in social enterprise, 129130

Miller, Clara, 14, 52, 79, 143

Miller, Frederick A., 14, 9192, 96

mind-sets, 73, 152


advantage in marketing strategies, 106107

criteria for, 146147

impact/profit balance, 3538

versus margin, 2930

staying true to, 112

telling customers about the, 3637

mission creep, 146147

mission-driven organizations, 9697, 104105

mission leverage, 35, 37

mission-versus-margin trade-off, 2930, 37, 38

mistakes, learning from, 162163

money. See. financial health creation

money model, 6768

motivation, 3536, 9192

The Nature Company, 148

need-inventing market system, 23

Newman’s Own, 42

nongovernmental organizations, 41

Nonprofit Finance Fund, 14, 173

nonprofit organizations, 39, 41, 4445, 48, 79, 130

non-social enterprises (NSEs), 4041, 84, 113115, 129

O’Brien, Michael, 173

outputs to outcomes, 136138

Pacioli, Luca, 6667

paradoxes of social enterprise, 1719, 2224, 2930

pay scales, 8490

perception versus reality, 23. See also marketing strategies

Perlman & Perlman, 12, 173

Pikas, Joan, 14, 148

planning model, 63

planning versus practice, 23

adjusting plans, 5964

coordination of plans, 6162

need for good plans, 5354

planning for setbacks, 161

skills for planning well, 5459

tension between, 53

poverty mind-set, 73, 152

power of business, 14

practice of social enterprise, 17

practitioner’s formula, 21

practitioners of social enterprise, 915

pricing principles, 7172

profit/profitability, 48, 52, 114. See also for-profit organizations; nonprofit organizations reasonable compensation rule, 45

Rebuild Resources, xxiv, 10, 5960, 63, 67, 89, 93, 94, 103, 108, 110, 121, 122, 125126, 145, 168, 173

REDF (Roberts Enterprise

Development Fund), 13, 130131, 135, 173

reports, accounting, 7778

revenue, 67

risk factors, 2627

ritual in practice, 9495, 154

Roos, Daniel, 115

Rubicon Programs, 12, 1819, 2526, 42, 134, 146147, 173

sales, 7172

say, giving employees, 93, 154

Schorr, Jim, 18

Schwab Foundation for Social

Enterprise, 159


blood equity concept, 157158

tips for, 160170

traits of social entrepreneurs, 159160

Seventh Generation, 13, 2627, 132133, 173

shareholders, 34, 4546

Share Our Strength, 15

ShoreBank, 42

Social Enterprise Alliance, 12

social enterprises, 59, 40, 41, 130131, 173174

social entrepreneurs, traits of, 159160

socially inefficient markets, 114

socially responsible businesses, 41

social purpose, definition, 7

social sector enterprises, 4142

social service delivery, 49

Social Venture Network (SVN), 12, 59

stakeholders, 34, 106107

strategic planning, 63

structure. See form/structure success, 21, 15758.

See also metrics support, external, 48

sweat equity versus blood equity, 24, 157158. See also self-care

Target Corporation, 129

tax issues, 45, 48

Three Cs, 163

Toyota Production System, 118

trade-offs, 2930, 37, 38, 48

traditional businesses, 41, 113

traits of social entrepreneurs, 159160

transparency, 48

TROSA, 14, 2425, 7273, 91, 133, 173

UBIT (Unrelated Business Income Tax), 45

value, 23, 103, 117118.

See also Lean manufacturing values, 135

value-stream mapping, 122123

voice, giving employees, 9394

Walls, Julius, Jr., xvxix, 10, 36, 102, 168

Wal-Mart, 2627

Warwick, Mal, 14, 4142.

See also Mal Warwick Associates waste elimination, 116. See also Lean manufacturing White Dog Cafe, 15, 106107, 109110, 167168, 173

Wicks, Judy, 15, 106107, 109110, 167168

Wise, Alfred, 15, 89

Womack, James P., 115

Working Assets, 42

Zimmerman, Lee, 15, 49, 111112

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