

1. Kevin Lynch’s friend Dan Wallace coined this phrase over coffee with him one day.


1. Jerry Mander, Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television (New York: Quill, 1978), 127–128.

2. Marjorie Kelly, The Divine Right of Capital: Dethroning the Corporate Aristocracy (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2001), 5.

3. Unabridged (v 1.1), s.v. “Social,” (accessed April 19, 2007).

4. Wikipedia, s.v. “Social Enterprise,” (access April 19, 2007).

5. Social Enterprise Alliance, “Social Enterprise Lexicon,”

6. Social Enterprise Reporter,

7. Social Enterprise Coalition, “Social Enterprise Definitions,”

8. Jed Emerson and Fay Twersky, eds., New Social Entrepreneurs: The Success, Challenge and Lessons of Non-profit Enterprise Creation (San Francisco: The Roberts Foundation Homeless Economic Development Fund, 1996).

9. Nicole Etchart and Lee Davis, “Unique and Universal: Lessons from the Emerging Field of Social Enterprise in Emerging Market Countries” (a paper prepared for the Alcoa Foundation’s Social Venture/Enterprise Initiative International Forum, Racine, WI, June 19–21, 2003),

10. Johnson Center at Grand Valley State University, “Nonprofit Good Practice Guide,”

11. Kim Alter, “Social Enterprise Typology,” Virtue Ventures, LLC, 2007,

12. Manuel Velasquez, et al., “The Common Good,” Issues in Ethics 5, no. 2 (Spring 1992).

Chapter 1

1. Rick Aubry, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, April 2007.

2. Kevin McDonald, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, May 2007.

3. Aubry interview.

4. Jeffrey Hollender, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, April 2007.

5. Ibid.

Chapter 2

1. Shari Berenbach, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, May 2007.

2. Joan Pikas, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, May 2007.

3. Hollender interview.

Chapter 3

1. Social enterprise landscape chart and related discussion adapted from Mal Warwick, “Who Are You Calling a ‘Social Enterprise’?,” Social Enterprise Reporter, September 26, 2006.

2. Lee Zimmerman, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, April 2007.

3. Kevin Jones, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, April 2007.

4. Jim Fruchterman, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, May 2007.

5. Clara Miller, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, April 2007.

Chapter 4

1. Alan Lakein, “Alan Lakein Quotes,”,

2. This quote is attributed to many including Napoleon and Field Marshall Von Molte.

3. From his song, “Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy).”

Chapter 5

1. Fruchterman interview.

2. McDonald interview.

3. Mike Hannigan, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, May 2007.

4. Berenbach interview.

5. Clara Miller interview.

Chapter 6

1. Clara Miller interview.

2. Hollender interview.

3. Hannigan interview.

4. Darell Hammond, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, May 2007.

5. Hannigan interview.

6. Ibid.

7. According to, “cultural creative” is a term coined by Paul Ray and Sherry Anderson “to describe people whose values embrace a curiosity and concern for the world, its ecosystem, and its peoples; an awareness of and activism for peace and social justice; and an openness to self-actualization through spirituality, psychotherapy, and holistic practices.” See Paul H. Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson, The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2001). LOHAS is an acronym for lifestyles of health and sustainability, a market segment focused on health and fitness, the environment, personal development, sustainable living, and social justice. See

8. Alfred Wise, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, May 2007.

9. Chris Mann, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, April 2007.

10. McDonald interview.

11. Fred Miller, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, April 2007.

12. Mann interview.

13. Fred Miller interview.

14. Hammond interview.

15. McDonald interview.

Chapter 7

1. Jones interview.

2. Aubry interview.

3. Ibid.

4. Hannigan interview.

5. Hammond interview.

6. Hannigan interview.

7. Judy Wicks, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, May 2007.

8. Hammond interview.

9. Scott Blackwell, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, April 2007.

10. McDonald interview.

11. Zimmerman interview.

Chapter 8

1. Kelly, The Divine Right of Capital, quoting David C. Korten, “A New Focus: Corporate Cost Internalization,” Business Ethics (July–August 1997): 16.

2. James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones, Lean Thinking (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996).

3. Masaaki Imai, Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success (New York: McGraw Hill, 1986).

4. Hammond interview.

Chapter 9

1. Cynthia Gair, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, May 2007.

2. Hannigan interview.

3. Hollender interview.

4. Ibid.

5. Fruchterman interview.

6. Ibid.

7. Hammond interview.

8. Mann interview.

9. McDonald interview.

10. Berenbach interview.

11. Aubry interview.

12. McDonald interview.

13. Gair interview.

14. Hammond interview.

15. Pikas interview.

Chapter 10

1. Clara Miller interview.

2. Aubry interview.

3. Scott Leonard, interview by Bainbridge Graduate Institute research team, May 2007.

4. Pikas interview.

Chapter 11

1. The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, “What Is a Social Entrepreneur?”

2. McDonald interview.

3. Hollender interview.

4. McDonald interview.

5. Wicks interview.

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