Page numbers in bold refer to content in figures; page numbers in italics refer to content in tables.


accountability 163, 179, 185186, 215

acknowledgement 6263

adaptability 37

adversity, overview see challenges, overview

agile project management 7377

see also planning horizons, shortening of

aircraft bombing case study 60

aleatory uncertainty 78, 8, 14, 18, 35

see also risk management; risks

alertness 6364, 65, 108, 134

amnesia 9293, 98, 114

analytic processes 48

anchoring 9192

Apple case study 217218

approach uncertainty 9, 10

archetypes, of resilience

mindful project management 4551, 226234, 228

rule-based project management 4345, 4648, 226230, 228

see also Fall of France (1940) case study

Artistotle 86

Association for Project Management (APM) 6, 46

assumptions 47, 55, 75, 111, 210211

asymmetric insight 6869

attributional bias 112

Auftragstaktik (mission-oriented leadership) 3334

authority bias 177178

automating responses 129, 229

automation bias 129130, 166

autonomy 7475

autopilot 128129

availability heuristic 112

Aviva 2425, 242243

establishing long-term commitment 148150

project management software 107

risk interdependencies 9697

scrum meetings 7677

trust and credibility 152


bandwagon effect 127128

barriers, between silos 143144

bataille conduite (methodical battle) 3334

behaviour vs. plan management 207

behaviour-based expectations (BBEs) 174

Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey case study 186188

belonging, sense of 184185

Bernstein, P. 14

biased samples 60

biased selections 5960

big picture thinking 95, 108110, 109, 134, 169, 182183, 183

blame, avoiding 70

brainstorming 102

Brandenburg Willy Grant Airport (BER) 3

British Petroleum (BP) 117118

Brown, Eric 56


celebrating victory 216

centralising power 194195, 205206

certainty 7273, 116, 126, 235

challenges, overview

complexity 1112, 11

uncertainty 710, 8 , 14, 1819

see also aleatory uncertainty; epistemic uncertainty

Checkland, Peter 236

checklists 197, 207

chief financial officers (CFOs) 87

chronological snobbery 58

Churchill, Winston 30

clarity 212

close-mindedness 69

cognitive biases 2021, 22, 47

anchoring 9192

authority bias 177178

automation bias 129130

bandwagon effect 127128

confirmation bias 164165

false consensus effect 111113

hindsight bias 5758, 195196

illusion of control 160161

just-world hypothesis 203204

negativity bias 216217

observational selection bias 5960

optimism bias 8589

ostrich effect (normalcy bias) 5556, 193194

planning fallacy 125126

restraint bias 205

self-serving bias 112, 146147

Semmelweis reflex 113

shared information bias 7072

status quo bias 94, 163164

cognitive maps 9697, 97

collaboration 7475, 76, 215216

collective information sampling bias 7072

commitment 148150, 168, 184

to containment 186, 187188

non-commitment 166

status quo bias 164

trust and respect 151


broken 194

during crises 206207

of estimates 116

project management software 108

complacency 5657, 6667

complexity, overview 1112, 11

compliance 163, 172

confirmation bias 164165

conformity 94

consensus heuristics 128

consistency, in relationships 78

contagion effect 127128

containing, art of

Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey case study 186188

impact on relationships 183186

key enablers 167173

leadership approach 173183

lure of control 159167

moving towards 188189

continuity planning 197

contract forms 215

contributions, of stakeholders 184


effective 126127

illusion of 160161, 204

lure of 159167

costs, life-cycle 102

creeping determinism 5758


dynamics of 11

learning from 208209

management plans 207

simulations 197198

see also recovering, art of

critical drivers 237238, 237, 238

critical uncertainties 238, 239

cross-functional teams 6465

see also tiger teams



automated tools 129130

centralised 40

and cognitive biases 5758, 87, 163, 165

dialectics 9596, 106

drivers of 144

escalations 162163

and expertise 176177

rule-based and mindfulness-based balance 226227

unshared information 71

Deepwater Horizon case study 117118

defensive retreats 193, 205, 206

devil’s advocacy 9596, 110, 115

dialectics 9596, 106

discomfort 151

Dyle Breda plan 32

dynamic uncertainty 9, 10


Eastman, George 79

efficiency 133

egocentric bias 112

empowerment 132135, 132, 141143, 163, 188, 210

endowment effect 94

engagement 50

entrepreneurial mode 228, 230231

epistemic uncertainty 78, 8, 19, 51

acknowledgement 6263, 118

and art of noticing 7980

and entrepreneurial mode 230231

Fall of France (1940) case study 35

habitual responses 161162

improvisation 170

leadership 66, 67

management training 140141

preparing for 126, 154

probability and impact 90

reward and incentive process 146

social cohesion 185

stakeholders’ alertness to 78, 114

structural oversimplification 86

errors, dealing with 180181

escalation 132133, 150, 162163, 229

estimates, committing to 9091, 114115

executive mentality 142

expected utility theory (EUT) 1314

expertise 142, 168169, 176177, 178179, 210211


failed projects see project failure

Fall Gelb (Operation Yellow) 30, 36

Fall of France (1940) case study

adaptability 37

bataille conduite vs. Auftragstaktik 3334

context 2934, 31

and modes of project management 3437, 4345

sense of time 3840

task-orientation 4143

team performance 4041

false consensus effect 111113

familiarity 58

feedback 142

flexibility 5051

and empowerment 142

and iterations 7475, 76

in project goals 138, 141, 151

and routine 136138, 137

Flint water crisis 3

focalism 9192

foreseeability 58


to act 143, 166, 173

with fences 136138, 137 , 142

to think 173

Friendly Fire 49

functional analysis systems technique (FAST) 102


gains perception 93

games 135136, 144145

Gantt, Henry 5

Gantt charts 5, 140

Gates, Bill 217

goal flexibility 138, 141, 151

goal uncertainty 9, 10

good practice 21

group dynamics 72

groupthink 72, 128

Guderian, Heinz 41


habitual responses 161162

half-life, of uncertainty 114

Harley-Davidson 136

hierarchical escalation see escalation

hindsight bias 5758, 195196

Hitler, Adolf 30, 32, 44

Holmes, Elizabeth 88

human cognition 4647, 243

see also cognitive biases

Human Contribution, The 49

hyperbolic discounting 6162, 214


imagination 6768

improvisation 169173, 174175, 184, 188

incentives 145146, 148

incredulity response see normalcy bias

inertia 163164

inevitability 58

information access software 107108

infusion 228, 231232

inhibiting 117118

instant gratification 6162, 214

Intel Corporation 2526, 242243

iterations 7375

maintaining and retaining knowledge 99100

tiger teams 199200

intelligent tools 65

interpreting, art of

Deepwater Horizon case study 117118

impact on relationships 114117

key enablers 95102

leadership approach 102114

lure of simplicity 8594

moving towards 118120

interventions 206, 239

invulnerability, illusion of 8589

isolation 165166, 182

iterations 7377, 138, 141


Jobs, Steve 217218

Joint Advanced Vertical Lift Aircraft (JVX) 186187

just culture 179182, 180, 185186

just-in-time mindfulness 228, 232233

just-world hypothesis 203204


Kahneman, D. 125

knowledge management 99101

knowledge-sharing 9899

Kodak case study 7980


Langer, Ellen 47, 50

law of triviality 209210

leadership 21

and art of containing 173183

and art of interpreting 102114

and art of noticing 6672

and art of preparing 139147

and art of recovering 202211

mission-oriented (Auftragstaktik) 3334

lean production techniques 128

life-cycle costing 102

listening 151152, 212213

logical fallacy 20

logistical independence 201202

long-term commitment 148150

long-term relationships 213214

loss aversion 9394, 106, 164

loss perception 93


Managing the Unexpected 48

Manstein plan 30

measurability bias 59

memory 58, 9899, 107, 114

Milgram experiment 177

mind maps 9697, 97

mindful project management, overview 4551, 226234, 228

see also Fall of France (1940) case study

Mindfulness 50

mission-oriented leadership (Auftragstaktik) 3334

mistakes, dealing with 180181

Moore, Gordon 25

Mount Vesuvius 55

Munir, K. 80

myopia 61, 213


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 153154

negative connotations 59, 69

negativity bias 216217

no-blame culture 181

noise 106

non-commitment 166

Normal Accidents 49

normalcy bias see ostrich effect (normalcy bias)

normality 5456

noticing, art of

impact on relationships 7279

key enablers 6265

Kodak case study 7980

leadership approach 6672

lure of normality 5462

moving towards 8081

noticing radar 7778

novelty producing 50

novelty seeking 50

Noyce, Robert 25


obedience bias 177178

observational selection bias 5960

onus of proof 67

optimism 110

optimism bias 8689, 91, 102103, 127, 204

organisational identification 184185

organisational resilience see resilience, overview

ostrich effect (normalcy bias) 5556, 193194

overanalysing 94

over-estimation 5758, 111, 119

ownership, of crises 213, 230


PA Consulting Group 23

Panarchy model 1517

Parkinson, Cyril Northcote 209

Parkinson’s Law 209

partnering contracts 215

past-informed habits 195

peer reviews 210211

Perrow, Charles 49

perspectives, multiple 111, 116117

pessimism 204

planning, art of see preparing, art of

planning fallacy 125126

planning fixation 125

planning horizons, shortening of 7377, 151

Pollyanna principle 165

Pompeii 55

power 160, 194195

Practical Drift theory 49

premortems 240

preparing, art of

impact on relationships 147153

key enablers 131138

leadership approach 139147

lure of the fail-safe 124131

moving towards 154156

Space Shuttle Columbia case study 153154


probability theory 13, 8990

problem statements 236237

program evaluation and review technique (PERT) 5

project failure 24, 67

Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide 5, 4546

Project Management Institute (PMI) 5, 45, 46

project management, overview 4

brief history 56

success and failure 24, 67

project management software 107108

project success 67

provocative competence 175


reactance 143

readiness 173174

realism 89

Reason, James 49

recovering, art of

Apple case study 217218

impact on relationships 212217

key enablers 196202

leadership approach 202211

lure of a great escape 192196

as mindfulness-based approach 228 , 233234

moving towards 218220

reflection 166, 175176, 208209

rehearsals 135136

relational uncertainty 9, 10


impact of containing 183186

impact of interpreting 114117

impact of noticing 7279

impact of preparing 147153

impact of recovering 212217

relevant uncertainty 106

reporting culture 64

resilience, overview

meaning of 1418, 234235

outlook 243244

potential problems 234243

road map 224, 225 226

rule-based and mindfulness-based balance 226234, 228

resources 7879, 127, 201202, 207208

respect 151153

response repository 131133, 206

response teams see tiger teams

restraint bias 205

rewards 145146, 214

Reynaud, Paul 30

rich pictures 236237

risk management 124125

biased samples 60

evolution of 1214

and imagination 6768

intelligent tools 65

interdependencies 9698

long-term relationships 213214

probability and impact 8990

risk horizons 1819, 61, 138

see also risks


association with value 101

interdependencies 9698

loss aversion 9394

negative connotations 59

optimism bias 87

planning fallacy 126

and project management bodies of knowledge 46

see also risk management

role-play 135136, 140, 144145

rolling wave planning 7576

Rommel, Erwin 32, 41

Ross, L. 111

Ross’ false consensus effect 111113

routine-flexibility 136138, 137

routines 161162

rule-based project management 37, 4345, 4648, 51, 226230, 228


Safeway 88

scenario planning 65, 68, 235240

Schoemaker, P. 235

scrum meetings 7677

selective exposure 112

self-preservation 193, 206

self-serving bias 112, 146147

Semmelweis, Ignaz 113

Semmelweis reflex 113

sensitivity, to wider impacts 169, 182183

shared information bias 7072

sharing adversity 70

Shell 239240

short-sightedness 61, 213

silo mentality 116, 130131, 143144, 198202

simplicity, lure of 8594

simplification, of data 108

simulations 135136, 140, 144145, 197198

Singapore 240

skillsets, developing 133

S.M.A.R.T goal-setting 241242

Snook, Scott A. 49

social cohesion 152153, 185

social interaction 9899

social redundancy 131132

soft systems methodology (SSM) 98

Space Shuttle Columbia case study 153154

specialist knowledge see expertise

sponsors 148150

spontaneity 171173

stakeholder maps 236237

stakeholders 22

anchoring 92

appreciating different perspectives 111, 116117

and art of containing 183186

and art of interpreting 114117

and art of noticing 7279

and art of preparing 147153

and art of recovering 202203, 212217

awareness of uncertainty 78, 114, 116

status quo bias 94, 163164

storytelling 208209, 238

structural oversimplification 86

successful projects see project success

sunk cost fallacy 94, 164, 166167

Sutcliffe, K.M. 17, 48, 227


task dependencies 115

task-orientation 4143

Taylorism 46

team performance

commitment 168

cross-functional perspectives 6465

developing skillsets 4041, 133

improvisation 174175

and morale 110

tiger teams 198201, 206, 233

temporal discounting 6162

Theranos 88

tiger teams 198201, 206, 233

time, sense of 3840

time discounting 6162

total quality management (TQM) 128

training, management 139141

transaction costs 215

transactional leadership 21, 141

transformational leadership 141143

transparency 7475, 78, 174, 206

trust 151153, 206207, 216

TTP Group (The Technology Partnership Group) 2324, 242243

deference to expertise 210211

empowerment 133135

just culture 180181

management training 139140

organisational identification 184185

rolling wave planning 7576

spontaneity through improvisation 171172

tunnel vision 196

Tversky, A. 125


uncertainty, overview 710, 8, 14, 1819

see also aleatory uncertainty; epistemic uncertainty

unrealistic optimism 8589


value-driven project management 101102, 116117, 135

vigilance 6364, 78, 134

visibility 7475

Vogus, T.J. 17

von Moltke, Helmuth 36


Wack, P. 235

Wald, Abraham 60

Walgreens 88

Weick, Karl 48, 49, 170, 227

Weinstein, N. 86

Weldon, Dave 187

whole-life value techniques 102

Williams, Mike 118

Williams, T. 46

World War II case study see Fall of France (1940) case study

WorldCom 56

worst-case scenarios 239, 240


zooming in 61

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