
3D acceleration issues, troubleshooting, 223

32-bit Vista, 41

5.1 surround sound, verifying, 464

64-bit Vista, 41

7.1 surround sound, 464


AAC files, 468


shared Vista folders via XP, 376

shared XP folders via Vista, 372-374

Vista from Mac, 383-384

account lockouts, troubleshooting, 434-436

ACPI drivers, updating, 73

act phase (ERIDA troubleshooting process), 37-39

ActiveX, 293

Administrator accounts, 20, 168-169

Administrator user privileges, 416

Advanced Boot Options menu, displaying, 422-423

advanced microphone settings, adjusting, 480-481

advanced search feature, 15

Advanced Security setting (Windows firewall), 410

Advanced tab (Windows Mail), verifying settings, 284-285


features, 12-13

troubleshooting, 487-489

ALchemy, 534

alerts (UAC), displaying on desktop, 415

animations, turning on/off, 498

anti-phishing filters, 18

anti-rootkit scanners, 407

antispyware software, installing, 192

antivirus software, installing, 191

AppData, backing up, 143

applets, Services, 259


backing up, 145

blocking/unblocking on firewall, 409

compatibility issues, troubleshooting, 273-275


general settings, 138-139

troubleshooting, 280-285

installations, troubleshooting, 272-273

third-party, disruptive code, 240

unused, removing, 105-107

upgrading, 46, 49

white window of death, troubleshooting, 279

ATA/IDE cables, troubleshooting, 442-444

audio. See also sound; sound cards


file types, 468

troubleshooting, 465-473

WMP, 469-473

DVDs, troubleshooting, 472

gaming systems, troubleshooting, 533-534

hardware volume controls, troubleshooting, 456

sampling, 461

settings, adjusting, 457-458

software volume controls

adjusting, 458-459

troubleshooting, 456

source quality

bitrates, 461-463

verifying, 460-461

speakers, troubleshooting, 451-452, 455, 459-460

Windows Vista audio services, troubleshooting, 478

automatic software updates, 246-247

automatic startup repairs, performing in Vista Recovery Environment, 427-429

AVI files, troubleshooting video playback, 510


backups, 124

Complete PC Backup, 133-135

Easy Transfer Wizard, restoring, 174-175


Outlook, 136

Windows Mail, 137

Microsoft Office 2003 settings, 145

network and Internet settings

dial-up, 146

DSL, 146

wired home network, 146-148

wireless home network, 147-148

personal data

AppData, 143

Public folder, 144

user data, 142-143

precautions, 149

programs, 145

Registry, 253

restoring, 189-190

web browsers

Firefox, 141-142

IE7, 140

Windows Backup, 129-132

Windows Easy Transfer, 126-129

Windows Media Player, 144

Belarc Advisor, 46


boot disk, upgrading from, 211-214

settings, editing for Windows Vista reinstall, 160-163

troubleshooting, 38

updating, 74, 210-211, 525-527

Windows-based upgrades, performing, 211

bit depth, 461

BitLocker, 21

account lockouts, troubleshooting, 434

recovery password, creating, 437-438

bitrate, 461-463

blocking applications on firewall, 409

blurry screen displays, troubleshooting, 495-496

boot CD, creating, 214

boot disk upgrades, performing on BIOS, 211-214


Advanced Boot Options


displaying, 422-423

automatic startup repairs, performing in Vista

Recovery Environment, 427-429

customizing, 60-62

System Configuration, 57-60

troubleshooting, 422-423, 427

Bott, Ed, 137

breadcrumbing, 14


cable, restoring connections, 181

disconnections, troubleshooting, 309-310

DSL, restoring connections, 181-184

external USB wireless adapter, restoring connections, 185

internal wireless adapter, restoring connections, 185-187

router connections, restoring, 184

Wi-Fi connection, restoring connections, 184

browsers (web)

cache files, removing, 108

Firefox, 141-142, 295, 412


backing up data, 140

Protected Mode, 294

troubleshooting, 292-295

Opera, 412

Safari, 412

bug fixes (software), 246

build number, 47-49

bus-powered USB hubs, troubleshooting, 218-219



checking, 302

restoring Internet connections, 181, 184

cable modem disconnections, troubleshooting, 311-315

Cable Select jumper settings, 225

Carruthers, Sean, 466, 506


burning issues, troubleshooting, 235-237

storage capacity, 129

chipset drivers, updating, 73, 527-528

cleaning up temporary files, 107-108



file types, 468

troubleshooting, 465-473

WMP, 469-473

DVD XPack, 512

DVD playback, installing, 512

third-party media players, 475-477

video playback, troubleshooting, 507, 511-512

color depth (monitors), troubleshooting, 490-493

comparing Vista features between versions, 21-23

compatibility issues

older games via Vista, 530-531

troubleshooting, 273-275

Complete PC Backup, 133-135

Connection tab (Windows Mail), verifying settings, 284

connectivity, testing via

ping, 347-349

tracert, 349-352

contacts (Windows Mail), backing up, 138

controllers (gaming systems)

customizing, 529

troubleshooting, 528-529

cookies, 140

corrupted files, as cause of performance slowdowns, 121

CPU, upgrading, 94

cross-referencing sound card error codes, 454


controllers on gaming systems, 529

mouse movement, 230-231

startup, 59-62

Cyberwalker’s Immutable Laws of Troubleshooting, 31


Dean, Howard, 242

Debugging Mode option (Advanced Boot Options menu), 426

default sound card, changing, 455

deleting. See also removing

restore points, 245

software files and folders, 256

unused files, 109-110

DEP (Data Execution Prevention), 392

enabling/disabling, 418-419

excluding applications

from, 420

Device Manager, 262

driver problems, diagnosing, 262-265

graphics card, updating, 71-72

hardware problems, diagnosing, 204-206

diagnose phase (ERIDA troubleshooting process), 37


driver problems via Device Manager, 261

hardware problems via Device Manager, 204-206

video card problems, 72-73

dial-up Internet connections

disconnections, troubleshooting, 341-343

nework settings, backing up, 146

restoring, 187-188

Directory Services Restore Mode option (Advanced Boot Options menu), 426

DirectX, 55, 83, 92-93

DirectX 10, 520-522

dirt, effects on computer internals, 452

Disable Automatic Restart on System Failure option (Advanced Boot Options menu), 427

Disable Driver Signature Enforcement option (Advanced Boot Options menu), 427


DEP 418

devices via Device Manager, 265

malware, 63-65, 406

ports, troubleshooting, 206-207

services, 65-67

simple file sharing on Windows XP, 364

sound cards, 474

UAC, 413-415

video adapter, 92

Disk Boot Failure messages, troubleshooting, 440-442, 445-446

Disk Defragmenter, 112-113

displays (monitors)

cloning, enabling, 222

colors, troubleshooting, 490-493

DPI, adjusting, 497-498

troubleshooting, 486


Advanced Boot Options menu, 422-423

SSID, 148

UAC alerts on desktop, 415

disruptive software code, 240

drivers, 261

erratic system behavior, 241

gathering for Windows Vista installation, 153-155

mouse, troubleshooting, 227-229

plug-and-play issues, troubleshooting, 217-218

rolling back, 268-269

troubleshooting, 194, 262-265

updating, 192-194, 265-268, 525

DSL Internet connections

disconnections, troubleshooting, 315-322

restoring connections, 181-184

settings, backing up, 146

dual-core processors, 84-85

DVD drives, troubleshooting, 514-515

DVD XPack, 512


audio, troubleshooting, 472

burning issues, troubleshooting, 235-237

codec, installing, 512

inspecting for damage, 514

storage capacity, 129

dxdiag utility, 92


Easy Transfer Wizard, restoring backup data, 174-175


BIOS settings for Windows Vista reinstall, 160-163

workgroup names

Vista, 366

Windows XP, 366


general settings, 138-139

Outlook, backing up data, 136

SMTP servers, 139

troubleshooting, 280-285

Windows Mail

backing up data, 137

sending mail, 286-291

emptying Recycle Bin, 105

Enable Boot Logging option (Advanced Boot Options menu), 425

Enable Low-Resolution Video option (Advanced Boot Options menu), 425

ERIDA (Evaluate, Replicate, Investigate, Diagnose, Act), 33-39

error codes (sound cards), cross-referencing, 454

EULA, 164

evaluation phase (ERIDA troubleshooting process), 34

external USB wireless adapter, restoring Internet connections, 185



codec associations, changing, 476-477

fragmentation, 112

restoring via Shadow Copy, 243-245

saving, troubleshooting, 237

sharing, 26

between two Vista machines, 357-361

Network and Sharing Center options, 356-357

Windows file sharing, enabling on Mac, 378-380, 383-384

Windows XP, enabling on, 365

Windows XP, formatting as NTFS, 362-363

Firefox, 141-142, 295, 412


Advanced Security setting, 410

best practices, 411

blocking/unblocking applications, 409

verifying operation, 178-179

fixes (software), 246

Flip 3D, 14, 487


breadcrumbing, 14

sharing between

Windows XP and Vista, 369-376

Windows XP Pro and Vista, 371

font size, increasing, 497-498

formatting Windows XP hard drive as NTFS, 362-363


Belarc Advisor, 46

Vista Upgrade Advisor, 45

FS X (Flight Simulator X), minimum hardware requirements, 519


gadgets, 13

Games Explorer, 525

gaming systems

BIOS, updating, 525-527

chipset drivers, updating, 527-528

controllers, customizing, 529

DirectX 10, 520

compatibility with DX9, 522

sound cards, 522

video cards, 521

drivers, updating, 525

FS X, minimum hardware requirements, 519


compatibility, 531-533

minimum hardware requirements, 518

joysticks, troubleshooting, 528-529

older games, compatibility, 530-531

Parental Controls, troubleshooting, 534-535

poor visuals, troubleshooting, 522-523

software fixes, 523

sound, troubleshooting, 533-534


drivers required for Windows Vista installation, 153-155

information, 39

Belarc Advisor, 46

Show More Details button, 42-44

SIT, 44-45

Vista Upgrade Advisor, 45

Welcome Center, 40

general email settings, 138-139

General tab (Windows Mail), verifying settings, 282

Getting Started with Windows Vista DVD, 12

Gibson, Steve, 32

graphics cards

color depth, troubleshooting, 493


installing from manufacturer’s website, 501-503

troubleshooting, 504-505

updating, 500-501

hardware acceleration, adjusting, 499

updating, 70-72, 90-94

Vista minimum requirements, 499

GSpot, 473


hard drives

ATA/IDE cable, troubleshooting, 442-444

Cable Select jumper settings, 225

Disk Boot Failure messages, troubleshooting, 440-442, 445-446

internal hard drives, enabling S.M.A.R.T. monitoring, 225

partitioning, 166-168

SATA cable, troubleshooting, 444-446

temporary files, cleaning up, 107-108

troubleshooting, 224, 439-440


acceleration, adjusting, 499

audio codecs, troubleshooting, 467-473

codecs, troubleshooting, 465

CPU, upgrading, 94


erratic system behavior, 241

gathering for Windows Vista installation, 153-155

rolling back, 268-269

troubleshooting via Device Manager, 262-265

updating, 261, 265-268

memory, upgrading, 87-90

microphones, troubleshooting, 479-481

minimum requirements, 24, 55-57, 82

recommended specifications, 83-85

sound cards, disabling, 474


configuration, verifying, 463-464

troubleshooting, 459-460

troubleshooting via Device Manager, 204-206

video cards, upgrading, 90-94

volume controls, troubleshooting, 456

helper files, performance slowdowns due to, 120

Hibernate mode, 69

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT root key, 255


HKEY_CURRENT_USER root key, 255

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE root key, 255

HKEY_USERS root key, 256

home routers, 354

connections, restoring, 184

disconnections, troubleshooting, 322-332



add-ins, troubleshooting, 294

alternatives to, 412

backing up data, 140

Internet settings, verifying, 179-180

Protected mode, 294

troubleshooting, 292-295

iKIear, 497

information gathering, 39

Belarc Advisor, 46

Show More Details button, 42-44

SIT, 44-45

Vista Upgrade Advisor, 45

Welcome Center, 40

installing. See also reinstalling; upgrading

antispyware software, 192

antivirus software, 191

driver updates, 267-268

DVD codecs, 512

Last Known Good Configuration, 248-249

video drivers from manufacturer’s website, 501-503

Windows Vista

administrator accounts, 168-169

desktop installations, 163-168

DVD installations, 160-163

naming computers, 169

security, 170-171

internal hard drives, troubleshooting, 225

internal wireless adapters, restoring Internet connections, 185-187

Internet connections, 179-180

cable Internet, restoring, 181

router, restoring, 184


backing up, 146

restoring, 187-188

disconnections, troubleshooting 300-343


backing up, 146

restoring, 181-184

external USB wireless adapters, restoring, 185

internal wireless adapter, restoring, 185-187

restoring, 180

Wi-Fi connections, restoring, 184

wired home network, backing up settings, 146-148

wireless home network, backing up settings, 147-148

Internet Explorer 7, 18

Internet Protected mode, 18, 393, 411-412

investigation phase (ERIDA troubleshooting process), 36-37

ipconfig command, 344

IZArc, 72

J - K - L

joysticks, gaming systems

customizing on, 529

troubleshooting on, 528-529

Lab Rats video podcast, 466

Last Known Good Configuration fixes, invoking, 248-249

Last Known Good Configuration option (Advanced Boot Options menu), 426

Laurie, Hugh, 30

LCD displays, troubleshooting, 493-496

Leonhard, Woody, 137

live search feature, 15

locating software files and folders, 256

lowering screen resolution, 499


M4V files, 469

Mac-to-Vista networking, 376

Mac firewall settings, verifying, 382

Mac user account, enabling, 377-378

troubleshooting, 380

Vista firewall settings, verifying, 382-383

Windows file sharing, enabling on Mac, 378-380, 383-384


disabling, 406

performance slowdowns

due to, 121

rootkits, removing, 407-409

startup entries, removing, 63

startup items, disabling, 63-65

Marriot, Gary, 37

master volume control, adjusting, 457

media players (third-party), 475-477


RAM, troubleshooting, 226

upgrading, 87-90

Memory Diagnostics tool, 432-433


advanced settings, adusting, 480-481

troubleshooting, 479-480

voice recognition, enabling, 481

Microsoft Bob, 489

Microsoft Media Center, 473

Microsoft Office 2003 settings, backing up, 145

mini-BIOS, 211

minimum hardware requirements, 24, 82

Premium specifications, 55

Windows Experience Index tool, 55-57

mnemonic, 34


customizing, 230-231

device configuration issues, troubleshooting, 229-230

drivers, troubleshooting, 227-229

troubleshooting, 227

MOV files, 469

Mozilla Firefox. See Firefox

MP3s, verifying bitrates, 462

msconfig, removing startup and services settings, 257-260

multicore processors, 84-85


naming computers during install process, 169

Network and Sharing Center options, 356-357

network cards, configuring, 177

network connectivity, testing via

ping, 347-349

tracert, 349-352

network troubleshooting, 300-301, 305-308

cables, 302

disconnections from

broadband connections, 309-310

cable modem connections, 311-315

dial-up connection, 341-343

DSL, 315-322

home routers, 322-332

wireless networks, 332-336, 339-341

NIC, 302-303

networking, 25

new features in Vista windows, 14


checking, 302-303

resetting, 344

Niswander, Chris, 244

O - P

OGG files, 469

open windows, flipping through, 14

OpenAL, 534

Opera, 412


scratch disk performance, 113-114

system performance, 100-101, 105-110

Disk Defragmenter, 112-113

startup, 102-104

virtual memory, 110-111

Outlook, backing up data, 136

Parental Controls, 20, 534-535

partitioning hard drives, 166-168

Password Reset Disks, 435-436


BitLocker recovery passwords, creating, 437-438

Windows XP password protection, 363

PawSense, 244

PC Tools Spyware Doctor, 192

PCA (Program Compatibility Assistant), 273

PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between the Keyboard and Chair), 455


gaming systems

BIOS, updating, 525-527

chipset driver, updating, 527-528

drivers, updating, 525

minimum hardware requirements, 518-519

software fixes, 523

video, troubleshooting, 522-523

monitoring, 114-115

optimizing, 100-102, 105-113

slowdowns, reasons for, 120-123

startup, optimizing, 102-104

virtual memory, optimizing, 110-111

personal data

AppData, backing up, 143

backing up, 142

Public folder, backing up, 144

user data, backing up, 142-143

phishing, 18, 394

ping command, 347-349

Play Windows Startup Sound control, 458

plug-and-play issues, troubleshooting, 217-218


enabling, 207-208

mouse, troubleshooting, 227

serial ports, enabling, 208

USB 2.0 support, troubleshooting, 219-221

USB hubs, troubleshooting, 218-219

post-reinstallation tasks

drivers, updating, 192-194

installing security applications, 191-192

Internet connection, restoring, 180

cable Internet, 181

connections through router, 184

dial-up, 187-188

DSL, 181-184

external USB wireless adapter, 185

internal wireless adapter, 185-187

Wi-Fi connections, 184

network cards, configuring, 177

security settings, verifying

firewall, 178-179

Internet settings, 179-180

UAC, 177

system backup, performing, 189-190

Windows Update, running, 188

power-down modes, 69


spyware, 400-402

viruses, 397-400

printing, troubleshooting, 231-234

privileges, 416

Problem Reports and Solutions tool, 277-278

processors, 84-85

product keys, 152, 165

Program Compability Wizard, troubleshooting compatibility issues, 275


backing up, 145

upgrading, 46, 49

Protected mode (IE7), 294

public folders

data, backing up, 144

file sharing between two Vista machines, 359-361

Q - R

quad-core processors, 84


troubleshooting, 226, 432-433

upgrading, 87-90

ReadyBoost, 96-99

rebooting, 300-301

receiving email, troubleshooting, 280-285

recommended hardware requirements, 83-85

recovering lost product keys, 152

recovery passwords, creating, 437-438

Recycle Bin, emptying, 105

reformatting process, 123-124


backing up, 253

cleaning out, 405

performance slowdowns, 120


entries, 260-261

third-party software references, 253-254

root keys, 255-256

reinstalling. See also post-reinstallation tasks

software, 194-195

Windows Vista, 158-159, 439

administrator account, creating, 168-169

booting from desktop, 163-168

booting from DVD, 160-163

computer, naming, 169

from System Recovery Disk, 150

from Windows Vista upgrade disk, 151

from System Recovery in partition, 150-151

gathering required drivers, 153-155

product key, 152

security, activating, 170-171

Reliability Monitor, performance monitoring, 114-115


malware startup entries, 63

Registry entries, 260-261

rootkits, 407-409

software references from Registry, 253-254

spyware, 403-406

third-party software, 251

unused programs, 105-107

updates, 270

viruses, 403-406

web browser cache files, 108

Repair Wizards, troubleshooting network disconnections, 305-306


operating system problems

via Safe mode, 249-250


automatic updates, 246-247

bug fixes, 246

Last Known Good Configuration fix, 248-249

version updates, 247

replication phase (ERIDA troubleshooting process), 34-35

resetting NIC, 344

resolution, adjusting, 494-496

restarting, 69, 427

restore points, 242, 431

creating, 252-254

deleting, 245


earlier configurations, 431

Easy Transfer Wizard backup data, 174-175

files via Shadow Copy, 243-245

Internet connection, 180

cable Internet, 181

connections through router, 184

dial-up, 187-188

DSL, 181-184

external USB wireless adapter, 185

internal wireless adapter, 185-187

Wi-Fi connections, 184

system backups, 189-190

system images, 196-199

Windows Vista via System Restore, 241-243

rolling back drivers, 268-269

root keys (Registry), 255-256

rootkits, removing, 407-409

routers, 354

home network connections, restoring, 184

Internet disconnections, troubleshooting, 322-332


Safari, 412

Safe mode, 404, 505

Advanced Boot Options menu, 423

repairing operating system problems, 249-250

Safe Mode with Command Prompt option (Advanced Boot Options menu), 424

Samba, 382

sample rates, 461

SATA cable, troubleshooting, 444-446

scanners, troubleshooting, 234-235

scoring, Windows Experience Index, 42

scratch disks, 77, 113-114

screen resolution

adjusting, 494

lowering, 499

search boxes, 15

search feature, 24

searching for software files and folders, 256

secondary display issues, troubleshooting, 221-223

security, 395


filters, 18

settings, 394

DEP, 392, 418

enabling/disabling, 418-419

excluding applications from, 420


best practices, 411

verifying operation, 178-179

Internet Protected mode, 18, 393, 411-412

Internet settings, verifying operation, 179-180

Microsoft Defender, 392

Parental Controls, 20

rootkits, 407-409

spyware, 400-406

UAC, 19, 177

User Account Control feature, 25

viruses, 397-400, 403-406

Windows Defender, 17

Security tab (Windows Mail), verifying settings, 284

self-powered USB hubs, troubleshooting, 218-219

sending mail, troubleshooting, 286-291

serial ports, enabling, 208

Servers tab (Windows Mail), verifying settings, 282-283

service packs, 32


disabling, 65-67

modifying, 67

removing, 257-260

Services applet, 259

Shadow Copy

restoring, 243-245

storage space usage, modifying, 245


files, accessing between two Vista machines, 359-361


accessing between two Vista machines, 357-358

between Windows XP and Vista, 369-376

between Windows XP Pro and Vista, 371

Show More Details button, 42-44


ACPI drivers, updating, 73

BIOS, updating, 74

troubleshooting, 68-70, 77

simple file sharing, disabling on Windows XP, 364

SIT (System Information Tool), 44-45

Sleep mode

activating, 69

troubleshooting, 70, 78

slow performance, reasons for, 120-123

S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology), 440

SMTP servers, 139

snoutware, performance slowdowns due to, 122-123

Sofer, Nir, 152


antispyware, installing, 192

antivirus, installing, 191

automatic updates, 246-247

compatibility issues, troubleshooting, 273-275

disruptive code, 240

drivers, 261

gathering for Windows Vista installation, 153-155

rolling back, 268-269

troubleshooting via Device Manager, 262-265

updating, 265-268

fixes, 246

incompatibility via Windows XP, 26

installations, troubleshooting, 272-273

reinstalling, 194-195

repairing, Last Known Good Configuration fix, 248-249

startup items, 57-59

customizing, 60-62

disabling, 63-65

troubleshooting, 63


disruptive code, 240

uninstalling, 251-261

updates, uninstalling, 270

version updates, 247

volume controls

adjusting, 458-459

troubleshooting, 456

Soper, Mark Edward, 354

sound. See also audio; sound cards


file types, 468

troubleshooting, 465-473

WMP, 469-473

DVDs, troubleshooting, 472

gaming systems, troubleshooting, 533-534

hardware volume controls, troubleshooting, 456

sampling, 461

settings, adjusting, 457-458

software volume controls

adjusting, 458-459

troubleshooting, 456

source quality

bitrates, 461-463

verifying, 460-461

speakers, troubleshooting, 451-452, 455, 459-460

Windows Vista audio services, troubleshooting, 478

sound cards

connections, troubleshooting, 452

default, changing, 455

disabling, 474

DX10, 522

error codes, cross-referencing, 454

installing, verifying, 453

multiple cards, maintaining, 454


5.1 surround sound, 464

connections, troubleshooting, 451-452

troubleshooting, 455, 459-460

verifying configuration, 463


preventing, 400-402

removing, 403-406

SSID (service set identifier), 147-148

Standard User accounts

admin-level tasks, performing, 417

assigning, 416-418

Start menu, advanced search feature, 15


customizing, 60-62

malware, disabling, 63-65

optimizing, 102-104

settings, removing, 257-260

software, troubleshooting, 63

System Configuration, 57-60

video card problems, diagnosing, 72-73

Wake On LAN setting, troubleshooting, 74-76

Startup Repair, 427-430

storage capacity (CDs), 129

synchronizing workgroup names between Windows XP and Vista, 365

system backups, performing, 189-190

system BIOS, 38

System Configuration, 57-59

malware startup items, disabling, 64-65


disabling, 67

removing settings, 257-260


customizing, 60-62

removing settings, 257-260

system images

creating, 134

restoring, 196-199

system performance, optimizing, 100-102, 105-119

Disk Defragmenter, 112-113

startup, 102-104

virtual memory, 110-111

System Recovery Disk, reinstalling Windows Vista, 150

System Recovery Options, 428

Memory Diagnostics tool, 432-433

partitions, reinstalling Windows Vista, 150-151

Startup Repair, 430

System Restore, 431

System Restore, 241-243, 307, 431

System Tray, 457


techologists, 30

temporary files, cleaning up, 107-108


network connectivity

ping, 347-349

tracert, 349-352

Vista-to-Windows XP networking, 367-368

third-party media players, 475-477

third-party software

disruptive code, 240


troubleshooting via Device Manager, 262-265

updating, 265-266

Registry entries, uninstalling, 260-261

startup and services settings, uninstalling, 257-260

uninstalling, 251-256

threats to security, 395-396

rootkits, removing, 407-409


preventing, 400-402

removing, 403-406


preventing, 397-400

removing, 403-406

tokens, 466

tracert command, 349-352

transitions, turning off, 498

troubleshooting. See also repairing software

Aero, 487-489

boot problems, 423

bootup, 422, 427, 430

CD burning issues, 235-237

color depth, 491, 493

Cyberwalker’s Immutable Laws of Troubleshooting, 31

disabled ports, 206-207

displays (monitors), 486, 490-496

driver issues, 194


audio, 472

burning issues, 235-237

DVD drive, 514-515

email applications, 280-282

ERIDA, 33-39

file saving issues, 237

gaming systems

hardware compatibility, 531-533

joysticks, 528-529

parental controls, 534-535

poor visuals, 522-523

software fixes, 523

sound, 533-534

graphics card drivers, 504-505

hard drives, 439-440

ATA/IDE cables, 442-444

Disk Boot Failure message, 440-442, 445-446

internal hard drives, 224-225

SATA cables, 444-446

hardware via Device Manager, 204-206

IE7, 292-295

information gathering, 39

Show More Details button, 42-44

Welcome Center, 40

Internet disconnections, 301-303, 306-307

broadband, 309-310

cable modems, 311-315

dial-up connections, 341-343

DSL, 315-322

home routers, 322-332

Repair Wizards, 305-306

wireless networks, 332-336, 339-341

Internet Protected mode, 411-412

LCD displays, 493-496

memory, RAM, 226


device configuration issues, 229-230

drivers, 227-229

operating system problems via Safe mode, 249

printing issues, 231-234

Problem Reports and Solutions tool, 277-278

ReadyBoost, 99

scanners, 234-235

shutdown, 68, 77

ACPI drivers, updating, 73

BIOS, updating, 74

shutdown and sleep, 70

SIT, 44-45

Sleep mode, 70, 78

software installations, 272-275

sound, 450

codecs, 465-473

hardware volume controls, 456

microphones, 479-481

multiple sound cards, 454

software volume controls, 456

sound card connections, 452-453

speaker connections, 451-452

speakers, 455, 459-460

Windows Vista audio services, 478

startup, 59-60

software, 63

video card problems, 72-73

Wake On LAN setting, 74-76

system RAM via Memory Diagnostics tool, 432-433

unrepeatable errors, 35

USB 2.0 support, 219-221

USB, 215-219

video cards, 221-223

video playback, 505

AVI files, 510

codecs, 511-512

Windows Media Player 11, 507-510

Vista-to-Mac networking, 380

Vista-to-Vista networking, 361

Vista-to-Windows XP networking, 368-369

white window of death, 279

Windows Mail

receiving mail, 280-285

sending mail, 286-291

turning off

animations, 498

transitions, 498

TweakUAC, 19, 415


UAC (User Account Control), 19, 66

alerts, displaying on desktop, 415

disabling, 413-415

verifying operation, 177


third-party software, 251-256

Registry entries, 260-261

startup and services settings, 257-260

unused programs, 105

updates, 270

unplugging unnecessary USB devices, 75

unrepeatable errors, troubleshooting, 35

unused files, deleting, 109-110

unused programs, removing, 105-107

updating. See also Windows Update

BIOS, 74, 210-211, 525-527

chipset drivers, 73, 527-528

drivers, 192-194, 261, 265-268, 525

graphics cards, 70-72, 500-501


applications, 46, 49

BIOS, 211-214

CPU, 94

memory, 87-90

video cards, 90-94

Vista, 489

USB (Universal Serial Buses), troubleshooting, 215-216

hubs, 218-219

plug-and-play, 217-218

ReadyBoost, 99

USB 2.0 support, 219-221

User Account Control feature, 25

User accounts, 20

Mac, enabling, 377-378

Windows XP password protecting, 363

user credentials, file sharing between two Vista machines, 359

user data, backing up, 142-143



audio source quality, 460-461

firewall operation, 178-179

hardware volume controls, 456

Internet settings, 179-180

MP3 bitrate, 462

software volume controls, 456

sound card installation, 453

sound settings, 457

speaker configuration, 463-464

UAC operation, 177

Vista-to-Mac networking, 382-383

Vista-to-Windows XP networking, 367

Windows Mail settings

Advanced tab, 284-285

Connection tab, 284

General tab, 282

Security tab, 284

Servers tab, 282-283

versions of Vista, 41-42

numbers, understanding, 49

selecting, 21-23

updates, 247

video cards

3D settings, troubleshooting, 223

DX10, 521

secondary displays, troubleshooting, 221-223

upgrading, 90-94

video drivers, installing from manufacturer’s website, 501-503



AVI files, 510

codecs, troubleshooting, 511-512

troubleshooting, 505-507

Windows Media Player 11, 507-510

settings, adjusting, 505

virtual memory, 77

optimizing, 110-111

ReadyBoost, 96-99


preventing, 397-400

removing, 403-406


reinstalling, 439

upgrading, 489

version, identifying, 488

Vista Business, 21

Vista Enterprise, 21

Vista Home Basic, 20

Vista Home Premium, 20

Vista Recovery Environment, 427-431

Vista Security Center, 394-395

Vista Starter, 21, 40

Vista Ultimate, 21, 41

Vista Upgrade Advisor, 45

Vista-to-Mac networking, 376

Mac firewall settings, verifying, 382

Mac user account, enabling, 377-378

troubleshooting, 380

Vista firewall settings, verifying, 382-383

Windows file sharing, enabling on Mac, 378-380, 383-384

Vista-to-Vista networking, troubleshooting, 361

Vista-to-Windows XP networking

enabling, 362-366

folders, sharing, 369-376

testing, 367-368

troubleshooting, 368-369

Vista-to-Windows XP Pro networking, sharing folders, 371

voice recognition, enabling, 481

volume controls, verifying, 456

vssadmin command, 245

vulnerabilities of Vista, 395-397

rootkits, removing, 407-409


preventing, 400-402

removing, 403-406


preventing, 397-400

removing, 403-406

W - X - Y - Z

Wake On LAN setting, troubleshooting, 74-76

WAV files, bitrates, 463

WDDM (Windows Display Driver Model), 503

web browsers

cache files, removing, 108

Firefox, 141-142, 295, 412


backing up data, 140

Protected mode, 294

troubleshooting, 292-295

Opera, 412

Safari, 412

Welcome Center, 40-44

white-box makers, 155

Wi-Fi, restoring Internet connection, 184

Window Vista upgrade disk, reinstalling Windows Vista, 151

Windows AnyTime Upgrade, 488

Windows Backup, 129-132

Windows Defender, 17, 67, 392

Windows Disk Cleanup utility, 107-108

Windows Easy Transfer

backup procedure, 127-129

types of data saved, 126

Windows Experience Index, 42, 55-57

Windows Mail

Advanced tab, verifying settings, 284-285

backing up data, 137

Connection tab, verifying settings, 284

contacts, backing up, 138

General tab, verifying settings, 282

receiving email, troubleshooting, 280-285

Security tab, verifying settings, 284

sending mail, troubleshooting, 286-291

Servers tab, verifying settings, 282-283

troubleshooting, 280

Windows Me, System Restore, 241

Windows Media Player 11

backing up data, 144

non-playable file formats, 509-510

troubleshooting, 507-508

Windows Update, 269-270

graphics card drivers, 500

running, 188

updates, uninstalling, 270

Windows Upgrade Advisor, 84

Windows Vista upgrade disk, product key, 152

Windows XP

DirectX version, identifying, 92-93

file and printer sharing, enabling, 365

Service Pack 2, 33

simple file sharing, disabling, 364

software incompatibility via Vista, 26

user accounts, password protecting, 363

workgroup names

editing in Vista, 366

editing in Windows XP, 366

synchronizing via Vista, 365

Windows XP Video Decoder Checkup Utility, 514

Windows-based upgrades, performing on BIOS, 211

wired home networks, backing up settings, 146-148

wireless networks

disconnections, troubleshooting, 332-336, 339-341

home networks, backing up settings, 147-148

WMP (Windows Media Player), 468

playable file types, 469

troubleshooting, 469-473

WMV files, troubleshooting video playback, 507

workgroup names, 359

editing in Vista, 366

editing in Windows XP, 366

synchronizing between Windows XP and Vista, 365

WWD (white window of death), 278-279

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