Human Resources

Typical scenario example: the Human Resources (HR) department has three hiring managers and review thousands of resumes each year, and interview hundreds of potential candidates for roles within the organization.


The main challenges for this department include:

  • Too many e-mails of resumes to multiple people, with lost comments of feedback
  • The whole resume review process is unstructured, at best
  • Often, talented candidates are not hired because the hiring process is too long
  • When a new employee accepts an offer they are often not able to start immediately because various departments are slow to complete onboarding tasks

SharePoint's functionality can be applied to the HR department processes with the following sections.

Resume approval

Resumes can be approved more quickly by applying the following high level steps:

  1. Create a Document Library called Resumes. In this library, all resumes of potential candidates will be stored and reviewed by the HR members.
  2. Set up Content Approval in this library so the status of resumes will be Pending, Approved, or Rejected.
  3. Set up two alert subscriptions to this library for:
    • New Items Added: so, when resumes are added, the team is notified that they need to review the newly created resumes.
    • When the status is changed to Approved, the team members are notified that an interview is scheduled.
  4. Create a View that is sorted by the rating of a document.

Resume approval process

Managing submitted resumes of a job opening within an organization can be challenging because this is usually managed via e-mail, by multiple people, so information can be lost or duplicated multiple times.

The steps of the resume approval process are outlined as follows:

  1. Potential candidates' resumes are added to the Resume Approval's Document Library.
  2. An alert notification is sent to the team members so they know that there are resumes that require their review.
  3. The team members can write comments to the resume with SharePoint's Tag & Rate feature. By rating a resume, more suited candidates' resumes will be shown at the top of the rating view, which would indicate that they are more suited for the job.
  4. The resume's status is changed to Approved and an interview is scheduled.

The defined resume approval process can be taken further with a workflow being triggered to the interviewer of the candidate with a link to the resume in the e-mail. The workflow will also store the interview comments, and at the end of the interview process the team can be notified that all the interviews for a candidate are complete with the interview comments in a single place for review.

HR onboarding process

Once a candidate has accepted the job there is a checklist of activity that needs to be done prior to their start. This process can be streamlined following high level steps:

  1. Create a Custom List called Onboarding and create a series of checkbox fields that indicate a series of steps that are required. These could include Bank Account Details provided, Photo ID, and Building pass.
  2. Set up a workflow to route a new item (new employee) to the relevant departments.

Simple SharePoint tips for a Human Resources user base

One of the roles of the Human Resources Department is the communication of company policies, standards, and processes. This information is ideal for a company SharePoint intranet site where documents, forms, announcements, and external links can reside.

Typically, HR content such as policies are time sensitive and if they are out-of-date, yet seem to be current, there can be repercussions not just to the department but the company as a whole.

There are a number of out of the box SharePoint intranet functions for this that are well-suited for HR information:

  • Record management and policies: This allows documents to have expiration dates set to them.
  • Workflows: Approval of documents and the auditing of the approval process.
  • Permission restrictions for sensitive documents.
  • My Sites: To display user personal information such as skills, colleagues, and manager and organization chart.

Your company may already have an intranet site, but if the content is static and requires a webmaster to add forms and documents, it may be a challenge to keep content up-to-date.

If there is not an area for HR activities on the current company intranet, request IT creates a SharePoint site purely for HR activities and link this site to the intranet site.

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