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Part 1. Introducing Microservice APIs

  1 What are microservice APIs?

  1.1   What are microservices?

Defining microservices

Microservices vs. monoliths

Microservices today and how we got here

  1.2   What are web APIs?

What is an API?

What is a web API?

How do APIs help us drive microservices integrations?

  1.3   Challenges of microservices architecture

Effective service decomposition

Microservices integration tests

Handling service unavailability

Tracing distributed transactions

Increased operational complexity and infrastructure overhead

  1.4   Introducing documentation-driven development

  1.5   Introducing the CoffeeMesh application

  1.6   Who this book is for and what you will learn

  2 A basic API implementation

  2.1   Introducing the orders API specification

  2.2   High-level architecture of the orders application

  2.3   Implementing the API endpoints

  2.4   Implementing data validation models with pydantic

  2.5   Validating request payloads with pydantic

  2.6   Marshalling and validating response payloads with pydantic

  2.7   Adding an in-memory list of orders to the API

  3 Designing microservices

  3.1   Introducing CoffeeMesh

  3.2   Microservices design principles

Database-per-service principle

Loose coupling principle

Single Responsibility Principle

  3.3   Service decomposition by business capability

Analyzing the business structure of CoffeeMesh

Decomposing microservices by business capabilities

  3.4   Service decomposition by subdomains

What is domain-driven design?

Applying strategic analysis to CoffeeMesh

  3.5   Decomposition by business capability vs. decomposition by subdomain

Part 2. Designing and building REST APIs

  4 Principles of REST API design

  4.1   What is REST?

  4.2   Architectural constraints of REST applications

Separation of concerns: The client-server architecture principle

Make it scalable: The statelessness principle

Optimize for performance: The cacheability principle

Make it simple for the client: The layered system principle

Extendable interfaces: The code-on-demand principle

Keep it consistent: The uniform interface principle

  4.3   Hypermedia as the engine of application state

  4.4   Analyzing the maturity of an API with the Richardson maturity model

Level 0: Web APIs à la RPC

Level 1: Introducing the concept of resource

Level 2: Using HTTP methods and status codes

Level 3: API discoverability

  4.5   Structured resource URLs with HTTP methods

  4.6   Using HTTP status codes to create expressive HTTP responses

What are HTTP status codes?

Using HTTP status codes to report client errors in the request

Using HTTP status codes to report errors in the server

  4.7   Designing API payloads

What are HTTP payloads, and when do we use them?

HTTP payload design patterns

  4.8   Designing URL query parameters

  5 Documenting REST APIs with OpenAPI

  5.1   Using JSON Schema to model data

  5.2   Anatomy of an OpenAPI specification

  5.3   Documenting the API endpoints

  5.4   Documenting URL query parameters

  5.5   Documenting request payloads

  5.6   Refactoring schema definitions to avoid repetition

  5.7   Documenting API responses

  5.8   Creating generic responses

  5.9   Defining the authentication scheme of the API

  6 Building REST APIs with Python

  6.1   Overview of the orders API

  6.2   URL query parameters for the orders API

  6.3   Validating payloads with unknown fields

  6.4   Overriding FastAPI’s dynamically generated specification

  6.5   Overview of the kitchen API

  6.6   Introducing flask-smorest

  6.7   Initializing the web application for the API

  6.8   Implementing the API endpoints

  6.9   Implementing payload validation models with marshmallow

  6.10 Validating URL query parameters

  6.11 Validating data before serializing the response

  6.12 Implementing an in-memory list of schedules

  6.14 Overriding flask-smorest’s dynamically generated API specification

  7 Service implementation patterns for microservices

  7.1   Hexagonal architectures for microservices

  7.2   Setting up the environment and the project structure

  7.3   Implementing the database models

  7.4   Implementing the repository pattern for data access

The case for the repository pattern: What is it, and why is it useful?

Implementing the repository pattern

  7.5   Implementing the business layer

  7.6   Implementing the unit of work pattern

  7.7   Integrating the API layer and the service layer

Part 3. Designing and building GraphQL APIs

  8 Designing GraphQL APIs

  8.1   Introducing GraphQL

  8.2   Introducing the products API

  8.3   Introducing GraphQL’s type system

Creating property definitions with scalars

Modeling resources with object types

Creating custom scalars

  8.4   Representing collections of items with lists

  8.5   Think graphs: Building meaningful connections between object types

Connecting types through edge properties

Creating connections with through types

  8.6   Combining different types through unions and interfaces

  8.7   Constraining property values with enumerations

  8.8   Defining queries to serve data from the API

  8.9   Altering the state of the server with mutations

  9 Consuming GraphQL APIs

  9.1   Running a GraphQL mock server

  9.2   Introducing GraphQL queries

Running simple queries

Running queries with parameters

Understanding query errors

  9.3   Using fragments in queries

  9.4   Running queries with input parameters

  9.5   Navigating the API graph

  9.6   Running multiple queries and query aliasing

Running multiple queries in the same request

Aliasing our queries

  9.7   Running GraphQL mutations

  9.8   Running parameterized queries and mutations

  9.9   Demystifying GraphQL queries

  9.10 Calling a GraphQL API with Python code

10 Building GraphQL APIs with Python

10.1   Analyzing the API requirements

10.2   Introducing the tech stack

10.3   Introducing Ariadne

10.4   Implementing the products API

Laying out the project structure

Creating an entry point for the GraphQL server

Implementing query resolvers

Implementing type resolvers

Handling query parameters

Implementing mutation resolvers

Building resolvers for custom scalar types

Implementing field resolvers

Part 4. Securing, testing, and deploying microservice APIs

11 API authorization and authentication

11.1   Setting up the environment for this chapter

11.2   Understanding authentication and authorization protocols

Understanding Open Authorization

Understanding OpenID Connect

11.3   Working with JSON Web Tokens

Understanding the JWT header

Understanding JWT claims

Producing JWTs

Inspecting JWTs

Validating JWTs

11.4   Adding authorization to the API server

Creating an authorization module

Creating an authorization middleware

Adding CORS middleware

11.5   Authorizing resource access

Updating the database to link users and orders

Restricting user access to their own resources

12 Testing and validating APIs

12.1   Setting up the environment for API testing

12.2   Testing REST APIs with Dredd

What is Dredd?

Installing and running Dredd’s default test suite

Customizing Dredd’s test suite with hooks

Using Dredd in your API testing strategy

12.3   Introduction to property-based testing

What is property-based testing?

The traditional approach to API testing

Property-based testing with Hypothesis

Using Hypothesis to test a REST API endpoint

12.4   Testing REST APIs with Schemathesis

Running Schemathesis’s default test suite

Using links to enhance Schemathesis’ test suite

12.5   Testing GraphQL APIs

Testing GraphQL APIs with Schemathesis

12.6   Designing your API testing strategy

13 Dockerizing microservice APIs

13.1   Setting up the environment for this chapter

13.2   Dockerizing a microservice

13.3   Running applications with Docker Compose

13.4   Publishing Docker builds to a container registry

14 Deploying microservice APIs with Kubernetes

14.1   Setting up the environment for this chapter

14.2   How Kubernetes works: The “CliffsNotes” version

14.3   Creating a Kubernetes cluster with EKS

14.4   Using IAM roles for Kubernetes service accounts

14.5   Deploying a Kubernetes load balancer

14.6   Deploying microservices to the Kubernetes cluster

Creating a deployment object

Creating a service object

Exposing services with ingress objects

14.7   Setting up a serverless database with AWS Aurora

Creating an Aurora Serverless database

Managing secrets in Kubernetes

Running the database migrations and connecting our service to the database

14.8   Updating the OpenAPI specification with the ALB’s hostname

14.9   Deleting the Kubernetes cluster


Appendix A. Types of web APIs and protocols

Appendix B. Managing an API’s life cycle

Appendix C. API authorization using an identity provider



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