
You can also gather a great deal of information from the pfSense dashboard, which you can access by navigating to Status | Dashboard (the dashboard is also the first page you see when you log in to the web GUI). The dashboard contains a great deal of information about your pfSense system, such as the uptime, CPU usage, memory usage, the version being run, and whether an upgrade is available. The dashboard was redesigned for version 2.3 (and, with the release of version 2.4, now supports multiple languages); you can choose the number of columns in the display under General Setup. If you resize the width of your web browser, the dashboard will resize to a single column, thus ensuring that you do not have to scroll left and right. There is also an Interfaces widget which displays the interfaces, their speed, and their IP addresses. You can add widgets to the page by clicking on the plus sign on the right side of the title bar. There are widgets for gateways, traffic graphs, CARP status, load balancer status, and many packages have their own widgets. The dashboard updates every few seconds, so you don't have to hit the Reload button.

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