

Series preface

Unit specification

Workbook    introduction

1     ILM Super Series study links

2     Links to ILM qualifications

3     Links to S/NVQs in management

4     Workbook objectives

5     Activity planner

Session A     Changes, ideas and projects

1     Introduction

2     Identifying changes in the organization

3     The forces for change

4     Time for change

5     How are projects selected?

6     What can go wrong?

7     Summary

Session B     Analysis of costs and benefits

1     Introduction

2     Committed and discretionary costs

3     Capital and revenue costs

4     Payback period

5     Return on investment

6     Non-financial cost-benefit analysis

7     Summary

Session C     Presenting a financial case

1     Introduction

2     The right presentation

3     Gathering information

4     Submitting the financial case

5     Summary

Session D     Managing projects

1     Introduction

2     Stage 1: Assess the feasibility of the project

3     Stage 2: Plan the project

4     Stage 3: Implement the project

5     Stage 4: Review the outcomes of the project

6     Summary

Performance checks

1     Quick quiz

2     Workbook assessment

3     Work-based assignment

Reflect and review

1     Reflect and review

2     Action plan

3     Extensions

4     Answers to self-assessment questions

5     Answers to activity

6     Answers to the quick quiz

7     Certificate

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