Appendix A: Participant Background Form

1. How many years total have you been with this company? _______________

2. What is your current job title and/or position? _______________
Please briefly describe your main responsibilities:

3. How many years have you been in your current role? _______________

4. In how many countries are you a manager?
[ ] one country—I am not an expatriate
[ ] one country—I am an expatriate
[ ] more than one country on the same continent and I am not an expatriate
[ ] more than one country on the same continent and I am an expatriate
[ ] more than one country on different continents and I am not an expatriate
[ ] more than one country on different continents and I am an expatriate

5. In how many time zones do you work?
[ ] 1
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 4
[ ] 5
[ ] 6 or more

6. In the time zones that you do work, how many are more than an hour away?
[ ] 1
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 4
[ ] 5
[ ] 6 or more

7. Have you been an expatriate manager in the past?
[ ] yes
[ ] no

8a. In the course of your work, how many languages do you speak?
[ ] 1 [ ] 4
[ ] 2 [ ] 5
[ ] 3 [ ] 6 or more

8b. In your day-to-day life away from work, how many languages do you speak?
[ ] 1 [ ] 4
[ ] 2 [ ] 5
[ ] 3 [ ] 6 or more

9. How many languages did you speak ages 1–13?
[ ] 1
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 4
[ ] 5
[ ] 6 or more

10. What is your native language? _______________

11. How many different countries have you lived in over your lifetime?
[ ] 1
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 4
[ ] 5
[ ] 6 or more

12. In what country were you born? _______________

13. In what country do you currently live? _______________
For how many years? _______________

14. How many years of formal education have you completed?
[ ] 10 years or less
[ ] 11 years
[ ] 12 years
[ ] 13 years
[ ] 14 years
[ ] 15 years
[ ] 16 years
[ ] 17 years
[ ] 18 years or more

15. In your lifetime, how many countries were you educated in (please include all levels of schooling)?
[ ] 1
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 4
[ ] 5
[ ] 6 or more

16. If you studied beyond secondary school (that is, beyond high school or Gymnasium level), what academic discipline was your main field of study (for example, engineering)?

17. You are:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female

18. Your present age: _______________

19. Please describe your race or ethnic origin.
[ ] Asian
[ ] Black
[ ] White
[ ] Multi-racial
[ ] Other (please specify) _______________

Please think about the most recent position in which your responsibilities were domestic—responsible for only one country and you are/were not an expatriate.

What year(s) are/were you in this job? _______________

Please think about the people whom you most closely worked with while in this position. Please answer the following questions with this group in mind. Do not indicate the names of the individuals about whom you are providing data.

Please list the business relationship of the ten people with whom you most closely worked (e.g., “This person was my boss/subordinate/peer”). Please complete the requested background information for the individuals listed. In the columns below, please write the letter of the appropriate response on the corresponding line for each individual. For Native Country and Country of Current Residence, write your answer in the space below.

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