Chapter 5

Higher-order optimal methods

This chapter concerns with multipoint methods without memory of order image. Such methods produce approximations of extraordinary accuracy, very seldom necessary in practical problems, so that at the beginning we discuss usefulness of such methods. The construction of n-point methods of optimal order image for arbitrary image is certainly justified from a theoretical point of view; these methods are of practical importance for small n. Higher-order multipoint methods with this property are presented in Sections 5.2, 5.4, and 5.5. Among them, Kung-Traub’s family (Kung and Traub, 1974) and Zheng-Li-Huang’s family (Zheng et al., 2011), both free of derivatives, are used in Chapter 6 for constructing very efficient multipoint methods with memory. A sixteenth-order method from 1983, based on inverse interpolation (Neta, 1983) and accelerated by a suitable choice of initial approximations, is described in Section 5.4. A general class of optimal methods of arbitrary order of convergence, derived by M. Petković using Hermite’s interpolation, is presented in Section 5.5.

5.1 Some comments on higher-order multipoint methods

In this chapter we give a short review of optimal multipoint methods of arbitrary order of convergence. These methods require image F.E. with optimal order image and include some particular families of n-point methods of optimal order image for arbitrary image. Before presenting higher-order multipoint methods, let us consider a natural question of practical interest: Is the construction of extremely fast multipoint methods always justified?

There are arguments for and against very fast root-solvers. In general, for solving most practical problems at the moment, which are not ill-conditioned or unstable, double-precision arithmetic is good enough giving the accuracy of desired solutions, or results of calculation with approximately 16 significant decimal digits, that is, an error of about image. This also holds for mathematical models where algorithms for solving nonlinear equations (most frequently polynomial equations) make a part of a global problem.

However, there are some classes of problems when multi-precision capabilities are very important, such as Number theory, Experimental mathematics, and many research fields including high energy physics, nonlinear process simulation, finite element modeling CAD, 3-D real-time graphic, statistics, security cryptography, and so on. Therefore, in some special applications there is a need for the implementation of very fast algorithms but even in these cases there is a reasonable limit in view of desired accuracy. For example, approximations to the roots of nonlinear equations with 300 or more accurate decimal digits are not required in practice at present.

In particular, the application of very fast root-solvers is justified if they serve for testing multi-precision arithmetic, whose improvement and development is a permanent work of many computer scientists and numerical analysts, see Brent and Zimmermann (2011). Second, a specific multipoint method of very high order (say 16 or higher) could be of interest, at least from the theoretical point of view, if such a method is a member of a family of an arbitrary order of convergence. Typical examples are the Kung-Traub families (5.3) and (5.4) with optimal order image for arbitrary image.

In this book we consider mainly multipoint methods having optimal order of convergence. Non-optimal methods with very high order are not of interest for two reasons: first, extremely high accuracy of produced approximations is very seldom needed for solving practical problems and second, extra F.E. additionally decrease computational efficiency.

5.2 Geum-Kim’s family of four-point methods

We begin with an optimal four-point method of order sixteen proposed by Geum and Kim (2011c). Recall that Geum-Kim’s three-point methods are considered in Section 4.3. Introduce the following variables


which will serve as arguments of suitable weight functions. In a similar way as in the papers Geum and Kim (2010,2011a,b,c), Geum and Kim (2011c) have stated the four-point method using weight functions,

image (5.1)


image (5.2)



define partial derivatives. The main goal in the convergence analysis of the family (5.1) is stating suitable relationships between parameters of image, image, and image so that the order is at least sixteen. These relations are given in the following theorem (Geum and Kim, 2011c).

Theorem 5.1

Let image be an initial approximation sufficiently close to a simple zero image of an analytic function f, and let image and image be arbitrary parameters. If the following relations


in (5.2) hold, then the iterative scheme (5.1) defines a biparametric family of order sixteen.

The proof is derived using a standard technique and Taylor’s series. Since a lot of cumbersome expressions appear in the proof, symbolic computation in the computational software package Mathematica was used. The authors also give the explicit expression for the error relation. This relation is very complicated and includes many parameters and coefficients of the form image. For this reason and the fact that error relations of iterative methods of very high order are of a little practical interest, we do not display the mentioned error relation.

According to Theorem 5.1, the weight functions defined by (5.2) take specific forms:


where image satisfy the conditions given in Theorem 5.1.

Note that the method (5.1) is not a member of any class of optimal methods of arbitrary order of convergence. Although the applied model of construction has already been used in the authors’ methods (4.80), (4.82), and (4.83), further acceleration to order 32 would be very complicated. However, methods of order 32 have no practical importance and could be at most a matter of academic competition.

Speaking about the convergence speed of multipoint methods, it is worth noting that most authors test their methods in numerical examples taking sufficiently close approximations to the sought zeros. Methods for the localization and determination of good starting approximations have been almost entirely neglected. However, without reasonably good initial approximations it is impossible to attain the expected convergence speed (determined in theoretical analysis). Practical experiments show that multipoint methods can converge very slowly at the beginning of the iterative process. It is often reasonable to put an effort into a localization procedure, including the determination of a good initial approximation, instead of using very fast algorithm with poor starting guesses. An efficient algorithm for finding good initial approximations, proposed by Yun (2008), is described in Section 1.4.

5.3 Kung-Traub’s families of arbitrary order of convergence

The application of inverse interpolation is a useful technique that gives a uniform method for constructing iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations. Let image be image approximations to a zero image of f and let image be the inverse of f. Let image be any interpolating polynomial for image at the points image with image. A new approximation to image is uniquely determined by image. The Kung-Traub families, which will be discussed in this section, belong to the best known and most powerful root-finding methods constructed by inverse interpolation. Even from a historical point of view, these families deserve to be first; namely, they appeared almost forty years before other optimal multipoint methods of arbitrary order.

As mentioned in Section 2.5, Kung-Traub’s paper (Kung and Traub, 1974) is probably one of the most influential papers in the area of multipoint methods for solving nonlinear equations. For a fixed number of image function evaluations, two families presented by Kung and Traub (1974) attain the order of convergence image, the limit not exceeded yet. Special cases of the Kung-Traub families (K-T for short) are presented in Chapter 2 (two-point methods (2.111) and (2.113)) and in Chapter 3 (three-point methods (3.1) and (3.2)).

Although the K-T families are given in a general form in Section 2.5, we present the corresponding recursive algorithms again in this chapter for self-contained purpose and better insight into the programs (written in Mathematica) for generating the K-T iterative formulas for arbitrary image.

K-T (5.3): For image and for any image, define iteration function image as follows:

image (5.3)

forimage, where image is the inverse interpolating polynomial of degree at most j such that image.

K-T (5.4): For image and for any image, define iteration function image as follows:

image (5.4)

for image, where image is the inverse interpolating polynomial of degree at most j such that


Let us note that the K-T family (5.3) requires no evaluation of derivatives of f.

For a fixed n, the methods (5.3) and (5.4) can be easily constructed using a recursive procedure by programs presented below, previously given by Kung and Traub (1974) in pseudo-code as an adaptation from Krough (1970).

Generation of K-T family (5.3).

Given g; n = 4; p[0,0]=x; h = g∗f[x]; p[0,1] = p[0,0]+h;

p[1,1] = h/(f[p[0,1]]-f[p[0,0]]); r = p[1,1]∗f[p[0,0]];

p[0,2] = p[0,0]-r; p[1,2] = r/(f[p[0,0]]-f[p[0,2]]);

pi[2] = f[p[0,0]]∗f[p[0,1]];

p[2,2] = (p[1,1]-p[1,2])/(f[p[0,1]]-f[p[0,2]]);

psi = p[0,2]+pi[2]∗p[2,2];

For[k = 3, k<=n, k++, p[0,k] = psi;

 For[i = 0, i= k-1, i++,

 p[i + 1,k] = (p[i,i]-p[i,k])/(f[p[0,i]]-f[p[0,k]])];

 pi[k] = -f[p[0,k-1]]∗pi[k-1];

 psi = psi + pi[k]∗p[k,k]


Generation of K-T family (5.4).

n = 4; q[0,0] = x; q[0,1] = x; n11 = f[q[0,0]]/f1[q[0,0]];

q[0,2] = q[0,0]-n11; d = f[q[0,0]]-f[q[0,2]];

q[1,2] = n11/d; q[2,2] = q[1,2]∗f[q[0,2]]/d;

om = q[0,2]-f[q[0,0]]∗q[2,2];

q[1,1] = n11/f[q[0,0]]; q[2,2] = -q[2,2]/f[q[0,0]];

pi[2] = f[q[0,0]]∗f[q[0,0]];

For[k = 3, k= n, k++, q[0,k] = om;

 For[i = 0, i= k-1, i++,

 q[i + 1,k] = (q[i,i]-q[i,k])/(f[q[0,i]]-f[q[0,k]])];

 pi[k] = -f[q[0,k-1]]∗pi[k-1];

 om = om + pi[k]∗q[k,k]


The given entry n determines the number of steps (image in these programs). If image then the two-point methods are given by psi (for (5.3)) and om (for (5.4)) before the k-loop, while psi and omwithin this loop generate the n-point methods for image.

Let G be a set of real analytic functions f defined on an open interval image which contains a simple zero image of f. Now we present convergence theorems for the Kung-Traub families (5.3) and (5.4) in a form similar to that given in Kung and Traub (1974).

Theorem 5.2

Let image be defined by (5.3) and let image be close enough to a simple zero image of image. Then the order of convergence of the iterative method (5.3) is image.


We should prove that, for image,

image (5.5)

for constants image. The proof is carried out by induction on n. Since

image (5.6)

it follows that (5.5) holds for image.

Assume now that (5.5) is valid for image, that is,

image (5.7)


We use Traub’s results from general interpolatory iteration theory (Traub, 1964, p. 179),

image (5.8)



and image is the inverse function of f. From (5.7) and (5.8), we find

image (5.9)

This completes the proof of Theorem 5.2 by induction. image

Using (5.6), by successive application of (5.9) we find that the asymptotic error constant of the Kung-Traub family (5.3) is

image (5.10)

A convergence theorem for the Kung-Traub family (5.4) is similar to Theorem 5.2.

Theorem 5.3

Let image be defined by (5.4) and let image be close enough to a simple zero image of image. Then the order of convergence of the iterative method (5.4) is image.

The proof of this theorem is derived in the same manner as for Theorem 5.2 using the relation (5.8). Since image, in this case we have from (5.8) that image; hence, the asymptotic error constant of the Kung-Traub family (5.4) is given by


According to this relation and (5.10) we find


In regard to the relation (5.10) we note that the parameter image in the family (5.3) should be chosen so that image is as small as possible. In Chapter 6 we will see that the factor image plays a key role in the construction of methods with memory that have a higher order of convergence.

Studying multipoint methods, Kung and Traub (1974) have introduced the set image of functions image which maps every image to image with the following properties:

1. image is a function mapping image into image for some open subinterval image containing a simple zero image of f.

2. image.

3. There exists an open subinterval image that contains image such that if image, then image, whenever image.

4. For any image there exist nonnegative integers image, and functions


of image variables for image such that, for all image,



image (5.11)

image (5.12)

If image, then an iterative method image is called a method without memory, since image uses only information at the current point image. For example, the Kung-Traub families (5.3) and (5.4) are methods without memory. The upper bound on the order of convergence of a multipoint iteration image is given in the following theorem.

Theorem 5.4

Let image be a multipoint iteration that requires image function evaluations. Then the upper bound of the order of convergence image of the corresponding iterative method image is not greater than image.


Let image be a simple zero of a function image. If image is an initial point such that image, then image (Property 3. above) Regarding (5.12), let us denote image and


for image and each iteration index k. Then

image (5.13)

where image denotes the order of the iterative method image and image is its asymptotic error constant. From (5.13) it follows

image (5.14)

Brent et al. (1973, (6.1)) have shown that there exists an image and a sequence image such that

image (5.15)

Taking into account (5.14) and (5.15) there follows imageimage

From Theorem 5.4 we observe that the presented upper bound image is within a factor of two of the order image of the Kung-Traub families (5.3) and (5.4) (see Theorems 5.2 and 5.3). The bound image is pretty crude, which is evident from particular examples; for instance, optimal two-point methods have the order four, but the upper bound considered in Theorem 5.4 is even eight. This modest result of Theorem 5.4 and a good anticipation led Kung and Traub to state the following hypothesis.

Conjecture 5.1

Let image define an iterative method image without memory that requires image function evaluations. Then

image (5.16)

This conjecture, today known as the Kung-Traub conjecture, is mentioned several times throughout this book. It is confirmed in practice that all existing multipoint methods, constructed at present, support Conjecture 5.1. Experts in the considered topic believe that the Kung-Traub bound cannot be exceeded.

5.4 Methods of higher-order based on inverse interpolation

Inverse interpolation, utilized in developing Kung-Traub’s families (5.3) and (5.4), was also applied for the construction of very fast methods developed by Neta (1981). Consider the three-step scheme that combines Newton’s method and King’s fourth-order method (2.57)

image (5.17)

Putting image, Neta obtained the sixth-order family (Neta, 1979).

To accelerate the convergence rate of the family (5.17), Neta (1981) applied inverse interpolation to compute image. Let

image (5.18)

be a polynomial of degree four satisfying

image (5.19)


where image are computed from (5.17). The first two relations of (5.19) give


Introduce the notation

image (5.20)

The last three relations of (5.19) give the system of linear equations




with the solution


Once the coefficients were computed, then from (5.18) we can state the following four-point iterative method,

image (5.21)

Theorem 5.5

If image is sufficiently close to a zero image of f, then the iterative method (5.21) has order 14.


To prove the assertion of the theorem it is convenient to use Theorem 4.5 for image, image, image. Then the error relation follows from (4.46)

image (5.22)

In our case the errors are given by


Substituting these errors in (5.22) yields

image (5.23)

Therefore, the order of the four-point method (5.21) is imageimage

Remark 5.1

The four-point family (5.21) requires image function evaluations, but its order is image, which means that this family is not optimal.

In the same paper (Neta, 1981) the order of the iterative scheme (5.21) was improved by replacing the third step of (5.17) with a step similar to the fourth. Let

image (5.24)

be a cubic polynomial satisfying

image (5.25)


From the first two relations we immediately obtain

image (5.26)

Using the notation given in (5.20), the last two equations of (5.25) give the system


Hence we determine the coefficients image and image,

image (5.27)

With the coefficients given by (5.26) and (5.27), the iterative method for improving the approximation image was stated by Neta (1981),

image (5.28)

Combining the first two steps of (5.17) (King’s method), (5.28), and (5.21), the following improved four-point method is obtained,

image (5.29)

Theorem 5.6

If image is sufficiently close to a zero image of f, then the iterative method (5.29) has order 16.


To find the error image we use the relation

image (5.30)

which is obtained from Theorem 4.5 and (4.46). From (5.30) it follows

image (5.31)

According to (5.31) and (5.22) we find


Therefore, the order of the four-point method (5.29) is r = 16. image

Remark 5.2

A more general family of the four-point methods of sixteenth order has been considered by Neta and Petković (2010). Unlike the family (5.29) where King’s method is applied, the mentioned family uses any two-point method of optimal order four. However, we will not discuss this family since it is essentially similar to (5.29).

Remark 5.3

We discuss here an important question of the priority of three-point methods of optimal order eight. If we let image in the third step of (5.29) and neglect the fourth step, then from (5.29) the following three-point family is obtained,

image (5.32)

where image and image are given by (5.27). This family is of order eight (according to (5.31)) and requires four F.E. Therefore, the family (5.32) is optimal. This fact has not been noticed in the literature. Instead, excepting the Kung-Traub families (5.1) and (5.2), the family (4.2) proposed by Bi et al. (2009b) is usually taken as the first three-point method with optimal order eight. It should be emphasized that another optimal three-point method was published by Milovanović and Cvetković (2007) two years before Bi et al. (2009b).

Designing the optimal family of four-step methods (5.29) points to the idea for constructing multipoint methods of arbitrary order. We write image and choose


Assume that image are iteration functions in an n-point method with respective orders image, that is,

image (5.33)

Regarding the fourth-step of the iterative scheme (5.29), we start with inverse interpolating polynomial of degree n

image (5.34)

and the conditions

image (5.35)

From the first two relations of (5.35) we immediately obtain image and image. The other coefficients image are determined from a system of image linear equations formed according to (5.35). Then we construct image-point method by combining n previous steps with the iteration functions

image (5.36)

and the imagest step

image (5.37)

which follows from (5.34) setting image.

The order of convergence of the image-point method (5.36)(5.37) is obtained from the error relation (4.46) for image and image written in the form


Taking into account the errors given by (5.33), from the last relation we obtain


Therefore, the order of the image-point method (5.36)(5.37) is image, attained by image function evaluations. The presented procedure shows a simple way of obtaining an optimal multipoint method of order image by inverse interpolation when we know an optimal multipoint method of order image.

5.5 Multipoint methods based on Hermite’s interpolation

Let image denote Newton’s method and let image be an optimal two-point method of order four. Defining image we form an iterative scheme of Newton’s type consisting of n steps in the following way:

image (5.38)


Starting from an initial approximation image, from (5.38) we define the family of iterative methods image.

Applying Theorem 1.3 we find that the n-point methods (5.38), written in the composite form,


have the order of convergence image since the iteration function image defines a fourth-order iterative method. However, note that the iterative scheme (5.38) requires image function evaluations per iterations, which is rather inefficient. Therefore, it is ultimately necessary to reduce the number of F.E. using suitable approximations to all derivatives image that appear in the steps (3)–image.

For simplicity, we drop the argument of iteration functions image whenever it does not create a confusion. To carry out the substitution of the derivatives image by a suitable approximation image, we apply some efficient procedure such as Hermite’s interpolation, inverse interpolation, Newton’s interpolation, etc. A suitable approximation means that a modified Newton’s method

image (5.39)

is also of second order. If P is an interpolating polynomial obtained by some of the above-mentioned interpolations, then it should be


which is sufficient to provide quadratic convergence of the modified Newton method (5.39). There are other methods for approximating first derivative, but it is preferable to take interpolation procedures since they possess a unique algorithmic structure, suitable for programming and applications.

In this section we present a family of optimal n-point methods constructed by Hermite’s interpolation. Its order is image requiring image function evaluations. This family starts with any two-point method image of optimal order four in the first two steps (1) and (2) of (5.38) and uses Hermite’s interpolation for approximating image.

To state the n-point method (thus, each iteration consists of n steps) for arbitrary image, the derivative image in the imagest step should be replaced by the derivative image of Hermite’s interpolating polynomial


of degree image at the nodes image constructed using the conditions

image (5.40)

In other words, we utilize Hermite’s polynomials of higher degree satisfying (5.40), whose construction requires additional basic arithmetic operations, but not new F.E. for a fixed number of steps. The family of n-point methods, proposed by Petković (2010, 2011b), consists of n steps:

image (5.41)


If the stopping criterion is satisfied, then STOP,

otherwise, set image and go to the step (1).

The family of three-point methods based on Hermite’s interpolation, which follows from (5.41) for image is considered in Section 4.2, see (4.12). In Theorem 4.3 it has been proved that its order eight is attained using four F.E. The main idea for the construction of optimal multipoint methods of arbitrary order, based on Hermite’s interpolation, has been presented by Petković (2010). An oversight in the construction for image was corrected by Petković (2011b).

We now present the convergence theorem for the family (5.41).

Theorem 5.7

If image is sufficiently close to a zero image of f, then the family of n-point methods (5.41) has order image.


Let image. We want to show that

image (5.42)

We start with image (for Newton’s method) and image since image. Assume that

image (5.43)

holds for image and prove (5.42) by induction.

We use the relation for the error of Hermite’s interpolating polynomial of degree s, namely,

image (5.44)

(see Theorem 3.1). Here image belongs to an interval determined by the interpolation nodes image, and image are the multiplicities of these nodes. For image and image, using (5.43) we obtain from (5.44) by some elementary calculations that



image (5.45)


image (5.46)

where image, and

image (5.47)

by (5.45), (5.46), and (5.47), we estimate


Therefore, the assertion (5.42) also holds for image and the proof is completed by induction.  image

5.6 Generalized derivative free family based on Newtonian interpolation

Zheng et al. (2011) have proposed a one-parameter derivative free families of n-point methods of arbitrary order of convergence image. These families are constructed by Newton’s interpolation with forward divided differences and require image function evaluations, which means that they generate optimal methods in the sense of the Kung-Traub conjecture.

Newton’s interpolating polynomial of degree m with divided differences for a given function f at different nodes image

image (5.48)

is constructed under the conditions image. Recall that divided differences are calculated recursively as

image (5.49)

for image. The error of Newton’s interpolating polynomial image is given by

image (5.50)

(see (4.114)), where image lies in an interval containing these nodes.

Let image be an approximation to a simple zero image of f and let image, where image is a parameter. In regard to (5.50), the function f can be represented in the form

image (5.51)

The error factor image (and, more generally, image) depends on the iteration index k. To find an improved approximation to the zero image of f, we apply Newton’s method at the point image to the function defined by the expression on the right-hand side of (5.51) and obtain

image (5.52)

The error factor image from (5.50) is given by image or image, where image and image are points from the interval


However, image and image are unknown and the best we can do is to adopt that image in (5.52) is a constant. Fortunately, image appears only in the corresponding error relation but does not influence the order of convergence of the method (5.52). Numerical examples confirms this fact. For this reason, we can set image and simplify (5.52) to the form

image (5.53)

The last iterative formula defines the Steffensen-like method (Traub, 1964, p.179), mentioned several times in this book. For image the method (5.53) reduces to the method given by Steffensen (1933). For this similarity, a family proposed by Zheng et al. (2011) is referred to as the Steffensen-like family.

To accelerate methods of Steffensen’s type, in the next step we use the approximation


calculated from (5.53) and set


Applying Newton’s method at the point image as above, we obtain the two-point method

image (5.54)

The family (5.54) generalizes Ren-Wu-Bi’s method (2.104) with the parameter image and reduces to (2.104) when image and image, see Ren et al. (2009).

As above, we emphasize that the term image, actually a remainder in Newton’s interpolation, does not influence the order of convergence of the family of two-point methods (5.54). In practice, it is preferable to choose image. In that case, the iterative method (5.54) becomes similar to the Kung-Traub method (2.111) arising from (5.3) for image, but still different.

A family of three-point methods is constructed in a similar way. Using Newton’s interpolating polynomial of third degree image with the new point image calculated by (5.54), we represent f in the form


After applying Newton’s method at the point image, the following family of three-point methods is obtained,

image (5.55)



In practice, we take image since the last term in the denominator behaves as a “parasite” supplement without influencing the convergence rate. This choice is also preferable for the factors image appearing in other methods of higher order given later in the form of a generalized family.

The following convergence theorem has been proved by Zheng et al. (2011).

Theorem 5.8

Let image be a sufficiently differentiable function having a simple zero image in an open interval image. If image is close enough to image, then

(i) the family (5.52) is at least of second order, and satisfies the error relation

image (5.56)

(ii) the family (5.54) is at least of fourth order, and satisfies the error relation

image (5.57)

(iii) the family (5.55) is at least of eighth order, and satisfies the error relation

image (5.58)


We present the proof of Theorem 5.8 in the same form as in Zheng et al. (2011), even though it differs from most proofs of similar theorems. Let us introduce the errors image, where image. Then


According to these relations, we obtain for the family (5.52)


which proves (5.54).

In a similar way, we find the relations




Now we consider the family (5.54). Putting image we get




which is (5.57).

To prove (5.58) we start from


(see (5.55)) and using previously derived relations after tedious but elementary calculations we arrive at (5.58)image

When image then


so that the error relations (5.54), (5.57), and (5.58) deliver the asymptotic error constants

image (5.59)


The technique described for constructing families of multipoint methods by using Newton’s interpolation with divided differences can be applied successively up to image points, as shown by Zheng et al. (2011). In this way a family of optimal order image can be derived. For simplicity and better presentation, we use the notation


omitting the iteration index k in image. Then Zheng-Li-Huang’s n-point family may be written in the form

image (5.60)



The following theorem was proved by Zheng et al. (2011).

Theorem 5.9

Let image be a sufficiently differentiable function having a simple zero image in an open interval image. If image is close enough to image, then the n-point family (5.60) converges with at least imageth order and satisfies the error relation




and image are calculated recursively by


starting from the tripleimage given by



The proof goes by induction on n. The assertion of the theorem is true for image by Theorem 5.8 . For image, let image and assume that the following relations are valid



image (5.61)



and recalling that image, we can write


According to (4.114) we find the approximation of image,


Having in mind (5.61), we obtain


From the proofs of Theorems 5.8 and 5.9 we observe that the factor image appears in the expression of the asymptotic error constant but does not influence the order of convergence. As already mentioned, a number of numerical examples confirmed this fact so that it is reasonable to take image in the iterative scheme (5.60) in practice. Then the asymptotic error constants differ from those given in Theorem 5.9 and read






Example 5.1

For demonstration, we present results of testing several four-point methods of order 16 with the same computational efficiency (realized with five F.E. per iteration). We find improved approximations to the zero image of the function


starting from the initial approximation image. Results are given in Table 5.1 where image denotes image. The computational order of convergence, evaluated by the approximate formula (1.10), is also included in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 image


From the results displayed in Table 5.1 and a number of numerical experiments, it can be concluded that the convergence of the tested multipoint methods is remarkably fast. Even the accuracy of approximations obtained by two iterations is spectacular. All tested methods (5.3), (5.4), (5.41) (with variants), and (5.60) demonstrate similar behavior and very fast convergence for good initial approximations. The methods (2.47)–(5.41), (2.122)–(5.41), and (2.33)–(5.41) give the most accurate approximations in this particular example, but some other methods are better for other functions.

We end this chapter with a remark that Hermite’s and Newton’s interpolation can be used for obtaining an optimal image-step method based on an n-step optimal method image in a similar way as for inverse interpolation (see the end of Section 5.4). An additional (image-st) step is then of the form


and image is the interpolation polynomial set through all available information from the current iteration.


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