Chapter 2

Two-point methods

This chapter is devoted to two-point root-finding methods. Traub’s study (Traub, 1964) of two-point methods of third order is the first systematic investigation of multipoint methods. Although these methods are not optimal, in Section 2.1 we give a short review of Traub’s methods for their great influence to the later development of multipoint methods. To demonstrate developing techniques, several different derivations of the Ostrowski method originally proposed in 1960 (the first two-point method of order four) are presented in Section 2.2. Derivation and convergence analysis of two families of optimal two-point methods, proposed by the authors of this book, are presented in Sections 2.3 and 2.4. These families give a variety of fourth-order methods. Aside from the well-known Jarratt methods, in Section 2.6 we present a generalized family of Jarratt’s type that produces many two-point methods of optimal order four. Section 2.7 concerns with optimal two-point methods for finding multiple roots. It is interesting to note that the first two-point methods for multiple roots of optimal order were not constructed until 2009, almost half a century after the first optimal two-point method (Ostrowski, 1960) for finding simple roots.

2.1 Cubically convergent two-point methods

According to Theorem 1.6, any one-point iteration function which depends explicitly on f and its first image derivatives cannot attain higher order than r, that is, the informational efficiency image of any one-point method image cannot exceed 1 even by employing additional derivatives of higher order, where image is the number of F.E. per iteration. This was the reason and motivation for developing multipoint or multistep methods (both terms are used in the literature). The full benefit of multipoint methods occurs in their increased efficiency, namely, higher order of convergence is attained with fewer F.E. This is possible only by the reuse of information in every iteration step.

2.1.1 Composite multipoint methods

Composite multipoint methods were extensively described in Traub’s book (Traub, 1964). The first two-point methods, based on Theorem 1.3, are illustrated by the following example.

Example 2.1



According to Theorem 1.3, the iterative method defined by the composition


has the order image. If image is an initial approximation to the root image, Newton-Halley’s composite method can be written as

image (2.1)

We note that this method uses the calculation at two points image and image so that it can be referred to as two-point method or two-step method.

The computational efficiencies of Newton’s method image, Halley’s method image, and the composite two-step method image are (in view of (1.13))


Notice that Halley’s method possesses the highest efficiency so that the construction of the composite method in this case is not justified. Any construction of composite I.F. should be performed with a tendency to decrease the number of F.E., inducing the increase of computational efficiency.

Newton’s method has distinction of being most frequently used for the construction of composite multipoint methods. Namely, Newton’s method serves as the first step while the next steps can be constructed in various manners. We will see later that the Steffensen-like method (2.18) or Jarratt’s step


can also be used as the first step. We now present some composite two-point methods with cubic convergence based on Newton’s method.

Let f be a real sufficiently smooth analytic function, defined on an interval image that contains a simple zero image of f. Throughout this book we will often use the following quantities and abbreviations:

image (2.2)

where image denotes a divided difference of the first order. Divided differences of higher order are defined recursively. A divided difference of order m, denoted by image, is defined as

image (2.3)

For simplicity, we will sometimes omit iteration indices in iterative formulae and write image instead of image, where image denotes the subsequent approximation. Theorem 1.2 gives a simple way for constructing multipoint methods.

Example 2.2

Let image be given by Newton’s method image. Then, according to Theorem 1.2, the I.F.

image (2.4)

defines a method of third order.

Example 2.3

Consider an I.F. constructed as a combination of the Newton method and the secant method in the following manner:


Here the derivative image is replaced by the corresponding divided difference image. Hence we obtain the Newton-secant two-point method of third order

image (2.5)

The two-point method (2.5) can be visualized as the intersection of the x-axis and the secant line set through the points image and image, represented by the dashed line in Figure 2.1, where image.


Figure 2.1 Geometric interpretation of some two-point methods

Both two-point methods (2.4) and (2.5) have cubic convergence and require three F.E. Therefore, their computational efficiency is image. We also note that these methods are not optimal in the sense of the Kung-Traub conjecture (see Section 1.3) assuming that three F.E. should provide the optimal order four. The first optimal two-point method was constructed by Ostrowski (1960), several years before Traub’s extensive investigation in this area described in Traub (1964). Ostrowski’s method and its variants will be presented later, together with some other optimal methods.

2.1.2 Traub’s two-point methods

In his 1964’s book (Traub, 1964), Traub derived a number of cubically convergent two-point methods. One of the presented approaches relies on interpolation, which will be illustrated by several examples.

Let x be fixed and let f be a real function whose zero is sought. We construct an interpolation function image such that

image (2.6)

which makes use of image values of functions image. The aim is to substitute the higher order derivatives by lower derivatives of f evaluated at a certain number of points. We do not require that image is necessarily an algebraic polynomial. A general approach to the construction of multipoint methods of interpolatory type is presented in Traub (1964, Sec. 8.2). To construct two-point methods of third order avoiding the second derivative, we restrict ourselves to the special case when

image (2.7)

The condition image is automatically fulfilled and we only impose that (2.6) holds at the point image for image. In this way we obtain the following system of equations


This system has a solution for any image. For image, it follows that image, so that (2.7) becomes

image (2.8)

For image there follows image, and from (2.7) we get

image (2.9)

Let image be a zero of image, that is, image. Putting image in (2.8), we get

image (2.10)

This is an implicit relation in image. Substituting image by Newton’s approximation image on the right-hand side of (2.10), we get the iteration function

image (2.11)

On the basis of (2.11) Traub constructed the following iterative method

image (2.12)

Note that the iterative method (2.12) was rediscovered much later by Frontini and Sormani (2003) who used the quadrature rule of midpoints




Assuming that image is a zero of f, from the last relation there follows


Replacing image on the right-hand side by Newton’s approximation image, one obtains Traub’s method (2.12). Note that Homeier (2003) and Özban (2004) also rediscovered this method 40 years after Traub.

Theorem 2.1

The iterative process (2.12) has cubic convergence for sufficiently good initial approximation image.

Proof 1

Using Taylor’s series we get


Substituting into (2.12) yields


or, after developing into Taylor’s series,


In this manner the I.F. (2.12) reduces to the Schröder basic sequence (more precisely, to the Chebyshev third-order method image, see Example 1.4). Hence, according to Theorem 1.7, the iterative method (2.12) has cubic convergence. The asymptotic error constant is determined using Theorem 1.8,


Another two-point method can be obtained from (2.9) by taking image, with image. Then from (2.9) we get the relation

image (2.13)

Replacing image by image (Newton’s approximation) on the right-hand side of (2.13), we obtain the two-point method of third order

image (2.14)

The proof of cubic convergence of the method (2.14) is similar to that of Theorem 2.1.

Traub’s method (2.14) was rediscovered many years later by Weerakoon and Fernando (2000), who derived this method by the use of numerical integration. Starting from the Newton-Leibniz formula


and applying the trapezoidal rule to estimate the definite integral


one obtains


Assuming that image is a zero of f, we evaluate image from this relation and replace the argument of image by some approximation image to image to obtain the iterative formula


This is an implicit relation for image. Taking image to be the argument of image, we get Traub’s two-point method (2.14).

Applying different formulae for numerical integration, some other iterative methods can be obtained. However, they usually appear to be special cases of the already existing methods.

Let us now employ the function image which is inverse to f, into the interpolation formula (2.9). Then it takes the form


For image we define image. Then, due to the relations


we obtain

image (2.15)

Replacing image by the approximation image, from (2.15) there follows the iterative method of third order

image (2.16)

(see Traub, 1964, p. 165). This method was later rediscovered by Homeier (2005) and Özban (2004).

A one-parameter third-order family of two-point methods


was derived by Traub, see Traub (1964, pp. 198–200). In particular, for image and image the last iterative formula generates the already presented methods (2.12) and (2.16), respectively.

2.1.3 Two-point methods generated by derivative estimation

The efficiency of multipoint methods is improved by the reuse of information in every iteration. For example, it is possible to substitute higher derivatives by some suitable approximations. Here we describe Traub’s general method from which many particular methods can be derived.

Let image be an I.F. function of the second order. Assume that image is of the form

image (2.17)

where g is some function to be determined. Then image, that is, image.

Let us take g in the form


where image is a constant. The I.F. (2.17) becomes

image (2.18)

Expanding image into Taylor series, we get


In particular, choosing image where image is a zero of f, it follows that image. Consequently, image, which means that (2.18) defines a second-order iteration (according to Theorem 1.1). Note that image produces the well-known quadratically convergent method of Steffensen (1933)


Expanding the denominator in (2.18) into geometric series we arrive at the relation


Taking image and having in mind that image, from the last relation we conclude that

image (2.19)

For this particular choice of image, from (2.18) we get the I.F.

image (2.20)

which is, according to (2.19), of third order. This I.F. has already been derived as a composition of Newton’s method and the secant method, see (2.5).

We will now consider approximations to the second derivative, which always appears in one-point methods of third order. Using Taylor’s series we find

image (2.21)

We recall that the third-order well-known Chebyshev method is the second member of the Schröder basic sequence

image (2.22)

Approximating image by the left-hand side of (2.21), Traub derived a one-parameter family of two-step methods of third order

image (2.23)

see Traub (1964, p. 181). The choice image in (2.23) gives the method

image (2.24)

considered later by Kou et al. (2006). The choice image in (2.23) produces the method

image (2.25)

rediscovered by Potra and Pták (1984). There is no essential difference between the methods (2.24) and (2.25).

Substituting image in (2.21) yields the estimation to the second derivative

image (2.26)

Replacing the obtained approximation into Halley’s iterative method

image (2.27)

we obtain once more the two-point I.F. of third order


(see I.F. (2.5) and (2.20)).

Another approximation to the second derivative is by


Replacing this into the Chebyshev iterative formula (2.22) produces a one-parameter two-point family of iterative methods with cubic convergence


Its asymptotic error constant is (see Traub, 1964, p. 181)


Remark 2.1

Some of the presented two-point third-order methods can be obtained from Chun’s two-parameter family of methods derived in Chun (2007e),


where image and image.

The estimation (2.26) can be suitably applied to the well-known Laguerre’s method


We first transform this into the more suitable form

image (2.28)

where we have introduced a new constant image and take the sign + in front of the square root. Note that the use of the parameter image transforms Laguerre’s method into Hansen-Patrick’s family, considered in Hansen and Patrick (1977). Replacing (2.26) into (2.28), we obtain a one-parameter family of two-point iterative methods

image (2.29)

which was studied by Petković and Petković (2007c) and Petković et al. (1998).

Theorem 2.2

The iterative method (2.29) is of order three for all values of image, and of order four for image.

Proof 2

The proof is based on Theorem 1.1. The Taylor expansion of image about the point x is

image (2.30)



Then the I.F. (2.29) reads

image (2.31)

Using symbolic evaluation (say, in the computational software package Mathematica or Maple), we establish that image and

image (2.32)

Accordingly, the order of convergence of the family of two-point methods is three for all image. From (2.32) we find the asymptotic error constant


It is obvious from (2.32) that for the particular value image we get image, which means that this value of image gives the two-point method of fourth order of Euler-Cauchy’s type (see (1.23)). This method reads

image (2.33)

and its asymptotic error constant is


Remark 2.2

The iterative method identical to (2.29) was recently rediscovered by Sharma and Guha (2011) starting from Hansen-Patrick’s method (1.25).

All methods from the two-point family (2.29) for image require three F.E. per iteration and have the computational efficiency


the same one as the previously considered two-point methods and one-point cubically convergent methods presented in Section 1.5. The iterative method (2.33), obtained for image, possesses the highest computational efficiency since it is of fourth order. For this method we have image. We also observe that, substituting back the approximation (2.26) in (2.33), we get the third-order method

image (2.34)

known in the literature as Euler-Cauchy’s method.

Rewrite (2.29) in the equivalent form


then it is easy to check that the limit image gives the Newton-secant two-point method

image (2.35)

of third order, stated by Traub (1964), see (2.5).

Taking image in (2.29) we obtain the method

image (2.36)

Using the approximation (2.26), from (2.36) we find


which is the well-known square-root method or Ostrowski’s method stated by Ostrowski (1960), see also Petković and Petković (1993). Therefore, the iterative method (2.36) could be regarded as the Ostrowski-like method.

If we let image in (2.29), then we obtain Newton’s method of second order. Therefore, choosing large values of image will slow down the convergence speed of the family (2.29).

Example 2.4

We have compared the methods from the family (2.29) for image (the fourth-order method (2.33)), image (method (2.36)), image (method (2.34)) and Newton’s method (image) with the two-point methods (2.12), (2.14), (2.16), and (2.24) of third order. Beside these methods, we have also tested the fourth-order method of Ostrowski (1960)

image (2.37)

developed in 1960. All tested methods require three F.E. per iteration.

We have applied the mentioned methods for finding zeros of the following six functions:


The listed functions have been tested by Mathematica in multi-precision arithmetic. The stopping criterion has been given by image.

Let image be the zero of the function image. Most methods converge to the zeros


However, there are five exceptions stressed in Table 2.1 by the comments (1)–(5) and listed below the table. The term div points to the divergence and image means that image in the kth iteration.

Table 2.1 Results of numerical experiments







Observe that the family (2.29) possesses the square root structure which enables finding a complex zero of real functions having conjugate complex zeros, especially in solving algebraic equations. In that case, a mathematical computation system of Mathematica automatically continues to work in complex arithmetic. The same happens when an initial approximation produces negative value under the square root. In most cases the square root methods, such as the family (2.29), overcome this difficulty producing in complex arithmetic an approximation image to a real zero image, where image (to the wanted accuracy) and b is a very small number in magnitude (“parasite” part) that should be neglected.

We conclude this section with the comment that most of the discussed two-point methods of third order were constructed by Traub (1964) but later rediscovered by other authors. This fact was the subject of several papers, see, e.g., Chun (2007b), Chun and Neta (2009b), and Petković and Petković (2007a).

2.2 Ostrowski’s fourth-order method and its generalizations

The consideration in the previous section shows that most of the presented two-point methods possess the computational efficiency image, which is equivalent to the one-point iterative methods of third order, such as Halley’s, Laguerre’s, Euler’s, or Chebyshev’s. However, since these methods require the evaluation of the first and the second derivative of a function, two-point methods are advantageous always when the evaluation of derivatives is not simple. On the other hand, if an initial approximation image is not sufficiently close to the sought zero, then the predictor employed in the first step (usually Newton’s approximation) cannot provide a qualitative improvement to the approximation in the second step. Figure 2.2 displays an extreme case when the sought zero is overshot due to the poor choice of the initial approximation outside of the range of convergence.


Figure 2.2 The overshooting problem of Newton’s method; image

A significant advance in the construction of efficient two-point methods was achieved by two-point methods that require only three F.E. yet attain order four. This means that such methods support the Kung-Traub hypothesis (see Section 1.3) and reach optimal order of convergence. Their computational efficiency is image.

Let image be a real analytic function defined on some interval image that contains a simple zero image of f, and let us assume that image does not vanish on image. As in Section 1.3, we will use the notation image to denote the class of iteration functions image which generate n-step iterative methods with the optimal order of convergence image with fixed image. In this section we present some two-step methods of fourth order from the class image.

The first optimal two-point method was constructed by Ostrowski (1960), several years before Traub’s extensive investigation in this area. For its historical importance, but also for its good convergence properties, we devote a special attention to this method in this chapter. Ostrowski (1960, Ch. 11, App. G) derived his two-point method (2.37) using the interpolation of a given function f by a linear fraction

image (2.38)

at three interpolation points image, and image, where image and d are constants. Let image and assume that image. It is well-known from projective geometry that if w is related to x by (2.38), then the following relation is valid,

image (2.39)

that is, the points image have the same cross ratio as the points image. By introducing

image (2.40)

from (2.39) we find

image (2.41)

The function w given by (2.38) should be determined by three points image so that the conditions image are satisfied. However, since we want to construct a two-point method using only two points, we will consider the case where two of image coincide, for example, image. We assume that image, and image are known and image. The corresponding interpolating function w is determined as the limit of image and (2.41) as image. From (2.40) and (2.41) one obtains

image (2.42)

image (2.43)

It is easy to verify that image satisfies the conditions


Let image. Solving (2.43) with respect to x, we get a function image, implicitly expressed by

image (2.44)


image (2.45)

Let image be a zero of f, that is, image. Then we can take image (for image) as the new approximation to image. Putting image in (2.45), we obtain

image (2.46)

Now let us choose image to be Newton’s approximation, that is,


Then from (2.42) it follows that image and we get from (2.46)


Substituting image by image by image, and image by image, we obtain Ostrowski’s two-point method

image (2.47)

This iterative formula is equivalent to (2.37).

Ostrowski’s method can also be derived starting from double Newton’s method

image (2.48)

and replacing image by a suitable approximation which does not require new information. Let us emphasize that (2.48) is not a proper two-point method but Newton’s method successively applied two times. In fact, we use (2.48) as an auxiliary scheme in constructing optimal two-point methods. We shall encounter similar schemes again in Chapter 4.

First we apply Hermite’s interpolating polynomial of second degree

image (2.49)

where the coefficients image, and image are determined from the conditions

image (2.50)

According to (2.50) we find


Now we obtain


and substituting image yields after short arrangement

image (2.51)

Replacing the derivative image in the second step of (2.48) by image given by (2.51), one obtains Ostrowski’s two-point method (2.47).

Another derivation of Ostrowski’s method can be obtained using suitable approximations arising from Taylor’s series. Let image. Since


we have


Replacing this approximation of image in the second step of (2.48), we obtain (2.47).

The approximation of image can be obtained by combining the Newton-Leibniz formula


and the quadrature rule


Taking image in the last quadrature formula, we obtain the system of linear equations


Hence we find image, so that


(see (2.51)). The substitution of this approximation of image in (2.48) leads to the Ostrowski method (2.47).

Finally, we derive Ostrowski’s method by a geometric approach using Figure 2.1. Let the point image bisect the line segment determined by the points image and image, where


is Newton’s approximation. In fact, this segment is a part of the tangent line at image. A new approximation image is the intersection of the x-axis and the secant line drawn through the points P and image (dotted line in Figure 2.1). From the similarity of the right-angle triangles (with hypotenuses image and image), from Figure 2.1 we observe that the equality


holds. Solving the last equation for image, we obtain Ostrowski’s two-point method upon setting image.

We have demonstrated geometric construction of Ostrowski’s method (2.47). Many new and old iterative methods can also be derived by geometric techniques. As well-known, Newton’s method may be geometrically constructed by the point of intersection of the tangent line to the graph of image at the point image with x-axis. Halley’s method (1.20) is geometrically interpreted by tangent hyperbolas, see Salehov (1952), while Euler-Cauchy’s method (1.23) may be derived finding the point of intersection of a quadratic parabola with x-axis, etc. Chun and Kim (2010) have used the circle of curvature, a fundamental concept in differential geometry, to derive the following third-order method of simple form,


where image.

Chun (2007b) has developed a new I.F. geometrically, as follows. Let image be a fixed parameter and let image be an I.F. of second order. Let image denote the intersection of the x-axis and the line passing through two points image and image. Then

image (2.52)

The next theorem was proved in Chun (2007b).

Theorem 2.3

Let image be a simple zero of f and let image be an I.F. of second order such that image is continuous in a neighborhood of image. Then the order of the I.F. image given by (2.52) is at least three when image and at least four if


Chun gives two examples of I.F. of fourth order. Taking Newton’s I.F. image, it follows from (2.52) with image


which is the Ostrowski method of fourth order (2.47). Note that the condition image of Theorem 2.3 is satisfied in the case of Newton’s method so that the order four could have been predicted.

The second example uses quadratically convergent method


considered by Mamta et al. (2005). This method also gives image and the corresponding method


is of fourth order (according to Theorem 2.3), where


Note that a two-step method of order three can be generated from (2.52) using the Newton-like I.F.


(with image).

Observe that Ostrowski’s method (2.47) can be obtained as a special case of many families of two-point methods developed later. This fact points that Ostrowski’s method could be regarded as an “essential method” which makes the “core” of many families of two-point methods. Since this method often gives the best results in practice in the class of methods with similar characteristics, this assertion is justified to a large extent.

Theorem 2.4

The iterative process (2.47) is of fourth order for a sufficiently close initial approximation image.

Proof 3

From Taylor’s expansion of f, we get (omitting the argument x)

image (2.53)

According to this, we have

image (2.54)

Using (2.53) and (2.54), we obtain

image (2.55)

Taylor’s series gives


and substituting this expression back into (2.55), we obtain


According to this, the I.F. image in (2.37) can be written in the form


To prove the fourth order of convergence of Ostrowski’s method (2.47), we use Theorem 1.8. We note that the member image in Schröder’s basic sequence generated by (1.27) is given by

image (2.56)

Since image when image and


it follows that the limit


exists and it is not 0. In view of Theorem 1.8 it follows that Ostrowski’s two-point method (2.47) has order of convergence equal to four and the asymptotic error constant is given by


Remark 2.3

Note that Traub (1964, p. 184) gave the error relation (without proof)


pointing to the fourth order of the method (2.47). The expression on the right-hand side gives the asymptotic error constant.

Remark 2.4

According to the above consideration, we see that Ostrowski’s two-point method (2.47) belongs to the class image of optimal methods of order image with 3 function evaluations. Note that good convergence behavior of Ostrowski’s method has been demonstrated by Yun and Petković (2009), where initial approximations were provided by Yun’s efficient method based on numerical integration of sigmoid-like functions; see Yun (2008) and Section 1.4.

A generalization of Ostrowski’s method (2.47) was proposed by King (1973a) in the form

image (2.57)

where image is a parameter. King’s family (2.57) of two-point methods is optimal and has the order four. It is easy to see that Ostrowski’s method (2.47) is a special case of (2.57) for image.

One of several derivations of King’s family (2.57) goes as follows. We start from the expression

image (2.58)

and, using (2.53) and Taylor’s series, in a similar manner as in the proof of Theorem 2.4 we find


Then we have

image (2.59)

Since the member image of the Schröder basic sequences image is given by

image (2.60)

(see Section 1.5), by comparing the expressions (2.59) and (2.60) we conclude that the method image will reach fourth order if image. Setting image and image in (2.58) we obtain King’s family image given by (2.57). Using these values of the parameters we find the asymptotic error constant


We have mentioned that Ostrowski’s method (2.47) follows from King’s family (2.57) for image. The following two rediscovered optimal methods are also special cases of King’s family:

Kou-Li-Wang’s method (Kou et al., 2007a), image:

image (2.61)

Chun’s method (Chun, 2008), image:

image (2.62)

Remark 2.5

Some other rediscovered iterative formulae, in a less obvious form, can also be obtained from King’s family (2.57). For example, the family of two-point methods of the form


was presented by Chun and Ham (2008b). Introducing image and image, it is easy to see that this method is equivalent to King’s method (2.57).

Regarding the second step of (2.48) and the iterative formula (2.57), we observe that the derivative image is approximated in the following way:

image (2.63)

Some variants of King’s family (2.57), based on different approximations to image, were presented by Chun (2007c). Assuming that the quotient image is a reasonably small quantity, the right-hand side of (2.63) can be expanded into series

image (2.64)

Taking the first three terms in (2.64) to approximate q in (2.63), Chun (2007c) obtained the family of two-point methods of fourth order,

image (2.65)

It is obvious that the family (2.65) reduces to (2.47) for image.

Another Chun’s family (Chun, 2007a) belonging to image is given by the iterative formula


where image. Substituting image yields the method (2.61).

Note that Kou et al. (2007c) derived the following two-parameter method,


and showed that this family is of third order for any image. In particular, for image, this method attains the order four. However, in this special case the above family reduces to King’s family (2.57).

One more comment. Ostrowski’s method (2.47) can be obtained as a special case from many two-point methods belonging to the class image, for instance, in the case of King’s method (2.57). Another example is the Chun-Ham family (Chun and Ham, 2007a)




and image. Ostrowski’s method (2.47) is obtained for image.

We end this section with two methods of King-Ostrowski’s type. First we present a two-point method developed by Chun and Neta (2009b) by using the method of undetermined coefficients. Let image stand for any second-order method. The iterative scheme

image (2.66)

has order four, see Traub (1964), possessing the same computational efficiency as standard Newton’s method. To derive a new method of higher efficiency, Chun and Neta (2009b) have considered the expression

image (2.67)

Let image. By Taylor’s series we obtain


Substituting the expressions on the right-hand sides of the above expansions in (2.67) and upon comparing the coefficients of f and its derivatives at image, the following system of equations is obtained:


The solution of this system is


Putting these values into (2.67), the following method follows from (2.66)

image (2.68)

where image is calculated by any second-order method.

It was proved in Chun and Neta (2009b) that the order of convergence of the two-point method (2.68) is four. The iterative method (2.68) can be regarded as a generalization of Ostrowski’s method (2.47). In particular, if we take the Newton iteration as first step, that is,


then the method (2.68) reduces to the Ostrowski method (2.47).

The second method of King-Ostrowski’s type is due to Kou et al. (2007a). Combining Potra-Pták’s third-order method (Potra and Pták, 1984)

image (2.69)

and Sharma’s third-order method (Sharma, 2005)

image (2.70)

Kou et al. (2007a) stated the following one-parameter two-point method

image (2.71)



is Newton’s approximation and image. Obviously, for image formula (2.71) becomes (2.69), while the choice image gives (2.70).

Other values of image produce methods of third order, which are not of practical interest since they require three F.E. and attain the efficiency index image. However, the choice image in (2.71) delivers the two-point method

image (2.72)

of order four. The method (2.72) is a special case of King’s method setting image in (2.57), see (2.61).

2.3 Family of optimal two-point methods

In this section we present a family of two-point methods, proposed in the paper Petković and Petković (2010). Consider again the composite two-step scheme (2.48) with a reasonably good initial approximation image. The presented double Newton’s scheme is simple and its rate of convergence is equal to four, which is a consequence of the fact that Newton’s method is of second order and Theorem 1.3.

It is obvious that the computational efficiency of the iterative scheme (2.48) is the same as that of Newton’s method. This “naive” two-step method requires four F.E. per iteration. To reduce the number of evaluations and thus increase the computational efficiency, Chun (2008) introduced a useful technique for approximating the first derivative using a suitably chosen weight function h,


where image. Here h is a real-valued function to be chosen so that the two-point method

image (2.73)

is of order four. Chun showed that any function h, satisfying image, and image, provides the fourth order of the two-point iterative scheme (2.73).

The presented idea is both simple and fruitful. Sometimes it is necessary to develop the function h into Taylor’s or geometric series to generate suitable (both new and existing) iteration functions. Chun (2008) listed the following examples:


A slightly more direct approach without altering the weight function, considered in Petković and Petković (2010), is based on Chun’s idea to approximate image by


assuming that a real-weight function g and its derivatives image and image are continuous in the neighborhood of 0. Now the two-step scheme (2.48) becomes

image (2.74)

The weight function g in (2.74) has to be determined so that the two-point method (2.74) attains the optimal order four using only three function evaluations: image, and image. This is the subject of the following theorem (see Petković and Petković, 2010).

Theorem 2.5

Let image be a simple zero of a real single-valued function image possessing a certain number of continuous derivatives in the neighborhood of image, where image is an open interval. Let g be a function satisfying image and image. If image is sufficiently close to image, then the order of convergence of the family of two-step methods (2.74) is four and the error relation

image (2.75)


Proof 4

Let image as before and let us introduce the errors


Expanding f into Taylor’s series about image, we find

image (2.76)

Hence, applying again Taylor’s series to image, we get

image (2.77)

Furthermore, we have

image (2.78)

Let us approximate the function g by its Taylor’s polynomial of second degree at the point image,

image (2.79)

Now, using (2.76)(2.79), we find for image


Substituting the conditions image and image of the theorem in the expression for image, we obtain


which is exactly the error relation (2.75). Hence we conclude that the order of the family (2.74) is four. image

Remark 2.6

From (2.75) we notice that the asymptotic error constant of the method (2.74) is


To determine the corresponding expression of the asymptotic error constant in the case of a particular method obtained by choosing a specific function g, it is necessary to find image and substitute this value in the above expression. For example, for King’s method (2.57) we have


and hence image.

We give some special cases of the two-point family (2.74) of methods. This family produces a variety of new methods as well as some existing optimal two-point methods which appear as special cases. The chosen function g in the subsequent examples satisfies the conditions image and image, given in Theorem 2.5. We write image for short.

Method 2.1. For g given by


we obtain King’s fourth-order family of two-point methods given by (2.57). Recall that King’s family produces as special cases Ostrowski’s method (2.47)image, Kou-Li-Wang’s method (2.61)image and Chun’s method (2.62)image.

Method 2.2. Choosing g in the form


one obtains a family of fourth-order methods

image (2.80)

Taking image in (2.80) we get Chun’s method (2.62), while the choice image gives Ostrowski’s method (2.47). The choice image gives the iterative method

image (2.81)

Method 2.3. For g defined by


we obtain a one-parameter family of two-point methods

image (2.82)

Substituting image in (2.82) yields Ostrowski’s method (2.47).

Method 2.4. The choice


gives a family of optimal two-point methods defined by the I.F.

image (2.83)

Ostrowski’s method (2.47) is obtained as a special case putting image in (2.83). In fact, the method (2.83) is Chun’s method (2.65) with image.

Method 2.5. Choosing


we construct the I.F.

image (2.84)

which defines a one-parameter family of two-point methods image of order four. Taking image in (2.84), we obtain Maheshwari’s method (Maheshwari, 2009) as a special case,

image (2.85)

Method 2.6. The weight function


satisfies the conditions of Theorem 2.5 in a limit case when image and produces the fourth-order method of Euler-Cauchy’s type

image (2.86)

proposed in Petković and Petković (2007c) and already discussed in Section 2.1, see (2.33).

Remark 2.7

Cordero et al. (2010) presented the optimal two-point fourth-order method in the form


This method is referred to as modified Potra-Pták method after Potra-Pták method (2.25). However, the above two-point method is a special case of the family (2.74) for image. Moreover, the addend image, which follows after image in the second step, can be omitted (that is, taking image) preserving order four. Then the second step takes a simple form


which can be obtained from Ostrowski’s method (2.47) by approximating image.

Example 2.5

The convergence behavior of some optimal two-point methods, considered in this section, has been tested using the function


for finding its zero image which lies in the interval [2,5]. We have chosen the initial approximation image. The computational software package Mathematica with multi-precision arithmetic has been employed.

Table 2.2 contains absolute values of the errors of approximations in the first three iterations, where image means image. This table also contains the entries of the computational order of convergence, evaluated by (1.10).

Table 2.2 Example 2.5image


2.4 Optimal derivative free two-point methods

In many real-life problems it is preferable to avoid calculations of derivatives of f. The classical Steffensen’s method (Steffensen, 1933)

image (2.87)

derived from Newton’s method


by substituting the derivative image with the ratio


is an example of a derivative free root-finding method. The efficiency index of Steffensen’s method is image, the same as that of Newton’s method.

In this section we consider a family of derivative free two-point methods without memory of order four. Its variant with memory is studied in Chapter 6. Some of the presented results are studied in Petković et al. (2010c). In general, derivative free methods are useful for finding zeros of a function f when the calculation of derivatives of f is complicated and expensive.



where image is an arbitrary real constant. Upon expanding image into Taylor’s series about x, we arrive at


Hence, we obtain an approximation to the derivative image in the form

image (2.88)

studied many years ago in Traub (1964, p. 178).

To construct derivative free two-point methods of optimal order, let us start from the double Newton’s method (2.48). It is well-known that the iterative scheme (2.48) is inefficient and our primary aim is to improve its computational efficiency. We also wish to substitute derivatives image and image in (2.48) by convenient approximations. This replacement can be carried out at the first step using the approximation (2.88) to image. The derivative image in the second step of (2.48) will be approximated by image, where imageis a differentiable function that depends on two real variables



image (2.89)

image (2.90)

Starting from the iterative scheme (2.48) and using (2.89) and (2.90), we construct the following family of two-point methods (Petković et al., 2010c)

image (2.91)

The weight function h should be determined in such a way to provide the fourth order of convergence of the two-point method (2.91).

Let image denote the error of approximation calculated in the kth iteration. In our convergence analysis we will omit sometimes the iteration index k for simplicity. A new approximation image to the root image will be denoted with image. Let us introduce the errors


We will use Taylor’s expansion about the root image to express image, and image as series in image. Then we represent image and image by Taylor’s polynomials in image.

Assume that x is sufficiently close to the zero image of f, then s and t are very small quantities in magnitude. Let us represent a real function of two variables h appearing in (2.91) by Taylor’s series about (0, 0) in a linear form,

image (2.92)

where image and image denote partial derivatives of h with respect to t and s. It can be proved that the use of partial derivatives of higher order does not provide faster convergence (greater than four) of two-point methods without memory.

Expressions of Taylor’s polynomials (in image) of functions involved in (2.91) are cumbersome and lead to tedious calculations, which requires the use of a computer. If a computer is employed anyway, it is reasonable to perform all calculations necessary in finding the convergence rate using symbolic computation, as done in what follows. Such an approach was used in Thukral and Petković (2010) and later papers. Therefore, instead of presenting explicit expressions in the convergence analysis we use symbolic computation in Mathematica to find candidates for h. If necessary, intermediate expressions can always be displayed during this computation using the program given below, although their presentation is most frequently of academic interest.

We will find the coefficients image of the expansion (2.92) using a simple program in Mathematica and an interactive approach explained by the comments C1, C2, and C3. First, let us introduce abbreviations used in this program.



fximagefxiimage,  fiimage,


Program (written in Mathematica)

fx = f1a∗(e + c2∗eˆ2 + c3∗eˆ3 + c4∗eˆ4);

fxi = f1a∗((e + g∗fx)+c2∗(e + g∗fx)ˆ2 + c3∗(e + g∗fx)ˆ3);

fi = Series[(fxi-fx)/(g∗fx),{e,0,2}];

ey = e-g∗fxˆ2∗Series[1/(fxi-fx),{e,0,2}];

fy = f1a∗(ey + c2∗eyˆ2 + c3∗eyˆ3);

t = Series[fy/fx,{e,0,2}]; 

s = Series[fy/fxi,{e,0,2}];

e1 = ey-(h0 + ht∗t + hs∗s)∗Series[fy/fi,{e,0,3}]//Simplify;

A2 = Coefficient[e1,eˆ2]


Out[A2]= c2(1 + g f1a)(1-h0)

h0 = 1; A3 = Coefficient[e1,eˆ3]//Simplify


Out[A3]=image (2+image(1-ht)-ht-hs-g f1a (-3 + 2ht + hs))

ht = 1; hs = 1; A4 = Coefficient[e1,eˆ4]//Simplify



Comment C1: From the expression for the error image we observe that image is of the form

image (2.93)

The iterative two-point method (2.91) will have order four if the coefficients of the expansion (2.92) are chosen so that image and image (in (2.93)) vanish. We find these coefficients equating shaded expressions in the boxed formulae to 0. First, from Out[A2] we set image and then calculate image.

Comment C2: From Out[A3] we see that the term image can be eliminated only if we choose image. With this value the coefficient image will vanish if we take image.

Comment C3: Substituting the entries image in the expression of e1 (image), we obtain


or, using the iteration index,

image (2.94)

Therefore, to provide the fourth-order of convergence of the two-point methods (2.91), it is necessary to choose the function of two variables h so that its truncated expansion (2.92) satisfies

image (2.95)

According to the above analysis we can formulate the following convergence theorem.

Theorem 2.6

Let image be a differentiable function of two variables that satisfies the conditions image. If an initial approximation image is sufficiently close to a zero image of a function f, then the order of the family of two-point methods (2.91) is equal to four.

Let us study the choice of the weight function h in (2.91). Considering (2.95), we see that the simplest form of h is obviously

image (2.96)

Note that any function of the form image, where g is a differentiable function such that image, satisfies the condition (2.95). For example, we can take image (image is a parameter), image, and so on. The two-parameter function image also satisfies the condition (2.95).

Other examples of usable functions are as follows:

image (2.97)

image (2.98)

image (2.99)

image (2.100)

It is easy to check that these functions satisfy the conditions (2.95).

Remark 2.8

The family of two-point methods (2.91) requires three F.E. and has order of convergence four. Therefore, this family is optimal in the sense of the Kung-Traub conjecture and possesses the computational efficiency image.

Remark 2.9

According to (2.94), we find the asymptotic error constant


However, this expression is valid if the Taylor series of h is truncated to the polynomial form (2.96). For any other particular function h, the asymptotic error constant takes a specific expression. For example, choosing image (formula (2.97)) we find the asymptotic error constant


Remark 2.10

We speak about the family (2.91) since the choice of the free parameter image and various weight functions h, satisfying the conditions (2.95), provides a variety of two-point methods.

Remark 2.11

Peng et al. (2011) displayed (without derivation) the following derivative free two-point method of fourth order,


where image coincides with image given by (2.88) and image is a real parameter. It is easy to show that this method is a special case of the family (2.91) with the basic choice


Remark 2.12

Sharma and Goyal (2006) have shown that the derivative free two-point method




has order four. To avoid any additional calculations, it is preferable to choose image as a constant. Therefore, without loss of generality, we can adopt that image The Sharma-Goyal method can be obtained from the family (2.91) taking


and image in (2.88), providing image. Moreover, the family (2.91), with image chosen as above, can deal with arbitrary image, that is, we may replace image by image given by (2.88).

Now we will present a derivative free two-point method of optimal order four related to the family (2.91). Starting from the Steffensen-Newton scheme

image (2.101)

of fourth order, Ren et al. (2009) eliminated image using only available information. In this way, they derived a two-point method of order four costing three function evaluations. Using an interpolating polynomial


and the conditions

image (2.102)

where image, the following approximation is obtained:

image (2.103)

Here image is an arbitrary parameter. Substituting (2.103) into (2.101), the derivative free two-point method of the form

image (2.104)

was stated and the following theorem was proved in Ren et al. (2009).

Theorem 2.7

(Ren et al., 2009) Let image be a simple zero of a sufficiently differentiable function image for an open interval image. If image is sufficiently close to image, then the class of methods defined by (2.104) is of fourth order, and satisfies the error relation

image (2.105)

Observe from the error relation (2.105) that the parameter a does not influence the order of convergence considering (2.104) as a method without memory. This is also clear from the estimations


Namely, the term image in the denominator of (2.104) is of higher order and can be neglected. This is equivalent to the choice image in the iterative scheme (2.104). Practical examples justify such conclusion. Finally, note that the approximation (2.103) with image can be obtained using Newtonian interpolation, see (2.107).

Remark 2.13

Regarding (2.105), a modified method with slightly improved convergence order could be constructed calculating image. It is assumed that image, and image are approximated using data from the previous and current iteration. However, this approach is rather artificial and awkward and gives only slight acceleration of convergence. More efficient accelerating methods are studied in Chapter 6.

Let us compare the Ren-Wu-Bi method (2.104) with image and the family (2.91) with image. The first step for both methods is the Steffensen method (2.87). The second step of (2.104)a=0 may be written in the form


where image is the already mentioned function (2.99) and image is given by (2.88) for image. Therefore, the Ren-Wu-Bi method (2.104) for image can be derived from the family (2.91) as a special case for


This also means that a simpler interpolation function of the form


and the conditions (2.102) can be used for the approximation of image in (2.103). It is easy to check that the two-point method (2.104)a=0 is obtained in this manner.

Cordero and Torregrosa (2011) approximated the derivative image in the Steffensen-Newton scheme (2.101) in the following way,


where image, and image are real parameters. They proved that the obtained derivative free family of two-point methods is of order four if image and image and the error relation


holds. However, it is easy to show that this method is only a special case of Ren-Wu-Bi’s family (2.104) for image. Consequently, the above error relation reduces to (2.105) for image.

An additional observation about the Ren-Wu-Bi method (2.104) for image. This special case has appeared as a starting point in developing a new method in the paper of Liu et al. (2010). Namely, having in mind that


Liu et al. (2010) use a simple approximation of the form image (for small image) and find


Returning back into image yields the derivative free two-point fourth-order method,


From the previous consideration we can observe that several methods for constructing two-point methods have been used: interpolation by bilinear function, Hermite’s interpolation, approximation of the derivative, interpolating polynomials. We shall deal with inverse interpolation in Section 2.5. Now we demonstrate another approach based on Newton’s interpolation with divided differences. Let the first step in (2.48) be represented by Steffensen’s method (2.87). We calculate the next approximation by

image (2.106)



is Newton’s interpolating polynomial of second degree that satisfies the conditions


where image. Hence

image (2.107)

Using (2.87) and (2.107), the following two-point method is stated

image (2.108)

In this manner we derived the Ren-Wu-Bi method (2.104) for image. The iterative method (2.108) can also be obtained as a special case of the family (2.91) for image and image.

2.5 Kung-Traub’s multipoint methods

A fundamental and one of the most influential papers in the topic of multipoint methods for solving nonlinear equations is certainly Kung-Traub’s paper (Kung and Traub, 1974). Aside from the famous conjecture on the upper bound of the order of convergence of multipoint methods with fixed number of F.E. (see Section 1.3), this paper presents two optimal multipoint families of iterative methods of arbitrary order. These general families will be studied in later chapters together with their convergence analysis. However, frequent use and citation of these families, called K-T family for brevity, imposes their short introduction. We present Kung-Traub’s families in the form given in Kung and Traub (1974).

K-T (2.109): For any m, define iteration function image as follows: image and for image,

image (2.109)

for image, where image is the inverse interpolating polynomial of degree at most j such that


Let us note that the family K-T (2.109) requires no evaluation of derivatives of f. The order of convergence of the family K-T (2.109), consisting of image steps, is image.

K-T (2.110): For any m, define iteration function image as follows: image, and for image,

image (2.110)

for image, where image is the inverse interpolating polynomial of degree at most j such that


The order of convergence of the family K-T (2.110), consisting of image steps, is image.

Remark 2.14

image in (2.109) and image in (2.110) are only initializing steps and they do not make the first step of the described iterations.

In this chapter we study two-point methods so that it is of interest to present two-point methods obtained as special cases of the Kung-Traub families (2.109) and (2.110). First, for image we obtain from (2.109) the derivative free two-point method

image (2.111)

The two-point method (2.111) is of fourth order and requires three F.E. so that it belongs to the class image of optimal methods.

The iterative scheme (2.111) can be rewritten in the form

image (2.112)

where image and image. Comparing (2.112) to (2.91) with h given by (2.98), we observe that the family (2.91) is a generalization of the Kung-Traub two-point method (2.111).

Taking image in (2.110), we obtain Kung-Traub’s two-point method of fourth order,

image (2.113)

Note that the family (2.74) is a generalization of Kung-Traub’s method (2.113), which follows from this family taking image in (2.80) or image in (2.83).

Example 2.6

We have applied some of the presented two-point methods of fourth order to the function


to approximate its zero image. In this test we have used the common initial approximation image. The absolute values of the errors of approximations image in the first four iterations are displayed in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 Example 2.6image


2.6 Optimal two-point methods of Jarratt’s type

Most of the multipoint methods presented in this book use two or more evaluations of a given function f at different points and only one evaluation of image. After Ostrowski’s two-point method (2.47) of optimal order four (Ostrowski, 1960), constructed in 1960, the next two-point method of fourth order was derived by Jarratt (1966). Jarratt’s approach relies on an extended Traub’s form investigated in Traub (1964) and uses one function and two derivative evaluations per iteration. For this reason, optimal two-point methods with such a model of evaluation are often called methods of Jarratt’s type. It is worth noting that, among two-point methods, only Jarratt’s model possesses (at present) the feature to generate two-point methods of optimal order four for finding multiple roots (see Section 2.7).

2.6.1 Jarratt’s two-step methods

Let us define the functions


Traub showed in Traub (1964, pp. 197–204) that iterative formulae of the type

image (2.114)

can reach cubic order of convergence by suitable choices of the parameters image, and image, costing one evaluation of image and two of image per iteration. Further acceleration of convergence of (2.114) is not possible without increasing the number of F.E.

In his paper (Jarratt, 1966) Jarratt examined a similar class of iterative methods of the form

image (2.115)



Jarratt succeeded in increasing the order of convergence of (2.115) from three to four without additional F.E., contrary to Traub’s iterative formulae (2.114) of third order.

Let image be a zero of f and let image be the error in the kth iteration. Sometimes we will write image instead of image and omit the argument of u for simplicity. Using the Taylor expansions of image and image about the zero image, we find



image (2.116)

we obtain

image (2.117)

After tedious but elementary calculations, from (2.116) and (2.117) one obtains

image (2.118)


image (2.119)

where the abbreviations


are used. Now we substitute (2.118) and (2.119) into (2.115) and after collecting terms in image, the error relation of the form


is obtained.

The coefficients image, and image depend on image, and image. The expressions for these coefficients are rather lengthy and will not be given explicitly. The iterative method (2.115) will reach fourth order only if image. To satisfy these conditions, the following system of equations must be fulfilled (see Jarratt, 1966):


For consistency of the second and last equation we must choose image so that the above system reduces to

image (2.120)

image (2.121)

image (2.122)

where we set image for convenience. The restrictions image are necessary since image gives image while image leads to image. In both cases (2.115) degenerate to (2.114) and the fourth order cannot be achieved.

Assuming that image, the general solution of the system (2.122) in terms of image is


In this way Jarratt constructed a general family of fourth-order two-point methods requiring only one function and two derivative evaluations per iteration,

image (2.123)

Therefore, Jarratt’s family (2.123) is optimal in the sense of the Kung-Traub conjecture.

The parameter image in (2.123) should be chosen so that the form of (2.123) is as simple as possible. The following three particular methods were presented in Jarratt’s paper (Jarratt, 1966) putting image for short:

image (2.124)

image (2.125)

image (2.126)

Jarratt applied a similar approach in Jarratt (1969) to construct a two-point method of fourth order consuming one function and two derivative evaluations per iteration. He searched for efficient I.F. in the form

image (2.127)

where image and image are given by (2.116) and (2.117). To determine the coefficients image, and image in (2.127), Jarratt used the Schröder basic sequence (1.27). Recall that two iterative methods of order p can only differ by terms proportional to image or higher, see Theorem 1.7. By comparing imageand the fifth-order method image given by (2.56), Jarratt arrived at the following difference (with the parameter image renamed to image)

image (2.128)

The I.F. image will reach fourth order if the coefficients of image, and image all vanish for arbitrary function image. These conditions lead to the following system of equations obtained from (2.128):

image (2.129)

Similarly as in the case of Jarratt’s family (2.123), the second and last equations will be consistent only if image. With this value, the system (2.129) reduces to


with the solution image. In view of (2.127), the two-point method gets the simple form

image (2.130)

Let us return to Jarratt’s method (2.124) and rewrite it in the form

image (2.131)



If x is sufficiently close to a zero of f, then image is small and we have image. Then the expansion in geometric series gives


Substituting this into (2.131) yields the iterative formula of order four

image (2.132)

This two-point method is often called inverse-free Jarratt’s method, see, e.g., Amat et al. (2004) and Varona (2002). These cited papers present the convergence behavior of the inverse-free Jarratt method (2.132) and several other methods from a dynamical point of view, using a graphic visualization by fractal pictures. Comparing the iterative formulae (2.124) and (2.132) it might look at first glance that the inverse has been eliminated. However, this is not quite correct since image contains image, which is a drawback if (2.132) is applied to systems of nonlinear equations.

Remark 2.15

Note that the methods (2.123), (2.130), and (2.132) of Jarratt’s type use in the first step a specific approximation image (with image), contrary to most multi-step methods that employ Newton’s approximation image (with image). The former will be called Jarratt’s step to differ from the latter Newton’s step.

A family of two-point methods of fourth order, which also uses one function and two derivative evaluations as Jarratt’s methods (2.123), (2.130), and (2.132), has been proposed in Chun and Ham (2008a). The base for constructing this family is the third-order method

image (2.133)

often called super-Halley’s method, where


The second derivative can be eliminated using a finite difference quotient

image (2.134)



and h is a suitably chosen real-valued function. Then image is approximated by

image (2.135)

Substituting image by image into (2.133), the following modification of the super-Halley method is obtained:

image (2.136)

The following theorem was proved in Chun and Ham (2008a).

Theorem 2.8

Let image be a simple zero of a sufficiently differentiable function image on an open interval image and let h be any function satisfying image and image. If image is sufficiently close to image, then the family of two-point methods defined by (2.136) has order four, and its error relation is given by

image (2.137)

Several choices of the function h have been considered in Chun and Ham (2008a), for example image and image, but the choice image is both the simplest and cheapest from the computational point of view. This value of h gives the predictor image of Jarratt’s methods (2.123) and (2.130).

A similar approach has been applied in Kou et al. (2007b) for constructing the following multi-parametric family of two-point methods

image (2.138)

where image is defined by (2.135) and the predictor image is calculated by

image (2.139)

It is obvious that the choice image reduces (2.138) to the previous family (2.136).

It was proved in Kou et al. (2007b) that the family (2.138) has order four if image. Then the iterative formula (2.138) becomes (after short rearrangement)

image (2.140)



Although the iterative formula (2.140) is more complicated than (2.136), it gives some interesting special cases. For example, taking image in (2.140), a particular method (2.124) from Jarratt’s family (2.123) is obtained, written in somewhat different form,


Other two-point methods based on Jarratt’s step (2.139) and the approximation (2.134) of the second derivative image were developed by Kou (2007). The third-order Euler-Cauchy method

image (2.141)

has served as the basic method, where image is defined as above. Taking


from (2.135) there follows

image (2.142)

Replacing this approximation into (2.141), Kou derived the following two-point method of fourth order

image (2.143)

Using Taylor’s expansion and (2.142), in the same paper (Kou, 2007) Kou proposed the following root-free methods of fourth order:

image (2.144)


image (2.145)

Note that the Euler-Cauchy method (2.141) (a special case of Hansen-Patrick’s method (1.25)) was also applied in Sharma et al. (2009) for the construction of the two-point method of fourth order

image (2.146)

where image.

Jarratt’s step (2.139) was applied in Basu’s paper (Basu, 2008) for constructing two methods of optimal fourth order:

(I) Starting from Traub’s method (2.16), Basu obtained the two-point method

image (2.147)

(II) The second two-point method

image (2.148)

was constructed using Traub’s method (2.14). Note that (2.148) is equivalent to Jarratt’s method (2.124).

2.6.2 Jarratt-like family of two-point methods

Now we will construct a family of Jarratt’s type of two-point methods which, among others, includes the methods (2.147) and (2.148). Let


Consider a two-point method in the form

image (2.149)

where image is a weight function to be determined such that the method (2.149) has fourth order. As in Section 2.3, we approximate the weight function image by its Taylor’s polynomial of third degree


We use the Taylor expansion about the point image since


Using symbolic computation we find the error relation of (2.149)


where the expression of image is rather lengthy and will be given explicitly after its simplification. Hence, the two-point method (2.149) will be of order four if the coefficients of image, and image all vanish. These conditions are satisfied if we take the weight function image in (2.149) with the properties

image (2.150)

The above error relation now becomes

image (2.151)

According to (2.150) and (2.151) we can state the following theorem.

Theorem 2.9

Let image be a sufficiently differentiable function having a simple zero image in an open interval image. If image is close enough to image and the conditions (2.150) hold, then the family (2.149) is of order four.

A number of Jarratt-like methods can be constructed for various choices of image. A rather general two-parameter family is obtained using the rational function

image (2.152)

For example, taking image in (2.149), we obtain Jarratt’s method (2.148) (rediscovered by Basu (2008)). Note that Basu’s method (2.147) is obtained from (2.149) for image. Here are two other examples arising from (2.152):


More generally, choosing


(for image in (2.152), image), the Jarratt family (2.123) follows from (2.149).

Using a different approach, Chun et al. (2012) derived a generalized family of Jarratt’s type, which is essentially the same to (2.149) and has the form

image (2.153)



It was shown in Chun et al. (2012) that the family (2.153) is of order four if


It is easy to show that these conditions are equivalent to (2.150) since image.

A lot of new and old methods of Jarratt’s type can be generated from (2.153). For example, taking


in (2.153), where image, we obtain (2.140).

Remark 2.16

Observe that most multipoint methods considered in this book do not use more than one derivative evaluation. On the other hand, the methods presented in this section use two evaluations of the derivative, which is computationally attractive in problems where the evaluation of image is rapid compared to image. As noted by Jarratt (1966), such cases arise when f is defined by an integral.

2.7 Two-point methods for multiple roots

In Section 1.6 we gave a short review of one-point iterative methods for finding multiple zeros of a given real function f with a known order of multiplicity m. Those formulae can also be applied for finding an isolated complex zero. The presented formulae of third order depend on image, and image. Studying one-point methods, authors have concentrated mainly on the construction of (i) new methods of third order with the known multiplicity m, see, e.g., Chun et al. (2009), Chun and Neta (2009a), and Osada (1994), or (ii) new methods with the unknown multiplicity, for instance, King (1977), Parida and Gupta (2008), Wu and Fu (2001), Wu et al. (2001), and Yun (2009, 2010, 2011).

Since the main goal of this book is to investigate multipoint methods, in what follows we will consider only two-point methods for finding multiple zeros of known multiplicities. The basic idea in almost all methods relies on the elimination of the second derivative. At present, n-point methods (image) for multiple zeros are not of interest because of their low-computational efficiency.

2.7.1 Non-optimal two-point methods for multiple zeros

We start with a review of non-optimal two-point methods for multiple zeros. Using two evaluations of f and one evaluation of image, Dong (1982) has constructed two methods of third order,



image (2.154)

Employing the same information, Victory and Neta (1983) have stated the following third-order method

image (2.155)



By a composition of the third-order methods (2.154) and (2.155), Chun et al. (2009) have developed a one-parameter two-point method of third order,


This method also requires three F.E.

A one-parameter family of third order for multiple zeros,

image (2.156)

has been given by Neta (2008), where


As in the case of the previous methods, the family (2.156) also uses two evaluations of f and one evaluation of image per iteration.

Two other two-point methods of third order have been developed in Dong (1987) requiring one evaluation of f and two evaluations of image,




Homeier (2009) has proposed the following third-order method


Li et al. (2009a) have constructed two families of third order methods, the first of which is given by


where image and image is a real parameter. The second family is defined by


where image.

Neta and Johnson (2008) have proposed a two-point method of fourth order requiring one function and three derivative evaluations per iteration. This method is based on the Jarratt method (Jarratt, 1966) and given by the iterative formula



image (2.157)

A table of values of the parameters image is given in Neta and Johnson (2008) for several values of m.

Another fourth-order method, which also uses one function and three derivative evaluations per iteration, has been given by Neta (2010). This method is based on Murakami’s method (Murakami, 1978) and reads


where image, and image are given by (2.157) and


A table of values of the parameters image is given in Neta (2010) for several values of m. Li et al. (2010) got closed form formulae for several methods based on the work in Neta (2010) and Neta and Johnson (2008).

The presented list does not exhaust all two-point non-optimal methods for multiple zeros. However, our primary goal is to present two-point methods of optimal order four for multiple zeros, which is the topic discussed in what follows.

2.7.2 Optimal two-point methods for multiple zeros

The first optimal two-point method for multiple zeros was developed by Li et al. (2009b). Surprisingly enough, it happened almost one half of century after constructing the first optimal two-point method for simple zeros (Ostrowski, 1960). They have started with the iterative scheme of Jarratt’s type

image (2.158)

where image, and image are parameters to be determined so that the method (2.158) has fourth order. Setting image, and image in (2.158), one gets the fourth-order Jarratt method (2.124) proposed in Jarratt (1966) (for simple zeros).

The determination of the parameters image can be carried out using Taylor’s series with the help of symbolic computation by using computer algebra system such as Mathematica or Maple. Complete procedure is given in Li et al. (2009b) and we present only a part of that presentation.

Let image be a zero of f with multiplicity m and let


Using Taylor’s series of image, and image about the zero image of f, the following error relation is obtained from (2.158)

image (2.159)



The expressions of image and image are very lengthy and will be listed after some simplification performed by a suitable choice of image and image.

To annihilate image and image it is necessary to take



image (2.160)



with the abbreviations


(see Li et al., 2009b).

To obtain fourth order it is necessary that image and image in (2.160) vanish. From the relations image and image we obtain

image (2.161)

Substituting image and image into the expressions for image and image we get

image (2.162)

Returning to the iterative scheme (2.158) with the values given by (2.161) and (2.162) we obtain the following fourth order method

image (2.163)

Since the coefficients image, and image are annihilated, from (2.159) we obtain the error relation




The two-point method (2.163) has order four and requires three F.E. per iteration. Therefore, it is optimal in the sense of the Kung-Traub conjecture. Its efficiency index is image, higher than the efficiency index of any iterative (one-point or multi-point) method for multiple zeros constructed before this method.

Li et al. (2010) derived later the iterative method (2.163) as a special case. It was done in a different way starting from the iterative scheme


Taking image (that is, image), the following two-point fourth-order method is obtained

image (2.164)



In a special case when image, the iterative method (2.164) reduces to Li-Liao-Cheng’s method (2.163).

Zhou et al. (2011) have generalized the two-point method (2.163) beginning from the two-point scheme

image (2.165)

where image is a real parameter and image is at least twice differentiable. The parameter image and the function image have to be determined so that the two-point method (2.165) reaches fourth order. This task is considered in the following theorem proved in Zhou et al. (2011).

Theorem 2.10

Let image be a multiple zero of multiplicity m of a function image for an open interval image. If an initial approximation image is sufficiently close to image, then the order of convergence of the method (2.165) is at least four when the following conditions are satisfied:


where image.

Several special cases of the function image are given in Zhou et al. (2011):

(1) image,


(2) image,


(3) image,


(4) image,


(5) image,


To develop an iterative two-point method of optimal order four for finding multiple zeros, Sharma and Sharma (2010a) have utilized Jarratt’s multipoint iterative scheme for simple zeros (Jarratt, 1969)

image (2.166)



Taking image, the fourth-order method (2.130) of Jarratt is obtained. The following theorem proved in Sharma and Sharma (2010a) shows that a suitable choice of parameters in (2.166) can lead to a fourth-order method for multiple zeros.

Theorem 2.11

Let image be a multiple zero of multiplicity m of a sufficiently differentiable function image for an open interval image. If image is close enough to image, then the iterative method (2.166) is of order four if


Remark 2.17

The family of two-point methods (2.165) contains as special cases Li-Liao-Cheng’s fourth-order method (2.163) (variant 3) and Sharma-Sharma’s fourth-order method (2.166) (variant 4).

We do not give numerical examples for two-point methods for multiple zeros since, having in mind Remark 2.17 and special cases of (2.165), there are no other methods for comparison.


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