Chapter 6

Multipoint methods with memory

In this chapter we study multipoint methods with memory, a task which is very seldom considered in the literature in spite of high computational efficiency of this kind of root-solvers. Most of these methods are modifications of multipoint methods without memory with optimal order of convergence, studied in the previous chapters. Using two new approaches for calculating a self-correcting parameter, a “sliding” secant-technique and Newton’s interpolation with divided differences, extremely fast convergence of new methods with memory is attained without additional function evaluations. As a consequence, these multipoint methods possess a very high computational efficiency.

Other type of multipoint methods with memory is based on inverse interpolation and a special choice of initial approximations, which significantly increases the accuracy of produced approximations to the roots. Most of the results presented in this chapter are original contributions of the authors of this book.

6.1 Early works

Recall that Traub classified iterative methods with memory in the following way (see Section 1.1):

(I) Let image be determined by new information at image and reused information at image by the iterative process

image (6.1)

Then image is called a one-point iteration function with memory, which defines an iterative method with memory.

(II) Let image represent image quantities image. If image is calculated iteratively by

image (6.2)

then image is called a multipoint iteration function with memory.

The corresponding iterative methods defined by (6.1) and (6.2) are called one-point and multipoint methods with memory, respectively. In this chapter we deal only with multipoint methods with memory (II). Since one complete iteration of this type of methods consists of image steps, sometimes we will also use the term p-step methods.

To estimate the convergence rate of the family of multipoint iterative methods (6.2) with memory, in this chapter we will use the concept of R-order of convergence introduced by Ortega and Rheinboldt (1970) and Theorem 1.4.

6.1.1 Self-accelerating Steffensen-like method

First we give Traub’s study of Steffensen-like method (Traub, 1964, p.179)

image (6.3)

where image is an arbitrary parameter. Let image as in the previous chapters, and let image be a simple real zero of a real function image. Using a power series there follows

image (6.4)

Let us recall that the error of Newton’s iteration is image. Therefore, if image is determined in such a way that image and if image is sufficiently small, then the error given by (6.4) is smaller than the error of Newton’s iteration. In particular, choosing image in (6.3), we derive the third-order method


considered in Section 2.1. This method can be regarded as a two-point method since the Newton approximation image is calculated in the first step, and then the improved approximation is obtained as image.

Let us return to the iterative method (6.3). By calculating image recursively as the iteration proceeds, we shall have a self-accelerating method. Let image be a given initial parameter and let

image (6.5)

Traub derived the following estimation for image,


Since image implies image, from the last relation it follows that


This means that there is a constant image such that


According to Theorem 1.4 and (1.12) we obtain the order of the iterative method (6.3) as the unique positive root of the quadratic equation


that is, the order is image. Therefore, the order of the method (6.5) with memory is higher than that of Newton’s method, which also requires two F.E. per iteration.

6.1.2 Self-accelerating secant method

The second example studied by Traub (1964, Sections 8.4, 8.6) is the self-accelerating version of the well-known secant method. Given image, let us define the iteration function

image (6.6)

If image, then (6.6) reduces to the secant method

image (6.7)

of order image.

By varying image in (6.6) from step to step, with the new value of image calculated by using information from the previous and current step, it is possible to increase the order of the secant method (6.7). The following error relation was derived by Traub (1964, Section 8.4)


Set image and choose imageas the best estimate of Newton’s approximation image available from the previous computation. Given initial approximations image, let us define the iterative secant-type method with memory as follows:

image (6.8)


In a similar way as for the method (6.5), it may be shown that there is a constant image such that

image (6.9)

According to Theorem 1.4, the order of the iterative method (6.6) is image, the unique positive root of the equation image which is obtained from the relation (6.9).

6.2 Multipoint methods with memory constructed by inverse interpolation

In this section we present two methods with memory constructed by inverse interpolation. The basic idea comes from Neta (1983) who derived a very fast three-point method of R-order 10.815. Following Traub’s terminology (Traub, 1964, p. 62), these methods will be referred to as interpolating iterative methods.

6.2.1 Two-step method with memory of Neta’s type

Let image be two starting initial approximations to the sought root image. We will now construct a two-point method calculating first image by the values of image at image and the value of image at image. Then a new approximation image is calculated using the values of image at image and the value of image at image.

We use inverse interpolation to compute image. Let

image (6.10)

be a polynomial of second degree satisfying

image (6.11)

image (6.12)

image (6.13)

(6.11) and (6.12) we obtain

image (6.14)

Let us introduce

image (6.15)

and let


denote Newton’s I.F. In view of (6.10) and (6.13) we obtain image so that, together with (6.14), it follows from (6.10)

image (6.16)

In the next step, we find image by carrying out the same calculation but using image instead of image. The constant image appearing in (6.10) is now given by image and we find from (6.10)

image (6.17)

where image is calculated by (6.16).

We need two initial approximations image and image to start the iterative process (6.16)image(6.17). However, let us observe that image may take the value image at the first iteration without any additional computational cost. Indeed, image appears anyway in (6.16) and (6.17) for image. To avoid unnecessary evaluation at the last step of iterative process, image is calculated only if the stopping criterion is not fulfilled. In that case we calculate image, increase image to image and apply the next iteration. This fine manipulation does not increase the theoretical value of the order of convergence (which is obtained as a result of a limit process), but considerably improves the accuracy of approximations at the beginning of iterative process. Practical examples show that such a choice of image in (6.18) and (6.27)(6.29) (presented later) significantly increases the accuracy of obtained approximations, see Tables 6.46.10.

The relations (6.16) and (6.17) define the two-point method with memory (Petković et al., 2011b):

image (6.18)

image is defined by (6.15).

The order of convergence of the method (6.18) is given in the following theorem.

Theorem 6.1

The two-point method (6.18) has R-order of convergence at least image, where image is the spectral radius of the matrix



We shall use Herzberger’s matrix method (Herzberger, 1974) on the order of a single step s-point method image. A matrix image, associated with this method, has the elements


The order of an s-step method image is the spectral radius of the product of matrices


According to the relations (6.16) and (6.17) we form the respective matrices,



characteristic polynomial of the matrix image is


Its roots are 4.5612˙, 0.43845˙; therefore the spectral radius of the matrix image is image, which gives the lower bound of the R-order of the method (6.18)image

6.2.2 Three-point method with memory of Neta’s type

Now we will consider the three-point method with memory derived by Neta (1983). This method requires three function and one derivative evaluation per iteration, except in the first iteration. Neta (1979) constructed the sixth-order family of three-point methods in the form

image (6.19)

already presented by (5.16). Note that if image, then the correction factor in the last two steps is exactly the same.

The last step of (6.19) uses values of image at 3 points image and the value of the derivative image at image. Now let image be computed from the values of image at image and the value of image at image. Let image be computed from the values of image at image and the value of image at image. Clearly, the information used is the same as that of the sixth-order method (6.19) except that we need three starting values image.

We use inverse interpolation to compute image. Let

image (6.20)

be a polynomial of degree three satisfying

image (6.21)

image (6.22)

image (6.23)

image (6.24)

(6.21) and (6.22) we immediately obtain

image (6.25)

Introduce the notations


for image. Then from (6.23) and (6.24) we obtain the system of two linear equations


with the solution

image (6.26)

Let image be defined by (6.15). Having in mind (6.25) and (6.26), after some manipulation we find

image (6.27)

In a similar fashion we obtain image using the already calculated image:

image (6.28)

Similarly, for image (using available values image and image) we have

image (6.29)

The three-point method with memory is defined by (6.27), (6.28), and (6.29), as presented in Neta (1983).

At first glance, it seems that the need for three initial approximations for starting the method (6.27)(6.29) is a great disadvantage. This would have been true if we had to calculate additional initial approximations image and image by some iterative method, spending extra function evaluations. However, the same as for the method (6.18), assuming that we have an initial approximation image (necessary for any iterative method), the next initial approximation image can be calculated as image not requiring extra cost since image is anyway needed in the first iteration. A lot of practical experiments showed that another approximation image can be taken sufficiently close to the already calculated image, for example


Note that the methods (6.18) and (6.27)(6.29) may converge slowly at the beginning of the iterative process if the initial value image (and, consequently, image and image) is not sufficiently close to the sought root image. However, this is the case with all methods that start with Newton’s iteration.

The convergence rate of the method (6.27)(6.29) is considered in the following theorem.

Theorem 6.2

The three-point method (6.27)(6.29) has R-order of convergence at least image, where image is the spectral radius of the matrix



To prove this theorem we use the same matrix technique as in the proof of Theorem 6.1. According to the relations (6.27)(6.29) we form the respective matrices,



The characteristic polynomial of the matrix image is image. Its roots are 1, 0.18493˙, 10.8151˙; therefore the spectral radius of the matrix image is image, which gives the lower bound of the R-order of the method (6.27)(6.29)image

In a similar way we can construct a four-point method using inverse interpolating polynomial of degree four


The corresponding image matrices image and the resulting matrix image are presented below:


The spectral radius imageof the final matrix is image and it determines R-order of the four-point method with memory, constructed by the inverse interpolating polynomial of degree four. However, this method attains extremely high order of convergence but with relatively high computational cost and four initial approximations. On the other hand, approximations of considerably great accuracy are not necessary for real-life problems. For these reasons, we shall not discuss this method here.

6.3 Efficient family of two-point self-accelerating methods

In this section we study a family of two-point derivative free methods for solving nonlinear equations of high computational efficiency presented in Petković et al. (2011c). The construction of this family is based on the use of suitable functions of two variables and the variation of a free parameter in each iterative step. This parameter is calculated employing information from the current and previous iteration so that the presented methods may be regarded as methods with memory following Traub’s classification (Traub, 1964, p. 8).

An additional motivation for studying this type of methods arises from a surprising fact that such classes of methods have been very seldom considered in the literature in spite of their high computational efficiency. Another convenient advantage is the fact that the proposed methods do not use derivatives. We cite pioneering results in this topic presented by Traub (1964, pp. 185–187), the three-point method (Neta, 1983) and the recently developed method with memory (Petković et al., 2010c) with the order image.

In many practical situations it is preferable to avoid calculations of derivatives of image. First multipoint derivative free methods were developed by Kung and Traub (1974). We will consider a modified Kung-Traub’s family (5.3) with memory in a general form in Section 6.4.

For image we obtain from (5.3) the derivative free method

image (6.30)

of Steffensen’s type with quadratic convergence, where image is a nonzero real constant (see Traub, 1964, p. 185). Taking image, from (5.3) there follows the derivative free two-point family of fourth-order methods

image (6.31)

family (6.31) requires three F.E. and has fourth order of convergence, which means that it supports the Kung-Traub conjecture.

Our goal is to generalize the Kung-Traub method (6.31) and to increase the convergence rate of generalized methods without additional function evaluations. In this manner we can obtain new methods for finding simple roots of nonlinear equations of high computational efficiency. The acceleration of convergence is attained using the variation of a free parameter image appearing in (6.31) in each iteration step.



be the function that appears in the Steffensen-like method (6.30). Obviously, image is an approximation to the first derivative image assuming that image is small enough. To construct a family of derivative free two-point methods with memory, we start from the family of two-point iterative methods

image (6.32)

where image is at least twice differentiable function that depends on two real variables

image (6.33)

The family (6.32) for the fixed image is considered in Section 2.4 under the conditions (2.95).

Now we impose an additional condition on image related to (2.95) and state the following theorem.

Theorem 6.3

If an initial approximation image is sufficiently close to a zero image of image and the weight function image appearing in (6.32) satisfies the conditions

image (6.34)

the error relation related to the family of two-point methods (6.32) is given by

image (6.35)


Introduce the abbreviations


In what follows we will derive the error relation (6.35), which is essential to our study.

Using Taylor’s series about the root image, we obtain

image (6.36)


image (6.37)

view of (6.36) and (6.37) we find

image (6.38)

(6.38) we get

image (6.39)

Using (6.36) and (6.37) we find image, and by (6.36), (6.37), and (6.39) we can express image and image given by (6.33). Assume that image is sufficiently close to the root image, then image and image are close to 0. Hence, we can represent the function image of two variables occurring in (6.32) by Taylor’s series about the point (0,0) in the form

image (6.40)

the subscript indices image and image indicate the appropriate partial derivatives. The error relation of the two-step iterative scheme (6.32) is

image (6.41)

Using the conditions (6.34) and the expansions (6.36)(6.40), with the help of symbolic computation in Mathematica we start from (6.41) and obtain the error relation (6.35)image

Remark 6.1

It was proved by Petković et al. (2010c) that the fourth order of the method (6.32) can be attained under the relaxed conditions

image (6.42)

The additional condition image in Theorem 6.3 enables the term image in (6.35) to be squared; this fact is of essential importance, which will be shown later. Otherwise, the relaxed conditions (6.42) (assuming image) give only linear factor image and, consequently, slower convergence of the methods with memory, see Petković et al. (2010c).

We observe from (6.35) that the order of convergence of the family (6.32) is four when image. If we could provide image, the order of the family (6.32) would exceed four. However, the value image is not available in practice and we use an approximation image, calculated by available information. Then, setting image, we can achieve order of convergence of modified methods exceeding 4 without using any additional function evaluations. Moreover, we will show that a special approximation of image can produce two-point methods with memory of order six. We will see later that image is calculated using information from the current and previous iteration, in other words, image depends on the iteration index image. However, we omit the iteration index for simplicity.

Henceforth, we will often write image, for brevity. We consider four methods for approximating image:

• image (secant approach).

• image (improved secant approach).

• image (Newton’s interpolating approach), where


is Newton’s interpolating polynomial of second degree, set through three best available approximations (nodes) image, and image.

• image (improved Newton’s interpolating approach), where


is Newton’s interpolating polynomial of third degree, set through four best available approximations (nodes) image, and image.

Then the self-accelerating parameter image can be calculated as the iteration proceeds as

image (6.43)

image (6.44)

image (6.45)

image (6.46)

To calculate image by (6.45) and (6.46), we need the expressions of image and image. Since





image (6.47)


image (6.48)

Remark 6.2

The secant methods (6.43) and (6.44) are, in fact, the derivatives image of Newton’s interpolating polynomials of first order at the nodes image, and image, respectively.

Remark 6.3

The accelerating method with image calculated by (6.43), actually Traub’s method (Traub, 1964) from 1964, was used in Petković et al. (2010c) to increase the order from 4 to image under the conditions (6.42). The accelerating methods (6.44), (6.45), and (6.46), together with the additional condition image, are simple and very useful, providing considerable improvement of convergence rate without any additional function evaluations, see Petković et al. (2011c).

By defining image as the iteration proceeds using (6.43)(6.45), or (6.46), Petković et al. (2011c) proposed a family of derivative free two-point methods with memory corresponding to (6.32),

image (6.49)

use the term method with memory following Traub’s classification (Traub, 1964, p. 8) and the fact that the evaluation of image depends on data available from the current and previous iterative step. Accelerating methods obtained by calculated free parameter may also be called self-accelerating methods. The initial value image should be chosen before starting the iterative process, for example, using one of the ways proposed in Traub (1964, p. 186).

Note that the iterative scheme (6.49) defines a family of two-step methods. We can apply different weight functions image that satisfy the conditions (6.34). For convenience, we give the list of functions image of simple form:

(1) image;

(2) image;

(3) image;

(4) image;

(5) image.

Using simple rearrangement, it is easy to show that the choice


gives the Kung-Traub method (6.31) with memory as a special case,

image (6.50)

image be the order of an iterative method image, then we may write

image (6.51)

where image tends to the asymptotic error constant of image when image.

To avoid higher order terms in some relations, which make only “parasite” parts of Taylor’s expansions and do not influence the convergence order, we employ the notation used in Traub’s book (Traub, 1964): If image and image are null sequences and


where image is a nonzero constant, we shall write


In our convergence analysis we also use the Bachman-Landau o-notation: For the sequences image and image which tend to 0 when image we write


in other words, image is dominated by image asymptotically.

An auxiliary estimation necessary in this analysis is given in the following lemma.

Lemma 6.1

Let image be Newton’s interpolating polynomial of degree image that interpolates a function image at image distinct interpolation nodes image contained in an interval image and the derivative image is continuous in image. Assume that

(1) all differences image are sufficiently small, that is, all nodes image are sufficiently close to the zero image of image;

(2) the condition image holds.


image (6.52)


The error of the Newton interpolation is given by the well-known formula

image (6.53)

see (4.114). Differentiating (6.53) yields at the point image

image (6.54)

In the neighborhood of the zero image, the function image and its derivatives may be expanded in Taylor’s series (image),

image (6.55)

image (6.56)

image. Substituting (6.55) and (6.56) into (6.54) and taking into account the conditions of Lemma 6.1, after short arrangement we arrive at the relation (6.52)image

Remark 6.4

The condition (2) of Lemma 6.1 is typical for multipoint methods with memory. If image define iterative null sequences with orders image, this condition means that image.

The convergence analysis of the two-point family (6.49) will be conducted for each approximation of image separately. First we state the convergence theorem of the family that uses the calculation of image by (6.43).

Theorem 6.4

Let the self-accelerating parameter image in (6.49) be calculated by the expressions . If an initial approximation image is sufficiently close to a zero image of image, then the R-order of convergence of the two-point methods (6.49)image(6.43), (6.49)image(6.44), (6.49)image(6.45) , and (6.49)image(6.46) with memory is at least image and 6 , respectively.


From some convenient applications, we rewrite the error relation (6.35) in the form

image (6.57)



is now a varying quantity due to variable image.

Method (6.43).

From Lemma 6.1 for image (see Remark 6.2) we have image so that




so that

image (6.58)

Having in mind (6.51), substituting (6.58) in (6.57) yields


From (6.51) we have

image (6.59)

Equating exponents of image in the last two relations we obtain the quadratic equation


The positive root image of this equation determines the lower bound of the R-order of convergence of the method (6.49)image(6.43).

Method (6.44).

Calculating image by (6.44) and using Lemma 6.1 for image, we arrive at the following relation

image (6.60)

Assume that the order of convergence of the sequence of errors image is image, then we may write

image (6.61)

Hence, by (6.51) and (6.61), we obtain

image (6.62)

On the other hand, by combining (6.38), (6.51), (6.60), and (6.61) we find



image (6.63)

From (6.51), (6.57), (6.60), and (6.61) we obtain

image (6.64)

By comparing exponents of image on the right-hand side of (6.62) and (6.63), and then on the right-hand side of (6.64) and (6.59), we form the following system of equations


non-trivial solution image and image. Therefore, the order of (6.49)image(6.44) is at least five.

Method (6.45).

In regard to Lemma 6.1, taking image in (6.52) we obtain


From the last relation and (6.45) we find

image (6.65)

Using (6.38), (6.51), (6.61), and (6.65), we obtain the following error relation

image (6.66)

a similar manner, in regard to (6.51), (6.57), (6.61), and (6.65), we find

image (6.67)

Comparing the error exponents of image in pairs of relations (6.62)image(6.66) and (6.59)image(6.67), we form the system of equations in image and image


solution of this system is image, and we conclude that the lower bound of the order of the methods with memory (6.49)image(6.45) is at least image.

Method (6.46).

Let the errors appearing in the kth iteration be denoted by image. Take image in (6.52), according to Lemma 6.1 we have



image (6.68)

Proceeding as before, in view of (6.62) and (6.59) we may write

image (6.69)

image (6.70)

image (6.71)

, from (6.36), (6.38), and (6.57) we have

image (6.72)

image (6.73)

image (6.74)

By combining the above expressions (6.68)(6.74) we derive the following error relations

image (6.75)

image (6.76)

image (6.77)

appropriate exponents of image in pairs of relations (6.69)image(6.75), then (6.70)image(6.76), and (6.71)image(6.77), we arrive at the following system of equations in image, and image,


the positive solution image, and image. Hence we conclude that the lower bound of the order of the methods with memory (6.49)image(6.46) is at least six. image

Theorem 6.4 gives the lower bound of the order of convergence of the family (6.49) in the case of the accelerating approaches (6.43)(6.46). We observe that the methods (6.49) with memory are considerably accelerated (even up to 50%) relative to the corresponding methods (6.32) without memory. The main advantage of the presented methods with memory is their very high computational efficiency, significantly higher than the efficiency of the existing two-point methods and even higher than the efficiency of three-point methods without memory of optimal order eight, see Section 6.6.

6.4 Family of three-point methods with memory

From (4.124) we see that the order of convergence of the family (4.113) is eight when image. It can be proved that the order of (4.113) would be 12 taking image. Since the value image is not known, we use an approximation image, calculated by available information and set image in (4.113). In this way we find that the order of convergence of the modified methods exceeds eight without the use of any new function evaluations.

In this section we consider the following four methods for approximating image:

• image (simple secant approach).

• image (better secant approach).

• image (best secant approach).

• image (Newton’s interpolating approach), where


Newton’s interpolating polynomial of second degree, set through three best available approximations (nodes) image and image.

As in Section 6.3, the main idea in constructing methods with memory consists of the calculation of the parameter image as the iteration proceeds by the formula


see Džunić et al. (2012). Regarding the above methods for approximating image, we present the following four formulae for the calculation of the self-accelerating parameter image:

image (6.78)

image (6.79)

image (6.80)

image (6.81)


image (6.82)

Since image is calculated using (6.78)(6.81), the function image given by (4.105) is replaced by

image (6.83)

The symbol  image is added to indicate the use of variable image. Substituting image instead of image in (4.105) and starting from (4.113), we state the following derivative free family of three-point methods with memory proposed by Džunić et al. (2012),

image (6.84)

image is defined by (6.83), image, and image is a weight function of two variables that satisfies (6.34). Recall that the denominator image is given by (4.112).

Now we state the convergence theorem for the family (6.84) of three-point methods with memory.

Theorem 6.5

Let the self-accelerating parameter image in the iterative scheme (6.84) be calculated by the expressions (6.78)(6.81). If an initial approximation image is sufficiently close to a zero image of image, then the order of convergence of the three-point methods (6.84)image(6.78) , (6.84)image(6.79), (6.84)image, and (6.80)image(6.81) with memory is at least image, , and , respectively.


From (6.51) we have

image (6.85)

According to the error relations (4.116), (6.35), and (4.124) with the self-accelerating parameter image, we can write the corresponding error relations for the methods (6.84) with memory

image (6.86)

image (6.87)

image (6.88)

The expressions for image and image are evident from (6.35) and (4.124) and depend on the iteration index since image is recalculated in each iteration. Higher order terms are omitted since they do not influence the convergence order.

Let image. Using Taylor’s series about the root image, we obtain

image (6.89)

This relation will be used for different values of image. Now we determine the order of convergence of the family (6.84) for all approaches (6.78)(6.81).

Method (6.78).

Using the expansion (6.89) for image and image, we obtain


to this, we calculate image by (6.78) and find

image (6.90)

Substituting (6.90) into (6.88) yields

image (6.91)

Hence we can find a positive constant image so that the inequality

image (6.92)

holds. Starting from (6.92) and having in mind Theorem 1.4 and (1.12), we form the quadratic equation image.The positive root image of this equation determines the lower bound of the order of convergence of the method (6.84)image(6.78).

Method (6.79)

Similar to the derivation of (6.90), we calculate image by the more accurate secant method (6.79) and obtain

image (6.93)

Assume that the iterative sequence image has the order image, then,

image (6.94)

Combining (6.51), (6.86), (6.93), and (6.94), we get

image (6.95)

According to (6.51), (6.91), and (6.94), we obtain

image (6.96)

By comparing exponents of image on the right-hand side of (6.94) and (6.95), and then on the right-hand side of (6.85) and (6.96), we form the following system of equations


non-trivial solution image. Therefore, the order of the methods with memory (6.84)image(6.79) is at least nine.

Method (6.80).

Considering the most accurate secant method (6.80), assume that the iterative sequence image has the order image, that is,

image (6.97)

Proceeding in a similar way as for the methods (6.78) and (6.79), we obtain from (6.80)


which leads to the error relations

image (6.98)


image (6.99)

By comparing exponents of image in two pairs of relations (6.97)image(6.98) and (6.85)image(6.99), we form the system of equations


non-trivial solution of this system is given by image, we conclude that the order of the method with memory (6.84)image(6.80) is at least ten.

Method (6.81)

By virtue of Lemma 6.1 for image, we obtain


According to this and (6.81) we find

image (6.100)

Using (6.100) and the previously derived relations, we obtain the error relations for the intermediate approximations

image (6.101)

image (6.102)

In a similar fashion we find the error relation for the final approximation within the considered iteration

image (6.103)

As before, comparing the error exponents of image in three pairs of relations (6.94)image(6.101), (6.97)image(6.102), and (6.85)image(6.103), we form the system of three equations in image and image


trivial solution of this system is image and we conclude that the lower bound of the order of the method with memory (6.84)image(6.81) is eleven.

In this way we have completed the analysis of all accelerating methods (6.78)(6.81) so that the proof of Theorem 6.5 is finished. image

Remark 6.5

Slightly faster convergence of the iterative methods (6.84) can be obtained by dealing with image, where


is cubic Newton’s interpolating polynomial. Using the technique from the proof of Theorem 6.5, it is not difficult to show that the order of (6.84) is at least image.

Remark 6.6

The estimation of image can also be obtained using (6.82) and (6.89) as follows:


6.5 Generalized multipoint root-solvers with memory

In this section we study multipoint methods with memory of arbitrary order of convergence (Džunić and Petković, 2012a). We restrict our attention to the Kung-Traub family (5.3) (Kung and Traub, 1974) and the Zheng-Li-Huang family (Zheng et al., 2011) for the following reasons:

(1) both families of n-point methods have similar structure, the order image and require image F.E. per iteration, which means that they generate optimal methods in the sense of the Kung-Traub conjecture;

(2) the order of convergence can be arbitrary high (in the form image);

(3) these families are derivative free, which is convenient in all situations when the calculation of derivatives of image is complicated.

Although the Kung-Traub family (5.3) is given in Section 5.2 in a general form, in order to represent both mentioned families in a unique form, we again display the family (5.3) in this section. This unique representation enables us to carry out the convergence analysis of both families simultaneously. These families will be modified by a specific approach to very efficient generalized methods with memory.

Kung-Traub’s family

Kung and Traub (1974) stated the following derivative free family (K-T for short) of iterative methods without memory.

K-T family:For an initial approximation image, arbitrary image and image, define iteration function image as follows:

image (6.104)

image is the inverse interpolating polynomial of degree at most image such that


The Kung-Traub iterative method is defined by imageimage starting from image, where image is the iteration index. It was proved by Kung and Traub (1974) that the order of convergence of the family (6.104) is image, see Section 5.2.

The approximation image in the jth step within the kth iteration will be called intermediate approximation with the associated intermediate error image. Following this terminology, image is the penultimate approximation and image is the ultimate approximation of the kth iteration.

The following error relation for the family (6.104), also called the ultimate error relation, was proved in Kung and Traub (1974)

image (6.105)


image (6.106)

and image is the inverse function of image. It is obvious from (6.104) and (6.105) that the intermediate error relation, equivalent to (6.105),

image (6.107)

holds for each image.

Zheng-Li-Huang’s family

Zheng et al. (2011) proposed other derivative free family (Z-L-H for short) of n-point methods of arbitrary order of convergence image. This family is constructed using Newton’s interpolation with forward divided differences, see Section 5.5. Unlike (5.59), in this section we deal with the error factor image.

Z-L-H family: For an initial approximation image, arbitrary image and image, the n-point methods are defined by

image (6.108)


The entries imageare intermediate approximations of Z-L-H family, while image is the ultimate approximation.

The following theorem was proved by Zheng et al. (2011).

Theorem 6.6

Let image be a sufficiently differentiable function having a simple zero image in an open interval image. If image is close enough to image, then the n-point family (6.108) converges with at least image order and satisfies the error relation

image (6.109)


image (6.110)

image (6.111)

As in the case of Kung-Traub’s family (6.104), the intermediate error relations are given by

image (6.112)

where constants image are calculated recursively by (6.110) and (6.111). The ultimate error relation is also given by (6.112) for image.

We wish to show that constants image in error relations (6.109) are of the form

image (6.113)


image (6.114)

image (6.115)

For image the assertion (6.113)is obvious. Let us assume that (6.113) and (6.115) are true for all image. Set image for short. According to (6.111) we find


, by induction, we conclude that the intermediate error relations can be written in the following form

image (6.116)

where image is defined by (6.114) and (6.115). Note that (6.116) includes ultimate error relation for image, that is,

image (6.117)

6.5.1 Derivative free families with memory

Now we will show that the Kung-Traub family (6.104) and the Zheng-Li-Huang family (6.108) can be extremely accelerated without any additional function evaluations. The construction of new families of n-point derivative free methods is based on the variation of a free parameter image in each iterative step. This parameter is calculated using information from the current and previous iteration so that the presented methods may be regarded as the methods with memory.

As mentioned by Petković et al. (2010c) and Petković et al. (2011c) (see, also, Sections 6.3 and 6.4), the factor image in the error relations (6.105) and (6.107) (for the K-T family), and (6.116) and (6.117) (for the Z-L-H family) plays the key role in constructing families with memory. The error relations (6.107) and (6.116) can be presented in the unique form

image (6.118)



image being the iteration index. Constants image depend on the considered family; obviously, image from (6.107), while they can be determined recursively from (6.115) for Z-L-H family. However, in this section we concentrate on the lower bound of the convergence order of the methods with memory so that specific expressions of image and asymptotic error constants are not of interest. The use of the unique relation (6.118) enables us to consider simultaneously both families with memory based on (6.104) and (6.108).

We observe from (6.105) and (6.117) that the order of convergence of the families (6.104) and (6.108) is image when image. It is not difficult to show that the order of these families would be image if we could provide image. However, the value image is not known in practice and we could use only an approximation image, calculated by available information. Then, setting image, we achieve order of convergence of the modified methods exceeding image without using any new function evaluations.

The beneficial approach in approximating


is to use only available information, in other words, we can increase the convergence rate without additional function evaluations. We present three models for approximating image:

(I) image (secant approach).

(II) image (Newton’s interpolation approach), where


is Newton’s interpolating polynomial of second degree, set through the three best available approximations (nodes) image.

(III) image (improved Newton’s interpolation approach), where


is Newton’s interpolating polynomial of third degree, set through the four best available approximations (nodes) image.

Using divided differences, we find

image (6.119)

image (6.120)

that the Zheng-Li-Huang family (6.108) is very suitable for the application of Newton’s interpolating approaches (II) and (III) since divided differences are already calculated in the implementation of the iterative scheme (6.108).

According to the above methods (I), (II), and (III), we present the following three formulae for calculating the self-accelerating parameter image:

image (6.121)

image (6.122)

image (6.123)

use of Newton’s interpolation of higher order is also feasible but the increase of convergence rate is modest, see Remark 6.9.

Substituting the fixed parameter image in the iterative formulae (6.104) and (6.108) by the varying parameter image calculated by (6.121), (6.122), or (6.123), we state the following families of multipoint methods with memory:

K-T family with memory: For an initial approximation image, arbitrary image and image calculated by (6.121), (6.122), or (6.123) and image, define the iteration function image as follows:

image (6.124)

Z-L-H family with memory: For an initial approximation image, arbitrary image calculated by (6.121), (6.122), or (6.123) and image, the n-point method is defined by

image (6.125)

image is the same as in (6.108).

We use the term method with memory following Traub’s classification (Traub, 1964, p. 8) and the fact that the evaluation of image depends on the data available from the current and previous iterative step.

6.5.2 Order of convergence of the generalized families with memory

To determine the convergence rate of the families (6.124) and (6.125), we use previously presented technique. We distinguish three approaches for the calculation of the varying parameter image given by the formulae (6.121) (method (I)), (6.122) (method (II)), and (6.123) (method (III)).

Method (I) – Secant approach

According to Lemma 6.1 for image and image we find



image (6.126)

Suppose that the order of convergence of the improved families with the error relation (6.118) is image, than we may write

image (6.127)

where image tends to the asymptotic error constant image when image. Hence

image (6.128)

In a similar fashion, if we suppose that image is an iterative sequence of the order image for fixed image, then

image (6.129)

Combining (6.118), (6.126), (6.128), and (6.129), we arrive at

image (6.130)

, in a similar way,

image (6.131)

exponents of image in (6.129) and (6.130), and then in (6.128) and (6.131), for image we form the system of equations with unknown orders image and image,

image (6.132)

Positive solutions are image and image.

As a special case, let us consider successive approximations image and image in the secant method (6.121), that is,

image (6.133)

Such accelerating method was first considered in Traub’s book (Traub, 1964) and recently in Petković et al. (2010c). Obviously, this approach gives the worst approximation to image and corresponds to the values image and image. In this case it is sufficient to consider only the second equation of (6.132), which reduces to the quadratic equation


The positive solution


yields the lower bound of the order of the families.

The above consideration leads to the following theorem.

Theorem 6.7

Let the self-accelerating parameter image in the iterative methods (6.124) and (6.125) be calculated by (6.121) for image and by (6.133) for image. If an initial approximation image is sufficiently close to a zero image of image, then the order of convergence of the families (6.124) and (6.125) of n-point methods with memory is at least image for image, and image for image.

Obviously, the use of a closer intermediate approximation image in the secant method (I) will give a better approximation to image and, consequently, higher order of the modified methods (6.124) and (6.125), based on (6.104) and (6.108) and dealing with varying image. Some particular values of the order are given in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 The lower bounds of the convergence order


Now we estimate the order of convergence of the families (6.124) and (6.125) with memory when Newton’s interpolating approaches (II) and (III) are applied. Lemma 6.1 and the estimation (6.52) will be used.

Method (II) – Newton’s interpolation of second degree

First, let us consider the case image and assume that the orders of the iterative sequences image, and image are at least image, and image, respectively, that is,



image (6.134)

image (6.135)

image (6.136)

By virtue of Lemma 6.1 for image we estimate


According to this and (6.122) we find

image (6.137)

Using (6.137) and the previously derived relations, we obtain the error relations for the intermediate approximations

image (6.138)

image (6.139)


image (6.140)

Proceeding as before, we equate error exponents of image in three pairs of error relations (6.134)image(6.138), (6.135)image(6.139), and (6.136)image(6.140) to form the following system of equations in unknown orders image, and image,

image (6.141)

solutions are


Therefore, the order of convergence of the families (6.124)(6.122) and (6.125)–(6.122) is at least image for image. For example, the order of the three-point families (6.124) and (6.125) is at least 11, the four-point families have the order at least 22, etc. (see Table 6.1), assuming that image is calculated by (6.122).

The case image slightly differs from the previous analysis; Newton’s interpolating polynomial is constructed at the nodes image, and image and we may formally take image in (6.141) and remove the first equation. Then the system of equations (6.141) reduces to


the solutions image and image. Therefore, the families (6.124)–(6.122) and (6.125)–(6.122) of two-point methods with memory have the order at least image. Note that this result appears in Theorem 6.4 for the family (6.49)–(6.45) of two-point methods with memory.

We summarize results of the previous study and state the following convergence theorem.

Theorem 6.8

Let the self-accelerating parameter image in the iterative methods (6.124) and (6.125) be calculated by (6.122). If an initial approximation image is sufficiently close to a zero image of image, then the order of convergence of the families (6.124) and (6.125) of n-point methods with memory is at least image for image and at least image for image.

Method (III) – Newton’s interpolation of third degree

The computation of image by (6.123)employs more information compared to (6.122) and we expect to achieve faster convergence. The presented convergence analysis confirms our expectation.

Let image and assume that the order of the iterative sequences image, and image is at least p, q, s, and r, respectively, that is,


According to this, we find

image (6.142)

image (6.143)

image (6.144)

image (6.145)

Using Lemma 6.1 for image, we obtain


From the last relation and (6.122) we find

image (6.146)

Combining (6.146) and the previously derived relations, we derive the following error relations

image (6.147)

image (6.148)

image (6.149)

image (6.150)

In a similar way as before, equating exponents of image in four pairs of error relations (6.142)image(6.147), (6.143)image(6.148), (6.144)image(6.149), and (6.145)image(6.150), we form the following system of equations,

image (6.151)

solutions are image. Therefore, the order of convergence of the families (6.124)–(6.123) and (6.125)–(6.123) is at least image for image. For example, the order of the four-point families (6.124) and (6.125) is at least 23.

To estimate the order of the three-point families (6.124)–(6.123) and (6.125)–(6.123), we put image and image in the system (6.151), remove the first equation and solve the system of three equations


solutions are


Therefore, in this particular case the order is at least image.

The particular case image must be examined separately. The corresponding Newton’s interpolating polynomial is constructed through the points image, and image. Analysis of the error sequences image, and image (of orders image, and image) and the same arguments as above lead to the system


, we find image and conclude that the lower bound of the order of the two-point methods with memory (6.124)–(6.123) and (6.125)(6.123) is at least six.

We summarized our results in the following theorem.

Theorem 6.9

Let the self-accelerating parameter image in the iterative methods (6.124) and (6.125) be calculated by (6.123). If an initial approximation image is sufficiently close to a zero image of image, then the order of convergence of the families (6.124) and (6.125) of n-point methods with memory is at least image for image, at least image for image and 6 for image.

Remark 6.7

Applying Steffensen-like method (6.3) with the self-correcting parameter image calculated by (6.81) at the points image, it can be proved that the order of the accelerated method reaches 3. Some characteristics of this method are given in Tables 6.1 and 6.2 in the row for image. We shall not go into details here.

Table 6.2 The efficiency indices of multipoint methods with/without memory


Remark 6.8

From Theorems 6.8 and 6.9 we conclude that the multipoint methods for image are of limited value as far as practical problems are concerned. Indeed, multipoint methods with extraordinary fast convergence produce root approximations of considerable accuracy, not required for solving most practical problems. However, in this paper we have studied general families and general results on the convergence rate as a contribution to a general theory of iterative processes, emphasizing practical importance of particular cases image and image.

The lower bounds of the order of the families (6.124) and (6.125) for image calculated by (6.121), (6.122), and (6.123) are given in Table 6.1 for several entries of image and image.

From Table 6.1 we observe that the order of convergence of the families (6.124) and (6.125) with memory is considerably increased relative to the corresponding basic families (6.104) and (6.108) without memory (entries in the last row). The increment in percentage is also displayed. It is evident that the self-corrections (6.122) and (6.123), obtained by Newton’s interpolation with divided differences, give the best results. It is worth noting that the improvement of convergence order in all cases is attained without any additional function evaluations, which points to a very high computational efficiency of the proposed methods with memory. Several values of the efficiency index


where image is the order of the considered iterative method image and image is the number of F.E. per iteration, are given in Table 6.2. Numerical examples entirely confirm the theoretical results given in Theorems 6.7, 6.8, and 6.9.

Remark 6.9

It is obvious that the use of Newton’s interpolating polynomials of degree higher than 3 can provide further increase of convergence order of n-point methods for image. For example, using the described convergence analysis it is not difficult to prove that the order of the fourth-order families (6.124) and (6.125) with memory is 12 if the self-correcting parameter is calculated as

image (6.152)

(see numerical results in Tables 6.11 and 6.12). However, for the reasons given in Remark 6.8, we are not interested in multipoint methods of extremely high order.

6.6 Computational aspects

In this section we present results of numerical examples, obtained by the methods considered in this chapter. We employed the computational software package Mathematica with multiple-precision arithmetic relying on the GNU multiple-precision package GMP (Granlund, 2010). The errors image are given in Tables 6.46.12, recalling that the notation image means image.

Table 6.3 Tested functions and initial approximations


Table 6.4 image


aThe method (2.104) is divergent for image, but it converges for image.

Table 6.5 image


Table 6.6 image


Table 6.7 image


Table 6.8 image


Table 6.9 image


Table 6.10 image


Table 6.11 image


Table 6.12 image


The tested methods were applied to the functions imageimage listed in Table 6.3. These functions have nontrivial behavior; for illustration, we show in Figure 6.1 the graph of the function image which has image. All tested methods as well as other existing multipoint and one-point methods run with difficulties if the initial approximation image lies in the interval image.


Figure 6.1 The graph of the function image

We have compared two-point methods (6.18) and (6.49) with memory to several optimal two-point iterative methods of fourth order which also require three F.E. We have also compared the three-point methods (6.27),(6.28),(6.29) and (6.124) with some of the existing three-point methods of optimal order eight.

6.6.1 Numerical examples (I) – Two-point methods

We first consider two-point methods. Beside the two-point methods (6.49) with memory (including Kung-Traub’s method (6.50) as a special case when image), we have tested the following two-point methods without memory considered in Chapter 2:

– King’s family (2.57) (King, 1973a),


Recall that King’s family gives the following special cases: Ostrowski’s method (Ostrowski, 1960) for image, Kou-Li-Wang’s method (Kou et al., 2007b) for image, and Chun’s method (Chun, 2008) for image.

– Jarratt’s method (2.122) (Jarratt, 1966)

– Maheshwari’s method (2.85) (Maheshwari, 2009)

– Ren-Wu-Bi’s method (2.104) (Ren et al., 2009)

– Kung-Traub’s two-point method with derivative (2.113) (Kung and Traub, 1974)

We have applied these methods to Examples 6.1–6.4. The errors image for the first four iterations are given in Tables 6.46.7. K-T image is the abbreviation for Kung-Traub’s methods (6.50) and (2.113). It is evident that approximations to the roots given in Tables 6.46.7 possess great accuracy. Results of the fourth iteration are given only for demonstration of convergence speed of the tested methods and they are not required for practical problems at present.

According to the results presented in Tables 6.46.7 and a number of numerical examples, we can conclude that the convergence behavior of the two-point methods (6.49) with memory (including the modified Kung-Traub method (6.50)), based on the self-correcting parameter image calculated by (6.43)–(6.46), is considerably better than the existing methods (6.31), (2.57), (2.85), (2.104), (2.113), and (2.122) for most examples. It is obvious from these tables that self-correcting calculation by the Newton interpolation (6.46) gives the best results. Having in mind that all of the tested methods have the same computational cost, we can conclude that the family of two-point methods (6.49) with memory is the most efficient. More precisely, calculating the computational efficiency of an iterative method image of order image, requiring image function evaluations, by Ostrowski-Traub’s formula image we find



Note that the last four entries do not refute the Kung-Traub conjecture because they are related to the methods (6.49)with memory, which are not the subject of the Kung-Traub conjecture. Also, observe that the efficiency indices image and image are even higher than the efficiency index image of optimal three-point methods (without memory) of order eight.

6.6.2 Numerical examples (II) – three-point methods

In this part we present numerical results obtained by applying three-point methods to the functions image, and image. Apart from Neta’s method (6.27)–(6.29) and already mentioned Kung-Traub’s families (6.104) and image with and without memory, we have also tested the following three-point methods:

– Bi-Wu-Ren’s method (4.2), choosing two variants denoted by method 1 and method 2 in the same manner as in Bi et al. (2009b).

– Petković-King’s method (4.12), (Petković, 2010). We have chosen King’s method in the first two steps of (4.12), which is stressed by the specific name of the tested method.

– Neta-Petković’s method (4.44), (Neta and Petković, 2010).

Note that several three-point methods with optimal order eight have been derived in the period 2009–2011, e.g., Bi et al. (2009a), Geum and Kim (2010), Liu and Wang (2010), Džunić et al. (2011), Petković et al. (2010a), Thukral and Petković (2010), and Wang and Liu (2010a). However, these methods have a similar convergence behavior and produce results of approximately the same quality; therefore we have omitted them. The errors of approximations image for the first three iterations are given in Tables 6.86.10.

To demonstrate the convergence behavior of the generalized methods with memory, considered in Section 6.5, we present two more examples where we have dealt with the functions image and image, given in Table 6.3. The errors of produced approximations are given in Tables 6.11 and 6.12. These tables include the values of the computational order of convergence image calculated by (1.10) taking into consideration the last three approximations.

For better readability, in this section we display explicitly five accelerating formulae for the calculation of the self-correcting parameter image, previously given by (6.121) (for various values), (6.122), and (6.123):

image (6.153)

image (6.154)

image (6.155)

image (6.156)

image (6.157)

In all numerical examples, the initial value image was used.

From Tables 6.11 and 6.12 and many tested examples we can conclude that all implemented methods produce approximations of great accuracy. We observe that the methods with memory considerably increase the accuracy. The quality of the calculation of image by (6.153)–(6.157) can also be noticed from Tables 6.11 and 6.12: Newton’s interpolation (6.157) evidently gives the best results, which is expected bearing in mind that this approach provides the highest order of convergence. From the last column of Tables 6.11 and 6.12 we observe that the computational order of convergence image, calculated by (1.10), matches very well the theoretical order given in Theorems 6.7, 6.8, and 6.9.

6.6.3 Comparison of computational efficiency

Throughout this chapter we have considered n-point methods with memory. Before estimating their computational efficiency we give a review of their orders and the number of required F.E., restricting our analysis to two-point and three-point methods.

Remark 6.10

We have chosen the methods (2.57) and (6.104) as the representatives from their classes, other methods give results of approximately the same quality so that they were not tested in these numerical experiments. Second, the number of F.E. of the methods (6.18) and (6.27)(6.29) is denoted with image and image to point that the number of F.E. is respectively 4 and 6 in the first iteration.

From Remark 6.10 and the corresponding iterative formulae, we see that the number of F.E. of the methods (6.18) and (6.27)(6.29) depends on the number of iterative steps performed to fulfill a given termination criteria (e.g., the required accuracy of approximations to the roots). For this reason it is not possible to compare the methods listed in Table 6.13 without counting total number of iterations as a parameter. It is convenient to compute the efficiency index of an iterative method image by the formula


where image is the total number of iterations, image is the order, and image is the number of F.E. at the jth iteration. Obviously, if image, then the above formula reduces to the well-known formula image.

Table 6.13 Characteristics of multipoint methods with memory


From Tables 6.46.7 we observe that the interpolating iterative method (6.18) belongs to the group of two-point methods that produce the most accurate approximations in all presented examples. The method (6.27)(6.29), derived by inverse interpolation of the third degree, is dominant over the tested three-point methods regarding the accuracy of approximations (see Tables 6.86.10). However, one should say that the method (6.18) uses one function evaluation more and the method (6.27)(6.29) even two more F.E. at the first iteration. These additional calculations decrease their computational efficiency, which is evident from Table 6.14 which contains results of a comparison of computational efficiency of the tested methods. This table gives a more precise answer to a certain extent. It is clear that the efficiency indices of the methods (6.18) and (6.27)(6.29) approach the efficiency indices of the methods with memory presented in Sections 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 as the number of total iterations increases since the negative effect of the expensive first iteration fades away. This closeness is noticeable when the number of iterations is four or five. On the other hand, applying iterative methods with very fast convergence, the number of iterations greater than three is very seldom needed in practice so that the mentioned limit of the efficiency indices is pushed out.

Table 6.14 Efficiency index as a function of the total number of iterations


According to the entries of the efficiency indices displayed in Table 6.5 and the fact that multipoint methods of very fast convergence are of limited value for solving real-life problems (see Remark 6.8), it could be concluded that the two-point method (6.49)–(6.48) is most preferable from a practical point of view.


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