Chapter 3

Three-point non-optimal methods

In Chapter 2 we have presented several two-point methods with order of convergence three and four. None of these methods has order higher than four, which supports the Kung-Traub conjecture that the upper bound of the order of convergence of image-point methods requiring image function evaluations is image. In this chapter we will study three-point methods whose order also cannot reach the Kung-Traub bound image. Recall that the abbreviation image denotes the number of function evaluations. We study non-optimal three-point methods because their design is based on a variety of different, inspiring, and genuine developing techniques that finally led, step by step, to the methods of optimal order. It turned out that these techniques, including various types of interpolations, approximations using Taylor’s series, and weight functions, are particularly useful for constructing higher order optimal multipoint methods, discussed in later chapters.

3.1 Some historical notes

We have seen in Chapter 2 that Ostrowski (1960), Jarratt (1966, 1969), and King (1973a) created first optimal two-point methods of order 4. The next optimal methods, constructed and published by Kung and Traub (1974) and discussed in Section 5.2, are not only optimal but also possess arbitrary orderimage for any integer image. In the period 1974–2007, except Neta’s four-point method (Neta, 1983) with optimal order 16, none of developed three-point methods reached optimal order 8 (see Remark 5.3).

The three-point methods of order 8, obtained from the Kung-Traub families (2.109) and (2.110), or generated by a program given in Section 5.2, can be represented by the following two iterative formulas:

Derivative free K-T family (Kung and Traub, 1974):

image (3.1)

K-T family with first derivative (Kung and Traub, 1974):

image (3.2)

A convergence theorem for the Kung-Traub general image-point methods will be considered in Section 5.2.

In the decade after Kung-Traub’s families (2.109) and (2.110), several image-point methods image appeared in the papers of Neta (1979, 1981, 1983), Popovski (1981), and King (1973a, 1973b). Some of the methods presented therein were constructed in different ways or they use more than one initial approximation, which complicates their proper comparison to optimal multipoint methods. We will return to these methods later.

Taking King’s method (2.57) for arbitrary image at the first two steps and the same method in the third step for image, Neta (1979) derived the following sixth-order method:

image (3.3)

The asymptotic error constant of this method is


To our knowledge, this was the first three-point method of sixth order with image.

The next three-point methods with optimal order 8, in an explicit way, appeared many years after Kung-Traub’s families in Milovanović and Cvetković (2007) and the articles (Bi et al., 2009a,b) of Bi, Ren, and Wu. However, it is worth noting that a much faster four-point method of optimal order 16 was constructed in 1983 in Neta’s paper (Neta, 1983). This method relies on a three-point method of eighth order, given implicitly. This fact opens a question of the priority between Neta’s work and mentioned results from 2007 to 2009, see Remark 5.3. In the meantime, between 1974 and 2007, many three-point methods with order less than 8 were developed. After the quoted works of Bi et al., a dozen of eighth-order three-point methods were constructed using various techniques and ideas.

3.2 Methods for constructing sixth-order root-finders

Before considering optimal three-point methods (Chapter 4), we demonstrate various techniques for developing three-point methods; we start from an arbitrary two-point method of optimal order 4 and always construct methods of sixth order. For simplicity, we omit the iteration index and denote a new approximation by image. Besides, if image are approximations to the zero image of image, we introduce the associated errors


Let image be the class of optimal two-point methods of order 4, which require three function evaluations, and let image be an I.F. consisting of two steps. We distinguish between two cases:

(I) The first step relies on a Newton-like method of quadratic convergence, say


Without loss of generality, we can choose the Newton method because other quadratically convergent methods reduce to Newton’s method (a member of Schröder’s sequence) according to Theorem 1.7. An iteration function image is then constructed using image, and image.

(II) The first step is the Steffensen-like method of quadratic convergence

image (3.4)

An iteration function image is constructed using image, and image.

We will construct three-point methods starting from the following three-step scheme:

image (3.5)

with the idea to approximate image using available data image or image (four F.E. in total per iteration).

We note that

image (3.6)

where image is the asymptotic error constant of the method defined by image. Observe that the order of convergence of the iterative scheme (3.5) is 8 (according to Theorem 1.3), but its computational efficiency is low since five F.E. are required.

In what follows, we use Taylor’s expansions

image (3.7)


image (3.8)

3.2.1 Method 1 – Secant-like method

Using (3.6) and (3.8), we find


Hence, we approximate image and, by substituting into (3.5), we obtain


Therefore, according to the last relation, it follows that the three-point secant-like method:

image (3.9)

is of sixth order for arbitrary optimal two-step method used in the first two steps. The increase of order from 4 to 6 is attained with one additional function evaluation.

3.2.2 Method 2 – Rational bilinear interpolation

To approximate the derivative image in (3.5), we use the interpolation by a rational function

image (3.10)

The unknown coefficients image, and image are determined from the conditions image. It is easy to find


Now we substitute


and state a three-point method

image (3.11)

Substituting (3.6)(3.8) into the expression of image, after the expansion of image in Taylor’s series in terms of the error image and lengthy calculation, we obtain


which means that the three-point method (3.11) is of order 6.

3.2.3 Method 3 – Hermite’s interpolation

The derivative image in (3.5) can also be approximated using Hermite’s interpolating polynomial of second degree

image (3.12)

from the available data image. We will show that the iterative method arising from the three-step scheme (3.5) is of order 6. We show in Section 4.2 that the use of Hermite’s interpolating polynomial of third degree with additional information image can provide three-point methods of optimal order 8.

The unknown coefficients image, and image in (3.12) are determined by the conditions


It is easy to find



image (3.13)

In convergence analysis of multipoint methods considered in this book, we use the following well-known expression for the error of the Hermite interpolation (see, e.g., Traub, 1964, p. 244).

Theorem 3.1

Let image and its derivatives image be continuous in the smallest interval image that contains all interpolation nodes image. Let image be Hermite’s interpolating polynomial of degree image constructed using the nodes image with respective multiplicities image such that



image (3.14)

where image.

Let us consider the special case of (3.14) when image, and image are the multiplicities of the nodes image and image, respectively. Then


and hence, for image,

image (3.15)

According to (3.6) we have image and from (3.15) there follows:


Regarding the third step of (3.5), we find

image (3.16)

In view of (3.8),


Returning to (3.16) we obtain


Therefore, the three-point method

image (3.17)

obtained by the Hermite interpolating polynomial of second degree, has sixth order of convergence.

3.2.4 Method 4 – Inverse interpolation

To get a three-point sixth-order method using four function evaluations, we use the inverse interpolation by the quadratic polynomial

image (3.18)

Substituting image yields


Differentiating (3.18) we get


Hence, for image,


Using the values of the coefficients image and image, from (3.18) we find


Assume that image is a zero of image, that is, image. Then we have from (3.18)

image (3.19)

According to this, the following three-step method is obtained:

image (3.20)

for image Note that the first and second step are implicitly defined as image and image. In this case the third step in (3.20) has a specific form different from Newton’s step in (3.5).

Replacing the relation (3.6) and the expansions (3.7) and (3.8) in (3.19), we arrive at the error relation


This proves that the order of convergence of the three-point method (3.20) is 6. Recall that image is the asymptotic error constant of (arbitrary chosen) optimal fourth-order method image.

3.2.5 Method 5 – Newton’s interpolation

Assume that a given function image is represented by a set of values image at distinct points (nodes) image. For this set of data it is possible to construct Newton’s interpolating polynomial of degree image with divided differences

image (3.21)

satisfying interpolation conditions image. Recall that the divided difference of the imageth order is defined recursively by (2.3).

To construct three-point methods, we apply Newton’s interpolating polynomial (3.21) for image taking three different choices of nodes:

(a) image.

(b) image.

(c) image.

First we consider the choice (a) taking the Steffensen-like method (3.4) in the first step of scheme (1)–(3). Newton’s interpolating polynomial takes the form

image (3.22)

Proceeding as before, we replace image in (3.5) by image. Differentiating (3.22) we obtain for image



image (3.23)

Since image, image, we get by Taylor’s series

image (3.24)

Substituting (3.6)(3.8) and (3.24) into (3.23) and using Taylor’s series, we find

image (3.25)

By virtue of (3.6), (3.8), and (3.25), from (3.5) we find

image (3.26)

As above, image is the asymptotic error constant of the two-point method image that appears in the iterative scheme (3.5).

Now we consider the choice (b). Newton’s interpolating polynomial has the form

image (3.27)

We want to replace image in (3.5) by image. Differentiating (3.27) we obtain for image



image (3.28)

Since we use Steffensen-like method (3.4), then image, see (3.6). Substitute this error, imageand the expansions (3.7) and (3.8) in (3.28). Using again Taylor’s series, we find

image (3.29)

Taking into account (3.6), (3.8), and (3.29), from (3.5) we find

image (3.30)

Convergence analysis for the choice (c) with Newton’s method in the first step of the scheme (3.5) is very similar to that as Steffensen-like method is applied (with image instead of image). In this case we use the errors image, image and the expansions (3.7) and (3.8) in (3.28). Applying Taylor’s series again, we obtain

image (3.31)

Using (3.6), (3.8), and (3.31), from (3.5) we find

image (3.32)

The corresponding three-point methods, constructed by Newton’s interpolation with divided differences, are given below:

The choice (a):

image (3.33)

The choice (b)

image (3.34)

The choice (c):

image (3.35)

According to (3.26) we conclude that the three-point derivative free methods (3.33) have order 6 (choice (a)). In regard to the error relations (3.30) and (3.32) it follows that the order of convergence of the three-point methods (3.34) and (3.35) is 7. It is clear that the methods (3.34) and (3.35) are faster than (3.33) since the approximations image, and image, taken as nodes in (3.34) and (3.35), are better than image, and image used in (3.33).

3.2.6 Method 6 – Taylor’s approximation of derivative

Many multipoint methods derived in the first decade of 21st century were derived using different approximations of the first derivative that appears at the second or third step. We will now present a simple method for approximating the derivative image at the third step (3.5) of the iterative scheme (1)–(3).

Let image be a real-valued function of the argument image, where image is the Newton approximation. Assume that image is at least twice differentiable on an interval image that contains a zero image of image. According to (3.6)(3.8) we find


which means that image is a very small quantity in magnitude if image is close enough to the zero image. Hence, it is reasonable to represent image by its Taylor’s polynomial image in a neighborhood of the point image.

The next step is to approximate image in (3.5) of the scheme (1)–(3) as follows:

image (3.36)

where we put image. From (3.6) we observe that


where image and image are some constants depending on the form of image. According to this relation and the expansions (3.7) and (3.8) for image and image, we start from


and estimate

image (3.37)

The method given by the three-step scheme (1)–(3) with the approximation (3.36) will reach the order 6 if we choose image, and image in (3.37) so that the coefficients next to image and image vanish. It is easy to see from (3.37) that we have to take

image (3.38)

Such a choice leads to the error relation

image (3.39)

where image is the asymptotic error constant of the two-point method defined by image.

According to the previous consideration, the following sixth-order method can be constructed:

image (3.40)

where the weight function image satisfies the condition (3.38). We list some simple weight functions image satisfying (3.38):


3.3 Ostrowski-like methods of sixth order

Using the Ostrowski two-point method (2.47) Chun and Ham (2007b) have developed a family of three-point methods using a parametric function in the third step. They have started from the three-step scheme

image (3.41)

where image and image is a real-valued function. This function has to be selected so that the order of convergence of the family (3.41) becomes as high as possible. The following theorem was proved in Chun and Ham (2007b).

Theorem 3.2

Let image be a simple zero of at least twice differentiable function image in an open interval image and image any function satisfying image and image. If image is a sufficiently good initial approximation to image, then the family of three-point methods (3.41)is of sixth order, and satisfies the error relation

image (3.42)

As in the case of most iterative methods, the proof is derived by using Taylor’s series. Symbolic computation in a computer algebra system (say, Mathematica or Maple) is recommended. The efficiency index of the methods (3.41) is image, which is less than the efficiency index of optimal two-point methods image.

Taking different forms of the weight function image that satisfy the conditions of Theorem 3.2, it is possible to obtain a variety of Ostrowski-like three-point methods defined by (3.41). The following examples are presented in Chun and Ham (2007b):


Let us observe that image is of King’s type, see the King two-point method (2.57). Note that the choice image gives the simplest form of image.

Remark 3.1

Chun-Ham’s method (3.41) gives some interesting particular cases which contain previously developed methods. Taking


in (3.41), one obtains the Ostrowski-King-like method considered by Sharma and Guha (2007). A sub-special case developed a year ago by Grau and Diaz-Barrero (2000) follows for image, which could be named the double Ostrowski-like method.

Remark 3.2

Chun and Ham have chosen Ostrowski’s method (2.47) at the first two steps. However, analysis given above for the three-point methods (3.40) shows that any two-point method of optimal order 4 can be taken instead of Ostrowski’s method. This means that the family (3.41) is a special case of the family (3.40). Since the asymptotic error constant of Ostrowski’s method is


substituting this expression in (3.39) we obtain the error relation (3.42).

Remark 3.3

As mentioned above, the family (3.40) allows any two-point method of optimal order 4 at the first two steps. Neta’s method (3.3) presented at the beginning of this chapter is a special case of the family (3.40) taking King’s method (2.57) for arbitrary image at the first two steps and the function image in the third step. It is easy to check that this function satisfies


3.4 Jarratt-like methods of sixth order

In Section 2.6 we have presented several two-point methods of Jarratt’s type for solving nonlinear equations. Among these Jarratt-like methods, the most frequently used and cited is the simplest method (2.146) of the form

image (3.43)



and the error relation

image (3.44)


To accelerate Jarratt’s method (3.43), Kou and Li (2007) have used the linear interpolation at two points image and image, that is,


and approximated

image (3.45)

Combining (3.43), (3.45), and the third step

image (3.46)

the following three-step method of Jarratt’s type was derived in (Kou and Li, 2007)

image (3.47)

The corresponding error relation is given by

image (3.48)

which means that the order of convergence of the three-point method (3.47) is 6 (see Kou and Li (2007) for the complete proof). The efficiency index is image.

Using a similar approach and the approximation of image by the parabola image through the points image and image, Chun (2007d) obtained the approximation


Replacing this approximation into (3.46), a slight generalization of the sixth-order method (3.47) was stated in (Chun, 2007d),

image (3.49)

Evidently, if image then (3.49) reduces to (3.47).

Now we will consider two Jarratt-like families of sixth order based on the family (2.147). We start from the three-step scheme

image (3.50)

where image and image is a real-valued function that satisfies the following conditions:

image (3.51)

To decrease the number of F.E. in (3.50), image is approximated using Hermite’s interpolation, see Method 3 in Section 3.2. We use the nodes image (of multiplicity 2) and image (of multiplicity 1) to construct Hermite’s interpolating polynomial


where we omit the iteration index for simplicity.

The unknown coefficients image, and image are determined from the conditions




For image we obtain


that is, the expression (3.13). Now, we substitute image and, proceeding as in Section 3.2 (see (3.13)(3.16)), we prove that the family of three-point methods

image (3.52)

is of order 6.

The second approach applies the aforementioned Method 6 (Taylor’s approximation of derivative) in the third step of (3.50) to approximate image. We proceed as follows:

image (3.53)



is Taylor’s polynomial of second degree.

First we find by Taylor’s series

image (3.54)


image (3.55)



is the coefficient of image in (2.149). By virtue of (3.54) and (3.55) we find

image (3.56)

The three-point method (3.50) with the approximation (3.53) will reach order 6 if the coefficients of image and image in (3.56) vanish. It is easy to show that this requirement will be satisfied if we take

image (3.57)

Putting these values in (3.56) we arrive at the error relation

image (3.58)

According to (3.58) we conclude that the family of three-point methods

image (3.59)

is of order 6 if the function image satisfies the conditions (3.57) and image satisfies (3.51).

The third approach relies on the general form of two-point family of Jarratt’s type presented in the scheme (3.50) and the linear interpolation at the two points image and image,


see (3.45). For image we obtain the approximation

image (3.60)

To find image, we use Taylor’s expansions


where image (from (2.116)). With these values we find from (3.60)


The use of Taylor’s series gives


so that the error relation of (3.59) is given by

image (3.61)

Therefore the family of three-point methods of Jarratt’s type

image (3.62)

is of order 6.

Remark 3.4

In the particular case (3.43) considered by Kou and Li (2007), where image, the asymptotic error constant is image, see (3.44). Putting this value in (3.61) we obtain the error relation (3.48) of the method (3.47).

From (3.45) and the fact that the linear interpolation is used, it is obvious that the choice image in (3.62) gives the particular method (3.47). The following question is of interest: Does the family (3.59) include the method (3.47)? First, we note that image. The third step of (3.59) can be written in the form


where image. According to (3.57), we should show that the function image satisfies the conditions

image (3.63)

Taylor’s expansion of image at the point image gives

image (3.64)

and we see that the function image fulfills (3.63). This means that the method (3.47) is a member of the family (3.59). Besides, in regard to (3.64) we note that the third step of (3.47) can be written in a simpler form taking the term


instead of image, which leads to the following variant of Jarratt-like method of sixth order:

image (3.65)

3.5 Other non-optimal three-point methods

Previous presentation includes several non-optimal three-point methods which use four F.E. but do not reach optimal order 8. A lot of non-optimal three-point methods with image have appeared up to now. In this section we expand this review with a few non-optimal methods which present fruitful ideas or possess interesting structure of iterative formulae.

Chun and Neta (2008) have applied a method of undetermined coefficients to the three-point scheme

image (3.66)

where image defines any third-order method that requires the values image. For example, Traub’s methods (2.12), (2.14), or (2.16) can be taken for image.

Since image in (3.66), the following approximation:

image (3.67)

was considered by Chun and Neta (2008) to decrease the computational cost. The coefficients image, and image are calculated by the method of undetermined coefficients. Note that the use of (already calculated) image instead of image in (3.66) gives a method of order 5.

Expand the terms image, and image about the point image up to third derivative. Upon comparing the coefficients of the derivatives of image at image, the following system of equations for the unknowns image, and image is formed:

image (3.68)

where image and image. The solution of the system (3.68) is given by


Substituting image with these coefficients in (3.67), Chun and Neta have stated the iterative method

image (3.69)

where image. It was proved by Chun and Neta (2008) that the order of convergence of the method (3.66) with the last step replaced by (3.69) is 6.

A particular case of Chun-Neta’s scheme (3.66) with

image (3.70)

(the third-order method (2.14)) has served to Parhi and Gupta (2008) to construct the sixth-order method using a different approach. To eliminate image in the third step of (3.66), they have applied the linear interpolation at the points image and image,


Hence, for image, we again obtain (3.60).

Substituting the Newton approximation image and (3.70) in (3.60), one obtains


Taking into account this approximation, the iterative scheme (3.66) with (3.70) leads to Parhi-Gupta’s three-point method

image (3.71)

Parhi and Gupta (2008) have derived the error relation


proving that the order of convergence of the three-point method (3.71) is 6.

We end this section with two three-point methods of order 7. The first method was developed by Kou et al. (2007d). Introducing


a class of third-order methods, called Chebyshev-Halley’s methods, is given by

image (3.72)

see Amat et al. (2003) and Gutiérrez and Hernández (1997).

Let image be the Newton approximation. Taylor’s expansion of image about image gives


Hence image so that

image (3.73)

Substituting (3.73) in (3.72) yields Kou-Li-Wang’s two-point method (Kou et al., 2007d)

image (3.74)



The iterative method (3.74) satisfies the following error relation:

image (3.75)

Putting image in (3.75) gives Traub’s method (2.25), rediscovered later by Potra and Pták (1984). The choice image produces Ostrowski’s method (2.47) with order 4.

The iterative method (3.74) has served as the base for constructing the following class of three-point methods (Kou et al., 2007d):

image (3.76)

The order of convergence of the iterative methods (3.76) is given in the theorem below, see Kou et al. (2007d).

Theorem 3.3

Suppose that image is a simple zero of a function image on an open interval image. If image is a reasonably good initial approximation to image and image is sufficiently smooth in the neighborhood of image, then the three-point methods (3.76)have order 7 for anyimageand satisfy the following error relation:


Remark 3.5

The error relation given in Theorem 3.3 was derived using eight terms in all Taylor’s expansions and it differs from that derived by Kou et al. (2007d) where less terms of expansions were employed delivering, as a consequence, imprecise asymptotic error constant


The second three-point method was constructed by Bi et al. (2008) starting from the three-point scheme

image (3.77)

Observe that King’s method (2.57) was used in the first two steps. The order of the iterative method (3.77) is 8 but 5 F.E. are required, which gives the efficiency index image. Therefore, this method is less efficient than optimal two-point methods (with image.

To decrease the number of function evaluations, the authors have applied a standard method in Bi et al. (2008): image is approximated in the third step using available data. Using Taylor’s series at the point image, one obtains

image (3.78)


image (3.79)

Substituting image from (3.78) in (3.79) gives

image (3.80)

Assume that image and image are close enough to image, then from (3.78) we find


where the limit relation


is used. Returning to (3.80) we obtain

image (3.81)

Replacing this approximation of image into (3.77), the following three-point method was stated by Bi et al. (2008):

image (3.82)

The error relation of (3.82) is of the form


which shows that the family of methods (3.82) is of seventh order (see Bi et al., 2008).


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