Chapter 6. Interrupts and Interrupt Handlers

A primary responsibility of the kernel is managing the hardware connected to the machine. As part of this work, the kernel needs to communicate with the machine's individual devices. Given that processors are typically magnitudes faster than the hardware they talk to, it is not ideal for the kernel to issue a request and wait for a response from the potentially slow hardware. Instead, because the hardware is comparatively slow to respond, the kernel must be free to go off, handle other work, and deal with the hardware only after it has actually completed its work. One solution to this problem is polling. Periodically, the kernel can check the status of the hardware in the system and respond accordingly. This incurs overhead, however, regardless of whether the hardware is even active or ready because the polling occurs repeatedly at regular intervals. A better solution is to provide a mechanism for the hardware to signal the kernel when attention is needed. The solution is interrupts.


Interrupts allow hardware to communicate with the processor. For example, as you type, the keyboard controller (the hardware device that manages the keyboard) issues an electrical signal to the processor to alert the operating system to newly available key presses. These electrical signals are interrupts. The processor receives the interrupt and signals the operating system to allow the OS to respond to the new data. Hardware devices generate interrupts asynchronously with respect to the processor clock—they can occur at any time. Consequently, the kernel can be interrupted at any time to process interrupts.

An interrupt is physically produced by electronic signals originating from hardware devices and directed into input pins on an interrupt controller. The interrupt controller, in turn, sends a signal to the processor. The processor detects this signal and interrupts its current execution to handle the interrupt. The processor can then notify the operating system that an interrupt has occurred, and the operating system can handle the interrupt appropriately.

Different devices can be associated with unique interrupts by means of a unique value associated with each interrupt. This way, interrupts from the keyboard are distinct from interrupts from the hard drive. This enables the operating system to differentiate between interrupts and to know which hardware device caused which interrupt. In turn, the operating system can service each interrupt with a unique handler.

These interrupt values are often called interrupt request (IRQ) lines. Typically, they are given a numeric value—for example, on a PC, IRQ zero is the timer interrupt and IRQ one is the keyboard interrupt. Not all interrupt numbers, however, are so rigidly defined. Interrupts associated with devices on the PCI bus, for example, generally can be dynamically assigned. Other non-PC architectures have similar dynamic assignments for interrupt values. The important notion is that a specific interrupt is associated with a specific device, and the kernel knows this. The hardware then issues interrupts to get the kernel's attention: Hey, I have new key presses waiting; read and process these bad boys!

Interrupt Handlers

The function the kernel runs in response to a specific interrupt is called an interrupt handler or interrupt service routine (ISR). Each device that generates interrupts has an associated interrupt handler. For example, one function handles interrupts from the system timer, while another function handles interrupts generated by the keyboard. The interrupt handler for a device is part of the device's driver—the kernel code that manages the device.

In Linux, interrupt handlers are normal C functions. They match a specific prototype, which enables the kernel to pass the handler information in a standard way, but otherwise they are ordinary functions. What differentiates interrupt handlers from other kernel functions is that the kernel invokes them in response to interrupts and that they run in a special context (discussed later in this chapter) called interrupt context.

Because an interrupt can occur at any time, an interrupt handler can in turn be executed at any time. It is imperative that the handler runs quickly, to resume execution of the interrupted code as soon as possible. Therefore, although it is important to the hardware that the interrupt is serviced immediately, it is important to the rest of the system that the interrupt handler execute in as short a period as possible.

At the very least, an interrupt handler's job is to acknowledge the interrupt's receipt to the hardware: Hey, hardware, I hear ya, now get back to work! Often, however, interrupt handlers have a large amount of work to perform. For example, consider the interrupt handler for a network device. On top of responding to the hardware, the interrupt handler needs to copy networking packets from the hardware into memory, process them, and push the packets down to the appropriate protocol stack or application. Obviously, this can be a lot of work, especially with today's gigabit and ten-gigabit Ethernet cards.

Top Halves Versus Bottom Halves

These two goals—that an interrupt handler execute quickly and perform a large amount of work—are plainly in contrast. Because of these conflicting goals, the processing of interrupts is split into two parts, or halves. The interrupt handler is the top half. It is run immediately upon receipt of the interrupt and performs only the work that is time critical, such as acknowledging receipt of the interrupt or resetting the hardware. Work that can be performed later is delayed until the bottom half. The bottom half runs in the future, at a more convenient time, with all interrupts enabled. Linux provides various mechanisms for implementing bottom halves, and they are all discussed in the next chapter, “Bottom Halves and Deferring Work.”

Let's look at an example of the top half/bottom half split, using our old friend, the network card. When network cards receive incoming packets off the network, they need to alert the kernel to their availability. They want and need to do this immediately, to optimize network throughput and latency and avoid timeouts. Thus, they immediately issue an interrupt: Hey, kernel, I have some fresh packets here! The kernel responds by executing the network card's registered interrupt.

The interrupt runs, acknowledges the hardware, copies the new networking packets into main memory, and readies the network card for more packets. These jobs are the important, time-critical, and hardware-specific work. The rest of the processing and handling of the packets occurs later, in the bottom half. In this chapter, we look at the top half; in the next, the bottom.

Registering an Interrupt Handler

Interrupt handlers are the responsibility of the driver managing the hardware. Each device has one associated driver and, if that device uses interrupts (and most do), then that driver registers one interrupt handler.

Drivers can register an interrupt handler and enable a given interrupt line for handling via the function

/* request_irq: allocate a given interrupt line */
int request_irq(unsigned int irq,
                irqreturn_t (*handler)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *),
                unsigned long irqflags,
                const char *devname,
                void *dev_id)

The first parameter, irq, specifies the interrupt number to allocate. For some devices, for example legacy PC devices such as the system timer or keyboard, this value is typically hard-coded. For most other devices, it is probed or otherwise determined programmatically and dynamically.

The second parameter, handler, is a function pointer to the actual interrupt handler that services this interrupt. This function is invoked whenever the operating system receives the interrupt. Note the specific prototype of the handler function: It takes three parameters and has a return value of irqreturn_t. This function is discussed later in this chapter.

The third parameter, irqflags, might be either zero or a bit mask of one or more of the following flags:

  • SA_INTERRUPT—. This flag specifies that the given interrupt handler is a fast interrupt handler. Historically, Linux differentiated between interrupt handlers that were fast versus slow. Fast handlers were assumed to execute quickly, but potentially very often, so the behavior of the interrupt handling was modified to enable them to execute as quickly as possible. Today, there is only one difference: Fast interrupt handlers run with all interrupts disabled on the local processor. This enables a fast handler to complete quickly, without possible interruption from other interrupts. By default (without this flag), all interrupts are enabled except the interrupt lines of any running handlers, which are masked out on all processors. Sans the timer interrupt, most interrupts do not want to enable this flag.

  • SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM—. This flag specifies that interrupts generated by this device should contribute to the kernel entropy pool. The kernel entropy pool provides truly random numbers derived from various random events. If this flag is specified, the timing of interrupts from this device are fed to the pool as entropy. Do not set this if your device issues interrupts at a predictable rate (for example, the system timer) or can be influenced by external attackers (for example, a networking device). On the other hand, most other hardware generates interrupts at nondeterministic times and is, therefore, a good source of entropy. For more information on the kernel entropy pool, see Appendix B, “Kernel Random Number Generator.”

  • SA_SHIRQ—. This flag specifies that the interrupt line can be shared among multiple interrupt handlers. Each handler registered on a given line must specify this flag; otherwise, only one handler can exist per line. More information on shared handlers is provided in a following section.

The fourth parameter, devname, is an ASCII text representation of the device associated with the interrupt. For example, this value for the keyboard interrupt on a PC is “keyboard”. These text names are used by /proc/irq and /proc/interrupts for communication with the user, which is discussed shortly.

The fifth parameter, dev_id, is used primarily for shared interrupt lines. When an interrupt handler is freed (discussed later), dev_id provides a unique cookie to allow the removal of only the desired interrupt handler from the interrupt line. Without this parameter, it would be impossible for the kernel to know which handler to remove on a given interrupt line. You can pass NULL here if the line is not shared, but you must pass a unique cookie if your interrupt line is shared (and unless your device is old and crusty and lives on the ISA bus, there is good chance it must support sharing). This pointer is also passed into the interrupt handler on each invocation. A common practice is to pass the driver's device structure: This pointer is unique and might be useful to have within the handlers and the Device Model.

On success, request_irq() returns zero. A nonzero value indicates error, in which case the specified interrupt handler was not registered. A common error is -EBUSY, which denotes that the given interrupt line is already in use (and either the current user or you did not specify SA_SHIRQ).

Note that request_irq() can sleep and therefore cannot be called from interrupt context or other situations where code cannot block. It is a common mistake to call request_irq() when it is unsafe to sleep. This is partly because of why request_irq() can sleep: It is indeed unclear. On registration, an entry corresponding to the interrupt is created in /proc/irq. The function proc_mkdir() is used to create new procfs entries. This function calls proc_create() to set up the new procfs entries, which in turn call kmalloc() to allocate memory. As you will see in Chapter 11, “Memory Management,” kmalloc() can sleep. So there you go!

Anyhow, enough of the nitty gritty. In a driver, requesting an interrupt line and installing a handler is done via request_irq():

if (request_irq(irqn, my_interrupt, SA_SHIRQ, "my_device", dev)) {
        printk(KERN_ERR "my_device: cannot register IRQ %d
", irqn);
        return -EIO;

In this example, irqn is the requested interrupt line, my_interrupt is the handler, the line can be shared, the device is named “my_device,” and we passed dev for dev_id. On failure, the code prints an error and returns. If the call returns zero, the handler has been successfully installed. From that point forward, the handler is invoked in response to an interrupt. It is important to initialize hardware and register an interrupt handler in the proper order to prevent the interrupt handler from running before the device is fully initialized.

Freeing an Interrupt Handler

When your driver unloads, you need to unregister your interrupt handler and potentially disable the interrupt line. To do this, call

void free_irq(unsigned int irq, void *dev_id)

If the specified interrupt line is not shared, this function removes the handler and disables the line. If the interrupt line is shared, the handler identified via dev_id is removed, but the interrupt line itself is disabled only when the last handler is removed. Now you can see why a unique dev_id is important. With shared interrupt lines, a unique cookie is required to differentiate between the multiple handlers that can exist on a single line and allow free_irq() to remove only the correct handler. In either case (shared or unshared), if dev_id is non-NULL, it must match the desired handler.

A call to free_irq() must be made from process context.

Table 6.1. Listing of Interrupt Registration Methods




Register a given interrupt handler on a given interrupt line


Unregister a given interrupt handler; if no handlers now exist on the line, the given interrupt line is disabled

Writing an Interrupt Handler

The following is a typical declaration of an interrupt handler:

static irqreturn_t intr_handler(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)

Note that this declaration matches the prototype of the handler argument given to request_irq(). The first parameter, irq, is the numeric value of the interrupt line the handler is servicing. This is not entirely useful today, except perhaps in printing log messages. Before the 2.0 kernel, there was not a dev_id parameter and thus irq was used to differentiate between multiple devices using the same driver and therefore the same interrupt handler. As an example of this, consider a computer with multiple hard drive controllers of the same type.

The second parameter, dev_id, is a generic pointer to the same dev_id that was given to request_irq() when the interrupt handler was registered. If this value is unique (which is recommended to support sharing), it can act as a cookie to differentiate between multiple devices potentially using the same interrupt handler. dev_id might also point to a structure of use to the interrupt handler. Because the device structure is both unique to each device and potentially useful to have within the handler, it is typically passed for dev_id.

The final parameter, regs, holds a pointer to a structure containing the processor registers and state before servicing the interrupt. The parameter is rarely used, except for debugging. In fact, current developer interest has hinted that this parameter may not be around forever. Looking at the very small number of users of reg in existing interrupt handlers, few ought to miss it.

The return value of an interrupt handler is the special type irqreturn_t. An interrupt handler can return two special values, IRQ_NONE or IRQ_HANDLED. The former is returned when the interrupt handler detects an interrupt for which its device was not the originator. The latter is returned if the interrupt handler was correctly invoked, and its device did indeed cause the interrupt. Alternatively, IRQ_RETVAL(val) may be used. If val is non-zero, this macro returns IRQ_HANDLED. Otherwise, the macro returns IRQ_NONE. These special values are used to let the kernel know whether devices are issuing spurious (that is, unrequested) interrupts. If all the interrupt handlers on a given interrupt line return IRQ_NONE, then the kernel can detect the problem. Note the curious return type, irqreturn_t, which is simply an int. This value is used to provide backward compatibility with earlier kernels, which did not have this feature—before 2.6, interrupt handlers returned void. Drivers may simply typedef irqreturn_t to void and define the different return vales to noops and then work in 2.4 without further modification.

The interrupt handler is normally marked static because it is never called directly from another file.

The role of the interrupt handler depends entirely on the device and its reasons for issuing the interrupt. At a minimum, most interrupt handlers need to provide acknowledgment to the device that they received the interrupt. Devices that are more complex need to additionally send and receive data and perform extended work in the interrupt handler. As mentioned, the extended work is pushed as much as possible into the bottom half handler, which is discussed in the next chapter.

Shared Handlers

A shared handler is registered and executed much like a non-shared handler. There are three main differences:

  • The SA_SHIRQ flag must be set in the flags argument to request_irq().

  • The dev_id argument must be unique to each registered handler. A pointer to any per-device structure is sufficient; a common choice is the device structure as it is both unique and potentially useful to the handler. You cannot pass NULL for a shared handler!

  • The interrupt handler must be capable of distinguishing whether its device actually generated an interrupt. This requires both hardware support and associated logic in the interrupt handler. If the hardware did not offer this capability, there would be no way for the interrupt handler to know whether its associated device or some other device sharing the line caused the interrupt.

All drivers sharing the interrupt line must meet the previous requirements. If any one device does not share fairly, none can share the line. When request_irq() is called with SA_SHIRQ specified, the call succeeds only if the interrupt line is currently not registered, or if all registered handlers on the line also specified SA_SHIRQ. Note that in 2.6, unlike the behavior in older kernels, shared handlers can mix usage of SA_INTERRUPT.

When the kernel receives an interrupt, it invokes sequentially each registered handler on the line. Therefore, it is important that the handler be capable of distinguishing whether it generated a given interrupt. The handler must quickly exit if its associated device did not generate the interrupt. This requires the hardware device to have a status register (or similar mechanism) that the handler can check. Most hardware does indeed have such a feature.

A Real-Life Interrupt Handler

Let's look at a real interrupt handler, from the RTC (real-time clock) driver, found in drivers/char/rtc.c. An RTC is found in many machines, including PCs. It is a device, separate from the system timer, which is used to set the system clock, provide an alarm, or supply a periodic timer. On most architectures, the system clock is set by writing the desired time into a specific register or I/O range. Any alarm or periodic timer functionality is normally implemented via interrupt. The interrupt is equivalent to a real-world clock alarm: The receipt of the interrupt is analogous to a buzzing alarm.

When the RTC driver loads, the function rtc_init() is invoked to initialize the driver. One of its duties is to register the interrupt handler:

/* register rtc_interrupt on RTC_IRQ */
if (request_irq(RTC_IRQ, rtc_interrupt, SA_INTERRUPT, "rtc", NULL) {
        printk(KERN_ERR "rtc: cannot register IRQ %d
", RTC_IRQ);
        return -EIO;

Note in this example that the interrupt line is stored in RTC_IRQ. This is a preprocessor define that specifies the RTC interrupt for a given architecture. On the PC the RTC is always located at IRQ 8. The second parameter is the interrupt handler, rtc_interrupt, which runs with all interrupts disabled, thanks to the SA_INTERRUPT flag. From the fourth parameter, you can see that the driver name is “rtc.” Because this device cannot share the interrupt line and the handler has no use for any special value, NULL is passed for dev_id.

Finally, the handler itself:

 * A very tiny interrupt handler. It runs with SA_INTERRUPT set,
 * but there is a possibility of conflicting with the set_rtc_mmss()
 * call (the rtc irq and the timer irq can easily run at the same
 * time in two different CPUs). So we need to serialize
 * accesses to the chip with the rtc_lock spinlock that each
 * architecture should implement in the timer code.
 * (See ./arch/XXXX/kernel/time.c for the set_rtc_mmss() function.)
static irqreturn_t rtc_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
         * Can be an alarm interrupt, update complete interrupt,
         * or a periodic interrupt. We store the status in the
         * low byte and the number of interrupts received since
         * the last read in the remainder of rtc_irq_data.

        spin_lock (&rtc_lock);

        rtc_irq_data += 0x100;
        rtc_irq_data &= ~0xff;
        rtc_irq_data |= (CMOS_READ(RTC_INTR_FLAGS) & 0xF0);

        if (rtc_status & RTC_TIMER_ON)
            mod_timer(&rtc_irq_timer, jiffies + HZ/rtc_freq + 2*HZ/100);

        spin_unlock (&rtc_lock);

         * Now do the rest of the actions
        if (rtc_callback)

        kill_fasync (&rtc_async_queue, SIGIO, POLL_IN);

        return IRQ_HANDLED;

This function is invoked whenever the machine receives the RTC interrupt. First, note the spin lock calls: The first set ensures that rtc_irq_data is not accessed concurrently by another processor on an SMP machine, and the second set protects rtc_callback from the same. Locks are discussed in Chapter 9, “Kernel Synchronization Methods.”

The rtc_irq_data variable is an unsigned long that stores information about the RTC and is updated on each interrupt to reflect the status of the interrupt.

Next, if an RTC periodic timer is set, it is updated via mod_timer(). Timers are discussed in Chapter 10, “Timers and Time Management.”

The final bunch of code, wrapped with the second set of spin locks, executes a possible preset callback function. The RTC driver enables a callback function to be registered and executed on each RTC interrupt.

Finally, this function returns IRQ_HANDLED to signify that it properly handled this device. Because the interrupt handler does not support sharing, and there is no mechanism for the RTC to detect a spurious interrupt, this handler always returns IRQ_HANDLED.

Interrupt Context

When executing an interrupt handler or bottom half, the kernel is in interrupt context. Recall that process context is the mode of operation the kernel is in while it is executing on behalf of a process—for example, executing a system call or running a kernel thread. In process context, the current macro points to the associated task. Furthermore, because a process is coupled to the kernel in process context, process context can sleep or otherwise invoke the scheduler.

Interrupt context, on the other hand, is not associated with a process. The current macro is not relevant (although it points to the interrupted process). Without a backing process, interrupt context cannot sleep—how would it ever reschedule? Therefore, you cannot call certain functions from interrupt context. If a function sleeps, you cannot use it from your interrupt handler—this limits the functions that one can call from an interrupt handler.

Interrupt context is time critical because the interrupt handler interrupts other code. Code should be quick and simple. Busy looping is discouraged. This is a very important point; always keep in mind that your interrupt handler has interrupted other code (possibly even another interrupt handler on a different line!). Because of this asynchronous nature, it is imperative that all interrupt handlers be as quick and as simple as possible. As much as possible, work should be pushed out from the interrupt handler and performed in a bottom half, which runs at a more convenient time.

The setup of an interrupt handler's stacks is a configuration option. Historically, interrupt handlers did not receive their own stacks. Instead, they would share the stack of the process that they interrupted[1]. The kernel stack is two pages in size; typically, that is 8KB on 32-bit architectures and 16KB on 64-bit architectures. Because in this setup interrupt handlers share the stack, they must be exceptionally frugal with what data they allocate there. Of course, the kernel stack is limited to begin with, so all kernel code should be cautious.

Early in the 2.6 kernel process, an option was added to reduce the stack size from two pages down to one, providing only a 4KB stack on 32-bit systems. This reduced memory pressure because every process on the system previously needed two pages of nonswappable kernel memory. To cope with the reduced stack size, interrupt handlers were given their own stack, one stack per processor, one page in size. This stack is referred to as the interrupt stack. Although the total size of the interrupt stack is half that of the original shared stack, the average stack space available is greater because interrupt handlers get the full page of memory to themselves.

Your interrupt handler should not care what stack setup is in use or what the size of the kernel stack is. Always use an absolute minimum amount of stack space.

Implementation of Interrupt Handling

Perhaps not surprising, the implementation of the interrupt handling system in Linux is very architecture dependent. The implementation depends on the processor, the type of interrupt controller used, and the design of the architecture and machine itself.

Figure 6.1 is a diagram of the path an interrupt takes through hardware and the kernel.

The path that an interrupt takes from hardware and on through the kernel.

Figure 6.1. The path that an interrupt takes from hardware and on through the kernel.

A device issues an interrupt by sending an electric signal over its bus to the interrupt controller. If the interrupt line is enabled (they can be masked out), the interrupt controller sends the interrupt to the processor. In most architectures, this is accomplished by an electrical signal that is sent over a special pin to the processor. Unless interrupts are disabled in the processor (which can also happen), the processor immediately stops what it is doing, disables the interrupt system, and jumps to a predefined location in memory and executes the code located there. This predefined point is set up by the kernel and is the entry point for interrupt handlers.

The interrupt's journey in the kernel begins at this predefined entry point, just as system calls enter the kernel through a predefined exception handler. For each interrupt line, the processor jumps to a unique location in memory and executes the code located there. In this manner, the kernel knows the IRQ number of the incoming interrupt. The initial entry point simply saves this value and stores the current register values (which belong to the interrupted task) on the stack; then the kernel calls do_IRQ(). From here onward, most of the interrupt handling code is written in C—however, it is still architecture dependent.

The do_IRQ() function is declared as

unsigned int do_IRQ(struct pt_regs regs)

Because the C calling convention places function arguments at the top of the stack, the pt_regs structure contains the initial register values that were previously saved in the assembly entry routine. Because the interrupt value was also saved, do_IRQ() can extract it. The x86 code is

int irq = regs.orig_eax & 0xff;

After the interrupt line is calculated, do_IRQ() acknowledges the receipt of the interrupt and disables interrupt delivery on the line. On normal PC machines, these operations are handled by mask_and_ack_8259A(), which do_IRQ() calls.

Next, do_IRQ() ensures that a valid handler is registered on the line, and that it is enabled and not currently executing. If so, it calls handle_IRQ_event() to run the installed interrupt handlers for the line. On x86, handle_IRQ_event() is

asmlinkage int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned int irq, struct pt_regs *regs,
                                struct irqaction *action)
        int status = 1;
        int retval = 0;

        if (!(action->flags & SA_INTERRUPT))

        do {
                status |= action->flags;
                retval |= action->handler(irq, action->dev_id, regs);
                action = action->next;
        } while (action);

        if (status & SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM)


        return retval;

First, because the processor disabled interrupts, they are turned back on unless SA_INTERRUPT was specified during the handler's registration. Recall that SA_INTERRUPT specifies that the handler must be run with interrupts disabled. Next, each potential handler is executed in a loop. If this line is not shared, the loop terminates after the first iteration. Otherwise, all handlers are executed. After that, add_interrupt_randomness() is called if SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM was specified during registration. This function uses the timing of the interrupt to generate entropy for the random number generator. Appendix B, “Kernel Random Number Generator,” has more information on the kernel's random number generator. Finally, interrupts are again disabled (do_IRQ() expects them still to be off) and the function returns. Back in do_IRQ(), the function cleans up and returns to the initial entry point, which then jumps to ret_from_intr().

The routine ret_from_intr() is, as with the initial entry code, written in assembly. This routine checks whether a reschedule is pending (recall from Chapter 4, “Process Scheduling,” that this implies that need_resched is set). If a reschedule is pending, and the kernel is returning to user-space (that is, the interrupt interrupted a user process), schedule() is called. If the kernel is returning to kernel-space (that is, the interrupt interrupted the kernel itself), schedule() is called only if the preempt_count is zero (otherwise it is not safe to preempt the kernel). After schedule() returns, or if there is no work pending, the initial registers are restored and the kernel resumes whatever was interrupted.

On x86, the initial assembly routines are located in arch/i386/kernel/entry.S and the C methods are located in arch/i386/kernel/irq.c. Other supported architectures are similar.


Procfs is a virtual filesystem that exists only in kernel memory and is typically mounted at /proc. Reading or writing files in procfs invokes kernel functions that simulate reading or writing from a real file. A relevant example is the /proc/interrupts file, which is populated with statistics related to interrupts on the system. Here is sample output from a uniprocessor PC:

 0:   3602371   XT-PIC   timer
 1:   3048      XT-PIC   i8042
 2:   0         XT-PIC   cascade
 4:   2689466   XT-PIC   uhci-hcd, eth0
 5:   0         XT-PIC   EMU10K1
 12:  85077     XT-PIC   uhci-hcd
 15:  24571     XT-PIC   aic7xxx
NMI:  0 
LOC:  3602236 
ERR:  0

The first column is the interrupt line. On this system, interrupts numbered 0–2, 4, 5, 12, and 15 are present. Handlers are not installed on lines not displayed. The second column is a counter of the number of interrupts received. A column is present for each processor on the system, but this machine has only one processor. As you can see, the timer interrupt has received 3,602,371 interrupts[2], whereas the sound card (EMU10K1) has received none (which is an indication that it has not been used since the machine booted). The third column is the interrupt controller handling this interrupt. XT-PIC corresponds to the standard PC programmable interrupt controller. On systems with an I/O APIC, most interrupts would list IO-APIC-level or IO-APIC-edge as their interrupt controller. Finally, the last column is the device associated with this interrupt. This name is supplied by the devname parameter to request_irq(), as discussed previously. If the interrupt is shared, as is the case with interrupt number four in this example, all the devices registered on the interrupt line are listed.

For the curious, procfs code is located primarily in fs/proc. The function that provides /proc/interrupts is, not surprisingly, architecture dependent and named show_interrupts().

Interrupt Control

The Linux kernel implements a family of interfaces for manipulating the state of interrupts on a machine. These interfaces enable you to disable the interrupt system for the current processor or mask out an interrupt line for the entire machine. These routines are all very architecture dependent and can be found in <asm/system.h> and <asm/irq.g>. See Table 6.2, later in this chapter, for a complete listing of the interfaces.

Table 6.2. Listing of Interrupt Control Methods




Disable local interrupt delivery


Enable local interrupt delivery


Save the current state of local interrupt delivery and then disable it


Restore local interrupt delivery to the given state


Disable the given interrupt line and ensure no handler on the line is executing before returning


Disable the given interrupt line


Enable the given interrupt line


Returns nonzero if local interrupt delivery is disabled; otherwise returns zero


Returns nonzero if in interrupt context and zero if in process context


Returns nonzero if currently executing an interrupt handler and zero otherwise

Reasons to control the interrupt system generally boil down to needing to provide synchronization. By disabling interrupts, you can guarantee that an interrupt handler will not preempt your current code. Moreover, disabling interrupts also disables kernel preemption. Neither disabling interrupt delivery nor disabling kernel preemption provides any protection from concurrent access from another processor, however. Because Linux supports multiple processors, kernel code more generally needs to obtain some sort of lock to prevent another processor from accessing shared data simultaneously. These locks are often obtained in conjunction with disabling local interrupts. The lock provides protection against concurrent access from another processor, whereas disabling interrupts provides protection against concurrent access from a possible interrupt handler. Chapters 8 and 9 discuss the various problems of synchronization and their solutions. Nevertheless, understanding the kernel interrupt control interfaces is important.

Disabling and Enabling Interrupts

To disable interrupts locally for the current processor (and only the current processor) and then later reenable them, do the following

/* interrupts are disabled .. */

These functions are usually implemented as a single assembly operation (of course, this depends on the architecture). Indeed, on x86, local_irq_disable() is a simple cli and local_irq_enable() is a simple sti instruction. For non-x86 hackers, cli and sti are the assembly calls to clear and set the allow interrupts flag, respectively. In other words, they disable and enable interrupt delivery on the issuing processor.

The local_irq_disable() routine is dangerous if interrupts were already disabled prior to its invocation. The corresponding call to local_irq_enable() unconditionally enables interrupts, despite the fact that they were off to begin with. Instead, a mechanism is needed to restore interrupts to a previous state. This is a common concern because a given code path in the kernel can be reached both with and without interrupts enabled, depending on the call chain. For example, imagine the previous code snippet is part of a larger function. Imagine that this function is called by two other functions, one which disables interrupts and one which does not. Because it is becoming harder as the kernel grows in size and complexity to know all the code paths leading up to a function, it is much safer to save the state of the interrupt system before disabling it. Then, when you are ready to reenable interrupts, you simply restore them to their original state:

unsigned long flags;

local_irq_save(flags);    /* interrupts are now disabled */
/* ... */
local_irq_restore(flags); /* interrupts are restored to their previous state */

Note that these methods are implemented at least in part as macros, so the flags parameter (which must be defined as an unsigned long) is seemingly passed by value. This parameter contains architecture-specific data containing the state of the interrupt systems. Because at least one supported architecture incorporates stack information into the value (ahem, SPARC), flags cannot be passed to another function (specifically, it must remain on the same stack frame). For this reason, the call to save and the call to restore interrupts must occur in the same function.

All the previous functions can be called from both interrupt and process context.

Disabling a Specific Interrupt Line

In the previous section, we looked at functions that disable all interrupt delivery for an entire processor. In some cases, it is useful to disable only a specific interrupt line for the entire system. This is called masking out an interrupt line. As an example, you might want to disable delivery of a device's interrupts before manipulating its state. Linux provides four interfaces for this task:

void disable_irq(unsigned int irq);
void disable_irq_nosync(unsigned int irq);
void enable_irq(unsigned int irq);
void synchronize_irq(unsigned int irq);

The first two functions disable a given interrupt line in the interrupt controller. This disables delivery of the given interrupt to all processors in the system. Additionally, the disable_irq() function does not return until any currently executing handler completes. Thus, callers are assured not only that new interrupts will not be delivered on the given line, but also that any already executing handlers have exited. The function disable_irq_nosync() does not wait for current handlers to complete.

The function synchronize_irq() waits for a specific interrupt handler to exit, if it is executing, before returning.

Calls to these functions nest. For each call to disable_irq() or disable_irq_nosync() on a given interrupt line, a corresponding call to enable_irq() is required. Only on the last call to enable_irq() is the interrupt line actually enabled. For example, if disable_irq() is called twice, the interrupt line is not actually reenabled until the second call to enable_irq().

All three of these functions can be called from interrupt or process context and do not sleep. If calling from interrupt context, be careful! You do not want, for example, to enable an interrupt line while you are handling it. (Recall that the interrupt line of a handler is masked out while it is being serviced.)

It would be rather rude to disable an interrupt line that is shared among multiple interrupt handlers. Disabling the line disables interrupt delivery for all devices on the line. Therefore, drivers for newer devices tend not to use these interfaces[3]. Because PCI devices have to support interrupt line sharing by specification, they should not use these interfaces at all. Thus, disable_irq() and friends are found more often in drivers for older legacy devices, such as the PC parallel port.

Status of the Interrupt System

It is often useful to know the state of the interrupt system (for example, whether interrupts are enabled or disabled) or whether you are currently executing in interrupt context.

The macro irqs_disabled(), defined in <asm/system.h>, returns nonzero if the interrupt system on the local processor is disabled. Otherwise, it returns zero.

Two macros, defined in <asm/hardirq.h>, provide an interface to check the kernel's current context. They are


The most useful is the first: It returns nonzero if the kernel is in interrupt context. This includes either executing an interrupt handler or a bottom half handler. The macro in_irq() returns nonzero only if the kernel is specifically executing an interrupt handler.

More often, you want to check whether you are in process context. That is, you want to ensure you are not in interrupt context. This is often the case because code wants to do something that can only be done from process context, such as sleep. If in_interrupt() returns zero, the kernel is in process context.

Yes, the names are confusing and do little to impart their meaning. Table 6.2 is a summary of the interrupt control methods and their description.

Don't Interrupt Me; We're Almost Done!

This chapter looked at interrupts, a hardware resource used by devices to asynchronously signal the processor. Interrupts, in effect, are used by hardware to interrupt the operating system.

Most modern hardware uses interrupts to communicate with operating systems. The device driver that manages a given piece of hardware registers an interrupt handler to respond to and process interrupts issued from their associated hardware. Work performed in interrupts includes acknowledging and resetting hardware, copying data from the device to main memory and vice versa, processing hardware requests, and sending out new hardware requests.

The kernel provides interfaces for registering and unregistering interrupt handlers, disabling interrupts, masking out interrupt lines, and checking the status of the interrupt system. Table 6.2 provided an overview of many of these functions.

Because interrupts interrupt other executing code (processes, the kernel itself, and even other interrupt handlers), they must execute quickly. Often, however, there is a lot of work to do. To balance the large amount of work with the need for quick execution, the kernel divides the work of processing interrupts into two halves. The interrupt handler, the top half, was discussed in this chapter. Now, let's look at the bottom half.

[1] A process is always running. When nothing else is schedulable, the idle task runs.

[2] As an exercise, after reading Chapter 10, “Timers and Time Management,” can you tell how long the system has been up (in terms of HZ), knowing the number of timer interrupts that have occurred?

[3] Many older devices, particularly ISA devices, do not provide a method of obtaining whether or not they generated an interrupt. Therefore, often interrupt lines for ISA devices cannot be shared. Because the PCI specification mandates the sharing of interrupts, modern PCI-based devices support interrupt sharing. In contemporary computers, nearly all interrupt lines can be shared.

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