The Impact of Seasonality on a Firm’s Funding (PIPES-C)

This chapter will reinforce and extend our use of the finance tools we introduced in the previous two chapters. We will do so by examining the effect of seasonality on a firm’s financials. As a consequence, our evaluation interval will not be year to year, but rather month to month.

It is common to use annual reports when analyzing a firm’s financials. The annual Income Statement represents the previous 12 months of activity, and the Balance Sheet reflects financial values at the fiscal year-end. Annual Income Statements and Balance Sheets provide a reasonable starting point to analyze a firm. In addition, they are sufficient if the firm’s sales, as well as assets and liabilities, are fairly constant throughout the year (as we assumed in the last chapter for PIPES). However, many firms have large variations in their sales, assets, and liabilities during the year due to seasonality. For example, the Christmas gift season is typically the largest for retailers, and thus sales are higher during this period while inventory levels are largest just prior and lowest just after. These, of course, have a cascading impact on receivables, payables, bank loans, and so on. If PIPES was located in the Midwest, and a large portion of sales was dependent on contractors, there would also probably be seasonality with more building taking place during the summer months.

To reinforce our financial tools and to illustrate the effect of seasonality, let us extend our analysis of PIPES but assume the firm is located in a northern climate with a seasonal variation in sales as shown in Table 4.1. Note we have set sales lowest in December, January, and February and highest in June, July, and August. The seasonal variation in sales results in 60% of sales occurring during the peak building season (April–September) and in 40% of sales occurring during the off period (October–March).

Table 4.1 PIPES Monthly Sales in 2012 & Projected Sales in 2013

Actual (+25%)
($000’s) 2012 2013 % Total
January 88.00 110.00 4.00%
February 132.00 165.00 6.00%
March 176.00 220.00 8.00%
April 176.00 220.00 8.00%
May 220.00 275.00 10.00%
June 242.00 302.50 11.00%
July 242.00 302.50 11.00%
August 242.00 302.50 11.00%
September 198.00 247.50 9.00%
October 198.00 247.50 9.00%
November 176.00 220.00 8.00%
December 110.00 137.50 5.00%
Total 2,200.00 2,750.00 100.00%
April–September 1,320.00 1,650.00 60.00%
Jan.–March and Oct. –Dec. 880.00 1,100.00 40.00%
Total 2,200.00 2,750.00 100.00%

We assume that the year-end numbers, that is, the December 31 annual Income Statement and Balance Sheet, are identical to those in the last chapter. Thus, total sales and profits are the same; what we are introducing is variation in the monthly operations.

Monthly Pro Forma Income Statements

To compute PIPES’s projected funding needs for 2013, but on a monthly basis as opposed to a yearly basis, as in Chapter 3, we begin with the 2012 actual Income Statement and Balance Sheet. We then create Table 4.2, which gives monthly pro forma Income Statements for 2013.

Table 4.2 PIPES Pro Forma Monthly Income Statements for 2013

Month ended ($000’s) January February March April May June
Revenue 110.00 165.00 220.00 220.00 275.00 302.50
COGS 83.01 124.51 166.01 166.01 207.52 228.27
Gross profit 26.99 40.49 53.99 53.99 67.49 74.23
SG&A 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52
Operating profit (8.53) 4.97 18.47 18.47 31.96 38.71
Interest expense 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92
Profit before tax (12.45) 1.05 14.55 14.55 28.04 34.79
Income tax 35% (4.36) 0.37 5.09 5.09 9.81 12.18
Net income (8.09) 0.68 9.46 9.46 18.23 22.61
Month ended ($000’s) July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
Revenue 302.50 302.50 247.50 247.50 220.00 137.50 2,750.00
COGS 228.27 228.27 186.76 186.76 166.01 103.76 2,075.16
Gross profit 74.23 74.23 60.74 60.74 53.99 33.74 674.84
SG&A 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 426.24
Operating profit 38.71 38.71 25.22 25.22 18.47 (1.78) 248.60
Interest expense 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 47.04
Profit before tax 34.79 34.79 21.30 21.30 14.55 (5.70) 201.56
Income tax 35% 12.18 12.18 7.46 7.46 5.09 (2.00) 70.55
Net income 22.61 22.61 13.84 13.84 9.46 (3.70) 131.01

Table 4.2 is created by using the monthly sales projections in Table 4.1 and by using financial ratios based on those determined in Chapter 2. For our Income Statements, the ratios will be constant over time, while for our Balance Sheets (discussed below) some ratios will be adjusted based on our assumptions about monthly activity. For example, we will keep Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) at 75.46% of sales (77% less the 2% reduction for prompt payment introduced in Chapter 3) for each month. Why? Because we are assuming that PIPES maintains the same mark-up over purchase prices when setting selling prices throughout the year. If true, then the monthly ratio of COGS/sales is the same as the annual ratio.

We also set monthly Selling, General and Administrative expenses (SG&A) as 15.5% of annual sales (the same as in the annual ratio) divided by 12. Thus, the monthly amount of SG&A is assumed to be constant month by month, rather than varying with monthly sales. Why? Because here your authors are assuming PIPES keeps staff levels and other SG&A expenses constant throughout the year. This makes the monthly expense constant each month (and the ratio of operating expenses/sales varies month to month).

These two assumptions seem reasonable to your authors. However, as we mentioned several times in Chapter 3, in finance there is more than one correct answer. Assuming COGS will remain as a constant percentage of sales each month seems reasonable, especially for a first pass. Likewise, the assumption that SG&A is a constant amount each month (rather than a constant percent of sales) also seems reasonable. We could assume that SG&A varies with sales as the firm hires and fires staff throughout the year, but your authors don’t feel this is as realistic. Someone with better knowledge of the internal operations of PIPES might feel differently. An important point: If you work for PIPES and are doing the forecast for the bank, you would have that knowledge and be able to forecast the monthly ratios more accurately. This is also true if you are an analyst for this industry and are doing a valuation using monthly pro formas.

Monthly taxes are assumed to be 35% of profit before tax. Since taxes are a constant function of profits before taxes, there is no reason to change the assumed rate.

As before, the interest expense will be an iterative item, which we initially set at the estimated annual amount of $47,000/year (taken from Table 3.3a in Chapter 3) or $3,917/month ($47,000/12). Later, after we create our initial Balance Sheet, we will adjust interest expense to reflect monthly changes in the amount borrowed.

A preliminary review of the monthly pro forma Income Statements in Table 4.2 shows projected sales vary from a low of $110,000 in January to a high of $302,500 in June, July, and August 2013. Monthly net income also varies from a loss of $8,090 to a profit of $22,610 over the same months. We should note here that annual sales (or, the sum of monthly sales) remains at $2,750,000. For the moment total net profit for the year remains at $131,010 (the same as our pro forma numbers in Chapter 3). The sum of the monthly COGS, SG&A, interest expense, and taxes are all equal to the annual amounts as well. Thus, if we compare the sums of the pro forma monthly Income Statements for 2013, all items are identical to the year-end December 31, 2013, pro forma annual Income Statement from Chapter 3 (Table 3.3a in that chapter).

Note, we know from Chapter 3 that our pro forma Income Statement will affect our pro forma Balance Sheet by determining the amount of net worth and, by consequence, the amount of the bank loan. We also know that the amount of the bank loan will affect the amount of interest paid and thus net income. So even though we have calculated preliminary pro forma Income Statements for each month, we must, in fact, iterate monthly between the January Income Statement and Balance Sheet and then the February Income Statement and Balance Sheet, and so on. We will do this later after we determine some of our monthly Balance Sheet items. (As we will see, these iterations will change our total interest expense for the year and net profit as well.)

Monthly Pro Forma Balance Sheets

Once the monthly pro forma Income Statements are generated, we now proceed to the 2013 pro forma monthly Balance Sheets. We calculate the monthly pro forma Balance Sheets in Table 4.8 similarly to how we computed the monthly pro forma Income Statements. That is, we think through each annual ratio and make an assumption about how it varies monthly.

Just as with an annual pro forma Balance Sheet, cash and bank debt are plug figures and are normally determined at the end of the process. In any particular month, a firm can have either a positive cash balance (indicating no additional required financing) or a negative cash balance (indicating the amount of financing required).

We will assume the minimum cash balance at the end of each month is $45,000. This is the same as our annual pro forma number from Chapter 3.1 This means that at the end of each month PIPES will either have a balance above $45,000 and no short-term bank debt, or a balance of exactly $45,000 and short-term bank debt.

We set accounts receivable equal to the current month sales plus 17 days (or 17/30 = 57%) of the prior month’s sales. Huh? Where did this come from? Let’s back up and reexamine our annual Balance Sheet. In Chapter 2, we divided the 2012 year-end receivables of $211,000 by annual sales of $2.2 million and found that receivables are 9.59% of annual sales or 35 days’ sales (receivables/average daily sales or annual sales/365). This is for the year-end Balance Sheet however.

Note that with monthly pro formas and no seasonality, days receivables will not change and the monthly ratio of receivables to sales will be 12 times the annual average. Without seasonality, pro forma December sales will be $183,333 ($2,200,000/12) rather than the $110,000 as in our monthly pro forma above. Thus, receivables to sales for December 2012 would be 115% ($211,000/$183,333 or 9.59% * 12). The number of monthly days receivables will remain at 34.5 ($211,000/($183,333/30).2

Let’s slow down a second and say this again another way. If sales are constant over the year, then the month-end ratio of any given Balance Sheet item to monthly sales will equal the year-end ratio of the Balance Sheet item to yearly sales times a factor of 12 (i.e., 115% = 9.59% * 12). The days of sales for the Balance Sheet items remains the same with no seasonality, whether we use monthly or annual sales data (other than slight rounding errors from using a month of 30 days and a year of 365 days. Some analysts use a 360-day year).

So far, so good. With seasonality, however, we get fluctuations in the monthly sales, which cause fluctuations in the monthly ratios of Balance Sheet items to monthly sales. When forecasting pro forma receivables, we are trying to determine how long it takes PIPES to collect—how many days from a sale until payment is received. If receivables on December 31 total $211,000, and sales in December were $110,000, then it appears all of December sales remain uncollected as well as $101,000 of sales from November.

Accounts receivable on December 31, 2012 $211,000
Uncollected sales from December (100%) $110,000 30 days
Uncollected sales from November (balance) $101,000
Total sales in November $176,000
Average daily sales in November / 30 $ 5,867
Days uncollected sales from November 17 days
Days receivable 47 days

Dividing the $101,000 of uncollected sales from November by the average November daily sales figure of $5,867 ($176,000/30) indicates that it took all of December (remember, for convenience we set each month to 30 days) and 17 days in November ($101,000/$5,867) for a collection period of 47 days (compared to a computation of 35 days calculated using annual figures). Basically, to get our total year-end receivables of $211,000 we have to sum 47 days of prior sales (so add the $110,000 sales from December with $101,000 of the total $176,000 sales from November).

What we are going to assume now is that the number of days of receivables stays constant at 47 days throughout the year.3 That is, we are going to assume it takes just as long to collect the receivables on a day of sales in the winter as in the summer. Thus, the monthly pro formas are no longer a constant percentage of monthly sales and can’t be easily used to derive month-end receivables. Rather, we use a fixed number of days receivables, which at year-end 2012 is 47 days. In Table 4.3, we use monthly pro forma receivables of 47 days of prior sales (actual and pro forma).

Table 4.3 PIPES Pro Forma Monthly Accounts Receivable Computation for 2013

($000’s) January February March April May June
Revenue 110.00 165.00 220.00 220.00 275.00 302.50
100% current month 110.00 165.00 220.00 220.00 275.00 302.50
57% prior month* 62.33 62.33 93.50 124.67 124.67 155.83
A/R month end 172.33 227.33 313.50 344.67 399.67 458.33
($000’s) July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Revenue 302.50 302.50 247.50 247.50 220.00 137.50
100% current month 302.50 302.50 247.50 247.50 220.00 137.50
57% prior month* 171.42 171.42 171.42 140.25 140.25 124.67
A/R month end 473.92 473.92 418.92 387.75 360.25 262.17

* The 57% is computed as 17 days/30 days. (Revenue in December 2012 was 110.)

For January 2013, this number is $172,330:

  • 100% of January 2013 plus 17 days of December 2012 sales
  • 100% * $110,000 + 17/30 * $110,000 = $110,000 + 62,330 = $172,330

For February 2013, estimated receivables are $227,330:

  • 100% of February sales plus 17 days of January sales
  • 100% * $165,000 + 17/30 * $110,000 = $165,000 + 62,330 = $227,300

Table 4.3 shows the amount of receivables calculated this way for each month.

This analysis shows how, by including seasonality, we increase our understanding of a firm’s operations. We now see that our initial estimate of how long it took PIPES to collect receivables (35 days) was inaccurate (as it is actually 47 days). Computations using year-end numbers assume sales are constant over the year. If this is not true, then the actual ratios might be dramatically different. The greater the seasonality (the change, or spike, from one month to the next), the greater the difference.

Next up is inventory. Would you expect inventory to remain constant over the year if sales vary over the year? No, why would you? We don’t expect the amount of physical inventory to remain constant. If PIPES has seasonal sales, it makes sense that the firm would hold higher inventory in the months preceding higher sales, and lower inventory in the months preceding slow sales periods. Do we expect the ratio of inventory to sales to remain constant? Probably not inventory to past sales, but perhaps inventory to expected future sales. A well-run business would increase physical inventory before the busy selling season and decrease it before the slow selling season. Here, your authors are going to assume that inventory stays constant as days of projected (future) sales. So, let’s do it.

Conceptually, it seems natural to relate inventory to future sales. However, as we showed in the last chapter, the equation for ending inventory is: Opening Inventory plus Purchases less COGS. For this reason, days inventory is normally computed as a function of COGS, not sales (since in our PIPES example, COGS is a constant percentage of sales, we can easily translate from days COGS to days sales). Below we will use COGS in our example.

In December 2012, inventory is $418,000. This is equal to 100% of pro forma COGS for the next three months and part of the fourth.

Inventory on December 31, 2012 $418,000
 Estimated COGS January 2013 (100%) $ 83,010 30 days
 Estimated COGS February 2013 (100%) $124,510 30 days
 Estimated COGS March 2013 (100%) $166,010 30 days
  Three-month total $373,530
 Required inventory from April 2013 $ 44,470
 Estimated COGS April 2013 $166,010
  Daily COGS April 2013 / 30 $ 5,534
 Days inventory from April 2013 8 days
Days inventory 98 days

If we keep inventory constant at 98 days of future COGS, inventory at the end of January 2013 will be $511,870:

 Estimated February COGS (100%) $124,510 * 30/30 $124,510
 Estimated March COGS (100%) $166,010 * 30/30 $166,010
 Estimated April COGS (100%) $166,010 * 30/30 $166,010
 Estimated May COGS (26.7%) $207,520 * 8/30 $ 55,340
Projected inventory on January 31, 2013 $511,870

Likewise, for February, inventory will be $600,410 as follows:

 Estimated March COGS (100%) $166,010 * 30/30 $166,010
 Estimated April COGS (100%) $166,010 * 30/30 $166,010
 Estimated May COGS (100%) $207,520 * 30/30 $207,520
 Estimated June COGS (26.7%) $228,270 * 8/30 $ 60,870
Projected inventory on February 28, 2013 $600,410

Table 4.4 calculates similar pro forma amounts for each month.4

Table 4.4 PIPES Pro Forma Monthly Inventory Calculation for 2013

($000’s) January February March April May June
COGS 83.01 124.51 166.01 166.01 207.52 228.27
100% Month + 1 124.51 166.01 166.01 207.52 228.27 228.27
100% Month + 2 166.01 166.01 207.52 228.27 228.27 228.27
100% Month + 3 166.01 207.52 228.27 228.27 228.27 186.76
8/30 days of Month + 4 55.34 60.87 60.87 60.87 49.80 49.80
98 days COGS 511.87 600.41 662.66 724.92 734.60 693.10
($000’s) July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
COGS 228.27 228.27 186.76 186.76 166.01 103.76
100% Month + 1 228.27 186.76 186.76 166.01 103.76 103.76
100% Month + 2 186.76 186.76 166.01 103.76 103.76 155.64
100% Month + 3 186.76 166.01 103.76 103.76 155.64 207.52
8/30 days of Month + 4 44.27 27.67 27.67 41.50 55.33 55.33
98 days COGS 646.06 567.21 484.20 415.03 418.49 522.25

Turning next to net property, plant, and equipment (PP&E), we assumed in Chapter 3 an increase of 5% by 2013. For simplicity, we assume the increase is on the first day of the year.5 Thus, PP&E grows from $350,000 at the end of December 2012 to $368,000 on January 1, 2013, and remains constant through December 31, 2013.6

We turn now to the liabilities and net worth side of the Balance Sheet.

The bank debt, as noted in Chapter 3, is a short-term loan and is a plug number. Let us make a quick point about the interest rate, and then we will return to this item below. Its level also determines the amount of interest expense on the Income Statement, which in turn determines the amount of net income for each month. We assume the annual interest rate is set at 7%. This is the same rate as in Chapter 3. The interest rate for long-term debt is also identical with Chapter 3 at 9% as assumed.

In Table 4.2, our initial pro forma monthly Income Statement, we set our monthly interest expense at $3,917—the estimated annual amount of $47,000 (from Table 3.3a in Chapter 3) divided by 12. Here we will make the simplifying assumption that the interest expense for the month is based on the prior month-end’s outstanding debt. Our 7% annual interest rate translates to a simple monthly rate of 0.5833% (7%/12), and our 9% annual rate translates to a simple monthly rate of 0.75% (9%/12).7 For January 2013, the pro forma interest expense is $2,792 (the December 31, 2012, bank debt of $350,000 times 0.5833% = $2,042 plus the total long-term debt of $100,000 * 0.75% = $750). For February and other months, shown below, we first have to compute the ending balances of debt in the prior month.

Accounts payable are set at 10 days of purchases (using the assumption from Chapter 3, which captures supplier discounts). How do we calculate monthly purchases? As noted in the prior chapter:

Opening Inventory + Purchases − Cost of Goods Sold = Ending Inventory

To solve for purchases, we can rearrange the formula as:

Purchases = Ending Inventory + Cost of Goods Sold − Opening Inventory

The prior month’s ending inventory is the current month’s opening inventory, and we have already derived the monthly inventory and COGS above. This allows us to calculate purchases for each month. Payment in 10 days is simply the prior month’s purchases divided by 3 (using 30 days/month). This is shown in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 PIPES Monthly Pro Forma Accounts Payable Calculation for 2013

($000’s) COGS + End – Open = Purchases Payables
January 83.01 511.87 –418.00 176.88 *10/30 58.96
February 124.51 600.41 –511.87 213.05 *10/30 71.02
March 166.01 662.66 –600.41 228.26 *10/30 76.09
April 166.01 724.92 –662.66 228.27 *10/30 76.09
May 207.52 734.60 –724.92 217.20 *10/30 72.40
June 228.27 693.10 –734.60 186.77 *10/30 62.26
July 228.27 646.06 –693.10 181.23 *10/30 60.41
August 228.27 567.21 –646.06 149.42 *10/30 49.81
September 186.76 484.20 –567.21 103.75 *10/30 34.58
October 186.76 415.03 –484.20 117.59 *10/30 39.20
November 166.01 418.49 –415.03 169.47 *10/30 56.49
December 103.76 522.25 –418.49 207.52 *10/30 69.17

Previously, in our annual pro formas, we held accrued liabilities at $25,000. One of the most important components of accrued liabilities is taxes payable. By holding accrued liabilities constant, we implicitly assumed that the amount owed in taxes also stayed constant year to year. This assumption probably did not hold up in reality. With monthly pro formas, we will be more realistic. Taxes accrue on a monthly basis and are paid down quarterly (see the box on income taxes below). So, take a deep breath and clear your head; we are now going to teach you something new about not only pro formas, but taxes as well.

In our monthly pro forma Balance Sheets, our accruals will change every month by the amount of taxes due in that month. They will also change in March, June, September, and December by the payment of estimated taxes. Finally, in March there will be an additional payment (or refund) that nets the taxes owed for the previous year with the amount paid in estimated taxes (i.e., the quarterly installments) during that year.

PIPES ended 2012 with accrued liabilities of $25,000. We assume this includes taxes payable of $9,000 (which will be paid in March 2013) plus $16,000 in other accrued liabilities.

Tax expense in 2012 $44,000
Tax payments in 2012 = tax expense from 2011 $35,000
 Balance owed on 12/31 to be paid on 3/15/13 $ 9,000

PIPES will also pay estimated quarterly taxes of $11,000 in March, June, September, and December of 2013 (using the 2012 total tax expense of $44,000 as the basis). The quarterly payments made during the year are based on the total actual tax expense from the prior year.8 This means the monthly accruals will increase each month by the current month’s tax expense and fall by $20,000 in March 2013 (the $9,000 owed from 2012 plus the $11,000 estimated quarterly payment) and by $11,000 in June, September, and December 2013.

Note, just as there is a circular relationship between interest paid on the monthly Income Statement and bank debt on the monthly Balance Sheet, tax accruals are also part of this relationship. This is because taxes due each month are dependent on income before taxes, which is dependent on interest paid, and so on. Thus to calculate our monthly accruals below, we must also calculate our monthly interest expense, and to calculate our monthly interest expense, we must calculate our monthly bank debt, and to calculate our monthly bank debt, we must calculate our monthly net income.

As we noted in Chapter 3, modern spreadsheet programs can solve this simultaneously. However, here we will do it iteratively to demonstrate how it works rather than just imposing a “black box” solution. Important: As noted above, we assume the interest for a given month is based on the prior month’s ending bank debt. (While this is not a simultaneous solution, it gives a result that is close to the simultaneous solution).

As can be seen in Table 4.6 below,9 accruals at the end of January 2013 will be $21,040 (the $25,000 at the end of December 2012 less a $3,960 tax recovery. The tax recovery is due to the fact that PIPES has a monthly loss before tax in January, so the tax expense is a negative amount). The accrued liabilities are $21,290 at the end of February (the $21,040 at the end of January plus the February tax expense of $250), and $6,000 at the end of March (the $21,290 at the end of February plus the March tax expense of $4,710 less the $9,000 payment for taxes owed from 2012 and less the $11,000 quarterly installment for 2013). Forwarding to the end of December 2013, accruals are $37,170, which can be similarly calculated (the balance from November of $50,140 less the December tax recovery of $1,970 less the quarterly installment of $11,000). The year-end balance of $37,170 can also be computed as the $21,170 balance of taxes owed for 2013 (the tax expense for 2013 of $65,170 minus the four quarterly installments of $11,000 each totaling $44,000) plus the $16,000 constant amount for other accruals.

Table 4.6 PIPES Monthly Pro Forma Accruals Calculation

($000’s) January February March April May June
Opening balance 25.00 21.04 21.29 6.00 10.41 19.37
Monthly tax expense (3.96) 0.25 4.71 4.41 8.96 11.24
Prior year balance (9.00)
Quarterly installment (11.00) (11.00)
Ending balance 21.04 21.29 6.00 10.41 19.37 19.61
July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Opening balance 19.61 30.84 42.19 38.03 45.14 50.14
Monthly tax expense 11.23 11.35 6.84 7.11 5.00 (1.97)
Prior year balance
Quarterly installment (11.00) (11.00)
Ending balance 30.84 42.19 38.03 45.14 50.14 37.17

Table 4.7 PIPES Monthly Pro Forma Income Statements for 2013 (with Interest Expense Adjusted)

Month ended ($000’s) January February March April May June
Revenue 110.00 165.00 220.00 220.00 275.00 302.50
COGS 83.01 124.51 166.01 166.01 207.52 228.27
Gross profit 26.99 40.49 53.99 53.99 67.48 74.23
SG&A 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52
Operating profit –8.53 4.97 18.47 18.47 31.96 38.71
Interest expense 2.79 4.25 5.01 5.88 6.35 6.60
Profit before tax –11.32 0.72 13.46 12.59 25.61 32.11
Income tax 35% –3.96 0.25 4.71 4.41 8.96 11.24
Net income –7.36 0.47 8.75 8.18 16.65 20.87
Month ended ($000’s) July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
Revenue 302.50 302.50 247.50 247.50 220.00 137.50 2,750.00
COGS 228.27 228.27 186.76 186.76 166.01 103.76 2,075.16
Gross profit 74.23 74.23 60.74 60.74 53.99 33.74 674.84
SG&A 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 426.24
Operating profit 38.71 38.71 25.22 25.22 18.47 −1.78 284.60
Interest expense 6.63 6.27 5.69 4.92 4.19 3.86 62.44
Profit before tax 32.08 32.44 19.53 20.30 14.28 −5.64 186.16
Income tax 35% 11.23 11.35 6.84 7.11 5.00 −1.97 65.17

Continuing down the Balance Sheet, long-term debt declines with annual repayments of $10,000. As with PP&E, the question is when the payments are made. Here your authors chose to assume, for simplicity, the payments are made twice a year with $5,000 being repaid on June 30 and another $5,000 on December 31.10

Shareholders’ equity is comprised of contributed capital, which (as in Chapter 3) is assumed not to change, and retained earnings. As PIPES pays no dividends, retained earnings change monthly by the monthly profit or loss. For example, retained earnings at the end of December 2012 are $279,000 and since PIPES has a loss in January 2013 of $7,360, the retained earnings at the end of January 2013 are $271,640. We will discuss dividends and dividend policy in Chapter 11.

Now it is time to make our Balance Sheet balance and fill in the two plugs, the cash balance and the bank loan. If PIPES’s liabilities and net worth are greater than our assets, we assume the difference is held in cash. If PIPES’s assets are greater than our liabilities and net worth in any month, the difference has to be financed. And here it is assumed it is financed with bank debt.

For each month during 2013, liabilities and net worth are less than assets, so cash remains at the minimum balance of $45,000, and the bank loan is a positive balance. In January 2013, the bank loan necessary to finance the assets (and to make our Balance Sheet balance) is $598,930. In February, it is $729,690, and it continues to rise to $1,014,920 in June before falling back to $554,840 at the end of the year.

A Different Picture of the Firm

So, how does the annual pro forma Balance Sheet produced in Chapter 3 compare to the monthly pro forma Balance Sheets in Table 4.8? Which is a more accurate prediction of PIPES’s required bank line of credit? When we introduce seasonality, it causes a large change in our perception of the firm and in our estimate of the line of credit we need to secure with the bank. As is seen in Table 4.8, the monthly pro formas show that PIPES requires a maximum line of credit of $1,015,000 at the end of June 2013 before it falls back to $555,000 at year’s end. The reason for this large seasonal difference is that the bank line of credit primarily finances receivables and inventory. Receivables peak in July and August (during the busiest sales months), while inventory peaks in May (just before). In December, receivables and inventory are much lower due to the lower monthly sales.

Table 4.8 PIPES Monthly Pro Forma Balance Sheets for 2013

2013 ($000’s) January February March April May June
Cash (plug) 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00
Accounts receivable 172.70 227.70 314.05 345.40 400.40 459.25
Inventory 511.87 600.41 662.66 724.92 734.60 693.10
Prepaid expenses 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00
Current assets 757.57 901.11 1,049.71 1,143.32 1,208.00 1,225.35
Property, plant, and equipment 368.00 368.00 368.00 368.00 368.00 368.00
Total assets 1,125.57 1,269.11 1,417.71 1,511.32 1,576.00 1,593.35
Bank debt (plug) 598.93 729.69 879.76 960.78 1,003.54 1,014.92
Current portion long-term debt 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Accounts payable 58.96 71.02 76.09 76.09 72.40 62.26
Accruals 21.04 21.29 6.00 10.41 19.37 19.61
Current liabilities 688.93 832.00 971.85 1,057.28 1,105.31 1,106.79
Long-term debt 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 85.00
Total debt 778.93 922.00 1,061.85 1,147.28 1,195.31 1,191.79
Contributed capital 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
Retained earnings 271.64 272.11 280.86 289.04 305.69 326.56
Shareholders’ equity 346.64 347.11 355.86 364.04 380.69 401.56
Total debt and equity 1,125.57 1,269.11 1,417.71 1,511.32 1,576.00 1,593.35
Cash (plug) 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00
Accounts receivable 474.93 474.93 419.93 388.58 361.08 262.90
Inventory 646.06 567.21 484.20 415.03 418.49 522.25
Prepaid expenses 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00
Current assets 1,193.99 1,115.14 977.13 876.61 852.57 858.15
Property, plant, and equipment 368.00 368.00 368.00 368.00 368.00 368.00
Total assets 1,561.99 1,483.14 1,345.13 1,244.61 1,220.57 1,226.15
Bank debt (plug) 953.33 852.64 721.33 595.89 540.28 554.82
Current portion long-term debt 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Accounts payable 60.41 49.81 34.58 39.20 56.49 69.17
Accruals 30.84 42.19 38.03 45.14 50.14 37.17
Current liabilities 1,054.58 954.64 803.94 690.23 656.91 671.16
Long-term debt 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 80.00
Total debt 1,139.58 1,039.64 888.94 775.23 741.91 751.16
Contributed capital 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
Retained earnings 347.41 368.50 381.19 394.38 403.66 399.99
Shareholders’ equity 422.41 443.50 456.19 469.38 478.66 474.99
Total debt and equity 1,561.99 1,483.14 1,345.13 1,244.61 1,220.57 1,226.15

Extending the pro formas out to 2014 and 2015 (illustrated in Appendix 4A and 4B at the end of the chapter) shows that PIPES will require peaks of $1,189,150 and $1,453,960 respectively before falling to the year-end annual projections of $631,980 and $755,330.

Thus, the monthly pro formas present a very different picture of PIPES and its financing needs from the annuals due to the seasonality of this firm. Asking the bank for a line of credit of $557,000 is very different from a line of credit of $1 million plus. If neither PIPES nor the bank did their homework, a line of credit of $557,000 would be exhausted in January 2013 (when $599,000 is required).

Additional Refinements

Now that we have a base line projection down, we can make numerous additional assumptions and adjustments. We can change the assumptions about the degree of sales seasonality, we could change the assumptions about the way the business operates (i.e., we could assume PIPES starts offering discounts to customers who pay immediately), and so on. The tools, however, are there to build these pro formas, and with the computer spreadsheets, it is easy to generate multiple scenarios.

Back to the Banker

Now let’s reconsider the banker’s perspective: Should the banker be willing to provide PIPES with a line of credit of $1.1 million in 2013, increasing to $1.5 million in 2015? The questions we asked in Chapter 3 to determine the amount the bank should be willing to lend were:

  1. Why does the firm need the money?
  2. How much does the firm require?
  3. When will the bank be repaid?
  4. What is the risk involved?

The answers to question 1 remain the same. PIPES needs the money to finance receivables and inventory. The amount required in question 2 increases because PIPES needs more money than in Chapter 3 because of seasonality. The answer to question 3 is the same as in Chapter 3—this is a long-term financing need and is not expected to be repaid anytime soon. There are two parts of the loan however, a permanent need in 2013 of around $550,000 and a fluctuating need throughout the year. (As we will discuss in the next section of the book, firms may want to take their permanent need and finance it in the capital markets with bonds instead of using the bank exclusively.)

Considering question 4, the riskiness of the loan requires us to relook at the collateral discussion from Chapter 3. Table 4.9 is a reprised version of Table 3.5 from Chapter 3 for the months of June and December. The ratios for December 31 are from Chapter 3 (with some very minor differences due to the interest expense and accrued liability adjustments).

Table 4.9 Leverage and Collateral Evaluation

2013 2014 2015
Debt/total assets at June 30: 70% 67% 65%
Debt/total assets at December 31: 53% 49% 46%
June 30:
(a) Required cash balance $ 45 $ 45 $ 45
(b) Receivables at 80% of the accounting value $ 367 $ 459 $ 574
(c) Inventory at 60% of the accounting value $ 416 $ 518 $ 651
(d) PP&E at 85% of the accounting value $ 313 $ 343 $ 412
 Total estimated liquidation value of collateral $1,141 $1,365 $1,682
  Long-term debt $ 95 $ 85 $ 75
  Loan $1,015 $1,189 $1,454
 Total debt $1,110 $1,274 $1,529
Collateral/debt on June 30 103% 107% 110%
Collateral/loan on June 30 112% 115% 116%

The debt/total asset ratios are higher in June than in December for each year. This, as explained above, is not surprising and is due to the seasonality of receivables and inventory. The collateral-to-loan ratio has also decreased. This is because we have to finance 100% of the seasonal increase in receivables and inventory but only allowed 80% and 60% of those amounts as collateral. While the firm is very profitable and appears to be well run, the amount of leverage during the year is higher while the amount of collateral is lower.

Although all months are not shown in Table 4.9, in the case of PIPES, the maximum loan and collateral are both in June. (To make this statement requires estimating collateral monthly.) However, this is not always true for all firms. Note that for PIPES the maximum receivables is in July and the maximum inventory is in May. Depending on the exact values and their collateral values, the maximum loan and collateral do not have to coincide. Thus, while not a huge factor for PIPES, seasonality also affects the security of the loan. If we were selling women’s clothing (which has a fad/fashion component) instead of PVC pipe (which tends not to change year to year) the difference between financing inventory versus receivables would be even greater.

The risk of the loan from the bank has increased, particularly in June. However, the ratio of collateral to the loan is still greater than 100%, and the firm remains well run. The analysis in Table 4.9 will cause the bank to take a closer look at this account, but in your authors’ opinion, this should and will not cause a bank to reject the request for a higher line of credit. Note also, as the firm grows at a 25% rate, the collateral/loan ratio and debt/asset ratio remains fairly constant. An even faster rate of growth will cause these ratios to be lower and a slower rate of growth will cause these ratios to be higher.


This chapter demonstrated the mechanics of generating monthly pro formas in the face of seasonal sales. We showed that large variations in financing can arise during a given year due to seasonality. The reader can now understand that creating pro forma financials focuses management discussion on:

  1. Whether the firm is forecast to be profitable
  2. How much funding the firm requires

As in the prior chapter, if management goes to a bank asking for a loan, they better have these numbers prepared ahead of time in order to know what to request from the bank as well as to appear credible. Also, when management is considering a change in any aspect of their operations (e.g., a change in payables to 10 days), they must forecast the impact of that change.

We have by no means exhausted all the ways our three tools (Sources and Uses of Funds, ratio analysis, and pro formas) can be used. However, the reader should now have a good feel for why these tools are important and how powerful they really are.

Coming Attractions

The next chapter introduces firm capital structure. That is, how a firm decides to finance its assets. It uses the example of Massey Ferguson, a farm equipment manufacturer in the 1980s, to demonstrate that a firm has to weigh many factors, not only cost, in financing itself.

Appendix 4A: PIPES Monthly Pro Forma Income Statements and Balance Sheets 2014

2014 ($000’s) January February March April May June
Revenue 137.50 206.25 275.00 275.00 343.75 378.13
COGS 103.76 155.64 207.52 207.52 259.39 285.34
Gross profit 33.74 50.61 67.48 67.48 84.36 92.79
SG&A 44.40 44.40 44.40 44.40 44.40 44.40
Operating profit (10.66) 6.21 23.08 23.08 39.96 48.39
Interest expense 3.91 4.61 5.56 6.54 7.16 7.54
Profit before tax (14.57) 1.60 17.52 16.54 32.80 40.85
Income tax 35% (5.10) 0.56 6.13 6.79 11.48 14.30
Net income (9.47) 1.04 11.39 10.75 21.32 26.55

2014 ($000’s) July August September October November December Total
Revenue 378.13 378.13 309.38 309.38 275.00 171.88 3,437.53
COGS 285.34 285.34 233.46 233.46 207.52 129.70 2,593.99
Gross profit 92.79 92.79 75.92 75.92 67.48 42.18 843.54
SG&A 44.40 44.40 44.40 44.40 44.40 44.40 532.80
Operating profit 48.39 48.39 31.52 31.52 23.08 (2.22) 310.74
Interest expense 7.57 7.21 6.56 5.57 4.70 4.32 71.25
Profit before tax 40.82 41.18 24.96 25.95 18.38 (6.54) 239.49
Income tax 35% 14.28 14.41 8.74 9.08 6.43 (2.29) 83.81
Net income 26.54 26.77 16.22 16.87 11.95 (4.25) 155.68

2014 ($000’s) January February March April May June
Cash (plug) 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00
Accounts receivable11 215.88 284.63 392.56 431.75 500.50 574.06
Inventory12 635.51 745.76 823.58 901.39 914.36 862.48
Prepaid expenses 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00
Current assets 924.39 1,103.39 1,289.14 1,406.14 1,487.86 1,509.54
PP&E 404.00 404.00 404.00 404.00 404.00 404.00
Total assets 1,328.39 1,507.39 1,693.14 1,810.14 1,891.86 1,913.54
Bank debt (plug) 674.38 837.20 1,005.08 1,111.33 1,176.06 1,189.15
Current portion of LTD 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Accounts payable13 73.49 88.63 95.11 95.11 90.78 77.82
Accruals 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Current liabilities 782.87 960.83 1,135.19 1,241.44 1,301.84 1,301.97
Long-term debt 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 75.00
Total debt 826.87 1,040.83 1,215.19 1,321.44 1,381.84 1,376.97
Contributed capital 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
Retained earnings 390.52 391.56 402.95 413.70 435.02 461.57
Shareholders’ equity 465.52 466.56 477.95 488.70 510.02 536.57
Total debt and equity 1,328.39 1,507.39 1,693.14 1,810.14 1,891.86 1,913.54

2014 ($000’s) July August September October November December
Cash (plug) 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00
Accounts receivable 593.66 593.66 524.91 485.72 451.34 328.63
Inventory 804.12 706.85 603.09 515.55 518.79 648.48
Prepaid expenses 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00
Current assets 1,470.78 1,373.51 1,201.00 1,074.27 1,043.13 1,050.11
PP&E 404.00 404.00 404.00 404.00 404.00 404.00
Total assets 1,874.78 1,777.51 1,605.00 1,478.27 1,447.13 1,454.11

Bank debt (plug) 1,126.01 1,014.94 845.67 696.66 631.96 631.98
Current portion of LTD 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Accounts payable 75.66 62.69 43.23 48.64 70.25 86.46
Accruals 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Current liabilities 1,236.76 1,112.63 923.90 780.30 737.21 753.44
Long-term debt 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 70.00
Total debt 1,311.76 1,187.63 998.90 855.30 812.21 823.44
Contributed capital 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
Retained earnings 488.11 514.88 531.10 547.97 559.92 555.67
Shareholders’ equity 563.11 589.88 606.10 622.97 634.92 630.67
Total debt and equity 1,874.78 1,777.51 1,605.00 1,478.27 1,447.13 1,454.11

Appendix 4B: PIPES Monthly Pro Forma Income Statements and Balance Sheets 2015

2015 ($000’s) January February March April May June
Revenue 171.88 257.81 343.75 343.75 429.69 472.66
COGS 129.70 194.55 259.39 259.39 324.24 356.67
Gross profit 42.18 63.26 84.36 84.36 105.45 115.99
SG&A 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50
Operating profit –13.32 7.76 28.86 28.86 49.95 60.49
Interest expense 4.29 5.33 6.53 7.76 8.53 9.00
Profit before tax –17.61 2.43 22.33 21.10 41.42 51.49
Income tax 35% –6.16 0.85 7.82 7.34 14.50 18.02
Net income –11.45 1.58 14.51 13.76 26.92 33.47

2015 ($000’s) July August September October November December Total
Revenue 472.66 472.66 386.72 386.72 343.75 214.84 4,296.89
COGS 356.67 356.67 291.82 291.82 259.39 162.12 3,242.43
Gross profit 115.99 115.99 94.90 94.90 84.36 52.72 1,054.46
SG&A 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 666.00
Operating profit 60.49 60.49 39.40 39.40 28.86 −2.78 388.46
Interest expense 9.04 8.58 7.76 6.52 5.44 4.97 83.75
Profit before tax 51.45 51.91 31.64 32.88 23.42 −7.75 304.71
Income tax 35% 18.01 18.17 11.07 11.51 8.20 −2.71 106.62
Net income 33.44 33.74 20.57 21.37 15.22 −5.04 198.09

2015 ($000’s) January February March April May June
Cash (plug) 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00
Accounts receivable14 269.84 355.78 490.70 539.69 625.63 717.58
Inventory15 802.18 940.76 1,038.03 1,135.30 1,149.96 1,085.11
Prepaid expenses 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00
Current assets 1,145.02 1,369.54 1,601.73 1,747.99 1,848.59 1,875.69
PP&E 485.00 485.00 485.00 485.00 485.00 485.00
Total assets 1,630.02 1,854.54 2,086.73 2,232.99 2,333.59 2,360.69
Bank debt (plug) 811.34 1,017.70 1,227.53 1,360.03 1,439.63 1,453.96
Current portion LTD 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Accounts payable16 94.46 111.04 118.89 118.89 112.97 97.27
Accruals 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Current liabilities 940.80 1,163.74 1,381.42 1,513.92 1,587.60 1,586.23
Long-term debt 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 65.00
Total debt 1,010.80 1,233.74 1,451.42 1,583.92 1,657.60 1,651.23
Contributed capital 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
Retained earnings 544.22 545.80 560.31 574.07 600.99 634.46
Shareholders’ equity 619.22 620.80 635.31 649.07 675.99 709.46
Total debt and equity 1,630.02 1,854.54 2,086.73 2,232.99 2,333.59 2,360.69


2015 ($000’s) July August September October November December
Cash (plug) 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00
Accounts receivable 742.07 742.07 656.13 607.15 564.18 410.78
Inventory 1,011.38 887.45 757.75 650.27 656.27 818.39
Prepaid expenses 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00
Current assets 1,826.45 1,702.52 1,486.88 1,330.42 1,293.45 1302.17
PP&E 485.00 485.00 485.00 485.00 485.00 485.00
Total assets 2,311.45 2,187.52 1,971.88 1,815.42 1,778.45 1787.17
Bank debt (plug) 1,374.24 1,233.30 1,020.63 835.40 756.19 755.33
Current portion LTD 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Accounts payable 94.31 77.58 54.04 61.44 88.46 108.08
Accruals 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Current liabilities 1,503.55 1,345.88 1,109.67 931.84 879.65 898.41
Long-term debt 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 60.00
Total debt 1,568.55 1,410.88 1,174.67 996.84 944.65 958.41
Contributed capital 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
Retained earnings 667.90 701.64 722.21 743.58 758.80 753.76
Shareholders’ equity 742.90 776.64 797.21 818.58 833.80 828.76
Total debt and equity 2,311.45 2,187.52 1,971.88 1,815.42 1,778.45 1,787.17


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