
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


% (formatting operator), String Formatting Expressions, Adding Specific Formatting
= and == (equality operators), Comparisons, Equality, and Truth
* (repetition) operator, Basic List Operations
@ symbol, Function Decorator Basics
(backslash) escape sequences, Other Ways to Code Strings
(backslash), Statement rule special cases, A Few Special Cases
& (bitwise AND operator), Python Expression Operators
| (bitwise or operator), Python Expression Operators
^ (bitwise XOR operator), Python Expression Operators
: (colon), What Python Adds, Common Coding Gotchas
1{ } (curly braces)
dictionaries and, Mapping Operations
{ } (curly braces), Python’s Core Data Types, Python Expression Operators, Statement rule special cases
dictionaries and, Dictionaries
set comprehensions and, Set comprehensions in Python 3.0
sets and, Set literals in Python 3.0, Dictionary views and sets
/ and // (division operators), Python Expression Operators, Python Expression Operators
(see also division)
" (double quotes) and strings, Single- and Double-Quoted Strings Are the Same
... (ellipses), pass
= and == (equality operators), Python Expression Operators, Shared References and Equality
#! (hash bang), Unix Executable Scripts (#!)
# (hash character), A First Script, # Comments
>, >=, <, <= (magnitude comparison operators), Python Expression Operators
– (minus operator), Python Expression Operators
* (multiplication operator), Python Expression Operators
( ) (parentheses), Parentheses are optional, Statement rule special cases, A Few Special Cases
functions and, Common Coding Gotchas
generator expressions and, Generator Expressions: Iterators Meet Comprehensions
tuples and, Tuples
+ (concatenation) operator, Basic List Operations
+ (plus operator), Python Expression Operators
“u...” and “U...” escapes, Coding Unicode Strings in Python 2.6
% (remainder operator), Python Expression Operators
; (semicolon), End of line is end of statement, Statement rule special cases
>> and << (shift operators), Python Expression Operators
' (single quotes) and strings, Single- and Double-Quoted Strings Are the Same
[ ] (square brackets), Python’s Core Data Types, Python Expression Operators, Statement rule special cases
dictionaries and, Dictionaries in Action
list comprehensions and, List Comprehension Basics, List Comprehensions Versus map, Coding your own zip(...) and map(None, ...)
lists and, Comprehensions, Lists
_ (underscore), Minimizing from * Damage: _X and __all__
__add__ method, A Third Example
__all__ variable, Minimizing from * Damage: _X and __all__
__bases__ attribute, Namespace Dictionaries, Namespace Links
__bool__ method, Boolean Tests: __bool__ and __len__
__call__ method, Call Expressions: __call__
function interfaces and, Function Interfaces and Callback-Based Code
__class__ attribute, Namespace Dictionaries, Namespace Links
__cmp__ method (Python 2.6), Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others
__contains__ method, Membership: __contains__, __iter__, and __getitem__
__del__ method, Object Destruction: __del__
__delattr__ method, __getattr__ and __getattribute__
__delete__ method, Read-only descriptors
__dict__ attribute, Files Generate Namespaces
__doc__ attribute, Docstrings: __doc__, Documentation Strings Revisited
__enter__ method, The Context Management Protocol
__eq__ method, Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others
__exit__ method, The Context Management Protocol
__get__ method, Common Operator Overloading Methods, Descriptor method arguments
__getattr__ method, Attribute Reference: __getattr__ and __setattr__, Delegation-Based Classes in 3.0: __getattr__ and built-ins, Inserting Code to Run on Attribute Access, __getattr__ and __getattribute__Delegation-Based Managers Revisited
computed attributes, Computed Attributes
delegation using, OOP and Delegation: “Wrapper” Objects
delegation-based managers, Delegation-Based Managers Revisited
example, A First Example
interception of built-in attributes, Intercepting Built-in Operation Attributes
loops, avoiding in interception methods, Avoiding loops in attribute interception methods
__getattribute__, compared to, __getattr__ and __getattribute__ Compared
__getattribute__ method, __getattribute__ and Descriptors, Inserting Code to Run on Attribute Access, __getattr__ and __getattribute__Delegation-Based Managers Revisited
computed attributes, Computed Attributes
delegation-based managers, Delegation-Based Managers Revisited
example, A First Example
interception of built-in operation attributes, Intercepting Built-in Operation Attributes
loops, avoiding in attribute interception, Avoiding loops in attribute interception methods
__getattr__, compared to, __getattr__ and __getattribute__ Compared
__getitem__ method, Indexing and Slicing: __getitem__ and __setitem__
index iteration, Index Iteration: __getitem__
membership, Membership: __contains__, __iter__, and __getitem__
__gt__ method, Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others
__iadd__ method, Right-Side and In-Place Addition: __radd__ and __iadd__ files, Package Files
__init__ method, Classes Can Intercept Python Operators, Coding Constructors, Constructors and Expressions: __init__ and __sub__
__iter__ method, Iterator Objects: __iter__ and __next__
design purpose, User-Defined Iterators
membership, Membership: __contains__, __iter__, and __getitem__
__len__ method, Boolean Tests: __bool__ and __len__
__lt__ method, Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others
__main__ attribute
__name__ attribute of modules and, Mixed Usage Modes: __name__ and __main__
__main__ module, Scope Rules
__metaclass__ variable (Python 2.6), Declaring Metaclasses
__name__ attribute, Mixed Usage Modes: __name__ and __main__, Using Code Two Ways
command-line arguments with, Using Command-Line Arguments with __name__
unit tests, Unit Tests with __name__
__ne__ method, Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others
__next__ method, The Iteration Protocol: File Iterators, Iterator Objects: __iter__ and __next__
__radd__ method, Right-Side and In-Place Addition: __radd__ and __iadd__
__repr__ method, String Representation: __repr__ and __str__
custom exception display using, Custom Print Displays
__set__ method, Common Operator Overloading Methods, Read-only descriptors
__setattr__ method, Attribute Reference: __getattr__ and __setattr__, Inserting Code to Run on Attribute Access, __getattr__ and __getattribute__
__setitem__ method, Intercepting Slices
__slots__ attribute, Listing attributes per object in class trees, Instance Slots
descriptors and, How Properties and Descriptors Relate
__dict__ attribute and, Using __dict__ and __slots__
__str__ method, A Third Example, String Representation: __repr__ and __str__
custom exception display using, Custom Print Displays
overload method for printing objects, Providing Print Displays
__sub__ method, Constructors and Expressions: __init__ and __sub__
__all__ variable, Package Files


abs function, Other Built-in Numeric Tools
absolute imports, Relative Import Basics
abstract superclasses, Abstract SuperclassesPython 2.6 and 3.0 Abstract Superclasses
example, Stream Processors Revisited
Python 2.6 and 3.0, Python 2.6 and 3.0 Abstract Superclasses
accessor functions, Minimize Cross-File Changes
ActivePython, Where to Get Python
all, any, Other Iteration Contexts, Coding your own zip(...) and map(None, ...)
annotation information, Function Annotations in 3.0
anonymous functions, Anonymous Functions: lambda
anydbm module (Python 2.6), Pickles and Shelves
append method, Type-Specific Operations, List method calls, Common Coding Gotchas
apply built-in (Python 2.6), The defunct apply built-in (Python 2.6)
arbitrary arguments examples
apply built-in (Python 2.6), The defunct apply built-in (Python 2.6)
applying functions generically, Applying functions generically
collecting arguments, Collecting arguments
unpacking arguments, Unpacking arguments
arguments, Arguments
argument passing basics, Argument-Passing BasicsSimulating Output Parameters
mutable argument changes, avoiding, Avoiding Mutable Argument Changes
output parameters, simulating, Simulating Output Parameters
shared references, Arguments and Shared References
argument-matching modes, Special Argument-Matching ModesWhy keyword-only arguments?
arbitrary arguments examples, Arbitrary Arguments ExamplesThe defunct apply built-in (Python 2.6)
available modes, The Basics
defaults, Defaults
keyword-only arguments (Python 3.0), Python 3.0 Keyword-Only Arguments
keywords, Keywords
keywords and defaults combined, Combining keywords and defaults
matching syntax, Matching Syntax
ordering rules, The Gritty Details
emulating Python 3.0 print in earlier versions, Emulating the Python 3.0 print Function
keyword-only arguments, Using Keyword-Only Arguments
generalized set functions, Generalized Set Functions
keyword arguments, Using Keyword-Only Arguments
min wakeup call, The min Wakeup Call!
three ways of coding, Full Credit
using max instead of min, Bonus Points
ArithmeticError class, Built-in Exception Classes
as extension for import and from, The as Extension for import and from
ASCII character code, Character Encoding Schemes
coding ASCII text, Coding ASCII Text
assert statement, Abstract Superclasses, The assert Statement
trapping constraints example, Example: Trapping Constraints (but Not Errors!)
AssertionError exception, The assert Statement
import, from, and def, import and from Are Assignments
mutables in, Common Coding Gotchas
within function classes, Scope Rules
assignment statements, Python’s Statements, Assignment StatementsAugmented assignment and shared references
assignment statement forms, Assignment Statement Forms
augmented assignments, Augmented Assignments
sequence assignments, Sequence AssignmentsAdvanced sequence assignment patterns
extended sequence unpacking in Python 3.0, Extended Sequence Unpacking in Python 3.0
multiple-target assignments, Multiple-Target Assignments
associative arrays, Dictionaries
as_integer_ratio method, Built-in Numeric Tools
attribute fetches, String Methods
attribute interception methods, Increasing Levels of Magic
attribute tree construction, Attribute Tree Construction
attributes, The Grander Module Story: Attributes, How to Structure a Program, Module Creation, Coding Constructors
managed attributes (see managed attributes)
automatic memory management, It’s Powerful


base indicators, Numeric Literals
BaseException class, Built-in Exception Classes
basic numeric literals, Numeric Literals
basic statement form, Assignment Statement Forms
beginners’ mistakes, Common Coding Gotchas
behavior methods, Step 2: Adding Behavior Methods
binary files, Files, Text and binary files in Python 3.0, Text and Binary Files
binary numeric literals, Numeric Literals
binary-mode files, Using Text and Binary Files
in Python 3.0, Text and Binary Modes in 3.0
bitwise (binary) data, Python Expression Operators, Bitwise Operations, The struct Binary Data Module
bit_length method (Python 3.1), Built-in Numeric Tools
blank lines, Python Syntax Rules, Common Coding Gotchas
block delimiters, Block Delimiters: Indentation Rules
blocks, Python Syntax Rules
BOM (byte order marker), Text and Binary Files
Python 3.0, handling in, Handling the BOM in 3.0Handling the BOM in 3.0
book update websites, Book Updates
bool type, The bool type, The if/else Ternary Expression
Boolean numeric type, Booleans
Boolean object type, Other Core Types
Boolean operators, Truth TestsThe if/else Ternary Expression
Booleans in Python 2.6, Boolean Tests: __bool__ and __len__
bound methods, Function Interfaces and Callback-Based Code, Methods Are Objects: Bound or Unbound
other callable objects, compared to, Bound Methods and Other Callable Objects
break statement, break, continue, pass, and the Loop else, break
bsddb extension module, Exploring Shelves Interactively
built-in exception classes, Built-in Exception ClassesDefault Printing and State
categories, Built-in Exception Categories
class hierarchy, Built-in Exception Classes
default printing and state, Default Printing and State
built-in mathematical functions, Built-in Numeric Tools
built-in object types, It’s Powerful, Introducing Python Object TypesPython’s Core Data Types
additional core types, Other Core TypesAnd Everything Else
dictionaries, DictionariesMissing Keys: if Tests, DictionariesThe has_key method is dead: long live in!
files, Files, FilesOther File Tools
issues to be aware of, Built-in Type Gotchas
assignment creates references, Assignment Creates References, Not Copies
cyclic data structures, Beware of Cyclic Data Structures
immutable types, Immutable Types Can’t Be Changed In-Place
repetition adds one level deep, Repetition Adds One Level Deep
lists, ListsComprehensions, Lists
numbers, Numbers
object classifications, Type Categories Revisited
sets, Other Core Types
shared properties, Type Categories Revisited
strings, StringsPattern Matching
tuples, Tuples, TuplesWhy Lists and Tuples?
type, How to Break Your Code’s Flexibility
built-in scope, The Built-in Scope
builtins module, Other Built-in Numeric Tools, The Built-in Scope
byte code, OK, but What’s the Downside?
compilation, Byte code compilation
byte order marker (see BOM)
bytearray, Strings
object type, using, Using 3.0 (and 2.6) bytearray ObjectsUsing 3.0 (and 2.6) bytearray Objects
bytearray string type, Python’s String Types
bytes, Strings
bytes object, String Changes in 3.0
data encoding in, Text and Binary Files
literals, Other Unicode Coding Techniques
bytes string type, Other Ways to Code Strings, Python’s String Types


C code, Common Coding Gotchas
call expressions, String Methods
calls, Calls, Calls
character encoding schemes, Character Encoding Schemes
character set encoding declarations, Source File Character Set Encoding Declarations
chmod command, Unix Executable Scripts (#!)
class attribute descriptors, Increasing Levels of Magic
class decorators, Managing Calls and Instances, Class Decorators
coding, Coding Class Decorators
decorators versus manager functions, Decorators Versus Manager Functions
retaining multiple instances, Class Blunders II: Retaining Multiple Instances
singleton classes, Singleton Classes
tracing object interfaces, Tracing Object InterfacesTracing Object Interfaces
implementation, Implementation
justification, Why Decorators? (Revisited)
metaclasses, compared to, Metaclasses Versus Class Decorators: Round 1, Metaclasses Versus Class Decorators: Round 2Managing instances instead of classes, Metaclasses Versus Class Decorators: Round 3
private attributes, implementing, Implementing Private AttributesUsing __dict__ and __slots__
public attributes, implementing, Generalizing for Public Declarations, TooDecorator tradeoffs
supporting multiple instances, Supporting multiple instances
usage, Usage
class methods, Other Method Call Possibilities, Static and Class Methods, Using Static and Class Methods
counting instances, Counting Instances with Class Methods
counting per class, Counting instances per class with class methods
justification, Why the Special Methods?
using, Using Static and Class Methods
class properties, Increasing Levels of Magic
class statement, OOP: The Big Picture, The class StatementExample, Class Statement Protocol
example, ExampleExample
general form, General Form
classes, OOP: The Big Picture, Attribute Inheritance Search, Classes and Instances, OOP Is About Code Reuse
abstract superclasses, Abstract SuperclassesPython 2.6 and 3.0 Abstract Superclasses
as attributes of modules, Classes Are Attributes in Modules
built-in types, extending, Extending Built-in TypesExtending Types by Subclassing
embedding, Extending Types by Embedding
subclassing, Extending Types by SubclassingExtending Types by Subclassing
class decorators, Class Decorators and Metaclasses
class hierarchies, Classes Are Customized by Inheritance
class instances, Instance Objects Are Concrete Items
class method calls, Class Method Calls
class methods (see class methods)
class statements, Coding Class Trees, Coding Class Trees
class trees, Attribute Inheritance Search, Coding Class TreesCoding Class Trees
classic classes, The “New-Style” Class Model
coding, A More Realistic ExampleUpdating Objects on a Shelve
behavior methods, Step 2: Adding Behavior Methods
class statement, The class StatementExample
composition, delegation, and embedding, Other Ways to Combine Classes
constructors, customizing, Step 5: Customizing Constructors, TooOther Ways to Combine Classes
databases, storing objects in, Step 7 (Final): Storing Objects in a DatabaseUpdating Objects on a Shelve
docstrings, Documentation Strings Revisited
inheritance, InheritancePython 2.6 and 3.0 Abstract Superclasses
introspection, Step 6: Using Introspection ToolsOur Classes’ Final Form
making instances, Step 1: Making InstancesUsing Code Two Ways
methods, Coding Methods, MethodsOther Method Call Possibilities
modules, versus, Classes Versus Modules
namespaces, Namespaces: The Whole StoryNamespace Links
OOP concepts embodied in, OOP Is Simpler Than You May Think
operator overloading, Step 3: Operator OverloadingProviding Print Displays
subclassing, Step 4: Customizing Behavior by SubclassingOOP: The Big Idea
dependencies and function design, Function Design Concepts
dictionaries, versus, Classes Versus Dictionaries
distinctions of, Why Use Classes?
exception classes (see exception classes)
frameworks, OOP Is About Code Reuse
function decorators, Decorators and Metaclasses: Part 1For More Details
gotchas, Class Gotchas
changing class attributes, Changing Class Attributes Can Have Side Effects
changing mutable class attributes, Changing Mutable Class Attributes Can Have Side Effects, Too
delegation-based classes (Python 3.0), Delegation-Based Classes in 3.0: __getattr__ and built-ins
methods, classes, and nested scopes (Python 2.2 and before), Methods, Classes, and Nested Scopes
multiple inheritance, Multiple Inheritance: Order Matters
overwrapping, “Overwrapping-itis”
inheritance, customization by, Classes Are Customized by Inheritance
instances, generation of, Classes Generate Multiple Instance ObjectsA First Example
interception of Python operators, Classes Can Intercept Python OperatorsWhy Use Operator Overloading?
justification, Why Use Classes?
metaclasses, Type Model Changes, Metaclasses, Class Decorators and Metaclasses
as namespace objects, The World’s Simplest Python Class
naming conventions, Step 1: Making Instances
“new-style” classes, The “New-Style” Class ModelMetaclasses
changes, New-Style Class ChangesScope of search order change
persistence and, Stream Processors Revisited
properties of, Class Objects Provide Default Behavior
simplest class, The World’s Simplest Python ClassClasses Versus Dictionaries
static and class methods, Static and Class Methods
subclasses and superclasses, Attribute Inheritance Search
user-defined classes, User-Defined Classes
classic division, Python Expression Operators, Division: Classic, Floor, and True
classmethod function, Using Static and Class Methods, A Generic Display Tool
classtree function, Namespace Links
close method, Using Files
closure function, Factory functions
code reuse
modules and, Why Use Modules?
OOP and, OOP Is About Code ReuseOOP Is About Code Reuse
code reuse and code redundancy, Function Basics call (Python 2.6), Coding Unicode Strings in Python 2.6
cohesion, Function Design Concepts
collections (see lists)
colon (:), Common Coding Gotchas
command line (see interactive prompt)
command-line arguments, Using Command-Line Arguments with __name__
comments, A First Script, Python Syntax Rules, # Comments
companies using Python, Who Uses Python Today?
comparison methods, Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others
comparison operators, Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others
comparisons in Python 3.0, List method calls
compiled extensions, OK, but What’s the Downside?
complex numbers, Numeric Literals
component integration, Component Integration
composites, Other Ways to Combine Classes
composition, Why Use Classes?, OOP and Composition: “Has-a” RelationshipsStream Processors Revisited
stream processing with, Stream Processors Revisited
compound statements, What Python Adds, if Tests and Syntax Rules
general pattern, Python Syntax Rules
comprehension syntax, 3.0 Comprehension Syntax SummaryExtended Comprehension Syntax for Sets and Dictionaries
concatenation, Sequence Operations
constructor method, Classes Can Intercept Python Operators
__init__, Coding Constructors
coding, Coding Constructors
customizing, Step 5: Customizing Constructors, TooOther Ways to Combine Classes
context managers, The Context Management Protocol
file and server connection closure, Closing Files and Server Connections
continue statement, break, continue, pass, and the Loop else, continue
control flow statements, Python Syntax Rules
conversionflag, Adding Specific Formatting
copy module, nested data structures, copying with, References Versus Copies
copying versus referencing of objects, References Versus Copies
core data types, Python’s Core Data Types, Step 2: Adding Behavior Methods
count method and tuples, Conversions, methods, and immutability
coupling, Function Design Concepts
CPython, CPython
cross-file module linking, Imports and Attributes
cross-file name changes, Cross-File Name Changes
curly braces { }, Python’s Core Data Types, Statement rule special cases
dictionaries and, Mapping Operations, Dictionaries
set comprehensions and, Set comprehensions in Python 3.0
sets and, Set literals in Python 3.0, Dictionary views and sets
CWD (current working directory), Imports outside packages
cyclic references, Objects Are Garbage-Collected
Cygwin, Where to Get Python
Cython, Other Execution Options


data attributes, Example
data hiding in modules, Data Hiding in Modules
data structures, Why Use Built-in Types?
database programming, Database Programming
databases, Future Directions
storing objects in, Step 7 (Final): Storing Objects in a DatabaseUpdating Objects on a Shelve
pickles and shelves, Pickles and ShelvesUpdating Objects on a Shelve
dbm module, Using dictionaries as “records”, Pickles and Shelves
debuggers, Development Tools for Larger Projects
debugging, Which Option Should I Use?
assert statement, The assert Statement
trapping constraints example, Example: Trapping Constraints (but Not Errors!)
outer try statements, using for, Debugging with Outer try Statements
decimal module, Decimal Type
decimal numeric literals, Numeric Literals
decimal numeric type, Other Core Types, Decimal TypeDecimal context manager
decoding and encoding, Character Encoding Schemes
decorators, What’s a Decorator?Decorators Manage Functions and Classes, Too, Increasing Levels of Magic
call and instance management, Managing Calls and Instances
class decorators, Class DecoratorsSupporting multiple instances
coding, Coding Class DecoratorsWhy Decorators? (Revisited)
decorator arguments, Decorator Arguments
versus function annotations, Decorator Arguments Versus Function Annotations
function decorators, Function DecoratorsSupporting method decoration
coding, Coding Function DecoratorsAdding Decorator Arguments
functions and classes, managing, Managing Functions and Classes, Decorators Manage Functions and Classes, Too, Managing Functions and Classes Directly
open issues, Open IssuesImplementation alternatives: __getattribute__ inserts, call stack inspection
private and public attributes, Example: “Private” and “Public” Attributes
justification, Why Decorators?
nesting, Decorator Nesting
type testing with, Other Applications: Type Testing (If You Insist!)
using and defining, Using and Defining Decorators
def statement, Python Scope Basics
default exception handler, Default Exception Handler
definitions, Definition, Definition
del statement, Type-Specific Operations
delegation, Other Ways to Combine Classes, Emulating Privacy for Instance Attributes: Part 1, OOP and Delegation: “Wrapper” Objects
descriptor protocol, Inserting Code to Run on Attribute Access
descriptors, DescriptorsHow Properties and Descriptors Relate
descriptor methods, The Basics
method arguments, Descriptor method arguments
read-only descriptors, Read-only descriptors
__delete__ method, Read-only descriptors
__get__ method, Descriptor method arguments
__set__ method, Read-only descriptors
__slots__ implementation by, How Properties and Descriptors Relate
design patterns, OOP Is About Code Reuse
destructor method, Object Destruction: __del__
developer community, How Is Python Supported?
development tools, The Python ToolsetDevelopment Tools for Larger Projects
Python toolset hierarchy, The Python Toolset
diamond pattern of multiple inheritance trees, The “New-Style” Class Model, Diamond Inheritance Change
dictionaries, DictionariesThe has_key method is dead: long live in!
basic operations, Basic Dictionary Operations
changing in place, Changing Dictionaries In-Place
classes, versus, Classes Versus Dictionaries
coding of, Dictionaries
common literals and operations, Dictionaries
items method, More Dictionary Methods
languages table example, A Languages Table
pop method, More Dictionary Methods
Python 3.0 comparisons, Python 3.0 Dictionary Comparisons
Python 3.0, changes in, Dictionary Changes in Python 3.0
dictionary comprehensions, Dictionary comprehensions
dictionary magnitude comparisons, Dictionary magnitude comparisons no longer work
dictionary views, Dictionary views
dictionary views and sets, Dictionary views and sets
sorting dictionary keys, Sorting dictionary keys
use of in method instead of has_key, The has_key method is dead: long live in!
update method, More Dictionary Methods
usage notes, Dictionary Usage Notes
missing-key errors, avoiding, Avoiding missing-key errors
records, using as, Using dictionaries as “records”
simulating flexible lists, Using dictionaries to simulate flexible lists
sparse data structures, using for, Using dictionaries for sparse data structures
values method, More Dictionary Methods
ways of making dictionaries, Other Ways to Make Dictionaries
dictionary comprehensions, 3.0 Comprehension Syntax Summary
dictionary object type, DictionariesMissing Keys: if Tests
mapping operations, Mapping Operations
missing keys and if tests, Missing Keys: if Tests
nesting, Nesting Revisited
sorting keys and for loops, Sorting Keys: for Loops
dictionary view iterators, Dictionary View Iterators
dir function, Getting Help, The dir Function, Files Generate Namespaces, Namespace Dictionaries
mix-in classes, listing inherited attributes of, Listing inherited attributes with dir
direct or indirect recursion, Coding Alternatives
distutils, Advanced Module Selection Concepts
disutils, Development Tools for Larger Projects
division, Python Expression Operators, Division: Classic, Floor, and TrueWhy does truncation matter?
Python 2.6 and Python 3.0 compared, Variables and Basic Expressions, Documentation Strings Revisited
docstrings, Variables and Basic Expressions, Python Syntax Rules, Docstrings: __doc__, Documentation Strings Revisited, Development Tools for Larger Projects
built-in docstrings, Built-in docstrings
docstring standards, Docstring standards
user-defined docstrings, User-defined docstrings
doctest, Development Tools for Larger Projects
documentation, Python Documentation SourcesPublished Books
dir function, The dir Function
docstrings (see docstrings)
hash-mark comments, # Comments
PyDoc, PyDoc: The help FunctionPyDoc: HTML Reports
reference books, Published Books
standard manual set, The Standard Manual Set
web resources, Web Resources
DOM parsing, XML Parsing Tools
dotted path, Package Import Basics
double quotes (“) and strings, Single- and Double-Quoted Strings Are the Same
dynamic typing, It’s Powerful, Python’s Core Data Types, The Dynamic Typing InterludeObjects Are Garbage-Collected
garbage collection, Objects Are Garbage-Collected
objects, Variables, Objects, and References
versus variables, Types Live with Objects, Not Variables
polymorphism and, Dynamic Typing Is Everywhere
references, Variables, Objects, and References
shared references, Shared ReferencesShared References and Equality
variables, Variables, Objects, and References


Easter egg, Software Quality
EBCDIC encoding, Other Unicode Coding Techniques
Eclipse, Other IDEs
eggs, Development Tools for Larger Projects
ElementTree package, XML Parsing Tools
elif (else if) clause, Missing Keys: if Tests, General Format
ellipses (...), pass
else clause, Missing Keys: if Tests, try Statement Clauses, try Statement Clauses
(see also for statement; try statement; while statement)
Emacs, Other IDEs, Text Editor Launch Options
embedded calls, Embedding Calls
embedding contrasted with inheritance, Other Ways to Combine Classes
empty strings, Strings
encapsulation, OOP Is About Code Reuse, Coding Methods
encoding and decoding, Character Encoding Schemes
encodings module, Character Encoding Schemes
end-of-line characters, Text and Binary Modes in 3.0
Enthought Python Distribution, Where to Get Python
enumerate function, Generating Both Offsets and Items: enumerate, Other Built-in Type Iterators, Other Iteration Contexts
env program, Unix Executable Scripts (#!)
environment variables, Python Environment Variables
equality, testing for, Comparisons, Equality, and Truth
error checking
Python compared to C, Termination Actions
error handling, Exception Roles
etree package, XML Parsing Tools
eval function, Storing and parsing Python objects in files
event notification, Exception Roles
except clause, try Statement Clauses, try Statement Clauses
(see also try statement)
empty clauses, try Statement Clauses, Catching Too Much: Avoid Empty except and Exception
Exception class, User-Defined Exceptions, try Statement Clauses, Exceptions: Back to the Future, Built-in Exception Classes
built-in exceptions and system exit events, Catching Too Much: Avoid Empty except and Exception
exception classes, Exception ObjectsChapter Summary
advantages, Exception Objects
built-in exception classes, Built-in Exception ClassesDefault Printing and State
categories, Built-in Exception Categories
default printing and state, Default Printing and State
hierarchies, Built-in Exception Classes
coding, Coding Exceptions Classes
custom data and behavior, Custom Data and BehaviorProviding Exception Methods
providing exception details, Providing Exception Details
providing exception methods, Providing Exception Methods
custom print displays, Custom Print Displays
defining handler methods, Providing Exception Methods
exception hierarchies, Class-Based Exceptions
justification, Why Exception Hierarchies?Why Exception Hierarchies?
exceptions, Exception Basics
assert statement, The assert Statement
trapping constraints example, Example: Trapping Constraints (but Not Errors!)
catching built-in exceptions example, Example: Catching Built-in Exceptions
catching exceptions, Catching Exceptions
class-based exceptions, Class-Based Exceptions, Class-Based Exceptions
(see also exception classes)
for closing files and server connections, Closing Files and Server Connections
default behavior, Example: Default Behavior
default exception handlers, Default Exception Handler
design tips and gotchas, Exception Design Tips and GotchasCatching Too Little: Use Class-Based Categories
handler specificity and class-based categories, Catching Too Little: Use Class-Based Categories
limiting handler generality, Catching Too Much: Avoid Empty except and Exception
wrappers, What Should Be Wrapped
exception handlers, Why Use Exceptions?
nested exception handlers, Nesting Exception HandlersExample: Syntactic Nesting
in-process testing with, Running In-Process Tests
justification, Why Use Exceptions?
nonerror exceptions, Exceptions Aren’t Always ErrorsFunctions Can Signal Conditions with raise
user-defined exceptions, Functions Can Signal Conditions with raise
purposes, Exception Roles
raise statement, The raise StatementPython 3.0 Exception Chaining: raise from
raising exceptions, Raising Exceptions
string exceptions, deprecation of, String Exceptions Are Right Out!
termination actions, Termination Actions
try statement (see try statement)
typical uses for, Exception IdiomsMore on sys.exc_info
user-defined exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions
with/as statement, with/as Context ManagersThe Context Management Protocol
context management protocol, The Context Management Protocol
usage, Basic Usage
exec function, Using exec to Run Module Files
loading modules from a string, Importing Modules by Name String
exec statement (Python 2.6), Python’s Statements
executable files
creating with Python, Frozen Binaries
Unix path, defining in comment, Unix Executable Scripts (#!)
executable scripts, Unix Executable Scripts (#!)
execution optimization tools, Execution Optimization Tools
exercises, This Book’s Style and Structure
Part I, Test Your Knowledge: Part I Exercises
Part II, Test Your Knowledge: Part II Exercises
Part III, Test Your Knowledge: Part III Exercises
Part IV, Test Your Knowledge: Part IV Exercises
Part V, Test Your Knowledge: Part V Exercises
Part VI, Test Your Knowledge: Part VI Exercises
Part VII, Test Your Knowledge: Part VII Exercises
expression operators, Built-in Numeric Tools
table of, including precedence, Python Expression Operators
versions 3.0 and 2.x differences, Python Expression Operators
expression statements, Expression Statements
in-place changes, Expression Statements and In-Place Changes
expressions, Introducing Python Object Types, Python Expression Operators
mixing operators, Mixed types are converted up
parentheses and, Parentheses group subexpressions
extend method, List method calls
extended slicing, Extended slicing: the third limit and slice objects
extensions in Python versions 2.6 and 3.0, Specific Language Extensions in 2.6 and 3.0


factories, Classes Are Objects: Generic Object FactoriesWhy Factories?
justification, Why Factories?
factoring of code, Coding Methods
factory design pattern, Classes Are Objects: Generic Object Factories
factory functions, Factory functions
false and true values, The Meaning of True and False in Python
fieldname, Adding Specific Formatting
file execution, The Programmer’s View
file icon clicks, Clicking File IconsOther Icon-Click Limitations
limitations, Other Icon-Click Limitations
file input/output, Python 3.0, Text and Binary Files
file iterators, The Iteration Protocol: File Iterators
file object methods and printing operations, Print Operations
file object type, Files
files, Tuples, Files, and Everything Else, FilesOther File Tools
advanced file methods, Other File Tools
common operations, Files
examples of usage, Files in ActionFile context managers
file context managers, File context managers
packed binary data, storing and parsing in files, Storing and parsing packed binary data in files
storing and parsing of Python objects, Storing and parsing Python objects in files
text and binary files, Python 3.0, Text and binary files in Python 3.0
file iterators, Files in Action
mode string argument for opening, Text and Binary Files
opening, Opening Files
pickle, Storing native Python objects with pickle
using, Using Files
filter, Other Iteration Contexts
filter function, Functional Programming Tools: filter and reduce
filter iterator, The map, zip, and filter Iterators
finally clause, try Statement Clauses, The try/finally Statement, The try/finally Statement
(see also try statement)
find method, Type-Specific Methods
fixed-precision floating-point values, Decimal Type
floating point numbers, Numeric Literals
floor division, Python Expression Operators, Division: Classic, Floor, and True
flush method, Using Files
for loop
iterator, as an example of, Iterators: A First Look
line-by-line iteration with __next__ method, The Iteration Protocol: File Iterators
versus while and range, Common Coding Gotchas
for statement, while and for Loops, for LoopsNested for loops
examples, Examples
extended sequence unpacking in, Python 3.0 extended sequence assignment in for loops
format, General Format
nested for loops, Nested for loops
tuple assignment in, Tuple assignment in for loops
format function, Adding Specific Formatting
format method, The Basics, Adding Specific Formatting, Using Command-Line Arguments with __name__
formatspec, Adding Specific Formatting
formatting, Type-Specific Methods
fraction number object type, Other Core Types
Fraction numeric type, Fraction TypeConversions and mixed types
conversions, Conversions and mixed types
frameworks, OOP Is About Code Reuse
freeze, Frozen Binaries
from clause (raise statement), Python 3.0 Exception Chaining: raise from
from statement, Module Imports and Reloads, The Grander Module Story: Attributes, The from Statement, The from * Statement
as assignment, import and from Are Assignments
equivalence to import, import and from Equivalence
from imports and reload statement, reload May Not Impact from Imports
interactive testing, reload, from, and Interactive Testing
import statement, versus, Modules and namespaces
name copying without linking, from Copies Names but Doesn’t Link
pitfalls, Potential Pitfalls of the from StatementWhen import is required
corruption of namespaces, Potential Pitfalls of the from Statement
reload statement, when used with, Potential Pitfalls of the from Statement
when import is required, When import is required
variables and, from * Can Obscure the Meaning of Variables
_ (underscore) prefix and __all__ variable, Minimizing from * Damage: _X and __all__
from __future__ statement, Relative Import Basics
from_float method, Conversions and mixed types
frozen binaries, Frozen Binaries, Frozen Binary Executables, Development Tools for Larger Projects
frozenset built-in call, Immutable constraints and frozen sets
function argument-matching forms, Matching Syntax
function attributes, State with function attributes, Function Attributes
function calls, Class Method Calls
function decorators, Decorators and Metaclasses: Part 1For More Details, Managing Calls and Instances, Function Decorators
basics, Function Decorator Basics
coding, Coding Function DecoratorsWhy Decorators? (Revisited)
adding arguments, Adding Decorator ArgumentsAdding Decorator Arguments
decorating class methods, Class Blunders I: Decorating Class MethodsUsing descriptors to decorate methods
state information retention, State Information Retention OptionsFunction attributes
timing calls, Timing CallsTiming Calls
tracing calls, Tracing Calls
example, A First Function Decorator Example
function arguments, validating, Example: Validating Function ArgumentsOther Applications: Type Testing (If You Insist!)
generalizing for keywords and defaults, Generalizing for Keywords and Defaults, Too
implementation details, Implementation Details
open issues, Open Issues
range-tester for positional arguments, A Basic Range-Testing Decorator for Positional Arguments
implementation, Implementation
properties of managed attributes, coding with, Coding Properties with Decorators
supporting method decoration, Supporting method decoration
usage, Usage
function introspection, Function introspection
functional programming, Functional Programming Tools: filter and reduce
functions, Function Basicsdef Executes at Runtime
attributes and annotations, Function Objects: Attributes and AnnotationsFunction Annotations in 3.0
calls, Calls, Calls
coding, Coding Functionsdef Executes at Runtime
definitions, Definition, Definition
dependencies and function design, Function Design Concepts
design concepts, Function Design Concepts
example, definitions and calls, A First Example: Definitions and Calls
example, intersecting sequences, A Second Example: Intersecting SequencesLocal Variables
local variables, Local Variables
function annotations (Python 3.0), Function Annotations in 3.0
function attributes, Function Attributes
function instrospection, Function Introspection
function related statements and expressions, Function Basics
global statement (see global statement)
gotchas, Function GotchasEnclosing Scope Loop Variables
default arguments and mutable objects, Defaults and Mutable Objects
enclosing scope loop variables, Enclosing Scope Loop Variables
functions without returns, Functions Without returns
static detection of local names, Local Names Are Detected Statically
indirect function calls, Indirect Function Calls
lambda expression (see lambda expression)
local scope, Scope Rules
mapping over sequences, Mapping Functions over Sequences: map
nonlocal statement (see nonlocal statement)
parentheses and, Common Coding Gotchas
polymorphism, Polymorphism in Python, Polymorphism Revisited
purpose of, Why Use Functions?
recursive functions, Recursive FunctionsHandling Arbitrary Structures
arbitrary structures, handling, Handling Arbitrary Structures
coding alternatives, Coding Alternatives
loop statements, versus, Loop Statements Versus Recursion
summation, Summation with Recursion
return statement (see return statement)
simple functions, Static Methods in 2.6 and 3.0
yield statement (see yield statement)


garbage collection, Nesting Revisited, Objects Are Garbage-Collected
generator expressions, Iterators Revisited: Generators, Generator Expressions: Iterators Meet Comprehensions, Listing attributes per object in class trees
generator functions, Iterators Revisited: GeneratorsValue Generation in Built-in Types and Classes
examples, Generator functions in action
generator expressions, versus, Generator Functions Versus Generator Expressions
iteration protocol and, Iteration protocol integration
iteration tools
coding a map(func, ...), Coding your own map(func, ...)
coding zip(...) and map(None, ...), Coding your own zip(...) and map(None, ...)
emulating zip and map functions, Emulating zip and map with Iteration ToolsCoding your own zip(...) and map(None, ...)
one-shot iterations, Coding your own zip(...) and map(None, ...)
send method and __next__, Extended generator function protocol: send versus next
state suspension, State suspension
value generation in built-in types and classes, Value Generation in Built-in Types and Classes
generator objects, Generating Both Offsets and Items: enumerate
generators, Comprehensions, Generators Are Single-Iterator Objects
get method, Missing Keys: if Tests
getattr, Modules Are Objects: Metaprograms, Other Ways to Combine Classes
getrefcount function, Shared References and Equality
global scope, Scope Rules
access without the global statement, Other Ways to Access Globals
global statement, Scope Rules, The global StatementOther Ways to Access Globals
minimize cross-file changes, Minimize Cross-File Changes
minimize global variables, Minimize Global Variables
Google’s Unladen Swallow project, Future Possibilities?
GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces), GUIs, Future Directions


handlers, Catching Exceptions
“has-a” relationships, OOP and Composition: “Has-a” Relationships
hash bang (#!), Unix Executable Scripts (#!)
hash character (#), A First Script
hash tables, Dictionaries
hash-mark comments, # Comments
hashes, Dictionaries
has_key method (Python 2.x), Missing Keys: if Tests
help function, Getting Help, PyDoc: The help Function, Development Tools for Larger Projects
helper functions, The Downside of “Helper” Functions
hexadecimal numeric literals, Numeric Literals
home directory, The Module Search Path


IDEs, Other IDEs, Development Tools for Larger Projects
IDLE (see IDLE user interface)
IDLE user interface, The IDLE User InterfaceAdvanced IDLE Tools
getting support on Linux, Python Environment Variables
IDLE debugger, Advanced IDLE Tools
source code, creation and editing in, IDLE Basics
startup in Windows and Unix-like systems, IDLE Basics
usage and pitfalls, Using IDLE
if clause, Comprehensions
if statement, Missing Keys: if Tests, if Tests and Syntax RulesMultiway Branching
examples, Basic Examples
format, General Format
multiway branching, Multiway Branching
if/else ternary expression, The if/else Ternary Expression
immutability, Immutability
immutable objects, Immutable Types Can’t Be Changed In-Place
implementation of shared services and data, Why Use Modules?
implementation-related types, Python’s Core Data Types
import hooks, Advanced Module Selection Concepts
import statement, Module Imports and Reloads, Imports and Attributes, Module File Selection, The import Statement
.py file extension and, Using Command Lines and Files
as assignment, import and from Are Assignments
as keyword, from Versus import with Packages, The as Extension for import and from
cross-file name changes, Cross-File Name Changes
enabling new language features, Enabling Future Language Features
from statement, equivalence to, import and from Equivalence
from statement, versus, Modules and namespaces
usage notes, import and reload Usage Notes
imports, How Imports Work, Imports Happen Only Once
in expressions, Multiway Branching
in membership expression, Missing Keys: if Tests
in-place addition, In-Place Addition
in-place change operations, Common Coding Gotchas
incremental prototyping, Testing As You Go
indentation, End of indentation is end of blockWhy Indentation Syntax?, Python Syntax Rules, Common Coding Gotchas
rules, Block Delimiters: Indentation Rules
tabs versus spaces, Avoid mixing tabs and spaces: New error checking in 3.0
index method, List method calls
and tuples, Conversions, methods, and immutability
indexing, Indexing and Slicing, Indexing and Slicing
indexing expressions, Sequence Operations
indirect function calls, Indirect Function Calls
infinite loops, Examples
inheritance, Why Use Classes?, Attribute Inheritance Search, Classes Are Customized by InheritanceClasses Are Attributes in Modules, InheritancePython 2.6 and 3.0 Abstract Superclasses
abstract superclasses, Abstract SuperclassesPython 2.6 and 3.0 Abstract Superclasses
attribute inheritance, key ideas of, Classes Are Customized by Inheritance
attribute trees, Attribute Tree Construction
class interface techniques, Class Interface Techniques
real-world relationships, modeling with, OOP and Inheritance: “Is-a” Relationships
simplicity of inheritance model, The World’s Simplest Python Class
specializing inherited methods, Specializing Inherited Methods
input function, The input Trick
insert method, Type-Specific Operations, List method calls
installing Python, Introducing the Python Interpreter
instance methods, Using Static and Class Methods
instances, Attribute Inheritance Search, Classes and Instances, Classes Generate Multiple Instance Objects, Instance Objects Are Concrete Items, A More Realistic Example
making instances, Step 1: Making InstancesUsing Code Two Ways
coding constructors, Coding Constructors
incremental testing, Testing As You Go
test code, Using Code Two Ways
as namespace objects, The World’s Simplest Python Class
int, String Conversion Tools
int function, Storing and parsing Python objects in files
integer division, Python 2.6 versus 3.0, Variables and Basic Expressions
integers, Numeric Literals
Python 3.0, Numeric Literals
integrated development environments (see IDEs)
interactive loops, A Quick Example: Interactive LoopsNesting Code Three Levels Deep
math operations on user input, Doing Math on User Inputs
nesting code three levels deep, Nesting Code Three Levels Deep
simple example, A Simple Interactive Loop
testing inputs, Handling Errors by Testing Inputs
try statements, handling errors with, Handling Errors with try Statements
interactive prompt, The Interactive PromptEntering multiline statements
exiting a session, Running Code Interactively
experimenting with code, Experimenting
files, running from, Running Files with Command Lines
multiline statements, entering, Entering multiline statements
testing code, Testing
tips for using, Using the Interactive Prompt
Internet scripting, Internet Scripting
interpreters, Introducing the Python Interpreter
introspection, Modules Are Objects: Metaprograms
introspection attributes, Increasing Levels of Magic
IronPython, IronPython, Where to Get Python
is operator, Comparisons, Equality, and Truth
“is-a” relationships, OOP and Inheritance: “Is-a” Relationships
isinstance, How to Break Your Code’s Flexibility, Type Objects, Handling Arbitrary Structures, Right-Side and In-Place Addition: __radd__ and __iadd__
is_integer method, Built-in Numeric Tools
items method, More Dictionary Methods, Dictionary View Iterators
iter function, Manual Iteration: iter and next
iteration, Iterations and Comprehensions, Part 2
built-in tools for, Other Iteration Contexts
manual iteration, Manual Iteration: iter and next
iteration protocol, Iteration and Optimization, Iterations and Comprehensions, Part 1, The Iteration Protocol: File Iterators, Iteration protocol integration
iterators, Iterators: A First LookOther Built-in Type Iterators
additional built-in iterators, Other Built-in Type Iterators
file iterators, The Iteration Protocol: File Iterators
filter, The map, zip, and filter Iterators
generator functions (see generator functions)
map, The map, zip, and filter Iterators
in Python 3.0, New Iterables in Python 3.0Dictionary View Iterators
range, The range Iterator
support for multiple iterators, Multiple Versus Single Iterators
range function, Counter Loops: while and range
timing iteration alternatives, Timing Iteration AlternativesOther Suggestions
other suggestions, Other Suggestions
time module, Timing Module
time module alternatives, Timing Module Alternatives
timing results, Timing Results
timing script, Timing Script
zip, The map, zip, and filter Iterators, User-Defined Iterators


lambda expression, Anonymous Functions: lambdaNested lambdas and Scopes
basics, lambda Basics
defining inline callback functions in tkinter, Nested lambdas and Scopes
justification for, Why Use lambda?
nested lambdas and scopes, Nested lambdas and Scopes
potential for code obfuscation, How (Not) to Obfuscate Your Python Code
lambdas and nested scopes, Nested scopes and lambdas
Latin-1 character encoding, Character Encoding Schemes
LEGB rule, Name Resolution: The LEGB Rule
len function, Sequence Operations
lexical scoping, Python Scope Basics
Linux Python command line, starting, The Interactive Prompt
list comprehension expressions, Comprehensions
list comprehensions, Iterations and Comprehensions, Part 1, List Comprehensions: A First LookExtended List Comprehension Syntax, List Comprehensions Revisited: Functional Tools
basics, List Comprehension Basics
best uses of, Comprehending List Comprehensions
extended syntax, Extended List Comprehension Syntax
files, using on, Using List Comprehensions on Files
map function and, Comprehending List Comprehensions
map function, versus, List Comprehensions Versus map
matrixes and, List Comprehensions and Matrixes
tests and nested loops, adding, Adding Tests and Nested Loops: filter
list object type, ListsComprehensions
bounds checking, Bounds Checking
nesting, Nesting
type specific operations, Type-Specific Operations
list-unpacking assignment statements, Assignment Statement Forms, Listing instance attributes with __dict__
ListInstance class, Listing instance attributes with __dict__Listing instance attributes with __dict__
lists, Lists
basic operations, Basic List Operations
changing in place, Changing Lists In-PlaceOther common list operations
deleting items or sections in place, Other common list operations
index and slice assignments, Index and slice assignments
list method calls, List method callsList method calls
coding of lists, Lists
common literals and operations, Lists
indexing, slicing, and matrixes, Indexing, Slicing, and Matrixes
iteration and comprehensions, List Iteration and Comprehensions
literals, Python’s Core Data Types
local scope, Scope Rules
local variables, Local Variables
lock (thread), Basic Usage
long integers (Python 2.6), Numeric Literals
loop else block, break, continue, pass, and the Loop else
loop statement versus recursive functions, Loop Statements Versus Recursion
loops, while and for LoopsGenerating Both Offsets and Items: enumerate
break, continue, pass, and loop else clause, break, continue, pass, and the Loop else
coding techniques, Loop Coding TechniquesGenerating Both Offsets and Items: enumerate
counter loops with while and range, Counter Loops: while and range
for statement, for LoopsNested for loops
general format, General Loop Format
generation of offsets and items, Generating Both Offsets and Items: enumerate
interactive loops (see interactive loops)
loop else clause, Loop else
nonexhaustive traversals with range and slices, Nonexhaustive Traversals: range and Slices
parallel traversals with zip and map, Parallel Traversals: zip and map
range function
lists, changing with, Changing Lists: range
while statement, while Loops


Mac OS X Python command line, starting, The Interactive Prompt, Storing Objects on a Shelve Database
managed attributes, Managed AttributesCoding Properties with Decorators
attribute validations example, Example: Attribute ValidationsUsing __getattribute__ to Validate
descriptors validation, Using Descriptors to Validate
properties validation, Using Properties to Validate
__getattribute__, validation with, Using __getattribute__ to Validate
__getattr__, validation with, Using __getattr__ to Validate
coding to run on attribute access, Inserting Code to Run on Attribute Access
comparison of management techniques, Management Techniques Compared
descriptors, DescriptorsHow Properties and Descriptors Relate
computed attributes, Computed Attributes
descriptor methods, The Basics
example, A First Example
method arguments, Descriptor method arguments
properties, relation to, How Properties and Descriptors Relate
read-only descriptors, Read-only descriptors
state information, using in, Using State Information in Descriptors
justification, Why Manage Attributes?Inserting Code to Run on Attribute Access
properties, PropertiesCoding Properties with Decorators
computed attributes, Computed Attributes
decorators, coding with, Coding Properties with Decorators
first example, A First Example
new-style object derivation requirement, A First Example
__getattr__ and __getattribute__, __getattr__ and __getattribute__Delegation-Based Managers Revisited
avoiding loops, Avoiding loops in attribute interception methods
comparison, __getattr__ and __getattribute__ Compared
computed attributes, Computed Attributes
delegation, The Basics
example, A First Example
interception of built-in attributes, Intercepting Built-in Operation AttributesDelegation-Based Managers Revisited
Manager class, A More Realistic Example, Coding Subclasses
manager functions, The Downside of “Helper” Functions
manual iteration, Manual Iteration: iter and next, The “Zen” of Python Namespaces: Assignments Classify Names
map function, List Iteration and Comprehensions, map equivalence in Python 2.6, Mapping Functions over Sequences: map
lambda expressions and, Mapping Functions over Sequences: map
list comprehensions and, Comprehending List Comprehensions
list comprehensions, versus, List Comprehensions Versus map
map iterator, The map, zip, and filter Iterators
matching algorithm, Matching algorithm
math module, Numbers
example functions, Other Built-in Numeric Tools
mathematical functions, Built-in Numeric Tools
max and min functions, Other Iteration Contexts, Unified try Example
metaclass model, The Metaclass ModelClass Statement Protocol, Classes Are Instances of type
(see also metaclasses)
class statement protocol, Class Statement Protocol
classes are instances of type, Classes Are Instances of type
metaclasses are subclasses of type, Metaclasses Are Subclasses of Type
metaclasses, Type Model Changes, Metaclasses, Class Decorators and Metaclasses, MetaclassesThe Downside of “Helper” Functions, The Metaclass Model
(see also metaclass model)
adding methods to classes example, Example: Adding Methods to ClassesManaging instances instead of classes
manual augmentation, Manual Augmentation
metaclass-based augmentation, Metaclass-Based Augmentation
applying decorators to methods example, Example: Applying Decorators to MethodsMetaclasses Versus Class Decorators: Round 3
manual tracing, Tracing with Decoration Manually
tracing with metaclasses and decorators, Tracing with Metaclasses and Decorators
with any decorators, Applying Any Decorator to Methods
class decorators, compared to, Metaclasses Versus Class Decorators: Round 2Managing instances instead of classes, Metaclasses Versus Class Decorators: Round 3
decorator-based augmentation, Decorator-based augmentation
managing instances instead of classes, Managing instances instead of classes
class decorators, compared with, Metaclasses Versus Class Decorators: Round 1
coding, Coding MetaclassesInstances Versus Inheritance
basic metaclass, A Basic Metaclass
customizing construction and initialization, Customizing Construction and Initialization
factory functions, using, Using simple factory functions
instances versus inheritance, Instances Versus Inheritance
overloading class creation calls with classes, Overloading class creation calls with normal classes
overloading class creation calls with metaclasses, Overloading class creation calls with metaclasses
declaration, Declaring Metaclasses
issues around use, To Metaclass or Not to Metaclass
potential roles, To Metaclass or Not to Metaclass
metafunctions, Function Decorator Basics
metaprograms, Modules Are Objects: MetaprogramsModules Are Objects: Metaprograms
method call expression, String Methods
methods, Type-Specific Methods, Getting Help, List method calls, The World’s Simplest Python Class, Coding Methods, MethodsOther Method Call Possibilities
augmenting methods, Augmenting Methods: The Bad Way
bound and unbound methods, Methods Are Objects: Bound or UnboundBound Methods and Other Callable Objects
bound methods, Function Interfaces and Callback-Based Code
calls to methods, Method ExampleOther Method Call Possibilities
class methods, Other Method Call Possibilities
coding methods, Coding Methods
comparison methods, Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others
destructor method, Object Destruction: __del__
example, Method Example
static methods, Other Method Call Possibilities, Static and Class Methods
(see also static methods)
superclass constructors, calling, Calling Superclass Constructors
min and max functions, Other Built-in Numeric Tools, Full Credit
mix-in classes, Multiple Inheritance: “Mix-in” Classes
coding, Coding Mix-in Display ClassesListing attributes per object in class trees
instance attributes, listing, Listing instance attributes with __dict__
listing inherited attributes, Listing inherited attributes with dir
listing object attributes in class trees, Listing attributes per object in class trees
module packages, Module Packages
package imports, Package Import BasicsA Tale of Three Systems
import example, Package Import Examplefrom Versus import with Packages
justification, Why Use Package Imports?A Tale of Three Systems
packages and search path settings, Packages and Search Path Settings, Package Files
package relative imports (see package relative imports)
modules, System Command Lines and Files, Module Imports and Reloads, Introducing Python Object Types, Modules: The Big Picture
as extension for import and from, The as Extension for import and from
attributes, The Grander Module Story: Attributes, How to Structure a Program, Module Creation
classes, as attributes of, Classes Are Attributes in Modules
classes, versus, Classes Versus Modules
creating, Module Creation
data hiding in, Data Hiding in Modules
design concepts, Module Design Concepts
exec, running module files with, Using exec to Run Module Files
from statement, The from Statement, The from * Statement
future language features, enabling, Enabling Future Language Features
global scope, Scope Rules
gotchas, Module GotchasRecursive from Imports May Not Work
from imports and reload, reload May Not Impact from Imports
from statement, from Copies Names but Doesn’t Link
from statement and variables, from * Can Obscure the Meaning of Variables
recursive import failures, Recursive from Imports May Not Work
statement order in top-level code, Statement Order Matters in Top-Level Code
import statement, The import Statement
byte code compilation if required, 2. Compile It (Maybe)
running, 3. Run It
importing by name string, Importing Modules by Name String
importing of modules, How Imports Work3. Run It
locating, 1. Find It
imports and reloads, Module Imports and Reloadsimport and reload Usage Notes
metaprograms, Modules Are Objects: MetaprogramsModules Are Objects: Metaprograms
mixed-usage modes, Mixed Usage Modes: __name__ and __main__Using Command-Line Arguments with __name__
module extensions, Module Creation
module namespaces, Module NamespacesNamespace Nesting
attribute name qualification, Attribute Name Qualification
generation from files, Files Generate Namespaces
imports versus scopes, Imports Versus Scopes
namespace nesting, Namespace Nesting
module search path, import and reload Usage Notes, 1. Find It, The Module Search PathAdvanced Module Selection Concepts
advanced module selection concepts, Advanced Module Selection Concepts
module file selection, Module File Selection
search path configuration, Configuring the Search Path
search path variations, Search Path Variations
sys.path list, The sys.path List
third-party extensions, Advanced Module Selection Concepts
module search path, changing, Changing the Module Search Path
namespaces, Modules and namespaces, Why Use Modules?
naming conventions, Step 1: Making Instances
naming of, Module Creation
program structure and, Python Program Architecture
reloading modules, Reloading Modulesreload Example
example, reload Example
roles of, Why Use Modules?
scope, Files Generate Namespaces
standard library, Standard Library Modules
transitive module reloads, Transitive Module ReloadsTransitive Module Reloads
__name__ attribute, Mixed Usage Modes: __name__ and __main__Using Command-Line Arguments with __name__
command-line arguments with, Using Command-Line Arguments with __name__
unit tests, Unit Tests with __name__
Monty Python’s Flying Circus, It’s Named After Monty Python
multiline statements, Statement Delimiters: Lines and Continuations
multiple inheritance, Coding Class Trees, Multiple Inheritance: “Mix-in” ClassesListing attributes per object in class trees
diamond pattern inheritance trees, Diamond Inheritance Change
mix-in classes (see mix-in classes)
multiway branching, Multiway Branching
mutable objects, Lists, Step 2: Adding Behavior Methods
in assignments, Common Coding Gotchas
mybooks.xml, XML Parsing Tools, Modules Are Objects: Metaprograms, The Grander Module Story: Attributes


name attribute, User-Defined Classes
name mangling, Pseudoprivate Class AttributesWhy Use Pseudoprivate Attributes?
namespace objects, Testing As You Go
namespaces, The Grander Module Story: Attributes, Modules and namespaces, Python Scope Basics, Why Use Modules?, Classes and Instances, Namespaces: The Whole StoryNamespace Links
attribute names, Attribute Names: Object Namespaces
name assignment, The “Zen” of Python Namespaces: Assignments Classify NamesThe “Zen” of Python Namespaces: Assignments Classify Names
namespace dictionaries, Namespace DictionariesNamespace Dictionaries
namespace links, Namespace Links
simple names, Simple Names: Global Unless Assigned
negative offsets, Indexing and Slicing
nested scopes, Scopes and Nested FunctionsArbitrary scope nesting
abitrary nesting, Arbitrary scope nesting
examples, Nested Scope Examples
factory functions, Factory functions
lambdas and, Nested scopes and lambdas, Methods, Classes, and Nested Scopes
.NET and IronPython, IronPython
NetBeans, Other IDEs
“new-style” classes, The “New-Style” Class ModelClass Properties
changes, New-Style Class ChangesScope of search order change
class extensions, New-Style Class ExtensionsMetaclasses
class properties, Class PropertiesClass Properties
instance slots, Instance SlotsMultiple __slot__ lists in superclasses
metaclasses, Metaclasses
multiple __slot__ lists in superclasses, Multiple __slot__ lists in superclasses
slots and generic code, Slots and generic code
__getattribute__ method, __getattribute__ and Descriptors
diamond inheritance change, Diamond Inheritance ChangeScope of search order change
example, Diamond inheritance example
explicit conflict resolution, Explicit conflict resolution
scope of search order, Scope of search order change
type model changes, Type Model ChangesAll objects derive from “object”
object type objects, All objects derive from “object”
type testing implications, Implications for type testing
next function, Manual Iteration: iter and next
__next__ method, The Iteration Protocol: File Iterators
non-ASCII text, coding, encoding and decoding, Coding Non-ASCII TextEncoding and Decoding Non-ASCII text
None object, The None object
nonlocal statement, Scope Rules, The nonlocal StatementState with function attributes
absence from Python 2.6, Python’s Statements
basics, nonlocal Basics
examples, nonlocal in Action
boundary cases, Boundary cases
justification for, Why nonlocal?State with function attributes
Python 2.6 alternatives, Shared state with globals
normal integers (Python 2.6), Numeric Literals
number object type, Numbers
number operations, Numbers in ActionOther Built-in Numeric Tools
bitwise operations, Bitwise Operations
comparisons, Comparisons: Normal and Chained
chained comparisons, Comparisons: Normal and Chained
complex numbers, Complex Numbers
division, Division: Classic, Floor, and TrueWhy does truncation matter?
integer precision, Integer Precision
math module functions, Other Built-in Numeric Tools
notation, hexadecimal, octal, and binary, Hexadecimal, Octal, and Binary Notation
numeric display formats, Numeric Display Formats
variables and basic expressions, Variables and Basic ExpressionsVariables and Basic Expressions
numeric display formats, Numeric Display Formats
numeric extensions, Numeric Extensions
numeric object type, Numeric Type BasicsBuilt-in Numeric Tools
built-in numeric tools, Built-in Numeric Tools
complexity ranking, Mixed types are converted up
expression operators and precedence, Python Expression Operators
numeric literals, Numeric Literals
operator overloading and polymorphism, Preview: Operator overloading and polymorphism
some noncore types, Other Numeric TypesBooleans
Booleans, Booleans
decimal type, Decimal TypeDecimal context manager
fraction types, Fraction TypeConversions and mixed types
sets, SetsWhy sets?
numeric precision, setting globally, Setting precision globally
numeric programming, Numeric and Scientific Programming
NumPy numeric programming extension, OK, but What’s the Downside?, Numeric and Scientific Programming, Numeric Extensions


object embedding, Other Ways to Combine Classes
object persistence, Step 7 (Final): Storing Objects in a Database
object type categories, General Type Categories
mutable versus immutable types, Mutable Types Can Be Changed In-Place
shared operation sets, Types Share Operation Sets by Categories
object types, And Everything Else
built-in object types (see built-in object types)
object-oriented programming, It’s Object-Oriented
object-oriented scripting language, Is Python a “Scripting Language”?
object.attr expression, Inheritance
object.attribute expression, Attribute Inheritance Search
object.attribute notation, Imports and Attributes
objects, Introducing Python Object Types, Numeric Types, Variables, Objects, and References
comparisons, equality, and truth, Comparisons, Equality, and Truth
compound object types, Object Flexibility
copying versus referencing, Shared References and In-Place Changes
databases, storing objects in, Step 7 (Final): Storing Objects in a Database
dynamic typing and, Variables, Objects, and References
iterable objects, Iterators: A First Look
nonbuilt-in object types, Other Types in Python
object classifications for built-in types, Type Categories Revisited
references versus copies, References Versus Copies
truth and falsity, The Meaning of True and False in Python
bool type, The bool type
None object, The None object
type hierarchies, Python’s Type Hierarchies
type object type, Type Objects
octal numeric literals, Numeric Literals
OOP (object-oriented programming), OOP from 30,000 FeetOOP Is About Code Reuse
as exemplified by coding of classes, OOP: The Big Idea
attribute inheritance search, Attribute Inheritance Search
class method calls, Class Method Calls
classes, Attribute Inheritance Search, Classes and Instances, Classes Generate Multiple Instance Objects
class trees, Coding Class TreesCoding Class Trees
customization by inheritance, Classes Are Customized by InheritanceClasses Are Attributes in Modules
code reuse, OOP Is About Code ReuseOOP Is About Code Reuse
design issues, Designing with Classes
bound and unbound methods, Methods Are Objects: Bound or UnboundBound Methods and Other Callable Objects
composition, OOP and Composition: “Has-a” RelationshipsStream Processors Revisited
delegation and wrapper classes, OOP and Delegation: “Wrapper” Objects
generic object factories, Classes Are Objects: Generic Object Factories
inheritance, OOP and Inheritance: “Is-a” Relationships
multiple inheritance, Multiple Inheritance: “Mix-in” ClassesListing attributes per object in class trees
polymorphism, Overloading by Call Signatures (or Not)
pseudoprivate class attributes, Pseudoprivate Class AttributesWhy Use Pseudoprivate Attributes?
design patterns, OOP Is About Code Reuse
important concepts, OOP Is Simpler Than You May Think
instances, Attribute Inheritance Search, Classes and Instances, Classes Generate Multiple Instance Objects
object.attribute expression, Attribute Inheritance Search
open call, (Python 2.6), Coding Unicode Strings in Python 2.6
open function, Files, Other File-Like Tools, Files
mode string argument, Text and Binary Files
operator overloading, Type Categories Revisited, Why Use Classes?, Classes Can Intercept Python OperatorsWhy Use Operator Overloading?, Step 3: Operator OverloadingProviding Print Displays, Providing Print Displays, Operator OverloadingObject Destruction: __del__
attribute references, Attribute Reference: __getattr__ and __setattr__Emulating Privacy for Instance Attributes: Part 1
attribute privacy, Emulating Privacy for Instance Attributes: Part 1
Boolean tests, Boolean Tests: __bool__ and __len__
call expressions, Call Expressions: __call__Function Interfaces and Callback-Based Code
function interfaces, Function Interfaces and Callback-Based Code
common operator overloading methods, Common Operator Overloading Methods
comparisons, Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others
constructors and expressions, Constructors and Expressions: __init__ and __sub__
index iteration, Index Iteration: __getitem__
indexing and slicing, Indexing and Slicing: __getitem__ and __setitem__Intercepting Slices
Python 2.6, Intercepting Slices
iterator objects, Iterator Objects: __iter__ and __next__
multiple iterators on one object, Multiple Iterators on One Object
user defined iterators, User-Defined Iterators
justification, Why Use Operator Overloading?
membership, Membership: __contains__, __iter__, and __getitem__
comparisons, Python 2.6, Membership: __contains__, __iter__, and __getitem__
object destruction, Object Destruction: __del__
overloading methods, Increasing Levels of Magic
overloading methods in Python 2.6, OOP and Delegation: “Wrapper” Objects
overview, The BasicsCommon Operator Overloading Methods
right-side and in-place addition, Right-Side and In-Place Addition: __radd__ and __iadd__In-Place Addition
string representation, String Representation: __repr__ and __str__String Representation: __repr__ and __str__
operator precedence, Python Expression Operators, Mixed operators follow operator precedence
optimization, Development Tools for Larger Projects
ORMs (object-relational mappers), Future Directions
OverflowError class, Built-in Exception Classes


package imports, Module Packages
justification, Why Use Package Imports?A Tale of Three Systems
import versus from, A Tale of Three Systems
root directory, A Tale of Three Systems
packages and search path settings, Packages and Search Path Settings
package relative imports, Package Relative ImportsImports are still relative to the CWD (again)
absolute package paths, versus, Relative imports versus absolute package paths
basics, Relative Import Basics
examples, Relative Imports in ActionImports are still relative to the CWD (again)
imports outside packages, Imports outside packages
imports relative to CWD, Imports are still relative to the CWD
imports still relative to CWD, Imports are still relative to the CWD (again)
imports within packages, Imports within packages
modules, selecting with relative and absolute imports, Selecting modules with relative and absolute imports
justification, Why Relative Imports?
module lookup rules summary, Module Lookup Rules Summary
Python 3.0, The relative imports solution in 3.0
changes, Changes in Python 3.0
versus 2.6, Relative Import Basics
scope, The Scope of Relative Imports
packages, Module Packages
parallel traversals, Parallel Traversals: zip and map
parentheses ( ), Parentheses are optional, Statement rule special cases, A Few Special Cases
functions and, Common Coding Gotchas
generator expressions and, Generator Expressions: Iterators Meet Comprehensions
tuples and, Tuples
Parrot project, Future Possibilities?
parsing, Indexing and Slicing
pass statement, break, continue, pass, and the Loop else, pass
PATH environment variable, The Interactive Prompt, Python Environment Variables
pattern matching, Pattern Matching
pdb debugger, Development Tools for Larger Projects
PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal) protocol, How Is Python Supported?
Perl, How Does Python Stack Up to Language X?, Test Your Knowledge: Answers
Person class, Step 1: Making Instances
incremental testing, Testing As You Go
subclassing, Coding Subclasses
version portability, Using Code Two Ways, Step 1: Making Instances
Peters, Tim, To Metaclass or Not to Metaclass
pickle module, Storing native Python objects with pickle, Pickles and Shelves, Stream Processors Revisited
binary data requirement, The pickle Object Serialization Module
string serialization (Python 3.0), The pickle Object Serialization Module, OOP and Composition: “Has-a” Relationships
polymorphism, Sequence Operations, How to Break Your Code’s Flexibility, Preview: Operator overloading and polymorphism, Polymorphism in Python, Polymorphism Revisited, OOP Is About Code Reuse
dynamic typing and, Dynamic Typing Is Everywhere
example, Polymorphism in Action
overloading in Python versus other languages, Overloading by Call Signatures (or Not)
pop method, Type-Specific Operations, List method calls, More Dictionary Methods
portability, It’s Portable
Portable Python, Where to Get Python
pow function, Other Built-in Numeric Tools
precedence, Python Expression Operators
parentheses and, Parentheses group subexpressions
precedence rules, Mixed operators follow operator precedence
print function, Python’s Statements
print operations, Print OperationsVersion-Neutral Printing
print and stdout, Version-Neutral Printing
print function (Python 3.0), The Python 3.0 print Function
print statement (Python 2.6), The Python 2.6 print Statement
print stream redirection, Print Stream Redirection
version-neutral printing, Version-Neutral Printing
print statement (Python 2.6), Python’s Statements
private, Minimizing from * Damage: _X and __all__, Emulating Privacy for Instance Attributes: Part 1, Example: “Private” and “Public” Attributes
procedure, Why Use Functions?
profile module, Other Suggestions, Development Tools for Larger Projects
profilers, Development Tools for Larger Projects
program execution, Program ExecutionDevelopment implications
development implications, Development implications
Python compared to other languages, Performance implications
program portability, Why Do People Use Python?
program shipping options, Development Tools for Larger Projects
program structure, imports, Imports and Attributes
program units, Python’s Core Data Types
programs, Is Python a “Scripting Language”?, System Command Lines and Files, Introducing Python Object Types
icons, opening with, Clicking File Icons
launching, How You Run Programs
additional launch options, Other Launch Options
choosing a launch option, Which Option Should I Use?
clicking file icons, Clicking File Icons
exec function, Using exec to Run Module Files
from the command line, Running Files with Command Lines
IDLE user interface, The IDLE User Interface
input function, The input Trick
module imports and reloads, Module Imports and Reloads, import and reload Usage Notes
Unix executable scripts, Unix Executable Scripts (#!)
Windows automatic file extensions, Using Command Lines and Files
running interactively, The Interactive PromptEntering multiline statements
experimentation, Experimenting
testing, Testing
saving in files, System Command Lines and Files
structure, Python Program Structure Revisited, Python Program ArchitectureStandard Library Modules
Windows, saving under, Using Command Lines and Files
property built-in function, Class Properties, Inserting Code to Run on Attribute Access
computed attributes, Computed Attributes
decorators, Coding Properties with Decorators
first example, A First Example
proxy classes, OOP and Delegation: “Wrapper” Objects
pseudoprivate attributes, justification, Why Use Pseudoprivate Attributes?
pseudoprivate names, Pseudoprivate Class Attributes
PSF (Python Software Foundation), How Is Python Supported?
Psyco just-in-time compiler, The Psyco just-in-time compiler, Development Tools for Larger Projects
.pth file extension, Path files
.pth path file directories, The Module Search Path
PVM (Python Virtual Machine), The Python Virtual Machine (PVM)
.py file extension, The Programmer’s View, A First Script, Module Creation
py2exe, Frozen Binaries, Development Tools for Larger Projects
.pyc file extension, Byte code compilation, 2. Compile It (Maybe)
PyChecker, PyLint, and PyUnit, Development Tools for Larger Projects
PyDev, Other IDEs
PyDoc, Getting Help, PyDoc: The help FunctionPyDoc: HTML Reports, Development Tools for Larger Projects
help function, PyDoc: The help Function
HTML reports, PyDoc: HTML Reports
PyInstaller, Frozen Binaries, Development Tools for Larger Projects
PyPy project, Future Possibilities?
command-line options, Python Command-Line OptionsPython Command-Line Options
configuration, Configuring Python
DOS variables in autoexec.bat, DOS variables (Windows)
environment variables, Python Environment Variables
path files, Path files
setting configuration options, How to Set Configuration Options
Unix/Linux shell variables, Unix/Linux shell variables
Windows environment variable GUI, Windows environment variable GUI
Windows registry, Windows registry
installing, Introducing the Python Interpreter
Python 2.0
string module, The Original string Module (Gone in 3.0)
Python 2.6, About This Fourth Edition
backward compatibility to older versions, About This Fourth Edition
binary and Unicode strings, handling of, Unicode and Byte Strings
Booleans, Boolean Tests: __bool__ and __len__
iteration method ), Manual Iteration: iter and next
nonlocal statement, alternatives to in, Shared state with globals
operator overloading methods, OOP and Delegation: “Wrapper” Objects
Python 3.0 print function, emulating, Emulating the Python 3.0 print Function
using keyword-only arguments, Using Keyword-Only Arguments
raw_input function, The input Trick
reload function, Module Imports and Reloads
string object types, Strings
unicode and str operation sets, Coding Unicode Strings in Python 2.6
“new-style” and “classic” classes, The “New-Style” Class Model
Python 3.0, About This Fourth Edition
built-in attributes, Other Ways to Combine Classes
compared 2.x versions, Specific Language Extensions in 2.6 and 3.0
comparisons and sorts, List method calls
dictionary changes, Dictionary Changes in Python 3.0
dictionary comparisons, Python 3.0 Dictionary Comparisons
extended sequence unpacking, Assignment Statement Forms, Extended Sequence Unpacking in Python 3.0
in for loops, Python 3.0 extended sequence assignment in for loops
function annotations, Function Annotations in 3.0
incompatibility with older versions, About This Fourth Edition
input function, The input Trick
new iterables, New Iterables in Python 3.0Dictionary View Iterators
“new-style” classes, The “New-Style” Class Model
older version tools removed from, Specific Language Removals in 3.0
special character coding, Other Unicode Coding Techniques
string object types, Strings
string type, changes in, String Changes in 3.0
text and binary files, Text and binary files in Python 3.0
Unicode and binary data support, Unicode and Byte Strings
unsupported raise syntax, Python 3.0 Exception Chaining: raise from
Python interpreter, Introducing the Python Interpreter
installing, Installing the Python Interpreter
on Linux, Installation Steps
on PDAs, Installation Steps
on Unix, Installation Steps
on Windows, Installation Steps
on Windows Vista, Installation Steps
website downloads link, Where to Get Python
Python programming language, Preface
advantages of, Why Do People Use Python?Developer Productivity
common coding gotchas, Common Coding Gotchas
compared to other languages, How Does Python Stack Up to Language X?
developer productivity and, Developer Productivity
development tools, The Python Toolset
documentation (see documentation)
execution speed, OK, but What’s the Downside?
iteration protocol, Iteration protocol integration
manuals and resources, For More Help
old and new versions, About This Fourth Edition
Perl, compared to, Test Your Knowledge: Answers
portability, It’s Portable
primary implementations of, Python Implementation Alternatives
so-called “optional” features, Metaclasses Versus Class Decorators: Round 3
statically-typed languages, compared to, Polymorphism in Python
string model, String BasicsText and Binary Files
support, How Is Python Supported?
technical strengths, What Are Python’s Technical Strengths?It’s Named After Monty Python
user base, Who Uses Python Today?
uses for, What Can I Do with Python?Gaming, Images, Serial Ports, XML, Robots, and More
PYTHONPATH, Python Environment Variables
PYTHONPATH directories, The Module Search Path
PYTHONSTARTUP, Python Environment Variables
PythonWin, Other IDEs, Where to Get Python
PyWin32, Where to Get Python


quizzes, This Book’s Style and Structure
Chapter 1: A Python Q&A Session, Test Your Knowledge: Quiz
Chapter 2: How Python Runs Programs, Chapter Summary
Chapter 3: How You Run Programs, Chapter Summary
Chapter 4: Introducing Python Object Types, Test Your Knowledge: Quiz
Chapter 5: Numeric Types, Chapter Summary
Chapter 6: The Dynamic Typing Interlude, Test Your Knowledge: Quiz
Chapter 7: Strings, Chapter Summary
Chapter 8: Lists and Dictionaries, Chapter Summary
Chapter 9: Tuples, Files, and Everything Else, Chapter Summary
Chapter 10: Introducing Python Statements, Chapter Summary
Chapter 11: Assignments, Expressions, and Prints, Chapter Summary
Chapter 12: if Tests and Syntax Rules, Chapter Summary
Chapter 13: while and for Loops, Chapter Summary
Chapter 14: Iterations and Comprehensions, Part 1, Chapter Summary
Chapter 15: The Documentation Interlude, Chapter Summary
Chapter 16: Function Basics, Chapter Summary
Chapter 17: Scopes, Chapter Summary
Chapter 18: Arguments, Chapter Summary
Chapter 19: Advanced Function Topics, Chapter Summary
Chapter 20: Iterations and Comprehensions, Part 2, Chapter Summary
Chapter 21: Modules, the Big Picture, Chapter Summary
Chapter 22: Module Coding Basics, Chapter Summary
Chapter 23: Module Packages, Chapter Summary
Chapter 24: Advanced Module Topics, Chapter Summary
Chapter 25: OOP: The Big Picture, Chapter Summary
Chapter 26: Class Coding Basics, Chapter Summary
Chapter 27: A More Realistic Example, Chapter Summary
Chapter 28: Class Coding Details, Chapter Summary
Chapter 29: Operator Overloading, Chapter Summary
Chapter 30: Designing with Classes, Chapter Summary
Chapter 31: Advanced Class Topics, Chapter Summary
Chapter 32: Exception Basics, Chapter Summary
Chapter 33: Exception Coding Details, Chapter Summary
Chapter 34: Exception Objects, Chapter Summary
Chapter 35: Designing with Exceptions, Test Your Knowledge: Quiz
Chapter 36: Unicode and Byte Strings, Chapter Summary
Chapter 37: Managed Attributes, Chapter Summary
Chapter 38: Decorators, Chapter Summary
Chapter 39: Metaclasses, Chapter Summary
escaping, Single- and Double-Quoted Strings Are the Same
strings and, Single- and Double-Quoted Strings Are the Same
triple quotes, Triple Quotes Code Multiline Block Strings


raise statement, Raising Exceptions, The raise StatementPython 3.0 Exception Chaining: raise from
from clause Python 3.0 exception chaining, Python 3.0 Exception Chaining: raise from
nonerror conditions, signaling with, Functions Can Signal Conditions with raise
random module, Numbers, Other Built-in Numeric Tools
versus for loops, Common Coding Gotchas
range function, Counter Loops: while and range
range iterator, The range Iterator
support for multiple iterators, Multiple Versus Single Iterators
rapid prototyping, Rapid Prototyping
rational number objects, Fraction Type
raw string literals, Other Ways to Code Strings
raw strings, Raw Strings Suppress Escapes
raw_input function (Python 2.x), The input Trick
re (regular expression) module, Pattern Matching
string handling in Python 3.0, The re Pattern Matching Module
read method, Files in Action
readline method, Files, Files in Action
recursive functions, Recursive FunctionsHandling Arbitrary Structures
arbitrary structures, handling, Handling Arbitrary Structures
coding alternatives, Coding Alternatives
direct or indirect, Coding Alternatives
loop statements, versus, Loop Statements Versus Recursion
summation, Summation with Recursion
recursive imports, Recursive from Imports May Not Work
reduce, Other Iteration Contexts
reduce function, Functional Programming Tools: filter and reduce
reference counters, Objects Are Garbage-Collected
references, Variables, Objects, and References, Variables, Objects, and References
copies of objects, versus, References Versus Copies
shared references, Shared ReferencesShared References and Equality
equality, Shared References and Equality
in-place changes, Shared References and In-Place Changes
relative imports, Module Packages
reload function, Module Imports and Reloads, Reloading Modulesreload Example
example, reload Example
from imports and, reload May Not Impact from Imports
interactive testing, reload, from, and Interactive Testing
import and from, contrasted with, reload Basics
transitive module reloads, Transitive Module ReloadsTransitive Module Reloads
usage notes, import and reload Usage Notes
version 3.0 requirements, Module Imports and Reloads, Transitive Module Reloads
remove method, Type-Specific Operations, List method calls
repetition, Sequence Operations
replace method, Type-Specific Methods
repr function, Numbers
str, compared to, Numeric Display Formats
return statement, Coding Functions, def Statements, Local Variables
reverse method, Type-Specific Operations, List method calls
round function, Other Built-in Numeric Tools
rstrip method, Storing and parsing Python objects in files


SAX parsing, XML Parsing Tools
scientific programming, Numeric and Scientific Programming
ScientificPython programming extensions, Numeric and Scientific Programming
SciPy programming extensions, Numeric and Scientific Programming, Numeric Extensions
scopes, ScopesThe Built-in Scope
basics, Python Scope Basics
built-in scope, The Built-in Scope
defaults with loop variables, versus, Scopes versus defaults with loop variables
example, Scope Example
global statements, Python Scope Basics
module files and, Minimize Cross-File Changes
name resolution and the LEGB rule, Name Resolution: The LEGB Rule
namespaces, Python Scope Basics
nested functions and, Scopes and Nested FunctionsArbitrary scope nesting
nonlocal, Python Scope Basics
rules, Scope Rules, The Programmer’s View, A First Script
running with an import, Module Imports and Reloads
scripts, Is Python a “Scripting Language”?, System Command Lines and Files
search tables (see dictionaries)
self argument, Methods
semicolon (;), End of line is end of statement
send method, Extended generator function protocol: send versus next
sequence assignment statements, Assignment Statement Forms
sequence assignments, Sequence AssignmentsAdvanced sequence assignment patterns
sequence operations, Sequence Operations
sequences, Strings
set comprehensions, 3.0 Comprehension Syntax Summary
set numeric type, SetsWhy sets?
dictionaries, compared to, Set literals in Python 3.0
immutable constraints and frozen sets, Immutable constraints and frozen sets
Python 2.6, Set basics in Python 2.6
Python 3.0, Set literals in Python 3.0
set comprehensions in Python 3.0, Set comprehensions in Python 3.0
set object type, Other Core Types, Extending Types by Subclassing
shared references, Shared ReferencesShared References and Equality
equality, Shared References and Equality
in-place changes, Shared References and In-Place Changes
Shedskin C++ translator, The Shedskin C++ translator, Development Tools for Larger Projects
shelve module, Pickles and ShelvesUpdating Objects on a Shelve, Stream Processors Revisited
advantages and disadvantages, Exploring Shelves Interactively
database client, Exploring Shelves Interactively
database files, Exploring Shelves Interactively
object storage in shelve databases, Storing Objects on a Shelve Database
shelves and dictionaries, Pickles and Shelves
updating a shelve’s objects, Updating Objects on a Shelve
simple functions, Static Methods in 2.6 and 3.0
single quotes (') and strings, Single- and Double-Quoted Strings Are the Same
singleton, Using and Defining Decorators
site module, The Module Search Path
slice assignment in lists, Index and slice assignments
slice objects, Extended slicing: the third limit and slice objects
slicing, Sequence Operations, Indexing and Slicing, Indexing and Slicing
example, Extended slicing: the third limit and slice objects
extended slicing, Extended slicing: the third limit and slice objects
loops, usage in, Nonexhaustive Traversals: range and Slices
software components, Step 4: Customizing Behavior by Subclassing
sort method, Type-Specific Operations, List method calls, Common Coding Gotchas, Full Credit
sorted function, Sorting Keys: for Loops, Other Iteration Contexts
sorts in Python 3.0, List method calls
source code, Byte code compilation
source file character set encoding declarations, Source File Character Set Encoding Declarations
spaces, Python Syntax Rules
special characters, Character Encoding Schemes
split method, Storing and parsing Python objects in files
square brackets [ ], Python’s Core Data Types, Python Expression Operators, Statement rule special cases
dictionaries and, Dictionaries in Action
list comprehensions and, List Comprehension Basics, List Comprehensions Versus map, Coding your own zip(...) and map(None, ...)
lists and, Comprehensions, Lists
square roots, Other Built-in Numeric Tools
stack trace, Default Exception Handler, Example: Default Behavior
Stackless Python, Other Execution Options
standard library, Why Do People Use Python?, Standard Library Modules
library directories, The Module Search Path
standard manual set, The Standard Manual Set
standard output stream (stdout), Print Operations
state information, User-Defined Classes, Coding Constructors
state retention, Why nonlocal?State with function attributes, Function Interfaces and Callback-Based Code, State Information Retention OptionsEnclosing scopes and nonlocals
state with classes, State with classes (preview)
statements, Introducing Python Object Types, Introducing Python StatementsChapter Summary
assignment statements (see assignment statements)
compound statements, What Python Adds
differences from other C-like languages, What Python Removes
end-of-line, End of line is end of statement
expression statements, Expression Statements
in-place changes, Expression Statements and In-Place Changes
indentation syntax, Why Indentation Syntax?
multiline statements, Statement Delimiters: Lines and Continuations
Python 3.0 statement set, Python’s Statements
syntax, A Tale of Two ifs
block rule special case, Block rule special case
colon (:), What Python Adds
indentation, End of indentation is end of block
interactive loops, A Quick Example: Interactive LoopsNesting Code Three Levels Deep
semicolons, Statement rule special cases
statement separators, Statement rule special cases
static methods, Other Method Call Possibilities, Unbound Methods are Functions in 3.0, Static and Class MethodsCounting Instances with Static Methods
alternatives to, Static Method Alternatives
coding with decorator syntax, Function Decorator Basics
counting instances, Counting Instances with Static Methods
Python 2.6 and 3.0, Static Methods in 2.6 and 3.0
using, Using Static and Class Methods
staticmethod function, Using Static and Class Methods
steps, Extended slicing: the third limit and slice objects
StopIteration exception, The Iteration Protocol: File Iterators
str, Numbers, Strings, Strings, String Conversion Tools
repr, compared to, Numeric Display Formats
str object type
data encoding in, Text and Binary Files
str string type, Python’s String Types
Python 2.6 operation set, Coding Unicode Strings in Python 2.6
Python 3.0 compared to 2.x, Python’s String Types
Unicode and, Other Ways to Code Strings
stream processors, Stream Processors Revisited
stream redirection, Running Files with Command Lines
strides, Extended slicing: the third limit and slice objects
string exceptions, Class-Based Exceptions
deprecation of, String Exceptions Are Right Out!
string formatting, String Formatting ExpressionsDictionary-Based String Formatting Expressions
advanced expressions, Advanced String Formatting Expressions
dictionary-based formatting expressions, Dictionary-Based String Formatting Expressions
string formatting type codes, Advanced String Formatting Expressions
string formatting method calls, String Formatting Method CallsPossible future deprecation?
format method, The BasicsPossible future deprecation?
% formatting expression, compared to, Comparison to the % Formatting Expression
justification for, Why the New Format Method?
keys, attributes, and offsets, Adding Keys, Attributes, and Offsets
string methods, String MethodsThe Original string Module (Gone in 3.0)
additional examples, Other Common String Methods in Action
changing strings example, String Method Examples: Changing Strings
parsing text example, String Method Examples: Parsing Text
Python 2.x string module, The Original string Module (Gone in 3.0)
string method calls to format method, Adding Specific Formatting
string method calls, Python 3.0, String Methods
string object type, StringsPattern Matching, StringsTriple Quotes Code Multiline Block Strings
coding special characters, Other Ways to Code Strings
pattern matching, Pattern Matching
raw string literals, Other Ways to Code Strings
sequence operations and, Sequence Operations
string literals, String LiteralsTriple Quotes Code Multiline Block Strings
common literals and operations, Strings
escape sequences, Escape Sequences Represent Special BytesEscape Sequences Represent Special Bytes
raw strings and escapes, Raw Strings Suppress Escapes
single and double quoted strings, Single- and Double-Quoted Strings Are the Same
string backslash characters, Escape Sequences Represent Special Bytes
triple quotes, Triple Quotes Code Multiline Block Strings
version 3.0 changes, String Changes in 3.0
versions 2.6 and 3.0 string types, Strings
string operations, Strings in ActionChanging Strings
basic operations, Basic Operations
changing strings, Changing Strings
indexing, Indexing and Slicing, Indexing and Slicing
slicing, Indexing and Slicing, Indexing and Slicing
extended slicing, Extended slicing: the third limit and slice objects
string conversions, String Conversion Tools
character code conversions, Character code conversions
strings, String Basics
16- and 32-bit Unicode values, coding of, Other Unicode Coding Techniques
ASCII text, coding, Coding ASCII Text
bytearray objects, using, Using 3.0 (and 2.6) bytearray ObjectsUsing 3.0 (and 2.6) bytearray Objects
bytes objects (Python 3.0), Using 3.0 Bytes ObjectsMixing String Types
method calls, Method Calls
sequence operations, Sequence Operations
bytes string type
making bytes objects, Other Ways to Make bytes Objects
character encoding schemes and, Character Encoding Schemes
encoding conversions, Converting Encodings
escape sequence coding by type, Other Unicode Coding Techniques
examples of usage (Python 3.0), Python 3.0 Strings in ActionConversions
literals and basic properties, Literals and Basic Properties
mixing string types, Mixing String Types
mutability or immutability of string types, Literals and Basic Properties
non-ASCII text, coding, Coding Non-ASCII Text
non-ASCII text, encoding and decoding, Encoding and Decoding Non-ASCII text
pickle object serialization module (Python 3.0), The pickle Object Serialization Module
Python 3.0 string types, usage, Using 3.0 (and 2.6) bytearray Objects
re pattern matching module (Python 3.0), The re Pattern Matching Module
source file character set encoding declarations, Source File Character Set Encoding Declarations
string methods, Type-Specific Methods
string types, Python’s String Types
struct binary data module (Python 3.0), The struct Binary Data Module
text and binary files, Using Text and Binary Files
BOM in Python 3.0, Handling the BOM in 3.0
file modes in Python 3.0, Text and Binary Modes in 3.0
type and content mismatches, Type and Content Mismatches
Unicode in Python 2.6, Unicode Files in 2.6
type conversions, Conversions
Unicode files, using, Using Unicode Files
reading and writing in Python 3.0, Reading and Writing Unicode in 3.0
unicode strings, coding, Coding Unicode Strings
Unicode strings, Python 2.6 coding, Coding Unicode Strings in Python 2.6
XML parsing tools, XML Parsing Tools
strong typing, Python’s Core Data Types
struct module string handling, Python 3.0, The struct Binary Data Module
subclasses, Attribute Inheritance Search, Classes Are Customized by Inheritance, Step 4: Customizing Behavior by SubclassingOOP: The Big Idea
coding, Coding SubclassesOOP: The Big Idea
augmenting methods, Augmenting Methods: The Bad WayAugmenting Methods: The Good Way
inheritance, customization, and extension, Inherit, Customize, and Extend
OOP, as illustration of, OOP: The Big Idea
polymorphism, Polymorphism in Action
sum function, Other Built-in Numeric Tools
Super class, Class Interface Techniques
superclasses, Attribute Inheritance Search, Classes Are Customized by Inheritance
abstract superclasses, Abstract SuperclassesPython 2.6 and 3.0 Abstract Superclasses
syntax rules, A Tale of Two ifsBlock rule special case, Python Syntax RulesA Few Special Cases
indentation, Block Delimiters: Indentation Rules
multiline statements, Statement Delimiters: Lines and Continuations
open syntactic pairs rule, A Few Special Cases
sys.exc_info, Running In-Process TestsMore on sys.exc_info
sys.exec_info, The Context Management Protocol, Coding Exceptions Classes
sys.exit(statuscode) call, Catching Too Much: Avoid Empty except and Exception
sys.getdefaultencoding function, String Changes in 3.0
sys.modules table, How Imports Work
sys.path list, The Module Search Path, The sys.path List, Changing the Module Search Path
system namespace partitioning and modules, Why Use Modules?
systems programming, Systems Programming


termination actions, Termination Actions
testdriver function, Running In-Process Tests
tester, nonlocal in Action
testing of code, Testing As You Go, Listing instance attributes with __dict__, Emulating the Python 3.0 print Function
text files, Files, Text and binary files in Python 3.0, Text and Binary Files, Text File Basics
in Python 3.0, Text and Binary Modes in 3.0
text-mode files, Using Text and Binary Files, Source File Character Set Encoding Declarations
threading, Basic Usage, The Grander Module Story: Attributes
time module, Timing Module
alternatives, Timing Module Alternatives
timeit module, Other Suggestions
timer module, keyword-only arguments, Using keyword-only arguments in 3.0
tkinter, IDLE Basics
getting support on Linux, Python Environment Variables
settings, Python Environment Variables
top-level code, Common Coding Gotchas
top-level file, Module Imports and Reloads, How to Structure a Program
traceback, More on sys.exc_info
transitive module reloads, Transitive Module ReloadsTransitive Module Reloads
triple quotes, Triple Quotes Code Multiline Block Strings
True and False, The Built-in Scope
True and False Boolean values, Booleans
true and false values, The Meaning of True and False in Python
true division, Python Expression Operators, Division: Classic, Floor, and True
truth tests, Truth Tests
except statement, Termination Actions
try statement, Missing Keys: if Tests, Python’s Statements, Why Use Exceptions?, Example: Default Behavior
(see also exceptions)
debugging with, Debugging with Outer try Statements
except statement and, Catching Exceptions
nested try statements, Nesting Exception HandlersExample: Syntactic Nesting
Python 2.5 and later, Exception Coding Details
except/else, The try/except/else StatementExample: Catching Built-in Exceptions
try statement clause forms, try Statement Clausestry Statement Clauses
try/else clause, The try else Clause
try/finally statement, The try/finally StatementExample: Coding Termination Actions with try/finally
coding termination actions, Example: Coding Termination Actions with try/finally
unified try/except/finally, Unified try/except/finallyUnified try Example
example, Unified try Example
nesting finally and except, Combining finally and except by Nesting
statement syntax, Unified try Statement Syntax
try/finally statement, Exception Roles, Termination Actions
file and server connection closure, Closing Files and Server Connections
tuple object type, Tuples
tuple-unpacking assignment statements, Assignment Statement Forms
tuples, Variables and Basic Expressions, Tuples, Files, and Everything Else, TuplesWhy Lists and Tuples?
common literals and operations, Tuples
conversions, methods, and immutability, Conversions, methods, and immutability
in for loops, Tuple assignment in for loops
immutability and tuple contents, Conversions, methods, and immutability
lists, compared to, Why Lists and Tuples?
sorting, Conversions, methods, and immutability
supported sequence operations, Tuples in Action
syntax with parentheses and commas, Tuple syntax peculiarities: Commas and parentheses
type class, Metaclasses Are Subclasses of Type
type hierarchies, Python’s Type Hierarchies
type object type, How to Break Your Code’s Flexibility, Type Objects, Classes Are Instances of type, Extending Types by Subclassing


unbound methods, Methods Are Objects: Bound or Unbound, Static Methods in 2.6 and 3.0
Python 3.0 status as functions, Unbound Methods are Functions in 3.0
undefined name exception, Abstract Superclasses
underscore (_), Minimizing from * Damage: _X and __all__
Unicode, Character Encoding Schemes
strings, coding of, Coding Unicode Strings
text, handling in versions 2.6 and 3.0, String Changes in 3.0
Unicode files, Using Unicode Files
reading and writing (Python 3.0), Reading and Writing Unicode in 3.0
decoding mismatches, Decoding mismatches
file input decoding, File input decoding
file output encoding, File output encoding
manual encoding, Manual encoding
unicode string type (Python 2.6), Coding Unicode Strings in Python 2.6
unicode string type (Python 2.x), Python’s String Types, Coding Unicode Strings in Python 2.6
unicode strings, Strings
union function, Generalized Set Functions
unit tests with __name__ attribute, Unit Tests with __name__
unittest, Development Tools for Larger Projects
env lookup trick, Unix Executable Scripts (#!)
executable scripts, Unix Executable Scripts (#!)
Python command line, starting, The Interactive Prompt
Unladen Swallow project, Future Possibilities?
update method, More Dictionary Methods
user base of Python language, Who Uses Python Today?
user-defined classes, User-Defined Classes
user-defined exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions
UTF-8 encoding, Character Encoding Schemes
utility modules, Built-in Numeric Tools


websites, Future Directions
while loop, Sorting Keys: for Loops
versus for loops, Common Coding Gotchas
while statement, while and for Loops
range function and, Counter Loops: while and range
automatic file extensions, Using Command Lines and Files
executable files, displaying output, The input Trick
icon clicks for program initiation, Clicking Icons on Windows
IDLE user interface and, IDLE Basics
program files, opening with icons, Clicking File Icons
Python command line, starting in, The Interactive Prompt
Python files, running in, Running Files with Command Lines
Python standard manual set, The Standard Manual Set
Windows Notepad, file encoding specification, Handling the BOM in 3.0
with statement, Decimal context manager, Other File Tools, The try/finally Statement
with/as extension, Python’s Statements
with/as statement, Termination Actions, with/as Context ManagersThe Context Management Protocol
context management protocol, The Context Management Protocol
usage, Basic Usage
wrapper classes, OOP and Delegation: “Wrapper” Objects
wrapper objects, Managing Calls and Instances
wrappers, catching exceptions with, What Should Be Wrapped
write method, Files in Action


yield expression, Python’s Statements
yield operator, Python Expression Operators
yield statement, Coding Functions, def Statements
usage in generators, Iteration protocol integration
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