Chapter 38. Decorators

In the advanced class topics chapter of this book (Chapter 31), we met static and class methods and took a quick look at the @ decorator syntax Python offers for declaring them. We also met function decorators briefly in the prior chapter (Chapter 37), while exploring the property built-in’s ability to serve as a decorator, and in Chapter 28 while studying the notion of abstract superclasses.

This chapter picks up where the previous decorator coverage left off. Here, we’ll dig deeper into the inner workings of decorators and study more advanced ways to code new decorators ourselves. As we’ll see, many of the concepts we studied in earlier chapters, such as state retention, show up regularly in decorators.

This is a somewhat advanced topic, and decorator construction tends to be of more interest to tool builders than to application programmers. Still, given that decorators are becoming increasingly common in popular Python frameworks, a basic understanding can help demystify their role, even if you’re just a decorator user.

Besides covering decorator construction details, this chapter serves as a more realistic case study of Python in action. Because its examples are somewhat larger than most of the others we’ve seen in this book, they better illustrate how code comes together into more complete systems and tools. As an extra perk, much of the code we’ll write here may be used as general-purpose tools in your day-to-day programs.

What’s a Decorator?

Decoration is a way to specify management code for functions and classes. Decorators themselves take the form of callable objects (e.g., functions) that process other callable objects. As we saw earlier in this book, Python decorators come in two related flavors:

  • Function decorators do name rebinding at function definition time, providing a layer of logic that can manage functions and methods, or later calls to them.

  • Class decorators do name rebinding at class definition time, providing a layer of logic that can manage classes, or the instances created by calling them later.

In short, decorators provide a way to insert automatically run code at the end of function and class definition statements—at the end of a def for function decorators, and at the end of a class for class decorators. Such code can play a variety of roles, as described in the following sections.

Managing Calls and Instances

For example, in typical use, this automatically run code may be used to augment calls to functions and classes. It arranges this by installing wrapper objects to be invoked later:

  • Function decorators install wrapper objects to intercept later function calls and process them as needed.

  • Class decorators install wrapper objects to intercept later instance creation calls and process them as required.

Decorators achieve these effects by automatically rebinding function and class names to other callables, at the end of def and class statements. When later invoked, these callables can perform tasks such as tracing and timing function calls, managing access to class instance attributes, and so on.

Managing Functions and Classes

Although most examples in this chapter deal with using wrappers to intercept later calls to functions and classes, this is not the only way decorators can be used:

  • Function decorators can also be used to manage function objects, instead of later calls to them—to register a function to an API, for instance. Our primary focus here, though, will be on their more commonly used call wrapper application.

  • Class decorators can also be used to manage class objects directly, instead of instance creation calls—to augment a class with new methods, for example. Because this role intersects strongly with that of metaclasses (indeed, both run at the end of the class creation process), we’ll see additional use cases in the next chapter.

In other words, function decorators can be used to manage both function calls and function objects, and class decorators can be used to manage both class instances and classes themselves. By returning the decorated object itself instead of a wrapper, decorators become a simple post-creation step for functions and classes.

Regardless of the role they play, decorators provide a convenient and explicit way to code tools useful both during program development and in live production systems.

Using and Defining Decorators

Depending on your job description, you might encounter decorators as a user or a provider. As we’ve seen, Python itself comes with built-in decorators that have specialized roles—static method declaration, property creation, and more. In addition, many popular Python toolkits include decorators to perform tasks such as managing database or user-interface logic. In such cases, we can get by without knowing how the decorators are coded.

For more general tasks, programmers can code arbitrary decorators of their own. For example, function decorators may be used to augment functions with code that adds call tracing, performs argument validity testing during debugging, automatically acquires and releases thread locks, times calls made to function for optimization, and so on. Any behavior you can imagine adding to a function call is a candidate for custom function decorators.

On the other hand, function decorators are designed to augment only a specific function or method call, not an entire object interface. Class decorators fill the latter role better—because they can intercept instance creation calls, they can be used to implement arbitrary object interface augmentation or management tasks. For example, custom class decorators can trace or validate every attribute reference made for an object. They can also be used to implement proxy objects, singleton classes, and other common coding patterns. In fact, we’ll find that many class decorators bear a strong resemblance to the delegation coding pattern we met in Chapter 30.

Why Decorators?

Like many advanced Python tools, decorators are never strictly required from a purely technical perspective: their functionality can often be implemented instead using simple helper function calls or other techniques (and at a base level, we can always manually code the name rebinding that decorators perform automatically).

That said, decorators provide an explicit syntax for such tasks, which makes intent clearer, can minimize augmentation code redundancy, and may help ensure correct API usage:

  • Decorators have a very explicit syntax, which makes them easier to spot than helper function calls that may be arbitrarily far-removed from the subject functions or classes.

  • Decorators are applied once, when the subject function or class is defined; it’s not necessary to add extra code (which may have to be changed in the future) at every call to the class or function.

  • Because of both of the prior points, decorators make it less likely that a user of an API will forget to augment a function or class according to API requirements.

In other words, beyond their technical model, decorators offer some advantages in terms of code maintenance and aesthetics. Moreover, as structuring tools, decorators naturally foster encapsulation of code, which reduces redundancy and makes future changes easier.

Decorators do have some potential drawbacks, too—when they insert wrapper logic, they can alter the types of the decorated objects, and they may incur extra calls. On the other hand, the same considerations apply to any technique that adds wrapping logic to objects.

We’ll explore these tradeoffs in the context of real code later in this chapter. Although the choice to use decorators is still somewhat subjective, their advantages are compelling enough that they are quickly becoming best practice in the Python world. To help you decide for yourself, let’s turn to the details.

The Basics

Let’s get started with a first-pass look at decoration behavior from a symbolic perspective. We’ll write real code soon, but since most of the magic of decorators boils down to an automatic rebinding operation, it’s important to understand this mapping first.

Function Decorators

Function decorators have been available in Python since version 2.5. As we saw earlier in this book, they are largely just syntactic sugar that runs one function through another at the end of a def statement, and rebinds the original function name to the result.


A function decorator is a kind of runtime declaration about the function whose definition follows. The decorator is coded on a line just before the def statement that defines a function or method, and it consists of the @ symbol followed by a reference to a metafunction—a function (or other callable object) that manages another function.

In terms of code, function decorators automatically map the following syntax:

@decorator              # Decorate function
def F(arg):

F(99)                   # Call function

into this equivalent form, where decorator is a one-argument callable object that returns a callable object with the same number of arguments as F:

def F(arg):
F = decorator(F)        # Rebind function name to decorator result

F(99)                   # Essentially calls decorator(F)(99)

This automatic name rebinding works on any def statement, whether it’s for a simple function or a method within a class. When the function F is later called, it’s actually calling the object returned by the decorator, which may be either another object that implements required wrapping logic, or the original function itself.

In other words, decoration essentially maps the first of the following into the second (though the decorator is really run only once, at decoration time):

func(6, 7)
decorator(func)(6, 7)

This automatic name rebinding accounts for the static method and property decoration syntax we met earlier in the book:

class C:
    def meth(...): ...            # meth = staticmethod(meth)

class C:
    def name(self): ...           # name = property(name)

In both cases, the method name is rebound to the result of a built-in function decorator, at the end of the def statement. Calling the original name later invokes whatever object the decorator returns.


A decorator itself is a callable that returns a callable. That is, it returns the object to be called later when the decorated function is invoked through its original name—either a wrapper object to intercept later calls, or the original function augmented in some way. In fact, decorators can be any type of callable and return any type of callable: any combination of functions and classes may be used, though some are better suited to certain contexts.

For example, to tap into the decoration protocol in order to manage a function just after it is created, we might code a decorator of this form:

def decorator(F):
    # Process function F
    return F

def func(): ...                  # func = decorator(func)

Because the original decorated function is assigned back to its name, this simply adds a post-creation step to function definition. Such a structure might be used to register a function to an API, assign function attributes, and so on.

In more typical use, to insert logic that intercepts later calls to a function, we might code a decorator to return a different object than the original function:

def decorator(F):
    # Save or use function F
    # Return a different callable: nested def, class with __call__, etc.

def func(): ...                  # func = decorator(func)

This decorator is invoked at decoration time, and the callable it returns is invoked when the original function name is later called. The decorator itself receives the decorated function; the callable returned receives whatever arguments are later passed to the decorated function’s name. This works the same for class methods: the implied instance object simply shows up in the first argument of the returned callable.

In skeleton terms, here’s one common coding pattern that captures this idea—the decorator returns a wrapper that retains the original function in an enclosing scope:

def decorator(F):                     # On @ decoration
    def wrapper(*args):               # On wrapped function call
        # Use F and args
        # F(*args) calls original function
    return wrapper

@decorator                            # func = decorator(func)
def func(x, y):                       # func is passed to decorator's F

func(6, 7)                            # 6, 7 are passed to wrapper's *args

When the name func is later called, it really invokes the wrapper function returned by decorator; the wrapper function can then run the original func because it is still available in an enclosing scope. When coded this way, each decorated function produces a new scope to retain state.

To do the same with classes, we can overload the call operation and use instance attributes instead of enclosing scopes:

class decorator:
    def __init__(self, func):         # On @ decoration
        self.func = func
    def __call__(self, *args):        # On wrapped function call
        # Use self.func and args
        # self.func(*args) calls original function

def func(x, y):                       # func = decorator(func)
    ...                               # func is passed to __init__

func(6, 7)                            # 6, 7 are passed to __call__'s *args

When the name func is later called now, it really invokes the __call__ operator overloading method of the instance created by decorator; the __call__ method can then run the original func because it is still available in an instance attribute. When coded this way, each decorated function produces a new instance to retain state.

Supporting method decoration

One subtle point about the prior class-based coding is that while it works to intercept simple function calls, it does not quite work when applied to class method functions:

class decorator:
    def __init__(self, func):           # func is method without instance
        self.func = func
    def __call__(self, *args):          # self is decorator instance
        # self.func(*args) fails!  # C instance not in args!

class C:
    def method(self, x, y):             # method = decorator(method)
        ...                              # Rebound to decorator instance

When coded this way, the decorated method is rebound to an instance of the decorator class, instead of a simple function.

The problem with this is that the self in the decorator’s __call__ receives the decorator class instance when the method is later run, and the instance of class C is never included in *args. This makes it impossible to dispatch the call to the original method—the decorator object retains the original method function, but it has no instance to pass to it.

To support both functions and methods, the nested function alternative works better:

def decorator(F):                       # F is func or method without instance
    def wrapper(*args):                 # class instance in args[0] for method
        # F(*args) runs func or method
    return wrapper

def func(x, y):                         # func = decorator(func)
func(6, 7)                              # Really calls wrapper(6, 7)

class C:
    def method(self, x, y):             # method = decorator(method)
        ...                             # Rebound to simple function

X = C()
X.method(6, 7)                          # Really calls wrapper(X, 6, 7)

When coded this way wrapper receives the C class instance in its first argument, so it can dispatch to the original method and access state information.

Technically, this nested-function version works because Python creates a bound method object and thus passes the subject class instance to the self argument only when a method attribute references a simple function; when it references an instance of a callable class instead, the callable class’s instance is passed to self to give the callable class access to its own state information. We’ll see how this subtle difference can matter in more realistic examples later in this chapter.

Also note that nested functions are perhaps the most straightforward way to support decoration of both functions and methods, but not necessarily the only way. The prior chapter’s descriptors, for example, receive both the descriptor and subject class instance when called. Though more complex, later in this chapter we’ll see how this tool can be leveraged in this context as well.

Class Decorators

Function decorators proved so useful that the model was extended to allow class decoration in Python 2.6 and 3.0. Class decorators are strongly related to function decorators; in fact, they use the same syntax and very similar coding patterns. Rather than wrapping individual functions or methods, though, class decorators are a way to manage classes, or wrap up instance construction calls with extra logic that manages or augments instances created from a class.


Syntactically, class decorators appear just before class statements (just as function decorators appear just before function definitions). In symbolic terms, assuming that decorator is a one-argument function that returns a callable, the class decorator syntax:

@decorator                 # Decorate class
class C:

x = C(99)                  # Make an instance

is equivalent to the following—the class is automatically passed to the decorator function, and the decorator’s result is assigned back to the class name:

class C:
C = decorator(C)           # Rebind class name to decorator result

x = C(99)                  # Essentially calls decorator(C)(99)

The net effect is that calling the class name later to create an instance winds up triggering the callable returned by the decorator, instead of calling the original class itself.


New class decorators are coded using many of the same techniques used for function decorators. Because a class decorator is also a callable that returns a callable, most combinations of functions and classes suffice.

However it’s coded, the decorator’s result is what runs when an instance is later created. For example, to simply manage a class just after it is created, return the original class itself:

def decorator(C):
    # Process class C
    return C

class C: ...                                    # C = decorator(C)

To instead insert a wrapper layer that intercepts later instance creation calls, return a different callable object:

def decorator(C):
    # Save or use class C
    # Return a different callable: nested def, class with __call__, etc.

class C: ...                                    # C = decorator(C)

The callable returned by such a class decorator typically creates and returns a new instance of the original class, augmented in some way to manage its interface. For example, the following inserts an object that intercepts undefined attributes of a class instance:

def decorator(cls):                             # On @ decoration
    class Wrapper:
        def __init__(self, *args):              # On instance creation
            self.wrapped = cls(*args)
        def __getattr__(self, name):            # On attribute fetch
            return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
    return Wrapper

class C:                             # C = decorator(C)
    def __init__(self, x, y):        # Run by Wrapper.__init__
        self.attr = 'spam'

x = C(6, 7)                          # Really calls Wrapper(6, 7)
print(x.attr)                        # Runs Wrapper.__getattr__, prints "spam"

In this example, the decorator rebinds the class name to another class, which retains the original class in an enclosing scope and creates and embeds an instance of the original class when it’s called. When an attribute is later fetched from the instance, it is intercepted by the wrapper’s __getattr__ and delegated to the embedded instance of the original class. Moreover, each decorated class creates a new scope, which remembers the original class. We’ll flesh out this example into some more useful code later in this chapter.

Like function decorators, class decorators are commonly coded as either “factory” functions that create and return callables, classes that use __init__ or __call__ methods to intercept call operations, or some combination thereof. Factory functions typically retain state in enclosing scope references, and classes in attributes.

Supporting multiple instances

As with function decorators, with class decorators some callable type combinations work better than others. Consider the following invalid alternative to the class decorator of the prior example:

class Decorator:
    def __init__(self, C):                    # On @ decoration
        self.C = C
    def __call__(self, *args):                # On instance creation
        self.wrapped = self.C(*args)
        return self
    def __getattr__(self, attrname):          # On atrribute fetch
        return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname)

class C: ...                                  # C = Decorator(C)

x = C()
y = C()                                       # Overwrites x!

This code handles multiple decorated classes (each makes a new Decorator instance) and will intercept instance creation calls (each runs __call__). Unlike the prior version, however, this version fails to handle multiple instances of a given class—each instance creation call overwrites the prior saved instance. The original version does support multiple instances, because each instance creation call makes a new independent wrapper object. More generally, either of the following patterns supports multiple wrapped instances:

def decorator(C):                             # On @ decoration
    class Wrapper:
        def __init__(self, *args):            # On instance creation
            self.wrapped = C(*args)
    return Wrapper

class Wrapper: ...
def decorator(C):                             # On @ decoration
    def onCall(*args):                        # On instance creation
        return Wrapper(C(*args))              # Embed instance in instance
    return onCall

We’ll study this phenomenon in a more realistic context later in the chapter; in practice, though, we must be careful to combine callable types properly to support our intent.

Decorator Nesting

Sometimes one decorator isn’t enough. To support multiple steps of augmentation, decorator syntax allows you to add multiple layers of wrapper logic to a decorated function or method. When this feature is used, each decorator must appear on a line of its own. Decorator syntax of this form:

def f(...):

runs the same as the following:

def f(...):
f = A(B(C(f)))

Here, the original function is passed through three different decorators, and the resulting callable object is assigned back to the original name. Each decorator processes the result of the prior, which may be the original function or an inserted wrapper.

If all the decorators insert wrappers, the net effect is that when the original function name is called, three different layers of wrapping object logic will be invoked, to augment the original function in three different ways. The last decorator listed is the first applied, and the most deeply nested (insert joke about “interior decorators” here...).

Just as for functions, multiple class decorators result in multiple nested function calls, and possibly multiple levels of wrapper logic around instance creation calls. For example, the following code:

class C:

X = C()

is equivalent to the following:

class C:
C = spam(eggs(C))

X = C()

Again, each decorator is free to return either the original class or an inserted wrapper object. With wrappers, when an instance of the original C class is finally requested, the call is redirected to the wrapping layer objects provided by both the spam and eggs decorators, which may have arbitrarily different roles.

For example, the following do-nothing decorators simply return the decorated function:

def d1(F): return F
def d2(F): return F
def d3(F): return F

def func():               # func = d1(d2(d3(func)))

func()                    # Prints "spam"

The same syntax works on classes, as do these same do-nothing decorators.

When decorators insert wrapper function objects, though, they may augment the original function when called—the following concatenates to its result in the decorator layers, as it runs the layers from inner to outer:

def d1(F): return lambda: 'X' + F()
def d2(F): return lambda: 'Y' + F()
def d3(F): return lambda: 'Z' + F()

def func():               # func = d1(d2(d3(func)))
    return 'spam'

print(func())             # Prints "XYZspam"

We use lambda functions to implement wrapper layers here (each retains the wrapped function in an enclosing scope); in practice, wrappers can take the form of functions, callable classes, and more. When designed well, decorator nesting allows us to combine augmentation steps in a wide variety of ways.

Decorator Arguments

Both function and class decorators can also seem to take arguments, although really these arguments are passed to a callable that in effect returns the decorator, which in turn returns a callable. The following, for instance:

@decorator(A, B)
def F(arg):


is automatically mapped into this equivalent form, where decorator is a callable that returns the actual decorator. The returned decorator in turn returns the callable run later for calls to the original function name:

def F(arg):
F = decorator(A, B)(F)    # Rebind F to result of decorator's return value

F(99)                     # Essentially calls decorator(A, B)(F)(99)

Decorator arguments are resolved before decoration ever occurs, and they are usually used to retain state information for use in later calls. The decorator function in this example, for instance, might take a form like the following:

def decorator(A, B):
    # Save or use A, B
    def actualDecorator(F):
        # Save or use function F
        # Return a callable: nested def, class with __call__, etc.
        return callable
    return actualDecorator

The outer function in this structure generally saves the decorator arguments away as state information, for use in the actual decorator, the callable it returns, or both. This code snippet retains the state information argument in enclosing function scope references, but class attributes are commonly used as well.

In other words, decorator arguments often imply three levels of callables: a callable to accept decorator arguments, which returns a callable to serve as decorator, which returns a callable to handle calls to the original function or class. Each of the three levels may be a function or class and may retain state in the form of scopes or class attributes. We’ll see concrete examples of decorator arguments employed later in this chapter.

Decorators Manage Functions and Classes, Too

Although much of the rest of this chapter focuses on wrapping later calls to functions and classes, I should underscore that the decorator mechanism is more general than this—it is a protocol for passing functions and classes through a callable immediately after they are created. As such, it can also be used to invoke arbitrary post-creation processing:

def decorator(O):
    # Save or augment function or class O
    return O

def F(): ...                 # F = decorator(F)

class C: ...                 # C = decorator(C)

As long as we return the original decorated object this way instead of a wrapper, we can manage functions and classes themselves, not just later calls to them. We’ll see more realistic examples later in this chapter that use this idea to register callable objects to an API with decoration and assign attributes to functions when they are created.

Coding Function Decorators

On to the code—in the rest of this chapter, we are going to study working examples that demonstrate the decorator concepts we just explored. This section presents a handful of function decorators at work, and the next shows class decorators in action. Following that, we’ll close out with some larger case studies of class and function decorator usage.

Tracing Calls

To get started, let’s revive the call tracer example we met in Chapter 31. The following defines and applies a function decorator that counts the number of calls made to the decorated function and prints a trace message for each call:

class tracer:
    def __init__(self, func):             # On @ decoration: save original func
        self.calls = 0
        self.func = func
    def __call__(self, *args):            # On later calls: run original func
        self.calls += 1
        print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))

def spam(a, b, c):           # spam = tracer(spam)
    print(a + b + c)         # Wraps spam in a decorator object

Notice how each function decorated with this class will create a new instance, with its own saved function object and calls counter. Also observe how the *args argument syntax is used to pack and unpack arbitrarily many passed-in arguments. This generality enables this decorator to be used to wrap any function with any number of arguments (this version doesn’t yet work on class methods, but we’ll fix that later in this section).

Now, if we import this module’s function and test it interactively, we get the following sort of behavior—each call generates a trace message initially, because the decorator class intercepts it. This code runs under both Python 2.6 and 3.0, as does all code in this chapter unless otherwise noted:

>>> from decorator1 import spam

>>> spam(1, 2, 3)            # Really calls the tracer wrapper object
call 1 to spam

>>> spam('a', 'b', 'c')      # Invokes __call__ in class
call 2 to spam

>>> spam.calls               # Number calls in wrapper state information
>>> spam
<decorator1.tracer object at 0x02D9A730>

When run, the tracer class saves away the decorated function, and intercepts later calls to it, in order to add a layer of logic that counts and prints each call. Notice how the total number of calls shows up as an attribute of the decorated function—spam is really an instance of the tracer class when decorated (a finding that may have ramifications for programs that do type checking, but is generally benign).

For function calls, the @ decoration syntax can be more convenient than modifying each call to account for the extra logic level, and it avoids accidentally calling the original function directly. Consider a nondecorator equivalent such as the following:

calls = 0
def tracer(func, *args):
    global calls
    calls += 1
    print('call %s to %s' % (calls, func.__name__))

def spam(a, b, c):
    print(a, b, c)

>>> spam(1, 2, 3)            # Normal non-traced call: accidental?
1 2 3

>>> tracer(spam, 1, 2, 3)    # Special traced call without decorators
call 1 to spam
1 2 3

This alternative can be used on any function without the special @ syntax, but unlike the decorator version, it requires extra syntax at every place where the function is called in your code; furthermore, its intent may not be as obvious, and it does not ensure that the extra layer will be invoked for normal calls. Although decorators are never required (we can always rebind names manually), they are often the most convenient option.

State Information Retention Options

The last example of the prior section raises an important issue. Function decorators have a variety of options for retaining state information provided at decoration time, for use during the actual function call. They generally need to support multiple decorated objects and multiple calls, but there are a number of ways to implement these goals: instance attributes, global variables, nonlocal variables, and function attributes can all be used for retaining state.

Class instance attributes

For example, here is an augmented version of the prior example, which adds support for keyword arguments and returns the wrapped function’s result to support more use cases:

class tracer:                                # State via instance attributes
    def __init__(self, func):                # On @ decorator
        self.calls = 0                       # Save func for later call
        self.func  = func
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):     # On call to original function
        self.calls += 1
        print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))
        return self.func(*args, **kwargs)

def spam(a, b, c):          # Same as: spam = tracer(spam)
    print(a + b + c)        # Triggers tracer.__init__

def eggs(x, y):             # Same as: eggs = tracer(eggs)
    print(x ** y)           # Wraps eggs in a tracer object

spam(1, 2, 3)               # Really calls tracer instance: runs tracer.__call__
spam(a=4, b=5, c=6)         # spam is an instance attribute

eggs(2, 16)                 # Really calls tracer instance, self.func is eggs
eggs(4, y=4)                # self.calls is per-function here (need 3.0 nonlocal)

Like the original, this uses class instance attributes to save state explicitly. Both the wrapped function and the calls counter are per-instance information—each decoration gets its own copy. When run as a script under either 2.6 or 3.0, the output of this version is as follows; notice how the spam and eggs functions each have their own calls counter, because each decoration creates a new class instance:

call 1 to spam
call 2 to spam
call 1 to eggs
call 2 to eggs

While useful for decorating functions, this coding scheme has issues when applied to methods (more on this later).

Enclosing scopes and globals

Enclosing def scope references and nested defs can often achieve the same effect, especially for static data like the decorated original function. In this example, though, we would also need a counter in the enclosing scope that changes on each call, and that’s not possible in Python 2.6. In 2.6, we can either use classes and attributes, as we did earlier, or move the state variable out to the global scope, with global declarations:

calls = 0
def tracer(func):                         # State via enclosing scope and global
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):         # Instead of class attributes
        global calls                      # calls is global, not per-function
        calls += 1
        print('call %s to %s' % (calls, func.__name__))
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def spam(a, b, c):        # Same as: spam = tracer(spam)
    print(a + b + c)

def eggs(x, y):           # Same as: eggs = tracer(eggs)
    print(x ** y)

spam(1, 2, 3)             # Really calls wrapper, bound to func
spam(a=4, b=5, c=6)       # wrapper calls spam

eggs(2, 16)               # Really calls wrapper, bound to eggs
eggs(4, y=4)              # Global calls is not per-function here!

Unfortunately, moving the counter out to the common global scope to allow it to be changed like this also means that it will be shared by every wrapped function. Unlike class instance attributes, global counters are cross-program, not per-function—the counter is incremented for any traced function call. You can tell the difference if you compare this version’s output with the prior version’s—the single, shared global call counter is incorrectly updated by calls to every decorated function:

call 1 to spam
call 2 to spam
call 3 to eggs
call 4 to eggs

Enclosing scopes and nonlocals

Shared global state may be what we want in some cases. If we really want a per-function counter, though, we can either use classes as before, or make use of the new nonlocal statement in Python 3.0, described in Chapter 17. Because this new statement allows enclosing function scope variables to be changed, they can serve as per-decoration and changeable data:

def tracer(func):                        # State via enclosing scope and nonlocal
    calls = 0                            # Instead of class attrs or global
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):        # calls is per-function, not global
        nonlocal calls
        calls += 1
        print('call %s to %s' % (calls, func.__name__))
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def spam(a, b, c):        # Same as: spam = tracer(spam)
    print(a + b + c)

def eggs(x, y):           # Same as: eggs = tracer(eggs)
    print(x ** y)

spam(1, 2, 3)             # Really calls wrapper, bound to func
spam(a=4, b=5, c=6)       # wrapper calls spam

eggs(2, 16)               # Really calls wrapper, bound to eggs
eggs(4, y=4)              # Nonlocal calls _is_ not per-function here

Now, because enclosing scope variables are not cross-program globals, each wrapped function gets its own counter again, just as for classes and attributes. Here’s the new output when run under 3.0:

call 1 to spam
call 2 to spam
call 1 to eggs
call 2 to eggs

Function attributes

Finally, if you are not using Python 3.X and don’t have a nonlocal statement, you may still be able to avoid globals and classes by making use of function attributes for some changeable state instead. In recent Pythons, we can assign arbitrary attributes to functions to attach them, with func.attr=value. In our example, we can simply use wrapper.calls for state. The following works the same as the preceding nonlocal version because the counter is again per-decorated-function, but it also runs in Python 2.6:

def tracer(func):                        # State via enclosing scope and func attr
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):        # calls is per-function, not global
        wrapper.calls += 1
        print('call %s to %s' % (wrapper.calls, func.__name__))
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    wrapper.calls = 0
    return wrapper

Notice that this only works because the name wrapper is retained in the enclosing tracer function’s scope. When we later increment wrapper.calls, we are not changing the name wrapper itself, so no nonlocal declaration is required.

This scheme was almost relegated to a footnote, because it is more obscure than nonlocal in 3.0 and is probably better saved for cases where other schemes don’t help. However, we will employ it in an answer to one of the end-of-chapter questions, where we’ll need to access the saved state from outside the decorator’s code; nonlocals can only be seen inside the nested function itself, but function attributes have wider visibility.

Because decorators often imply multiple levels of callables, you can combine functions with enclosing scopes and classes with attributes to achieve a variety of coding structures. As we’ll see later, though, this sometimes may be subtler than you expect—each decorated function should have its own state, and each decorated class may require state both for itself and for each generated instance.

In fact, as the next section will explain, if we want to apply function decorators to class methods, too, we also have to be careful about the distinction Python makes between decorators coded as callable class instance objects and decorators coded as functions.

Class Blunders I: Decorating Class Methods

When I wrote the first tracer function decorator above, I naively assumed that it could also be applied to any method—decorated methods should work the same, but the automatic self instance argument would simply be included at the front of *args. Unfortunately, I was wrong: when applied to a class’s method, the first version of the tracer fails, because self is the instance of the decorator class and the instance of the decorated subject class is not included in *args. This is true in both Python 3.0 and 2.6.

I introduced this phenomenon earlier in this chapter, but now we can see it in the context of realistic working code. Given the class-based tracing decorator:

class tracer:
    def __init__(self, func):                # On @ decorator
        self.calls = 0                       # Save func for later call
        self.func  = func
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):     # On call to original function
        self.calls += 1
        print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))
        return self.func(*args, **kwargs)

decoration of simple functions works as advertised earlier:

def spam(a, b, c):                           # spam = tracer(spam)
    print(a + b + c)                         # Triggers tracer.__init__

spam(1, 2, 3)                                # Runs tracer.__call__
spam(a=4, b=5, c=6)                          # spam is an instance attribute

However, decoration of class methods fails (more lucid readers might recognize this as our Person class resurrected from the object-oriented tutorial in Chapter 27):

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, pay): = name  = pay

    def giveRaise(self, percent):            # giveRaise = tracer(giveRaise) *= (1.0 + percent)

    def lastName(self):                      # lastName = tracer(lastName)

bob = Person('Bob Smith', 50000)             # tracer remembers method funcs
bob.giveRaise(.25)                           # Runs tracer.__call__(???, .25)
print(bob.lastName())                        # Runs tracer.__call__(???)

The root of the problem here is in the self argument of the tracer class’s __call__ method—is it a tracer instance or a Person instance? We really need both as it’s coded: the tracer for decorator state, and the Person for routing on to the original method. Really, self must be the tracer object, to provide access to tracer’s state information; this is true whether decorating a simple function or a method.

Unfortunately, when our decorated method name is rebound to a class instance object with a __call__, Python passes only the tracer instance to self; it doesn’t pass along the Person subject in the arguments list at all. Moreover, because the tracer knows nothing about the Person instance we are trying to process with method calls, there’s no way to create a bound method with an instance, and thus no way to correctly dispatch the call.

In fact, the prior listing winds up passing too few arguments to the decorated method, and results in an error. Add a line to the decorator’s __call__ to print all its arguments to verify this; as you can see, self is the tracer, and the Person instance is entirely absent:

<__main__.tracer object at 0x02D6AD90> (0.25,) {}
call 1 to giveRaise
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/misc/", line 56, in <module>
  File "C:/misc/", line 9, in __call__
    return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: giveRaise() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (1 given)

As mentioned earlier, this happens because Python passes the implied subject instance to self when a method name is bound to a simple function only; when it is an instance of a callable class, that class’s instance is passed instead. Technically, Python only makes a bound method object containing the subject instance when the method is a simple function.

Using nested functions to decorate methods

If you want your function decorators to work on both simple functions and class methods, the most straightforward solution lies in using one of the other state retention solutions described earlier—code your function decorator as nested defs, so that you don’t depend on a single self instance argument to be both the wrapper class instance and the subject class instance.

The following alternative applies this fix using Python 3.0 nonlocals. Because decorated methods are rebound to simple functions instead of instance objects, Python correctly passes the Person object as the first argument, and the decorator propagates it on in the first item of *args to the self argument of the real, decorated methods:

# A decorator for both functions and methods

def tracer(func):                        # Use function, not class with __call__
    calls = 0                            # Else "self" is decorator instance only!
    def onCall(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal calls
        calls += 1
        print('call %s to %s' % (calls, func.__name__))
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return onCall

# Applies to simple functions

def spam(a, b, c):                       # spam = tracer(spam)
    print(a + b + c)                     # onCall remembers spam

spam(1, 2, 3)                            # Runs onCall(1, 2, 3)
spam(a=4, b=5, c=6)

# Applies to class method functions too!

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, pay): = name  = pay

    def giveRaise(self, percent):        # giveRaise = tracer(giveRaise) *= (1.0 + percent)      # onCall remembers giveRaise

    def lastName(self):                  # lastName = tracer(lastName)

bob = Person('Bob Smith', 50000)
sue = Person('Sue Jones', 100000)
sue.giveRaise(.10)                       # Runs onCall(sue, .10)
print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())    # Runs onCall(bob), lastName in scopes

This version works the same on both functions and methods:

call 1 to spam
call 2 to spam
Bob Smith Sue Jones
call 1 to giveRaise
call 1 to lastName
call 2 to lastName
Smith Jones

Using descriptors to decorate methods

Although the nested function solution illustrated in the prior section is the most straightforward way to support decorators that apply to both functions and class methods, other schemes are possible. The descriptor feature we explored in the prior chapter, for example, can help here as well.

Recall from our discussion in that chapter that a descriptor may be a class attribute assigned to objects with a __get__ method run automatically when that attribute is referenced and fetched (object derivation is required in Python 2.6, but not 3.0):

class Descriptor(object):
    def __get__(self, instance, owner): ...

class Subject:
    attr = Descriptor()

X = Subject()
X.attr         # Roughly runs Descriptor.__get__(Subject.attr, X, Subject)

Descriptors may also have __set__ and __del__ access methods, but we don’t need them here. Now, because the descriptor’s __get__ method receives both the descriptor class and subject class instances when invoked, it’s well suited to decorating methods when we need both the decorator’s state and the original class instance for dispatching calls. Consider the following alternative tracing decorator, which is also a descriptor:

class tracer(object):
    def __init__(self, func):                # On @ decorator
        self.calls = 0                       # Save func for later call
        self.func  = func
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):     # On call to original func
        self.calls += 1
        print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))
        return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):      # On method attribute fetch
        return wrapper(self, instance)

class wrapper:
    def __init__(self, desc, subj):          # Save both instances
        self.desc = desc                     # Route calls back to  decr
        self.subj = subj
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.desc(self.subj, *args, **kwargs)  # Runs tracer.__call__

def spam(a, b, c):                           # spam = tracer(spam)
    ...same as prior...                      # Uses __call__ only

class Person:
    def giveRaise(self, percent):            # giveRaise = tracer(giverRaise)
        ...same as prior...                  # Makes giveRaise a descriptor

This works the same as the preceding nested function coding. Decorated functions invoke only its __call__, while decorated methods invoke its __get__ first to resolve the method name fetch (on instance.method); the object returned by __get__ retains the subject class instance and is then invoked to complete the call expression, thereby triggering __call__ (on (args...)). For example, the test code’s call to:

sue.giveRaise(.10)                           # Runs __get__ then __call__

run’s tracer.__get__ first, because the giveRaise attribute in the Person class has been rebound to a descriptor by the function decorator. The call expression then triggers the __call__ method of the returned wrapper object, which in turn invokes tracer.__call__.

The wrapper object retains both descriptor and subject instances, so it can route control back to the original decorator/descriptor class instance. In effect, the wrapper object saves the subject class instance available during method attribute fetch and adds it to the later call’s arguments list, which is passed to __call__. Routing the call back to the descriptor class instance this way is required in this application so that all calls to a wrapped method use the same calls counter state information in the descriptor instance object.

Alternatively, we could use a nested function and enclosing scope references to achieve the same effect—the following version works the same as the preceding one, by swapping a class and object attributes for a nested function and scope references, but it requires noticeably less code:

class tracer(object):
    def __init__(self, func):                # On @ decorator
        self.calls = 0                       # Save func for later call
        self.func  = func
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):     # On call to original func
        self.calls += 1
        print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))
        return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):                # On method fetch
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):                  # Retain both inst
            return self(instance, *args, **kwargs)     # Runs __call__
        return wrapper

Add print statements to these alternatives’ methods to trace the two-step get/call process on your own, and run them with the same test code as in the nested function alternative shown earlier. In either coding, this descriptor-based scheme is also substantially subtler than the nested function option, and so is probably a second choice here; it may be a useful coding pattern in other contexts, though.

In the rest of this chapter we’re going to be fairly casual about using classes or functions to code our function decorators, as long as they are applied only to functions. Some decorators may not require the instance of the original class, and will still work on both functions and methods if coded as a class—something like Python’s own staticmethod decorator, for example, wouldn’t require an instance of the subject class (indeed, its whole point is to remove the instance from the call).

The moral of this story, though, is that if you want your decorators to work on both simple functions and class methods, you’re better off using the nested-function-based coding pattern outlined here instead of a class with call interception.

Timing Calls

To sample the fuller flavor of what function decorators are capable of, let’s turn to a different use case. Our next decorator times calls made to a decorated function—both the time for one call, and the total time among all calls. The decorator is applied to two functions, in order to compare the time requirements of list comprehensions and the map built-in call (for comparison, also see Chapter 20 for another nondecorator example that times iteration alternatives like these):

import time

class timer:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func    = func
        self.alltime = 0
    def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):
        start   = time.clock()
        result  = self.func(*args, **kargs)
        elapsed = time.clock() - start
        self.alltime += elapsed
        print('%s: %.5f, %.5f' % (self.func.__name__, elapsed, self.alltime))
        return result

def listcomp(N):
    return [x * 2 for x in range(N)]

def mapcall(N):
    return map((lambda x: x * 2), range(N))

result = listcomp(5)                # Time for this call, all calls, return value
print('allTime = %s' % listcomp.alltime)      # Total time for all listcomp calls

result = mapcall(5)
print('allTime = %s' % mapcall.alltime)       # Total time for all mapcall calls

print('map/comp = %s' % round(mapcall.alltime / listcomp.alltime, 3))

In this case, a nondecorator approach would allow the subject functions to be used with or without timing, but it would also complicate the call signature when timing is desired (we’d need to add code at every call instead of once at the def), and there would be no direct way to guarantee that all list builder calls in a program are routed through timer logic, short of finding and potentially changing them all.

When run in Python 2.6, the output of this file’s self-test code is as follows:

listcomp: 0.00002, 0.00002
listcomp: 0.00910, 0.00912
listcomp: 0.09105, 0.10017
listcomp: 0.17605, 0.27622
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
allTime = 0.276223304917

mapcall: 0.00003, 0.00003
mapcall: 0.01363, 0.01366
mapcall: 0.13579, 0.14945
mapcall: 0.27648, 0.42593
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
allTime = 0.425933533452
map/comp = 1.542

Testing subtlety: I didn’t run this under Python 3.0 because, as described in Chapter 14, the map built-in returns an iterator in 3.0, instead of an actual list as in 2.6. Hence, 3.0’s map doesn’t quite compare directly to a list comprehension’s work (as is, the map test takes virtually no time at all in 3.0!).

If you wish to run this under 3.0, too, use list(map()) to force it to build a list like the list comprehension does, or else you’re not really comparing apples to apples. Don’t do so in 2.6, though—if you do, the map test will be charged for building two lists, not one.

The following sort of code would pick fairly for 2.6 and 3.0; note, though, that while this makes the comparison between list comprehensions and map more fair in either 2.6 or 3.0, because range is also an iterator in 3.0, the results for 2.6 and 3.0 won’t compare directly:

import sys

def listcomp(N):
    return [x * 2 for x in range(N)]

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    def mapcall(N):
        return map((lambda x: x * 2), range(N))
    def mapcall(N):
        return list(map((lambda x: x * 2), range(N)))

Finally, as we learned in the modules part of this book if you want to be able to reuse this decorator in other modules, you should indent the self-test code at the bottom of the file under a __name__ == '__main__' test so it runs only when the file is run, not when it’s imported. We won’t do this, though, because we’re about to add another feature to our code.

Adding Decorator Arguments

The timer decorator of the prior section works, but it would be nice if it was more configurable—providing an output label and turning trace messages on and off, for instance, might be useful in a general-purpose tool like this. Decorator arguments come in handy here: when they’re coded properly, we can use them to specify configuration options that can vary for each decorated function. A label, for instance, might be added as follows:

def timer(label=''):
    def decorator(func):
        def onCall(*args):          # args passed to function
            ...                     # func retained in enclosing scope
            print(label, ...        # label retained in enclosing scope
        return onCall
    return decorator                # Returns that actual decorator

@timer('==>')                       # Like listcomp = timer('==>')(listcomp)
def listcomp(N): ...                # listcomp is rebound to decorator

listcomp(...)                       # Really calls decorator

This code adds an enclosing scope to retain a decorator argument for use on a later actual call. When the listcomp function is defined, it really invokes decorator (the result of timer, run before decoration actually occurs), with the label value available in its enclosing scope. That is, timer returns the decorator, which remembers both the decorator argument and the original function and returns a callable which invokes the original function on later calls.

We can put this structure to use in our timer to allow a label and a trace control flag to be passed in at decoration time. Here’s an example that does just that, coded in a module file named so it can be imported as a general tool:

import time

def timer(label='', trace=True):                  # On decorator args: retain args
    class Timer:
        def __init__(self, func):                 # On @: retain decorated func
            self.func    = func
            self.alltime = 0
        def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):       # On calls: call original
            start   = time.clock()
            result  = self.func(*args, **kargs)
            elapsed = time.clock() - start
            self.alltime += elapsed
            if trace:
                format = '%s %s: %.5f, %.5f'
                values = (label, self.func.__name__, elapsed, self.alltime)
                print(format % values)
            return result
    return Timer

Mostly all we’ve done here is embed the original Timer class in an enclosing function, in order to create a scope that retains the decorator arguments. The outer timer function is called before decoration occurs, and it simply returns the Timer class to serve as the actual decorator. On decoration, an instance of Timer is made that remembers the decorated function itself, but also has access to the decorator arguments in the enclosing function scope.

This time, rather than embedding self-test code in this file, we’ll run the decorator in a different file. Here’s a client of our timer decorator, the module file, applying it to sequence iteration alternatives again:

from mytools import timer

def listcomp(N):                           # Like listcomp = timer(...)(listcomp)
    return [x * 2 for x in range(N)]       # listcomp(...) triggers Timer.__call__

@timer(trace=True, label='[MMM]==>')
def mapcall(N):
    return map((lambda x: x * 2), range(N))

for func in (listcomp, mapcall):
    result = func(5)        # Time for this call, all calls, return value
    print('allTime = %s' % func.alltime)   # Total time for all calls

print('map/comp = %s' % round(mapcall.alltime / listcomp.alltime, 3))

Again, if you wish to run this fairly in 3.0, wrap the map function in a list call. When run as-is in 2.6, this file prints the following output—each decorated function now has a label of its own, defined by decorator arguments:

[CCC]==> listcomp: 0.00003, 0.00003
[CCC]==> listcomp: 0.00640, 0.00643
[CCC]==> listcomp: 0.08687, 0.09330
[CCC]==> listcomp: 0.17911, 0.27241
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
allTime = 0.272407666337

[MMM]==> mapcall: 0.00004, 0.00004
[MMM]==> mapcall: 0.01340, 0.01343
[MMM]==> mapcall: 0.13907, 0.15250
[MMM]==> mapcall: 0.27907, 0.43157
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
allTime = 0.431572169089
map/comp = 1.584

As usual, we can also test this interactively to see how the configuration arguments come into play:

>>> from mytools import timer
>>> @timer(trace=False)                    # No tracing, collect total time
... def listcomp(N):
...     return [x * 2 for x in range(N)]
>>> x = listcomp(5000)
>>> x = listcomp(5000)
>>> x = listcomp(5000)
>>> listcomp
<mytools.Timer instance at 0x025C77B0>
>>> listcomp.alltime

>>> @timer(trace=True, label='	=>')       # Turn on tracing
... def listcomp(N):
...     return [x * 2 for x in range(N)]
>>> x = listcomp(5000)
        => listcomp: 0.00155, 0.00155
>>> x = listcomp(5000)
        => listcomp: 0.00156, 0.00311
>>> x = listcomp(5000)
        => listcomp: 0.00174, 0.00486
>>> listcomp.alltime

This timing function decorator can be used for any function, both in modules and interactively. In other words, it automatically qualifies as a general-purpose tool for timing code in our scripts. Watch for another example of decorator arguments in the section Implementing Private Attributes, and again in A Basic Range-Testing Decorator for Positional Arguments.


Timing methods: This section’s timer decorator works on any function, but a minor rewrite is required to be able to apply it to class methods too. In short, as our earlier section Class Blunders I: Decorating Class Methods illustrated, it must avoid using a nested class. Because this mutation will be a subject of one of our end-of-chapter quiz questions, though, I’ll avoid giving away the answer completely here.

Coding Class Decorators

So far we’ve been coding function decorators to manage function calls, but as we’ve seen, Python 2.6 and 3.0 extend decorators to work on classes too. As described earlier, while similar in concept to function decorators, class decorators are applied to classes instead—they may be used either to manage classes themselves, or to intercept instance creation calls in order to manage instances. Also like function decorators, class decorators are really just optional syntactic sugar, though many believe that they make a programmer’s intent more obvious and minimize erroneous calls.

Singleton Classes

Because class decorators may intercept instance creation calls, they can be used to either manage all the instances of a class, or augment the interfaces of those instances. To demonstrate, here’s a first class decorator example that does the former—managing all instances of a class. This code implements the classic singleton coding pattern, where at most one instance of a class ever exists. Its singleton function defines and returns a function for managing instances, and the @ syntax automatically wraps up a subject class in this function:

instances = {}
def getInstance(aClass, *args):                 # Manage global table
    if aClass not in instances:                 # Add **kargs for keywords
        instances[aClass] = aClass(*args)       # One dict entry per class
    return instances[aClass]

def singleton(aClass):                          # On @ decoration
    def onCall(*args):                          # On instance creation
        return getInstance(aClass, *args)
    return onCall

To use this, decorate the classes for which you want to enforce a single-instance model:

@singleton                                      # Person = singleton(Person)
class Person:                                   # Rebinds Person to onCall
     def __init__(self, name, hours, rate):     # onCall remembers Person = name
        self.hours = hours
        self.rate = rate
     def pay(self):
        return self.hours * self.rate

@singleton                                      # Spam = singleton(Spam)
class Spam:                                     # Rebinds Spam to onCall
    def __init__(self, val):                    # onCall remembers Spam
        self.attr = val

bob = Person('Bob', 40, 10)                     # Really calls onCall

sue = Person('Sue', 50, 20)                     # Same, single object

X = Spam(42)                                    # One Person, one Spam
Y = Spam(99)
print(X.attr, Y.attr)

Now, when the Person or Spam class is later used to create an instance, the wrapping logic layer provided by the decorator routes instance construction calls to onCall, which in turn calls getInstance to manage and share a single instance per class, regardless of how many construction calls are made. Here’s this code’s output:

Bob 400
Bob 400
42 42

Interestingly, you can code a more self-contained solution here if you’re able to use the nonlocal statement (available in Python 3.0 and later) to change enclosing scope names, as described earlier—the following alternative achieves an identical effect, by using one enclosing scope per class, instead of one global table entry per class:

def singleton(aClass):                          # On @ decoration
    instance = None
    def onCall(*args):                          # On instance creation
        nonlocal instance                       # 3.0 and later nonlocal
        if instance == None:
            instance = aClass(*args)            # One scope per class
        return instance
    return onCall

This version works the same, but it does not depend on names in the global scope outside the decorator. In either Python 2.6 or 3.0, you can also code a self-contained solution with a class instead—the following uses one instance per class, rather than an enclosing scope or global table, and works the same as the other two versions (in fact, it relies on the same coding pattern that we will later see is a common decorator class blunder; here we want just one instance, but that’s not always the case):

class singleton:
    def __init__(self, aClass):                 # On @ decoration
        self.aClass = aClass
        self.instance = None
    def __call__(self, *args):                  # On instance creation
        if self.instance == None:
            self.instance = self.aClass(*args)  # One instance per class
        return self.instance

To make this decorator a fully general-purpose tool, store it in an importable module file, indent the self-test code under a __name__ check, and add support for keyword arguments in construction calls with **kargs syntax (I’ll leave this as a suggested exercise).

Tracing Object Interfaces

The singleton example of the prior section illustrated using class decorators to manage all the instances of a class. Another common use case for class decorators augments the interface of each generated instance. Class decorators can essentially install on instances a wrapper logic layer that manages access to their interfaces in some way.

For example, in Chapter 30, the __getattr__ operator overloading method is shown as a way to wrap up entire object interfaces of embedded instances, in order to implement the delegation coding pattern. We saw similar examples in the managed attribute coverage of the prior chapter. Recall that __getattr__ is run when an undefined attribute name is fetched; we can use this hook to intercept method calls in a controller class and propagate them to an embedded object.

For reference, here’s the original nondecorator delegation example, working on two built-in type objects:

class Wrapper:
    def __init__(self, object):
        self.wrapped = object                    # Save object
    def __getattr__(self, attrname):
        print('Trace:', attrname)                # Trace fetch
        return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname)   # Delegate fetch

>>> x = Wrapper([1,2,3])                         # Wrap a list
>>> x.append(4)                                  # Delegate to list method
Trace: append
>>> x.wrapped                                    # Print my member
[1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> x = Wrapper({"a": 1, "b": 2})                # Wrap a dictionary
>>> list(x.keys())                               # Delegate to dictionary method
Trace: keys                                      # Use list() in 3.0
['a', 'b']

In this code, the Wrapper class intercepts access to any of the wrapped object’s attributes, prints a trace message, and uses the getattr built-in to pass off the request to the wrapped object. Specifically, it traces attribute accesses made outside the wrapped object’s class; accesses inside the wrapped object’s methods are not caught and run normally by design. This whole-interface model differs from the behavior of function decorators, which wrap up just one specific method.

Class decorators provide an alternative and convenient way to code this __getattr__ technique to wrap an entire interface. In 2.6 and 3.0, for example, the prior class example can be coded as a class decorator that triggers wrapped instance creation, instead of passing a pre-made instance into the wrapper’s constructor (also augmented here to support keyword arguments with **kargs and to count the number of accesses made):

def Tracer(aClass):                                   # On @ decorator
    class Wrapper:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):           # On instance creation
            self.fetches = 0
            self.wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)     # Use enclosing scope name
        def __getattr__(self, attrname):
            print('Trace: ' + attrname)               # Catches all but own attrs
            self.fetches += 1
            return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname)    # Delegate to wrapped obj
    return Wrapper

class Spam:                                    # Spam = Tracer(Spam)
    def display(self):                         # Spam is rebound to Wrapper
        print('Spam!' * 8)

class Person:                                  # Person = Tracer(Person)
    def __init__(self, name, hours, rate):     # Wrapper remembers Person = name
        self.hours = hours
        self.rate = rate
    def pay(self):                             # Accesses outside class traced
        return self.hours * self.rate          # In-method accesses not traced

food = Spam()                                  # Triggers Wrapper()
food.display()                                 # Triggers __getattr__

bob = Person('Bob', 40, 50)                    # bob is really a Wrapper
print(                                # Wrapper embeds a Person

sue = Person('Sue', rate=100, hours=60)        # sue is a different Wrapper
print(                                # with a different Person

print(                                # bob has different state
print([bob.fetches, sue.fetches])              # Wrapper attrs not traced

It’s important to note that this is very different from the tracer decorator we met earlier. In Coding Function Decorators, we looked at decorators that enabled us to trace and time calls to a given function or method. In contrast, by intercepting instance creation calls, the class decorator here allows us to trace an entire object interface—i.e., accesses to any of its attributes.

The following is the output produced by this code under both 2.6 and 3.0: attribute fetches on instances of both the Spam and Person classes invoke the __getattr__ logic in the Wrapper class, because food and bob are really instances of Wrapper, thanks to the decorator’s redirection of instance creation calls:

Trace: display
Trace: name
Trace: pay

Trace: name
Trace: pay
Trace: name
Trace: pay
[4, 2]

Notice that the preceding code decorates a user-defined class. Just like in the original example in Chapter 30, we can also use the decorator to wrap up a built-in type such as a list, as long as we either subclass to allow decoration syntax or perform the decoration manually—decorator syntax requires a class statement for the @ line.

In the following, x is really a Wrapper again due to the indirection of decoration (I moved the decorator class to module file in order to reuse it this way):

>>> from tracer import Tracer     # Decorator moved to a module file

>>> @Tracer
... class MyList(list): pass      # MyList = Tracer(MyList)

>>> x = MyList([1, 2, 3])         # Triggers Wrapper()
>>> x.append(4)                   # Triggers __getattr__, append
Trace: append
>>> x.wrapped
[1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> WrapList = Tracer(list)       # Or perform decoration manually
>>> x = WrapList([4, 5, 6])       # Else subclass statement required
>>> x.append(7)
Trace: append
>>> x.wrapped
[4, 5, 6, 7]

The decorator approach allows us to move instance creation into the decorator itself, instead of requiring a premade object to be passed in. Although this seems like a minor difference, it lets us retain normal instance creation syntax and realize all the benefits of decorators in general. Rather than requiring all instance creation calls to route objects through a wrapper manually, we need only augment classes with decorator syntax:

@Tracer                                          # Decorator approach
class Person: ...
bob = Person('Bob', 40, 50)
sue = Person('Sue', rate=100, hours=60)

class Person: ...                                # Non-decorator approach
bob = Wrapper(Person('Bob', 40, 50))
sue = Wrapper(Person('Sue', rate=100, hours=60))

Assuming you will make more than one instance of a class, decorators will generally be a net win in terms of both code size and code maintenance.


Attribute version skew note: As we learned in Chapter 37, __getattr__ will intercept accesses to operator overloading methods like __str__ and __repr__ in Python 2.6, but not in 3.0.

In Python 3.0, class instances inherit defaults for some (but not all) of these names from the class (really, from the automatic object superclass), because all classes are “new-style.” Moreover, in 3.0 implicitly invoked attributes for built-in operations like printing and + are not routed through __getattr__ (or its cousin, __getattribute__). New-style classes look up such methods in classes and skip the normal instance lookup entirely.

Here, this means that the __getattr__-based tracing wrapper will automatically trace and propagate operator overloading calls in 2.6, but not in 3.0. To see this, display “x” directly at the end of the preceding interactive session—in 2.6 the attribute __repr__ is traced and the list prints as expected, but in 3.0 no trace occurs and the list prints using a default display for the Wrapper class:

>>> x                                   # 2.6
Trace: __repr__
[4, 5, 6, 7]
>>> x                                   # 3.0
<tracer.Wrapper object at 0x026C07D0>

To work the same in 3.0, operator overloading methods generally need to be redefined redundantly in the wrapper class, either by hand, by tools, or by definition in superclasses. Only simple named attributes will work the same in both versions. We’ll see this version skew at work again in a Private decorator later in this chapter.

Class Blunders II: Retaining Multiple Instances

Curiously, the decorator function in this example can almost be coded as a class instead of a function, with the proper operator overloading protocol. The following slightly simplified alternative works similarly because its __init__ is triggered when the @ decorator is applied to the class, and its __call__ is triggered when a subject class instance is created. Our objects are really instances of Tracer this time, and we essentially just trade an enclosing scope reference for an instance attribute here:

class Tracer:
    def __init__(self, aClass):               # On @decorator
        self.aClass = aClass                  # Use instance attribute
    def __call__(self, *args):                # On instance creation
        self.wrapped = self.aClass(*args)     # ONE (LAST) INSTANCE PER CLASS!
        return self
    def __getattr__(self, attrname):
        print('Trace: ' + attrname)
        return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname)

@Tracer                                       # Triggers __init__
class Spam:                                   # Like: Spam = Tracer(Spam)
    def display(self):
        print('Spam!' * 8)

food = Spam()                                 # Triggers __call__
food.display()                                # Triggers __getattr__

As we saw in the abstract earlier, though, this class-only alternative handles multiple classes as before, but it won’t quite work for multiple instances of a given class: each instance construction call triggers __call__, which overwrites the prior instance. The net effect is that Tracer saves just one instance—the last one created. Experiment with this yourself to see how, but here’s an example of the problem:

class Person:                                 # Person = Tracer(Person)
    def __init__(self, name):                 # Wrapper bound to Person = name

bob = Person('Bob')                           # bob is really a Wrapper
print(                               # Wrapper embeds a Person
Sue = Person('Sue')
print(                               # sue overwrites bob
print(                               # OOPS: now bob's name is 'Sue'!

This code’s output follows—because this tracer only has a single shared instance, the second overwrites the first:

Trace: name
Trace: name
Trace: name

The problem here is bad state retention—we make one decorator instance per class, but not per class instance, such that only the last instance is retained. The solution, as in our prior class blunder for decorating methods, lies in abandoning class-based decorators.

The earlier function-based Tracer version does work for multiple instances, because each instance construction call makes a new Wrapper instance, instead of overwriting the state of a single shared Tracer instance; the original nondecorator version handles multiple instances correctly for the same reason. Decorators are not only arguably magical, they can also be incredibly subtle!

Decorators Versus Manager Functions

Regardless of such subtleties, the Tracer class decorator example ultimately still relies on __getattr__ to intercept fetches on a wrapped and embedded instance object. As we saw earlier, all we’ve really accomplished is moving the instance creation call inside a class, instead of passing the instance into a manager function. With the original nondecorator tracing example, we would simply code instance creation differently:

class Spam:                                   # Non-decorator version
    ...                                       # Any class will do
food = Wrapper(Spam())                        # Special creation syntax

class Spam:                                   # Decorator version
    ...                                       # Requires @ syntax at class
food = Spam()                                 # Normal creation syntax

Essentially, class decorators shift special syntax requirements from the instance creation call to the class statement itself. This is also true for the singleton example earlier in this section—rather than decorating a class and using normal instance creation calls, we could simply pass the class and its construction arguments into a manager function:

instances = {}
def getInstance(aClass, *args):
    if aClass not in instances:
        instances[aClass] = aClass(*args)
    return instances[aClass]

bob = getInstance(Person, 'Bob', 40, 10)    # Versus: bob = Person('Bob', 40, 10)

Alternatively, we could use Python’s introspection facilities to fetch the class from an already-created instance (assuming creating an initial instance is acceptable):

instances = {}
def getInstance(object):
    aClass = object.__class__
    if aClass not in instances:
        instances[aClass] = object
    return instances[aClass]

bob = getInstance(Person('Bob', 40, 10))    # Versus: bob = Person('Bob', 40, 10)

The same holds true for function decorators like the tracer we wrote earlier: rather than decorating a function with logic that intercepts later calls, we could simply pass the function and its arguments into a manager that dispatches the call:

def func(x, y):                   # Nondecorator version
    ...                           # def tracer(func, args): ... func(*args)
result = tracer(func, (1, 2))     # Special call syntax

def func(x, y):                   # Decorator version
    ...                           # Rebinds name: func = tracer(func)
result = func(1, 2)               # Normal call syntax

Manager function approaches like this place the burden of using special syntax on calls, instead of expecting decoration syntax at function and class definitions.

Why Decorators? (Revisited)

So why did I just show you ways to not use decorators to implement singletons? As I mentioned at the start of this chapter, decorators present us with tradeoffs. Although syntax matters, we all too often forget to ask the “why” questions when confronted with new tools. Now that we’ve seen how decorators actually work, let’s step back for a minute to glimpse the big picture here.

Like most language features, decorators have both pros and cons. For example, in the negatives column, class decorators suffer from two potential drawbacks:

Type changes

As we’ve seen, when wrappers are inserted, a decorated function or class does not retain its original type—its name is rebound to a wrapper object, which might matter in programs that use object names or test object types. In the singleton example, both the decorator and manager function approaches retain the original class type for instances; in the tracer code, neither approach does, because wrappers are required.

Extra calls

A wrapping layer added by decoration incurs the additional performance cost of an extra call each time the decorated object is invoked—calls are relatively time-expensive operations, so decoration wrappers can make a program slower. In the tracer code, both approaches require each attribute to be routed through a wrapper layer; the singleton example avoids extra calls by retaining the original class type.

Similar concerns apply with function decorators: both decoration and manager functions incur extra calls, and type changes generally occur when decorating (but not otherwise).

That said, neither of these is a very serious issue. For most programs, the type difference issue is unlikely to matter and the speed hit of the extra calls will be insignificant; furthermore, the latter occurs only when wrappers are used, can often be negated by simply removing the decorator when optimal performance is required, and is also incurred by nondecorator solutions that add wrapping logic (including metaclasses, as we’ll see in Chapter 39).

Conversely, as we saw at the start of this chapter, decorators have three main advantages. Compared to the manager (a.k.a. “helper”) function solutions of the prior section, decorators offer:

Explicit syntax

Decorators make augmentation explicit and obvious. Their @ syntax is easier to recognize than special code in calls that may appear anywhere in a source file—in our singleton and tracer examples, for instance, the decorator lines seem more likely to be noticed than extra code at calls would be. Moreover, decorators allow function and instance creation calls to use normal syntax familiar to all Python programmers.

Code maintenance

Decorators avoid repeated augmentation code at each function or class call. Because they appear just once, at the definition of the class or function itself, they obviate redundancy and simplify future code maintenance. For our singleton and tracer cases, we need to use special code at each call to use a manager function approach—extra work is required both initially and for any modifications that must be made in the future.


Decorators make it less likely that a programmer will forget to use required wrapping logic. This derives mostly from the two prior advantages—because decoration is explicit and appears only once, at the decorated objects themselves, decorators promote more consistent and uniform API usage than special code that must be included at each call. In the singleton example, for instance, it would be easy to forget to route all class creation calls through special code, which would subvert the singleton management altogether.

Decorators also promote code encapsulation to reduce redundancy and minimize future maintenance effort; although other code structuring tools do too, decorators make this natural for augmentation tasks.

None of these benefits completely requires decorator syntax to be achieved, though, and decorator usage is ultimately a stylistic choice. That said, most programmers find them to be a net win, especially as a tool for using libraries and APIs correctly.

I can recall similar arguments being made both for and against constructor functions in classes—prior to the introduction of __init__ methods, the same effect was often achieved by running an instance through a method manually when creating it (e.g., X=Class().init()). Over time, though, despite being fundamentally a stylistic choice, the __init__ syntax came to be universally preferred because it was more explicit, consistent, and maintainable. Although you should be the judge, decorators seem to bring many of the same assets to the table.

Managing Functions and Classes Directly

Most of our examples in this chapter have been designed to intercept function and instance creation calls. Although this is typical for decorators, they are not limited to this role. Because decorators work by running new functions and classes through decorator code, they can also be used to manage function and class objects themselves, not just later calls made to them.

Imagine, for example, that you require methods or classes used by an application to be registered to an API for later processing (perhaps that API will call the objects later, in response to events). Although you could provide a registration function to be called manually after the objects are defined, decorators make your intent more explicit.

The following simple implementation of this idea defines a decorator that can be applied to both functions and classes, to add the object to a dictionary-based registry. Because it returns the object itself instead of a wrapper, it does not intercept later calls:

# Registering decorated objects to an API

registry = {}
def register(obj):                          # Both class and func decorator
    registry[obj.__name__] = obj            # Add to registry
    return obj                              # Return obj itself, not a wrapper

def spam(x):
    return(x ** 2)                          # spam = register(spam)

def ham(x):
    return(x ** 3)

class Eggs:                                 # Eggs = register(Eggs)
    def __init__(self, x): = x ** 4
    def __str__(self):
        return str(

for name in registry:
    print(name, '=>', registry[name], type(registry[name]))

Manual calls:')
print(spam(2))                              # Invoke objects manually
print(ham(2))                               # Later calls not intercepted
X = Eggs(2)

Registry calls:')
for name in registry:
    print(name, '=>', registry[name](3))    # Invoke from registry

When this code is run the decorated objects are added to the registry by name, but they still work as originally coded when they’re called later, without being routed through a wrapper layer. In fact, our objects can be run both manually and from inside the registry table:

Eggs => <class '__main__.Eggs'> <class 'type'>
ham => <function ham at 0x02CFB738> <class 'function'>
spam => <function spam at 0x02CFB6F0> <class 'function'>

Manual calls:

Registry calls:
Eggs => 81
ham => 27
spam => 9

A user interface might use this technique, for example, to register callback handlers for user actions. Handlers might be registered by function or class name, as done here, or decorator arguments could be used to specify the subject event; an extra def statement enclosing our decorator could be used to retain such arguments for use on decoration.

This example is artificial, but its technique is very general. For example, function decorators might also be used to process function attributes, and class decorators might insert new class attributes, or even new methods, dynamically. Consider the following function decorators—they assign function attributes to record information for later use by an API, but they do not insert a wrapper layer to intercept later calls:

# Augmenting decorated objects directly

>>> def decorate(func):
...     func.marked = True          # Assign function attribute for later use
...     return func
>>> @decorate
... def spam(a, b):
...     return a + b
>>> spam.marked

>>> def annotate(text):             # Same, but value is decorator argument
...     def decorate(func):
...         func.label = text
...         return func
...     return decorate
>>> @annotate('spam data')
... def spam(a, b):                 # spam = annotate(...)(spam)
...     return a + b
>>> spam(1, 2), spam.label
(3, 'spam data')

Such decorators augment functions and classes directly, without catching later calls to them. We’ll see more examples of class decorations managing classes directly in the next chapter, because this turns out to encroach on the domain of metaclasses; for the remainder of this chapter, let’s turn to two larger case studies of decorators at work.

Example: “Private” and “Public” Attributes

The final two sections of this chapter present larger examples of decorator use. Both are presented with minimal description, partly because this chapter has exceeded its size limits, but mostly because you should already understand decorator basics well enough to study these on your own. Being general-purpose tools, these examples give us a chance to see how decorator concepts come together in more useful code.

Implementing Private Attributes

The following class decorator implements a Private declaration for class instance attributes—that is, attributes stored on an instance, or inherited from one of its classes. It disallows fetch and change access to such attributes from outside the decorated class, but still allows the class itself to access those names freely within its methods. It’s not exactly C++ or Java, but it provides similar access control as an option in Python.

We saw an incomplete first-cut implementation of instance attribute privacy for changes only in Chapter 29. The version here extends this concept to validate attribute fetches too, and it uses delegation instead of inheritance to implement the model. In fact, in a sense this is just an extension to the attribute tracer class decorator we met earlier.

Although this example utilizes the new syntactic sugar of class decorators to code attribute privacy, its attribute interception is ultimately still based upon the __getattr__ and __setattr__ operator overloading methods we met in prior chapters. When a private attribute access is detected, this version uses the raise statement to raise an exception, along with an error message; the exception may be caught in a try or allowed to terminate the script.

Here is the code, along with a self test at the bottom of the file. It will work under both Python 2.6 and 3.0 because it employs 3.0 print and raise syntax, though it catches operator overloading method attributes in 2.6 only (more on this in a moment):

Privacy for attributes fetched from class instances.
See self-test code at end of file for a usage example.
Decorator same as: Doubler = Private('data', 'size')(Doubler).
Private returns onDecorator, onDecorator returns onInstance,
and each onInstance instance embeds a Doubler instance.

traceMe = False
def trace(*args):
    if traceMe: print('[' + ' '.join(map(str, args)) + ']')

def Private(*privates):                          # privates in enclosing scope
    def onDecorator(aClass):                     # aClass in enclosing scope
        class onInstance:                        # wrapped in instance attribute
            def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
                self.wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)
            def __getattr__(self, attr):         # My attrs don't call getattr
                trace('get:', attr)              # Others assumed in wrapped
                if attr in privates:
                    raise TypeError('private attribute fetch: ' + attr)
                    return getattr(self.wrapped, attr)
            def __setattr__(self, attr, value):             # Outside accesses
                trace('set:', attr, value)                  # Others run normally
                if attr == 'wrapped':                       # Allow my attrs
                    self.__dict__[attr] = value             # Avoid looping
                elif attr in privates:
                    raise TypeError('private attribute change: ' + attr)
                    setattr(self.wrapped, attr, value)      # Wrapped obj attrs
        return onInstance                                   # Or use __dict__
    return onDecorator

if __name__ == '__main__':
    traceMe = True

    @Private('data', 'size')                   # Doubler = Private(...)(Doubler)
    class Doubler:
        def __init__(self, label, start):
            self.label = label                 # Accesses inside the subject class
    = start                 # Not intercepted: run normally
        def size(self):
            return len(              # Methods run with no checking
        def double(self):                      # Because privacy not inherited
            for i in range(self.size()):
      [i] =[i] * 2
        def display(self):
            print('%s => %s' % (self.label,

    X = Doubler('X is', [1, 2, 3])
    Y = Doubler('Y is', [−10, −20, −30])

    # The followng all succeed
    print(X.label)                             # Accesses outside subject class
    X.display(); X.double(); X.display()       # Intercepted: validated, delegated
    Y.display(); Y.double()
    Y.label = 'Spam'

    # The following all fail properly
    print(X.size())          # prints "TypeError: private attribute fetch: size"
    print( = [1, 1, 1]
    X.size = lambda S: 0

When traceMe is True, the module file’s self-test code produces the following output. Notice how the decorator catches and validates both attribute fetches and assignments run outside of the wrapped class, but does not catch attribute accesses inside the class itself:

[set: wrapped <__main__.Doubler object at 0x02B2AAF0>]
[set: wrapped <__main__.Doubler object at 0x02B2AE70>]
[get: label]
X is
[get: display]
X is => [1, 2, 3]
[get: double]
[get: display]
X is => [2, 4, 6]
[get: label]
Y is
[get: display]
Y is => [−10, −20, −30]
[get: double]
[set: label Spam]
[get: display]
Spam => [−20, −40, −60]

Implementation Details I

This code is a bit complex, and you’re probably best off tracing through it on your own to see how it works. To help you study, though, here are a few highlights worth mentioning.

Inheritance versus delegation

The first-cut privacy example shown in Chapter 29 used inheritance to mix in a __setattr__ to catch accesses. Inheritance makes this difficult, however, because differentiating between accesses from inside or outside the class is not straightforward (inside access should be allowed to run normally, and outside access should be restricted). To work around this, the Chapter 29 example requires inheriting classes to use __dict__ assignments to set attributes—an incomplete solution at best.

The version here uses delegation (embedding one object inside another) instead of inheritance; this pattern is better suited to our task, as it makes it much easier to distinguish between accesses inside and outside of the subject class. Attribute accesses from outside the subject class are intercepted by the wrapper layer’s overloading methods and delegated to the class if valid; accesses inside the class itself (i.e., through self inside its methods’ code) are not intercepted and are allowed to run normally without checks, because privacy is not inherited here.

Decorator arguments

The class decorator used here accepts any number of arguments, to name private attributes. What really happens, though, is that the arguments are passed to the Private function, and Private returns the decorator function to be applied to the subject class. So, the arguments are used before decoration ever occurs; Private returns the decorator, which in turn “remembers” the privates list as an enclosing scope reference.

State retention and enclosing scopes

Speaking of enclosing scopes, there are actually three levels of state retention at work in this code:

  • The arguments to Private are used before decoration occurs and are retained as an enclosing scope reference for use in both onDecorator and onInstance.

  • The class argument to onDecorator is used at decoration time and is retained as an enclosing scope reference for use at instance construction time.

  • The wrapped instance object is retained as an instance attribute in onInstance, for use when attributes are later accessed from outside the class.

This all works fairly naturally, given Python’s scope and namespace rules.

Using __dict__ and __slots__

The __setattr__ in this code relies on an instance object’s __dict__ attribute namespace dictionary in order to set onInstance’s own wrapped attribute. As we learned in the prior chapter, it cannot assign an attribute directly without looping. However, it uses the setattr built-in instead of __dict__ to set attributes in the wrapped object itself. Moreover, getattr is used to fetch attributes in the wrapped object, since they may be stored in the object itself or inherited by it.

Because of that, this code will work for most classes. You may recall from Chapter 31 that new-style classes with __slots__ may not store attributes in a __dict__. However, because we only rely on a __dict__ at the onInstance level here, not in the wrapped instance, and because setattr and getattr apply to attributes based on both __dict__ and __slots__, our decorator applies to classes using either storage scheme.

Generalizing for Public Declarations, Too

Now that we have a Private implementation, it’s straightforward to generalize the code to allow for Public declarations too—they are essentially the inverse of Private declarations, so we need only negate the inner test. The example listed in this section allows a class to use decorators to define a set of either Private or Public instance attributes (attributes stored on an instance or inherited from its classes), with the following semantics:

  • Private declares attributes of a class’s instances that cannot be fetched or assigned, except from within the code of the class’s methods. That is, any name declared Private cannot be accessed from outside the class, while any name not declared Private can be freely fetched or assigned from outside the class.

  • Public declares attributes of a class’s instances that can be fetched or assigned from both outside the class and within the class’s methods. That is, any name declared Public can be freely accessed anywhere, while any name not declared Public cannot be accessed from outside the class.

Private and Public declarations are intended to be mutually exclusive: when using Private, all undeclared names are considered Public, and when using Public, all undeclared names are considered Private. They are essentially inverses, though undeclared names not created by class methods behave slightly differently—they can be assigned and thus created outside the class under Private (all undeclared names are accessible), but not under Public (all undeclared names are inaccessible).

Again, study this code on your own to get a feel for how this works. Notice that this scheme adds an additional fourth level of state retention at the top, beyond that described in the preceding section: the test functions used by the lambdas are saved in an extra enclosing scope. This example is coded to run under either Python 2.6 or 3.0, though it comes with a caveat when run under 3.0 (explained briefly in the file’s docstring and expanded on after the code):

Class decorator with Private and Public attribute declarations.
Controls access to attributes stored on an instance, or inherited
by it from its classes. Private declares attribute names that
cannot be fetched or assigned outside the decorated class, and
Public declares all the names that can. Caveat: this works in
3.0 for normally named attributes only: __X__ operator overloading
methods implicitly run for built-in operations do not trigger
either __getattr__ or __getattribute__ in new-style classes.
Add __X__ methods here to intercept and delegate built-ins.

traceMe = False
def trace(*args):
    if traceMe: print('[' + ' '.join(map(str, args)) + ']')

def accessControl(failIf):
    def onDecorator(aClass):
        class onInstance:
            def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
                self.__wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)
            def __getattr__(self, attr):
                trace('get:', attr)
                if failIf(attr):
                    raise TypeError('private attribute fetch: ' + attr)
                    return getattr(self.__wrapped, attr)
            def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
                trace('set:', attr, value)
                if attr == '_onInstance__wrapped':
                    self.__dict__[attr] = value
                elif failIf(attr):
                    raise TypeError('private attribute change: ' + attr)
                    setattr(self.__wrapped, attr, value)
        return onInstance
    return onDecorator

def Private(*attributes):
    return accessControl(failIf=(lambda attr: attr in attributes))

def Public(*attributes):
    return accessControl(failIf=(lambda attr: attr not in attributes))

See the prior example’s self-test code for a usage example. Here’s a quick look at these class decorators in action at the interactive prompt (they work the same in 2.6 and 3.0); as advertised, non-Private or Public names can be fetched and changed from outside the subject class, but Private or non-Public names cannot:

>>> from access import Private, Public

>>> @Private('age')                             # Person = Private('age')(Person)
... class Person:                               # Person = onInstance with state
...     def __init__(self, name, age):
... = name
...         self.age  = age                     # Inside accesses run normally
>>> X = Person('Bob', 40)
>>>                                      # Outside accesses validated
>>> = 'Sue'
>>> X.age
TypeError: private attribute fetch: age
>>> X.age = 'Tom'
TypeError: private attribute change: age

>>> @Public('name')
... class Person:
...     def __init__(self, name, age):
... = name
...         self.age  = age
>>> X = Person('bob', 40)                       # X is an onInstance
>>>                                      # onInstance embeds Person
>>> = 'Sue'
>>> X.age
TypeError: private attribute fetch: age
>>> X.age = 'Tom'
TypeError: private attribute change: age

Implementation Details II

To help you analyze the code, here are a few final notes on this version. Since this is just a generalization of the preceding section’s example, most of the notes there apply here as well.

Using __X pseudoprivate names

Besides generalizing, this version also makes use of Python’s __X pseudoprivate name mangling feature (which we met in Chapter 30) to localize the wrapped attribute to the control class, by automatically prefixing it with the class name. This avoids the prior version’s risk for collisions with a wrapped attribute that may be used by the real, wrapped class, and it’s useful in a general tool like this. It’s not quite “privacy,” though, because the mangled name can be used freely outside the class. Notice that we also have to use the fully expanded name string ('_onInstance__wrapped') in __setattr__, because that’s what Python changes it to.

Breaking privacy

Although this example does implement access controls for attributes of an instance and its classes, it is possible to subvert these controls in various ways—for instance, by going through the expanded version of the wrapped attribute explicitly ( might not work, but the fully mangled could!). If you have to explicitly try to do so, though, these controls are probably sufficient for normal intended use. Of course, privacy controls can generally be subverted in any language if you try hard enough (#define private public may work in some C++ implementations, too). Although access controls can reduce accidental changes, much of this is up to programmers in any language; whenever source code may be changed, access control will always be a bit of a pipe dream.

Decorator tradeoffs

We could again achieve the same results without decorators, by using manager functions or coding the name rebinding of decorators manually; the decorator syntax, however, makes this consistent and a bit more obvious in the code. The chief potential downsides of this and any other wrapper-based approach are that attribute access incurs an extra call, and instances of decorated classes are not really instances of the original decorated class—if you test their type with X.__class__ or isinstance(X, C), for example, you’ll find that they are instances of the wrapper class. Unless you plan to do introspection on objects’ types, though, the type issue is probably irrelevant.

Open Issues

As is, this example works as planned under Python 2.6 and 3.0 (provided operator overloading methods to be delegated are redefined in the wrapper). As with most software, though, there is always room for improvement.

Caveat: operator overloading methods fail to delegate under 3.0

Like all delegation-based classes that use __getattr__, this decorator works cross-version for normally named attributes only; operator overloading methods like __str__ and __add__ work differently for new-style classes and so fail to reach the embedded object if defined there when this runs under 3.0.

As we learned in the prior chapter, classic classes look up operator overloading names in instances at runtime normally, but new-style classes do not—they skip the instance entirely and look up such methods in classes. Hence, the __X__ operator overloading methods implicitly run for built-in operations do not trigger either __getattr__ or __getattribute__ in new-style classes in 2.6 and all classes in 3.0; such attribute fetches skip our onInstance.__getattr__ altogether, so they cannot be validated or delegated.

Our decorator’s class is not coded as new-style (by deriving from object), so it will catch operator overloading methods if run under 2.6. Since all classes are new-style automatically in 3.0, though, such methods will fail if they are coded on the embedded object. The simplest workaround in 3.0 is to redefine redundantly in onInstance all the operator overloading methods that can possibly be used in wrapped objects. Such extra methods can be added by hand, by tools that partly automate the task (e.g., with class decorators or the metaclasses discussed in the next chapter), or by definition in superclasses.

To see the difference yourself, try applying the decorator to a class that uses operator overloading methods under 2.6; validations work as before, and both the __str__ method used by printing and the __add__ method run for + invoke the decorator’s __getattr__ and hence wind up being validated and delegated to the subject Person object correctly:

C:misc> c:python26python
>>> from access import Private
>>> @Private('age')
... class Person:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.age = 42
...     def __str__(self):
...         return 'Person: ' + str(self.age)
...     def __add__(self, yrs):
...         self.age += yrs
>>> X = Person()
>>> X.age                                   # Name validations fail correctly
TypeError: private attribute fetch: age
>>> print(X)                                # __getattr__ => runs Person.__str__
Person: 42
>>> X + 10                                  # __getattr__ => runs Person.__add__
>>> print(X)                                # __getattr__ => runs Person.__str__
Person: 52

When the same code is run under Python 3.0, though, the implicitly invoked __str__ and __add__ skip the decorator’s __getattr__ and look for definitions in or above the decorator class itself; print winds up finding the default display inherited from the class type (technically, from the implied object superclass in 3.0), and + generates an error because no default is inherited:

C:misc> c:python30python
>>> from access import Private
>>> @Private('age')
... class Person:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.age = 42
...     def __str__(self):
...         return 'Person: ' + str(self.age)
...     def __add__(self, yrs):
...         self.age += yrs
>>> X = Person()                            # Name validations still work
>>> X.age                                   # But 3.0 fails to delegate built-ins!
TypeError: private attribute fetch: age
>>> print(X)
<access.onInstance object at 0x025E0790>
>>> X + 10
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'onInstance' and 'int'
>>> print(X)
<access.onInstance object at 0x025E0790>

Using the alternative __getattribute__ method won’t help here—although it is defined to catch every attribute reference (not just undefined names), it is also not run by built-in operations. Python’s property feature, which we met in Chapter 37, won’t help here either; recall that properties are automatically run code associated with specific attributes defined when a class is written, and are not designed to handle arbitrary attributes in wrapped objects.

As mentioned earlier, the most straightforward solution under 3.0 is to redundantly redefine operator overloading names that may appear in embedded objects in delegation-based classes like our decorator. This isn’t ideal because it creates some code redundancy, especially compared to 2.6 solutions. However, it isn’t too major a coding effort, can be automated to some extent with tools or superclasses, suffices to make our decorator work in 3.0, and allows operator overloading names to be declared Private or Public too (assuming each overloading method runs the failIf test internally):

def accessControl(failIf):
    def onDecorator(aClass):
        class onInstance:
            def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
                self.__wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)

            # Intercept and delegate operator overloading methods
            def __str__(self):
                return str(self.__wrapped)
            def __add__(self, other):
                return self.__wrapped + other
            def __getitem__(self, index):
                return self.__wrapped[index]         # If needed
            def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):
                return self.__wrapped(*arg, *kargs)  # If needed
   any others needed...

            # Intercept and delegate named attributes
            def __getattr__(self, attr):
            def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
        return onInstance
    return onDecorator

With such operator overloading methods added, the prior example with __str__ and __add__ works the same under 2.6 and 3.0, although a substantial amount of extra code may be required to accommodate 3.0—in principle, every operator overloading method that is not run automatically will need to be defined redundantly for 3.0 in a general tool class like this (which is why this extension is omitted in our code). Since every class is new-style in 3.0, delegation-based code is more difficult (though not impossible) in this release.

On the other hand, delegation wrappers could simply inherit from a common superclass that redefines operator overloading methods once, with standard delegation code. Moreover, tools such as additional class decorators or metaclasses might automate some of the work of adding such methods to delegation classes (see the class augmentation examples in Chapter 39 for details). Though still not as simple as the 2.6 solution, such techniques might help make 3.0 delegation classes more general.

Implementation alternatives: __getattribute__ inserts, call stack inspection

Although redundantly defining operator overloading methods in wrappers is probably the most straightforward workaround to Python 3.0 dilemma outlined in the prior section, it’s not necessarily the only one. We don’t have space to explore this issue much further here, so investigating other potential solutions is relegated to a suggested exercise. Because one dead-end alternative underscores class concepts well, though, it merits a brief mention.

One downside of this example is that instance objects are not truly instances of the original class—they are instances of the wrapper instead. In some programs that rely on type testing, this might matter. To support such cases, we might try to achieve similar effects by inserting a __getattribute__ method into the original class, to catch every attribute reference made on its instances. This inserted method would pass valid requests up to its superclass to avoid loops, using the techniques we studied in the prior chapter. Here is the potential change to our class decorator’s code:

# trace support as before

def accessControl(failIf):
    def onDecorator(aClass):
        def getattributes(self, attr):
            trace('get:', attr)
            if failIf(attr):
                raise TypeError('private attribute fetch: ' + attr)
                return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
        aClass.__getattribute__ = getattributes
        return aClass
    return onDecorator

def Private(*attributes):
    return accessControl(failIf=(lambda attr: attr in attributes))

def Public(*attributes):
    return accessControl(failIf=(lambda attr: attr not in attributes))

This alternative addresses the type-testing issue but suffers from others. For example, it handles only attribute fetches—as is, this version allows private names to be assigned freely. Intercepting assignments would still have to use __setattr__, and either an instance wrapper object or another class method insertion. Adding an instance wrapper to catch assignments would change the type again, and inserting methods fails if the original class is using a __setattr__ of its own (or a __getattribute__, for that matter!). An inserted __setattr__ would also have to allow for a __slots__ in the client class.

In addition, this scheme does not address the built-in operation attributes issue described in the prior section, since __getattribute__ is not run in these contexts, either. In our case, if Person had a __str__ it would be run by print operations, but only because it was actually present in that class. As before, the __str__ attribute would not be routed to the inserted __getattribute__ method generically—printing would bypass this method altogether and call the class’s __str__ directly.

Although this is probably better than not supporting operator overloading methods in a wrapped object at all (barring redefinition, at least), this scheme still cannot intercept and validate __X__ methods, making it impossible for any of them to be Private. Although most operator overloading methods are meant to be public, some might not be.

Much worse, because this nonwrapper approach works by adding a __getattribute__ to the decorated class, it also intercepts attribute accesses made by the class itself and validates them the same as accesses made from outside—this means the class’s method won’t be able to use Private names, either!

In fact, inserting methods this way is functionally equivalent to inheriting them, and implies the same constraints as our original Chapter 29 privacy code. To know whether an attribute access originated inside or outside the class, our method might need to inspect frame objects on the Python call stack. This might ultimately yield a solution (replace private attributes with properties or descriptors that check the stack, for example), but it would slow access further and is far too dark a magic for us to explore here.

While interesting, and possibly relevant for some other use cases, this method insertion technique doesn’t meet our goals. We won’t explore this option’s coding pattern further here because we will study class augmentation techniques in the next chapter, in conjunction with metaclasses. As we’ll see there, metaclasses are not strictly required for changing classes this way, because class decorators can often serve the same role.

Python Isn’t About Control

Now that I’ve gone to such great lengths to add Private and Public attribute declarations for Python code, I must again remind you that it is not entirely Pythonic to add access controls to your classes like this. In fact, most Python programmers will probably find this example to be largely or totally irrelevant, apart from serving as a demonstration of decorators in action. Most large Python programs get by successfully without any such controls at all. If you do wish to regulate attribute access in order to eliminate coding mistakes, though, or happen to be a soon-to-be-ex-C++-or-Java programmer, most things are possible with Python’s operator overloading and introspection tools.

Example: Validating Function Arguments

As a final example of the utility of decorators, this section develops a function decorator that automatically tests whether arguments passed to a function or method are within a valid numeric range. It’s designed to be used during either development or production, and it can be used as a template for similar tasks (e.g., argument type testing, if you must). Because this chapter’s size limits has been broached, this example’s code is largely self-study material, with limited narrative; as usual, browse the code for more details.

The Goal

In the object-oriented tutorial of Chapter 27, we wrote a class that gave a raise to objects representing people based upon a passed-in percentage:

class Person:
     def giveRaise(self, percent): = int( * (1 + percent))

There, we noted that if we wanted the code to be robust it would be a good idea to check the percentage to make sure it’s not too large or too small. We could implement such a check with either if or assert statements in the method itself, using inline tests:

class Person:
    def giveRaise(self, percent):                # Validate with inline code
        if percent < 0.0 or percent > 1.0:
            raise TypeError, 'percent invalid' = int( * (1 + percent))

class Person:                                    # Validate with asserts
    def giveRaise(self, percent):
        assert percent >= 0.0 and percent <= 1.0, 'percent invalid' = int( * (1 + percent))

However, this approach clutters up the method with inline tests that will probably be useful only during development. For more complex cases, this can become tedious (imagine trying to inline the code needed to implement the attribute privacy provided by the last section’s decorator). Perhaps worse, if the validation logic ever needs to change, there may be arbitrarily many inline copies to find and update.

A more useful and interesting alternative would be to develop a general tool that can perform range tests for us automatically, for the arguments of any function or method we might code now or in the future. A decorator approach makes this explicit and convenient:

class Person:
    @rangetest(percent=(0.0, 1.0))               # Use decorator to validate
    def giveRaise(self, percent): = int( * (1 + percent))

Isolating validation logic in a decorator simplifies both clients and future maintenance.

Notice that our goal here is different than the attribute validations coded in the prior chapter’s final example. Here, we mean to validate the values of function arguments when passed, rather than attribute values when set. Python’s decorator and introspection tools allow us to code this new task just as easily.

A Basic Range-Testing Decorator for Positional Arguments

Let’s start with a basic range test implementation. To keep things simple, we’ll begin by coding a decorator that works only for positional arguments and assumes they always appear at the same position in every call; they cannot be passed by keyword name, and we don’t support additional **args keywords in calls because this can invalidate the positions declared in the decorator. Code the following in a file called

def rangetest(*argchecks):                  # Validate positional arg ranges
    def onDecorator(func):
        if not __debug__:                   # True if "python -O args..."
            return func                     # No-op: call original directly
        else:                               # Else wrapper while debugging
            def onCall(*args):
                for (ix, low, high) in argchecks:
                    if args[ix] < low or args[ix] > high:
                        errmsg = 'Argument %s not in %s..%s' % (ix, low, high)
                        raise TypeError(errmsg)
                return func(*args)
            return onCall
    return onDecorator

As is, this code is mostly a rehash of the coding patterns we explored earlier: we use decorator arguments, nested scopes for state retention, and so on.

We also use nested def statements to ensure that this works for both simple functions and methods, as we learned earlier. When used for a class method, onCall receives the subject class’s instance in the first item in *args and passes this along to self in the original method function; argument numbers in range tests start at 1 in this case, not 0.

Also notice this code’s use of the __debug__ built-in variable, though—Python sets this to True, unless it’s being run with the –O optimize command-line flag (e.g., python –O When __debug__ is False, the decorator returns the origin function unchanged, to avoid extra calls and their associated performance penalty.

This first iteration solution is used as follows:

# File

from devtools import rangetest
print(__debug__)                           # False if "python –O"

@rangetest((1, 0, 120))                    # persinfo = rangetest(...)(persinfo)
def persinfo(name, age):                   # age must be in 0..120
    print('%s is %s years old' % (name, age))

@rangetest([0, 1, 12], [1, 1, 31], [2, 0, 2009])
def birthday(M, D, Y):
    print('birthday = {0}/{1}/{2}'.format(M, D, Y))

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, job, pay):
        self.job  = job  = pay

    @rangetest([1, 0.0, 1.0])              # giveRaise = rangetest(...)(giveRaise)
    def giveRaise(self, percent):          # Arg 0 is the self instance here = int( * (1 + percent))

# Comment lines raise TypeError unless "python -O" used on shell command line

persinfo('Bob Smith', 45)                  # Really runs onCall(...) with state
#persinfo('Bob Smith', 200)                    # Or person if –O cmd line argument

birthday(5, 31, 1963)
#birthday(5, 32, 1963)

sue = Person('Sue Jones', 'dev', 100000)
sue.giveRaise(.10)                         # Really runs onCall(self, .10)
print(                             # Or giveRaise(self, .10) if –O

When run, valid calls in this code produce the following output (all the code in this section works the same under Python 2.6 and 3.0, because function decorators are supported in both, we’re not using attribute delegation, and we use 3.0-style print calls and exception construction syntax):

C:misc> C:python30python
Bob Smith is 45 years old
birthday = 5/31/1963

Uncommenting any of the invalid calls causes a TypeError to be raised by the decorator. Here’s the result when the last two lines are allowed to run (as usual, I’ve omitted some of the error message text here to save space):

C:misc> C:python30python
Bob Smith is 45 years old
birthday = 5/31/1963
TypeError: Argument 1 not in 0.0..1.0

Running Python with its –O flag at a system command line will disable range testing, but also avoid the performance overhead of the wrapping layer—we wind up calling the original undecorated function directly. Assuming this is a debugging tool only, you can use this flag to optimize your program for production use:

C:misc> C:python30python –O
Bob Smith is 45 years old
birthday = 5/31/1963

Generalizing for Keywords and Defaults, Too

The prior version illustrates the basics we need to employ, but it’s fairly limited—it supports validating arguments passed by position only, and it does not validate keyword arguments (in fact, it assumes that no keywords are passed in a way that makes argument position numbers incorrect). Additionally, it does nothing about arguments with defaults that may be omitted in a given call. That’s fine if all your arguments are passed by position and never defaulted, but less than ideal in a general tool. Python supports much more flexible argument-passing modes, which we’re not yet addressing.

The mutation of our example shown next does better. By matching the wrapped function’s expected arguments against the actual arguments passed in a call, it supports range validations for arguments passed by either position or keyword name, and it skips testing for default arguments omitted in the call. In short, arguments to be validated are specified by keyword arguments to the decorator, which later steps through both the *pargs positionals tuple and the **kargs keywords dictionary to validate.

File function decorator that performs range-test
validation for passed arguments. Arguments are specified by
keyword to the decorator. In the actual call, arguments may
be passed by position or keyword, and defaults may be omitted.
See for example use cases.

trace = True

def rangetest(**argchecks):                 # Validate ranges for both+defaults
    def onDecorator(func):                  # onCall remembers func and argchecks
        if not __debug__:                   # True if "python –O args..."
            return func                     # Wrap if debugging; else use original
            import sys
            code     = func.__code__
            allargs  = code.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount]
            funcname = func.__name__

            def onCall(*pargs, **kargs):
                # All pargs match first N expected args by position
                # The rest must be in kargs or be omitted defaults
                positionals = list(allargs)
                positionals = positionals[:len(pargs)]

                for (argname, (low, high)) in argchecks.items():
                    # For all args to be checked
                    if argname in kargs:
                        # Was passed by name
                        if kargs[argname] < low or kargs[argname] > high:
                            errmsg = '{0} argument "{1}" not in {2}..{3}'
                            errmsg = errmsg.format(funcname, argname, low, high)
                            raise TypeError(errmsg)

                    elif argname in positionals:
                        # Was passed by position
                        position = positionals.index(argname)
                        if pargs[position] < low or pargs[position] > high:
                            errmsg = '{0} argument "{1}" not in {2}..{3}'
                            errmsg = errmsg.format(funcname, argname, low, high)
                            raise TypeError(errmsg)
                        # Assume not passed: default
                        if trace:
                            print('Argument "{0}" defaulted'.format(argname))

                return func(*pargs, **kargs)    # OK: run original call
            return onCall
    return onDecorator

The following test script shows how the decorator is used—arguments to be validated are given by keyword decorator arguments, and at actual calls we can pass by name or position and omit arguments with defaults even if they are to be validated otherwise:

# File
# Comment lines raise TypeError unless "python –O" used on shell command line
from devtools import rangetest

# Test functions, positional and keyword

@rangetest(age=(0, 120))                  # persinfo = rangetest(...)(persinfo)
def persinfo(name, age):
    print('%s is %s years old' % (name, age))

@rangetest(M=(1, 12), D=(1, 31), Y=(0, 2009))
def birthday(M, D, Y):
    print('birthday = {0}/{1}/{2}'.format(M, D, Y))

persinfo('Bob', 40)
persinfo(age=40, name='Bob')
birthday(5, D=1, Y=1963)
#persinfo('Bob', 150)
#persinfo(age=150, name='Bob')
#birthday(5, D=40, Y=1963)

# Test methods, positional and keyword

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, job, pay):
        self.job  = job  = pay
                                          # giveRaise = rangetest(...)(giveRaise)
    @rangetest(percent=(0.0, 1.0))        # percent passed by name or position
    def giveRaise(self, percent): = int( * (1 + percent))

bob = Person('Bob Smith', 'dev', 100000)
sue = Person('Sue Jones', 'dev', 100000)

# Test omitted defaults: skipped

@rangetest(a=(1, 10), b=(1, 10), c=(1, 10), d=(1, 10))
def omitargs(a, b=7, c=8, d=9):
    print(a, b, c, d)

omitargs(1, 2, 3, 4)
omitargs(1, 2, 3)
omitargs(1, 2, 3, d=4)
omitargs(1, d=4)
omitargs(d=4, a=1)
omitargs(1, b=2, d=4)
omitargs(d=8, c=7, a=1)

#omitargs(1, 2, 3, 11)         # Bad d
#omitargs(1, 2, 11)           # Bad c
#omitargs(1, 2, 3, d=11)       # Bad d
#omitargs(11, d=4)           # Bad a
#omitargs(d=4, a=11)         # Bad a
#omitargs(1, b=11, d=4)       # Bad b
#omitargs(d=8, c=7, a=11)     # Bad a

When this script is run, out-of-range arguments raise an exception as before, but arguments may be passed by either name or position, and omitted defaults are not validated. This code runs on both 2.6 and 3.0, but extra tuple parentheses print in 2.6. Trace its output and test this further on your own to experiment; it works as before, but its scope has been broadened:

C:misc> C:python30python
Bob is 40 years old
Bob is 40 years old
birthday = 5/1/1963
110000 120000
1 2 3 4
Argument "d" defaulted
1 2 3 9
1 2 3 4
Argument "c" defaulted
Argument "b" defaulted
1 7 8 4
Argument "c" defaulted
Argument "b" defaulted
1 7 8 4
Argument "c" defaulted
1 2 8 4
Argument "b" defaulted
1 7 7 8

On validation errors, we get an exception as before (unless the –O command-line argument is passed to Python) when one of the method test lines is uncommented:

TypeError: giveRaise argument "percent" not in 0.0..1.0

Implementation Details

This decorator’s code relies on both introspection APIs and subtle constraints of argument passing. To be fully general we could in principle try to mimic Python’s argument matching logic in its entirety to see which names have been passed in which modes, but that’s far too much complexity for our tool. It would be better if we could somehow match arguments passed by name against the set of all expected arguments’ names, in order to determine which position arguments actually appear in during a given call.

Function introspection

It turns out that the introspection API available on function objects and their associated code objects has exactly the tool we need. This API was briefly introduced in Chapter 19, but we’ll actually put it to use here. The set of expected argument names is simply the first N variable names attached to a function’s code object:

# In Python 3.0 (and 2.6 for compatibility):
>>> def func(a, b, c, d):
...     x = 1
...     y = 2
>>> code = func.__code__                     # Code object of function object
>>> code.co_nlocals
>>> code.co_varnames                         # All local var names
('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'x', 'y')
>>> code.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount]      # First N locals are expected args
('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')

>>> import sys                               # For backward compatibility
>>> sys.version_info                         # [0] is major release number
(3, 0, 0, 'final', 0)
>>> code = func.__code__ if sys.version_info[0] == 3 else func.func_code

The same API is available in older Pythons, but the func.__code__ attribute is spelled as func.func_code in 2.5 and earlier (the newer __code__ attribute is also redundantly available in 2.6 for portability). Run a dir call on function and code objects for more details.

Argument assumptions

Given this set of expected argument names, the solution relies on two constraints on argument passing order imposed by Python (these still hold true in both 2.6 and 3.0):

  • At the call, all positional arguments appear before all keyword arguments.

  • In the def, all nondefault arguments appear before all default arguments.

That is, a nonkeyword argument cannot generally follow a keyword argument at a call, and a nondefault argument cannot follow a default argument at a definition. All “name=value” syntax must appear after any simple “name” in both places.

To simplify our work, we can also make the assumption that a call is valid in general—i.e., that all arguments either will receive values (by name or position), or will be omitted intentionally to pick up defaults. This assumption won’t necessarily hold, because the function has not yet actually been called when the wrapper logic tests validity—the call may still fail later when invoked by the wrapper layer, due to incorrect argument passing. As long as that doesn’t cause the wrapper to fail any more badly, though, we can finesse the validity of the call. This helps, because validating calls before they are actually made would require us to emulate Python’s argument-matching algorithm in full—again, too complex a procedure for our tool.

Matching algorithm

Now, given these constraints and assumptions, we can allow for both keywords and omitted default arguments in the call with this algorithm. When a call is intercepted, we can make the following assumptions:

  • All N passed positional arguments in *pargs must match the first N expected arguments obtained from the function’s code object. This is true per Python’s call ordering rules, outlined earlier, since all positionals precede all keywords.

  • To obtain the names of arguments actually passed by position, we can slice the list of all expected arguments up to the length N of the *pargs positionals tuple.

  • Any arguments after the first N expected arguments either were passed by keyword or were defaulted by omission at the call.

  • For each argument name to be validated, if it is in **kargs it was passed by name, and if it is in the first N expected arguments it was passed by position (in which case its relative position in the expected list gives its relative position in *pargs); otherwise, we can assume it was omitted in the call and defaulted and need not be checked.

In other words, we can skip tests for arguments that were omitted in a call by assuming that the first N actually passed positional arguments in *pargs must match the first N argument names in the list of all expected arguments, and that any others must either have been passed by keyword and thus be in **kargs, or have been defaulted. Under this scheme, the decorator will simply skip any argument to be checked that was omitted between the rightmost positional argument and the leftmost keyword argument, between keyword arguments, or after the rightmost positional in general. Trace through the decorator and its test script to see how this is realized in code.

Open Issues

Although our range-testing tool works as planned, two caveats remain. First, as mentioned earlier, calls to the original function that are not valid still fail in our final decorator. The following both trigger exceptions, for example:

omitargs(d=8, c=7, b=6)

These only fail, though, where we try to invoke the original function, at the end of the wrapper. While we could try to imitate Python’s argument matching to avoid this, there’s not much reason to do so—since the call would fail at this point anyhow, we might as well let Python’s own argument-matching logic detect the problem for us.

Lastly, although our final version handles positional arguments, keyword arguments, and omitted defaults, it still doesn’t do anything explicit about *args and **args that may be used in a decorated function that accepts arbitrarily many arguments. We probably don’t need to care for our purposes, though:

  • If an extra keyword argument is passed, its name will show up in **kargs and can be tested normally if mentioned to the decorator.

  • If an extra keyword argument is not passed, its name won’t be in either **kargs or the sliced expected positionals list, and it will thus not be checked—it is treated as though it were defaulted, even though it is really an optional extra argument.

  • If an extra positional argument is passed, there’s no way to reference it in the decorator anyhow—its name won’t be in either **kargs or the sliced expected arguments list, so it will simply be skipped. Because such arguments are not listed in the function’s definition, there’s no way to map a name given to the decorator back to an expected relative position.

In other words, as it is the code supports testing arbitrary keyword arguments by name, but not arbitrary positionals that are unnamed and hence have no set position in the function’s argument signature.

In principle, we could extend the decorator’s interface to support *args in the decorated function, too, for the rare cases where this might be useful (e.g., a special argument name with a test to apply to all arguments in the wrapper’s *pargs beyond the length of the expected arguments list). Since we’ve already exhausted the space allocation for this example, though, if you care about such improvements you’ve officially crossed over into the realm of suggested exercises.

Decorator Arguments Versus Function Annotations

Interestingly, the function annotation feature introduced in Python 3.0 could provide an alternative to the decorator arguments used by our example to specify range tests. As we learned in Chapter 19, annotations allow us to associate expressions with arguments and return values, by coding them in the def header line itself; Python collects annotations in a dictionary and attaches it to the annotated function.

We could use this in our example to code range limits in the header line, instead of in decorator arguments. We would still need a function decorator to wrap the function in order to intercept later calls, but we would essentially trade decorator argument syntax:

@rangetest(a=(1, 5), c=(0.0, 1.0))
def func(a, b, c):                         # func = rangetest(...)(func)
    print(a + b + c)

for annotation syntax like this:

def func(a:(1, 5), b, c:(0.0, 1.0)):
    print(a + b + c)

That is, the range constraints would be moved into the function itself, instead of being coded externally. The following script illustrates the structure of the resulting decorators under both schemes, in incomplete skeleton code. The decorator arguments code pattern is that of our complete solution shown earlier; the annotation alternative requires one less level of nesting, because it doesn’t need to retain decorator arguments:

# Using decorator arguments

def rangetest(**argchecks):
    def onDecorator(func):
        def onCall(*pargs, **kargs):
            for check in argchecks: pass     # Add validation code here
            return func(*pargs, **kargs)
        return onCall
    return onDecorator

@rangetest(a=(1, 5), c=(0.0, 1.0))
def func(a, b, c):                           # func = rangetest(...)(func)
    print(a + b + c)

func(1, 2, c=3)                              # Runs onCall, argchecks in scope

# Using function annotations

def rangetest(func):
    def onCall(*pargs, **kargs):
        argchecks = func.__annotations__
        for check in argchecks: pass         # Add validation code here
        return func(*pargs, **kargs)
    return onCall

def func(a:(1, 5), b, c:(0.0, 1.0)):         # func = rangetest(func)
    print(a + b + c)

func(1, 2, c=3)                              # Runs onCall, annotations on func

When run, both schemes have access to the same validation test information, but in different forms—the decorator argument version’s information is retained in an argument in an enclosing scope, and the annotation version’s information is retained in an attribute of the function itself:

{'a': (1, 5), 'c': (0.0, 1.0)}
{'a': (1, 5), 'c': (0.0, 1.0)}

I’ll leave fleshing out the rest of the annotation-based version as a suggested exercise; its code would be identical to that of our complete solution shown earlier, because range-test information is simply on the function instead of in an enclosing scope. Really, all this buys us is a different user interface for our tool—it will still need to match argument names against expected argument names to obtain relative positions as before.

In fact, using annotation instead of decorator arguments in this example actually limits its utility. For one thing, annotation only works under Python 3.0, so 2.6 is no longer supported; function decorators with arguments, on the other hand, work in both versions.

More importantly, by moving the validation specifications into the def header, we essentially commit the function to a single role—since annotation allows us to code only one expression per argument, it can have only one purpose. For instance, we cannot use range-test annotations for any other role.

By contrast, because decorator arguments are coded outside the function itself, they are both easier to remove and more general—the code of the function itself does not imply a single decoration purpose. In fact, by nesting decorators with arguments, we can apply multiple augmentation steps to the same function; annotation directly supports only one. With decorator arguments, the function itself also retains a simpler, normal appearance.

Still, if you have a single purpose in mind, and you can commit to supporting 3.X only, the choice between annotation and decorator arguments is largely stylistic and subjective. As is so often true in life, one person’s annotation may well be another’s syntactic clutter....

Other Applications: Type Testing (If You Insist!)

The coding pattern we’ve arrived at for processing arguments in decorators could be applied in other contexts. Checking argument data types at development time, for example, is a straightforward extension:

def typetest(**argchecks):
    def onDecorator(func):
           def onCall(*pargs, **kargs):
                positionals = list(allargs)[:len(pargs)]
                for (argname, type) in argchecks.items():
                    if argname in kargs:
                        if not isinstance(kargs[argname], type):
                            raise TypeError(errmsg)
                    elif argname in positionals:
                        position = positionals.index(argname)
                        if not isinstance(pargs[position], type):
                            raise TypeError(errmsg)
                        # Assume not passed: default
                return func(*pargs, **kargs)
            return onCall
    return onDecorator

@typetest(a=int, c=float)
def func(a, b, c, d):                    # func = typetest(...)(func)

func(1, 2, 3.0, 4)                       # Okay
func('spam', 2, 99, 4)                   # Triggers exception correctly

In fact, we might even generalize further by passing in a test function, much as we did to add Public decorations earlier; a single copy of this sort of code would suffice for both range and type testing. Using function annotations instead of decorator arguments for such a decorator, as described in the prior section, would make this look even more like type declarations in other languages:

def func(a: int, b, c: float, d):        # func = typetest(func)
    ...                                  # Gasp!...

As you should have learned in this book, though, this particular role is generally a bad idea in working code, and not at all Pythonic (in fact, it’s often a symptom of an ex-C++ programmer’s first attempts to use Python).

Type testing restricts your function to work on specific types only, instead of allowing it to operate on any types with compatible interfaces. In effect, it limits your code and breaks its flexibility. On the other hand, every rule has exceptions; type checking may come in handy in isolated cases while debugging and when interfacing with code written in more restrictive languages, such as C++. This general pattern of argument processing might also be applicable in a variety of less controversial roles.

Chapter Summary

In this chapter, we explored decorators—both the function and class varieties. As we learned, decorators are a way to insert code to be run automatically when a function or class is defined. When a decorator is used, Python rebinds a function or class name to the callable object it returns. This hook allows us to add a layer of wrapper logic to function calls and class instance creation calls, in order to manage functions and instances. As we also saw, manager functions and manual name rebinding can achieve the same effect, but decorators provide a more explicit and uniform solution.

As we’ll see in the next chapter, class decorators can also be used to manage classes themselves, rather than just their instances. Because this functionality overlaps with metaclasses, the topic of the next chapter, you’ll have to read ahead for the rest of this story. First, though, work through the following quiz. Because this chapter was mostly focused on its larger examples, its quiz will ask you to modify some of its code in order to review.

Test Your Knowledge: Quiz

  1. As mentioned in one of this chapter’s Notes, the timer function decorator with decorator arguments that we wrote in the section Adding Decorator Arguments can be applied only to simple functions, because it uses a nested class with a __call__ operator overloading method to catch calls. This structure does not work for class methods because the decorator instance is passed to self, not the subject class instance. Rewrite this decorator so that it can be applied to both simple functions and class methods, and test it on both functions and methods. (Hint: see the section Class Blunders I: Decorating Class Methods for pointers.) Note that you may make use of assigning function object attributes to keep track of total time, since you won’t have a nested class for state retention and can’t access nonlocals from outside the decorator code.

  2. The Public/Private class decorators we wrote in this chapter will add overhead to every attribute fetch in a decorated class. Although we could simply delete the @ decoration line to gain speed, we could also augment the decorator itself to check the __debug__ switch and perform no wrapping at all when the –O Python flag is passed on the command line (just as we did for the argument range-test decorators). That way, we can speed our program without changing its source, via command-line arguments (python –O Code and test this extension.

Test Your Knowledge: Answers

  1. Here’s one way to code the first question’s solution, and its output (albeit with class methods that run too fast to time). The trick lies in replacing nested classes with nested functions, so the self argument is not the decorator’s instance, and assigning the total time to the decorator function itself so it can be fetched later through the original rebound name (see the section State Information Retention Options of this chapter for details—functions support arbitrary attribute attachment, and the function name is an enclosing scope reference in this context).

    import time
    def timer(label='', trace=True):             # On decorator args: retain args
        def onDecorator(func):                   # On @: retain decorated func
            def onCall(*args, **kargs):          # On calls: call original
                start   = time.clock()           # State is scopes + func attr
                result  = func(*args, **kargs)
                elapsed = time.clock() - start
                onCall.alltime += elapsed
                if trace:
                    format = '%s%s: %.5f, %.5f'
                    values = (label, func.__name__, elapsed, onCall.alltime)
                    print(format % values)
                return result
            onCall.alltime = 0
            return onCall
        return onDecorator
    # Test on functions
    @timer(trace=True, label='[CCC]==>')
    def listcomp(N):                             # Like listcomp = timer(...)(listcomp)
        return [x * 2 for x in range(N)]         # listcomp(...) triggers onCall
    @timer(trace=True, label='[MMM]==>')
    def mapcall(N):
        return list(map((lambda x: x * 2), range(N)))   # list() for 3.0 views
    for func in (listcomp, mapcall):
        result = func(5)                  # Time for this call, all calls, return value
        print('allTime = %s
    ' % func.alltime)   # Total time for all calls
    # Test on methods
    class Person:
        def __init__(self, name, pay):
   = name
    = pay
        def giveRaise(self, percent):            # giveRaise = timer()(giveRaise)
   *= (1.0 + percent)          # tracer remembers giveRaise
        def lastName(self):                      # lastName = timer(...)(lastName)
            return[-1]         # alltime per class, not instance
    bob = Person('Bob Smith', 50000)
    sue = Person('Sue Jones', 100000)
    sue.giveRaise(.20)                           # runs onCall(sue, .10)
    print(bob.lastName(), sue.lastName())        # runs onCall(bob), remembers lastName
    print('%.5f %.5f' % (Person.giveRaise.alltime, Person.lastName.alltime))
    # Expected output
    [CCC]==>listcomp: 0.00002, 0.00002
    [CCC]==>listcomp: 1.19636, 1.19638
    [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
    allTime = 1.19637775192
    [MMM]==>mapcall: 0.00002, 0.00002
    [MMM]==>mapcall: 2.29260, 2.29262
    [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
    allTime = 2.2926232943
    giveRaise: 0.00001, 0.00001
    giveRaise: 0.00001, 0.00002
    55000.0 120000.0
    **lastName: 0.00001, 0.00001
    **lastName: 0.00001, 0.00002
    Smith Jones
    0.00002 0.00002
  2. The following satisfies the second question—it’s been augmented to return the original class in optimized mode (–O), so attribute accesses don’t incur a speed hit. Really, all I did was add the debug mode test statements and indent the class further to the right. Add operator overloading method redefinitions to the wrapper class if you want to support delegation of these to the subject class in 3.0, too (2.6 routes these through __getattr__, but 3.0 and new-style classes in 2.6 do not).

    traceMe = False
    def trace(*args):
        if traceMe: print('[' + ' '.join(map(str, args)) + ']')
    def accessControl(failIf):
        def onDecorator(aClass):
            if not __debug__:
                return aClass
                class onInstance:
                    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
                        self.__wrapped = aClass(*args, **kargs)
                    def __getattr__(self, attr):
                        trace('get:', attr)
                        if failIf(attr):
                            raise TypeError('private attribute fetch: ' + attr)
                            return getattr(self.__wrapped, attr)
                    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
                        trace('set:', attr, value)
                        if attr == '_onInstance__wrapped':
                            self.__dict__[attr] = value
                        elif failIf(attr):
                            raise TypeError('private attribute change: ' + attr)
                            setattr(self.__wrapped, attr, value)
                return onInstance
        return onDecorator
    def Private(*attributes):
        return accessControl(failIf=(lambda attr: attr in attributes))
    def Public(*attributes):
        return accessControl(failIf=(lambda attr: attr not in attributes))
    # Test code: split me off to another file to reuse decorator
    @Private('age')                             # Person = Private('age')(Person)
    class Person:                               # Person = onInstance with state
        def __init__(self, name, age):
   = name
            self.age  = age                     # Inside accesses run normally
    X = Person('Bob', 40)
    print(                               # Outside accesses validated = 'Sue'
    #print(X.age)    # FAILS unles "python -O"
    #X.age = 999     # ditto
    #print(X.age)    # ditto
    class Person:
        def __init__(self, name, age):
   = name
            self.age  = age
    X = Person('bob', 40)                       # X is an onInstance
    print(                               # onInstance embeds Person = 'Sue'
    #print(X.age)    # FAILS unless "python –O"
    #X.age = 999     # ditto
    #print(X.age)    # ditto
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