Chapter 30. Controlling Puppet with MCollective

In this chapter, we will configure and enable the orchestration tool that shipped as part of Puppet 4: the Marionette Collective, or MCollective. You’ll learn how to use MCollective to control the Puppet agent on your nodes.

MCollective can:

  • Query, start, stop, and restart the Puppet agent.
  • Run the Puppet agent with special command-line options.
  • Query and make changes to the node using Puppet resources.
  • Choose nodes to act on based on the Puppet classes or facts on the node.
  • Control concurrency of Puppet runs across a group of nodes.
If you have used puppet kick in the past, you are likely aware that Puppet Labs has obsoleted and has removed support for it in Puppet 4. The MCollective Puppet agent replaces Puppet kick in both the community and Puppet Enterprise product lines, and provides significantly more features and functionality.

Configuring MCollective

In this section, you will:

  • Install ActiveMQ to provide middleware on the Puppet server.
  • Install the MCollective server on every node.
  • Install the MCollective clients on a system of your choice.
  • Enable TLS encryption for all connections.
  • Install the Puppet agent plugin for ad hoc control of Puppet.

Enabling the Puppet Labs Repository

Puppet Labs provides Yum and Apt repositories containing packages for the MCollective server, clients, and some officially supported plugins. This community repository supplements the OS vendor repositories for the more popular Linux distributions.

Install that repository as follows:

$ sudo yum install

  puppetlabs-release.noarch 0:7-11                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Installing the MCollective Module

Install the MCollective Puppet module from the Puppet Forge like so:

$ cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production
production$ puppet module install jorhett-mcollective --modulepath=modules/
Notice: Preparing to install into environments/production/modules ...
Notice: Downloading from ...
Notice: Installing -- do not interrupt ...
 jorhett-mcollective (v1.2.1)
 puppetlabs-stdlib (v4.3.0)

As shown here, the Puppet module installer will pull in the puppetlabs/stdlib module if you don’t have it already.

Generating Passwords

Setting up MCollective is quick and easy. For this installation you will create four unique strings for authentication:

Client password
Used by the MCollective client to authenticate with the middleware.
Server password
Used by nodes to authentication with the middleware.
Preshared salt
Used by clients and servers to validate that requests have arrived intact.
Java keystore password
Used to protect a Java keystore.

The server credentials installed on nodes will allow them to subscribe to command channels, but not to send commands on them. If you use the same credentials for clients and servers, anyone with access to a server’s configuration file will have command control of the entire collective. Keep these credentials separate.

You won’t type these strings at a prompt—they’ll be stored in a configuration file. So we’ll generate long and complex random passwords. Run the following command four times:

$ openssl rand -base64 32

Copy these random strings into your Sticky app or text editor, or write them down somewhere temporarily. We’ll use them in the next few sections to configure the service.

Many online guides and Puppet modules for MCollective instruct you to configure it with unencrypted command channels and plain-text validation of commands. The process here will secure MCollective with encrypted channels and cryptographic validation of requests.

The TLS security plugins can encrypt the transport and provide complete cryptographic authentication. However, the simplicity of the preshared key model is useful to help get you up and running quickly and provides a reasonable level of security for a small installation.

Configuring Hiera for MCollective

We already did this earlier in the book, but take a moment and verify that you’ve enabled class assignment from Hiera in your environment’s manifest (${environmentpath}/${environment}/manifests/site.pp):

# Look up classes defined in Hiera
lookup('classes', Array[String], 'unique').include

Put the following Hiera configuration data in the common.yaml file. Note that you’ll be using the random passwords you generated earlier:

# every node installs the server
  - mcollective::server

# The Puppet Server will host the middleware
  - ''
  - 'mcollective'

mcollective::connector: 'activemq'
mcollective::connector_ssl: true
mcollective::connector_ssl_type: 'anonymous'

# Access passwords
mcollective::server_password: 'Server Password'
mcollective::psk_key: 'Pre-shared Salt'

mcollective::facts::cronjob::run_every: 10
mcollective::server::package_ensure: 'latest'
    version: 'latest'

mcollective::client::unix_group: vagrant
mcollective::client::package_ensure: 'latest'
    version: 'latest'

Every node will install and enable the mcollective::server. The remaining values identify the type of connection.

Enabling the Middleware

I had considered using another Vagrant instance to provide the middleware instance for MCollective, but we’re already burning lots of memory, and honestly the middleware doesn’t require much memory or CPU until you have hundreds of nodes.

Therefore, I recommend that you install the middleware on the puppetserver VM. Its resource needs are very minimal.

At this point, we’ll need to adjust the firewall on the middleware node. MCollective clients and servers connect to the middleware on TCP port 61614. Let’s allow incoming TCP connections to this port on the Puppet server node:

$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=61614/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Now adjust the Hiera data file for this node to enable the extra features. Create a per-host YAML file for the Puppet server named hostname/puppetserver.yaml:

# hostname/puppetserver.yaml
  - mcollective::middleware
  - mcollective::client

# Middleware configuration
mcollective::client_password: 'Client Password'
mcollective::middleware::keystore_password: 'Keystore Password'
mcollective::middleware::truststore_password: 'Keystore Password'

This class assignment enables installation of ActiveMQ middleware on the Puppet server by adding the mcollective::middleware class. It also installs the MCollective client software with the mcollective::client class.

Finally, run Puppet to configure this node:

[vagrant@puppetserver ~]$ sudo puppet agent --test

This should configure your middleware node without any problems if the data was entered correctly.

Connecting MCollective Servers

Go to each server in your network and run puppet agent to configure MCollective. In the virtualized test setup, this would be the client and dashboard nodes. Their configuration will be simpler than what you observed on the middleware node:

[vagrant@dashserver ~]$ sudo puppet agent --verbose
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1441698110'
Notice: /Mcollective/Package[rubygem-stomp]/ensure: created
Info: Computing checksum on file /etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/server.cfg
Notice: /Mcollective::Server/File[/etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/server.cfg]/content:
  content changed '{md5}73e68cfd79153a49de6f' to '{md5}bb46f5c1345d62b8a62bb'
Notice: /Mcollective::Server/File[/etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/server.cfg]/owner:
  owner changed 'vagrant' to 'root'
Notice: /Mcollective::Server/File[/etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/server.cfg]/group:
  group changed 'vagrant' to 'root'
Notice: /Mcollective::Server/File[/etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/server.cfg]/mode:
  mode changed '0644' to '0400'
Info: /Mcollective::Server/File[/etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/server.cfg]:
  Scheduling refresh of Service[mcollective]
Notice: /Mcollective::Server/Mcollective::Plugin::Agent[puppet]/
  Package[mcollective-puppet-agent]/ensure: created
Info: /Mcollective::Server/Mcollective::Plugin::Agent[puppet]/
  Package[mcollective-puppet-agent]: Scheduling refresh of Service[mcollective]
Notice: /Mcollective::Server/Service[mcollective]/ensure:
  ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
Notice: /Mcollective::Facts::Cronjob/Cron[mcollective-facts]/ensure) created
Notice: Applied catalog in 17.02 seconds

At this time, the MCollective service should be up and running, and attempting to connect to the middleware. You should see the node connected to the middleware node on port 61614:

$ netstat -an | grep 61614
tcp   0   0          ESTABLISHED 

If you are using IPv6, the response may look like this:

$ netstat -an -A inet6 | grep 61614
tcp   0   0 2001:DB8:6A:C0::200:10:45743 2001:DB8:6A:C0::200:6:61614  ESTABLISHED 
You may find that you are using IPv6 when you didn’t expect it. This isn’t a problem in most sites, so don’t rush to turn it off. If you need to only use IPv4, set the mcollective::hosts array values to DNS hostnames that only provide an IPv4 address.

If you don’t see an established connection, ensure that you’ve made the firewall change documented in the previous section.

Validating the Installation

At this point, all of your nodes should be online and connected to the middleware. You can verify that each of them is reachable using the low-level ping command:

[vagrant@puppetserver ~]$ mco ping                   time=182.17 ms                       time=221.34 ms                 time=221.93 ms

---- ping statistics ----
3 replies max: 221.93 min: 182.17 avg: 208.48 

If you get back a list of each server connected to your middleware and its response time, then congratulations! You have successfully created a collective using Puppet.

If this does not work, there are only three things that can be wrong. They are listed here in the order of likelihood:

The middleware host isn’t allowing connections to port 61614
If this is the case, you won’t see any connections to port 61614 on the puppetserver VM. Follow the firewall configuration steps in “Enabling the Middleware” to resolve this issue.
The middleware host doesn’t have the same server password as the nodes
You can verify this by checking /var/log/messages on the servers for errors about authentication. This can only happen if the Hiera data for the middleware node (puppetserver) is overriding the server_password value to something different. It is easiest and best to only define that value in the common.yaml file so that all nodes share the same value.
The middleware host doesn’t have the same client password as your client
This will be very obvious because you’ll get an immediate error response when you try to run any mco command. Ensure that the same value for client_password is used on both the client and the middleware host. You can also place this in the common file to ensure consistency.

In the virtualized environment we’ve created for learning, this will “just work.” In a mixed-vendor environment, you may have more problems, but you can identify and resolve all of them by reading the logfiles. If necessary, change the log level to debug in common.yaml, as shown here:

mcollective::client::loglevel: 'debug'
mcollective::server::loglevel: 'debug'

You’ll find that debug logs contain details of the inner workings of each layer of MCollective.

Creating Another Client

You only need to install the client software on systems from which you will be sending requests. In a production environment, this may be your management hosts, or a bastion host, or it could be your laptop or desktop systems in the office. In the virtualized test environment, we have enabled the MCollective client on the puppetserver node.

If you would like to enable the client commands on the client node, then create a per-host Hiera data file for it, such as /etc/puppetlabs/code/hieradata/hostname/client.yaml:

# Client configuration
  - mcollective::client

mcollective::client_password: 'Client Password'

These two settings are all you need to enable the MCollective clients on the node you selected. Run Puppet agent in test mode to see the changes made:

$ sudo puppet agent --test
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1441700470'
Info: Computing checksum on file /etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/client.cfg
Notice: /Mcollective::Client/File[/etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/client.cfg]/content:
  content changed '{md5}af1fa871fed944e3ea' to '{md5}2846de8aa829715f394c49f04'
Notice: /Mcollective::Client/File[/etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/client.cfg]/owner:
  owner changed 'vagrant' to 'root'
Notice: /Mcollective::Client/File[/etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/client.cfg]/mode:
  mode changed '0644' to '0440'
Notice: /Mcollective::Client/Mcollective::Plugin::Client[puppet]/
  Package[mcollective-puppet-client]/ensure: created
Notice: Applied catalog in 7.41 seconds
With the preshared key security model, anyone who can read the client.cfg file can find the salt used to validate requests to the hosts.

Tune which group has read access to this file using the following Hiera configuration option:

mcollective::client::unix_group: 'vagrant'

Obviously you won’t use this group on productions systems. I recommend that you choose a limited group of people who you trust to execute commands on every system.

Installing MCollective Agents and Clients

The important thing we want to install is the MCollective Puppet agent. This is automatically installed through the following Hiera values (which we already applied):

    version: latest
      - Package['puppet-agent']

    version: latest

These configuration values in Hiera will ensure that the Puppet agent plugin is installed on all servers, and the Puppet client plugin is installed on all client machines.

You can install other MCollective agents by adding them to the mcollective::plugin::agents hash. For each plugin, you can specify the agent version and any dependencies that must be installed first. Many plugins won’t work until the software they provide extensions for is installed. The preceding example declares that the Puppet agent plugin requires the puppet-agent package to be installed before the plugin.

Dependencies should be expressed in the capitalized resource names used by the Puppet ordering metaparameters, for reasons I believe you can grasp. This example is a bit redundant, as Puppet is enforcing this policy, and we therefore know that it is already installed.

You can install MCollective client plugins by adding them to the mcollective::plugin::clients hash. For each plugin, you can specify the client version and any dependencies that must be installed first.

Sharing Facts with Puppet

The facts that Puppet gathers from the node can be made available to MCollective. Facts are a hash of key/value strings with details about the node, as covered in “Finding Facts”.

Facts provide a powerful information source, and are useful to filter the list of nodes that should act upon a request.

You populate the /etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/facts.yaml file by giving the mcollective::facts::cronjob::run_every parameter a value. This enables a cron job schedule that creates the facts.yaml file with all Facter- and Puppet-provided facts:

mcollective::facts::cronjob::run_every: '10'

The value should be a quoted String value containing the number of minutes between updates to the file. The Hiera data you added to the hieradata/common.yaml file a few pages back set this to 10 for all nodes.

Take a look at the generated file, and you’ll find all the facts stored in YAML format for MCollective to use. You can also use an inventory request and read through the output to see all facts available on a node:

$ mco inventory | awk '/Facts:/','/^$/'
      architecture => x86_64
      augeasversion => 1.0.0
      bios_release_date => 01/01/2007
      bios_vendor => Seabios

You can query for how many nodes share the same value for facts. For example, every node shown here (from a different testlab) has the hostname fact, but only three nodes have the kernel fact:

$ mco facts operatingsystem
Report for fact: kernel

        Linux                                  found 2 times
        FreeBSD                                found 1 times

Finished processing 3 / 3 hosts in 61.45 ms

$ mco facts hostname
Report for fact: hostname

        fireagate                               found 1 times
        geode                                   found 1 times
        tanzanite                               found 1 times
        sunstone                                found 1 times

Finished processing 5 / 5 hosts in 68.38 ms

Tanzanite is a Windows operating system that doesn’t have the kernel fact.

Pulling the Puppet Strings

Now that MCollective is installed, the fun begins. In this section, you will:

  • Get an inventory of facts and classes from each node.
  • Run the Puppet agent on demand for specific nodes.
  • Use filters and limits to control request targets.
  • Manipulate and control Puppet resources on nodes.

You will be amazed at the level of control and immediacy that MCollective gives you over nodes. MCollective enables new ways of using Puppet that simply aren’t possible from agent, cron-run, or even command-line usage of Puppet.

Viewing Node Inventory

One of the commands built into the MCollective client is an inventory query. This command allows you to see how a given server is configured: what collectives it is part of, what facts it has, what Puppet classes are applied to it, and the server’s running statistics.

Run this command against one of your nodes and examine the output:

$ mco inventory
Inventory for

   Server Statistics:
                      Version: 2.8.2
                   Start Time: 2015-09-08 10:44:09 +0000
                  Config File: /etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/server.cfg
                  Collectives: mcollective
              Main Collective: mcollective
                   Process ID: 20896
               Total Messages: 4
      Messages Passed Filters: 4
            Messages Filtered: 0
             Expired Messages: 0
                 Replies Sent: 3
         Total Processor Time: 1.43 seconds
                  System Time: 0.61 seconds

      discovery       puppet          rpcutil        

   Data Plugins:
      agent           collective      fact           
      fstat           puppet          resource       

   Configuration Management Classes:
    mcollective            mcollective::facts::cronjob    mcollective::params           
    mcollective::server    puppet4                        puppet4::agent                
    puppet4::params        puppet4::user                  settings                      

      augeas => {"version"=>"1.4.0"}
      disks => {"size"=>"20 GiB", "size_bytes"=>"21474836480", "vendor"=>"ATA"}
      dmi => {"bios"=>{"vendor"=>"innotek GmbH", "version"=>"VirtualBox"}

You can create reports from the inventory service as well. Write a short Ruby script to output the values, such as this one:

$ cat
# Format: hostname: architecture, operating system, OS release.
inventory do
  format "%20s: %8s %10s %-20s"
  fields {[

Now call the inventory command with the --script option and the name of the Ruby script, as shown here:

$ mco inventory --script
               geode:  x86_64    CentOS 6.4
            sunstone:   amd64    Ubuntu 13.10
          heliotrope:  x86_64    CentOS 6.5
           tanzanite:  x86_64   Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
           fireagate:   amd64   FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE

This can be very useful for creating reports of your managed nodes.


I took this output from a different test lab, as the virtual machines we created in this book are sadly uniform in nature.

Checking Puppet Status

You can now query the Puppet agent status of any node using the MCollective client. First, let’s get a list of nodes that have the MCollective Puppet agent installed. The example shown here uses the find command to identify nodes that have the agent:

$ mco find --with-agent puppet

Now ask the Puppet agents what they are doing:

$ mco puppet count
Total Puppet nodes: 3

          Nodes currently enabled: 3
         Nodes currently disabled: 0

Nodes currently doing puppet runs: 0
          Nodes currently stopped: 3

       Nodes with daemons started: 3
    Nodes without daemons started: 0
       Daemons started but idling: 3

Finally, let’s get a graphical summary of all nodes:

$ mco puppet summary
Summary statistics for 3 nodes:

                  Total resources: ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▄▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁  min: 25.0   max: 39.0  
            Out Of Sync resources: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁  min: 0.0    max: 0.0   
                 Failed resources: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁  min: 0.0    max: 0.0   
                Changed resources: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁  min: 0.0    max: 0.0   
  Config Retrieval time (seconds): ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁  min: 0.9    max: 1.2   
         Total run-time (seconds): ▇▁▁▁▁▄▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁  min: 1.3    max: 9.4   
    Time since last run (seconds): ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁▇  min: 244.0  max: 1.6k  

You’ll notice that Puppet runs very quickly on these nodes, as they have few resources involved. The two modules you enabled have only a few dozen resources. A production deployment will usually have much longer runtimes and thousands of resources applied.

Disabling the Puppet Agent

During maintenance you may want to disable the Puppet agent on certain nodes. When you disable the agent, you can add a message letting others know why you did so:

$ mco puppet disable --with-identity message="Disk failed"

 * [ ==================================================> ] 1 / 1

Summary of Enabled:
   disabled = 1

Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 85.28 ms

If someone tries to run Puppet on the node, they’ll get a message back telling them why Puppet was disabled on the node:

$ mco puppet runonce --with-identity

 * [ =================================================> ] 1 / 1

heliotrope                               Request Aborted
   Puppet is disabled: 'Disk failed'
   Summary: Puppet is disabled: 'Disk failed'

Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 84.22 ms

Re-enabling the Puppet agent is just as easy:

$ mco puppet enable --with-identity

 * [ ==================================================> ] 1 / 1

Summary of Enabled:
   enabled = 1

Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 84.36 ms

You can easily apply these commands to enable or disable the Puppet agent on multiple nodes matching a filter criteria, as discussed in “Limiting Targets with Filters”.

Invoking Ad Hoc Puppet Runs

The MCollective Puppet agent provides powerful control over the Puppet agent. The simplest invocation is naturally to tell Puppet agent to evaluate the catalog immediately on one node:

$ mco puppet runonce --with-identity

 * [ ==================================================> ] 1 / 1

Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 193.99 ms

$ mco puppet status --with-identity

 * [ ==================================================> ] 1 / 1 Currently idling; last completed run 02 seconds ago

Summary of Applying:
   false = 1

Summary of Daemon Running:
   running = 1

Summary of Enabled:
   enabled = 1

Summary of Idling:
   true = 1

Summary of Status:
   idling = 1

Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 86.43 ms

If you examine the help text for mco puppet, you’ll find the same options for controlling Puppet as you have for puppet agent or puppet apply:

$ mco puppet --help
Application Options
  --force                  Bypass splay options when running
  --server SERVER          Connect to a specific server or port
  --tags, --tag TAG        Restrict the run to specific tags
  --noop                   Do a noop run
  --no-noop                Do a run with noop disabled
  --environment ENV        Place the node in a specific environment for this run
  --splay                  Splay the run by up to splaylimit seconds
  --no-splay               Do a run with splay disabled
  --splaylimit SECONDS     Maximum splay time for this run if splay is set
  --ignoreschedules        Disable schedule processing
  --rerun SECONDS          When performing runall do so repeatedly
                               with a minimum run time of SECONDS

What if you had an emergency patch for Puppet to fix a security problem with the /etc/sudoers file? If you simply updated Puppet data, the change would be applied gradually over 30 minutes, as you can see from the results of this command:

$ mco puppet status --wf operatingsystem=CentOS

 * [ ==================================================> ] 3 / 3 Currently idling; last completed run 2 minutes ago Currently idling; last completed run 16 minutes ago Currently idling; last completed run 25 minutes ago

To make this emergency change get applied ASAP on all CentOS nodes, you could use the following MCollective command:

$ mco puppet runonce --tags=sudo --with-fact operatingsystem=CentOS

 * [ ==================================================> ] 3 / 3

 Finished processing 3 / 3 hosts in 988.26 ms

So, how’s .98 seconds for fast?

What risks do you run commanding every node to run Puppet at the same time? In server-based environments, the Puppet servers could be overloaded by simultaneous Puppet agent catalog requests.

You may need to limit the number of hosts that provide a service from evaluating their policies at the same time, to prevent too many of them being out of service simultaneously.

Here is any example where we slow-roll Puppet convergence, processing only two at a time:

$ mco puppet runall 2
2014-02-10 23:14:00: Running all nodes with a concurrency of 2
2014-02-10 23:14:00: Discovering enabled Puppet nodes to manage
2014-02-10 23:14:03: Found 39 enabled nodes
2014-02-10 23:14:06: geode schedule status: Signaled the running Puppet
2014-02-10 23:14:06: sunstone schedule status: Signaled the running Puppet
2014-02-10 23:14:06: 37 out of 39 hosts left to run in this iteration
2014-02-10 23:14:09: Currently 2 nodes applying the catalog; waiting for less
2014-02-10 23:14:17: heliotrope schedule status: Signaled the running Puppet
2014-02-10 23:14:18: 36 out of 39 hosts left to run in this iteration

Run Puppet on all web servers, up to five at at time:

$ mco puppet runall 5 --with-identity /^webd/

Note that runall is like batch except that instead of waiting for a sleep time, it waits for one of the Puppet daemons to complete its run before it starts another. If you didn’t mind some potential overlap, you could always use the batch options instead:

$ mco puppet --batch 10 --batch-sleep 60 --tags ntp

Limiting Targets with Filters

Filters are used by the discovery plugin to limit which servers are sent a request. Filters can be applied to any MCollective command.

The syntax for filters are documented in the online help, as shown here:

$ mco help

Host Filters
  -W, --with FILTER               Combined classes and facts filter
  -S, --select FILTER             Compound filter combining facts and classes
  -F, --wf, --with-fact fact=val  Match hosts with a certain fact
  -C, --wc, --with-class CLASS    Match hosts with a certain Puppet class
  -A, --wa, --with-agent AGENT    Match hosts with a certain agent
  -I, --wi, --with-identity IDENT Match hosts with a certain configured identity

There are long and short versions of every filter option. We’re going to use the long versions throughout the documentation because they are easier to read on the page, and easier to remember.

In the following examples, you will see commands I haven’t introduced yet. Don’t worry about understanding every command feature or option now. Instead, focus on how flexible and powerful the filtering language is for selecting target nodes.

Here are some examples of using host filters. Each one outputs a list of hosts that match the criteria. These are good to run before executing a command, to ensure that you are matching the list of hosts you expect to match. In our first example, we’ll find all hosts whose identity (FQDN) matches a regular expression:

$ mco find --with-identity /serv/

List all hosts that apply the Puppet class mcollective::client:

$ mco find --with-class mcollective::client

Show all hosts whose facts report that they are using the Ubuntu operatingsystem:

$ mco find --with-fact operatingsystem=Ubuntu

Whoops, no results. There are no Ubuntu hosts in this test environment. Show all hosts that have the puppet agent installed on them:

$ mco find --with-agent puppet

There are two types of combination filters. The first type combines Puppet classes and Facter facts. Following is an example where we find all CentOS hosts with the Puppet class nameserver applied to them:

$ mco find --with "/nameserver/ operatingsystem=CentOS"

The second type is called a select filter and is the most powerful filter available. This filter allows you to create searches against facts and Puppet classes with complex Boolean logic. This is the only filter where you can use the operands and and or. You can likewise negate terms using not or !.

For example, find all CentOS hosts that are not in the test environment:

$ mco find --select "operatingsystem=CentOS and not environment=test"

The final example matches virtualized hosts with either the httpd or nginx Puppet class applied to them. This combination search is only possible with the select filter type:

$ mco find --select "( /httpd/ or /nginx/ ) and is_virtual=true"
A select filter will always use the mc discovery plugin, even if a different plugin is requested or configured.

Providing a List of Targets

MCollective supports multiple discovery plugins, including lookup from MongoDB, MySQL, and other big data solutions. Not all filters are supported by every discovery method. Consult the documentation for a discovery method to determine which filters are available.

In addition to mc’s dynamic discovery filters, you can specify which nodes to make requests of using a file with one identity (FQDN) per line:

$ mco puppet runonce --disc-method flatfile --disc-option /tmp/list-of-hosts.txt

You can also pipe the list of nodes to the command:

$ cat list-of-hosts.txt | mco puppet runonce --disc-method stdin
If you use the flatfile or stdin discovery methods, only the identity filter can be used.

These can be very useful when you have a list of nodes generated from a database, or collected from another query, which need to be processed in order. In most other situations, manually building a list of targets is a waste of time. You will find it much easier to use MCollective filters to target nodes dynamically.

Limiting Concurrency

By default, every node that matches the filter will respond to the request immediately. You may want to limit how many servers receive the request, or how many process it concurrently.

While it is impressive to see every node in your network instantly jump to perform your request, there are times it isn’t appropriate. For example, you probably don’t want every node in a load-balanced pool to upgrade itself at the same moment.

Following are command options to control how many servers receive the request in a batch, and how much time to wait between each batch.

The --one argument requests a response from a single (effectively random) node:

$ mco puppet status --one Currently idling; last completed run 12 minutes ago

The --limit argument can specify either a fixed number of servers or a percentage of the servers matching a filter:

$ mco puppet status --limit 2 Currently idling; last completed run 20 minutes ago Currently idling; last completed run 4 minutes ago

Here’s an example asking for one-third of the nodes with the mcollective Puppet class applied to them to run a command to return their FQDN:

$ mco shell run "hostname --fqdn" --limit 33% --with-class webserver
This is only possible if you add the shell agent and client to the list of plugins installed, as documented in “Installing MCollective Agents and Clients”.

It’s also possible to process systems in batches. Specify both a batch size and a time period before initiating the next batch. In the example shown here, we run the Puppet agent on five German servers every 30 seconds:

$ mco puppet runonce --batch 5 --batch-sleep 30 --with-fact country=de

In this example, we upgrade the sudo package in batches of 10 nodes spaced two minutes apart:

$ mco package upgrade sudo --batch 10 --batch-sleep 120

Manipulating Puppet Resource Types

The MCollective Puppet agent enables you to interact instantly with a node’s resources using Puppet’s Resource Abstraction Layer (RAL). You express a declarative state to be ensured on the node, with the same resource names and attributes as you would use in a Puppet manifest.

For example, if you wanted to stop the httpd service on a node, you could do the following:

$ mco puppet resource service httpd ensure=stopped --with-identity /dashserver/

 * [ ==================================================> ] 1 / 1                                    
   Changed: true
    Result: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'

Summary of Changed:
   Changed = 1

Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 630.99 ms

You could also fix the root alias on every host at once:

$ mco puppet resource mailalias root recipient=[email protected]

You should obviously limit actions in all the ways specified in “Limiting Targets with Filters”. For example, you probably only want to stop Apache on hosts where it is not being managed by Puppet:

$ mco puppet resource service httpd ensure=stopped --wc !apache
This section documents extremely powerful controls. Enabling the Puppet RAL allows direct, instantaneous, and arbitrary access to any Puppet resource type it knows how to affect.

Restricting which resources can be controlled

By default, no resources can be controlled from MCollective. The feature is enabled in the MCollective configuration, but it has an empty whitelist by default.

Consider this feature a really powerful shotgun. The whitelist protects you and everyone who depends upon that foot you are aiming at.

These are the default configuration options:

mcollective::server::resource_type_whitelist: 'none'
mcollective::server::resource_type_blacklist: null

To allow resource control, define the preceding configuration values in your Hiera data. Add a list of resources to be controlled to the whitelist, as follows:

mcollective::server::resource_type_whitelist: 'package,service'

You can also define a blacklist of resources that should be immune to MCollective tampering:

mcollective::server::resource_type_blacklist: 'user,group,exec'

MCollective does not allow you to mix whitelists and blacklists. One of the preceding values must be undefined, or null.

Block MCollective from Puppet resources

A resource declared in the Puppet catalog should not be controlled from MCollective, so as to prevent MCollective from making a change against the Puppet policy. Alternate values specified for a resource in the Puppet catalog are most likely to be overwritten the next time Puppet agent converges the run. In a worse case, well… sorry about the foot.

To allow MCollective to alter resources defined in the node’s Puppet catalog, enable the allow_managed_resources configuration option:

mcollective::server::allow_managed_resources: true

If you are (rightly) scared of breaking a resource that Puppet controls, and the damage to your foot that this tool is capable of, the best protection would be the following change:

mcollective::server::allow_managed_resources: false

Comparing to Puppet Application Orchestration

Right before this book went to press, Puppet Labs released Puppet Enterprise 2015.3, which contains the first implementation of Puppet Application Orchestration. Application Orchestration handles the deployment and management of applications that span multiple nodes in a Puppet environment.

Without Puppet Application Orchestration, an organization must write Puppet modules that export shared data to PuppetDB, and then use MCollective to kick off Puppet runs on dependent nodes to use the data. This works quite well, and can be finely tuned to operate seamlessly, but requires the organization to develop this automation itself.

Puppet Application Orchestration extends the Puppet configuration language to allow declaration of environment-wide application resources that span multiple nodes. The application instance declares which nodes provide the service, and the order in which they should be evaluated. The puppet job command is used to kick off the multinode convergence of an application.

You can find more information at “Application Orchestration” on the Puppet Labs site. An example workflow can also be found on the Puppet docs site, at “Application Orchestration Workflow”.

Without making use of Application Orchestration, you could use the puppet job tool to run Puppet on all nodes in an environment. It does not provide the powerful filters available in MCollective, but can be useful regardless:

$ puppet job run --concurrency 1
New job id created: 7
Started puppet run on ...
Finished puppet run on - Success!
          Applied configuration version 1451776604
          Resource events: 0 failed 3 changed 27 unchanged 0 skipped 0 noop
Started puppet run on ...

This book does not cover Application Orchestration, as it is exclusive to Puppet Enterprise at this time, and likely to evolve very quickly. Later updates to this book will include more details if this functionality is released for Puppet Open Source.

In my opinion, Puppet Application Orchestration is a welcome and useful addition to Puppet, but does not replace all of the orchestration features provided by MCollective. I suspect most sites will use both together to leverage the strengths of each.

Learning More About MCollective

MCollective is capable of far more than just managing Puppet agents. It provides an orchestration framework that complements your Puppet installation. Puppet takes many steps to ensure that thousands of details are correct on each node. MCollective makes small things happen instantly or according to schedule on hundreds or thousands of nodes at exactly the same time.

Don’t limit MCollective in your mind to only puppets dancing on your strings. You can build MCollective agents and plugins that act on events or triggers specific to your needs. Consider a fishing model where the marionette holds the strings cautiously, waiting for the strings to go taut. I’ve built autohealing components that listen passively to server inputs. When the event trigger occurs, the MCollective agent sends a message. Other agents respond to that message by taking action to correct the problem without any human involvement.

Every team I’ve talked to who has implemented MCollective has found it useful beyond their original expectations. Administrators find themselves wondering how they ever got along without it before.

The MCollective Puppet module has dozens of parameters available to customize the MCollective deployment. The module can create and manage a large distributed network of brokers. After doing the simplified installation used in this book, take some time to read the documentation for the module.

You can learn more about how to use, scale, and tune MCollective with Learning MCollective, shown in Figure 30-1.

Learning MCollective Book
Figure 30-1. Learning MCollective

You might even recognize the author.

1 This is being tracked in Feature Request MCOP-268.

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