Chapter 26. Growing Your Puppet Deployment

This chapter introduces and advises you on topics and considerations necessary for large Puppet deployments.

Using a Node Terminus

A node terminus is a node data provider for the Puppet server. A node terminus can do the following:

  • Override the environment supplied by the node
  • Declare classes and parameters to apply to the node
  • Define top-scope variables

You can use one of the following two types of node terminus, each of which is described shortly:

  • External node classifier (ENC)
  • LDAP terminus

Best Practice

ENCs are rarely necessary, as the global and environment data providers have completely eclipsed the more limited data that ENCs can provide. Use an ENC only when you cannot retrieve the data through Puppet Lookup.

You can use a node terminus when using puppet apply (without a Puppet server). It is configured in a similar way, shown in the next section.

Running an External Node Classifier

An external node classifier is a program that provides environment, class, and variable assignments for nodes. The ENC is executed by the exec node terminus of the Puppet server prior to selecting the node’s environment.

The ENC is called by the Puppet instance which builds the catalog. This would be the Puppet server in server/agent configurations, and the node itself in a puppet apply implementation.

The node classifier can be any type of program. Use the following configuration settings in the [master] section of /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf:

    node_terminus = exec
    external_nodes = /path/to/node_classifier
If you want to use an ENC with puppet apply, then you need to place these configuration options in the [user] section of the configuration file.

The program will receive a single command-line argument: the certname of the node (which defaults to the fully qualified domain name). The program should output YAML format with parameters and classes hashes, and an optional environment string:

environment: (optional)
The environment to be used while building the node’s catalog. If supplied, this value overrides the environment configuration value of the agent.
parameters: (optional if classes hash is defined)
Node variables declared in the top scope (e.g., ::parameter)
classes: (optional if parameters hash is defined)
A hash of classes to be declared, much like what you can provide with the Hiera hash of the same name. Unlike Hiera, you can indent input parameters below each class name.

The output should be in the same YAML format as used by Hiera. Following is example output showing both single-level and multilevel parameter and class names:

$ /path/to/node_classifier
environment: test
  selinux: disabled
    timezone: PDT
    summertime: true
    search :
    timeout: 2
    options: rotate 
    status : running
    enabled: true

The hash of values indented beneath each class name is supplied as parameter input for the class. In the preceding example, we have passed status = true as an input parameter to the puppet::agent class.

Notice that ENC output uses the term parameters differently than it does in the Puppet language. Puppet variables are declared with the ENC hash named parameters. Puppet class parameters are declared underneath the class name.

The node classifier must exit with a success status (0) and must provide either a parameters or classes hash in the output. If it fails to deliver a successful response, the catalog build process will be aborted.

If no parameters or classes should be assigned, then return an empty hash as the result for one or both of the parameters:

$ /path/to/node_classifier
classes: {}
parameters: {}

Querying LDAP

An LDAP server can be queried as a node terminus to provide the same node data as provided by an ENC. You can only store Puppet attributes in LDAP if you are competent with LDAP configuration, and have the rights to modify the LDAP schemas available on the server.

LDAP management is too complex to cover in a book about Puppet. I highly recommend Gerald Carter’s book LDAP System Administration (O’Reilly) if you need to learn more about LDAP.

To enable LDAP as a node terminus, add the following configuration settings to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf:

  node_terminus = ldap
  ldapserver =
  ldapport = 389
  ldaptls = true
  ldapssl = false
  ldapuser = readuser
  ldappassword = readonly
  ldapbase = ou=Hosts,dc=example,dc=com

To add the schema to your server, download the Puppet LDAP schema from PuppetLabs LDAP Schema on GitHub and install it on your LDAP server according to the documentation for your specific LDAP server.

Then you need to add LDAP entries for each Puppet node, which again will be specific to your LDAP implementation and the tools available to you. A Puppet node entry in LDAP similar to the one specified for the ENC would look like this:

dn: cn=client,ou=Hosts,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: device
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
cn: client
environment: test
puppetClass: dns
puppetClass: puppet::agent
puppetVar: selinux=disabled

LDAP does not provide the flexibility to provide multilevel variables or parameters for classes. However, if you have additional attributes associated with the host, such as the IP address from the ipHost objectClass, these will be available as top-scope variables for the node.

You can create a default entry to be used when an exact match is not found in LDAP:

dn: cn=default,ou=Hosts,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: device
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
environment: production

For this to work you must also add the following line to the named environment’s manifests/site.pp file:

[vagrant@puppetserver ~]$ echo "node default {}" 
  >> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/site.pp

You can find more details at “The LDAP Node Classifier” on the Puppet docs site.

Starting with Community Examples

You don’t need to build your own node classifier from scratch. There are many community-provided examples you can utilize, or use as a starting point for development. Here are just a few examples, chosen mostly for diversity of their approach:

ilikejam/hiera-enc on GitHub
A simple ENC to read the value of environment from a Hiera lookup and output it. This is useful because Hiera cannot override the environment supplied by a node, but an ENC can. This allows you to store everything in Hiera. You’ll need to modify this ENC to use environment-based pathnames.
hsavolai/spacewalk-puppet-enc on GitHub
This ENC integrates two great systems, Spacewalk Server (or Red Hat Network Satellite) and Puppet. The sync tool retrieves class information from Spacewalk Server. The ENC tool reads the classification information and outputs YAML for the node terminus.
georgecodes/fencing on GitHub
Fencing is an ENC that will hold back node definitions until a different node’s facts meet the required conditions. This is useful to configure nodes with a service dependency. Use this ENC to release node definitions only when certain conditions are met on other nodes.
jantman/nodemeister on GitHub
NodeMeister is an ENC written in Python using the Django framework. It supports hierarchical groups, exclusions, and overrides, and aims to provide a fully functional ENC for those more comfortable with Python.
awesomescot/mysql-enc on GitHub
mysql-enc is an ENC that queries a MySQL backend data source.

There are a lot of ENCs on GitHub that read their data from a YAML file, or even call Hiera directly. It’s really not clear to me that these provide any value, as classes and parameters could be more easily specified in Hiera directly. To me the value of an ENC is when you need to query a data source outside of Hiera. The one and only advantage that an ENC has over Hiera is the ability to override the environment requested by the node. Perhaps there is value in Hiera-backed ENC lookups that never applied to the sites at which I’ve worked.

It could make sense if there are different teams managing separate Hiera data sources, although this may be better served by environment-specific data sources, as described in “Using Custom Backends in Environments”.

Deploying Puppet Servers at Scale

The good news about Puppet is that replicating servers is easy—in fact, trivially easy. Given the same module code, the same Hiera data, and access to the same resources used by ENCs or data lookups in modules, two different Puppet servers will render the same catalog for the same node every time.

The only problems managing multiple Puppet servers are deciding how to synchronize the files, and whether or not to centralize the signing of TLS certificates.

There are several ways to implement server redundancy with Puppet. Let’s review each of them.

Keeping Distinct Domains

One deployment strategy implements a Puppet server for each group of nodes. This can be simple and efficient when different teams manage different servers and nodes. Each Puppet server acts as its own certificate authority—which is by far the easiest way to bring up new Puppet agents. Each team validates and authorizes the nodes that connect to its server.

In this configuration, the Puppet servers can host the same Puppet modules, a distinct set of Puppet modules and configurations, or a combination thereof. This provides ultimate freedom to the team managing each group of nodes.

You can achieve redundancy by using a hybrid config with other techniques described next, or by simply restoring the Puppet server vardir to another node and pointing the server’s name at it.

Sharing a Single Puppet CA

Another solid deployment strategy implements a single Puppet CA server for the entire organization. Configure the Puppet agent to submit all CSRs to this one CA server, using the following parameters in the [agent] section of /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf:

  ca_server =
  server =

With this configuration, every server and agent will get certificates from the single Puppet CA. Nodes point at different servers for all normal Puppet transactions.

This works much easier than using an external CA, because the Puppet agent will request and install the certificates for you. The only complication is that you’ll need to sync all approved agent certificates from the CA server down to the normal Puppet servers.

You can utilize a Network File System (NFS) to share the server’s TLS directory (/var/opt/puppetlabs/puppetserver/ssl), or you can use something like rsync to keep the directories in sync.

If you are utilizing NFS, you may want to also share the /var/opt/puppetlabs/puppetserver/reports directory so that all client reports are centrally stored.

Using a Load Balancer

If you have many nodes in a single site, it may be necessary to put multiple Puppet servers behind a load balancer. Configure Puppet much as you would configure any other TCP load-balanced service and it will work fine.

I would not enable TLS offloading on the load balancer. It can be done successfully, but has never in my experience provided sufficient performance benefit to be worth the custom reconfiguration necessary on the Puppet servers.

The servers themselves must each have the same Puppet modules and Hiera data stored on them, or they must mount the data from the same place. I have found that NFS works well for this purpose, as there is generally not a high number of reads, and the files end up in the server’s file cache. You would want to share the following directories between servers:

Puppet modules and Hiera data
File backups from agent nodes
Ruby gems used by the server
Node reports
TLS keys and certs
Node facts

The list of directories may change over time.

Managing Geographically Dispersed Servers

There are three different ways to synchronize data on globally disparate Puppet servers (naturally, each option has its own benefits and trade-offs):

While this may work for a short period of time, it will quickly become painful. It is only a workable solution when different teams share only a small fraction of Puppet code and data.
Every server pulls the Puppet code and data from a central source

A very common deployment model has each Puppet server check out the modules and data from a source code respository (which we’ll cover in “Managing Environments with r10k”). This can be done by schedule, triggered by a post-commit handler, or manual authorization or automated triggers of orchestration tools like as MCollective.

This technique has the advantage of fairly quick synchronization of changes to all servers.

Rolling push of Puppet code and data

In some environments, it is desirable to progressively deploy changes through staging and canary (“in a coal mine”) environments. In these situations, automation schedulers like Jenkins are used to progressively roll the changes from one environment to the other.

This technique enables a cautious, slow-roll deployment strategy.

Which one is best for your needs? Well, it depends on your needs and your testing model.

The single source pull model is simple to configure, requires very few components, and promotes change quickly. It can also promote a breaking change quickly, which will create large-scale outages in a very short period of time.

The rolling push of change through stages requires a nontrivial investment in services, systems, and custom automation to deploy. Once built, these systems can help identify problems long before they reach production. Depending on the automation created, the deployment automation can identify the breaking committer, open trouble tickets, roll back the changes, and even bake and butter your bread.

In reality, very few organizations use only one approach or the other. Most situations have a hybrid solution that meets their most important needs. For example:

Simple pull with distinct zones
Multiple zones of Puppet servers, each of which utilizes the simple pull approach. Change is manually elevated from testing to canary, and then from canary to production zones.
Rolling push through testing environments
All servers use a simple pull approach from a single central source. Change is automatically pushed through different Puppet environments for test, canary, and production. Each node can opt in for the stable or canary data by changing the environment configuration variable.
Every team should alter the deployment strategy to best meet its own needs. It is not necessary for teams that utilize the same Puppet server to roll out deployments the same way.

Managing Geographically Dispersed Nodes

There are two different ways to distribute Puppet nodes globally (each option has its own benefits and trade-offs):

Servers close to the client nodes
With Puppet servers in each local network, you must synchronize code and data out to each server. This can result in lag and inconsistency between nodes in different regions for a period of time. It depends on your needs whether or not this is a problem.
Centralized servers
With central Puppet servers, synchronization is not a problem. A large cluster in a single location can mount the same directories. However, connectivity between the clients and the server can be inconsistent, and network latency can slow down the transaction—tying up a server thread for a longer period of time. You’ll have to monitor the servers to determine if this is a problem or not.

Which one is best for your needs? Well, it depends. There is no silver bullet and no single answer, as the problems one group will have won’t match others. If you are distributing many or large files using Puppet, latency will be very important. I’ve worked in environments where it was absolutely necessary to keep all nodes in sync within 20 seconds of a release. File synchronization latency created problems.

I’ve worked in other environments where the Puppet configuration was small without any significant file transfer. It also wasn’t essential that a node picked up changes more than once or twice a day, so a single cluster of Puppet servers handled 2,000 small remote sites. This was very easy to manage and maintain, and met the needs and expectations for that client.

Global deployments with fast node convergence requirements are usually best served with the hybrid of the choices previously shown. The process for building the hybrid solution requires two steps:

  1. Break up the worldwide deployment into zones based on reachability and access stability.
  2. Create a redundant set of load-balanced servers in each zone.

This improves access and latency for nodes by placing a well-connected Puppet server in their region. It limits the problems around synchronization time by pushing the files to a limited set of well-connected centers.

Falling Back to Cached Catalogs

When managing that which may lose connectivity to a remote Puppet server, you can decide whether or not the client should run Puppet with the last cached catalog. There are two parameters to control this. The defaults are shown here:

# these are the default values
  usecacheonfailure = true
  use_cached_catalog = false
This allows the Puppet agent to use the last good catalog if the Puppet server doesn’t respond with a new catalog. This will ensure that it fixes anything that has changed from expected policy, including restarting stopped services and logging changes to audited files. You almost always want this.
This tells the Puppet agent to always use the last good catalog, and not to check for a new one from the Puppet server. This is only useful when you deploy changes by orchestrating Puppet runs with this option disabled.

With the default configuration, the agent will ask the Puppet server for a new catalog but fall back to the last cached catalog if the Puppet server cannot be contacted.

Making the Right Choice

Which of these choices best meets your needs? Only you can tell. Each of them works to solve one set of problems. If you’re not sure which selection is best, simply make a choice. If you build the servers as suggested in this book, it won’t be difficult to migrate the servers to a different deployment strategy later. Changing from one configuration to another isn’t usually that difficult either.

However, the best thing about these choices is that none of them is exclusive. You can combine each and any of these techniques to solve more requirements.

Perhaps you’ve come up with a better choice, or you’ve seen a problem I didn’t mention here? I’d love to hear about it.

Best Practices for Puppet Servers

Before you move on to the next chapter, I’d like to remind you of best practices for managing Puppet servers:

  • The server is not the node. Name the server with an alias—for example,—that points to the node hosting it.
  • The node is not the Puppet server. Configure the node as a normal Puppet agent using its own unique hostname. This will make it easier to migrate or replicate the server service later.
  • Store the Puppet server’s volatile data files in the /var filesystem.
  • Don’t use naive or unvalidated autosigning outside of a test lab.
  • Puppet Lookup is significantly more flexible than an external node classifier. Don’t use an ENC unless it provides some content you cannot retrieve using Puppet Lookup.
  • Don’t waste time super-tuning the log levels of every resource. Node reports provide direct access to every detail of the agent’s covergence report.

And finally, remember that Puppet master is at the end of the road. It is only useful to help test your modules with Puppet 4, or to utilize an existing Rack infrastructure. Prepare to migrate to Puppet Server in the future.

Reviewing Puppet Servers

In this chapter, you’ve created a small learning environment with Puppet Server (or a Puppet master), that you can use for testing Puppet manifests. You’ve learned the following about Puppet servers:

  • How the catalog build process is offloaded to the Puppet server.
  • How to install and configure Puppet Server and the (deprecated) Puppet master.
  • How a node’s Puppet agent connects to the server.
  • How to manually and automatically authorize Puppet agents.
  • How to use an external node classifier to provide node configuration data.
  • How to collect, store, and process Puppet agent convergence reports.
  • What to consider when growing Puppet deployments to thousands of nodes.
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