Configuring the Open vSwitch driver and agent

The Open vSwitch mechanism driver is included with the ML2 plugin and was installed in Chapter 3, Installing Neutron. The following sections will walk you through the configuration of Neutron and Nova to utilize the Open vSwitch driver and agent.


While the LinuxBridge and Open vSwitch agents and drivers can coexist in the same environment, they should not be installed and configured simultaneously on the same host.

Installing the Open vSwitch agent

To install the Open vSwitch agent, issue the following command on all nodes:

# apt-get install neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent

Dependencies, such as the Open vSwitch components openvswitch-common and openvswitch-switch, will be installed. If prompted to overwrite the neutron.conf file, type N at the [default=N] prompt.

Configuring Nova to use Open vSwitch

For Nova to properly connect instances to the network when using the Open vSwitch driver, the linuxnet_interface_driver configuration option in /etc/nova/nova.conf must be modified.

Update the linuxnet_interface_driver configuration option in the Nova configuration file at /etc/nova/nova.conf on all hosts to use the OVS interface driver:

linuxnet_interface_driver =

Configuring the DHCP agent to use Open vSwitch

To properly connect the DHCP namespace tap interfaces to the integration bridge, the DHCP agent must be configured to use the Open vSwitch interface driver.

Update the interface_driver configuration option in the Neutron DHCP agent configuration file at /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini on the controller node to use the OVS interface driver using the following code:

interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver

ML2 configuration options for Open vSwitch

Prior to ML2, the Open vSwitch plugin used its own configuration file and options. The [ovs] and [agent] option blocks are moved to the ML2 configuration file, and the most common options can be seen in the following code:



Bridge mappings

The bridge_mappings configuration option describes the mapping of an artificial interface name or label to a network bridge configured on the server. Unlike the LinuxBridge plugin that configures multiple bridges containing individual VLAN or VXLAN interfaces, the Open vSwitch plugin uses a single bridge interface containing a single physical interface and flow rules to add, modify, or remove VLAN headers if necessary.

When networks are created, they are associated with an interface label, such as physnet1. The physnet1 label is then mapped to a bridge, such as br-eth1, which contains the eth1 physical interface. The mapping of the label to the bridge interface is handled by the bridge_mappings option. This mapping can be observed as follows:

bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-eth1

The label itself must be consistent between all nodes in the environment. However, the bridge interface mapped to the label as well as the interface in the bridge itself, may be different. A difference in mappings is often observed when one node maps physnet1 to a bridge interface capable of 1 gigabit and another maps physnet1 to a bridge interface capable of 10 gigabits.

More than one interface mapping is allowed and can be added to the list using a comma as a separator, as seen in the following example:

bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-eth1,physnet2:br-eth2

In this installation, physnet2 will be used as the interface label and be mapped to the br-eth2 bridge. Update the ML2 configuration file at /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini accordingly on all hosts by executing the following code:

bridge_mappings = physnet2:br-eth2

Configuring the bridges

To configure a bridge with Open vSwitch, use the Open vSwitch utility ovs-vsctl. Create the br-eth2 bridge on all the hosts, as follows:

# ovs-vsctl add-br br-eth2

Use the ovs-vsctl add-port command to add the eth2 physical interface to the bridge, as follows:

# ovs-vsctl add-port br-eth2 eth2


Note that the physical switch port connected to eth2 must support 802.1q VLAN tagging if VLANs of any type are to be created. On many switches, the switch port can be configured as a trunk port.

Enable tunneling

To enable support for GRE and VXLAN, the enable_tunneling configuration option must be set to true. Open vSwitch versions newer than Version 1.10 should support both technologies. To determine the version of Open vSwitch you have installed, run ovs-vsctl –V, as follows:

Enable tunneling

Figure 4.32


For better performance and reliability, Open vSwitch 2.3 or higher is recommended. For more information on how to download and install the latest Open vSwitch release, visit

To enable GRE and VXLAN tunneling support, update the enable_tunneling configuration option in the [OVS] section of the ML2 configuration file on all hosts:

enable_tunneling = true

Tunnel type

The tunnel_type configuration option specifies the type of tunnel to use when utilizing tunnels. The two available options are gre and/or vxlan.

To enable only GRE tunnels, set tunnel_type to gre in the [OVS] section of the ML2 configuration file:

tunnel_type = gre

To enable only the VXLAN tunnels, set tunnel_type to vxlan in the [OVS] section of the ML2 configuration file:

tunnel_type = vxlan

To enable both GRE and VXLAN tunnels, specify both tunnel types separated by a comma:

tunnel_type = vxlan,gre

Integration bridge

The integration_bridge configuration option specifies the name of the integration bridge used on each node. There is a single integration bridge per node that acts as the virtual switch where all virtual machine VIFs, otherwise known as virtual network interfaces, are connected. The default name of the integration bridge is br-int and should not be modified.


Starting with the Icehouse release of OpenStack, the Open vSwitch agent automatically creates the integration bridge the first time the agent service is started. You do not need to add an interface to the integration bridge as Neutron is responsible for connecting network devices to this virtual switch.

Tunnel bridge

The tunnel bridge is a virtual switch, which is similar to the integration and provider bridges, and is used to connect the GRE and VXLAN tunnel endpoints. Flow rules exist on this bridge that are responsible for properly encapsulating and decapsulating tenant traffic as it traverses the bridge.

The tunnel_bridge configuration option specifies the name of the tunnel bridge. The default value is br-tun and should not be modified. It is not necessary to create this bridge manually as Neutron does it automatically.

Local IP

The local_ip configuration option specifies the local IP address on the node that will be used to build the GRE or VXLAN overlay network between hosts when enable_tunneling is set to true. Refer to Chapter 1, Preparing the Network for OpenStack, for ideas on how the overlay network should be architected. In this installation, all guest traffic through overlay networks will traverse a dedicated VLAN over the eth1 interface configured in Chapter 2, Installing OpenStack.

The following table provides the interfaces and addresses to be configured on each host:



IP address







Update the local_ip configuration option in the [OVS] section of the ML2 configuration file accordingly on all hosts.

On the controller node:

local_ip =

On compute01:

local_ip =

On compute02:

local_ip =

Tunnel types

The tunnel_types configuration option specifies the types of tunnels supported by the agent. The two available options are gre and/or vxlan. If left unconfigured, the default value is gre when enable_tunneling is set to true. If you are using only vxlan, set this option to vxlan.

Update the tunnel_types configuration option in the [agent] section of the ML2 configuration file accordingly on all hosts:

tunnel_types = vxlan,gre

Restarting services to enable the Open vSwitch plugin

Now that the appropriate OpenStack configuration files have been modified to use Open vSwitch as the networking driver, certain services must be started or restarted for the changes to take effect.

The Open vSwitch network agent should be restarted on all nodes; the following code needs to be executed:

# service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent restart

The following services should be restarted on the controller node:

# service nova-api restart
# service neutron-server restart
# service neutron-dhcp-agent restart

The following service should be restarted on the compute nodes:

# service nova-compute restart

Verifying Open vSwitch agents

To verify that the Open vSwitch network agents on all nodes have properly checked in, issue the neutron agent-list command on the controller node:

Verifying Open vSwitch agents

Figure 4.33

The Open vSwitch agents on the controller and compute nodes should be visible in the output with a smiley face under the alive column. If a node is not present or the status is XXX, troubleshoot agent connectivity issues by observing the log messages found in /var/log/neutron/openvswitch-agent.log on the respective host.

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