Configuring the ML2 networking plugin

Before you can consume the Neutron API and build networking resources, a networking plugin must be defined and configured. The remainder of this chapter is dedicated to providing instructions on installing and configuring the ML2 plugin and LinuxBridge or Open vSwitch drivers and respective network agents.

Prior to the ML2 plugin and a common database schema, the LinuxBridge and Open vSwitch plugins could not easily interoperate with one another. When using the ML2 plugin, it is possible to use both the LinuxBridge and Open vSwitch drivers simultaneously within an environment but on different hosts. Some agents, such as the L3 and DHCP agents, require a network driver to be defined as part of their configuration. These changes will be highlighted as part of the configuration outlined in this chapter.

Configuring the LinuxBridge and Open vSwitch drivers for simultaneous operation is outside the scope of this book. For simplicity, I recommend deploying the LinuxBridge driver if advanced routing features, such as distributed virtual routers, are not required. The configuration and architecture of distributed virtual routers are outlined in Chapter 9, Distributed Virtual Routers.

ML2 plugin configuration options

The ML2 plugin was installed in the previous chapter, and its configuration file located at /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini must be configured before Neutron networking services can be used.

The ml2_conf.ini file is broken into configuration blocks and contains the following commonly used options:

type drivers
mechanism drivers






Other blocks are required for the LinuxBridge and Open vSwitch agents, and their configuration will be discussed later in this chapter.


Configuration options must remain in the appropriate block; otherwise, Neutron services may not start or operate properly.

Type drivers

Type drivers describe the type of networks that can be created and implemented by mechanism drivers. Type drivers included with the ML2 plugin include local, flat, vlan, gre, and vxlan. Not all mechanism drivers can implement all types of networks, however. The Open vSwitch driver can support all five, but the LinuxBridge driver lacks support for GRE networks.

Update the ML2 configuration file on all hosts and add the following type drivers:

type_drivers = local,flat,vlan,gre,vxlan


If you are using the LinuxBridge mechanism driver, it is not necessary to specify the gre type driver.

Mechanism drivers

Mechanism drivers are responsible for implementing the networks described by the type driver. Mechanism drivers included with the ML2 plugin are linuxbridge, openvswitch, and l2population.

Update the ML2 configuration file on all hosts and add the following mechanism drivers.

For LinuxBridge, you can use the following code:

mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge,l2population

For Open vSwitch, you can use the following code:

mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,l2population

Both the LinuxBridge and Open vSwitch agents require specific configuration options, which will be discussed later in this chapter.

Tenant network types

The tenant_network_types configuration option describes the type of networks that a tenant can create. When using the Open vSwitch driver, the supported tenant network types are flat, vlan, local, gre, vxlan, and none. The LinuxBridge driver supports the same type drivers, with the exception of gre.

The configuration option takes values in an ordered list, such as vxlan,vlan. In this example, when a tenant creates a network, Neutron will automatically provision a VXLAN network. When all available VXLAN VNI's are allocated, Neutron allocates a network of the next type in the list. In this case, a VLAN network would be allocated. When all available networks are allocated, tenants can no longer create networks.


Administrators can override the behavior of tenant_network_types by specifying provider attributes using the --provider:network_type flag in the network creation process.

Update the ML2 configuration file on all hosts and add the following tenant network types to the [ml2] section:

tenant_network_types = vlan,vxlan

If at any time you wish to change the value of tenant_network_types, edit the plugin configuration file accordingly on all nodes and restart the neutron-server service.

Flat networks

The flat_networks configuration option defines interfaces that support the use of untagged networks, commonly referred to as a native VLAN. This option requires that a provider label be specified. A provider label is an arbitrary label or name that is mapped to a physical interface or bridge. These mappings will be discussed in further detail in the LinuxBridge- and Open vSwitch-specific sections later in this chapter.

In the following example, the physnet1 interface is configured to support a flat network:

flat_networks = physnet1

Multiple interfaces can be defined using a comma-separated list, as follows:

flat_networks = physnet1,physnet2


Due to the lack of an identifier to segregate untagged traffic on the same interface, an interface can only support a single flat network.

In this environment, the flat_networks option can remain unconfigured.

Network VLAN ranges

The network_vlan_ranges configuration option defines a range of VLAN IDs that tenant networks will be associated with upon their creation when Neutron allocates a VLAN network. When the number of the available VLAN IDs reaches zero, tenants will no longer be able to create VLAN networks.

In the following example, VLANs 30 through 33 are available for tenant network allocation:

network_vlan_ranges = physnet2:30:33

Noncontiguous VLANs can be allocated using a comma-separated list, as follows:

network_vlan_ranges = physnet2:30:33,physnet2:51:55

In this installation, the physnet2 provider label is used with VLANs 30 through 33 available for tenant allocation.

Update the ML2 configuration file on all hosts and add the following network VLAN ranges configuration to the [ml2_type_vlan] section:

network_vlan_ranges = physnet2:30:33

If at any time this configuration option is updated, you must restart the neutron-server service for the changes to take effect.

Tunnel ID ranges

When GRE networks are created, each network is assigned a unique segmentation ID that is used to encapsulate traffic. As traffic traverses the Open vSwitch tunnel bridge, the segmentation ID is used to populate a field in the encapsulation header of the packet. For GRE packets, the KEY header field is used.

The tunnel_id_ranges configuration option is a comma-separated list of ID ranges that are available for tenant network allocation when tunnel_type is set to gre.

In the following example, segmentation IDs 1 through 1000 are reserved for allocation to tenant networks upon creation:

tunnel_id_ranges = 1:1000

The tunnel_id_ranges option supports noncontiguous IDs using a comma-separated list as follows:

tunnel_id_ranges = 1:1000,2000:2500

VNI ranges

When VXLAN networks are created, each network is assigned a unique segmentation ID, which is used to encapsulate traffic. As traffic traverses the Open vSwitch tunnel bridge, the segmentation ID is used to populate a field in the encapsulation header of the packet. For VXLAN encapsulation, the VXLAN ID header field is used. When the LinuxBridge driver is used, the segmentation ID is used when creating the respective VXLAN interface on each host.

The vni_ranges configuration option is a comma-separated list of ID ranges that are available for tenant network allocation when tunnel_type is set to vxlan.

In the following example, segmentation IDs 1 through 1000 are reserved for allocation to tenant networks upon creation:

vni_ranges = 1:1000

The vni_ranges option supports noncontiguous IDs using a comma-separated list, as follows:

vni_ranges = 1:1000,2000:2500

Update the ML2 configuration file on all hosts and add the following VNI range to the [ml2_type_vxlan] section:

vni_ranges = 1:1000

If at any time this configuration option is updated, you must restart the neutron-server service for the changes to take effect.

Firewall driver

The firewall_driver configuration option instructs Neutron to use a particular firewall driver for security group functionality. There may be different firewall drivers configured based on the mechanism driver in use.

Update the ML2 configuration file on all hosts and define the appropriate firewall_driver configuration option in the [securitygroup] section.

For LinuxBridge, use the following code:

firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver

For Open vSwitch, run the following code:

firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver

If you do not want to use a firewall and want to disable the application of the security group rules, set firewall_driver to neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver.

Enable security group

The enable_security_group configuration option instructs Neutron to enable or disable the security group API. The option is set to true by default.

If at any time this configuration option is updated, you must restart the neutron-server service for the changes to take effect.

Enable ipset

The enable_ipset configuration option instructs Neutron to enable or disable the ipset extension for iptables that allows for the creation of firewall rules that match entire sets of addresses at once. The use of ipsets makes lookups very efficient compared to the traditional linear lookups. The option is set to true by default.

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