How the Book Is Organized

Chapter 1, C# and .NET Programming

Introduces you to the C# language and the .NET platform.

Chapter 2, Visual Studio 2005

Provides a guided tour of Visual Studio 2005—the tool you will use to build all the applications in the book, and perhaps all the applications you’ll build from now on.

Chapter 3, C# Language Fundamentals

Introduces the basic syntax and structure of the C# language, including the intrinsic types, variables, statements, and expressions.

Chapter 4, Operators

Describes some of the symbols that cause C# to take an action, such as assigning a value to a variable and arithmetically operating on values (adding, subtracting, and so forth).

Chapter 5, Branching

Shows how to create programs that branch based on conditions that may change while the program is running.

Chapter 6, Object-Oriented Programming

Explains the principles behind object-oriented programming, including encapsulation, specialization, and polymorphism.

Chapter 7, Classes and Objects

Introduces the key concepts of programmer-defined types (classes) and instances of those types (objects). Classes and objects are the building blocks of object-oriented programming.

Chapter 8, Inside Methods

Delves into the specific programming instructions you’ll write to define the behavior of objects.

Chapter 9, Basic Debugging

Introduces the debugger integrated into the Visual Studio 2005 Integrated Development Environment.

Chapter 10, Arrays

Introduces the array, an indexed collection of objects that are all the same type.

Chapter 11, Inheritance and Polymorphism

Explores two of the key concepts behind object-oriented programming, inheritance and polymorphism, and demonstrates how you might implement them in your code.

Chapter 12, Operator Overloading

Explains how to add standard operators to the types you define.

Chapter 13, Interfaces

Explains how you can define a set of behaviors (an interface) that any number of classes might implement.

Chapter 14, Generics and Collections

Explains generics and shows how generics are used to create type-safe and efficient collections. Chapter 14 then introduces the standard .NET Framework generic collections: List, Stack, Queue, and Dictionary.

Chapter 15, Strings

Discusses the manipulation of strings of characters, the C# string class, and regular expression syntax.

Chapter 16, Throwing and Catching Exceptions

Explains how to handle errors and abnormal conditions that may arise in relation to your programs through the use of exceptions.

Chapter 17, Delegates and Events

Discusses how to write code to respond to programming occurrences like mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other events, through the use of delegates and the event keyword.

Chapter 18, Creating Windows Applications

Shows you how to bring all these skills to bear to create a Windows application.

Chapter 19, Programming ASP.NET Applications

Applies the same skills to building a web application.

Appendix, Answers to Quizzes and Exercises

Answers to all the chapter quizzes and exercises, with complete code examples.

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