Chapter 8: Inside Methods


Solution to Question 8–1.

Method overloading allows the author of the class to create a method with varying (number and/or type of) parameters, rather than having to have many methods with similar but different names.

Solution to Question 8–2.

The signature of a method is its name and its parameter list.

Solution to Question 8–3.

Properties are public accessors to your encapsulated data. Properties appear to the class creator as methods, but to the class’s clients as fields.

Solution to Question 8–4.

Do not implement the set part of the property. No special notation is required.

Solution to Question 8–5.

By passing in parameters by reference and getting the results back in those parameters.

Solution to Question 8–6.

If you want to pass a value object (variable) by reference, you can use the keyword ref in the call to the method and in the declaration of the method.

Solution to Question 8–7.

If you want to pass a value object by reference, but do not want to initialize it, you must use the keyword out in the call to the method and in the declaration of the method.


Solution to Exercise 8-1.

Write a program with an overloaded method for doubling the value of the argument. One version of the method should double an int value, and the other version should double a float value. Call both methods to demonstrate that they work.

using System;

namespace InsideMethods
   class Tester
      public void Run(  )
         int x = 5;
         float y = 5.2f;
         Console.WriteLine( "Double {0} = {1}", x, Doubler( x ) );
         Console.WriteLine( "Double {0} = {1}", y, Doubler( y ) );

      static int Doubler( int theVal )
         return theVal * 2;

      static float Doubler( float theVal )
         return theVal * 2.0f;

      static void Main(  )
         Tester t = new Tester(  );
         t.Run(  );

Solution to Exercise 8-2.

Write a program with one method that takes an int value, and returns both double and triple that value. You’ll need to use reference parameters.

using System;

namespace InsideMethods
   class Tester
      public void Run(  )
         int x = 5;
         int doubleX = 0;
         int tripleX =0;
         DoublerAndTripler( x, ref doubleX, ref tripleX );
         Console.WriteLine( "Double {0} = {1}; triple {2} = {3}",
            x, doubleX, x, tripleX );


      static void DoublerAndTripler(
         int theVal, ref int doubleValue, ref int tripleValue )
         doubleValue = theVal * 2;
         tripleValue = theVal * 3;

      static void Main(  )
         Tester t = new Tester(  );
         t.Run(  );

Solution to Exercise 8-3.

Modify the program from Exercise 8-2 so that you don’t need to initialize the variables that will hold the doubled and tripled values before calling the method:

using System;

namespace InsideMethods
   class Tester
      public void Run(  )
         int x = 5;
         int doubleX;      // uninitialized
         int tripleX;      // uninitialized
         DoublerAndTripler( x, out doubleX, out tripleX );
         Console.WriteLine( "Double {0} = {1}; triple {2} = {3}",
            x, doubleX, x, tripleX );


      static void DoublerAndTripler(
         int theVal, out int doubleValue, out int tripleValue )
         doubleValue = theVal * 2;
         tripleValue = theVal * 3;

      static void Main(  )
         Tester t = new Tester(  );
         t.Run(  );

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