Chapter 7: Classes and Objects


Solution to Question 7–1.

A class defines a new type; an object is a single instance of that type.

Solution to Question 7–2.

Instances of classes are reference types and are created on the heap.

Solution to Question 7–3.

Intrinsic types (such as integers) and structs are value types and are created on the stack.

Solution to Question 7–4.

Access is limited to methods of the defining class.

Solution to Question 7–5.

Access is available to methods in any class.

Solution to Question 7–6.

The class’s constructor is called.

Solution to Question 7–7.

A default constructor is a constructor that takes no parameters. If you do not create any constructor at all for your class, a default constructor is implicitly created.

Solution to Question 7–8.

None. A constructor is not defined to return a type, and is not marked void.

Solution to Question 7–9.

Either in the constructor, using assignment, or when the member variable is created:

private int myVariable = 88;

Technically, only the latter is truly initialization; assigning it in the constructor is not as efficient.

Solution to Question 7–10.

this refers to the object itself—the current instance of the class.

Solution to Question 7–11.

A static method has no this reference. It does not belong to an instance; it belongs to the class and can only call other static methods.

You access a static method through the name of the class:

Dog myDog = new Dog(  );
myDog.InstanceMethod(  );
Dog.StaticMethod(  );

Of course, from within any method (including static methods), you can instantiate a class, and then call methods on that instance.

You can even instantiate an instance of your own class, and then call any non-static method of that object, as we did with [static] Main( ) calling [non-static] Test( ).

Solution to Question 7–12.

The using statement automatically calls the dispose method on the object once the statement completes.


Solution to Exercise 7-1.

Write a program with a Math class that has four methods: Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide, each of which takes two parameters. Call each method from Main( ).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication2
   class Math
      public int Add( int left, int right )
         return left + right;

      public int Subtract( int left, int right )
         return left - right;

      public int Multiply( int left, int right )
         return left * right;

      public float Divide( float left, float right )
         return left / right;
   }     // end class Math

   class Program
      static void Main( string[] args )
         Math m = new Math(  );
         int sum =         m.Add(3,5);
         int difference =  m.Subtract(3,5);
         int product =     m.Multiply(3,5);
         float quotient =  m.Divide(3.0f, 5.0f);

            "sum: {0}, difference: {1}, product: {2}, quotient: {3}",
            sum, difference, product, quotient);

Solution to Exercise 7-2.

Modify the program from Exercise 7-1 so that you do not have to create an instance of Math to call the four methods:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication2
   class Math
      static public int Add( int left, int right )
         return left + right;

      static public int Subtract( int left, int right )
         return left - right;

      static public int Multiply( int left, int right )
         return left * right;

      static public float Divide( float left, float right )
         return left / right;
   }     // end class Math

   class Program
      static void Main( string[] args )

         int sum =         Math.Add( 3, 5 );
         int difference =  Math.Subtract(3,5);
         int product =     Math.Multiply(3,5);
         float quotient =  Math.Divide(3.0f, 5.0f);

            "sum: {0}, difference: {1}, product: {2}, quotient: {3}",
            sum, difference, product, quotient);

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