
Exercise 10-1.

Declare a Dog class with two private members: weight (an int), and name (a string). Be sure to add properties to access the members. Then create an array that holds three Dog objects (Milo, 26 pounds; Frisky, 10 pounds; and Laika, 50 pounds). Output each dog’s name and weight.

Exercise 10-2.

Create an array of 10 integers. Populate the array by having the user enter integers at the console (use Console.Readline). Don’t worry about error-checking for this exercise. Output the integers sorted from greatest to least.

Exercise 10-3.

Extend Exercise 10-1 by creating a two-dimensional array that represents a collection of strings that indicate the awards each dog has won at dog shows. Each dog may have a different number of awards won. Output the contents of the array to check its validity.

Exercise 10-4.

Create a two-dimensional array that represents a chessboard (an 8 × 8 array). Each element in the array should contain either the string “black” or “white,” depending on where it is on the board. Create a method that initializes the array with the strings. Then create a method that asks the reader to enter two integers for the coordinates of a square, and returns whether that square is black or white.

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