
ad hominem argument 67

addressing other person’s arguments 445

agreeing to disagree 187

alliance with listener, forming 62

alternatives, considering 108

analagous situations 745

analogies 38


children 1403

physical warning signs 36

triggers 36

apologies 11415, 127, 1802

arbitration 109

assumptions 478

attacking the person 678

avoiding arguments 202, 186

at work 1478

complaining 156

pros and cons 201

bankers see experts

Barry, Dave 114

“begging the question” 812

bias 9

bifurcation 71

Billings, Josh 87

blogs 98, 101

body language 378

Borg, James, Body Language 37

brainstorming 150

brevity 28

bribes, children 1356

burden of proof 30, 159

Bush, George W. 71

causation 689

causes of arguments, between partners 192

children 13344

angry 1403

corporal punishment 138

general principles 13840

guilt 1378

logic 1367

power 137

praising 139

rewards/bribes 1356

teenagers 1434

threats, use of 1345

choice, false 713

circular argument 78

clarity 278

closing argument 1057, 179

common ground 49, 62

compensation 15860

complaining 15564

about experts 1734

avoiding argument 156

compensation 15860

legal rights 161

politeness 1578

preparation 157

reasonableness 158

who to complain to 1601

compliments 50

compromise agreements 1078

concealed questions 789

conclusions, challenging 5960

confidence 18

confidentiality 18

contingent solution 51

continual arguments 18593

agreeing to disagree 187

humor 1878

is it worth it? 18990

leaving 1901

resolution 186

convincing other person 467

corporal punishment 138

counter-argument 32

dead horse 188

deadlock 10910

doctors see experts

doormats 197203

learn to say no 198200

protecting yourself 201

email 98100

loss of nuance 99100

embarrassment 1067

emotional associations, use of 334

emotional preparation 1920

empowerment 3940

ending argument 1057, 179

entering arguments

points to consider 1720

emotional preparation 1920

information required 19

is productive outcome possible 1718

private or public 1819

readiness of other person 20

enthusiasm 29

experts 58, 16774

asking questions 1702

checking advice 172

complaining 1734

difficult 173

preparation 168

respecting 1678

facts 712

challenging 579

lack of agreement on 501

see also information

false choice 713

fanatics 18

flattery 107

formality 19

framing argument 67

generalizations 734

avoiding 12

goods, faulty 161

getting help 1623

legal rights 161

group support 19

guilt, children 1378

handouts 923

Hendricks, Gay 124

honesty 178

at work 1501

hostile association 801

humor 323, 1878

“illicit” process 70

inability to agree 501

inertia 1057


reliability 911

required 19

sources 8

insoluble issue 212

intensifiers 38

Internet, as information source 8

interruptions 44

intimidation 19

keeping “cool” 357

Krutch, Joseph 6


analogies 38

intensifiers 38

pronouns 50

terminology 38

use of colorful 389

use of “we” 50

lawyers see experts

like cases 745

listening 4352, 125

percentage of time spent 43

literalism 7980

logic 6

children 1367

conclusion 6

premise 6

losing 11617

meetings, presentation 93

negatives, dangers of 6970

no, learning to say 198200

outcome required 5, 1718, 1278

partners 1238, 189, 1901

apologies 127

common causes of arguments 192

counseling 190

listening 125

positive outcome 1278

reconciliation 1278

time and place 124

useful phrases 1289

Pascal, Blaise, wager 72

petitio principii 81


to use when you do not know what to say 87

useful, partners 1289

Pirie, Madsen 57


arguments at work 148

partners 124

politeness, complaining 1578

Popper, Karl vi

positive outcome 1278

power, children 137

PowerPoint 93

praise, children 139

prejudices 478

preparation 513

complaining 157

emotional 1920

experts 168

presentation 1213, 2737

abusive analogy 345

brevity 28

burden of proof 30

clarity 278

counter-argument 32

enthusiasm 29

getting start right 29

keeping “cool” 357

in meeting 93

use of emotional associations 334

use of humor 323

private or public argument 1819

professionals see experts

pronouns 50


arguing in 914

presentation in meetings 93

speaking in 913

quotes, using 92

readiness of other person 20

realistic, being 5

reasonableness, complaining 158

reconciliation, partners 1278

red herrings 76

relationships, maintaining 11317

repetition 1213

repetitive arguments see continual arguments

resolving argument 186

at work 1501

using humor 323, 1878

respect of other person 489

responding to arguments 5563

challenging conclusions 5960

challenging the facts 579

challenging with other factors 602

rewards, children 1356

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 197

Russell, Bertrand 6

secret bids 109

“Serenity Prayer, The” 189


complaining about 15564

getting help 1623

legal rights 162

silence, power of 867

slippery slopes 823

Smith, Al 39

start of argument 29


bias 9

presentation 11

reliability 911

sample 910

straw men 856

teachers see experts

teenagers 1434

see also children


controlling 124

losing at work 150

terminology 38

third parties 109

threats, use of, children 1345

timing 124

arguments at work 148

triggers 191

two wrongs argument 86

violence 124

walk away, learning to 200

“we,” use of word 50

what if? 84

winning argument 117, 20710

giving way out 2078

involving loser 208

seeking agreement 208

work, arguments at 14752

avoiding 1478

discussion, encouraging 14950

healing after argument 1512

honesty 1501

losing temper 150

place 148

putting business first 1489

resolving issues 1501

time 148

written argument 97102

blogs 98, 101

email 98100

guidelines 978

opening words 97

wrong, arguing when you are 17782

accepting you have lost 178

apologizing 1802

ending argument 179

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