Choice of IDE – Pycharm or Notebook

While RStudio became the standard IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for R, choosing between JetBrains PyCharm and Jupyter Notebook is much more challenging. To begin with, we need to talk about the features of these two different IDEs. PyCharm was developed by the Czech company JetBrains, and is a text editor providing code analysis, a graphical debugger, and an advanced unit tester. Jupyter Notebook is a non-profit organization that created a web-based interactive computational environment for the following three languages: Julia, Python, and R. This software helps you to code Python by giving you a web-based interface where you will run the Python code line by line.

The major difference between these two IDEs is that PyCharm became a reference IDE among programmers, since the version control system and the debugger are an important part of this product. Additionally, PyCharm can easily handle a large code base and has a ton of plugins.

Jupyter Notebook is a friendly choice when data analysis is the only motivation, while PyCharm doesn't have the same user-friendly interface to run code line by line for data analytics. The features that PyCharm provides are the most frequently used in the Python programming world.

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