Strategy class

This class represents the trading strategy based on top of the book changes. This trading strategy will create an order when the top of the book is crossed. This means when there is a potential arbitrage situation. When the bid value is higher than the ask value, we can send an order to buy and sell at the same time and make money out of these two transactions.

This class is divided into two parts:

  • Signal part: This part handles the trading signal. In this example, a signal will be triggered when the top of the book is crossed.
  • Execution part: This part handles the execution of the orders. It will be responsible of managing the order life cycle.

The following are the steps for the strategy class:

  1. As shown in the following code, we will create the TradingStrategy class. This class will have three parameters. They are references to the three communication channels. One is taking the book events form the order book, the two others are made to send orders and receive order updates from the market:
class TradingStrategy:
def __init__(self, ob_2_ts, ts_2_om, om_2_ts):
self.orders = []
self.order_id = 0
self.position = 0
self.pnl = 0 = 10000
self.current_bid = 0
self.current_offer = 0
self.ob_2_ts = ob_2_ts
self.ts_2_om = ts_2_om
self.om_2_ts = om_2_ts
  1. We will code two functions to handle the book events from the order book as shown in the code; handle_input_from_bb checks whether there are book events in deque ob_2_ts and will call the handle_book_event function:
def handle_input_from_bb(self,book_event=None):
if self.ob_2_ts is None:
print('simulation mode')
if len(self.ob_2_ts)>0:

def handle_book_event(self,book_event):
if book_event is not None:
self.current_bid = book_event['bid_price']
self.current_offer = book_event['offer_price']

if self.signal(book_event):

The handle_book_event function calls the function signal to check whether there is a signal to send an order.

  1. In this case, the signal verifies whether the bid price is higher than the ask price. If this condition is verified, this function returns True. The handle_book_event function in the code will create an order by calling the create_orders function:
def signal(self, book_event):
if book_event is not None:
if book_event["bid_price"]>
if book_event["bid_price"]>0 and
return True
return False
return False
  1. The create_orders function from the code creates two orders. When we have an arbitrage situation, we must trade fast. Therefore, the two orders must be created simultaneously. This function increments the order ID for any created orders. This order ID will be local to the trading strategy:
def create_orders(self,book_event,quantity):
ord = {
'id': self.order_id,
'price': book_event['bid_price'],
'quantity': quantity,
'side': 'sell',
'action': 'to_be_sent'

ord = {
'id': self.order_id,
'price': book_event['offer_price'],
'quantity': quantity,
'side': 'buy',
'action': 'to_be_sent'

The function execution will take care of processing orders in their whole order life cycle. For instance, when an order is created, its status is new. Once the order has been sent to the market, the market will respond by acknowledging the order or reject the order. If the other is rejected, this function will remove the order from the list of outstanding orders.

  1. When an order is filled, it means this order has been executed. Once an order is filled, the strategy must update the position and the PnL with the help of the code:
def execution(self):
for index, order in enumerate(self.orders):
if order['action'] == 'to_be_sent':
# Send order
order['status'] = 'new'
order['action'] = 'no_action'
if self.ts_2_om is None:
print('Simulation mode')
if order['status'] == 'rejected':
if order['status'] == 'filled':
pos = order['quantity'] if order['side'] == 'buy' else -order['quantity']
self.pnl-=pos * order['price'] -= pos * order['price']
for order_index in sorted(orders_to_be_removed,reverse=True):
del (self.orders[order_index])
  1. The handle_response_from_om and handle_market_response functions will collect the information from the order manager (collecting information from the market) as shown in the following code:
 def handle_response_from_om(self):
if self.om_2_ts is not None:
print('simulation mode')

def handle_market_response(self, order_execution):
if order is None:
print('error not found')
  1. The lookup_orders function in the following code checks whether an order exists in the data structure gathering all the orders and return this order:
def lookup_orders(self,id):
for o in self.orders:
if o['id'] == id:
return o, count
return None, None

Testing the trading strategy is critical. You need to check whether the trading strategy will place the correct orders. The test_receive_top_of_book test case verifies whether the book event is correctly handled by the trading strategy. The test_rejected_order and test_filled_order test cases verify whether a response from the market is correctly handled.

  1. The code will create a setUp function, being called each time we run a test. We will create TradingStrategy each time we invoke a test. This way of doing it increases the reuse of the same code:
import unittest
from chapter7.TradingStrategy import TradingStrategy

class TestMarketSimulator(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.trading_strategy= TradingStrategy()

The first unit test that we perform for a trading strategy is to validate that the book event sent by the book is received correctly.

  1. We will create a book event manually and we will use the handle_book_event function. We are going to validate the fact that the trading strategy behaves the way it is supposed to by checking whether the orders produced were expected. Let's have a look at the code:

def test_receive_top_of_book(self):
book_event = {
"bid_price" : 12,
"bid_quantity" : 100,
"offer_price" : 11,
"offer_quantity" : 150
self.assertEqual(len(self.trading_strategy.orders), 2)
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[0]['side'], 'sell')
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[1]['side'], 'buy')
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[0]['price'], 12)
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[1]['price'], 11)
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[0]['quantity'], 100)
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[1]['quantity'], 100)
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[0]['action'], 'no_action')
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[1]['action'], 'no_action')

The second test performed is to verify whether the trading strategy receives the market response coming from the order manager.

  1. We will create a market response indicating a rejection of a given order. We will also check whether the trading strategy removes this order from the list of orders belonging to the trading strategy:
     def test_rejected_order(self):
order_execution = {
'id': 1,
'price': 12,
'quantity': 100,
'side': 'sell',
'status' : 'rejected'
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[0]['side'], 'buy')
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[0]['price'], 11)
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[0]['quantity'], 100)
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.orders[0]['status'], 'new')
  1. The last part, we need to test the behavior of the trading strategy when the order is filled. We will need to update the position, the pnl, and the cash that we have to invest as shown in the following code:
     def test_filled_order(self):
order_execution = {
'id': 1,
'price': 11,
'quantity': 100,
'side': 'sell',
'status' : 'filled'

order_execution = {
'id': 2,
'price': 12,
'quantity': 100,
'side': 'buy',
'status' : 'filled'
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.position, 0)
self.assertEqual(, 10100)
self.assertEqual(self.trading_strategy.pnl, 100)

Next, we will look at working with the OrderManager class.

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