Designing a limit order book

A limit order book is a component that gathers all the orders and sorts them in a way that facilitates the work of the trading strategy. The order book is used by exchanges to maintain sell and buy orders. When we trade, we need to get the book of the exchange to know which prices are the best or just to have a view on the market. Because the exchange is located on another machine, we will need to use the network to communicate changes on the exchange book. For that, we have two methods:

  • The first method is to send the whole book. You will realize that this method would be very slow, especially when the exchanges is as large as NYSE or NASDAQ. This solution is not scalable.
  • The second method is to first send the whole book (like the first method), but then instead of sending the whole book each time there is an update, we just send the update. This update will be the order (from the other traders placing orders on the exchange). They will arrive by time increments as small as microseconds.

The trading strategy needs to make a decision very rapidly (buying, selling, or holding stocks). Since the book provides the required information to the trading strategies to make the decision, it needs to be fast. An order book is, in reality, a book for the orders coming from buyers and a book for the orders from sellers. The highest bid and the lowest offer prices will have priority. In a situation where there is more than one bid with the same price competing for the best price, the time stamp will be used to sort out which one should be sold. The timestamp that is the earliest will be executed first.

The operations we will need to handle for the life cycle of the orders are the following:

  • Insertion: An insertion will add an order to the book. This operation should be fast. The algorithm and data structure chosen for this operation are critical, because we need to have the book of bids and offers sorted at any time. We will have to privilege a data structure allowing a complexity of O(1) or O(log n) to insert a new order.
  • Amendment/modification: An amendment will look up the order in the book by using the order ID. This operation should also be with the same complexity as the insertion. 
  • Cancelation: A cancelation will allow an order to be removed from the book by using the order ID.

As you can understand, the choice of data structure and the algorithm associated with this data structure will change the performance a lot. If you are building a high-frequency trading system, you will need to choose accordingly. Since we are using Python and we are not implementing a high-frequency trading system, we will then use a list to simplify the coding part. This list will represent the orders and this list will be sorted for both sides (for the book of bids and for the book of offers).

We will build an OrderBook class; this class will collect orders from LiquidityProvider and sort the orders and create book events. The book events in a trading system are preset events and these events can be anything a trader thinks it is worth knowing. For instance, in this implementation, we choose to generate a book event each time there is a change on the top of the book (any changes in the first level of the book will create an event):

  1. We choose to code OrderBook by having a list for asks and bids. The constructor has two optional arguments, which are the two channels to receive orders and send book events:
class OrderBook:
def __init__(self,gt_2_ob = None,ob_to_ts = None):
self.list_asks = []
self.list_bids = []
self.ob_to_ts = ob_to_ts
self.current_bid = None
self.current_ask = None
  1. We will write a function, handle_order_from_gateway, which will receive the orders from the liquidity provider. Let's have a look at the code:
def handle_order_from_gateway(self,order = None):
if self.gw_2_ob is None:
print('simulation mode')
elif len(self.gw_2_ob)>0:
  1. Next, as shown, we will write a function to check whether the gw_2_ob channel has been defined. If the channel has been instantiated, handle_order_from_gateway will pop the order from the top of deque gw_2_ob and will call the handle_order function to process the order for a given action:
def handle_order(self,o):
if o['action']=='new':
elif o['action']=='modify':
elif o['action']=='delete':
print('Error-Cannot handle this action')

return self.check_generate_top_of_book_event()

In the code, handle_order calls either handle_modify, handle_delete, or handle_new.

The handle_modify function modifies the order from the book by using the order given as an argument of this function. The handle_delete function removes an order from the book by using the order given as an argument of this function. The handle_new function adds an order to the appropriate list, self.list_bids and self.list_asks  .  

The code shows the implementation of the insertion of a new order. In this code, we check the order side. Depending on the side, we will choose the list of the bids or the list of asks:

    if o['side']=='bid':
self.list_bids.sort(key=lambda x: x['price'],reverse=True)
elif o['side']=='ask':
self.list_asks.sort(key=lambda x: x['price'])
  1. As shown in the code, we will then implement the handle_modify function to manage the amendment. This function searches in the list of orders if the order exists. If that's the case, we will modify the quantity by the new quantity. This operation will be possible only if we reduce the quantity of the order:
def handle_modify(self,o):
if order['quantity'] > o['quantity']:
order['quantity'] = o['quantity']
print('incorrect size')
return None
  1. The handle_delete function will manage the order cancelation. As shown in the code, we will remove the orders from the list of orders by checking whether the order exists with the order ID:

def handle_delete(self,o):
lookup_list = self.get_list(o)
order = self.find_order_in_a_list(o,lookup_list)
if order is not None:
return None

The following two functions will help with finding an order by using the order ID.

  1. The get_list function in the code will help to find the side (which order book) contains the order:
def get_list(self,o):
if 'side' in o:
if o['side']=='bid':
lookup_list = self.list_bids
elif o['side'] == 'ask':
lookup_list = self.list_asks
print('incorrect side')
return None
for order in self.list_bids:
if order['id']==o['id']:
return self.list_bids
for order in self.list_asks:
if order['id'] == o['id']:
return self.list_asks
return None
  1. The find_order_in_a_list function will return a reference to the order if this order exists:
 def find_order_in_a_list(self,o,lookup_list = None):
if lookup_list is None:
lookup_list = self.get_list(o)
if lookup_list is not None:
for order in lookup_list:
if order['id'] == o['id']:
return order
print('order not found id=%d' % (o['id']))
return None

The following two functions will help with creating the book events. The book events as defined in the check_generate_top_of_book_event function will be created by having the top of the book changed.

  1. As shown, the create_book_event function creates a dictionary representing a book event. In this example, a book event will be given to the trading strategy to indicate what change was made at the top of the book level:
def create_book_event(self,bid,offer):
book_event = {
"bid_price": bid['price'] if bid else -1,
"bid_quantity": bid['quantity'] if bid else -1,
"offer_price": offer['price'] if offer else -1,
"offer_quantity": offer['quantity'] if offer else -1
return book_event
  1. As shown, the check_generate_top_of_book_event function will create a book event when the top of the book has changed. When the price or the quantity for the best bid or offer has changed, we will inform the trading strategies that there is a change at the top of the book:
 def check_generate_top_of_book_event(self):
tob_changed = False
if not
if self.current_bid is not None:
tob_changed = True
# if top of book change generate an event
if not self.current_bid:
if self.current_bid != self.list_bids[0]:
if self.list_bids else None

if not
if not self.list_asks:
if self.current_ask is not None:
tob_changed = True
self.current_ask != self.list_asks[0]:
tob_changed = True
self.current_ask = self.list_asks[0]
if self.list_asks else None

if self.ob_to_ts is not None:
return be

When we test the order book, we need to test the following functionalities:

  • Adding a new order
  • Modifying a new order
  • Deleting an order
  • Creating a book event

This code will start creating the unit test for the Order Book. We will use the function setUp called for every test cases and create an reference to the Order Book for all the test cases.

import unittest
from chapter7.OrderBook import OrderBook

class TestOrderBook(unittest.TestCase):

def setUp(self):
self.reforderbook = OrderBook()
  1. We will create a function to verify if the order insertion works. The book must have the list of asks and the list of bids sorted:
      def test_handlenew(self):
order1 = {
'id': 1,
'price': 219,
'quantity': 10,
'side': 'bid',
'action': 'new'

ob_for_aapl = self.reforderbook
order2 = order1.copy()
order2['id'] = 2
order2['price'] = 220
order3 = order1.copy()
order3['price'] = 223
order3['id'] = 3
order4 = order1.copy()
order4['side'] = 'ask'
order4['price'] = 220
order4['id'] = 4
order5 = order4.copy()
order5['price'] = 223
order5['id'] = 5
order6 = order4.copy()
order6['price'] = 221
order6['id'] = 6

self.assertEqual(ob_for_aapl.list_bids[1]['id'], 2)
self.assertEqual(ob_for_aapl.list_bids[2]['id'], 1)
self.assertEqual(ob_for_aapl.list_asks[1]['id'], 6)
self.assertEqual(ob_for_aapl.list_asks[2]['id'], 5)

  1. Next, we will write the following function to test whether the amendment works. We fill the book by using the prior function, then we amend the order by changing the quantity:
def test_handleamend(self):
order1 = {
'id': 1,
'quantity': 5,
'action': 'modify'

self.assertEqual(self.reforderbook.list_bids[2]['id'], 1)
self.assertEqual(self.reforderbook.list_bids[2]['quantity'], 5)
  1. The last function in the code involves book management that removes order from the book by the order ID. In this test case, we fill the book with the prior function and we remove the order:
      def test_handledelete(self):
order1 = {
'id': 1,
'action': 'delete'
self.assertEqual(len(self.reforderbook.list_bids), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(self.reforderbook.list_bids), 2)
  1. The book event is created when there is a change at the top of the book. We will write the following function to test the creation of the book event after the top of the book changes:
      def test_generate_book_event(self):
order1 = {
'id': 1,
'price': 219,
'quantity': 10,
'side': 'bid',
'action': 'new'

ob_for_aapl = self.reforderbook
{'bid_price': 219, 'bid_quantity': 10,
'offer_price': -1, 'offer_quantity': -1})
order2 = order1.copy()
order2['id'] = 2
order2['price'] = 220
order2['side'] = 'ask'
{'bid_price': 219, 'bid_quantity': 10,
'offer_price': 220, 'offer_quantity': 10})

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this section, we studied how to build a limit order book. This was a naive implementation. The complexity to add an order is in the order of O(N) and for each insertion, we use a sorting algorithm with a complexity of O(N log N). In order to get a book  working faster for order insertion, order lookup, we should use more advanced data structures, as described in Algorithm Analysis, Packt Publishing. Because we need to sort the order by price, we need to use an ordered data structure, such as trees. We will change the complexity of insertion to O(log N). Concurrently, we will fix the lookup time to retrieve the best price.

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