Discovery  mechanism

Discovery provides a more flexible way to create a cluster. It doesn't need to know other peer IPs beforehand. It uses an existing etcd cluster to bootstrap one. In this section, we'll demonstrate how to leverage that to launch a three-node etcd cluster:

  1. Firstly, we'll need to have an existing cluster with three-node configuration. Luckily, the etcd official website provides a discovery service (; n will be the number of nodes in your etcd cluster, which is ready to use:
// get a request URL
# curl -w "n" ''
  1. Then we are able to use the URL to bootstrap a cluster easily. The command line is pretty much the same as in the static mechanism. What we need to do is change –initial-cluster to –discovery, which is used to specify the discovery service URL:
// in node1, is used for internal client listeneretcd -name ip-172-31-3-80 -initial-advertise-peer-urls  -listen-peer-urls  -listen-client-urls,  -advertise-client-urls  -discovery

// in node2, is used for internal client listener
etcd -name ip-172-31-14-133 -initial-advertise-peer-urls -listen-peer-urls -listen-client-urls, -advertise-client-urls -discovery

// in node3, is used for internal client listener
etcd -name ip-172-31-13-239 -initial-advertise-peer-urls -listen-peer-urls -listen-client-urls, -advertise-client-urls -discovery
  1. Let's take a closer look at node1's log:
2018-02-10 04:58:03.819963 I | etcdmain: etcd Version: 3.3.0
2018-02-10 04:58:03.820400 I | embed: listening for peers on
2018-02-10 04:58:03.820427 I | embed: listening for client requests on
2018-02-10 04:58:03.820444 I | embed: listening for client requests on
2018-02-10 04:58:03.947753 N | discovery: found self f60c98e749d41d1b in the cluster
2018-02-10 04:58:03.947771 N | discovery: found 1 peer(s), waiting for 2 more
2018-02-10 04:58:22.289571 N | discovery: found peer 6645fe871c820573 in the cluster
2018-02-10 04:58:22.289628 N | discovery: found 2 peer(s), waiting for 1 more
2018-02-10 04:58:36.907165 N | discovery: found peer 1ce61c15bdbb20b2 in the cluster
2018-02-10 04:58:36.907192 N | discovery: found 3 needed peer(s)
2018-02-10 04:58:36.931319 I | etcdserver/membership: added member 1ce61c15bdbb20b2 [] to cluster 29c0e2579c2f9563
2018-02-10 04:58:36.931422 I | etcdserver/membership: added member 6645fe871c820573 [] to cluster 29c0e2579c2f9563
2018-02-10 04:58:36.931494 I | etcdserver/membership: added member f60c98e749d41d1b [] to cluster 29c0e2579c2f9563
2018-02-10 04:58:37.116189 I | raft: f60c98e749d41d1b became leader at term 2

We can see that the first node waited for the other two members to join, and added member to cluster, became the leader in the election at term 2:

  1. If you check the other server's log, you might find a clue to the effect that some members voted for the current leader:
// in node 2
2018-02-10 04:58:37.118601 I | raft: raft.node: 6645fe871c820573 elected leader f60c98e749d41d1b at term 2
  1. We can also use member lists to check the current leader:
# etcdctl member list
1ce61c15bdbb20b2: name=ip-172-31-13-239 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false
6645fe871c820573: name=ip-172-31-14-133 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false
f60c98e749d41d1b: name=ip-172-31-3-80 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=true
  1. Then we can confirm the current leader is We can also use etcdctl to check cluster health:
# etcdctl cluster-health
member 1ce61c15bdbb20b2 is healthy: got healthy result from
member 6645fe871c820573 is healthy: got healthy result from
member f60c98e749d41d1b is healthy: got healthy result from
cluster is healthy
  1. If we remove the current leader by etcdctl command:
# etcdctl member remove f60c98e749d41d1b
  1. We may find that the current leader has been changed:
# etcdctl member list
1ce61c15bdbb20b2: name=ip-172-31-13-239 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false
6645fe871c820573: name=ip-172-31-14-133 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=true

By using etcd discovery, we can set up a cluster painlessly etcd also provides lots of APIs for us to use. We can leverage it to check cluster statistics:

  1. For example, use /stats/leader to check the current cluster view:
# curl

For more information about APIs, check out the official API document:

Building a cluster in EC2
CoreOS builds CloudFormation in AWS to help you bootstrap your cluster in AWS dynamically. What we have to do is just launch a CloudFormation template and set the parameters, and we're good to go. The resources in the template contain AutoScaling settings and network ingress (security group). Note that these etcds are running on CoreOS. To log in to the server, firstly you'll have to set your keypair name in the KeyPair parameter, then use the command ssh –i $your_keypair core@$ip to log in to the server.
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