Getting ready

Creating a ReplicaSet is the same as creating any Kubernetes resource; we fire the kubectl command on the Kubernetes master. Therefore, we ensure your Kubernetes environment is ready to accept your order. More than that, the Kubernetes node should be able to access the Docker Hub. For the demonstration in the following few pages, we would take official nginx docker image for example, which stores in public docker registry as well.

The evaluation of a prepared Kubernetes system
You can verify whether your Kuberenetes master is a practical one through checking the items here:
  • Check whether the daemons are running or not: There should be three working daemon processes on the master node: apiserver, scheduler, and controller-manager.
  • Check whether the command kubectl exists and is workable: Try the command kubectl get cs to cover this bullet point and the first one. You can verify not only the status of components but also the feasibility of kubectl.
  • Check whether the nodes are ready to work: You can check them by using the command kubectl get nodes to get their status.
In the case that some items listed here are invalid, please refer to Chapter 1Building Your Own Kubernetes Cluster, for proper guidelines based on the installation you chose.
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