Configuring Cloud SDK

You can configure both Cloud SDK for Windows and for Linux/macOS, by using the following steps:

  1. Launch Google Cloud SDK Shell (Windows) or open a Terminal (Linux/macOS).


  1. Type gcloud init; it asks you to log on to your Google account. Type y and press return:
You must log in to continue. Would you like to log in (Y/n)? y
  1. It will open a web browser to navigate to the Google logon page; proceed to log on using your Google Account with the GCP account.
  2. It asks you whether Cloud SDK can access your Google account information. Click the ALLOW button.
  3. Back to the Terminal—it asks you which project you want to use. Let's choose the Kubernetes Cookbook project you made:
Pick cloud project to use:
[1] my-first-project-194302
[2] kubernetes-cookbook
[3] Create a new project
Please enter numeric choice or text value (must exactly match list item): 2
  1.  It asks you whether to configure Compute Engine or not. Let's type n to skip it this time:
Do you want to configure Google Compute Engine
( settings (Y/n)? n

Now you can start to use Cloud SDK to control GCP. Let's create VPC, subnet, and firewall rules, then launch a VM instance to set up our own GCP infrastructure.

If you chose the wrong project or you want to try again, at any time you can reconfigure your setup by the gcloud init command.
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