What capabilities does JBoss ESB have?

Some of the main capabilities of JBoss ESB are as follows:

What capabilities does JBoss ESB have?
  • Service registration and hosting: We'll talk a lot about services in this book, and after all, the ESB is the vehicle to host the service, and the services are what we use to implement our business logic. A registry is used to look up service endpoints at runtime. UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integrationhttp://uddi.xml.org) is a registry standard. JBoss ESB provides jUDDI (http://juddi.apache.org) as a registry implementation; it stores internal ESB Endpoint References (EPRs) in the jUDDI registry. Without the registry, your client application won't be able to locate its target services. Don't worry about the location of the services, you can find them through the registry. We will discuss the registry in Chapter 7.
  • Protocol translation through Adapters: In order to support connecting legacy applications over the ESB, JBoss ESB must be able to translate data submitted from various protocols to a format that can be transmitted over the ESB. JBoss ESB manages this translation using Adapters (for JMS, FTP, files, and so on) to "on-board" messages onto the ESB. JBoss ESB translates the messages into a format referred to as "ESB-aware" when the messages are on-boarded onto the ESB. We'll discuss messages' "ESB awareness" in Chapter 6.
  • Process orchestration: "Orchestration" refers to the control of multiple processes by a central process (sort of like an orchestra conductor). JBoss ESB supports service orchestration through its integrations with JBoss jBPM (for business process orchestration) and JBoss RiftSaw for web service orchestration using BPEL (Business Process Execution Language—http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/wsbpel-specification-draft.html).
  • Change management: It's rare that a service will be deployed to the ESB only once. The service will have to change over time and be updated. JBoss ESB handles this by supporting the hot deployment of services and versioning services, and monitoring/managing deployed services through administrative consoles.
  • Quality of service: Bad things can always happen to good services and servers. JBoss ESB supports transactions to ensure that services are reliable.
  • Rich set of out-of-the-box actions: Creating a custom service is that much easier as one of JBoss ESB's features is an extensive set of predefined ("out of the box") actions that can be incorporated into your services. These actions support a wide variety of tasks including:
    • Transformers and converters: converting message data from one form to another.
    • Business Process Management: integrating with JBoss jBPM.
    • Scripting: automating tasks in supported scripting languages.
    • Services: integration with EJBs Routing—moving message data to the correct services.
    • Notifier: sending data to ESB-unaware destinations.
    • Webservices/SOAP: support for web services as service endpoints.
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