
  • Acceptance, proof of, 32
  • Accommodations, 59
  • Accounting fees, 99
  • Accounting method:
    • accrual method, 19–20
    • cash method, 17–18
    • defined, 17
    • installment method, 20
    • percentage-of-completion method, 20
    • on Schedule C, 27
  • Accrual method, 19
  • Accuracy of e-filing, 31
  • Active mentors, 168
  • Active participation, 28
  • Actual expense method for home office deduction:
    • depreciation, 72, 79
    • direct expenses, 72
    • indirect expenses, 72
  • Actual receipt, 18
  • Actual vehicle expenses, 51, 52
  • ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), 176
  • ADEA (Age Discrimination in Employment Act), 176
  • Administrative activities, substantial, 70–71
  • Advances, 37–38
  • Advertising costs:
    • goodwill, promotion of, 90
    • loyalty programs, 91
    • ordinary advertising costs, 90
    • prizes and contests, 91
    • social media, 91
  • Affordable Care Act, 110
  • Affordable care exchanges, 110
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), 176
  • All-events test, 19
  • Alternative payments:
    • debt cancellation, 39
    • loans, 38
    • payments in kind, 38
  • American Opportunity credit, 132–133
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 176
  • Apps:
    • business travel, 61
    • recordkeeping, 13, 14
    • vehicle expenses, 48
  • Aquarium and its maintenance, 87
  • Archer Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), 111
  • Attorney's fee, 68
  • Audit-proofing your return:
    • deductions relative to income, 164
    • eligibility, ensuring, 78
    • filing on time, 163
    • home office deduction, 78–79, 162
    • income, misreporting, 164
    • income, reporting business, 163
    • limitations, observing, 163
    • photographing home office space, 78
    • recordkeeping, 163
    • required information, supplying, 163
    • workers, classifying correctly, 163
  • Audit rates, 5
  • Backup, data, 85
  • Bad debts:
    • business bad debts, 91
    • nonbusiness bad debts, 92
  • Bank account, business, 12, 16
  • Banking fees, 92
  • Bankruptcy, 6
  • Bartering, 38
  • Bonus depreciation, 82
  • Books, 87
  • BOP (business owner's policy), 86
  • Broker's fee, 68
  • Budget, 5
  • Bullying, 177
  • Business bad debts, 92
  • Business bank account, 12, 16
  • Business code, 28
  • Business credit card, 12
  • Business Development Program, 168
  • Business driving, 50–51, 62
  • Businesses, multiple, 30
  • Business finances, separating from personal finances, 12
  • Business gifts, 61
  • Business interruption coverage, 7
  • Business meals. See also Travel expenses
    • at entertainment events, 58
    • entertainment rules, 58
    • per-diem rates for meals, 58
    • recordkeeping requirements, 58
    • transportation industry rules, 57
  • Business name:
    • availability, 20
    • designations after, 21
    • domain name and, 21
    • fictitious name, 20
    • own name as, 20
    • registering, 21
    • trademarking, 21
  • Business owner's policy (BOP), 6, 86
  • Business participation, 28
  • Business physical disaster loans, 93
  • Business property, gain on sale of, 19
  • Business reasons for recordkeeping, 14
  • Business-related tax credit:
    • disabled access credit, 129
    • employer credit for FICA on tips, 129–130
    • employer differential wage payment credit, 129, 130
    • employment-related credits, 129–130
    • empowerment zone employment credit, 129, 130
    • IRS forms for, 130
    • research credit, 128–129
    • small employer health-care credit, 130
    • small employer pension plan startup costs credit, 130
    • work opportunity credit, 129, 130
  • Business structure:
    • capital, access to, 179
    • C corporation, 179
    • changing, 158, 178–180
    • exit strategy, 179–180
    • fringe benefits, 179
    • legal considerations, 176
    • limited liability company, 4, 21, 178, 179
    • S corporation, 179
    • selection factors, 179
    • state taxes, 179
  • Business travel. See also Travel expenses
    • accommodations, 59
    • apps for recordkeeping, 60
    • cost types, 59
    • incidental costs, 59
    • local transportation, 59
    • meals, 59
    • recordkeeping requirements, 14, 60
    • recordkeeping strategies, 60
    • scanners for receipts, 60
    • transportation to business destination, 59
    • trips combining business and pleasure, 59–60
  • Buying leased vehicle, 55
  • Buying versus leasing:
    • equipment, 162
    • software applications, 161
    • vehicles, 52, 162
  • Calendar year, 17
  • Cancellation of debt (COD) income, 39
  • Cancellations, in commercial leases, 67–68
  • Capital, access to, 179
  • Carrybacks, net operating loss, 44, 162
  • Carryovers:
    • general business credit, 162
    • home office deduction, 76, 162
    • net operating loss, 44, 162
    • tax savings strategies, 161–162
  • Cash intensive businesses, 36
  • Cash method:
    • actual receipt, 18
    • cancellation of debt income, 39
    • constructive receipt, 18
    • expenses, 19–20
    • income, 17–18
    • prepayment rule, 18–19
  • Cash payments of $10,000 or more, 36
  • Casualty and theft losses, 92–93
  • C corporation, 179
  • Charitable contributions, 93–95
  • Check, paying estimated taxes by, 150
  • Cleaning and janitorial services, 87
  • Cloud solutions, 13, 85
  • COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act), 109–110, 176
  • Code, business, 28
  • COD (cancellation of debt) income, 39
  • COGS (cost of goods sold), 39
  • Cohan Rule, 61
  • COLAs (cost-of-living adjustments), 158
  • Collections on outstanding receivables, improving, 43
  • Commercial leases:
    • attorney's fee, 68
    • breaking, 174–175
    • broker's fee, 68
    • cancellations and renewals, 67–68
    • co-tenancy clause, 174
    • early termination clause, 174
    • escape clauses, 174
    • exclusive use clause, 174
    • improvements, 67
    • negotiating with landlord, 174
    • signing, 173–174
    • sublet clause, 174
    • term, 67
    • types, 67
  • Commuting, 51
  • Computer-related costs:
    • converting personal items to business use, 83–84
    • data backup, 85
    • home office, 79
    • IT maintenance and repairs, 85–86
    • purchases, 84–85
    • software and cloud solutions, 85
  • Confidential information, 22
  • Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), 176
  • Constructive receipt, 18
  • Consulting agreement, 180–181
  • Contributions to retirement savings, 116
  • Conventions, 83
  • Converting personal items to business use:
    • computer-related costs, 84–85
    • furniture and fixtures, 80
  • Copyrights, 22
  • Corp., on business cards, 21–22
  • Correspondence audit, 164
  • Cost of goods sold (COGS), 39
  • Cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs), 158
  • Co-tenancy clause, 174
  • Credit card, business, 12
  • Credit card payments for estimated taxes, 149
  • Credit policies, 43
  • Credits. See Tax credits
  • Customer lists, 22
  • Damages, 101–102
  • Data backup, 85
  • Daycare businesses, 75
  • DBA (doing business as):
    • availability, 20
    • domain name and, 21
    • registering, 28
    • trademarking, 21
  • Deadline, filing, 31
  • Debit card payments for estimated taxes, 149
  • Debt cancellation, 39
  • Decorator fees, 87
  • Deductions:
    • accelerating, 159–160
    • advertising costs, 90–91
    • bad debts, 91–92
    • banking fees, 92
    • casualty and theft losses, 92–93
    • charitable contributions, 93–95
    • dues, 95–96
    • education expenses, 96
    • health coverage, 113–114
    • impairment-related expenses, 96–97
    • income compared to, 164
    • interest, 97–98
    • legal and professional fees, 98–99
    • licenses and regulatory fees, 99
    • materials and supplies, 79–80, 99, 102, 158
    • moving expenses, 99–100
    • necessary expenses, 90
    • nondeductible expenses, checklist of, 104
    • ordinary expenses, 89
    • outsourced workers, payments for, 100–101
    • penalties, fines, and damages, 101–102
    • repayment of income, 102
    • startup costs, 102–103
    • subscriptions, 103, 159
    • tax credits versus, 127
    • taxes, 103
    • utilities, 104
  • Dependent care credit, 131–132
  • Deposits, security, 19
  • Depreciation:
    • actual expense method, 72–73
    • bonus, 82
    • conventions, 83
    • furniture and fixtures, 81
    • home office deduction, 72–73
    • mid-quarter convention, 83
    • midyear convention, 82
    • regular, 82–83
    • vehicle expenses, 50
  • Designations after business name, 21
  • Direct expenses, for home office deduction, 72
  • Directly related test, for entertainment, 57–58
  • Disabled access credit, 129
  • Disaster loans, 93
  • Disaster loss on prior year's return, 156–157
  • Distance test, for moving expenses, 99, 100
  • Distributions from retirement savings, 122–123
  • Doing business as (DBA):
    • availability, 20
    • domain name and, 21
    • registering, 21
    • trademarking, 21
  • Domain name, 21
  • Draw, 5
  • Driving, business, 50–51, 62
  • Due dates, for estimated taxes, 149
  • Dues, 95–96
  • Early termination clause, 174
  • Earned income, additional Medicare tax on, 146–147
  • Earned income tax credit (EITC), 133–134
  • EBSA (Employee Benefits Security Administration), 120
  • Economic injury disaster loans (EIDLs), 93
  • Economic loss, 43–44
  • Economic-performance test, 20
  • Education expenses, 96
  • E-filing, 32
  • EFTPS (electronic federal tax payment system), 149
  • EIDLs (economic injury disaster loans), 93
  • EIN (employer identification number):
    • bank account, 16
    • day-care center, 131
    • identity theft protection, 16
    • obtaining, 16
    • optional, 16
    • qualified retirement plan, 16
    • separating business life from personal life, 16
    • staff, 16
    • as tax identification number, 28
  • EITC (earned income tax credit), 133–134
  • EITC Assistant, 134
  • Electronic federal tax payment system (EFTPS), 149
  • Electronic payment of estimated taxes, 149
  • Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA), 120
  • Employees:
    • bullying, 177
    • classifying correctly, 163
    • employer responsibilities, 175
    • federal employer identification number, 14
    • insurance obligations, 176
    • legal considerations, 176–177
    • payroll, outsourcing, 176
    • practical considerations, 177–178
    • self-employment practical issues, 7
    • tax responsibilities, 175–176
    • theft by, 177
    • workplace violence, 177
  • Employer credit for FICA on tips, 129–130
  • Employer differential wage payment credit, 129, 130
  • Employer identification number (EIN):
    • bank account, 16
    • day-care center, 131
    • identity theft protection, 16
    • obtaining, 16
    • optional, 16
    • qualified retirement plan, 16
    • required, 16
    • separating business life from personal life, 16
    • staff, 15
    • as tax identification number, 28
  • Employer responsibilities toward employees:
    • bullying, 177
    • employee theft, 177
    • insurance obligations, 176
    • legal considerations, 176–177
    • practical considerations, 177–178
    • tax responsibilities, 175–176
    • workplace violence, 177
  • Employment-related credits:
    • employer credit for FICA on tips, 129–130
    • employer differential wage payment credit, 129, 130
    • empowerment zone employment credit, 129, 130
    • IRS forms for, 130
    • small employer health-care credit, 130
    • small employer pension plan startup costs credit, 130
    • work opportunity credit, 129, 130, 145
  • Empowerment zone employment credit, 129, 130
  • Equipment:
    • deductions, accelerating, 159
    • leasing versus buying, 161
    • post-year tax elections, 160–161
  • Errors and omissions policy, 7
  • Escape clauses, lease:
    • co-tenancy clause, 174
    • early termination clause, 174
    • exclusive use clause, 174
    • sublet clause, 174
  • Estimated taxes:
    • check, payment by, 149
    • credit or debit card, payment by, 149
    • due dates, 149
    • electronic payment, 149
    • overpayment, avoiding, 152
    • payment methods, 149
    • payments, adjusting as business fluctuates, 150
    • safe harbors, 150–151
    • strategies, 149–151
    • tax payments, saving for, 151
    • wage withholding, changing, 151
  • Exchange, 38
  • Exclusive use clause, in lease, 174
  • Exclusive use test, for home office deduction, 71–72
  • Exit strategy, 179
  • Expenses. See also specific expenses
    • accrual method, 19–20
    • cash method, 17–18
    • percentage-of-completion method, 20
  • Extension, filing, 31
  • Fair market value, 84
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 176
  • Farmers, self-employed, 4
  • Federal employer identification number (EIN):
    • bank account, 16
    • day-care center, 131
    • identity theft protection, 16
    • obtaining, 16
    • optional, 16
    • qualified retirement plan, 16
    • required, 16
    • separating business life from personal life, 16
    • staff, 16
    • as tax identification number, 28
  • FICA on tips, employer credit for, 129–130
  • Fictitious name:
    • availability, 20
    • domain name and, 21
    • registering, 21
    • trademarking, 21
  • Filing deadline, 31
  • Filing extension, 31
  • Filing location, 32
  • Filing on time, 164
  • Financial planner, working with, 123
  • Financial statements, generating, 14
  • Fines, 101–102
  • First-year expensing, 80
  • Fiscal year, 17
  • Flexible spending account (FSA), 109
  • Flowers and plants, 87
  • FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act), 176
  • Form 1040, 25
  • Form 1040-ES, 149
  • Form 1045, Application for Tentative Refund, 44
  • Form 1099-INT, Interest Income, 42
  • Form 1099-K, Payment Card and Third-Party Network Transactions, 9, 42
  • Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income:
    • disputed amounts, 41
    • employer identification number, 16
    • income, 41
  • Form 1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation, 9, 16, 28, 39, 42, 100
  • Form 2441, Dependent Care Expenses, 132
  • Form 3800, General Business Credit, 29
  • Form 4563, Depreciation and Amortization, 29
  • Form 4684, Casualties and Thefts, 30
  • Form 4797, Sales of Business Property, 30
  • Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, 31, 164
  • Form 5305-SEP, Simplified Employee Pension–Individual Retirement Accounts Contribution Agreement, 117
  • Form 5500-EZ, Annual Return of One Participant (Owners and Their Spouses), 120
  • Form 5558, Application for Extension of Time to File Certain Employee Plan Returns, 120
  • Form 6765, Credit for Increasing Research Activities, 129
  • Form 8300, Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or Business, 36
  • Form 8824, Like-Kind Exchanges, 30
  • Form 8826, Disabled Access Credit, 129
  • Form 8829, Business Use of a Home, 73
  • Form 8829, Expenses for Business Use of Your Home, 30
  • Form 8850, Pre-Screening Notification and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity Credit, 129
  • Form 8863, Employment Credits, 133
  • Form 8899, Notice of Income from Donated Intellectual Property, 94
  • Form 8994, Employer Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave, 130
  • Form 8995, Qualified Business Income Deduction Simplified Computation, 138
  • Form 8995-A, Qualified Business Income Deduction, 139
  • Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number, 16
  • Form W-4, Wage Withholding Allowances, 151
  • Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, 9
  • Fringe benefits, 179
  • FSA (flexible spending account), 109
  • Furniture and fixtures:
    • bonus depreciation, 82–83
    • converting personal items to business use, 83–84
    • first-year expensing, 80–81
    • regular depreciation, 82–83
  • Gain on sale of business property, 20
  • Gap, tax, 35
  • General business credit, 128, 162
  • Gifts, business, 14, 61
  • Goodwill, promotion of, 90–91
  • Government licenses and permits, 23
  • HDHP (high-deductible health plan), 111
  • Health insurance:
    • COBRA, 109–110, 176
    • individual mandate, 110
    • marketplaces, 110
    • Medicare, 110
    • premium tax credit, 108
    • spousal coverage, 109
    • state health plans, other, 110
    • tax deduction, 113–114
    • TRICARE, 110
  • Health savings accounts (HSAs):
    • contribution limit, 111, 112
    • deductions, accelerating, 160
    • eligibility, 111
    • high-deductible health plan, 111
    • strategies, 112
  • Heavy SUVs, 52
  • High-deductible health plan (HDHP), 111
  • Hobby losses, 45
  • Home office. See also Home office deduction
    • business driving, 50–51, 62
    • insurance, 86
    • as meeting place, 71
    • as principal place of business, 70–71
    • separate structure for, 71
  • Home office deduction, 69–79. See also Home office
    • actual expense method, 72–73
    • ancillary results, 79
    • audit concerns, 78–79, 163
    • carryover, 78, 79, 162
    • deduction, figuring, 72–76
    • depreciation, 72–73, 75–76, 79
    • described, 70
    • direct expenses, 72
    • eligibility, 70–72, 79
    • exclusive use test, 71–72
    • indirect expenses, 72
    • limitation, 76–77
    • Home office deduction (Continued)
    • photographing office space, 78
    • purpose of space, 70–71
    • regular use, 72
    • simplified method, 75–76
    • space, allocating, 73, 75
    • strategies, 76–77
    • use of space, 71–72
  • Homeowner's/renter's policy, 86
  • HSAs (health savings accounts):
    • contribution limit, 111, 112
    • deductions, accelerating, 160
    • eligibility, 111
    • high-deductible health plan, 111
    • strategies, 112–113
  • HUBZone Program, 168
  • Identity theft protection, 16
  • Impairment-related expenses, 96–97
  • Improvements, in commercial leases, 67
  • Inc., on business cards, 20–21
  • Incidental costs of business travel, 58
  • Income:
    • accrual method, 19–20
    • alternative payments, 38–39
    • cash intensive businesses, 36
    • cash method, 17–18
    • cash payments of $10,000 or more, 36
    • debt cancellation, 39
    • defined, 8
    • disputed amounts, 41
    • Form 1099-INT, 42
    • Form 1099-K, 42
    • Form 1099-MISC, 42
    • loans, 38
    • losses, 43–47
    • misreporting, 164
    • nonpayment, 43
    • other business income, 40
    • payments in kind, 38
    • payment types, 36–37
    • percentage-of-completion method, 20
    • postponing, 158–159
    • repayment of, 99
    • reporting, 39–40
    • retainers, advances, and prepayments, 37–38
    • selling items in addition to services, 39–40
    • tax rules concerning, 35
  • Independent contractors:
    • agreement for, 100
    • classifying correctly, 163
    • payments for, 100
    • strategies for using, 100
  • Indirect expenses, for home office deduction, 72
  • Individual mandate for medical insurance, 110
  • Installment method, 20
  • Insurance. See also Medical insurance
    • business owner's, 6
    • for employees, 176
    • errors and omission, 7
    • home office, special concerns for, 86
    • homeowner's, 86
    • malpractice, 7
    • office-related, 86
    • prepaying, 159
    • renter's, 86
  • Intellectual property (IP):
    • donations of, 94
    • permission to use, 24
    • protection strategies, 21–22
    • types, 21
  • Interest, 97–98
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS):
    • EITC Assistant, 134
    • income, reconstructing, 5–6
    • income reporting, self-employment, 35
    • mileage rate, 51, 52
    • scrutiny, greater, 5
    • service center, 32
    • Third Party Reporting Information Center, 42
  • IP (intellectual property):
    • donations of, 94
    • permission to use, 24
    • protection strategies, 21–22
    • types, 21
  • IRAs:
    • MAGI limits, 122
    • post-year tax elections, 160–161
    • Roth IRAs, 122–123
    • rules, other, 122
  • IRS (Internal Revenue Service):
    • EITC Assistant, 134
    • income, reconstructing, 5–6
    • income reporting, self-employment, 35
    • mileage rate, 51, 52
    • scrutiny, greater, 5
    • service center, 32
    • Third Party Reporting Information Center, 42
  • IRS Publication 538, Accounting Periods and Methods, 17
  • IRS Publication 596, Earned Income Credit, 134
  • IRS Publication 1976, Do I Qualify for Relief under Section 530?, 101
  • IT maintenance and repairs, 85–86
  • Landlord, negotiating with, 174
  • Leases, commercial:
    • attorney's fee, 68
    • breaking, 174–175
    • broker's fee, 68
    • cancellations and renewals, 67–68
    • co-tenancy clause, 174
    • early termination clause, 174
    • escape clauses, 174
    • exclusive use clause, 174
    • improvements, 67
    • negotiating with landlord, 174
    • signing, 173–174
    • sublet clause, 174
    • term, 67
    • types, 67
  • Leases, vehicle:
    • buying vehicle versus, 56, 162
    • getting out of, 55–56
    • paying off, 56
    • transferring, 55
  • Leasing versus buying:
    • equipment, 160
    • software applications, 161
    • vehicles, 56, 162
  • Legal and professional fees, 98–99
  • Legal considerations. See also Business structure; specific topics
    • bankruptcy, 6
    • hiring employees, 175–176
    • personal liability, 6
    • self-employment, 6–7
  • Legal status. See Business structure
  • Liability protection and other risks:
    • business interruption coverage, 7
    • business owner's policy, 6
    • errors and omissions policy, 7
    • malpractice insurance, 7
  • Licenses, 23
  • Lifetime learning credit, 133
  • Limited liability company (LLC), 4, 21, 178
  • Living expenses, 4–5
  • LLC (limited liability company), 4, 21, 178
  • Loans:
    • alternative payments, 38
    • business physical disaster, 93
    • disaster, 93
    • economic injury disaster, 93
    • from family and friends, 93
    • student, 93–94
  • Local transportation, 59
  • Location, filing, 32
  • Log, sample business mileage and expense, 54
  • Long form. See Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business
  • Losses:
    • defined, 8
    • economic loss, 43
    • hobby, 12, 45
    • net operating, 44
    • tax loss, 44
  • Loyalty programs, 91
  • Ltd., on business cards, 21
  • MAGI (modified adjusted gross income) limits:
    • American Opportunity credit, 132–133
    • IRAs, 118, 119
    • lifetime learning credit, 133
    • Roth IRAs, 122–123
    • student loan interest deduction, 98
  • Maintenance and repairs, IT, 85–86
  • Malpractice insurance, 7
  • Marketplaces, health insurance, 110
  • Material participation, 30
  • Materials and supplies, 79–80
  • Meals, during business travel, 59
  • Medical insurance:
    • COBRA, 109–110, 176
    • health insurance marketplaces, 110
    • health insurance premium tax credit, 108
    • individual mandate, 110
    • Medicare, 110
    • spousal coverage, 109
    • state health plans, other, 110
    • tax deduction, 113–114
    • TRICARE, 110
  • Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), 111
  • Medicare, 110
  • Medicare tax, additional:
    • on earned income, 146–147
    • on net investment income, 147–148
  • Meeting place, home office as, 71
  • Member of limited liability company, 4
  • Mentor, types of mentors, 168
  • Merchant authorization costs, 92
  • Mid-quarter convention, 83
  • Midyear convention, 82
  • Mileage rate:
    • vehicle expenses, 50
  • Miscellaneous office-related costs:
    • aquarium and its maintenance, 87
    • books, 87
    • cleaning and janitorial services, 87
    • decorator fees, 87
    • flowers and plants, 87
    • postage and shipping, 88
    • security system costs, 88
    • uniforms, 88
  • Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) limits:
    • American Opportunity credit, 132
    • IRAs, 122
    • lifetime learning credit, 133
    • Roth IRAs, 122–123
    • student loan interest deduction, 98
  • Moving expenses, 99–100
  • Moving to larger quarters:
    • breaking old lease, 174–175
    • escape clauses, 174
    • moving expenses, 175
    • negotiating with landlord, 174
    • signing new lease, 173–174
  • MSAs (Medical Savings Accounts), 111
  • Multiple businesses, 30
  • NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) codes, 28
  • Negotiating with landlord, 174
  • Net earnings from self-employment, 9
  • Net investment income (NII) tax, 147–148
  • Net operating loss (NOL):
    • calculating, 44
    • carrybacks, 44
    • carryovers, 44
  • New York licenses and permits, 23
  • NII (net investment income) tax, 147–148
  • NOL (net operating loss):
    • calculating, 44
    • carrybacks, 44
    • carryovers, 44
  • Nonbusiness bad debts, 92
  • Nondeductible expenses, checklist of, 104
  • Nonpayment, 43
  • Non-personal-use vehicles, 52
  • North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, 28
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 176, 177
  • Office-related costs:
    • aquarium and its maintenance, 87
    • books, 87
    • cleaning and janitorial services, 87
    • computer-related costs, 84–86
    • decorator fees, 87
    • flowers and plants, 87
    • furniture and fixtures, 80–84
    • home office deduction, 68–79
    • insurance, 86
    • materials and supplies, 79–80
    • miscellaneous, 87–88
    • postage and shipping, 88
    • rental expenses, 65–66
    • security system costs, 88
    • uniforms, 88
    • utilities, 86–87
  • On-time filing, 164
  • Ordinary advertising costs, 90
  • Ordinary expenses, 89
  • OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), 176, 177
  • Outsourced workers:
    • agreement, 100
    • classifying correctly, 162
    • payments for, 100
    • strategies for using, 100
  • Outsourcing
    • accountant
    • attorney, 169
    • bookkeeper, 169
    • issues, 170
    • technology, 170
  • Overpayment of estimated taxes, avoiding, 152
  • Own name, as business name, 20
  • Partnerships, spousal, 30
  • Passive mentors, 168
  • Passive participation, 28
  • Patents, 21
  • Payables, paying outstanding, 159
  • Payment methods for estimated taxes:
    • check, 149
    • credit or debit card, 149
    • electronic payment, 149
  • Payments in kind, 38
  • Payment types:
    • cash intensive businesses, 36
    • cash payments of $10,000 or more, 36
    • retainers, advances, and prepayments, 37–38
  • PayPal fees, 92
  • Payroll, outsourcing, 178
  • Penalties:
    • deductions, 101–102
    • medical insurance noncoverage, 108
  • Pension plans, 121
  • Pension plan startup costs credit for small employers, 130
  • Percentage-of-completion method, 20
  • Per-diem rates for meals, 58
  • Permission to use intellectual property, 23
  • Permits, 23
  • Personal credits arising from business:
    • American Opportunity credit, 132–133
    • dependent care credit, 131–132
    • earned income tax credit, 133–134
    • lifetime learning credit, 133
  • Personal finances, separating from business finances, 12
  • Personal items, converting to business use:
    • computer-related costs, 84–85
    • furniture and fixtures, 80–81
  • Personal liability, 6
  • Personal mandate for medical insurance, 108
  • Photographing office space, 78
  • Piracy, software, 23
  • Postage and shipping, 88
  • Post-year tax elections:
    • carrybacks, waiving NOL, 162
    • equipment purchases, optimizing write-offs for, 160–161
    • IRAs, 161
    • SEP, 161
  • Prepaid interest, 19
  • Prepayments:
    • deductions, accelerating, 158
    • payment types, 36–37
    • rental expenses, 65–66
    • rule, for cash method, 17–18
    • 12-month rule, 66
  • Principal place of business, 70
  • Prizes and contests, 91
  • Processes, 22
  • Profitability, tracking, 14
  • Profit motive, proving, 45–46
  • Proof of acceptance, 31
  • Publication 538, Accounting Periods and Methods, 17
  • Publication 596, Earned Income Credit, 134
  • Publication 1976, Do I Qualify for Relief under Section 530?, 101
  • Qualified business income (QBI) deduction, 137
  • Qualified retirement plan. See also Retirement savings
    • federal employer identification number, 14
    • setting up, 156
  • QuickBooks, 13
  • Receipt:
    • actual, 18
    • constructive, 18
  • Recordkeeping:
    • apps for, 13–14
    • audit-proofing your return, 163–164
    • business gifts, 14, 61
    • business meals and entertainment, 56–57
    • business reasons for, 14
    • business travel, 59
    • financial statements, generating, 14
    • log, sample business mileage and expense, 54
    • profitability, tracking, 14
    • receipts, retaining, 13
    • sampling method, 55
    • software versus cloud solutions, 12–13
    • transportation expenses, 60
    • vehicle expenses, 50–51, 52
  • Refund speed, as e-filing benefit, 31
  • Registering fictitious name, 21
  • Regular depreciation of furniture and fixtures, 82–83
    • conventions, 83
    • mid-quarter convention, 83
    • midyear convention, 82
  • Regular use, of home office, 72
  • Regulatory fees, 99
  • Renewals, in commercial leases, 67
  • Rent, 66, 159
  • Rental expenses:
    • attorney's fee, 68
    • broker's fee, 68
    • commercial leases, 67–68
    • improvements, 67
    • prepayments, 66
    • rent, 64, 159
    • security deposits, 66
    • virtual offices, 68
  • Renter's policy, 86
  • Repayment of income, 102
  • Reporting income:
    • other business income, 40
    • selling items in addition to services, 39–40
  • Required information, supplying, 153
  • Research credit, 128–129
  • Retainers, 37–38
  • Retirement savings:
    • contributions, maximizing, 123
    • distributions, minimizing, 124
    • financial planner, working with, 123
    • IRAs, 121–122
    • pension plans, 121
    • Roth IRAs, 122–123
    • simplified employee pension, 116–117
    • solo 401(k)s, 118–121
    • spouse, covering, 124
    • strategies, 123
  • Returning leased car and paying off lease, 55
  • Roth 401(k)s, 119
  • Roth IRAs, 122–123
  • Safe harbors, estimated tax, 150
  • Sales taxes, 152–153
  • Sampling for vehicle expenses recordkeeping, 53
  • SBA (Small Business Administration):
    • disaster loans, 93
    • licenses and permits, 23, 99
  • Scanning receipts, 13
  • Schedule A, 93, 97, 99
  • Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business:
    • accounting method, 28
    • basic information, 28
    • business code, 28
    • business participation, 28
    • e-filing, 31
    • filing deadline, 30
    • filing extension, 30
    • filing location, 30
    • Form 1099-MISC reporting requirements, 28
    • income, reporting, 39–40, 41
    • multiple businesses, 29
    • name and address, 27
    • parts, 29
    • sample form, 26–27
    • spousal partnerships, 29
    • startup, 28
    • tax identification number, 28
  • Schedule F, 4
  • Schedule H, Household Employment Taxes, 131
  • Schedule SE, Self-Employment Tax, 144, 145–146
  • S corporation, 179
  • SEAP (Self-Employment Assistance Program), 8
  • Section 179 deduction, 80–81
  • Section 530 relief, 101
  • Security deposits, 19, 66
  • Security of e-filing, 31
  • Security system costs, 88
  • Self-employment. See also specific topics
    • legal consequences, 6–7
    • meaning of, 4–6
    • practical issues, 7–8
    • tax terminology, 8–9
  • Self-Employment Assistance Program (SEAP), 8
  • Self-employment tax, 143–146
  • Selling items in addition to services, 39–40
  • Selling the business, 180–181
  • SEP (simplified employee pension):
    • post-year tax elections, 160–161
    • rules, other, 118
    • savings opportunity, 116
  • Separate structure, home office as, 71
  • Short tax year, 17
  • Simplified employee pension (SEP):
    • post-year tax elections, 160–161
    • rules, other, 118
    • savings opportunity, 116
  • Simplified method for home office deduction, 75–76
  • Small Business Administration (SBA):
    • disaster loans, 93
    • licenses and permits, 23, 99
  • Small employer health-care credit, 130
  • Small employer pension plan startup costs credit, 130
  • Social media, 91
  • Social Security credits, 144–146
  • Social Security number (SSN), 14
  • Software:
    • cloud solutions versus, 12–13, 85
    • leasing versus buying, 161–162
    • licenses, 23
    • piracy, 23
  • Solo 401(k)s:
    • Roth 401(k)s, 119
    • rules, other, 120–121
    • savings opportunities, 119
  • Spousal coverage:
    • medical insurance, 108
    • retirement savings, 122
  • Spousal partnerships, 29
  • SSN (Social Security number), 14
  • Staff:
    • bullying, 177
    • classifying correctly, 163
    • employer responsibilities, 175
    • federal employer identification number, 14
    • insurance obligations, 176
    • legal considerations, 176–177
    • payroll, outsourcing, 178
    • practical considerations, 177–178
    • self-employment practical issues, 7
    • tax responsibilities, 175–176
    • theft by, 177
    • workplace violence, 177
  • Startup costs, 102–103
  • Startup designation, 30
  • State health plans, other, 110–111
  • State taxes, 179
  • Strategies as your business grows:
    • business structure, changing, 158
    • hiring employees, 175–178
    • moving to larger quarters, 173–175
    • selling the business, 180–181
  • Student loan interest, 98
  • Sublet clause, 174
  • Subscriptions, 103, 159
  • Substantial administrative activities, 70
  • Supplies, 79–80, 99, 103
  • SUVs, heavy, 52
  • Tax bonus
    • business, 139
    • deductions, 140
    • credits, 140
    • limitations, 138
    • Rules, 137–138
    • specified services trade, 139
  • Tax credits:
    • American Opportunity credit, 132–133
    • business-related tax credit, 127–130
    • deductions versus, 96, 127
    • dependent care credit, 131–132
    • disabled access credit, 129
    • earned income tax credit, 133–134
    • employer credit for FICA on tips, 129–129
    • employer differential wage payment
    • credit, 129, 130
    • employment-related credits, 129–130
    • empowerment zone employment credit, 129, 130
    • general business credit, 128
    • IRS forms for, 130
    • lifetime learning credit, 133
    • personal credits arising from business, 130–134
    • research credit, 128–129
    • small employer health-care credit, 130
    • small employer pension plan startup costs credit, 130
    • work opportunity credit, 129, 130
  • Tax deductions. See Deductions; specific deductions
  • Tax developments, staying current on, 157
  • Taxes:
    • deduction for, 104
    • estimated, 148–152
    • Medicare tax on earned income, additional, 146–147
    • Medicare tax on net investment income, additional, 147–148
    • sales, 152–153
    • self-employment, 143–146
    • state, 179
  • Tax gap, 35
  • Tax identification number (TIN), 14–16, 28
  • Tax loss, 44
  • Tax payments, saving for, 143
  • Tax savings strategies:
    • audit-proofing your return, 163–165
    • business decisions, 156–158
    • carryovers, 162
    • deductions, accelerating, 159–160
    • income, postponing, 158–159
    • leasing versus buying, 161–162
    • post-year tax elections, 160–161
    • year-end planning, 158–160
  • Tax terminology, 8–9
  • Tax year:
    • calendar year, 17
    • fiscal year, 17
    • short tax year, 17
  • Technology in place of travel, 62
  • Term, lease, 67
  • Terminology, tax, 8–9
  • Theft, employee, 177
  • Third Party Reporting Information Center, 42
  • Time test, for moving expenses, 99, 100
  • TIN (tax identification number), 14–16, 28
  • Trademarks, 21, 22
  • Trade secrets, 22
  • Trading in old car for new one, 55–56
  • Transferring vehicle lease, 55
  • Transportation:
    • to business destination, 59
    • expenses, 15
    • local, 56, 59
  • Transportation industry rules, for business meals, 57
  • Travel expenses:
    • business meals, 56–57
    • business travel, 59–61
    • gifts, 61
    • local transportation, 56
    • per diem rates for meals, 58
    • recordkeeping requirements, 14, 58
    • saving strategies, 61–62
    • technology in place of travel, 62
    • transportation industry rules, 57
    • travel, low-cost, 62
    • vehicle expenses, 50–56
  • TRICARE, 110
  • Trips combining business and pleasure, 59
  • 12-month rule for prepayments, 66–67
  • Unemployment benefits, 8
  • Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), 176
  • Uniforms, 83
  • UPS survey, 168
  • U.S. Copyright Office, 22
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 22
  • USERRA (Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act), 176
  • Utilities:
    • deductions, 104
    • office-related costs, 86–87
  • VCSP (Voluntary Classification Settlement Program), 101
  • Vehicle expenses:
    • actual expenses, 51, 52
    • apps for recordkeeping, 53
    • business driving, 50–51
    • buying versus leasing, 55, 161
    • deductions, figuring, 51
    • depreciation, 51, 52
    • heavy SUVs, 52
    • lease, getting out of, 55–56
    • log, sample, 54
    • mileage rate, 51, 52
    • non-personal-use vehicles, 52
    • recordkeeping requirements, 53, 54
    • recordkeeping strategies, 53
    • sampling, 55
    • special vehicles, rules for, 52
  • Violence, workplace, 177
  • Virtual offices, 68
  • Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP), 101
  • Wage withholding, 151
  • Walking away from vehicle lease, 56
  • Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program, 167
  • Workers, classifying correctly, 163
  • Workers’ compensation, 8
  • Work opportunity credit, 129, 130
  • Workplace violence, 177
  • Year-end planning:
    • deductions, 159–160
    • equipment, 160
    • expenses, prepaying, 148
    • health savings account, 160
    • income, 158–159
    • payables, 159
    • supplies, 159
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