
There are people without whom this book could not have been possible. Where do I start? Who do I mention first? This, quite possibly, is more difficult than the book itself.

One must never forget one’s roots. There is no doubt in my mind that my parents, Dwight and Mary Morris, are mostly responsible for all the good that I have ever accomplished. Any of the bad surely had to come from being a jet fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy for six years.

I am blessed with a truly wonderful wife, Laura. Her support during this effort was unwavering and fully appreciated. If she would just let me win at golf occasionally. . . .

It is interesting that I am working with Kevin Commins of John Wiley & Sons again. Kevin was the first editor I had when I wrote my “candlestick” book more than 21 years ago. My association with Stephen Isaacs at McGraw-Hill, and now Bloomberg Press, has been long lasting and most enjoyable.

The team at Stadion’s portfolio management department was absolutely necessary for the completion of this work (Brad Thompson, Will McGough, Rob Dailey, Clayton Fresk, Clayton Shiver, Clayton Wilkin, John Wiens, Paul Frank, Jonathan Weaver, Danny Mack, and David Pursell). They tirelessly assisted in data acquisition and analysis. Without them the research in Part II would have never been accomplished, certainly not in my lifetime. I truly hate to break out someone in that group as they all made exceptional contributions, but a special thanks to Clayton Fresk who is extremely talented with Microsoft Excel. Clayton produced most of the spreadsheets used in the research and analysis for this book and provided some unique insight into interpreting the data.

I must acknowledge and thank good friend Ted Wong for his Trend Gauge measure and volunteering (I begged) to proof the technical sections of the book. Thanks to George Schade who used his jurist mind to help me provide criticism as long as it is respectful. Doug Short ( graciously reproduced a number of his nice graphics into grayscale. Many—in fact, most—of the charts in this book were created with Thomson Reuter’s MetaStock software, a product I have used since version one back in 1985.

What an absolute delight to wrap up a long career with my past 14 years at Stadion Money Management, LLC. Tim Chapman and Jud Doherty have been partners, leaders, and friends for all this time. Truly great people! In fact, every employee at Stadion seems to fit the same mold: sharp, hard-working, and loaded with talent. Thanks, Stadion.

As is the accepted standard, and certainly in this case the fact, whatever factual errors and omissions are sadly, but most certainly, my own.

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