7.5 Breaking DES

DES was the standard cryptographic system for the last 20 years of the twentieth century, but, in the latter half of this period, DES was showing signs of age. In this section we discuss the breaking of DES.

From 1975 onward, there were questions regarding the strength of DES. Many in the academic community complained about the size of the DES keys, claiming that a 56-bit key was insufficient for security. In fact, a few months after the NBS release of DES, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman published a paper titled “Exhaustive cryptanalysis of the NBS Data Encryption Standard” [Diffie-Hellman2] in which they estimated that a machine could be built for $20 million (in 1977 dollars) that would crack DES in roughly a day. This machine’s purpose was specifically to attack DES, which is a point that we will come back to later.

In 1987 DES came under its second five-year review. At this time, NBS asked for suggestions whether to accept the standard for another period, to modify the standard, or to dissolve the standard altogether. The discussions regarding DES saw NSA opposing the recertification of DES. The NBS argued at that time that DES was beginning to show signs of weakness, given the current of level of computing power, and proposed doing away with DES entirely and replacing it with a set of NSA-designed algorithms whose inner workings would be known only to NSA and be well protected from reverse engineering techniques. This proposal was turned down, partially due to the fact that several key American industries would be left unprotected while replacement algorithms were put in place. In the end, DES was reapproved as a standard, yet in the process it was acknowledged that DES was showing signs of weakness.

Five years later, after NBS had been renamed NIST, the next five-year review came around. Despite the weaknesses mentioned in 1987 and the technology advances that had taken place in five years, NIST recertified the DES algorithm in 1992.

In 1993, Michael Wiener, a researcher at Bell-Northern Research, proposed and designed a device that would attack DES more efficiently than ever before. The idea was to use the already well-developed switching technology available to the telephone industry.

The year 1996 saw the formulation of three basic approaches for attacking symmetric ciphers such as DES. The first method was to do distributive computation across a vast collection of machines. This had the advantage that it was relatively cheap, and the cost that was involved could be easily distributed over many people. Another approach was to design custom architecture (such as Michael Wiener’s idea) for attacking DES. This promised to be more effective, yet also more expensive, and could be considered as the high-end approach. The middle-of-the-line approach involved programmable logic arrays and has received the least attention to date.

In all three of these cases, the most popular approach to attacking DES was to perform an exhaustive search of the keyspace. For DES this seemed to be reasonable since, as mentioned earlier, more complicated cryptanalytic techniques had failed to show significant improvement over exhaustive search.

The distributive computing approach to breaking DES became very popular, especially with the growing popularity of the Internet. In 1997 the RSA Data Security company issued a challenge to find the key and crack a DES encrypted message. Whoever cracked the message would win a $10,000 prize. Only five months after the announcement of the 1997 DES Challenge, Rocke Verser submitted the winning DES key. What is important about this is that it represents an example where the distributive computing approach had successfully attacked DES. Rocke Verser had implemented a program where thousands of computers spread over the Internet had managed to crack the DES cipher. People volunteered time on their personal (and corporate) machines, running Verser’s program under the agreement that Verser would split the winnings 60% to 40% with the owner of the computer that actually found the key. The key was finally found by Michael Sanders. Roughly 25% of the DES keyspace had been searched by that time. The DES Challenge phrase decrypted to “Strong cryptography makes the world a safer place.”

In the following year, RSA Data Security issued DES Challenge II. This time the correct key was found by Distributed Computing Technologies, and the message decrypted to “Many hands make light work.” The key was found after searching roughly 85% of the possible keys and was done in 39 days. The fact that the winner of the second challenge searched more of the keyspace and performed the task quicker than the first task shows the dramatic effect that a year of advancement in technology can have on cryptanalysis.

In the summer of 1998 the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) developed a project called DES Cracker whose purpose was to reveal the vulnerability of the DES algorithm when confronted with a specialized architecture. The DES Cracker project was founded on a simple principle: The average computer is ill suited for the task of cracking DES. This is a reasonable statement since ordinary computers, by their very nature, are multipurpose machines that are designed to handle generic tasks such as running an operating system or even playing a computer game or two. What the EFF team proposed to do was build specialized hardware that would take advantage of the parallelizable nature of the exhaustive search. The team had a budget of $200,000.

We now describe briefly the architecture that the EFF team’s research produced. For more information regarding the EFF Cracker as well as the other tasks their cracker was designed to handle, see [Gilmore].

The EFF DES Cracker consisted of basically three main parts: a personal computer, software, and a large collection of specialized chips. The computer was connected to the array of chips and the software oversaw the tasking of each chip. For the most part, the software didn’t interact much with the hardware; it just gave the chips the necessary information to start processing and waited until the chips returned candidate keys. In this sense, the hardware efficiently eliminated a large number of invalid keys and only returned keys that were potentially promising. The software then processed each of the promising candidate keys on its own, checking to see if one of the promising keys was in fact the actual key.

The DES Cracker took a 128-bit (16-byte) sample of ciphertext and broke it into two 64-bit (8-byte) blocks of text. Each chip in the EFF DES Cracker consisted of 24 search units. A search unit was a subset of a chip whose task was to take a key and two 64-bit blocks of ciphertext and attempt to decrypt the first 64-bit block using the key. If the “decrypted” ciphertext looked interesting, then the search unit decrypted the second block and checked to see if that “decrypted” ciphertext was also interesting. If both decrypted texts were interesting then the search unit told the software that the key it checked was promising. If, when the first 64-bit block of ciphertext was decrypted, the decrypted text did not seem interesting enough, then the search unit incremented its key by 1 to form a new key. It then tried this new key, again checking to see if the result was interesting, and proceeded this way as it searched through its allotted region of keyspace.

How did the EFF team define an “interesting” decrypted text? First they assumed that the plaintext satisfied some basic assumption, for example that it was written using letters, numbers, and punctuation. Since the data they were decrypting was text, they knew each byte corresponded to an eight-bit character. Of the 256 possible values that an eight-bit character type represented, only 69 characters were interesting (the uppercase and lowercase alphabet, the numbers, the space, and a few punctuation marks). For a byte to be considered interesting, it had to contain one of these 69 characters, and hence had a 69/256 chance of being interesting. Approximating this ratio to 1/4, and assuming that the decrypted bytes are in fact independent, we see that the chance that an 8-byte block of decrypted text was interesting is 1/48=1/65536. Thus only 1/65536 of the keys it examined were considered promising.

This was not enough of a reduction. The software would still spend too much time searching false candidates. In order to narrow down the field of promising key candidates even further, it was necessary to use the second 8-byte block of text. This block was decrypted to see if the result was interesting. Assuming independence between the blocks, we get that only 1/416=1/655362 of the keys could be considered promising. This significantly reduced the amount of keyspace that the software had to examine.

Each chip consisted of 24 search units, and each search unit was given its own region of the keyspace that it was responsible for searching. A single 40-MHz chip would have taken roughly 38 years to search the entire keyspace. To reduce further the amount of time needed to process the keys, the EFF team used 64 chips on a single circuit board, then 12 boards to each chassis, and finally two chassis were connected to the personal computer that oversaw the communication with the software.

The end result was that the DES Cracker consisted of about 1500 chips and could crack DES in roughly 4.5 days on average. The DES Cracker was by no means an optimum model for cracking DES. In particular, each of the chips that it used ran at 40 MHz, which is slow by modern standards. Newer models could certainly be produced in the future that employ chips running at much faster clock cycles.

This development strongly indicated the need to replace DES. There were two main approaches to achieving increased security. The first used DES multiple times and led to the popular method called Triple DES or 3DES. Multiple encryption for block ciphers is discussed in Section 6.4.

The second approach was to find a new system that employs a larger key size than 56 bits. This led to AES, which is discussed in Chapter 8.

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