B.12 Examples for Chapter 21

Example 40

All of the elliptic curves we work with in this chapter are elliptic curves mod n. However, it is helpful use the graphs of elliptic curves with real numbers in order to visualize what is happening with the addition law, for example, even though such pictures do not exist mod n.

Let’s graph the elliptic curve y2=x(x1)(x+1). We’ll specify that 1x3 and 5y5,  and make sure that x and y are cleared of previous values.

> x:=’x’;y:=’y’;implicitplot(yaˆ2=x*(x-1)*(x+1), x=-1..3,y=-5..5)
A graph plots an oval shaped curve at the left along with an elliptic curve pointing towards right.

Example 41

Add the points (1, 3) and (3, 5) on the elliptic curve y2x3+24x+13(mod29).

> addell([1,3], [3,5], 24, 13, 29)


You can check that the point (26, 1) is on the curve: 263+2426+1312(mod29).

Example 42

Add (1, 3) to the point at infinity on the curve of the previous example.

> addell([1,3], ["infinity","infinity" ], 24, 13, 29)


As expected, adding the point at infinity to a point P returns the point P.

Example 43

Let P=(1, 3) be a point on the elliptic curve y2x3+24x+13(mod29). Find 7P.

> multell([1,3], 7, 24, 13, 29)


Example 44

Find k(1, 3) for k=1, 2, 3, , 40 on the curve of the previous example.

> multsell([1,3], 40, 24, 13, 29)


Notice how the points repeat after every 19 multiples.

Example 45

The previous four examples worked mod the prime 29. If we work mod a composite number, the situation at infinity becomes more complicated since we could be at infinity mod both factors or we could be at infinity mod one of the factors but not mod the other. Therefore, we stop the calculation if this last situation happens and we exhibit a factor. For example, let’s try to compute 12P,  where P=(1, 3) is on the elliptic curve y2x35x+13(mod209):

> multell([1,3], 12, -5, 13, 11*19)


Now let’s compute the successive multiples to see what happened along the way:

> multsell([1,3], 12, -5, 13, 11*19)


When we computed 6P,  we ended up at infinity mod 19. Let’s see what is happening mod the two prime factors of 209, namely 19 and 11:

> multsell([1,3], 12, -5, 13, 19)


> multsell([1,3], 24, -5, 13, 11)

[17,[8,1]],[18,[5, 6]],[19,[9, 2]],[20,[6,10]],[21,[2,0]],

After six steps, we were at infinity mod 19, but it takes 14 steps to reach infinity mod 11. To find 6P,  we needed to invert a number that was 0 mod 19 and nonzero mod 11. This couldn’t be done, but it yielded the factor 19. This is the basis of the elliptic curve factorization method.

Example 46

Factor 193279 using elliptic curves.


First, we need to choose some random elliptic curves and a point on each curve. For example, let’s take P=(2, 4) and the elliptic curve


For P to lie on the curve, we take b=28. We’ll also take

y2x3+11x11, P=(1, 1)y2x3+17x14, P=(1, 2).

Now we compute multiples of the point P. We do the analog of the p1 method, so we choose a bound B,  say B=12,  and compute B!P.

> multell([2,4], factorial(12), -10, 28, 193279)


> multell([1,1], factorial(12), 11, -11, 193279)


> multell([1,2], factorial(12), 17, -14, 193279)


Let’s analyze in more detail what happened in these examples.

On the first curve, 266P ends up at infinity mod 557 and 35P is infinity mod 347. Since 266=2719,  it has a prime factor larger than B=12,  so B!P is not infinity mod 557. But 35 divides B!,  so B!P is infinity mod 347.

On the second curve, 356P=infinity mod 347 and 561P=infinity mod 557. Since 356=489 and 561=31117,  we don’t expect to find the factorization with this curve.

The third curve is a surprise. We have 331P=infinity mod 347 and 272P=infinity mod 557. Since 331 is prime and 272=1617,  we don’t expect to find the factorization with this curve. However, by chance, an intermediate step in the calculation of B!P yielded the factorization. Here’s what happened. At one step, the program required adding the points (184993, 13462) and (20678, 150484). These two points are congruent mod 557 but not mod 347. Therefore, the slope of the line through these two points is defined mod 347 but is 0/0 mod 557. When we tried to find the multiplicative inverse of the denominator mod 193279, the gcd algorithm yielded the factor 557. This phenomenon is fairly rare.

Example 47

Here is how to produce the example of an elliptic curve ElGamal cryptosystem from Section 21.5. For more details, see the text. The elliptic curve is y2x3+3x+45(mod8831) and the point is G=(4, 11). Alice’s message is the point Pm=(5, 1743).

Bob has chosen his secret random number aB=3 and has computed abG:

> multell([4,11], 3, 3, 45, 8831)


Bob publishes this point. Alice chooses the random number k=8 and computes kG and Pm+k(aBG):

> multell([4,11], 8, 3, 45, 8831)


> addell([5,1743],multell([413,1808],8,3,45,8831),3,45,8831)


Alice sends (5415,6321) and (6626,3576) to Bob, who multiplies the first of these point by aB:

> multell([5415,6321], 3, 3, 45, 8831)


Bob then subtracts the result from the last point Alice sends him. Note that he subtracts by adding the point with the second coordinate negated:

> addell([6626,3576], [673,-146], 3, 45, 8831)


Bob has therefore received Alice’s message.

Example 48

Let’s reproduce the numbers in the example of a Diffie-Hellman key exchange from Section 21.5: The elliptic curve is y2x3+x+7206(mod7211) and the point is G=(3, 5). Alice chooses her secret NA=12 and Bob chooses his secret NB=23. Alice calculates

> multell([3,5], 12, 1, 7206, 7211)


She sends (1794,6375) to Bob. Meanwhile, Bob calculates

> multell([3,5], 23, 1, 7206, 7211)

                           [3861, 1242]

and sends (3861,1242) to Alice. Alice multiplies what she receives by NA and Bob multiplies what he receives by NB:

> multell([3861,1242], 12, 1, 7206, 7211)

> multell([1794,6375], 23, 1, 7206, 7211)


Therefore, Alice and Bob have produced the same key.

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