List of Illustrations



Figure 1.1

Evolution of information communication processes

Figure 1.2

Evolution of medical X-ray process

Figure 1.3

Fast-food restaurant customer process

Figure 2.1

Sparkline example from Excel

Figure 2.2

Precision example using Excel

Figure 3.1

Information processing flowchart symbols adapted for use in other process diagrams

Figure 3.2

Block diagram of fast-food restaurant customer order process

Figure 3.3

Service process blueprint for fast-food restaurant customer order process

Figure 3.4

Cross-functional diagram of fast-food restaurant customer order process

Figure 3.5

Service process blueprint from Figure 3.3 modified to show the information process content more clearly

Figure 3.6

Customer order process step modified to take advantage of information technology to provide dematerialized order information

Figure 4.1

Interaction matrix for businesses and customers

Figure 4.2

Interaction matrix for businesses, customers/citizens, governments, machines, and the Internet

Figure 4.3

Examples of some commonly used barcode standards

Figure 4.4

Unedited OCR printed text conversion result

Figure 5.1

The alphabet universe of information applications used by a typical large enterprise company

Figure C.1

Customer volume and sales volume for two store locations for a given week

Figure C.2    

Some analysis summaries using the data shown in Figure C.1



Table 2.1

Areas of measurement

Table 3.1.

Common performance measures

Table 4.1

Bar coding for each numeral in a POSTNET barcode

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