Dbspace and Chunk Information

Now let's look at the SMI tables that contain information about your disk space, chunks, and dbspace. There are four tables that contain this data.

• Sysdbspaces DB Spaces
• syschunks Chunks
• syschkio I/O by Chunk
• syschfree* Free Space by Chunk

Note: Syschfree is not a supported table.

Dbspace configuration: sysdbspaces

The sysmaster database has three key tables containing dbspace and chunk information. The first one is sysdbspaces. This is a view that interprets the underlying table sysdbstab. Sysdbspaces serves two purposes: it translates a bit field containing flags into separate columns where 1 equals yes and 0 equals no, and, it allows the underlying table to change between releases without having to change code. The view is defined as follows:

View sysdbspaces
                 Column         Data            TypeDescription
                 dbsnum         smallint        dbspace number,
                 name           char(18)        dbspace name,
                 owner          char(8)         dbspace owner,
                 fchunk         smallint        first chunk in dbspace,
                 nchunks        smallint        number of chunks in dbspace,
                 is mirrored    bitval          is dbspace mirrored, 1=Yes, 0= No
                 is_blobspace   bitval          is dbspace a blob space, 1=Yes, 2=No
                 is_temp        bitval          is dbspace temp, 1=Yes, 2=No
                 flags          smallint        dbspace flags

The columns of type bitval are the flags that are extracted from the flags column by a stored procedure called bitval when the view is generated.

Chunk configuration: syschunks

The syschunks table is also a view based on two actual tables, one for primary chunk information, syschktab, and one for mirror chunk information, sysmchktab. The following is the layout of syschunks:

View syschunks
Column Data Type Description
chknum smallint chunk number
dbsnum smallint dbspace number
nxchknum smallint number of next chunk in dbspace
chksize integer pages in chunk
offset integer pages offset into device
nfree integer free pages in chunk
is_offline bitval is chunk offline, l=Yes, 0=No
is_recovering bitval is chunk recovering, l=Yes, 0=No
is_blobchunk bitval is chunk blobchunk, l=Yes, 0=No
is_inconsistent bitval is chunk inconsistent, l=Yes, 0=No
flags smallint chunk flags converted by bitval
fname char(128) device pathname
mfname char(128) mirror device pathname
moffset integer pages offset into mirror device
mis_offline bitval is mirror offline, l=Yes, 0=No
mis_recovering bitval is mirror recovering, l=Yes, 0=No
mflags smallint mirror chunk flags

Displaying free dbspace

Now, we will take a look at several ways to use this dbspace and chunk information. One capability I have always wanted is a way to show the amount of dbspace used and free in the same format as the UNIX "df -k" command. The sysmaster database contains information about the dbspaces and chunks, so this can be generated with an SQL script. The following is an SQL script to generate the amount of free space in a dbspace. It uses the sysdbspaces and syschunks tables to collect its information.

---dbsfree.sql - display free dbspace like UNIX "df -k " command
database sysmaster;
select  name[1,8]dbspace,               -- name truncated to fit on one line
        sum(chksize) Pages_size,        -- sum of all chunks size pages sum(chksize) - sum(nfree)
        sum(nfree) Pages_free,          -- sum of all chunks free pages round ((sum(nfree)) /
        (sum(chksize)) * 100, 2) percent_free
from    sysdbspaces d, syschunks c
where   d.dbsnum = c.dbsnum
group by 1
order by 1;

Sample output
dbspace          pages_size       pages_used        pages_free     percent_free
rootdbs               50000          13521             36479            72.96
dbspace1             100000          87532             12468            12.47
dbspace2             100000          62876             37124            37.12
dbspace3             100000            201             99799            99.80

Displaying chunk status

The next script lists the status and characteristics of each chunk device

--chkstatus.sql - display information about a chunk
database sysmaster;
               name dbspace,         -- dbspace name
               is_mirrored,          -- dbspace is mirrored l=Yes 0=No
               is_blobspace,         -- dbspace is blobspace l=Yes 0=No
               is_temp,              -- dbspace is temp l=Yes 0=No
               chknum chunknum,      -- chunk number
               fname device,         -- dev path
               offset dev_offset,    -- dev offset
               is_offline,           -- Offline l=Yes 0=No
               is_recovering,        -- Recovering l=Yes 0=No
               is_blobchunk,         -- Blobspace l=Yes 0=No
               is_inconsistent,      -- Inconsistent l=Yes 0=No
               chksize Pages_size,   -- chunk size in pages
               (chksize - nfree) Pages_used, -- chunk pages used
               nfree Pages_free,     -- chunk free pages
          round ((nfree / chksize) * 100, 2) percent_free, -- free
          mfname mirror_device,      -- mirror dev path
               moffset mirror_offset, -- mirror dev offset
               mis_offline ,         -- mirror offline l=Yes 0=No
               mis_recovering        -- mirror recovering l=Yes 0=No
from    sysdbspaces d, syschunks c
where d.dbsnum = c.dbsnum
order by dbspace, chunknum

Displaying blocks of free space in a chunk: syscchfree

In planning expansions, new databases, or when adding new tables to an existing server, I like to know what blocks of contiguous free space are available. This allows placing new tables in dbspaces where they will not be broken up by extents. One of the sysmaster tables tracks the chunk free list, which is the available space in a chunk.

Table syschfree
Column Data Type Description
chknum integer chunk number
extnum integer extent number in chunk
start integer physical addr of start
leng integer length of extent

The next script uses this table to create a list of free space and the size of each space that is available.

--chkflist.sql - display list of free space within a chunk
database sysmaster;
               name dbspace,  -- dbspace name truncated to fit
               f.chknum,              -- chunk number
               f.extnum,              -- extent number of free space
               f.start,               -- starting address of free space
               f.leng free_pages      -- length of free space
from    sysdbspaces d, syschunks c, syschfree f
where d.dbsnum = c.dbsnum
and      c.chknum = f.chknum
order by dbspace, chknum

Sample Output
dbspace        chknum      extnum       start  free_pages
rootdbs             1          0       11905        1608
rootdbs             1          1       15129       34871

I/O statistics by chunk devices: syschkio

Informix uses a view, syschkio, to collect information about the number of disk reads and writes per chunk. This view is based on the tables syschktab and symchktab.

View syschkio
                 Column          Data Type      Description
                 chunknum        smallint       chunk number
                 reads           integer        number of read ops
                 pagesread       integer        number of pages read
                 writes          integer        number of write ops
                 pageswritten    integer        number of pages written
                 mreads          integer        number of mirror read ops
                 mpagesread      integer        number of mirror pages read
                 mwrites         integer        number of mirror write ops
                 mpageswritten   integer        number of mirror pages written

The following script displays I/O usage of chunk devices. It uses the base tables so the mirror chunks can be displayed on separate rows. It also joins with the base table that contains the dbspace name.

--chkio.sql - displays chunk IO status
database sysmaster;
name[1,10] dbspace,     -- truncated to fit 80 char screen line chknum,
"Primary" chktype,
from   syschktab c, sysdbstab d
where  c.dbsnum = d.dbsnum
union all
              name[1,10]       dbspace,
              "Mirror"     chktype,
from   sysmchktab c, sysdbstab d
where  c.dbsnum = d.dbsnum
order by 1,2,3;

Sample Output
dbspace     chknum chktype       reads       writes    pagesread pageswritten
rootdbs         1  Primary       74209       165064       209177       308004
rootdbs         1  Mirror        69401       159832       209018       307985

A better view of your I/O is to see the percent of the total I/O that takes place per chunk. This next query collects I/O stats into a temp table, and then uses that to calculate total I/O stats for all chunks. Then each chunk's I/O is compared with the total to determine the percent of I/O by chunk. The following script uses the one above as a basis to show I/O by chunk as a percent of the total I/O.

--chkiosum.sql - calculates percent of IO by chunk
database sysmaster;
--Collect chunk IO stats into temp table A
name dbspace,
"Primary" chktype,
from   syschktab c, sysdbstab d
where  c.dbsnum = d.dbsnum
union all
              name[1,10] dbspace,
              "Mirror" chktype,
from   sysmchktab c, sysdbstab d
where  c.dbsnum = d.dbsnum
into temp A;

--Collect total IO stats into temp table B
sum(reads) total_reads,
sum(writes) total_writes,
sum(pagesread) total_pgreads,
sum(pageswritten) total_pgwrites
from A
into temp B;

--Report showing each chunks percent of total IO
               round((reads/total_reads) *100, 2) percent_reads, round((writes/total_writes)
               *100, 2) percent writes, round((pagesread/total_pgreads) *100, 2) per-
               cent_pg_reads, round((pageswritten/total_pgwrites) *100, 2) percent_pg_writes
from   A, B
order by 11;-- order by percent page writes

								Sample output for 1 chunk
dbspace                datadbs
chknum                 9
chktype                Primary
reads                  12001
writes                 9804
pagesread                       23894
pageswritte            14584
percent_rea            0.33
percent_writes         0.75
percent_pg_reads                37.59
percent_pg_writes               1.86

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