Monitoring Network Operations

Onstat -g ntu Print Net User Thread Profile Information by VP

This command allows you to monitor network packet reads and writes in the IDS engine.

$ onstat -g ntu
Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.30.UC3   -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 22:15:01 -- 18464 Kbytes
global network information:
  #netscb connects     read    write    q-free  q-limits  q-exceed
   4/   6        0        0        0    1/   1  135/  10    0/   0

Individual thread network information (basic):
  netscb type   thread name    sid   fd poll    reads   writes q-nrm q-exp
c1c43b68 soctcp sqlexec         40    3    5        0        0  0/ 0  0/ 0
cla6a018 soctcp sqlexec         34    2    5        0        0  0/ 0  0/ 0
cla51628 soctcp soctcplst        3    1    5        0        0  0/ 0  0/ 0
cla503f8 soctcp soctcppoll       2    0    5        0        0  0/ 0  0/ 0

In the example above, the first two threads are user (sqlexec) threads and the last two are poll threads. Monitor the reads and writes by the user threads to find out how much load individual user threads are placing on the network.

Onstat -g ntt Print Net User Thread Access Times

This command provides user times for the various threads that are accessing network resources. This command is also totally undocumented, but it does show one piece of information that is difficult to find anywhere else. In the example printout, look at the "soctcplst" entry. Off to the right is an address that includes a machine name, a socket/tcp-port-number, and an Informix network protocol. This can be useful in investigating connections to your database that you cannot trace to SQL running in the engine.

The open and read times can also give you an idea how long a connection has been active and when the last activity occurred. This can help you investigate long-running tasks or connections.

$ onstat -g ntt
Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.30.UC3   -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 22:15:04 -- 18464 Kbytes
global network information:
  #netscb connects     read    write    q-free  q-limits  q-exceed
   4/   6        0        0        0    1/   1  135/  10    0/   0

Individual thread network information (times):
  netscb thread name    sid     open     read    write address
c1c43b68 sqlexec         40 13:35:22 13:39:32 13:39:32
c1a6a018 sqlexec         34 13:22:51 13:52:26 13:52:26
c1a51628 soctcplst        3 17:24:52 13:52:04

c1a503f8 soctcppoll       2 17:24:46

Onstat -g ntd Print Net Dispatch Information

This command shows the number of accepted and rejected network packets arranged by type of client. It can tell you a couple of things. First, the total number of packets read and written can give you an estimate of the amount of work being done by various client types and can help you investigate clients that may be placing an inappropriate load on the network. Look at the read and write columns for this data.

You can also look for a large number of rejected entries that will help alert you to network problems. These rejects can occur for several reasons:

  • Network timeout caused by network overload or other network problems

User table overflow. Check onstat -p and look for ovuserthreads greater than 0.

If you are seeing excessive network timeouts, there are a couple of environmental variables that you can set either in setnet32 or in your user environment:

• INFORMIXCONTIME Wait time for a connection. Try increasing it.
• INFORMIXCONRETRY Number of times to retry a failed connection.

For example, if you have INFORMIXCONTIME set to 1200 and INFORMIXCONRETRY set to 20, the client will retry the connection every 1200/20 = every 60 seconds for 20 times, for a grand total of 1200 seconds. If your network is very busy or if you are connecting over a slow network such a RAS or PPP connection, you may manipulate these connection parameters in an attempt to cut down on rejected connections.

$ onstat -g ntd
Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.30.UC3   -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 22:15:13 -— 18464 Kbytes
global network information:
  #netscb connects     read    write    q-free  q-limits  q-exceed
   4/   6        0        0        0    1/   1  135/  10    0/   0

Client Type     Calls   Accepted   Rejected       Read      Write
sqlexec         yes           42          0          0          0
srvinfx         yes            0          0          0          0
onspace         yes            0          0          0          0
onlog           yes            0          0          0          0
onparam         yes            0          0          0          0
oncheck         yes            0          0          0          0
onload          yes            0          0          0          0
onunload        yes            0          0          0          0
onmonitor       yes            0          0          0          0
dr_accept       yes            0          0          0          0
cdraccept       no             0          0          0          0
ontape          yes            0          0          0          0
srvstat         yes            0          0          0          0
asfecho         yes            0          0          0          0
listener        yes            0          0          0          0
crsamexec       yes            0          0          0          0
safe            yes            0          0          0          0
Totals                        42          0          0          0

Onstat -g dic Print Dictionary Cache Information

IDS maintains a dictionary cache in the virtual portion of shared memory. Every time an SQL statement references one of the system tables, the information from the system table is cached in stored memory. Just about every SQL statement will require access to one of the system tables. This dictionary cache size cannot be modified with documented parameters, but there are two undocumented parameters that can affect the cache size. They are:

• DD_HASHSIZE must be prime (default 31)
• DD_HASHMAX Integer<32767 (default 10)

Set these two parameters so that DD_HASHSIZE * DD_HASHMAX is greater than the estimated number of active tables in all databases (including remote databases) and you will cut down on thrashing in the dictionary cache.

The dictionary cache is ordered into a series of linked lists. When a table's dictionary data is cached, the engine chooses a list and adds the internal data structure to the list. The ordering is not sequential, so there is no easy way here to tell when the table's data was accessed, only that it was accessed and has not been deleted from the cache yet.

$ onstat -g dic
Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.30.UC3   -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 22:15:38 -- 18464 Kbytes

Dictionary Cache:  Number of lists: 31, Maximum list size: 10
list#  size  refcnt  dirty?  heapptr        table name
   0     7      0      no     c1d15520   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.summ_mbr_ret_h_mg
                0      no     c1cef420   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.summ_mbr_ret_hdr
                0      no     c1d3c6e0   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.levels
                0      no     c1d39f20   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.mbr_points
                0      no     c1d08700   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.batch_history
                0      no     c1d28c20   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.batch_rpt_hdr
                0      no     c1d25020   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.sweepstakes_audit

   1     4      0      no     c1d3cee0   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.location_assoc
                0      no     c1d41020   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.mbr_id
                0      no     c1d62be0   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.summ_lp_level
                0      no     c1d39320   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.mbr_points_year

<many lines deleted for simplicity>

  29     4      0      no     c1d7b020   bsgsec@inf_rock1:informix.sysdefaults
                0      no     c1d596c0   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.summ_l_level_mg
                0      no     c1d44020   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.item_group
                0      no     c1c5fe80   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.sysdefaults

  30     5      0      no     c1d1c4c0   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.summ_lp_dg_mg_ig
                0      no     c1cd9c20   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.summ_new_mbr_hdr
                0      no     c1d63b40   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.summ_lp_level_pro
                0      no     c1d0b1c0   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.sweepstakes_detail
                0      no     c1cffc20   crm3@inf_rock1:informix.systableext
Total number of dictionary entries: 181

Meanings of the fields follow:

• list# ID number of the hash list
• size How many dictionary structures are in this list
• refcnt How many current threads are referencing this data
• dirty Has any of the dictionary data changed?
• heapptr Pointer to the data structure in the heap
• table name Fully qualified table name

This information in the dictionary cache is not changed by an onstat -z. It changes only when the capacity of the cache is reached and some data has to be dropped from the cache. It is also reinitialized whenever the engine is stopped and restarted.

Onstat -g opn Print Open Tables

This command lists data about tables that are open at the time the command is run.

$ onstat -g opn
Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.30.UC3   -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 22:15:43 -- 18464 Kbytes
tid  rstcb      isfd  op_mode    op_flags   partnum    ucount ocount lockmode

76   Oxcl8db2e8 0     0x00000400 0x00000397 0x0070001f 2      2      0
76   Oxcl8db2e8 1     0x00000002 0x00000003 0x0070001f 2      2      0
76   Oxcl8db2e8 2     0x00000400 0x00000693 0x00700040 1      0      0

70   Oxcl8db79c 0     0x00000400 0x00000397 0x0070001f 2      2      0
70   Oxcl8db79c 1     0x00000002 0x00000117 0x0070001f 2      2      0
70   Oxcl8db79c 4     0x00000400 0x00000417 0x00700041 1      0      0

Field meanings are:

• tid Thread ID of the thread that is using the table
• rstcb Address of the thread in the RSAM thread-control block
• isfd Unknown
• op_mode Unknown
• op_lags Unknown
• partnum Partnum of the table
• ucount Number of users accessing the table
• ocount Number of opens
• lockmode Flag indicating the lock mode of the query
 0 None
 3 Share mode
 7 Intent Exclusive (Update & deletes)
 9 Exclusive Lock=X

Onstat -g qst Print Queue Statistics

In order to use this command, you first have to set up your engine to collect statistics on queue activity. This is done by setting the QSTATS parameter to 1 in the ONCONFIG file. This data collection will slow the engine down significantly and shoul be done only if the user is chasing down a particularly obstinate problem.

This best done in conjunction with Informix Support, and we will not go into detail here.

D:INFORMIXetc>onstat -g qst
Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.30.TC3   -- On-Line -- Up 00:00:56 -- 9536 Kbytes
Mutex Queue Statistics
name     nwaits   avg_time max_time avgq maxq nservs   avg_time

This command gives you information about the queues that control access to mutexes. It gives the name, number of wait events, average wait times, maximum wait times, average queue length and maximum queue length for the queues. The last two columns are so far undocumented.

Onstat -g wst Print Thread Wait Statistics

Thread wait statistics is like queue statistics in that you first have to set the engine up to track thread waiting events. To enable the collection of wait statistics, set WSTATS to 1 in the ONCONFIG file. Beware that setting these data collections statistics can slow your server down significantly. Like queue statistics, this is best done in conjunction with Informix Support.

$onstat -g wai
Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.30.TC3   -- On-Line -- Up 00:00:47 -- 9536 Kbytes
Waiting threads:
 tid     tcb      rstcb    prty status                vp-class      name
 2       c274200  0        2    sleeping forever        31io          vp 0
 3       c274440  0        2    sleeping forever        4pio          vp 0
 4       c2746a8  0        2    sleeping forever        5aio          vp 0
 5       c274910  0        2    sleeping forever        6msc          vp 0
 6       c2c8230  c18e018  4    sleeping sees: 1        1cpu        main_loop()
 9       c2c9d28  0        3    sleeping forever        1cpu        soctcplst
 10      c2cc350  cl8e4b8  2    sleeping forever        1cpu        flush_sub(0)

 11      c2cc590  0        4    sleeping forever        5aio        kaio
 12      c2ccb38  0        4    sleeping forever        1cpu        kaio
 13      c2cd!70  c18e958  3    sleeping forever        1cpu        aslogflush
 14      c2cd4aO  c18edf8  2    sleeping sees: 19       1cpu        btclean
 30      c274feO  c18fbd8  4    sleeping sees: 1        1cpu        onmodejnon

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